NA To Sls en 1992-1-1

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NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1:2013





NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1:2013
Attached Amd 1 (AMD 522)

Gr. 8

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Sri Lanka Standards are subject to periodical
revision in order to accommodate the progress
made by industry. Suggestions for improvement
will be recorded and brought to the notice of the
Committees to which the revisions are

This standard does not purport to include all the

necessary provisions of a contract. 

©  SLSI 2013

All right reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in
writing from the SLSI.
Committees responsible for this National Annex

The preparation of this National Annex was entrusted by Committee SC35/WG/12, upon which the following
bodies were represented:

Eng. S A Karunarathne (Chairman) - Society of Structural Engineers

Eng. H Abeyruwan - University of Peradeniya, Department of Civil Engineering
Eng. G T R de Silva - The Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka
Eng. W M D N Ranasinghe - Provincial Engineering Oraganization – Western Province
Eng. (Prof) S M A Nanayakkara - University of Moratuwa, Department of Civil Engineering
Eng. K L S Sahabandu - Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau
Eng. (Dr) H Sooriyarachchi - University of Ruhuna, Department of Civil Engineering
NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1:2013




This National Annex has been prepared by the Working group on the development of the National Annexes to
Euro Codes (SC35/WG/12), structural use of concrete. It is to be used in conjunction with SLS EN 1992-1-

This National Annex was approved by the Sectoral Committee on Building and Construction Materials and
was authorized for adoption and publication as a Sri Lanka National Annex by the Council of the Sri Lanka
Standards Institution on 2013-10-02.


This National Annex gives Sri Lanka decisions for the Nationally Determined Parameters described in the
following sub clauses of SLS EN 1992-1-1:2012:

— 2.3.3 (3) — (4) — 6.4.3 (6) — (1) — 11.3.5 (1)P
— (1) — 5.1.3 (1)P — 6.4.4 (1) — (1) — 11.3.5 (2)P
— (1) — 5.2 (5) — 6.4.5 (3) — 9.2.2 (4) — 11.3.7 (1)
— (2) — 5.5 (4) — 6.4.5 (4) — 9.2.2 (5) — 11.6.1 (1)
— (3) — 5.6.3 (4) — 6.5.2 (2) — 9.2.2 (6) — 11.6.1 (2)
— (1) — (1) — 6.5.4 (4) — 9.2.2 (7) — 11.6.2 (1)
— (1) — (1) — 6.5.4 (6) — 9.2.2 (8) — (1)
— (2) — (2) — 6.8.4 (1) — (3) — 12.3.1 (1)
— (2) — 5.8.5 (1) — 6.8.4 (5) — 9.5.2 (1) — 12.6.3 (2)
— 3.1.2 (2)P — 5.8.6 (3) — 6.8.6 (1) — 9.5.2 (2) — A.2.1 (1)
— 3.1.2 (4) — 5.10.1 (6) — 6.8.6 (3) — 9.5.2 (3) — A.2.1 (2)
— 3.1.6 (1)P — (1)P — 6.8.7 (1) — 9.5.3 (3) — A.2.2 (1)
— 3.1.6 (2)P — (2) — 7.2 (2) — 9.6.2 (1) — A.2.2 (2)
— 3.2.2 (3)P — (4) — 7.2 (3) — 9.6.3 (1) — A.2.3 (1)
— 3.2.7 (2) — (5) — 7.2 (5) — 9.7 (1) — C.1 (1)
— 3.3.4 (5) — 5.10.3 (2) — 7.3.1 (5) — 9.8.1 (3) — C.1 (3)Note 1
— 3.3.6 (7) — 5.10.8 (2) — 7.3.2 (4) — (1) — C.1 (3)Note 2
— (3) — 5.10.8 (3) — 7.3.4 (3) — 9.8.3 (1) — E.1 (2)
— (5) — 5.10.9 (1)P — 7.4.2 (2) — 9.8.3 (2) — J.1 (3)
— (6) — 6.2.2 (1) — 8.2 (2) — 9.8.4 (1) — J.2.2 (2)
— (7) — 6.2.2 (6) — 8.3 (2) — 9.8.5 (3) — J.3 (2)
— (8) — 6.2.3 (2) — 8.6 (2) — (2) — J.3 (3)
— (13) — 6.2.3 (3) — 8.8 (1) — (3)
— (1)P — 6.2.4 (4) — (1) — (4)
— (3) — 6.2.4 (6) — (3) — (2)


Sri Lanka decisions for the nationally determined parameters described in SLS EN 1992-1-1:2012 are given
in Table NA.1.

NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1:2013

TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-1-1:2012

Sub clause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation Sri Lanka Decision
2.3.3 (3) Value of djoint 30 m 50 m (1) Partial factor for shrinkage action γSH 1.0 Use the recommended value (1) Partial factor for prestress γP, fav 1.0 Use the recommended value (2) Partial factor for prestress γP, unfav 1.3 Use the recommended value (3) Partial factor for prestress γp, unfav for 1.2 Use the recommended value
local effects (1) Partial factor for fatigue loads γF, fat 1.0 Use the recommended value (1) Partial factors for materials for Table 2.1N Use the recommended value
ultimate limit states γC and γS (2) Partial factors for materials for 1.0 Use the recommended value
serviceability limit states γC and γs (2) Value of kf 1.1 Use the recommended value
3.1.2 (2) P Value of Cmax C90/105 Use the recommended value. However, the shear strength
of concrete classes higher than C50/60 should be
determined by tests, unless there is evidence of
satisfactory past performance of the particular mix
including the type of aggregates used. Alternatively,
shear strength of concrete strength classes higher than
C50/60 may be limited to that of C50/60.
3.1.2 (4) Value of kt 0.85 Use the recommended value
3.1.6 (1) P Value of αcc 1.0 0.85(for all phenomena)
3.1.6 (2) P Value of αct 1.0 Use the recommended value
3.2.2 (3) P Upper limit of fyk 600 MPa 500 MPa
3.2.7 (2) Design assumptions for 0.9εuk Use the recommended value
reinforcement : value of εud
3.3.4 (5) Value of k 1.1 Use the recommended value
3.3.6 (7) Design assumptions for prestressing 0.9εuk or if more accurate Use the recommended values
tendons: value of εud values are not known:
εud =0.02 = 0.9

NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1:2013

TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-1-1:2012(continued)

Sub clause Nationally Determined Eurocode recommendation Sri Lanka Decision

Parameter (3) Value of cmin.b Post-tensioned bonded tendons in Use the recommended values
rectangular ducts: greater of the smaller
dimension or half the greater
Post –tensioned bonded tendons in
circular ducts:diameter.
Pre-tensioned tendons: 1.5 x diameter
of strand or plain wire, 2.5 x diameter
of indented wire. (5) Structural classification and Table 4.3 N for structural classification Use the recommended values
values of minimum cover due Tables 4.4 N and 4.5 N for values of
to environmental conditions cmin.dur
Cmin,dur (6) Value of ∆cdur,γ 0 mm Use the recommended value (7) Value of ∆cdur,st 0 mm Use the recommended value (8) Value of ∆cdur,add 0 mm Use the recommended value (13) Value of k1, k2, k3 k1 = 5 mm Use the recommended values
k2 = 10 mm
k3 = 15 mm (1)P Value of ∆cdev 10 mm Use the recommended value (3) Value of ∆cdev under Expressions (4.3 N) and (4.4 N) Use the recommended values
controlled conditions (4) Values of k1 and k2 k1 = 40 mm Use the recommended value
k2 = 75 mm

NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1:2013

TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-1-1:2012 (continued)

