Tutorial Letter 201/3/2019: Semesters 1
Tutorial Letter 201/3/2019: Semesters 1
Tutorial Letter 201/3/2019: Semesters 1
Semesters 1
Dear Student
In this tutorial letter, you will find guidelines regarding the examination as well as comments on
Assignment 02.
Below is an extract from the university about demarcation of work or “scope’ for examination:
NB: In terms of a decision reached by the College, lecturers may not demarcate or “scope”
specific work for examination purposes and examination questions should be based on all
the work covering the notional hours of modules. Lecturers should encourage students to
learn everything. In cases where competencies or skills are assessed differently during the
tuition period, the various methods of assessment will be spelled out clearly by the lecturer
in Tutorial Letter 201.
Your semester 1 examination is scheduled for May/June 2019. Please check MyUnisa for
examination dates.
You will be informed of the precise date of the examination as soon as the examination dates are
announced. You are advised to start preparing for the examination well in advance. The
assignments play an important part in the preparation process since they have been compiled in
such a way that you are required to work through all the relevant tutorial matter systematically. It is
in your best interest to study consistently throughout the year.
Start studying in good time.
Be realistic when you draw up your study programme. Do not try to learn too much in
one session. Make sure that you have enough time for revision.
Make sure that you know WHERE, WHEN and AT WHAT TIME you are scheduled to
write your examination. Students who arrive on the wrong day, at the wrong time or at
the wrong venue will not be allowed to write a supplementary examination.
Read the question paper through carefully and make sure you understand what is
being asked. You should analyse each question to establish what is expected of you.
Many students begin answering the questions too hastily, that is, they simply start to
answer the questions without understanding exactly what is being asked.
Take note of the marks allocated for each question. One fact/idea usually counts one
Answer the questions that you have the least difficulty with first and then go back to the
questions you had problems with. Your initial difficulties could be the result of stress.
Tackle the questions again when you are calmer and more at ease.
Do not repeat the same facts by presenting them in a different way. Apply your
knowledge. Give your own original examples and not those in the manual.
Some of the questions might be asked in the form of case study or in the form of a
scenario. In this case you need to understand the concept, roles, steps etc., of the
particular content and then apply that understanding on the case study question.
Be positive about the examination. A degree of tension can be expected, but do not
allow it to take over. Take a few deep breaths before you start answering the paper to
help you relax.
It is important to understand what is being asked. You should therefore understand the meaning of
the keywords to be able to interpret the questions correctly.
Look at the verbs (action words). They state what you are supposed to do.
Name/list: Only state the facts – do not expand.
Describe (state, summarise, review, and sketch):
Simply record how you see a particular issue/phenomenon; provide a brief
Discuss: This is a comprehensive term and includes terms such as compare, motivate and
Compare: Weigh different elements against one another and indicate similarities and
Motivate: The emphasis is on the reasons for a particular decision or point of view. A
certain degree of elaboration is needed, but the main emphasis lies on the
analysis of the motives/reasons.
Explain: Write explanatory notes.
The prescribed textbook: Weinstein, E & Rosen, E (eds). 2003. Teaching children about
health. 2nd edition. “A multidsciplinary Approach” Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson.
Tutorial Letter 501/3/2019, which serves as your study guide. Please note that your
study guide 501/3/2019, contains some topics that might not be included in your
prescribed book and/or the study guide content might expand the content represented in
the prescribed book. Examples: Study unit 1: introduction to health and health
education defines health and further elaborate on how heredity, behaviour and
lifestyle, environment, health care systems and development can affect health in
the South African context, explain factors affecting school health education and
discussion on parental involvement in health education etc.
All tutorial letters for this module.
The assignments – use assigments mainly to familiarise yourself with how
questions are asked.
Do the study tasks, self-evaluation questions and test-your-knowledge as
contained in your study guide and on MyUNISA as posted by e-tutors as well.
Pay attention to the presentation and discussions posted by e-tutors.
that you can apply what you learned in practice as such some questions will be
asked in a case study/ scenario/ situational style.
The following guidelines regarding the examination paper are of the utmost importance:
Note the marks allocated for each question. It is unnecessary to write an answer
that is half a page in length if the question totals five marks. In the case of a question
that counts 10 marks, an answer of half a page should be sufficient, provided that all
the relevant facts are given.
The prescribed textbook must be studied in conjunction with Tutorial Letter 501/2018
(which serves as your study guide).
Write clearly and legibly.
Number the answers to the questions correctly in accordance with the question
numbers indicated on the examination paper.
Please remember to enter the numbers of the questions that you answered in the
column provided on the front page of the examination script.
Formulate your answers concisely. Keep to the point – write down only the facts
expected of you.
Start preparing for the examination well in advance.
For assignment 02 comments will be provided in individual assignments, the following can
be noted:
Please adhere to the technical guidelines for assignments. Marks are allocated for the application of
knowledge in the context of the given questions.
As mentioned earlier, some questions arei n the form of case studies. These questions are aimed at
assisting you in applying what you have learnt to a “real life situation”. As a guide, a case study
from your assignment is cited:
Question 1
Your school has introduced a feeding scheme programme because it is classified as Quintile1&2
school. The school principal appointed you as a project manager. Your responsibilities include
choosing the right meals for the children, managing suppliers and food handlers and drawing a policy fir
the feeding scheme.
1.1. You have been requested to write a letter to parents explaining the school feeding
scheme policy. Mention at least two points you would include in your letter about the
school feeding scheme in line with the Department of Basic Education mandate. (4)
1.2. Which meals will you propose to be included in the scheme? Discuss the nutritional value
of the food chosen. (8)
1.3. It is important for the school feeding scheme project manager to be well vested with
children’s nutrition. Discuss five nutrition objectives in children. (10)
1.4. What will be the effect of insufficient calcium in children’s’ diet? (2)
1.5. Differentiate between obesity and malnutrition with own examples for each explanation. (6)
This case study has covered several areas including the Basic Education curriculum. This is
in line with your learning outcome 2 or Unit 2 (page 4 of Tutorial 101). This is an attempt to
get you familiarised with the current curriculum in South Africa. If you are in a country outside
South Africa, you are welcome to use examples from your country’s education system. The
case study also requires you to apply what you learned under Nutrition (Chapter 3 of your
prescribed book). The exam question will however would not expect you to apply education
policies that are not in the prescribed book. Such questions will only be confined to
assignments as you will have time to research.
Some students are of the belief that Environmental Health is not part of the HEC101V
curriculum. Please note that it is part of your HEC1010V. This is captured as follows:
Learning Outcome 2: To help analyze and apply health education curriculum for your
particular phase. This implies that in South Africa we will have to understand the CAPS Life
Skills and Life Orientation, and this includes environmental health. Environmental Health
forms part of your prescribed book.
Finally, you need to seriously participate on MyUnisa HEC101V forum. Your contribution and
questions asked by other student are a good testing ground for your subject matter.
Health education
Health promotion
Abuse and types of abuse
School safety
Pollution etc in a way that you can differentiate one concept from the other and be
able to discuss it or answer application questions in the
I hope you have found your study of this course an enjoyable and enriching experience. All the best
for the examination!
Tel: 012 429 6521
E-mail: [email protected]