Strategies To Eliminate Error or Bias
Strategies To Eliminate Error or Bias
Strategies To Eliminate Error or Bias
opt for these branches are usually from the bottom of the RRDCH, Bangalore, India
talent pool. That leads to the poor quality of basic medical
research in India. Corresponding author: Dr. C. Santhosh Kumar, Department of Public
4. Those researchers and journal editors in India not adopting Health Dentistry, RajaRajeswari Dental College and Hospital, No.14,
Ramohalli Cross, Kumbalagodu, Bangalore: 560074, India
the CONSORT reporting guidelines4, are sole responsible
for the rejection of papers in International Journals and How to cite this article: C. Santhosh Kumar, Shweta Somasundara
publishing of poor quality trials respectively. Yale. Identifying and eliminating bias in interventional research studies
5. Research organizations conducting and reporting a trial in – a quality indicator. International Journal of Contemporary Medical
favor of the funder, budgeting their efforts5 – working more Research 2016;3(6):1644-1648.
International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research
Volume 3 | Issue 6 | June 2016 | ICV: 50.43 | ISSN (Online): 2393-915X; (Print): 2454-7379
Kumar, et al. Identifying and Eliminating Bias
It occurs when a trial is mounted, not in order to answer a rather than the important long-term outcomes.
question, but rather to demonstrate a pre-required answer. 5. Selection Bias
ii. Cost and convenience bias: Randomization is an important protocol in RCTs which
It occurs when a study is done on a basis of what we can ensures that all the study participants are provided with equal
afford to study, or what is convenient to study, rather than opportunity to be selected for each study groups.8
what we really want to study. It can seriously compromise Selection bias can occur if some potentially eligible individuals
what we choose to study.
are selectively excluded from the study, because the investigator
iii. Funding availability Bias:
knows the group to which they would be allocated if they
It occurs where studies tend to concentrate on questions that
are more readily fundable, often for a vested or commercial
How can selection bias be reduced?
• Selection bias can be reduced by concealing the
2. Bureaucracy Bias randomization sequence from the investigators at the time
• In simple terms it can be called as Institutional Review of obtaining consent from potential trial participants.
Board (IRB) bias. • Allocation concealment is a very simple maneuver that
• It most commonly occurs when IRB are unduly constrictive, can be incorporated in the design of any trial and that can
and non-permissive for the study of important concepts. always be implemented.
• It also occurs when IRB unduly allows and encourages • Allocation concealment defined “as an important technique
studies which are scientifically invalid, but having the which protects the randomization mechanism, ensuring
potential hold to get the funds or name to the institution.6 that the patient is completely unaware of the treatment been
II. Biases that can arise, during the actual course of the trial rendered before entering into the study”.9
1. Population Choice Bias • Despite its simplicity as a maneuver and its importance to
This bias can occur when the sample is drawn multiple times reduce bias, allocation concealment is rarely reported, and
from the same population and it can have profound impact on perhaps rarely implemented in RCTs. If, however, allocation
the external validity of randomized trials. concealment was not carried out, the majority of RCTs are
In certain conditions, the sampling is done with a specific gender at risk of exaggerating the effects of the interventions they
predilection (gender bias) or towards a particular age group were designed to evaluate.
(age bias), the outcomes of such study may not be generalizable • Sometimes, the researchers do tend to access the allocation
to the study population. codes, which are kept in sealed opaque envelopes. The
There are subgroups of population choice bias like informed most commonly used methods are powerful lights or high
consent bias, literacy bias and language bias wherein the intense steam to open the envelope and later reseal it, before
investigators may intentionally avoid eligible patients just others notice it. This may cause selection bias into RCTs.6
because they do not comprehend the consent form.6 6. Ascertainment Bias
2. Intervention choice Bias Ascertainment bias occurs when the results or conclusions
It occurs when the type of the intervention chosen by the of a trial are systematically distorted by knowledge of which
investigator can affect the study outcomes widely.6 intervention each participant is receiving.
Ascertainment bias can be introduced by:
i. Complexity bias
• The person administering the interventions,
It can occur when a trial is used to study complex interventions,
• The person receiving the interventions (the participants),
with a number of components, or where outcomes may
• The investigator assessing or analyzing the outcomes,
depend on multiple contingencies outside of the control of the
• The report writer who describes the trial in detail.
investigator (e.g. the skill of the surgeons or the resources of the
i. Participant ascertainment bias: If participants know
that they have been allocated to the placebo group,
3. Control group bias they are likely to feel disappointed and less willing to
This bias may appear when the intervention group is compared report improvement at each of the study time points.
with control group of poor design, which may erroneously ii. Observer bias: If the people in charge of assessing
project the outcomes to be more (or less) effective. Comparing and recording the outcomes know which patients are
an interventional group with a placebo clarifies the intervention allocated to each of the study groups, they could,
is effective or not. But, it does not reveal the experimental consciously or unconsciously, tend to record the
intervention provides better outcomes or not compared to the outcomes for patients receiving the new drug in a more
existing ones.6 An obvious way to make an intervention appear favorable way than for patients receiving placebo.
to be more effective than it really is would be to choose an
ineffective comparison group. How can Ascertainment bias be reduced?
The best way to protect a trial against ascertainment bias is by
4. Outcome choice Bias keeping the people involved in the trial unaware of the identity
i. Measurement bias of the interventions for as long as possible. This is called
It occurs in those RCTs that evaluate outcomes which are easy blinding or masking.
to measure, rather than the outcomes those are relevant. Ascertainment bias can widely be reduced by blinding all
ii. Time term bias the concerned people involved in the trials: the intervention
It occurs in those RCTs where short-term outcomes are measured providers, the interventions receivers and those concerned with
International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research
Volume 3 | Issue 6 | June 2016 | ICV: 50.43 | ISSN (Online): 2393-915X; (Print): 2454-7379
Kumar, et al. Identifying and Eliminating Bias
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International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research
Volume 3 | Issue 6 | June 2016 | ICV: 50.43 | ISSN (Online): 2393-915X; (Print): 2454-7379