SPE 158882 Tuning of The Peng-Robinson Equation of State For Gas Condensate Simulation Studies
SPE 158882 Tuning of The Peng-Robinson Equation of State For Gas Condensate Simulation Studies
SPE 158882 Tuning of The Peng-Robinson Equation of State For Gas Condensate Simulation Studies
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPETT 2012 Energy Conference and Exhibition held in Port of Spain, Trinidad, 11–13 June 2012.
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Gas condensate compositional simulation studies are conducted to evaluate gas and condensate reserves. This is carried out
when making comparisons of production methods for the economic development of a reservoir. The data needed for the
evaluation are dew point pressure, gas compressibility factor, liquid volume and produced gas (Constant Volume Depletion,
CVD data) and are nowadays determined from a tuned Equation of State (EOS). However the open literature has shown that
there is no consistency in the number of Single Carbon Number (SCN) groups, EOS tuning parameters, lumping schemes and
weight factors applied to the experimental when tuning an EOS for use in compositional simulation studies, particularly for
gas condensate fluids.
Publications have shown that the two most widely used sets of parameters from the EOS that are tuned are the Binary
Interaction Coefficient (BIC) with the critical properties and acentric factor or BIC and the constants called the omegas (’s).
The number of SCN groups used for tuning varies from ten to more than forty. However there are currently no criteria for
selecting the most reliable lumping scheme that will give similar accuracy to using the many SCN groups except by trial and
error or by algorithms designed to test a number of schemes and from which the best one is selected.
In this paper, the Peng-Robinson EOS has been tuned and tested to predict CVD data for seven gas condensate samples.
Compositional analysis greater than Single Carbon Number 24 (SCN24) are required for the SCN route. The two sets of
tuning parameters were used with and without the VSP. Our parametric study demonstrated that the VSP should not be
applied with the ’s when tuning the Peng-Robinson EOS. With weight factors of 1 for liquid volume, 10 for gas
compressibility factor and without the VSP, the ’s give better prediction of CVD data than the critical properties and
acentric factor even with the VSP included. The SCN groups for two samples were lumped into six Multiple Carbon Number
(MCN) groups using the simple Whitson’s lumping scheme. Our tuning technique with the ’s and with our new weight
factors for the experimental data, gave differences of less than ±4.0 % from the tuned EOS predictions before and after
lumping of the SCN group so that complex algorithms are not necessary to select an appropriate lumping scheme to reduce
cost and computer time when performing simulation studies. Our tuning technique with only one regression step, showed
consistency in tuning the Peng-Robinson EOS with the ’s and could be used for simulation studies of gas condensate
Gas condensate field development planning requires compositional simulation studies using a tuned Equation of State (EOS)
for the evaluation of gas and condensate reserves, production methods, facilities design as well as economic development
(Coats et al 1986; Pedersen et al 1989; Danesh 1998). The physical property data needed for such evaluation are dew point
pressure, gas compressibility factor, liquid volume and produced gas (Constant Volume Depletion, CVD data).
Tuning involves adjustment of groups or sets of the most difficult to measure EOS parameters so as to minimize the
difference between predicted and measured PVT data (Agarwal and Nghiem, 1990). Al-Sadoon and Almarry (1985)
2 SPE 158882
demonstrated the success of tuning by regression with binary interaction coefficient (BIC), between methane and the heavy
fractions (greater than hexanes and including the plus fraction) and the critical pressure, Pc, critical temperature, Tc and
acentric factor, , for the plus fraction. Demonstrations by Coats et al (1986), were with BIC between methane and the heavy
fractions and the ’s (omegas of methane and omegas of the plus fraction) for various reservoir fluids. Unicamp and
Rodriguez (1992) tuned the Peng Robinson (1976) EOS first with the tuning parameters selected by Al-Sadoon and Almarry
(1985) and then with the parameters selected by Coats et al (1986) to predict dew point pressure, produced gas and gas
compressibility factor with errors of less than 10 %. The prediction of liquid volume was not included in their demonstration.
