Eon-Duval: Plasmid Purification
Eon-Duval: Plasmid Purification
Eon-Duval: Plasmid Purification
Received 17 October 2003; received in revised form 15 January 2004; accepted 19 January 2004
Anion-exchange is the most popular chromatography technique in plasmid DNA purification. However, poor resolution of plasmid DNA
from RNA often results in the addition of bovine-derived ribonuclease (RNase) A to degrade RNA impurities which raises regulatory concerns
for the production of pharmaceutical-grade plasmid DNA. Low capacity for plasmid of most commercial media is another issue affecting the
suitability of anion-exchange chromatography for large-scale processing. This study reports the use of anion-exchange chromatography to
remove RNA in an RNase-free plasmid purification process. Resolution was achieved through careful selection of adsorbent and operating
conditions as well as RNA reduction steps before chromatography. Dynamic capacity for plasmid was significantly increased (to 3.0 mg/ml)
so that it is now possible to envisage the large-scale manufacturing of therapeutic-grade plasmid DNA in the absence of added RNase using
anion-exchange chromatography as a polishing step.
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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328 A. Eon-Duval, G. Burke / J. Chromatogr. B 804 (2004) 327–335
material at large scale. A common limitation of commer- 996 Photodiode Array Detector from Waters (Watford,
cial chromatography media is the low capacity for plasmid UK). The tangential flow filtration Centramate rig was pur-
DNA due to the inability of large molecules to penetrate chased from PallFiltron (Portsmouth, UK) together with the
porous beads [22,28]. Omega 100 K Centramate 0.1 ft2 open channel membrane
Resolution of plasmid DNA from RNA, especially high and 500 ml ultrareservoir. The centrifuge used was a Sorvall
molecular weight molecules by anion-exchange chromatog- RC5C Plus from Kendro (Newtown, CT, USA). Sartobran
raphy is insufficient [24,26]. As a result, ribonuclease A P 0.45/0.2 m sterile capsules were purchased from Sarto-
(RNase A) is commonly added to degrade RNA impuri- rius (Göttingen, Germany). The pump used for tangential
ties [22–25]. Apart from the obvious costs involved, there flow filtration was a WatsonMarlow (Falmouth, UK) 505S.
are concerns regarding RNase because it is purified from The 10 l bioreactor was purchased from New Brunswick
bovine pancreas and regulatory authorities recommend that Discovery. Slide-A-Lyzer 3–15 ml, 10,000 MWCO dialysis
bovine derived materials should be avoided in the production cassettes were bought from Pierce (Rockford, IL, USA).
of bio-therapeutics following the outbreak of new-variant All chemicals were bought from Merck (Poole, UK) and
Creutzfeld–Jakob disease in the UK [29]. were analytical grade.
In this paper, we investigate the suitability of anion-
exchange chromatography to purify plasmid DNA in the 2.2. Methods
absence of exogenous RNase. RNA reduction steps were
necessary prior to chromatography to allow complete 2.2.1. Bacterial cell culture
resolution from plasmid DNA. We evaluated a range of A 10 l bioreactor (5 l working volume) was inoculated
anion-exchangers for their ability to resolve plasmid DNA with 300 ml of an overnight shake-flask culture (230 rpm,
from RNA, high capacity and robustness. This allowed us 37 ◦ C). The medium was a complex growth medium
to identify one adsorbent with suitable characteristics for (in-house formulation) supplemented with 50 g/ml
the large-scale production of pharmaceutical-grade plasmid kanamycin. The fermenter culture was grown at 37 ◦ C, pH
DNA. 7. Dissolved oxygen was set to 30% of the saturation value
and controlled by changing air flow and agitation speed. The
culture was harvested when a drop in oxygen consumption
2. Experimental was observed. Cells were centrifuged at 3200 × g for 20 min
on a MSE Mistral 6000 and the supernatant was discarded.