Sub clause Nationally Determined Eurocode recommendation Sri Lanka Decision

5.1.3 (1) P Simplified load arrangements The following load arrangements Use any of the following three options.
should be considered a) Consider the two load arrangements recommended in the
a) alternate spans carrying the design Eurocode for alternate and adjacent spans.
variable and permanent load b) Consider the two following arrangements for all spans and
(γQQk + γGGk+Pm), other spans alternate spans:
carrying only the design permanent 1) all spans carrying the design variable and permanent
load γGGk+ Pm; load (γQQk + γGGk+Pm),
b) any two adjacent spans carrying 2) alternate spans carrying the design variable and
the design variable and permanent permanent load (γQQk + γGGk+Pm), other spans
loads (γQQk+ γGGk+Pm; all other carrying only the design permanent load γGGk + Pm;
spans carrying only the design the same value of γG should be used throughout the
permanent load, γGGk+Pm structure;
c) For slabs, use the all spans loaded arrangement described
in b)1) if:
1) in a one-way spanning slab the area of each bay
exceeds 30 m2;
2) the ratio of the variable load Qk to the permanent load
Gk does not exceed 1,25; and
3) the variable load Qk does not exceed 5 kN/m2 excluding
When analysis is carried out using the load arrangement
described in b)1), the resulting support moments except
those at the supports of cantilevers should be reduced by
20 %, with a consequential increase in the span moments.
In this context a bay means a strip across the full width of a
structure bounded on the other two sides by lines of support.
5.2(5) Value of θo 1/200 Use the recommended value

NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1:2013

TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-1-1:2012 (continued)

Sub clause Nationally Determined Eurocode recommendation Sri Lanka Decision

5.5 (4) Moment redistribution formula: k1 = 0.44 For steels with fyk ≤ 500 MPa
values of k1, k2, k 3, k 4, k 5 and k2 = 1.25(0.6 + 0.0014/ εcu2)
k1 = k3 = 0.4
k6 k3 =0.54
k4=1.25 (0.6 + 0.0014/ εcu2) k2 = k4 = 0.6 + 0.001 4/ ε cu2
k5 =0.7 k5 = 0.7
k6=0.8 k6 = 0.8
For steels with fyk > 500 MPa, more restrictive values than
those given for steels with fyk ≤ 500 MPa may have to be
5.6.3 (4) Values of θ pl,d Figure 5.6 N Use the recommended values (1) Values of λ lim λ lim = 20. A.B.C/ (√n) Use the recommended value (1) Values of k 1 0.31 Use the recommended value (2) Value of k 2 0.62 Use the recommended value
5.8.5 (1) Methods of second order Choice of the following two Use either method
analysis simplified methods:
a) Methods based on nominal
b) Method based on nominal
5.8.6 (3) Value of γcE 1.2 Use the recommended value
5.10.1 (6) Methods of avoid brittle failure Methods A to E Any of the methods A to E
of prestressed members (1)P Maximum stressing force: k 1 = 0.8 Use the recommended values
values of k 1and k 2 k 2 = 0.9 (2) Maximum stressing force; value 0.95 Use the recommended value
of k 3 (4) Minimum strength of concrete at k 4 = 50 % Use the recommended values
various stages of prestressing : k 5 = 30 %
values of k 4 and k 5

NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1:2013

TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-1-1:2012(continued)

Sub clause Nationally Determined Eurocode recommendation Sri Lanka Decision

Parameter (5) Increase of stress at time of k 6 = 0.7 Use the recommended value
transfer of prestress:value of k6
5.10.3 (2) Prestressing force immediately k 7 = 0.75 Use the recommended values
after tensioning : values of k 7 k 8 = 0.85
and k 8
5.10.8 (2) Value of ∆σp,ULS 100 MPa Use the recommended value
5.10.8 (3) Values of γ∆P,sup and γ∆P,sup = 1.2 Use the recommended values
γ∆P,inf γ∆P,inf = 0.8
Both values taken as 1.0 if linear
analysis with uncracked sections
is applied
5.10.9 (1)P Values of rsupand rinf For pre-tensioning, unbounded Use the recommended values
rsup = 1.05 and rinf= 0.95
For post-tensioning, bonded
tendons :
rsup = 1.10 and rinf = 0.90
When appropriate measures (e.g.
direct measurements of
pretensioning) are taken
rsup = 1.0 anmd rinf = 1.0
6.2.2 (1) Values of CRd,c, vmin and k1 for CRd,c = 0.18/γc Use the recommended values
normal shear vmin = 0.035 k3/2fck1/2
k1 = 0.15
6.2.2 (6) Value of v v = 0.6(1-fck/250) Use the recommended value
6.2.3 (2) Limiting values of cotθ 1 ≤ cotθ ≤ 2.5 1 ≤ cotθ ≤ 2.5, except in elements in which shear co-exists with
externally applied tension (i.e. tension caused by restraint is
not considered here). In these elements, cotθ should be taken as

NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1:2013

TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-1-1:2012 (continued)

Sub clause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation Sri Lanka Decision
6.2.3 (3) Values of v1 and αcw v1= v as described by Use the recommended values
Expression (6.3N) or takes the values given in
Expressions (6.10.aN) and (6.10.bN)
αcw takes the values given in Expressions
(6.11 aN), (6.11.bN) and (6.11 cN)
6.2.4 (4) Range of values of cotθ f 1.0 ≤ cotθf ≤ 2.0 for compression flanges Use the recommended value
1.0 ≤ cotθf ≤ 1.25 for tension flanges
6.2.4 (6) Value of k 0.4 Use the recommended value
6.4.3 (6) Values of β β = 1.5 for a corner column Use the recommended values
β = 1.4 for an edge column
β = 1.15 for an internal column
6.4.4 (1) Values of CRd,c, vmin and k 1 for punching shear CRd,c = 0.18/γc Use the recommended values
vmin = 0.035 k 3/2fck1/2 (refer also to 3.1.2 (2)P for a
k 1 = 0.1 requirement for concrete class
> C50/60)
6.4.5 (3) The value of maximum punching resistance VRd,max = 0.5vfcd Use the recommended value
adjacent to column VRd,max
6.4.5 (4) The distance kd of the outer perimeter of punching k = 1.5 k = 1.5 unless the perimeter at
shear reinforcement from the perimeter Uout which the reinforcement is no
longer required is less than 3d
from the face of the loaded
area/column. In this case the
reinforcement should be placed
in the zone 0.3d and 1.5d from
the face of the column.
6.5.2 (2) Value of v’ v’ = 1 - fck/250 Use the recommended value
6.5.4 (4) Value of k1, k2, k3 k1 = 1.0 Use the recommended values
k2 = 0.85
k3 = 0.75
6.5.4 (6) Value of k 4 k 4 = 3.0 Use the recommended value

NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1:2013

TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-1-1:2012 (continued)

Sub clause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation Sri Lanka Decision
6.8.4 (1) Values of γF,fat and parameters for S-N curves γF,fat = 1.0 Use the recommended values

Values of parameters for S-N curves for

reinforcing steels given in Table 6.3N
Values of parameters for S-N curves for
prestressing steels given in Table 6.4N
6.8.4 (5) Value of k2 5 Use the recommended value
6.8.6 (1) Values of k 1 and k 2 k 1 = 70 MPa Use the recommended values
k 2 = 35 MPa
6.8.6 (3) Value of k3 0.9 Use the recommended value
6.8.7 (1) Fatigue: values for N and k1 N = 106 cycles Use the recommended values
k1 = 0.85
7.2 (2) Value of k1 0.6 Use the recommended value
7.2 (3) Value of k2 0.45 Use the recommended value
7.2 (5) Value of k 3, k 4, k 5 k 3 = 0.8 Use the recommended values
k 4 = 1.0
k 5 = 0.75
7.3.1 (5) Limitations of crack width wmax Table 7.1N Use Table NA.2
7.3.2 (4) Value of σct,p fct,eff in accordance with 7.3.2 (2) Use the recommended value
7.3.4 (3) Maximum crack spacing in k 3 = 3.4 Use the recommended values
Expression (7.11): values for k 3 and k 4 k 4 = 0.425
7.4.2 (2) Values of basic span/depth ratios Table 7.4N Use Table NA.3
8.2 (2) Values of k 1 and k 2 k 1 = 1 mm Use the recommended values
k 2 = 5 mm
8.3 (2) Minimum mandrel diameter øm,min Table 8.1N Use the recommended table in
Eurocode (Table 8.1N)

NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1:2013

TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-1-1:2012(continued)

Sub clause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation Sri Lanka Decision
8.6 (2) Anchorage capacity of a welded bar Fbtd = ltdøtσtd ≤ Fwd Use the recommended value