Danesh (1998) pointed out that the volume shift parameter (VSP) (Jhaveri and Youngren 1984) should also be included as a
tuning parameter to improve the accuracy in the prediction of liquid volume and to assign a weight factor of 40 to dew point
pressure and 10 to liquid volume. However the open literature did not demonstrate if the VSP and suggested weight factors
should be used with BIC, Pc, Tc and ω or with BIC and the ’s.
The data required for the physical property prediction by any EOS are pressure, temperature and composition. The
composition of a sample is experimentally determined by gas chromatography and components heavier than pentanes are
lumped into Single Carbon Number (SCN) groups (Katz and Firoozabadi 1978; Pedersen et al 1989; Hosein 2004; Hosein
and Dawe 2011). The last group is known as the plus (C+) or last fraction. Prior to tuning, the number of SCN (Single Carbon
Number) groups required to converge the EOS predicted values to the experimentally measured values is determined
(Pedersen et al 1989; Danesh 1998). Often extended analysis of the plus fraction (Pedersen et. al1989; Hosein and McCain
2009) from as low as SCN10 (Coats et al 1986) to as high as SCN45 (Al-Meshari and McCain 2007) has been reported as
needed for this step. Studies have shown that after performing this step, minimal tuning of the EOS parameters is required
(Pedersen et al 1989; Danesh 1998; Hosein 2004). However in order to reduce simulation costs and computing time, lumping
schemes (Whitson 1980, Behrens and Sandler 1986; Ahmed 1989; Pedersen et al 1989; Danesh 1998) to reduce the number
of SCN groups into three to five Multiple Carbon Number (MCN) groups (pseudo-components) are used.
The number of MCN groups required and the distribution of SCN groups within each MCN group can be calculated by a
simple form (e.g. Whitson 1980) or more complex lumping forms (e.g. Behrens and Sandler 1986). Currently there are no
standard criteria for selecting the best lumping scheme to give similar accuracy as can be calculated by the many SCN
groups, except by trial and error or by algorithms (Danesh 1998; Kai 2001) designed to test a number of schemes. The best
one is then selected.
In this paper a parametric method for tuning the Peng-Robinson (1976) EOS to accurately predict CVD data without the VSP
is presented, using a range of components, tuning parameters and weight factors for the experimental data that gave
acceptable predictions of CVD data for six Trinidad gas condensate samples and a North Sea sample (Whitson and Torp
1983) . We use the Whitson (1980) lumping scheme to demonstrate that our tuning technique gives minimal differences
before and after lumping for a lean (Hosein 2004) and a rich (Whitson and Torp 1983) gas condensate samples. Hence
complex algorithms are not necessary to select an appropriate lumping scheme.
The tuning technique was demonstrated using data for six Trinidad gas condensate samples (Hosein 2004) and a North Sea
gas condensate sample (Whitson and Torp 1983). The Trinidad samples were analyzed by Hosein (2004) as follows:
Sample Composition and Properties of the SCN Groups and the Plus Fractions
The compositions of the samples were obtained by gas chromatography and are shown in the Appendix Table A1. These are
lean gas condensates with mole % of the C7+ ≤ 4 % (McCain 1990). The Specific gravity and molecular weight of the SCN
groups (Table A1) were taken from charts published by Katz and Firoozabadi, (1978), as suggested by Hosein and Dawe
(2011). Similar properties for the plus fractions (Table A1) were determined experimentally after performing True Boiling
Point (TBP) analysis (Hosein 2004, Hosein and Dawe, 2011). The EOS parameters Pc, Tc and for the SCN groups and the
plus fractions were determined from correlations published by Kesler and Lee (1976) and Lee and Kesler (1980). The
splitting of the C20+ fraction was performed using the gamma distribution function (Whitson, 1983) as described by Al
Mesharri and McCain (2007) for gas condensate systems.
PVT Data
Gas condensate PVT studies were conducted using the PVT facilities at The University of The West Indies (UWI) (Hosein
2004). These data are shown in Table A2. The sample validity and accuracy of the sample compositions and PVT data were
evaluated in the same study by Hosein (2004).
