Leading Beverage Producer Selects Zeeweed 500D MBR For Wastewater Treatment

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Water Technologies & Solutions

case study

leading beverage producer selects ZeeWeed* 500D

MBR for wastewater treatment
Location: Bangladesh, Siliguri, Bidadi, Goblej In the ZeeWeed MBR process, the membrane
cassettes are immersed directly in the mixed liquor
Capacity: 250, 600, 250 & 880 m /day 3

in the membrane tanks. A membrane train is a

treatment unit consisting of multiple cassettes
Commissioned: 2011 - 2014 that are manifolded together, installed in a concrete
tank (i.e. membrane tank), and connected to a
Technology: Membrane bioreactor (MBR)
common permeate pump.

challenge High quality effluent from the ZeeWeed MBR system

meets California Title 22 and similar regulatory
A leading beverage manufacturer was looking to requirements and is ideally suited for non-potable
expand its effluent treatment plant (ETP) capacity at reuse applications. Fewer processes, combined with
four of its facilities and also implement a solution to a highly automated programmable logic controller
enable wastewater reuse. The wastewater at these (PLC), makes plant operation less labour intensive
sites have high biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and much more straightforward.
and chemical oxygen demand (COD), both of which had
to be reduced to meet reusable standards. results

solution After commissioning SUEZ’s treatment solution, all

four sites achieved lower BOD, COD, and turbidity
SUEZ developed a solution involving MBR technology values. The treated water quality was fit for reuse.
that can achieve consistent effluent quality of BOD <5 These projects were the first MBR projects
mg/L and turbidity <0.5 NTU; conventional effluent implemented by SUEZ Water India.
treatment typically achieves BOD <30 mg/L. MBR To learn how SUEZ can help solve your wastewater
requires a compact footprint compared to challenges, contact your SUEZ representative or
conventional treatment and minimizes construction visit us at www.suezwatertechnologies.com.
costs. ZeeWeed 500D membrane modules and
cassettes were provided. Depending on the specific
application and design requirements, a ZeeWeed MBR
plant can achieve high quality nitrified effluent.
Major components of the system include a mechanical
fine screen (2 mm), bioreactor tank, biological process
blowers, chemical feed system, and membrane tank
with accessories for installing the ultrafiltration (UF)

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*Trademark of SUEZ; may be registered in one or more countries.
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CS1635EN.docx Jan-17

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