8.8 (1) Additional rules for large ølarge > 32 mm Use the recommended value
diameter bars: limiting bar size (1) Beams: minimum reinforcement areas As,min = 0.26(fctm/fyk)btd ≥ 0.001 3btd Use the recommended value (3) Beams: maximum reinforcement areas As,max = 0.04Ac Use the recommended value (1) Beams: minimum ratio of span bending moment to be β1 = 0.15 β1 = 0.3
assumed at supports in monolithic construction (1) Anchorage of bottom reinforcement at an end support: area β2 = 0.25 β1 = 0.3
of steel provided over supports with little or no
end fixity in design
9.2.2 (4) Minimum ratio of shear reinforcement in the form of links β3 = 0.5 Use the recommended value
9.2.2 (5) Minimum shear reinforcement ρw,min = (0.08√fck)/ fyk Use the recommended value
9.2.2 (6) Maximum longitudinal spacing of shear assemblies sl,max = 0.75d(1 + cotα) Use the recommended value

9.2.2 (7) Maximum longitudinal spacing of bent-up bars sb,max = 0.6d (1 + cotα) Use the recommended value

NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1:2013

TABLE NA.1 — Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-1-1:2012 (continued)

Sub-clause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation Sri Lanka decision

9.2.2 (8) Maximum transverse spacing of st,max = 0.75d ≤ 600 mm The spacing of links in the direction of the span should not exceed
links 0.75d. At right-angles to the span, the horizontal spacing should be
such that no longitudinal tension bar is more than 150 mm from a
vertical leg and maximum distance between vertical legs should be ≤
400 mm; this spacing should in any case not exceed d. (3) Value of smax,slabs For principal reinforcement: Value for principal reinforcement shall be 3h subject to a maximum of
3h ≤ 400 mm 300 mm
For secondary reinforcement: Value for secondary reinforcement shall be 3.5h subject to a maximum
3.5h ≤ 450 mm of 300 mm
Except in areas with concentrated loads or Except in areas with concentrated loads or maximum moment where:
maximum moment where: Value for principal reinforcement shall be 2h subject to a maximum of
For principal reinforcement: 250 mm
2h ≤ 250 mm Value for secondary reinforcement shall be 3h subject to a maximum of
For secondary reinforcement: 350 mm
3h ≤ 400 mm
9.5.2 (1) Minimum diameter of ømin = 8 mm ømin = 12 mm
longitudinal reinforcement in
9.5.2 (2) Minimum area of longitudinal As,min = 0.10NEd/fyd or 0.002Ac, whichever As,min = 0.10NEd/fyd or 0.004Ac, whichever is greater
reinforcement in columns is greater
9.5.2 (3) Maximum area of longitudinal As,max = 0.04Ac outside laps unless it The longitudinal reinforcement should not exceed the following
reinforcement in columns can be shown that the integrity of the amounts, calculated as percentages of the gross cross-sectional area of
concrete will not be affected and that the concrete:
the full strength is achieved at the ULS. Vertically cast column = 6% (As,max = 0.06Ac)
As,max = 0.08Ac at laps Horizontally cast column = 8% ( As,max = 0.08Ac)
Laps in vertically or horizontally cast columns = 10% ( As,max = 0.1Ac)
9.5.3 (3) Maximum spacing of transverse scl,tmax should take the least of the Use the recommended value
reinforcement in columns scl,tmax following three values:
a) 20 times the minimum diameter of the
longitudinal bars;
b) the lesser dimension of the column;
c) 400 mm.

NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1:2013

TABLE NA.1 — Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-1-1:2012 (continued)

Sub-clause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation Sri Lanka decision

9.6.2 (1) Minimum and maximum area As,vmin = 0.002Ac As,vmin = 0.004Ac
of vertical reinforcement in walls As,vmax = 0.04Ac outside lap locations For As,vmax use the recommended value
unless it can be shown that the
integrity of the concrete is not affected
and that the full strength is achieved
at the ULS. This limit may be doubled
at laps.
9.6.3 (1) Minimum area of horizontal As,hmin = 25 % of the vertical Use the recommended value. Where the crack control is important early
reinforcement in walls reinforcement or 0.001Ac, whichever is age thermal and shrinkage effects should be considered explicitly.
9.7 (1) Minimum area of distribution As,dbmin = 0.1 % but not less than 150 Use the recommended value
reinforcement in deep beams mm2/m in each face and in each
9.8.1 (3) Value of ømin for pile caps 8 mm 10 mm (1) Value of ømin for columns and wall 8 mm 10 mm
9.8.3 (1) Value of ømin for tie beams 8 mm 10 mm
9.8.3 (2) Minimum downward load for tie q1 = 10 kN/m To be determined for each individual project.
9.8.4 (1) Values of q2 and ømin q2 = 5 Mpa Use the recommended values
ømin = 8 mm
9.8.5 (3) Values of h1 and As,bpmin h1 = 600 mm Use the recommended values. However for piles of
As,bpmin from Table 9.6N Ac < 0.25 m2 minimum diameters of longitudinal bars to be decided by
the designer subject to the limit of 10 mm. (2) Force to be resisted by peripheral tie: q1= 10 kN/m q1= 10 kN/m
values of q1 and q2 q2 = 70 kN q2 = 70 kN

NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1:2013

TABLE NA.1 — Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-1-1:2012 (continued)

Sub-clause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation Sri Lanka decision (3) Minimum tensile force that an internal Ftie,int = 20 kN/m Ftie,int = [(qk + gk)/ 7.5](lr/5)(Ft) ≥ Ft kN/m
tie is capable of resisting Where
(qk + gk) is the sum of the average permanent and variable floor
lr is the greater of the distance ( in m) between the centres of the
columns, frames or the walls supporting any two adjacent floor spans in
the direction of the tie under consideration; and
Ft= (20 + 4n0) ≤ 60.
Maximum spacing of internal ties = 1.5 lr
9.10.2 .3 (4) Internal ties on floors without screed: q3 = 20 kN Ftie,int = (1/7.5)(qk + gk)(lr/5)(Ft) ≥ Ft kN/m
values of q3 and q4 q4 = 70 kN Where
(gk + qk) is the sum of the average permanent and variable floor loads in
lr is the greater of the distance ( in m) between the centres of the
columns, frames or the walls supporting any two adjacent floor spans in
the direction of the tie under consideration; and
Ft= (20 + 4n0) ≤ 60.
Maximum spacing of internal ties = 1.5 lr
(q3 and q4 values are not given ,as they are in-built in to the formulae
given here) (2) Force to be resisted by F tie,fac = 20 kN per metre of the facade F tie, fac = 20 kN per metre of the façade.
horizontal ties to external F tie, col = 3% of total vertical ultimate load carried by the column.
columns and/or walls provided F tie,col = 150 kN Additionally , F tie,col ≥ lesser of 2 Ft or
at each floor level: values of
[(Ft ls ) /2.5] kN
F tie,fac and F tie,col
Where , ls is the floor to ceiling height in metres; and
Ft is the total design ultimate vertical load carried by the column or wall
at that level.
11.3.5 (1)P Value of αIcc (light weight aggregate 0.85 Use the recommended value

NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1:2013

TABLE NA.1 — Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-1-1:2012 (continued)

Sub-clause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation Sri Lanka decision

11.3.5 (2)P Value of αIcc (light weight aggregate 0.85 Use the recommended value
11.3.7 (1) Value of k k = 1.1 for lightweight aggregate Use the recommended value
concrete with sand as fine aggregate
k = 1.0 for lightweight aggregate (both
fine and coarse aggregate) concrete
11.6.1 (1) Values of ClRd,c , v l,min and k1 ClRd,c = 0.15/ γc Use the recommended values
v l,min = 0.30 k 3/2flck1/2
k = 0.15
11.6.2 (1) Values of v1 v1 = 0.5η1(1- flck/250) Use the recommended value Value of k2 0.08 Use the recommended value
12.3.1 (1) Values of αcc,pl and α (plain concrete) αcc,pl = 0.8 αcc,pl = 0.6
α = 0.8 α = 0.6
12.6.3 (2) Values of k 1.5 Use the recommended value
A.2.1 (1) Values of γs,red1 1.1 1.15
A.2.1 (2) Values of γc,red1 1.4 1.5
A.2.2 (1) Values of γs,red2 and γc,red2 γs,red2 = 1.05 γs,red2 = 1.15
γc,red2 =1.45 γc,red2 =1.5
A.2.2 (2) Values of γc,red3 1.35 γc,red3=1.5
A.2.3 (1) Values of η and γc,red4 η=0.85 Use the recommended values
γc,red4 = 1.3
C.1 (1) Value for fatigue stress range, minimum Table C.2N Use the recommended values
relative rib area and β β = 0.6
C.1 (3) Note 1 Values of a for determination of fyk, k, εuk For fyk, a = 10 MPa; k, a = 0, εuk, a = 0 Use the recommended values