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Tuning Parameters
The Peng-Robinson (1976) EOS was separately tuned using the sets of tuning parameters studied by Al-Sadoon and Almarry
(1985) and by Coats et al (1986) and then repeated by including the VSP as suggested by Danesh (1998). The default values
for a and b were 0.4572 and 0.0778 respectively (WINPROP 2011). The correlation published by Oellrich et al (1981) was
used for obtaining BIC between methane and the heavy fractions as follows:
where Vci and Vcj are the critical volumes of component i and component j. BIC was evaluated by tuning the Hydrocarbon
Interaction Coefficient Exponent (HICE), n. An exponent value of 1.2 was used as a starting value (WINPROP 2011). The
upper and lower bounds for the tuning parameter were set to allow a change of ±20 % of the test values so as to ensure that
they remain physically reasonable (WINPROP 2011). For HICE the bounds were set (between 0.0 and 1.8) which are the
limits appropriate for typical petroleum fluids (WINPROP 2011).
Tuning by Regression
Experimental PVT data (Table A2) were used together with a multi-variable regression scheme (WINPROP 2011) whereby
the selected set of EOS parameters were adjusted until a minimum difference between predicted and experimental values was
attained (Agarwal and Nghiem, 1990). Each regression was performed in a single step by minimizing the objective function F
(Dennis et. al., 1981), as follows:
F = [ wi (yi, pred. - yi, expt. ) / yi, expt. ] 2 …2
where yi,pred. and yi,expt. correspond to the predicted and experimental CVD values respectively. The weight factors, wi,
assigned to the experimental data for testing are shown in Table 1. The weight factor of 10 for liquid volume was suggested
by Danesh (1998). The weight factors of 1for liquid volume and 10 for gas compressibility factor were determined in this
study by trial and error for tuning with the ’s.
The challenge faced was how to improve the predictions of dew point pressure, liquid volume and produced gas after tuning
the Peng-Robinson (1976) EOS with a defined range of components, tuning parameters and weight factors for best possible
Peng-Robinson (1976) EOS Predictions after Tuning BIC and the heavy fractions and Pc, Tc and ω for the plus fraction
(Al-Sadoon and Almarry 1985).
Tuning with the VSP and a weight factor of 10 for liquid volume (Option A): Figure 1b and Table1 show the average
absolute deviations (see eq. 3) between Peng-Robinson (1976) EOS predicted and experimental CVD data for all samples,
with increasing analyses as described above. For analyses up to C25+, and up to C30+, predictions of CVD data were obtained,
with deviations lower than 5% for dew point pressure (DPP), lower than 12 % for liquid volume (LDO), lower than 10 % for
produced gas (PG) and lower than 2 % for gas compressibility (Z) factor.
These results were obtained with the VSP and by applying a weight factor of 10 for liquid volume as suggested by Danesh
(1998) and 40 for dew point pressure as suggested by Coats et al (1986). These results were obtained for the seven samples
studied which demonstrate consistency in tuning the Peng-Robinson (1976) EOS.
Tuning without the VSP and a weight factor of 10 for liquid volume (test A1): Table 1 show that without the VSP the
prediction of liquid volume is less accurate than option A with deviations higher than 12 % but lower than 25 %.
4 SPE 158882
Tuning without the VSP and a weight factor of 1 for liquid volume and 10 for Z factor (test A2): Table 1 show that without
the VSP and with a weight factor of 1 for liquid volume and 10 for gas compressibility factor the prediction of liquid volume
is less accurate than option A with deviations higher than 12 % but lower than 30 %.
50.0 OPTIONS AAD (%) in AAD (%) in
30.0 AND TESTS Liquid Vol. Z Factors
10.0 Published Weight Factor 10 (Danesh 1998) 0
C7+ C11+ C15+ C20+ C25+ C30+
After Tuning Set A, with VSP option A < 12 <3
Last Component in Analysis Studied
After Tuning Set A, without VSP test A1 < 25 <3
Figure 1a: Average Absolute Deviation between Expt. and
EOS Pred. CVD Data before Tuning for all Samples After Tuning Set B, with VSP test B2 < 12 < 10
After Tuning Set B, without VSP test B3 < 10 < 15
AAD after Tuning BIC, Tc, Pc, ω and VSP, all Samples
AAD (%) in AAD (%) in
DPP Z factor LDO PG
35.0 Liquid Vol. Z Factors
30.0 Tested Weight Factor 1 10
AAD, %
10.0 After Tuning Set B, without VSP option B < 10 <3
5.0 After Tuning Set B, with VSP test B1 < 15 <3
C7+ C11+ C15+ C20+ C25+ C30+
After Tuning Set A, without VSP test A2 < 30 <3
Last Component in Analysis Studied
After Tuning Set A, with VSP test A3 < 20 <3
Figure 1b: Average Absolute Deviation between Expt. and
EOS Pred. CVD Data after Tuning Set A for all Samples
Tuning with the VSP and a weight factor of 1 for liquid volume and 10 for Z factor (test A3): Table 1 show that with the
VSP and with a weight factor of 1 for liquid volume and 10 for gas compressibility factor the prediction of liquid volume is
less accurate than option A with deviations higher than 12 % but lower than 20 %.
