Tatiana Boroditskaya - UBS
Tatiana Boroditskaya - UBS
Tatiana Boroditskaya - UBS
Tatiana Boroditskaya
UBS Global Wealth Management
Chief Investment Office GWM
November 2019
Sustainable Investing
Three main strategies in sustainable investing
ESG Integration
Impact Investing
USD 31 Trillion
Global assets professionally
managed with SI strategies
USD 75 Trillion
Total value of largest
global stock exchanges in
o Gender diversity
Investor's motivations
Alignment of investments
Improving portfolio risk / Capture innovation
with the investor's values
return characteristics and megatrends
(e.g. religious, social)
Financial returns
Source: Friede, Gunnar, Timo Busch, and Alexander Bassen. "ESG and Financial Performance: Aggregated Evidence from More than 2000 Empirical
Studies." Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment 5, no. 4 (2015): 210-33. 7
For illustrative purposes only. Please always read in conjunction with the risk information at the end of the document.
Why green bonds?
o Green bonds finance environmental projects
o A green bond has an identical claim against the issuer as a non-green bond, the same credit rating / default risk,
and therefore the same yield and performance
o Issuers benefit from access to a fast-growing audience of sustainable investors, and the marketing of their
sustainable activities
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
ICE BofAML Green Bond Index ICE BofAML Global Corporate Index
Annual new green bond issuance (USD bn) Green bond market broadens globally
180 Other
160 18%
Canada 2%
60 Spain
40 3%
0 China
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 14%
Development Bank Non-Financial Corporate lands
Financial Corporate ABS 5%
Germany Supra- France
Government-Backed Entity Local Government
7% national 11%
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Risk information
Important Information about Sustainable Investing Strategies: Incorporating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors or Sustainable Investing considerations may inhibit the
portfolio manager’s ability to participate in certain investment opportunities that otherwise would be consistent with its investment objective and other principal investment strategies. The
returns on a portfolio consisting primarily of ESG or sustainable investments may be lower than a portfolio where such factors are not considered by the portfolio manager. Because
sustainability criteria can exclude some investments, investors may not be able to take advantage of the same opportunities or market trends as investors that do not use such criteria.
Companies may not necessarily meet high performance standards on all aspects of ESG or sustainable investing issues; there is also no guarantee that any company will meet expectations in
connection with corporate responsibility, sustainability, and/or impact performance.
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