Final Model 2 With Random Effects: The Mixed Procedure

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Final Model 2 with Random Effects

The Mixed Procedure

Saturday, May 13, 2017 07:42:35 PM  1
Model Information


Dependent Variable exam_score

Covariance Structure Unstructured

Subject Effect sch_id

Estimation Method REML

Residual Variance Method Profile

Fixed Effects SE Method Model­Based

Degrees of Freedom Method Satterthwaite


Covariance Parameters 4

Columns in X 15

Columns in Z per Subject 2

Subjects 65

Max Obs per Subject 198

Number of Observations

Number of Observations Read 4059

Number of Observations Used 4059

Number of Observations Not Used 0

Iteration History

Iteration Evaluations ­2 Res Log Like Criterion

0 1 9430.65736792

1 2 9109.06318045 0.00004472

2 1 9109.02416680 0.00000023

3 1 9109.02397178 0.00000000
Final Model 2 with Random Effects

The Mixed Procedure

Saturday, May 13, 2017 07:42:35 PM  2

Convergence criteria met.

Covariance Parameter Estimates

Standard Z
Cov Parm Subject Estimate Error Value Pr Z

UN(1,1) sch_id 0.06737 0.01482 4.55 <.0001

UN(2,1) sch_id 0.01385 0.006045 2.29 0.0220

UN(2,2) sch_id 0.01262 0.004303 2.93 0.0017

Residual 0.5238 0.01183 44.28 <.0001

Fit Statistics

­2 Res Log Likelihood 9109.0

AIC (Smaller is Better) 9117.0

AICC (Smaller is Better) 9117.0

BIC (Smaller is Better) 9125.7

Null Model Likelihood Ratio

DF Chi­Square Pr > ChiSq
3 321.63 <.0001

Information Criteria


9109.0 4 9117.0 9117.0 9120.5 9125.7 9129.7

Solution for Fixed Effects
Final Model 2 with Random Effects

The Mixed Procedure

Saturday, May 13, 2017 07:42:35 PM  3
student  band of 
t Value Pr > |t|
level  studenrs
verbal  school  intake  Standard
Effect reasoning gender score Estimate Error DF

Intercept ­0.3594 0.1238 69.1 ­2.90 0.0050

lrt 0.4646 0.03857 67.2 12.05 <.0001

vr 1 0.2083 0.2453 57.8 0.85 0.3993

vr 2 0.09427 0.1356 57.3 0.70 0.4898

vr 3 0 . . . .

lrt*vr 1 ­0.1751 0.05717 59.8 ­3.06 0.0033

lrt*vr 2 ­0.09130 0.04507 53.9 ­2.03 0.0478

lrt*vr 3 0 . . . .

sch_gen 1 ­0.2688 0.07502 51.7 ­3.58 0.0008

sch_gen 2 ­0.1520 0.1037 53.6 ­1.47 0.1483

sch_gen 3 0 . . . .

ave 0.5402 0.2472 56.5 2.19 0.0330

band 1 0.7746 0.05348 4008 14.48 <.0001

band 2 0.3697 0.04079 3984 9.06 <.0001

band 3 0 . . . .

Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects

Num Den
Effect DF DF F Value Pr > F

lrt 1 95.1 251.06 <.0001

vr 2 57.1 0.36 0.6977

lrt*vr 2 56.3 4.80 0.0119

sch_gen 2 53.1 6.45 0.0031

ave 1 56.5 4.78 0.0330

band 2 4004 114.17 <.0001

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