EOS Predictions after Tuning Parameter BIC for the heavy fractions, a and b for methane and a and b for the Plus
Fraction (Coats et al 1986).
Tuning without the VSP and a weight factor of 1 for liquid volume and 10 for Z factor (Option B): Figure 1c and Table 1
show the average absolute deviations between Peng-Robinson (1976) EOS predicted and experimental CVD data for all
samples with increasing analyses as described earlier. For analyses up to C25+, and up to C30+, predictions of CVD data were
obtained, with deviations lower than 3 % for dew point pressures (DPP), lower than 10 % for liquid volume (LDO), lower
than 5 % for produced gas (PG) and lower than 3 % for gas compressibility (Z) factor (Table 1).
SPE 158882 5
These results were obtained without the VSP and by applying a weight factor of 1 for liquid volume and 10 for gas
compressibility factor. These new weight factors were determined by trial and error and are applicable for the s only. The
published weight factor of 40 was used for dew point pressure as suggested by Coats et al (1986).
This new information on tuning the EOS with the s was not found in the open literature. This new information when
applied, show consistency in tuning the EOS with the s and give more accurate predictions than option A (BIC, Pc, Tc and
ω, with VSP included).
Tuning with the VSP and a weight factor of 1 for liquid volume and 10 for Z factor (test B1): Table 1 show that with the
VSP and with a weight factor of 1 for liquid volume and 10 for gas compressibility factor, the prediction of liquid volume
although acceptable was less accurate than option B with deviations higher than 10 % but lower than 15 %.
Tuning with the VSP and a weight factor of 10 for liquid volume (test B2): Table 1 show that with the VSP and with a
weight factor of 10 for liquid volume the prediction of gas compressibility factor was less acceptable than option B with
deviations higher than 3 % but lower than 10 %. The prediction of liquid volume although acceptable was less accurate than
option B with deviations higher than 10 % but lower than 12 %.
Tuning without the VSP and a weight factor of 10 for liquid volume (test B3): Table 1 show that without the VSP and with
a weight factor of 10 for liquid volume, the prediction of gas compressibility factor was less acceptable than option B with
deviations higher than 3 % but lower than 15 %.
Table 2: Differences (Diff. in %) between Predicted (Pred.) and Experimental (Expt.) Dew Point Pressure (DPP) for
Trinidad Sample PL3 and North Sea Sample NS-1, before and after Lumping.
Table 3: Differences (Diff. in %) between Peng-Robinson (1976) EOS Predicted (Pred.) and Experimental (Expt.) Gas
Compressibility (Z) Factor, Liquid Volume (LDO) and Produced Gas (PG) after tuning with Composition to SCN24
for Trinidad Sample PL3 (No Lumping).
Pressure, Expt. Pred. Diff. in Expt. Pred. Diff. in Expt. Pred. Diff. in
psia Z Factor Z Factor % LDO, % LDO, % % PG, % PG, % %
5159.7 0.000 0.000 s 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00
4414.7 0.957 0.970 1.36 1.3 1.2 -7.69 9.7 10.0 3.09
3614.7 0.918 0.926 0.87 2.5 2.6 4.00 22.5 22.9 1.76
2814.7 0.902 0.900 -0.22 3.5 3.7 5.71 37.9 38.1 0.52
2014.7 0.908 0.896 -1.32 4.0 4.1 2.50 55.3 55.0 -0.45
1314.7 0.928 0.912 -1.72 4.0 4.1 2.50 71.0 70.7 -0.39
714.7 0.956 0.942 -1.46 3.8 3.9 2.63 84.2 83.9 -0.31
Table 4: Differences (Diff. in %) between Peng-Robinson (1976) EOS Predicted (Pred.) and Experimental (Expt.) Gas
Compressibility (Z) Factor, Liquid Volume (LDO) and Produced Gas PG) after tuning with Composition to SCN24
for North Sea Sample NS-1 (No Lumping).