2.1. Materials
2.2.2. Lysis and plasmid purification
The E. coli host strain DH5␣ containing a 5.9 kb plas- Bacteria were lysed using a modification of the alkaline
mid encoding hepatitis B surface and core antigen was method described by Birnboim and Doly [30]. Bacteria cell
developed in-house. Anion-exchange chromatography me- paste (typically 100 g) was re-suspended in 500 ml of 25 mM
dia were purchased as follows: Q Sepharose Fast Flow, Tris, 10 mM EDTA, 55 mM dextrose, pH 8.0. Lysis was per-
DEAE Sepharose Fast Flow and SOURCE 30Q from formed by adding 834 ml of 0.96% (w/v) NaOH and 166 ml
Amersham Biosciences (Little Chalfont, UK), Q Ceramic of 6% (w/v) SDS for 30 min at 4 ◦ C. The lysate was neu-
HyperD F and DEAE Ceramic HyperD F from BioSepra tralised with 500 ml of 3 M potassium acetate for 30 min
(Cergy-Saint-Christophe, France), Fractogel EMD TMAE at 4 ◦ C. RNA levels were reduced by addition of 1 vol. of
(M), Fractogel EMD DMAE (M) and Fractogel EMD 5 M calcium chloride to 4 vol. of neutralised lysate. Pre-
DEAE (M) from Merck KGaA (Darmstadt, Germany), cipitated material including cell debris, chromosomal DNA,
Macro-Prep DEAE, Macro-Prep High Q and UNOSphere high molecular weight RNA and proteins was removed by
Q from BioRad (Hercules, CA, USA), POROS 50HQ, centrifugation at 8000 × g for 10 min followed by clarifica-
POROS 50PI and POROS 50D from Applied Biosystems tion through a 0.45/0.2 m Sartobran P filter. The clarified
(Warrington, UK), Toyopearl DEAE 650 M and Toyopearl lysate was processed by tangential flow filtration (TFF) to
SuperQ M from TosoHaas (Stuttgart, Germany) and UFC remove remaining proteins and low molecular weight RNA,
DEAE and UFC PEI from UpFront Chromatography concentrate and buffer exchange. Clarified lysate was con-
(Copenhagen, Denmark). Analytical HPLC columns were centrated to 100 ml on a Pall Filtron Centramate rig fitted
obtained as follows: DNAPac PA-100, 4 mm × 250 mm with a 1 ft2 , 100 K Centramate membrane. Cross-flow rate
from Dionex (Sunnyvale, CA, USA) and TSKgel G-DNA was maintained at 1 l/(min ft2 ) using a WatsonMarlow 505S
PW, 7.8 mm × 300 mm and TSKgel G6000 PWXL, pump. Trans-membrane pressure was set at 35 kPa. Diafil-
7.8 mm × 300 mm from Phenomenex (Macclesfield, UK). tration with 50 vol. of 50 mM Tris, 0.54 M NaCl, pH 8.5 was
Preparative chromatography studies were conducted on an then carried out under the same conditions. The retentate
Äkta-FPLC system with UFC900 control unit, P920 pumps from TFF was used as the load material for anion-exchange
and Frac950 fraction collector from Amersham Biosciences chromatography after dialysis into a suitable buffer. Dialy-
(Little Chalfont, UK). Analytical HPLC equipment con- sis was performed against two changes of loading buffer in
sisted of a Waters 2690 Separations module and Waters 10,000 MWCO Slide-A-Lyzer cassettes.
A. Eon-Duval, G. Burke / J. Chromatogr. B 804 (2004) 327–335 329
ter the tangential flow filtration step samples were free 600
pH 7.5 1000
of contaminant chromosomal DNA and proteins so there 400
was no interference with the assay [31]. The only sub- 200 600
Abs 254nm (mAU)
Table 1
Characteristics of the commercial anion-exchange chromatography media evaluated
Support Functional group Matrix Particle size (m) Pore size (Å) Ligand density (eq./ml)
250 800
60 Plasmid
600 600
Plasmid 40
RNA 400
100 RNA
200 200
0 0
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
(a) Time (min) (b) Time (min)
1000 1000
Abs 254nm (mAU)
Abs 254nm (mAU)
Fig. 2. Elution profile of plasmid and RNA on a 1ml Fractogel EMD DEAE (a), Q Sepharose FF (b), POROS 50HQ (c) and Q Ceramic HyperD F (d)
column using a linear NaCl gradient in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer at pH 7.0.
