Modul Engmid

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Hello, My Name Is Midwife Jane

Example 1:
Situation : Midwife Susan Johnston is meeting her patient Ms Anne Watson (52)
for the first time. Ms Watson has injured her back when she is
Midwife : Good afternoon, Ms watson. My name is Susan and I’ll be looking
after you this afternoon.
Patient : Hello Susan. Please call me Anne-Ms Watson is so formal.
Midwife : Ok! How are you feeling today, anne?
Patient : Not so good actually, Susan. I had a bad night’s sleep and my back is
really aching.
Midwife : I’m very sorry to hear that, Anne. Let me take your obs and then I’ll
see if I can do anything about your sore back.
Midwife : There you go, Anne. I hope you’re feeling more comfortable now.
Patient : Thanks Susan. I feel much better
Midewife : That’s great. I need to go now, but if you need me at all just use the
buzzer. See you soon.
Patient : Thanks! Bye

Dibawah ini Ada Beberapa Contoh Percakapan Atau Greetings yang biasa
digunakan untuk memperkenalkan diri kita kepada lawan bicara secara formal
maupun Informal, anda bisa memilih mana yang sekiranya sesuai dengan situasi
yang ada nantinya.

Example 1:
Formal Greetings: Arriving
Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.
Hello (name), how are you?
Good day Sir/ Madam (very formal)

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Informal Greetings: Arriving
Hi/ Hello
How are you?
What’s up? (Very informal)
How are you doing? (Very informal)
It’s important to note that the question “how are you?” or “What’s up?” doesn’t
necessary need a response. If you do respond, these phrases are generally
Very well, thank you. And you? (Formal)
Fine/great (informal).

Informal Greetings: Departing

Goodbye / Bye
See you (later)
Later (very informal).
Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.
Good / nice to see you again.
I’m glad/ happy/ pleased to see you.
How are you? Fine, thanks. And you?
How have you been? Very well, and you?
How are things? Not too bad, thanks.
How is your girlfriend? She’s fine.
How are you doing? I’m pretty good
How about yourself?

When you first start midwifery training. It can feel as though you need to
learn a whole new language. Listed below are some of the more common
abbreviations you may see or hear on placement.

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Midwife Terminology & Abbreviations
AF - Artificial Feed
ANC - Antenatal Clinic
ANP - Advance Neonatal Practitioner
APH - Antepartum Haemorrhage
ARM - Artificial Rupture of Membranes
BAT - Brown Adipose Tissue
BBA - Born before Arrival
BCP - Biochemical Profile
BD - Twice Daily
BF - Breast Feeding
BFI - Baby Friendly Initiative
BMI - Body Mass Index
BNO - Bowels Not Open
BO - Had Bowels Open
BP - Blood Pressure
BPM - Beats per minute
CCt - Controlled Cord Traction
CEMACH - Confidential Enquiry Into Maternal and Child Health
CESD I- Confidential Enquiry into Stillbirth and Deaths in Infancy
CSU - Catheter Specimen of Urine
CTG - Cardiotocograph
CS - Caesarean Section
C & S - Culture and Specimen
CVS - Chorionic Villus Sampling
CX - Cervix
D & C - Dilatation and Curettage
D & V - Diarrhea and Vomiting
DIC - Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
DNA - Did Not Attend
DTA - Deep Transverse Arrest
DVT - Deep Vein Thrombosis
EBM - Expressed Breast Milk

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ECV - Eternal Cephalic Version
EDD - Estimated Date of Delivery
EFM - Electronic Fetal Monitoring
EFW - Estimated Fetal Weight
Epis - Episiotomy
EMLSCS- Emergency Lower Segment Caesarean Section
ERPC - Evacuation of Retained Products of Conception
FAS - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
FBC - Fetal Blood Count
FBS - Fetal Blood Sample
FE - Iron
FGM - Female Genital Mutilation
FHR - Fetal Heart Rate
FHHR - Fetal Heart Heard Regular
FMF - Fetal Movements Felt
FSE - Fetal Scalp Electrode
GA - General Anesthetic
G & S - Group and save
gbs - Group B Streptococcus
GI - Gastro Intestinal
GTT - Glucose Tolerance Test
HAI - Hospital Acquired Infection
HB - Hemoglobin
HBAC - Home Birth After Caesarean
HFFD - High Ferguson Forceps Delivery
HELLP- Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Proteins and Low Platelets
HR - Heart Rate
HPV - Human Papilloma Virus
HVS - High Vaginal Swab
HSE - Health and Safety Executive
HSV - Herpes Simplex Virus
HX - History of
I/P - Intrapartum

