SOA Question Bank
SOA Question Bank
SOA Question Bank
Mission of Institution
To equip students with values, ethics and life skills needed to enrich their lives and
enable them to meaningfully contribute to the progress of society
To prepare students for higher studies and lifelong learning, enrich them with the
practical and entrepreneurial skills necessary to excel as future professionals and
contribute to Nation’s economy
Mission of Department
M3 To produce engineers with good professional skills, ethical values and life skills for the
betterment of the society.
P405. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage
12 in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
PEO 01: To address the real time complex engineering problems using innovative approach
with strong core computing skills.
PEO 02: To apply core-analytical knowledge and appropriate techniques and provide solutions
to real time challenges of national and global society.
PEO 03: Apply ethical knowledge for professional excellence and leadership for the betterment
of the society.
PEO 04: Develop life-long learning skills needed for better employment and entrepreneurship.
PS405.1 – An ability to understand the core concepts of computer science and engineering and to
enrich problem solving skills to analyze, design and implement software and hardware based
systems of varying complexity.
PS405.2 - To interpret real-time problems with analytical skills and to arrive at cost effective and
optimal solution using advanced tools and techniques.
1. Ron Schmelzer et al. “XML and Web Services”, Pearson Education, 2002.
2. Thomas Erl, “Service Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design”, Pearson
Education, 2005.
1. Frank P.Coyle, “XML, Web Services and the Data Revolution”, Pearson Education, 2002
2. Eric Newcomer, Greg Lomow, “Understanding SOA with Web Services”, Pearson Education, 2005
3. Sandeep Chatterjee and James Webber, “Developing Enterprise Web Services: An Architect's Guide”,
Prentice Hall, 2004.
4. James McGovern, Sameer Tyagi, Michael E.Stevens, Sunil Mathew, “Java Web Services Architecture”,
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2003.
XML document structure – Well formed and valid documents – Namespaces – DTD – XML Schema – X-
Questions CO Bloom
Q.No ’s
1 What are the major portions of XML document? C405.1 BTL1
The major portions of an XML document include the following:
• The XML declaration
• The Document Type Declaration
• The element data
• The attribute data
• The character data or XML content
document. In fact, that is almost exclusively where all the variable content lies. XML
30 Define the rules for well formed documents in XML NOV/DEC 2016 C405.1 BTL1
An XML document is well formed if it follows all the preceding syntax rules of XML. On
the other hand, if it includes inappropriate markup or characters that cannot be
processed by XML parsers, the document cannot be considered well formed. It goes
without saying that an XML document can’t be partially well formed.
31 What is a XML namespace? NOV/DEC 2016 C405.1 BTL1
XML namespaces are used for providing uniquely named elements and attributes in
an XML document. They are defined in a W3C recommendation. An XML instance may
contain element or attribute names from more than one XML vocabulary.
The prolog refers to the information that appears before the start tag of the document
or root element. It includes information that applies to the document as a whole, such
as character encoding, document structure, and style sheets.
2 2. Explain Namespaces in Detail. (Ron Schmelzer Page 58-61) (NOV/DEC C405.1 BTL5
3 3. Explain Document Type Definition in detail (Ron Schmelzer Page 67- C405.1 BTL5
4 4. How to create XML Schemas? Explain in detail (Ron Schmelzer Page C405.1 BTL5
116-159) (NOV/DEC 2017)
6 Create a document type definition that defines the structure for email C405.1 BTL6
message, further create a XML document that reference to the created
document type definitions
7 Explain with examples internal and external DTD (8) [NOV/DEC 2016] C405.1 BTL5
8 Explain in detail about XML schema and XML files. (16) [NOV/DEC C405.1 BTL5
Parsing XML – using DOM, SAX – XML Transformation and XSL – XSL Formatting – Modeling Databases
in XML.
Questions CO Bloo
Q.No m’s
1 What is DOM? C405.2 BTL1
The Document Object Model (DOM) is the model that describes how all elements
in an HTML age, like input fields, images, paragraphs etc., are related to the
topmost structure: the document itself. By calling the element by its proper DOM
name, we can influence it.
32 Outline a simple style sheet using XSL [NOV/DEC 2016] C405.2 BTL2
XSL is a language for expressing style sheets. An XSL style sheet is, like
with CSS, a file that describes how to display an XML document of a given
type. XSL shares the functionality and is compatible with CSS2 (although it
uses a different syntax). It also adds
• Because SAX does not store the data that it has processed, you cannot modify
this data and store it back in the original document.