Table 2
Sequential elution of RNA in a step and plasmid in a gradient by anion-exchange chromatography
Anion-exchange column Step NaCl concentration (M) SEC-HPLC
RNA content in step fraction (%) Plasmid content in gradient fraction (%)
Table 4
Effect of NaCl concentration in the load on RNA removal and plasmid recovery when loading anion-exchange columns to capacity
Anion-exchange column NaCl concentration SEC-HPLC IE-HPLC
in the load (M)
RNA content in Plasmid content in Plasmid
breakthrough (%) eluate (%) recovery (%)
Q Ceramic HyperD F 0.63 100.0 100.0 72.0
Fractogel DEAE 0.69 100.0 100.0 97.6
0.61 100.0 100.0 100.0
0.59 100.0 99.2 100.0
a loading salt concentration of 0.69 M. POROS 50HQ had anion-exchangers gave complete separation of RNA in the
the lowest dynamic capacity at 2.1 mg/ml under the same breakthrough from plasmid in the eluate. Fig. 3a shows the
conditions except that the salt concentration in the load was size-exclusion HPLC analysis of the loading material. The
0.72 M. first elution peak between 25 and 30 min is plasmid with 72%
of the total peak area while RNA elutes as a second peak
3.5. Anion-exchange chromatography: loading to capacity between 40 and 45 min and represents 28% of the total peak
area. Fig. 3b shows the eluate material from anion-exchange
The robustness of the three anion-exchangers selected for chromatography on Fractogel DEAE: only the plasmid peak
their high capacity was tested by determining their load- is present. Pure plasmid free of contaminant RNA was recov-
ing range of operation at capacity. The highest loading salt ered at high yield (>95% for Fractogel DEAE and POROS
concentration that resulted in complete recovery of plasmid 50HQ) except for Q Ceramic HyperD F where plasmid re-
was determined. Similarly, the lowest loading salt concen- covery was low (72.0%). Subsequent sanitisation cycles on
tration that prevented binding of RNA to the column was Q Ceramic HyperD F revealed that some of the plasmid was
also determined. Table 4 shows that Fractogel DEAE had strongly bound to the column and difficult to elute with a
a wider range of operation (0.61–0.69 M NaCl in the load) salt gradient.
compared with POROS 50HQ (0.72–0.73 M NaCl) and Q Three repeat runs on Fractogel DEAE loading plasmid
Ceramic HyperD F. In fact, with Q Ceramic HyperD F con- at 3 mg/ml in 50 mM phosphate, 0.63 M NaCl, pH7.0 at
sistency of column performance was a problem and loading 150 cm/h showed good reproducibility in plasmid recovery
conditions could not be reproducibly established. Loading and RNA clearance (Table 5).
the Fractogel DEAE column at the lower end of the operat- Three repeats runs on POROS 50HQ loading plasmid at
ing range (0.63 M NaCl) also resulted in improved dynamic 1.9 mg/ml in 50 mM phosphate, 0.72 M NaCl, pH 7.0 at
capacity (3 mg/ml). Within their range of operation, all three 150 cm/h also showed good reproducibility (Table 5).
Table 5
RNA clearance and plasmid recovery after three repeat runs on anion-exchange chromatography columns under optimised conditions
Anion-exchange column NaCl concentration IE-HPLC SEC-HPLC
in the load (M)
Plasmid recovery (%) RNA content in breakthrough (%) Plasmid content in eluate (%)
0.08 directly.