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IOL - Induction of Labor
IM - Intramuscular
IU - International Units
UID - Intrauterine Death
IUGR - Intrauterine Growth Retardation
IV - Intravenous
IVF - In Vitro Fertilization
IVI - Intravenous Infusion
KFD - Kiedlland Forceps Delivery
KSF - Knowledge Skills Framework
LBW - Low Birth Weight
LFD - Light for Dates
LFT - Liver Function Test
LMP - Last Menstrual Period
LOA - Left Occipito Anterior
LOL - Left Occipito Lateral
LOP - Left Occipito Posterior
LOT - Left Occipito Transverse
LSCS - Lower Segment Caesarean Section
LVS - Low Vaginal Swab
MAP - Mean Arterial Pressure
MDT - Multi Disciplinary Team
Mec - Meconium
MOT - Medical Obstetric Team
MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MSSU - Mid Stream Specimen of Urine
MSU - Mid Stream Urine
NAD - Nothing Abnormal Detected
NAS - Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
NB - Normal Birth
NBFD - Neville Barnes Forceps Delivery
ND - Normal Delivery
NEC - Necrotizing Enter colitis

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NICU - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
NICE - National Institute of Clinical Excellence
NIEL - Not In Established Labor
NIDDM- Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
NND - Neonatal Death
NNU - Neonatal Unit
NMC - Nursing and Midwifery Council
NSAID- Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug
NSF - National Service Framework
O/E - On Examination
ODA - Operating Department Assistant
ODP - Operating Department Practitioner
OP - Occipito Posterior Position – see position
O/P - On Palpation – often written this way by the docs!
P - Pulse
P/A - Par Abdomen (sometimes seen before documenting palpation)
PCT - Primary Care Trust
P/S - Per Speculum
PCA - Patient Controlled Analgesia
PE - Pulmonary Embolus
PIH - Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
PGD - Patient Group Directive
PKU - Phenylketonuria
PN - Postnatal
PO - Orally
PPH - Postpartum Hemorrhage
PP - Presenting Part
PPROM- Prelabour Premature Rupture of Membranes
PR - Per Rectum
PRN - As required
PROM - Premature Rupture of Membranes
PU - Pass Urine
PV - Per Vaginam

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QDS - For Time Daily
RDS - Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Rh - Rhesus factor
ROA - Right Occipito Anterior
ROL - Right Occipito Lateral
ROP - Right Occipito Posterior
ROT - Right Occipito Transverse
SB - Still Birth
SBR - Serum Bilirubin
SC - Subcutaneous
SCBU - Special Care Baby Unit
SFD - Small for Dates
SGA - Small for Gestational Age
SHO - Senior House Officer
SIDS - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
SIGN - Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
SOB - Sub Occipito Bregmatic
SOB - Shortness of Breath
SPD - Symphysis Pubis Disorder
SROM - Spontaneous Rupture of Membranes
STD - Sexually Transmitted Disease
STI - Sexually Transmitted Infection
STS - Skin to Skin
SVD - Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery
TCI - To Come In
TDS - Three Time Daily
TEDs - Thromboembolic deterrent stockings
TTO - To take Out (Medications)
U & E - Urea and Alectrolytes
USS - Ultrasound Scan
UTI - Urinary Tract Infection
VBAC - Vaginal Birth After Caesarean

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VE - Vaginal Examination. Would be more correctly written EPV
(examination per vaginam) as you are examining via the vagina, not
examining the vagina itself!
VX - Vertex- the clinical name for the fetal head. Usually used during
vaginal birth – the first sighting of the fetal head would be written as VX
(Vertex) visible in the notes.


