Compact, Continuous, Effective: BOLL Automatic Filters

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The document discusses BOLL automatic filters and their advantages such as low pressure losses, large filter surfaces, and minimal flushing quantities.

The BOLL automatic filter has several filter chambers, each containing a number of filter candles made of spiral-wound support structures covered with filter mesh.

Each chamber isolates and regenerates individually by back-flushing while the others continue filtering, maintaining constant pressure.

S a f e t y n e e d s q u a l i t y.

BOLL Automatic Filters

TYPE 6.60 / 6.61

compact, continuous, effective

BOLL & KIRCH Filterbau GmbH
Filtering without pressure drop

The trouble-free operation of all internal combustion en-

gines or machining plants requires consistently good
plant conditions, for which the cleanliness of the fuels, lu-
bricants or cutting oils and coolants is essential. A constant
operating pressure is also important. To achieve the ne-
cessary purity of these liquids, and guarantee constant
pressure ratios, efficient automatic filters are required.
These filters must
• have the capacity to handle high rates of flow and re-
main compact and ergonomic in design
• minimise back-flush discharge volumes to minimise
• guarantee a defined degree of cleanliness of the liquids
• achieve a high level of filter surface regeneration by ef-
ficient, dynamic self-cleaning
• prevent any drop in system pressure during the back-
flushing process
• protect moving parts from wear, increasing the useful
life of the plant, and
• help to keep operating costs low by using durable com-

The BOLL automatic

has a wide variety of uses,
e.g. filtration of lubricants
in diesel engines,

... filtration of fuels or

... filtration of cutting oils

and coolants in machi-
ning plants and transfer
Several filters in individual chambers

The BOLL automatic filter SELFCLEAN TYPE 6.60/6.61 is ter chamber with cleaned filter candles is always held in
designed precisely to fulfil the task. The filter housing is reserve, whilst the other filter chambers are simultane-
equipped with several filter chambers. Each filter cham- ously providing the filtration function. As the amount of
ber contains a filter insert made-up of a number of filter contamination increases, the differential pressure indica-
candles, each candle is made from a spiral-wound sup- tor initiates the back-flushing phase via the electronic
port structure over which high-grade filter mesh is drawn. control. Compressed air is used for cleaning the filter
Large filter surfaces with high “free passage” areas gua- candles. The system pressure remains constant and the
rantee a low pressure differential. As each filter chamber flushing quantities produced are very low. Additionally,
becomes dirt-loaded, it is isolated from flow and regene- the compact construction means little space is required to
rated by back-flushing, each in sequence with no inter- install the filter. This filter series can be provided with a
ruption to operation. During the filtration process one fil- sludge treatment unit on request.

Determining the Filter Size

The key data for the determination of the filter size are
the operation parameters. The size is determined by
the type and nature of the liquid being filtered, the
flow rate, the degree of contamination, the filtration fi-
neness required and the permissible pressure drop
across the filter. The diagram indicates as an example
the flow rate Q in m3/hr of oil SAE 30 for various filter
sizes at a filtration fineness of 48 mm in relation to the
pressure drop ∆p in bar.

Q (m3/h) Size Type

800 35 6.61
700 25 6.61
400 20 6.61
Control and monitoring
The fully automatic filter complies with, amongst other
15 6.61
200 things, the provisions of Marine Classification Socie-
ties (GL, LRS, NV, BV, ABS, USSR-Reg. USCG etc) for
unsupervised operation on board ship.
100 10 6.61
The back-flushing filter is provided, as standard, with
80 an electronic control Type 2100 with the following fa-
60 cilities and functions:
• Three keys for operation
05 6.60 • 5-place, 7-segment display
20 • Display of back-flushing operation and number of
back-flushing operations
• Fault display
• CPU board with non-volatile E-EPROM and pro-
gram memory
• I.O. board in the control box
0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,35 p (bar)
To carry on flushing throughout filtration

During the filtration operation the liquid to be filtered en- nism until the inlet and outlet to one contaminated cham-
ters through the inlet  into the change-over housing, on ber is blocked, simultaneously releasing the reserve
which the filter chambers  with the filter candles  are chamber. Now the sludge discharge valve  opens and
mounted. The rotary selector mechanism is  located in the blocked chamber is depressurised. At the same time
the centre of the housing. The contaminated liquid is fed the filter-stored compressed air is explosively released
into the filter chambers and flows through the filter can- from the upper hollow space of the selector mechanism
dles from outside to inside. The solids to be filtered out are and discharges the liquid from the selector mechanism
retained on the filter mesh. Cleaned liquid passes through  and the closed-off filter chamber. In parallel with the
the inside of the candle to the filter outlet  in the lower pressure release the flushing valve
opens. The com-
section of the housing. pressed air from the air reservoir accelerates the clean
During this process one filter chamber is held in reserve liquid in the filter chamber and pushes it in the reversed
with cleaned filter candles, separate from the filtration flow through the filter candles. Due to the pressure burst,
process, the sludge discharge valve  is closed and com- the dirt particles are flushed off the filter mesh and out of
pressed air is stored in the air reservoir. the filter housing through the opened sludge discharge
The growing layer of dirt on the filter mesh results in a valve  .
pressure differential between the dirty side and the clean Compressed air then continues to flow for a short period,
side; self-cleaning of one filter chamber is automatically then the sludge discharge valve and flushing valve are
triggered once this differential reaches a predetermined again closed. The now clean but empty chamber is filled
value. The electric motor  (or, in the case of the TYPE with clean liquid via a top-up bore in the selector me-
6.60 a pneumatic drive system) turns the selector mecha- chanism, to become the reserve chamber, ready to be
brought into use on next signal.