0.06 Plasmid Careful selection of the anion-exchange chromatogra-
0.04 phy adsorbent is essential. But before starting a screening
RNA experiment, it was important to have the right conditions
for optimal resolution of plasmid from RNA. Since it
would have been too time-consuming to scout each adsor-
-0.02 bent for the effect of pH, only one weak and one strong
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
anion-exchanger were investigated (Fractogel DEAE and
(a) Time (min)
TMAE, respectively). As expected, pH had no significant
effect on plasmid retention on the strong anion-exchanger
0.6 but was an important factor in the selectivity of the weak
0.5 anion-exchanger. Only at pH 7.5 or less was baseline reso-
lution of RNA from plasmid achieved. As pH was increased
Abs 260nm (AU)
above 7.5, not only was plasmid retention affected but res-
0.3 olution was also lost. As a result, phosphate buffer at pH
7.0 was used to conduct all subsequent experiments.
A wide range of anion-exchangers (18 in total) was tested
0.1 under the same conditions of elution with a linear salt gra-
0.0 dient. Only four gave baseline separation of RNA from
plasmid: Q Sepharose FF, Q Ceramic HyperD F, Fractogel
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
DEAE and POROS 50HQ. We found no obvious explanation
for the high selectivity of these adsorbents under the same
(b) Time (min)
operating conditions: the heterogeneity of functional groups
Fig. 3. Size-exclusion HPLC analysis of loading material (a) and eluate (DEA and Q) and matrix (agarose, ceramic, methacrylate
(b) from anion-exchange chromatography on Fractogel EMD DEAE under and polystyrene divinylbenzene) cannot account for their
optimised conditions.
The screening experiments show that both plasmid and
4. Discussion RNA bind to the chromatography support but that RNA has
a lower affinity. Both plasmid and RNA are polyanionic
Anion-exchange chromatography as a tool for the purifi- molecules and interact with the positively charged functional
cation of pharmaceutical-grade plasmid DNA suffers from groups on the chromatography support through the nega-
several drawbacks. Loading crude lysate containing large tively charged phosphate residues on the nucleic acid back-
amounts of impurities such as chromosomal DNA, RNA, bone. With nucleic acids, overall charge is a function of size
proteins and endotoxins directly on an anion-exchanger is and RNA molecules are therefore expected to be displaced
not recommended and primary purification involving pre- ahead of the plasmid. However, high molecular weight RNA
cipitation or filtration steps is essential. Resolution from molecules have been found to co-elute with plasmid [24,26].
impurities with a similar chemical composition and struc- It is thought that the supercoiled conformation of plasmids
ture (chromosomal DNA, RNA) or charge (endotoxin) is reduces the overall charge density and may be responsible
limited. Low capacity for plasmid of most commercial for early elution. RNA reduction steps before the chromatog-
chromatography media is also a concern for large-scale raphy step are therefore essential (Fig. 4).
manufacture. Bovine-derived RNase is commonly added to Anion-exchange chromatography may be considered
degrade RNA but is not recommended by regulatory agen- for large-scale processing only if capacity for plasmid
cies. The absence of added RNase in the purification process is sufficient. The typical anion-exchanger capacity of
results in very high RNA levels: about 25 times the amount 40–200 g/ml quoted by Prazeres et al. [28] is well below
of plasmid DNA by weight in the clarified lysate. We have that for globular proteins (up to >100 mg/ml) and is a chal-
developed a plasmid purification protocol incorporating an lenge for scale-up. We have found that dynamic capacity
anion-exchange polishing step that addresses these issues. for plasmid can be increased significantly by using a suit-
First, RNA levels were reduced by precipitation with cal- able salt concentration in the load that prevents binding
cium chloride to remove high molecular weight molecules of RNA to the adsorbent, therefore maximising plasmid
[31] followed by tangential flow filtration to clear low molec- capture. These loading conditions were optimised for each
ular weight RNA [32]. As a result the ratio of RNA to plas- of the four selected anion-exchangers and breakthrough
mid DNA in the load of the chromatography column was experiments conducted to determine capacity. Q Sepharose
334 A. Eon-Duval, G. Burke / J. Chromatogr. B 804 (2004) 327–335
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