Pressure Expt. Pred. Diff. in Expt. Pred. Diff. in Expt. Pred. Diff. in
psia Z Factor Z Factor % LDO, % LDO, % % PG, % PG, % %
6764.7 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00
5514.7 1.089 1.095 0.55 14.1 13.0 -7.80 9.0 9.4 4.17
4314.7 0.972 0.980 0.82 19.7 19.8 0.51 21.7 21.9 0.72
3114.7 0.913 0.915 0.22 21.6 22.7 5.09 38.7 38.6 -0.19
2114.7 0.914 0.901 -1.42 21.3 22.2 4.23 55.7 55.6 -0.15
1214.7 0.937 0.917 -2.13 20.2 20.6 1.98 72.1 72.3 0.21
714.7 0.960 0.939 -2.19 19.3 19.4 0.52 81.3 81.8 0.61
Table 5: Differences (Diff. in %) between Peng-Robinson (1976) EOS Predicted (Pred.) and Experimental (Expt.) Gas
Compressibility (Z) Factor, Liquid Volume (LDO) and Produced Gas (PG) for Trinidad Sample PL3, after Lumping
and Tuning
Pressure, Expt. Pred. Diff. in Expt. Pred. Diff. in Expt. Pred. Diff. in
psia Z Factor Z Factor % LDO, % LDO, % % PG, % PG, % %
5159.7 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00
4414.7 0.957 0.970 1.36 1.3 1.2 -7.69 9.7 10.0 3.09
3614.7 0.918 0.926 0.83 2.5 2.5 0.00 22.5 22.9 1.76
2814.7 0.902 0.899 -0.33 3.5 3.6 2.86 37.9 38.1 0.52
2014.7 0.908 0.895 -1.43 4.0 4.1 2.50 55.3 55.0 -0.45
1314.7 0.928 0.912 -1.72 4.0 4.1 2.50 71.0 70.7 -0.39
714.7 0.956 0.942 -1.46 3.8 3.8 0.00 84.2 84.0 -0.19
Table 6: Differences (Diff. in %) between Peng-Robinson (1976) EOS Predicted (Pred.) and Experimental (Expt.) Gas
Compressibility (Z) Factor, Liquid Volume (LDO) and Produced Gas (PG) for North Sea Sample NS-1, after
Lumping and Tuning.
Pressure Expt. Pred. Diff. in Expt. Pred. Diff. in Expt. Pred. Diff. in
psia Z Factor Z Factor % LDO, % LDO, % % PG, % PG, % %
6764.7 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00
5514.7 1.089 1.095 0.55 14.1 13.0 -7.80 9.0 9.4 4.17
4314.7 0.972 0.980 0.82 19.7 19.8 0.51 21.7 21.9 0.72
3114.7 0.913 0.915 0.22 21.6 22.8 5.56 38.7 38.6 -0.19
2114.7 0.914 0.901 -1.42 21.3 22.3 4.69 55.7 55.5 -0.33
1214.7 0.937 0.917 -2.13 20.2 20.6 1.98 72.1 72.3 0.21
714.7 0.960 0.939 -2.19 19.3 19.4 0.52 81.3 81.8 0.61
SPE 158882 7
Table 7: Calculated Differences (Diff. in %) in the Predicted Dew Point Pressure (DPP), Gas Compressibility (Z)
Factor, Liquid Volume (LDO) and Produced Gas (PG) before and after Lumping, for Trinidad Sample PL3 (Tables 2,
3 and 5) and for North Sea Sample NS-1 (Tables 2, 4 and 6).
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The authors would like to thank the Campus Research and Publication Fund Committee of the University of the West Indies
for providing the financial support for this Research Project.