C.1 (3) Note 2 Values of a for determination of fyk, k, εuk Minimum and maximum values for fyk, Use the recommended values
k, εuk in accordance with Table C.3N

NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1:2013

TABLE NA.1 — Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-1-1:2012 (continued)

Sub-clause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation Sri Lanka decision

E.1 (2) Values of indicative strength classes Table E.1N Use the recommended Table E.1N
J.1 (2) Value of As,surfmin 0.01Act,ext Use the recommended value

J.2.2 (2) Values of tanθ 0.4 ≤ tanθ ≤ 1 Use the recommended value
J.3 (2) Value of k1 0.25 Use the recommended value
J.3 (3) Value of k2 0.5 Use the recommended value

TABLE NA.2 – Recommended values of wmax.

Exposure Reinforced members and Presented members with bonded tendons

prestressed (frequent load combination)
Members without bonded tendons mm
(quasi-permanent load combination)
X0, XCl 0.3 0.2
XC2, XC3, XC4 0.3 0.2a
XD1, XD2, XD3, XS1, 0.2 and decompressionb
XS2, XS3
For these exposure classes, in addition, decompression should be checked under the quasi-permanent combination
of loads.
ω max = 0.2 mm applies to parts of the member that do not have to be checked for decompression

NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1:2013

TABLE NA.3 – Basic ratios of span/effective depth for reinforced concrete members without axial compression

Structural system K Concrete highly stressed Concrete light stressed

ρ = 1.5 % ρ = 0.5%
Simply supported beam, one-or two-way
Spanning simply supported slab 1.0 14 20
End span of continuous beam or one-way
Continuous slab or two-way spanning slab 1.3 18 26
continuous over one long side

Interior span of beam or one-way or two-

way spanning slab 1.5 20 30
Slab supported on columns without beams
(flat slab) (based on longer span) 1.2 17 24

Cantilever 0.4 6 8
1. The values given have been chosen to be generally conservative and calculation may frequently show that thinner
members are possible.
2. For two-way spanning slabs, the check should be carried out on the basis of the shorter span. For flat slabs the longer
span should be taken.
3. The limits given for flat slabs correspond to a less severe limitation than a mid-span deflection of span/250 relative to
the columns. Experience has shown this to be satisfactory.
4. The values of k in the table may not be appropriate when the formwork is struck at an early age or when the construction
loads exceed the design load. In these cases, the deflections may have to be calculated using advice in specialist literature,
e.g the Concrete Society’s report on deflections in concrete slabs and beams [1] and an article for the Magazine of
Concrete Research entitled “ Are existing span to depth rules conservative for flat slabs?” [2]
5. The ratio of area of reinforcement provided to that required should be limited to 1.5 when the span/depth ratio is
adjusted. This limit also applies to any adjustments to span/depth ratio obtained from Expressions (7.16a) or (7.16b) from
which this table has been derived for concrete class C30/37.

1 — Deflections in concrete slabs and beams, Technical Report No.58, Concrete Society 2005.
2 —VOLLUM, R.L. and T.R. HOSSAIN, Are existing span t depth rules conservative for flat slabs?, Magazine of Concrete Research, vol. 54, issue 6,


AMD NO.522: 2019

AMENDMENT No.01 approved on 2019- 06-12 to NA to SLS EN 1992-1-1: 2013


Page 13
TABLE NA.1 — Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in
SLS EN 1992

Delete the entire row of sub-clause 9.6.2 (1) and substitute the following row.

Sub- Nationally Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision

clause Determined
9.6.2 (1) Minimum and As,vmin = 0.002Ac Use the Euro code
maximum area As,vmax = 0.04Ac outside lap locations recommendation
of vertical unless it can be shown that the
reinforcement in integrity of the concrete is not affected
walls and that the full strength is achieved
at the ULS. This limit may be doubled
at laps.

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