1. What Is Midwifery?
The Simplest definition of midwifery id “with women”, but truly,
midwifery means different things to different people. For many, the midwifery
model is an attitude about women and how pregnancy and birth occur, and
view that pregnancy and birth are normal events until proven otherwise. It is
an attitude of giving and sharing information, of empowerment, and of
respecting the right of a woman and her family to determine their own care.
The attitude of midwifery, or the midwifery model can be contrasted with
the medical model. In general, the medical model is an attitude that there is
potential pathology in any given situation, and that medicine can assist to
improve the situation. Medicine is also about teaching, informing, and
prevention, but the power seems to be more with the provider rather than
with the women.
Historically, midwives have always been around to help women give
birth. Before physicians, midwives were the medicine women of their own
cultures, and assisted families and women throughout their lives. In the Old
Testament they were described as examples of the strength and faith in God.
Midwives were once the nutritionists, herbalists, doctors, ministers,

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counselors all rolled into one ‘profession’. Many feel they were the first
holistic practitioners. Midwives were always available to help the poor, the
woman without medical care or the women who were the outcasts of their
culture. Today, midwives take care of anyone who wishes to see them, but
practice within the constraints of their medical and legal systems.
Today midwives are as diverse as the populations they serve. Midwives
are willing to take care of anyone who wishes to see them. Over 70% of
births in the world are attended by midwives. In the Netherlands, midwives
deliver a majority of the babies. Other countries do not utilize midwives to
their fullest potential. Each country worldwide has a slightly different view of
midwifery, and of how midwives work within their communities. In scammed
midwifery, midwives will speak from these various perspectives and cultures.
Midwives are encouraged to share their statistics and work situations within
this newsgroup.
The World Health Organization (WHO) presents us with the following
definition of the midwife:
A midwife is a person who, having been regularly admitted to a
midwifery educational programed, duly recognized in the country in which it is
located, has successfully completed the prescribed course of studies in
midwifery and has acquired the requisite qualifications to be registered
and/or legally licensed to practice midwifery.
(WHO,FIGO,ICM Statement)

2. What Do Midwives Do ?
Midwives teach, educate and empower women to take control of their
own health care. In most communities, they provide parental care, or
supervision of the pregnancy, and then assist the mother to give birth. They
manage the birth, and guard the women and her newborn in the postpartum
period. Most midwives encourage and monitor women throughout their labor
with techniques to improve the labor and birth. Reassurance, positive
imaging and suggestion to change positions and walk help labors progress.
Many midwives provide family planning services and routine women’s
health examinations such as pap smears and physical examinations. They

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teach women about sexually transmitted infections, and focus on prevention
of the spread of infections. What specifically midwives do will depend upon:
her training, her licensure, and what is allowed in the state, province, or
country in which she practices. For example, in the United states some
midwives can prescribe medications, provide women’s health care
throughout the menopause years. Midwives worldwide attend births in the
home, hospital or birthing center, depending upon their education and
licensure, and the rules governing their practice. Midwives believe it is
especially important to provide time for questions, the aching, and time to
listen to the concerns and needs of the women they care for.
The WHO definition of the midwife gives us the following information :
She must be able to give the necessary supervision, care and advice to
women during pregnancy, labor and the postpartum period, to conduct
deliveries on her own responsibility and to care for the newborn and the
infant. This care includes preventative measures, the detection of abnormal
conditions in mother and child, the procurement of medical assistance and
the execution of emergency measures in the absence of medical help. She
has an important task in health counseling and education, not only for the
women, but also within the family and the community. The worth should
involve antenatal education and preparation for parenthood and extends to
certain areas of gynecology, family planning and child care. She may practice
in hospitals, clinics, health unit, domiciliary conditions of in any other survive.
(WHO, FIGO, ICM Statement).

3. How Do I Become A Midwife?

There are many different paths to becoming a midwife, which path you
choose will depend on many factors: where you live, what the rules and
regulations are in your state or country which governs midwives, your age
and education, and what sorts of experiences you have had with birthing.
The most important thing is that you need to look at your reasons for wanting
to become a midwife are, both short term and long term. This will help you
determine which path is best for you. The resource published my midwifery
today getting an Education: Paths to Becoming a Midwife gives good

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guidance and information about the various paths to becoming a midwife. In
some areas women start as childbirth educators and/ or doulas. To become
exposed to birth and working with pregnant women.

