Why People Shouldn'T Use The Drugs
Why People Shouldn'T Use The Drugs
Why People Shouldn'T Use The Drugs
Drugs Is an abbreviation of Narcotic and other dangerous medicines. Besides drugs, another term to call
them is NAPZA which stands for Narcotics, Phsycotropica and other addictive substances (hazardous
materials). Drugs are very dangerous for us. However, nowadays these drugs have been widely circulated
in the community both in urban, rural, and even circulated in law enforcement agencies circle. Many
factors lead people to use drugs especially for teenagers. The main factor that causes teens to use drugs
is crisis of identity. They are searching for their identity which they have not met yet so that they are
easily tempted by drugs. Another factor is family factor. There are so many families who do not pay
attention to their children, especially for broken home families. These drug users do not know that drugs
can have a negative impact on its users, the following are the adverse effects that could be caused by the
The first, in terms of health, drugs can harm organs in our body. Substances which are contained in the
drug can damage brain and kidneys when it is consumed continuously. Drugs can cause hallucinogenic
effects that can harm our nerves. Drugs also can cause addiction effect to its users so that they will feel
addicted and want to use the drug continuously. In addition, the use of drugs also can make the user
depressed, and cause various dangerous diseases such as liver disease, schizophrenia, blood clots,
dehydration, optic nerve damage, brain damage, and ultimately can lead to death.
The second, in terms of religion, drugs are things that are illicit and should be shunned because drugs
can cause a variety of crimes such as thieves, rob, and even kill. Drug users who do not have money to
buy it will perform those crime actions to obtain drugs. Moreover Drugs can also harm themselves and
others. By using drugs, it means that we have been doing thing which is forbidden in the religion so that
we will get sin.
The third, for teenagers drugs can ruin their future and jeopardize the future of this nation. Teens who
use drugs will feel lazy to learn and have no spirit or desire to live. They will only be seduced by
momentary pleasures offered by drug. In addition to, drugs also harm our nation. We can see from data
collected by the government that 32 percent of drug users in Indonesia are teenagers. Nearly half of
teenagers in Indonesia had been using drugs, whereas they are future generation for this nation. What
would happen if the successors of our nation are the generation who are lazy and like to do bad action.
Based on discussion above, we can conclude that drug is thing which is dangerous for its user, other
people and nation. Therefore, let us stay away from drugs by saying no to drugs, involving in preventing
drug action around us, doing socialization about the dangers of drugs and much more. Because without
drugs our lives would be more meaningful while with drugs our life will be full of miserable.
Using temporal connective : The first, the second, and the third
Using simple present tense :
1. In addition, the use of drugs also can make the user depressed
2. Substances which are contained in the drug can damage brain and kidneys when it is
consumed continuously.