• Because SAX does not create an in-memory document structure, you cannot
build an XML document by using a SAX parser.
34 Define the characteristics of Orchestration service layer. (MAY/JUNE 2018) C405.2 BTL1
The orchestration service layer introduces a parent level of abstraction that alleviates the
need for other services to manage interaction details required to ensure that service
operations are executed in a specific sequence. Within the orchestration service layer,
process services compose other services that provide specific sets of functions,
independent of the business rules and scenario-specific logic required to execute a
process instance.
32 Define soap message. .(MAY/JUNE 2018) C405.2 BTL1
• Envelope − Defines the start and the end of the message. It is a mandatory
• Header − Contains any optional attributes of the message used in
processing the message, either at an intermediary point or at the ultimate
end-point. It is an optional element.
• Body − Contains the XML data comprising the message being sent. It is a
mandatory element.
• Fault − An optional Fault element that provides information about errors
that occur while processing the message.
2 Explain Parsing using SAX (Ron Schmelzer Page 309-331) C405.2 BTL5
3 Explain XML transformation with XSL (Ron Schmelzer Page 345-376) C405.2 BTL5
4 Explain modelling databases in XML in detail (Ron Schmelzer Page 409- C405.2 BTL5
5 Explain XSL formatting objects in detail (Ron Schmelzer Page 377-391) C405.2 BTL6
6 Compare DOM and SAX based XML parsing. (6) [NOV/DEC 2016] C405.2 BTL5
7 Explain SAX based parsing with example. (10) [NOV/DEC 2016] C405.2 BTL5
8 Give a brief note on Modeling database in XML (8) [NOV/DEC 2016] C405.2 BTL5
9 With example formulate how XSLT can transform an XML C405.2 BTL6
document into HTML.(8) [NOV/DEC 2016]
11 Explain the elements of Web services platform in detail. .(MAY/JUNE C405.2 BTL5
Characteristics of SOA, Comparing SOA with Client-Server and Distributed architectures – Benefits of
SOA -- Principles of Service orientation – Service layers.
Questions CO Bloo
Q.No m’s
1 What is architecture? C405.3 BTL1
Application architecture is to an application development team what a
blueprint is to a team of construction workers. Different organizations document
different levels of application architecture.
25 List out some characteristics of contemporary SOA. [NOV/DEC 2016] C405.3 BTL1
It is at the core of the service-oriented computing platform.
It increases quality of service.
It is fundamentally autonomous and based on open standards.
It supports vendor diversity and fosters intrinsic interoperability.
It promotes discovery and It promotes federation.
It promotes architectural composability.
It supports a service-oriented business modeling paradigm.
It implements layers of abstraction.
It is a building block.
It is an evolution.
It is still maturing.
3 Explain in detail about SOA components and how are they C405.3 BTL5
4 Decide how the ‘golden rules’ and heuristic help interface designers C405.3 BTL5
take account of cognitive psychology? Illustrate your answer with the
design of Microsoft office word. Page no: 282 NOV/DEC2017
10 Compare SOA with client server and distributed internet C405.3 BTL5
architectures. (MAY/JUNE 2018)
S. Course
N Question Outco
o. me
1 What is Web Services?
Web Services can convert your applications into Web-
applications. Web Services are published, found, and used through the C405.4
7 Define Subscribe-Push
A third pattern for interaction is called Subscribe-Push, shown
in Figure 4-3. In this pattern, one or more clients register
subscriptions with a service to receive messages based on some
C405.4 BTLI
criteria. Regardless of the criteria, the externally visible pattern
remains the same. Subscriptions may remain in effect over long
periods before being canceled or revoked. A subscription may, in
some cases, also register another service endpoint to receive
8 Data paging
Some services automatically facilitate the paging of large data
C405.4 BTLI
sets, enabling developers to focus on core application business logic
instead of worrying about basic data management infrastructure.
14 Define Orchestration
Refers to an executable business process that may interact
with both internal and external Web services. Orchestration describes
how Web services can interact at the message level, including the
C405.4 BTLI
business logic and execution order of the interactions. These
interactions may span applications and/or organizations, and result in
a long-lived, transactional process. With orchestration, the process is
always controlled from the perspective of one of the business parties.