4. Where Do I Find A Midwife?

Seek midwives in your community, state and country of province.
Speak, with local childbirth educators about midwives they know, and of
course, talk with your friends about their birth experiences and their particular
choice of provider. Watch for health fairs in your area, check with herb and
health food stores and ask questions of other types of health providers such
as massage therapists.
Sometimes a call to the local hospital or health center will give you
information about midwives, childbirth educators and doulas. Some systems
have referral systems for midwives in place, and you can easily locate your
La Leche League or other groups that work with mothers and infants, and
ask for names of midwives they know. There might be a listing within your
phone book for midwives, but some midwives are not listed there due to
finances or legalities. For example, in the US, Sometimes only CNMs are
found in the yellow pages and it might be more difficult in find the names of
midwives who attend homebirths. Contact nurse practitioners in your area
your local Health Department and planned Parenthood. They will usually tell
you their favorite provider’s first.

5. Is Midwifery Care Safe ?

A guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth is s collaborative
effort to prepare, maintain and disseminate reviews of randomized trials of
health care using the Cochrane database. This in an international effort, and
a very readable resource. The database is based on a decade long study of
controlled trials in obstetric care concerning different aspects of care and
treatment. It also describes the approaches and decisions that have been
demonstrated effective and those for which the evidence in inconclusive or
negative. “As technical advances became more complex, care has come to
be increasingly controlled by, if not carried out by, specialist obstetricians.

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The benefits of this trend can be seriously challenged. Direct comparisons of
care given by a qualified midwife with medical back up with medical or
shared care show that midwifery care was associated with a reduction in a
range of adverse psycho social outcomes in pregnancy, and with reductions
in the use of acceleration of labour, regional analgesia/anesthesia, operative
vaginal delivery, and episiotomy. (p15,). BIRTH : Issues in Perinatal Care
Vol:22, No 2: June 1995 summarizes this resource.
A second excellent resource is Obstetric Myths Versus Research
Realities. This lists many recent abstracts from medical research in an
organized and systematic fashion. It would be impossible to quote them, and
one needs to review this text to appreciate its value.
Women seeking assistance for her pregnancy and birth will find
providers at all points along the spectrum: physicians that are highly
interventive, physicians that behave similarly to midwives. That are non
interventive, trusting herbs and other modalities, and midwives that practice
like physicians. The onus is on the women and her family to question the
available providers and find the match that best suits her individual needs.


IN the lesson I, you will learn what and how to use the Parts of Speech, pronouns,
Numbers, reading the time or hour, simple present tense and the present progressive
1) Parts Of Speech
(the parts of the sentence)
there are 8 parts of the sentence that you should know before studying languages
in further Britons, eight areas are:
Part of Function or “job” Example words Example
speech sentences
Action or state (to) be, have, do, English is
Verb like, work, sing, a website. I like
can, must

Thing or person Pen, dog, work, This is my dog. He

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Noun music, town, lives in my house.
London, teacher, We live in London.
Describes a noun a/an, the, 69, My dog is big. I like
Adjective some, good, big, big dogs
red, well,
Describes a verb, Quickly, silently, My dog eats quickly.
Adverb adjective or adverb well, badly, very, When he is very
really hungry, he eats
Adverb really quickly
Pronoun Replaces a noun I, you, he, she, Tara is Indian. She
some is beautiful
Preposition Links a noun to another To, at, after, on, We went to school
world but on Monday.
Conjunction Join clauses for And, but, when I like dogs and i like
sentences or words cats. I like cats and
dogs. I like dogs but
i don’t like cats.
Interjection Short exclamation, Oh!, ouch!, hi!, well Ouch ! that hurts !
sometimes inserted into Hi ! how are you?
a sentence. Well, I don’t know.

Here is a sentence that contains every part of speech:

interjection Pron. Conj. Adj. noun verb perp noun adverb

Well she and young Jhon walk to school slowly

Di bawah ini adalah contoh-contoh dari penggunaan pronoun atau kata ganti
orang :

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1) Pronoun (Kata ganti orang)

Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive

Adjective Pronoun pronoun
I Me My Mine Myself
You You Your Yours Yourself
She Her Her Hers Herself
He Him His His Himself
It It Its - Itself
We Us Our Ours Ourselves

They Them Their Theirs Themselves

Example :

- He opens His Books.

- Your Open Your Books. noun / object that follows after "PA".

- We Open Books

- I Open Mine.

- She Opens Hers. noun / object that follows after "PP".

- They Open Theirs.

- He Cuts Himself

- She Cuts Herself noun / object that follows after "RP".

- I cut myself

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2) Numbers
the types are :
1) Cardinal Numbers (Bilangan pokok)
Whole Numbers also known as Cardinal Numbers – used for
counting used to calculate
Symbol Word Pronounce it
0 Naught 0
1 One 1
2 Two 2
3 Three 3
4 Four 4
5 Five 5
6 Six 6
7 Seven 7
8 Eight 8
9 Nine 9
10 Ten 10
11 Eleven 11
12 Twelve 12
13 Thirteen 13
14 Fourteen 14
15 fifteen 15
16 Sixteen 16
17 Seventeen 17
18 Eighteen 18
19 Nineteen 19
20 Twenty 20
21 Twenty one 21
30 Thirty 30
40 Forty 40
50 Fifty 50
60 Sixty 60
70 Seventy 70

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80 Eighty 80
90 Ninety 90
100 One hundred 100
101 One hundred and one 101
102 One thousand 102
1,000,000 One million 1,000,000
1,000,000,000,000 One billion 1,000,000,000,000

2. Ordinal Numbers

Ordinal Numbers – used for ranking

In figures In words Pronounce it
1st The first 1st
2nd The second 2nd
3rd The third 3rd
4th The fourth 4th
5th The fifth 5th
6th The sixth 6th
7th The seventh 7th
8th The eight 8th
9th The ninth 9th
10th The tenth 10th
11th The eleventh 11th
12th The twelfth 12th
13th The thirteenth 13th
14th The fourteenth 14th
15th The fifteenth 15th
16th The sixteenth 16th
17th The seventeenth 17th
18th The eighteenth 18th
19th The nineteenth 19th
20th The twentieth 20th

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21st The twenty first 21st
22nd The twenty second 22nd
23rd The twenty third 23th
24th The twenty fourth 24th
25th The twenty fifth 25th
26th The twenty sixth 26th
27th The twenty seventh 27th
28th The twenty eighth 28th
29th The twenty ninth 29th
30th The thirtieth 30th
40th The fortieth 40th
50th The fiftieth 50th
60th The sixtieth 60th
70th The seventieth 70th
80th The eightieth 80th
90th The ninetieth 90th
100th The hundredth 100th
101st The hundred and first ...
1000th The thousandth 1000th

3. Fraction Numbers

Symbol word Pronounce it
1/8 One eighth 1/8
1/5 One fifth
¼ One quarter 1/4
¾ Three quarters 3/4
1/3 One third 1/3
2/3 Two thirds
½ One half 1/2

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4. Summary Of Numbers

Symbols Word (common term in brackets) Pronounce it

+ Plus (and) +
- Minus ( take away) -
× Multiplied by (Times) ×
÷ Divided by ÷
= Equals (Is) =
. Point .
% Percent %
((1 + 6)- 2) One plus six minus two multiplied by 1+6-2x
x2 ÷ 2.5= 4 two divided by two point five equals 2÷2.5=4
one and six take away two times
two divided by two point five is four
10% Ten percent of one hundred equals 10%
100=10 ten. 100=10
5) Telling the time
a) Learning to tell time
Clocks and watches have both a big hand to tell the minutes and a little hand to
tell the hour. Look at the picture below. The hour hand is pointing to the 1, and
the minute hand is pointing to the 12 (or 0 minutes). It is exactly one o’clock.

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Another way to write one o’clock is 1:00. The symbol : is called a colon. It
separates the hours from the minutes. The number one can the left side of
colon tells the hour and the number on the right side tells the minutes.

b) To tell the time, you look at the hour hand first and then the minute hand.

In the picture above, the hour hand is pointing to the number 1, and minute
hand is pointing to the number 15 (look at the outside of the clock), so it is one –
fifteen, or 1:15. You can also use the red hour marks to count the minutes by
fives: five, ten, and fifteen.
Notes that the hour hand is not pointing exactly at the 1, but has moved a little
to the 2. As the minute hand moves from one hour to the next. You will be using
a program that shows you how the two hands move as we just described.
Most clocks only show the hour numbers. Some have no numbers at all. From
now on, our examples will only show the hour numbers. The program that you
will be practicing with has no numbers. You just need to remember where they
are. If you forget, go back and look at the picture at the top of this page.
There are two types of clocks:
 A clock with hands, called an analog clock
 A clock with numbers only, called a digital clock
In this lesson you are learning to tell time on an analog clock. A digital clock
tells you both the hour and the minutes using numbers, such as 11:35. Later
you will practice telling and setting the time on both types of clocks.