Authors’ Biographies
Raffie Hosein is a Senior Associate Professor in Petroleum Engineering at The University of The West
Indies in Trinidad. Previously he worked as a Petroleum Engineer with the Ministry of Energy in Trinidad and
later, as a Senior Associate Professor in the Department of Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M University
at Qatar. He received his B.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D degrees in Petroleum Engineering from The University of
The West Indies in Trinidad.
Richard Dawe is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Chemical Engineering at The University of The
West Indies in Trinidad. Previously he was a Professor of Petroleum Engineering at the University of Qatar,
Reader in Reservoir Physics at the Imperial College, London and later as Head of the Petroleum Engineering
in the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of The West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad. Dawe
holds a MA in Chemistry and a DPhil in Physical Chemistry from the University of Oxford.
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Table A1: Compositions and Properties for Trinidad Samples PL1 to PL6 and North Sea Sample NS-1 (Data taken
from Hosein, 2004; Whitson and Torp 1983; Katz and Firoozabadi, 1978)
Component Symbol PL1 PL2 PL3 PL4 PL5 PL6 NS-1 Specific Molecular
Mole % Mole % Mole % Mole % Mole % Mole % Mole % Gravity Wt., g/mol
Carbon dioxide CO2 0.241 0.874 0.350 0.323 0.284 0.585 2.370 0.817 44
Nitrogen N2 0.115 0.058 0.077 0.088 0.077 0.088 0.310 0.809 28
Methane C1 88.040 89.220 91.890 91.650 92.99 91.640 73.190 0.300 16
Ethane C2 4.609 3.553 1.826 3.333 1.83 3.521 7.800 0.356 30
Propane C3 1.536 1.678 1.212 1.222 1.169 1.313 3.550 0.507 44
iso-Butane i-C4 0.385 0.471 0.383 0.316 0.346 0.298 0.710 0.563 58
n-Butane n-C4 0.428 0.559 0.500 0.335 0.447 0.392 1.450 0.584 58
iso-Pentane i-C5 0.224 0.236 0.241 0.152 0.206 0.160 0.640 0.624 72
n-Pentane n-C5 0.186 0.225 0.216 0.125 0.203 0.162 0.680 0.631 72
Hexanes C6 0.312 0.373 0.386 0.188 0.326 0.225 1.090 0.685 84
Heptanes C7 0.561 0.458 0.508 0.346 0.368 0.307 1.214 0.722 96
Octanes C8 0.789 0.583 0.652 0.444 0.471 0.380 1.173 0.745 107
Nonanes C9 0.491 0.319 0.353 0.308 0.297 0.205 0.860 0.764 121
Decanes C10 0.354 0.245 0.286 0.231 0.208 0.157 0.687 0.778 134
Undecanes C11 0.267 0.196 0.194 0.165 0.141 0.113 0.568 0.789 147
Dodecanes C12 0.176 0.127 0.134 0.108 0.089 0.071 0.478 0.800 161
Tridecanes C13 0.197 0.148 0.146 0.122 0.101 0.079 0.407 0.811 175
Tetradecanes C14 0.170 0.105 0.121 0.095 0.079 0.062 0.350 0.822 190
Pentadecanes C15 0.144 0.093 0.103 0.084 0.069 0.053 0.302 0.832 206
Hexadecanes C16 0.119 0.074 0.077 0.068 0.052 0.039 0.262 0.839 222
Heptadecanes C17 0.104 0.066 0.065 0.059 0.045 0.032 0.228 0.847 237
Octadecanes C18 0.099 0.054 0.052 0.049 0.037 0.028 0.199 0.852 251
Nonadecanes C19 0.080 0.045 0.041 0.040 0.031 0.021 0.174 0.857 263
Table A2: Constant Volume Depletion Data (CVD) for Trinidad Gas Condensate Samples PL1 to PL6 measured at
Reservoir Temperature (Data taken from Hosein, 2004).
