IS204 Evaluation of Business Performance
IS204 Evaluation of Business Performance
IS204 Evaluation of Business Performance
Pre-requisite : None
Credit : 3 units
Course Description :
The course is intended to provide the student with the experience in assessing information
systems and the different tools to be used in conducting system evaluation. It will discuss topics such
as Data warehousing, KPI/KRA, business intelligence, and quality metrics.
As evidence of attaining the above learning outcomes, the student has to present the actual demonstration of the
case project given.
Course Evaluation
Assessment Tasks Weight (%) Average for
Performance (%)
1. 2 Major Exams 20% 10%
2. Final Exam 15% 8%
3. Case Studies and Reports 50% 25%
4. Class Participation, Seatwork,
15% 7%
TOTAL 100% 50%
Computation of Grades:
Preliminary Grade
(Class Standing X 2) + Prelim Exam rating
Midterm Grade
(Class Standing X 2) + Midterm Exam rating
Partial Grade
(Class Standing X 2) + Final Exam rating
Final Grade
Prelim Grade + Midterm Grade + Partial Final Grade
Text Book
1. Brian Tracy, “Focus on Key Result Areas”, Berrett-Koehler Publisher, Inc., California, USA, 2007
2. David Parmenter, “Key Performance Indicators (KPI): Developing, implementing and using winning
KPIs”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., NJ & Canada, 2010
3. Customer Relationship Management by Kristin Anderson, Carol Kerr 2002
4. Supply Chain Management: in theory and practice by Birgit Dam Jespersen, Tage Skjott-
Larsen 2005
5. Supply-Chain Management Best Practices by David Blanchard 2010
6. Business Process Automation by Sanjay Mohapatra 2009
Prepared by:
Fernand T. Layug
IS Faculty
Approved by: