Recovery Room Nurses' Knowledge Regarding Postoperative Airway Emergencies in Adults in Private Hospitals in Northern Gauteng, South Africa
Recovery Room Nurses' Knowledge Regarding Postoperative Airway Emergencies in Adults in Private Hospitals in Northern Gauteng, South Africa
Recovery Room Nurses' Knowledge Regarding Postoperative Airway Emergencies in Adults in Private Hospitals in Northern Gauteng, South Africa
Background: Recovery room nurses should have the knowledge and skill to identify and manage postoperative airway emergencies in adult
patients. Aim: To determine the knowledge of recovery room nurses regarding postoperative airway emergencies in adult patients in private hospitals
in Northern Gauteng. Methods: A quantitative, descriptive, contextual research design was adopted, using a survey as research method. The
research instrument was a questionnaire in the form of a measurement test. The sample consisted of all registered nurses on duty at a given time
that volunteered to complete the questionnaire. Convenience sampling was thus applied. A thorough literature review, evaluation of the questionnaire
by experts and a pilot study enhanced validity and reliability of the research. Results: The researcher analyzed the data, using descriptive statistics.
The average score of respondents was forty-three per cent (43%), which was twenty-seven per cent (27%) below the set competency indicator of
seventy per cent (70%). Only one respondent achieved a score above seventy per cent (70%). Conclusion: It was found that respondents lacked
knowledge regarding six specific airway emergencies in postoperative adult patients. As the study was contextual, findings could not be generalized
to other populations.
Background stated that respiratory complications ranging from soft tissue ob-
In most cases recovery room nurses are responsible for the care of struction to pulmonary oedema manifested as the primary life-
the postoperative patient in the immediate postoperative phase, and threatening morbidity factor in the PACU or recovery room.5
must therefore possess strong clinical assessment skills.1 It is also Respiratory complications arise quickly and often unexpectedly.
essential that recovery room nurses are knowledgeable about the In many cases, the patient presenting with postoperative airway
prevention and proper treatment of postoperative complications emergencies did not present pre-operatively with significant risk
associated with airway emergencies. The application of knowledge factors or other symptoms that could have indicated the possibility
of life-threatening conditions could prevent postoperative compli- of any postoperative airway emergencies.
cations and prolonged hospitalization, as well as additional finan-
cial strain on the patient and/or medical insurance. Recovery room Aim
staff should have expertise in airway management and advanced The aim of the study was to determine the knowledge of recovery
life support.2 It is therefore imperative that research be done to room nurses in private hospitals in Northern Gauteng, South Af-
establish the knowledge base of recovery room nurses who man- rica, regarding postoperative airway emergencies.
age patients in the immediate postoperative phase and who have to
deal with emergencies as they arise. Key concepts
According to Morgan, Mikhail and Murray, respiratory prob- The terms ‘post-anaesthesia care nurse’ and ‘recovery
lems are the commonest and most serious complications in the room nurse’
post-anaesthesia care unit (PACU).3 Oosthuizen stated that life- It is important to note that the term ‘post-anaesthesia care nurse’ is
threatening dysrhythmias, inter alia, could be the result of respira- used for a registered nurse in the United States of America (USA)
tory complications.4 Most of the respiratory problems are associ- who manages a patient during the immediate post-anaesthesia
ated with airway obstruction, hypoventilation and hypoxia. Odom phase. In South Africa, nurses working in this area are known as
recovery room nurses. Reference is made to the term ‘post-anaes-
thesia care nurse’ whenever the researcher refers to or cites USA-
Correspondence: based sources; otherwise the term ‘recovery room nurse’ is used.
Dr ADH Botha The same principle applies when reference is made to the terms
email: [email protected] ‘post-anaesthesia care unit’ or ‘PACU’ and ‘recovery room’.
In the South African context, a recovery room nurse is defined Population and sample
as a nurse who is registered with the South African Nursing Coun- The research population included all registered nurses who were
cil (SANC) and who is employed as a professional nurse in a re- employed in the recovery rooms of five private hospitals in
covery room. The recovery room nurse has either an additional Northern Gauteng at the time of conducting the research. The
post-basic nursing qualification or appropriate experience in post- researcher decided on convenience sampling as this study was
anaesthesia or intensive care nursing. done for a dissertation of limited scope. The sample then con-
sisted of recovery room nurses who were on duty at the time of
Postoperative airway emergencies data collection and who volunteered to complete the question-
Postoperative airway emergencies are post-anaesthesia related com- naire. Convenience sampling can introduce serious bias, as cer-
plications that originate in the respiratory system. These complica- tain elements may be overrepresented or underrepresented.
tions affect the flow of air (ventilatory status) and/or gas exchange Generalization based on such samples is therefore extremely
in the lungs (oxygenation) of a patient who has just undergone risky.9
surgery under general anaesthesia. These emergencies include soft
tissue obstruction, laryngeal oedema, laryngospasm, bronchospasm, Validity, reliability and competency indicator
noncardiogenic pulmonary oedema, aspiration, hypoventilation and Conducting an intensive literature review prior to compiling the
hypoxia. questionnaire ensured validity and reliability of the research in-
strument. Experts reviewed the questionnaire for content validity.