Filtration Backflushing
Filtration of the back-flushing liquid

The back-flushed liquid can be cleaned and recycled by

means of a cartridge filter connected to the sludge outlet.
This consists of a sludge reservoir, the filter cartridge, and
a monitoring device. The sludge reservoir is dimensioned
such that it can accommodate the quantity of liquid pro-
duced during back-flushing of one filter chamber. After
back-flushing the liquid into the sludge chamber it is dri-
ven though the filter cartridge by means of compressed
air. The filter is equipped with easy-maintenance filter
cartridges. A pressure differential indicator shows when it
is necessary for cartridges to be replaced.
Because the flushing liquid is recycled, there is no need
for sludge-discharge pipework, resulting in considerable
cost savings.

Data and Facts at a glance
SELFCLEAN TYPE 6.60 / 6.61 Multi-chamber automatic filter with compressed-air back-flushing
Range of application Lubricating oil, diesel oil, heavy fuel oil, cutting oil, emulsions, coolant, industrial wash liquids
Operating pressures up to 10 bar (higher pressures on request)
differential pressure resistance up to operating pressure
Operating temperature up to 150ºC
Housing material grey cast iron and ductile iron
Nominal width coupling flange DN 50 - DN 350
Max. flow rate 800 m3/h
Filtration fineness up to 10 microns absolute
Filter candle type Cylindrical screw-in candles with woven mesh
Cleaning method Sequential, reversed flow back-flushing , assisted by compressed air
Back-flushing control Differential pressure dependent or time-dependent
Technical data Type Size Number of chambers Total number Filtration area Weight of filter (kg)
Total In use of filter candles in use cm2 Empty Filled

6.60 05 2 1 16 2944 100 115

6.61 10 4 3 32 8832 200 238
6.61 15 7 6 56 17664 345 416
6.61 20 6 5 114 34960 500 650
6.61 25 8 7 152 48944 726 956
6.61 35 11 10 209 69920 1100 1460
Pointing the way, economically and
In economic terms, the best is always the result of “as
much as possible” for “as little as necessary”. Where the
use of liquid fuels, lubricants and cutting oil and coolants
is concerned, this means: consistent, precise filtration and
regeneration of the liquid with minimal losses, a require-
ment for a forward-looking business. One-off investment
in high quality filter systems becomes more cost-effective
with increased service life and improved protection of
machinery. In many cases it is possible to replace existing,
outdated filters with the new Boll 6.60/6.61 model, with
minimum disruption.

BOLLFILTERs consistently remove dirt particles from con-

taminated liquid and recycle the cleaned substances back
into the process. They help to ensure the plant’s opera-
tional safety continuously over a long period. This saves
resources, protects the environment and reduces costs.
BOLLFILTERs are the best insurance for the product and
the process.

Optionally the filter

can be equipped
with a cartridge filter
for the backflushed
liquid from the filter
Quality through specialisation

BOLL & KIRCH concentrate exclusively on the design and The global presence of BOLL & KIRCH in all important in-
manufacture of liquid/solid separation filters. Most BOLL- dustrial centres guarantee to customers worldwide the
FILTERs are the result of our own research and develop- reliability and service that they expect of a supplier of
ment and are protected by patents. Customers can take technologically exacting filter systems, a service that in-
advantage of our knowledge by involving our technicians cludes dispatching BOLLFILTER genuine parts all over
and engineers in the early phases of their projects. Focus- the world within 24 hours.
sing the knowledge of both partners in simultaneous en-
gineering ensures a perfect result.

Commercial production on CNC and DNC Modern storage and logistics systems sup- BOLLFILTER genuine parts leave the cen-
controlled machine tools. port smooth and effective production. tral warehouse within 24 hours.

BOLL Automatic filters type 6.60/6.61 – the advantages include the following:

• precisely defined filter fineness • compact, modular construction

• large filter surfaces • simple handling
• minimal flushing quantities • low maintenance costs
• low pressure losses • long working life
• long service life • low operating costs
• precise function of back-flushing system

BOLL & KIRCH Filterbau GmbH

P.O. Box 14 20 • D- 50143 Kerpen
Siemensstr. 10 -14 • D- 50170 Kerpen
Tel.: (+49) (0) 22 73-5 62-0

Fax: (+49) (0) 22 73-5 62-22 3

e-mail: [email protected]

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