20 ACID transactions
C405.4 BTLI
They preserve the atomicity, consistency, isolation, and
durability of the operation(s) encompassed by the transaction. This
helps preserve the integrity of our programs’ logic execution as well
as the integrity of the data managed by those programs. Java
transaction managers are specifically designed to provide this
• Abstract Choreography
C405.4 BTLI
• "portable" choreography
• Concrete Choreography
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-
i. Request-response
ii. Fire-and-forget
iii. Complex MEPs
2.Business processes
3.Human actors
6.Service Compositions
UDDI is an XML-based standard for describing, publishing, and finding web C405.4 BTLI
services. UDDI stands for Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration.
UDDI is a specification for a distributed registry of web services
Implementation pitfalls
• Not Invented Here Syndrome
• Versioning
• Security
Architectural/design pitfalls C405.4 BTLI
• Incorrect Granularity of Services
• SOA does not solve complexity automatically
• Big Design Upfront
• Incorrectly applied Canonical Data Model
• - Missing skills
Organizational pitfalls:
• -Unclear ownership/Project based funding
• Ignoring culture when introducing SOA
1 Write short notes on
a.Service descriptions. (6) b.Atomic transaction .(5) C405.4
C405.4 BTL5
NOV/DEC 2017
C405.4 BTL5
NOV/DEC 2017
S. Course Blooms
No Question Outcom Taxanom
. e y Level
1 What is Service-oriented analysis?
Service-oriented analysis establishes a formal analysis
process completed jointly by business analysts and technology
architects. Service modeling, a sub-process of service-oriented
analysis, produces conceptual service definitions called service
candidates. Iterations through the service-oriented analysis and BTL1
service modeling processes result in the gradual creation of a
service inventory blueprint.
2 Write the business-centric entry points?
These business-centric entry points are:
People—Productivity though people collaboration
Process—Business process management for continuous C405.5 BTL1
Information—Delivering information as a service.
Rules C405.5 BTL1
Configurable profile
9 Define WSDL
The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) provides
an XML grammar for describing these details. WSDL picks up
where XML Schema left off by providing a way to group
messages into operations and operations into interfaces. It also
provides a way to define bindings for each interface and protocol
combination along with the endpoint address for each one. WSDL
plays an important role in the overall Web services architecture
since it describes the complete contract for application
communication Although other techniques exist for describing
Web services, the WS-I Basic Profile Version 1.0 mandates the
use of WSDL and XML Schema for describing Web services. This
helps ensure interoperability at the service description layer.
C405.5 BTL1
15 What actors may use this service and how will they be
This is an optimistic statement, because you (a) may not
know, and (b) may not want to limit your implementation.
However, you need to consider all of the actors who can use the
C405.5 BTL1
business rule that you are encapsulating. If one of those actors
cannot use your service, you need to either find a suitable
interaction where that actor can use the rule, or create another
service that meets that actors needs. Even within the firewalls of
the data center, it is imperative that the communications between
systems be understood to be secure from mal-intentioned people.
If your answer is "pray," then you may want to consider a new line
of work
• Confidentiality
• Man-in-the-middle C405.5 BTL1
• Spoofing
• Denial of Service
• Replay Attacks
C405.5 BTL1
1 Briefly explain about WSDL & SOAP basics in service oriented C405.5 BTL6
2 Describe in detail about entity-centric business service design in a C405.5 BTL5
step by step process.(16)
3 Explain the steps involved in service oriented design in detail .(16) C405.5 BTL6
C405.5 BTL5
NOV/DEC 2017
C405.5 BTL5
NOV/DEC 2017
Question Paper code 80602
Seventh Semester
(Regulation 2013)
PART A ---(10 *2 = 20 )
11. (a) (i) Create a document type definition that defines the structure for email
message,further create a XML docum,ent that reference to the created document type
definitions. (8)
(ii) With examples explain internal and external DTD. (8)
(b) Explain in detail about XML schema and XML files. (16)
12. (a) (i) Differentiate DOM and SAX based XML parsing. (6)
{ii) With example show how XSLT can transform an XML document into HTML.(8)
13. (a) Compare SOA with client server and distributed internet architectures. (16)
(b) Explain in detail about Atomic Transaction Process with suitable diagrams. (16)
15.(a) Identify the various steps involved in service oriented modeling elaborate them in
detail. (16)
(b) Illustrate in detail about the WS-BPEL with code snippets (16)
Question Paper code 41302
Seventh Semester
(Regulation 2013)
PART A ---(10 *2 = 20 )
10.define WS-Policy..
(b) Compare SOA with distributed client-server architecture. Discuss the anatomy of
service oriental architecture.
14. (a) Discuss how SOA is related to the layers of the layers of the J2EE platform.