Methods The questionnaire was also presented to experts in the field of study
A quantitative, descriptive, contextual research design was adopted to obtain their opinions about the minimum mark (competency
to determine the knowledge of recovery room nurses regarding indicator) that could be expected of respondents as safe practitio-
postoperative airway emergencies in adult patients in private hos- ners in a recovery room. The experts included an anaesthetist, a
pitals in Northern Gauteng. In a contextual study, phenomena are trauma nurse, two critical care nurses, and a lecturer in operating-
studied because of their intrinsic and immediate contextual sig- theatre techniques. The consensus opinion was 70%, meaning that
nificance.6 a respondent had to score at least 70% in this test to be regarded as
In this study, a survey7 was conducted using a structured ques- knowledgeable in the field.
tionnaire8 with multiple-choice questions for data collection. The
questionnaire consisted of two sections. Section 1 obtained bio- Ethical considerations
graphical data from respondents, and the data were used to de- Written consent was obtained from the Faculty of Health Sciences’
scribe the research population. Section 2 consisted of multiple- Research Ethics Committee within the University of Pretoria (UP).
choice questions and was compiled with the single purpose of Written consent was also obtained from hospital authorities that
measuring the knowledge of recovery room nurses regarding post- were involved in the study.
operative airway emergencies in adult patients. Anonymity and confidentiality was ensured throughout the study.
The layout of the questionnaire is summarized in Table 1. The Respondents were fully informed about the aim of the research
complete questionnaire is available on request from and consented to partake in the study through the voluntary comple-
[email protected]. tion of the questionnaire.
Section 1 1,2 & 3 • Information was requested about the respondent’s level of qualification, years of experience and appointment level.
Biographical data These data were used to describe the sample and population group and to establish relationships between the variables and the
respondents’ level of knowledge.
Section 2 4-21 Eighteen multiple-choice questions were grouped together into three themes and numbered 4-9; 10-15 and 16-21.
(Theme 1 – 3) (4 – 9) • Respondents had to match descriptions of anatomical and/or physiological disorders to a specific airway emergency.
In-depth knowledge (10 – 15) • Respondents were asked to match the clinical signs to the specific airway emergency.
regarding (16-21) • Respondents were asked to match specific treatment to an airway emergency.
postoperative airway These questions were important because they tested the in-depth knowledge needed to make a fast and accurate diagnosis when
emergencies working in the clinical situation. Recovery room nurses, as members of a multidisciplinary team, have to strive for safe, quality
patient care. Knowledge about disorders, clinical signs and treatment of emergencies can prevent a life-threatening situation.
(Theme 4) 22-27 Six multiple-choice questions, each consisting of four statements, assessed respondents’ knowledge about six specific
Knowledge regarding postoperative airway emergencies often encountered in the recovery room, namely:
six specific (22) • Soft tissue obstruction
postoperative airway (23) • Laryngeal oedema
emergencies that were (24) • Laryngospasm
treated as six separate (25) • Bronchospasm
knowledge units (26) • Noncardiogenic pulmonary oedema
(27) • Aspiration
These questions tested respondents’ knowledge regarding risk factors, other predisposing factors, and medication that could
contribute to postoperative airway emergencies. Knowledge of these aspects is important because a patient’s medical history
could include risk factors or other predisposing factors that could guide the nurse in diagnosing the specific life-threatening
airway emergency.
Data analysis, scope and limitations of the study Figure 1: Column graph indicating average percentage scored for each air-
Descriptive statistics were used to analyze data, and calculations way emergency
were done by the researcher. The research could be considered as
contextual as it was conducted in a constricted area, namely the
recovery rooms of operating theatres in private hospitals in North-
ern Gauteng. Thus, findings of the study could not be generalized
to other populations. Conclusions were valid for the specific con-
text only.
Response rate
Forty-three questionnaires were handed out to recovery room nurses
in the recovery rooms of participating hospitals, and twenty-one
respondents completed and returned questionnaires.
Section 1: Biographical data pulmonary oedema averaged out at 44%, while 59% was calcu-
The biographical data are summarized in Table II. lated as the average for questions on aspiration.
A clear tendency did not emerge from these data. Nurses with Three other studies assessed critical care nurses’ knowledge re-
seven to nine years of experience in this field scored the lowest garding CPR12, intra-aortic balloon pump counter pulsation
(average 29%) followed by those with less than one year of expe- (IABC) therapy13, and monitoring of central venous and pul-
rience (average 32%). The highest average score, 53%, was at- monary artery catheters (CVP & PA)14. In all three studies, criti-
tained by the group with three to six years of experience. cal care nurses achieved a higher average score than in this study,
namely 69, 4% (CPR), 53% (IABC) and 56% (CVP & PA), but Conclusion
these scores were also below the set competency indicators. Nurses working in the recovery rooms of five hospitals in North-
The recovery room nursing study, as well as the above three ern Gauteng, South Africa, did not have the necessary knowl-
studies conducted within the critical care nursing environment, edge and competence needed to render quality nursing care to
presents a bleak picture of the knowledge that South African postoperative patients. Respondents failed to attain the perfor-
nurses with post-basic training in specialized areas have. mance standard set for recovery room nurses (competency indi-
cator). The low performance standard was valid with reference
Recommendations to both specialized knowledge and general knowledge of six spe-
Based on findings, the following recommendations were made cific postoperative airway emergencies in adult patients.
for clinical practice, nursing education and nursing administra-
tion. References
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