"Shall I Help You With Your Homework?": Learning Objectives

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1. Students are able to understand the social

function, text structure, and linguistic elements of the
expression texts provide suggestions and offers.

2. Studentsare able to identify the social function,

text structure, and linguistic elements of the text of
suggestion and bid phrases

3. Students are able to compose text of expression

dialogue giving suggestion and offer by paying
attention to social function, text structure, and
linguistic element which is correct and according to
context in pairs.

4. Students are able to demonstrate the expression of

giving suggestions and bids in pairs in front of the
Rabiatul Syahna
Npm: 3061612053

First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished writing
the book entitled “Suggestion and offering” right in the calculated time.

The purpose in writing this book is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mr. Kuzairi,.M.Pd
as lecturer in Curriculum Material Development II. In arranging this book, there are many
activities available for you to do individually or with other students. These activities explore
your creativity. You are expected to be skillful in doing the exercises, acting out dialogues,
constructing sentences or texts and the other activities that facilitate you to be skillful in using
English in communication.

Last but not least, the writers are very grateful to all people who have helped and
given their input, support and encouragement. Hopefully, this book will help you learn
English in a communicative way.

Banjarmasin, Mei 2018

Rabiatul Syahna
1 Giving a suggestion

1. Definitions of suggest

Suggest means to present a Suggest means to

suggestion that is introduce propose a plan, it can
or purposean idea or a plan Suggestion is abstract and be accepted or refused.
can be in form of
for consideration
sulotions, advice, plan
and idea.

2. Expression/Gambits

When making suggestion, we often use the following expressions.

 Let's.........
 Why don't you.......
 We could......
 What about...........
 How about........
 I suggest that......
 You need to change......
 You might want to change......
 I think
 I dont think
3. Responding to suggestion.

Making Suggestion Responding Suggestion Declining suggestion

Let’go swimming. Okey, let’s go No, thank you. I do not feel

like going.
Why don’t you ask your Ok, I will. Sorry, I think I won’t do that
mom before going out? for my mom is going to the
How about going to Tomy’s That’s a good idea. No, I can’t. I’ll just go to the
place first and then to the supermarket.
gym ?
I think you should see and All right, if you say so. Sorry, I can’t. I have
talk to her. something important to do
this morning.
Let’s go on to see the korean Yes. Let’s go. No,let’s stay for a while.
festival in Banjarbaru today.

4. Sentence structure to suggest something

Subject Verb That Object

I suggest that he clean his room.
We recommend that she read “the hunger games”
I purpose that a repport should be sent in
I put forward that we work together on this
We advise that he work hard
I advocate that we support them in every way
Practise the following dialogues. Pay attention to the
situations and the language used.



Tony and Mery are talking about movie at the canteen.

Tony : Hei Mery, do you have a free time this Saturday?

Mery : Hmm, let me think for a while. I think I am free this Saturday. What’s up Tony?

Tony : Yeah actually I want to invite you to go to the new mall.

Mery : I’m sorry Tony. I am not interested to go there. The mall is new and I think there will
be many people.

Tony : Yeah I think so. Do you have any suggestion about another place?

Mery : Yes, I do. Would you like to go to cinema? I heard that is a new movie

Tony : Good idea. What movie is it?

Mery : A romance entitled “Forever”.

Tony : I’m sorry Mery. I don’t like romance movie.

Mery : That’s okay Tony. What do you think we should watch?

Tony : How about action movie?

Mery : Nice idea. I like that kind of movies.

Tony : Alright Mery, I think it is better for us to watch action movie because we both like it.

Mery : Of course Tony.

Now using the format of Dialogue 1, change the name and expressions used in the
dialogue. Then act it out with your partner.

Make a short dialogue using the expressions of giving a suggestion individually.


1. Definitions of offering

Offer means to give Offers can be given in

something physical or terms of food, money,
abstract to someone , which sulotions, friendships
can be taken as a gift or a or a bargain. It can be
trade. taken or refused.

2. Expressions/Gambits

When making offers, we often use the following expressions.

 May.........
 Can I.......
 Shall I.....
 Whouldyou....
 How about you...

3. Example for offers

 Can I help you?

 May I dinner with your family tonight?
 Would you like another piece of a cake?
 Shall I give you money?
 Shall i help you with your homework?
 How about i help you with this?
 I will do the washing, if you like.
 Can I clean the car for you?
4. Responding to offers

Making offers Responding offers Declining offers

Can I help you? Yes, please. I really It’s okay. I can do it myself.
appreciate it.
Shall I bring you some tea? Thank you, It is very kind of No, thank you.

Would you like another Yes, please. That would be No, thanks. I dont want
helping of a cake? lovely. another helping.

How about i help you with Yes, please. That would be Don’t worry. I will do it
this? very kind of you. myself.

Can i take you home? Thank you. I appreciate your That’s alright. I will manage
help. on my own.

5. Sentence structure to suggest offers.

Subject Verb Object

Whould You care for another cup of tea?
Shall We take care there?
Could I offer you something?
Will You have tea with that?
Choose the correct answer based on the dialogue!

1. Mr Bean : Hello, Miss Smith. Would you like a cup of coffee? I'm just making some.
Miss Smith : Oh, yes please, that would be lovely.
Mr Bean : How do you take it?
Miss Smith : With milk and sugar please.
Mr Bean: Here you are.
Miss Smith: Thank you.

The underlined expression expresses ...

A. Offering something
B.Offering help
C. Accepting an offer
D. Declining an offer
E. Refusing an offer

2. Dany: Good morning Jane, do you want an ice cream?

Jane: Oh, great! ______, I'd love one.
Dany: Chocolate or Strawberry?
Jane: Chocolate, please.

2. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

A. Yes, please.
B. No Thanks
C. Don't bother
D. Never mind
E. Not for me

Respond to suggestion and offers given below.

1) Can I help you?

2) Shall I bring a book to read?

3) Why don’t you join us for party?

4) Let’s go to the restaurant for lunch.

5) Why don’t you go and get something to eat?

Correct the best answer!

1. ____________________ the washing , if you like.

a. Can I
b. Would you
c. I'll do
d. Let's

2. ____________________ like a cup of coffee?

a. Can I
b. I'll do
c. Would you
d. Should I

3. Hey Siti, ____________________ go star gazing tonight.

a. are you
b. how about
c. shall them
d. would you like to

4. Indry : The box you brought looks very heavy. ________

Putry : Sure. It’s very kind of you. Thanks.

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

A. Would you like me to help you?
B. Would I like to help me?
C. Would you like to help me?
D. Would you like to bring it for me?

5. Andry : Some of our friends will join the concert tomorrow. Would you like to go with
Sintya : _________ It will very interesting. I need to refresh my mind this time.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. I’d love to but I don’t think I can come
B. I’m really sorry. I already have my own plan
C. Well, I’m not sure
D. What a great idea!

1. Buku Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA kelas XI (Kurikulum 2013 edisi revisi)

2. http://www.pendidikanbahasainggris.com/2017/02/penjelasan-suggestions-dan-offers.html

3. http://samuderabahasainggris.blogspot.co.id/2016/05/suggestions-dan-soal-serta-

4. https://www.itapuih.com/2016/08/offering-something-beserta-contoh-soal.html

5. https://azbahasainggris.com/contoh-dialog-bahasa-inggris-expressing-of-suggestion

6. http://www.englishcafe.co.id/percakapan-bahasa-inggris-menggunakan-expression-of-

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