Pressure Prod. Gas Liquid Vol. Gas Comp. Pressure Prod. Gas Liquid Vol. Gas Comp.
psia (Cum.), % (Cum.), % Factor, Z psia (Cum.), % (Cum.), % Factor, Z
Sample PL1 (reservoir temperature = 186 °F) Sample PL2 (reservoir temperature = 221 °F)
6544.7 0.00 0.00 0.000 7824.7 0.00 0.00 0.000
5814.7 6.14 2.34 1.062 6714.7 6.93 0.70 1.164
5114.7 13.02 4.92 1.003 5614.7 15.70 1.70 1.073
4414.7 21.09 6.53 0.953 4414.7 28.17 3.60 0.983
3614.7 32.01 7.54 0.911 3214.7 44.49 4.90 0.928
2814.7 44.89 8.02 0.886 2214.7 60.77 5.30 0.925
2014.7 59.46 8.15 0.885 1314.7 76.45 5.30 0.945
1314.7 72.95 8.04 0.905 714.7 86.93 5.20 0.968
714.7 84.44 7.81 0.938
Sample PL3 (reservoir temperature = 184 °F) Sample PL4 (reservoir temperature = 197 °F)
5159.7 0.00 0.00 0.000 6404.7 0.00 0.00 0.000
4414.7 9.71 1.30 0.957 5799.7 6.56 0.33 1.079
3614.7 22.50 2.50 0.918 5099.7 13.90 0.92 1.018
2814.7 37.90 3.50 0.902 4399.7 21.40 1.66 0.974
2014.7 55.25 4.00 0.908 3599.7 32.74 2.56 0.932
1314.7 70.98 4.00 0.928 2799.7 45.92 3.30 0.909
714.7 84.16 3.80 0.956 1999.7 60.67 3.73 0.904
1200.7 74.70 3.86 0.919
699.7 86.08 3.84 0.949
Sample PL5 (reservoir temperature = 180 °F) Sample PL6 (reservoir temperature = 202 °F)
4844.7 0.00 0.00 0.000 5922.7 0.00 0.00 0.000
4114.7 10.80 1.00 0.952 5014.7 9.76 0.50 1.002
3414.7 23.06 1.80 0.923 4014.7 22.90 0.90 0.944
2714.7 37.42 2.50 0.910 3014.7 39.78 1.30 0.911
2014.7 53.47 3.00 0.912 2114.7 57.38 1.60 0.906
1314.7 69.81 3.20 0.929 1314.7 73.73 1.80 0.926
714.7 83.58 3.20 0.956 714.7 85.28 1.90 0.954
Table A3: Compositions and Properties for Trinidad Sample PL3 and North Sea Sample NS-1 after Lumping with
Whitson’s (1980) Lumping Scheme.
Component Symbol Sample PL3 Specific Molecular Component Symbol Sample NS-1 Specific Molecular
Mole % Gravity Wt., g/mol Mole % Gravity Wt., g/mol
Carbon dioxide CO2 0.350 0.817 44 Carbon dioxide CO2 2.370 0.817 44
Nitrogen N2 0.077 0.809 28 Nitrogen N2 0.310 0.809 28
Methane C1 91.890 0.300 16 Methane C1 73.190 0.300 16
Ethane C2 1.826 0.356 30 Ethane C2 7.800 0.356 30
Propane C3 1.212 0.507 44 Propane C3 3.550 0.507 44
iso-Butane i-C4 0.383 0.563 58 iso-Butane i-C4 0.710 0.563 58
n-Butane n-C4 0.500 0.584 58 n-Butane n-C4 1.450 0.584 58
iso-Pentane i-C5 0.241 0.624 72 iso-Pentane i-C5 0.640 0.624 72
n-Pentane n-C5 0.216 0.631 72 n-Pentane n-C5 0.680 0.631 72
Hexanes SCN6 0.386 0.685 84 Hexanes SCN6 1.090 0.685 84
SCN7 to SCN9 MCN1 1.513 0.747 106 SCN7 to SCN9 MCN1 3.247 0.747 106
SCN10 to SCN12 MCN2 0.614 0.791 144 SCN10 to SCN13 MCN2 2.141 0.797 151
SCN13 to SCN16 MCN3 0.447 0.828 194 SCN14 to SCN17 MCN3 1.142 0.838 211
SCN17 to SCN21 MCN4 0.223 0.859 258 SCN18 to SCN24 MCN4 0.975 0.869 282
SCN22 to C25+ MCN5 0.122 0.888 356 C25 + MCN5 0.705 0.919 462