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c) What time does this clock show?

In this picture, you can see that the hour hand is pointing a little bit after the 2.
The minute hand is pointing to the 4, so you know it is 20 minutes past the hour.
Remember that you can count the minutes by 5’s using the hour marks. The
time on this clock is 2:20, or two-twenty.

d) Different ways to say the time

You can divide an hour, which is 60 minutes long. Into four parts. The parts are
divided by the 0, 15, 30, and 45 minute marks as shown in the picture below.
Each of the four parts are called quarters. In the table below, you will learn

some ways to say the time using the word “quarter”.

When the number of minutes is greater than 30, instead of saying the number of
minutes after the hour, you can say the number of minutes before the next hour,
or the number of minutes to the hour.
The following table shows different ways to say the time, including the word
“quarter” and the word “to”.

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Time Ways to say the Time
4:00 Four o’clock
2:15 Two – fifteen
quarter past two
6:30 Six – thirty
Half past six
2:45 Two – forty – five
quarter to three
7:50 Seven – fifty
Ten to eight
8:11 Eight – eleven
eleven minutes past eight
11:48 Eleven – forty – eight
twelve minutes to twelve
12:00 Twelve o’clock
noon ( middle of the day)
midnight (middle of the night)

e) Practice Telling the Time

Try telling the time on this clock:

Try this one :

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Sometimes the minute hand will point between two hour marks. You can count
by 5’s up to the hour mark before the minute hand, then count the minute marks
up to where the minute hand is pointing. For example, look at this clock :

You count 5-10-15-20. Then count the minute marks 21-22-23. The time is
seven-twenty-three, or 7: 23.

f) What time is it in these example?

Read the short description below: (contoh penggunaan waktu di dalam

sebuah essay)

I usually get up at a quarter past seven- that’s seven fifteen in the morning. I
have breakfast at eight o’clock and then take the bus to work at half past eight.
I usually arrive at work at quarter to nine. Sometimes, the bus is late and I

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arrive at about nine. My morning is usually pretty busy and I like taking a coffee
break at twenty to eleven if possible. I then work to lunchtime at noon. In the
afternoon, I usually have another break at three fifteen. I usually finish work at
a quarter to five and arrive home around six in the evening. At night, I usually
go to bed at eleven o’clock.

g) Look at the rules for or telling time in English.

In English we use “past” to We use “to” to say times

say times after the hour until before the hour from 31
half past, or 30 minutes past minutes until the full hour.
the hour.
In English we use o’clock We can also just say the
only at the full hour. numbers in groups of two.

Example: It’s eight o’clock Example: It’s seven twenty-

When speaking about the Be careful! In English we
different times of they day use at night NOT in the night
we often use: in the
morning, in the afternoon, in
the evening

6). Simple Present Tense

Dibawah ini ada beberapa contoh bentuk kata kerja beraturan dan kata
kerja tidak beraturan yang akan kita gunakan didalam pembelajaran “Lesson 1”,
anda diharapkan untuk bisa mengingatnya !

Contoh kata kerja beraturan / REGULER VERB:

No. V1 V2 V3 V-ing
1. Examine examined Examined Examining
2. Inject Injected Injected Injecting
3. Insert Inserted Inserted Inserting

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4. Help Helped Helped Helping
5. Prepare Prepared Prepared Preparing
6. Control Controlled Controlled Controlling
7. Listen Listened Listened Listening
8. Smile Smiled Smiled Smiling
9. Cry Cried Cried Crying
10. Pay Paid Paid Paying
11. Try Tried Tried Trying
12. Study Studied Studied Studying
13. Fix Fixed Fixed Fixing
14. Check up Checked up Checked up Checking up
15. Work Worked Worked Working
16. Play Played Played Playing
17. Watch Watched Watched Watching
18. Visit Visited Visited Visiting
19. Wait Waited Waited Waiting
20. Start Started Started Starting
21. Measure Measured Measured Measuring
22. Carry Carried Carried Carrying
23. Explain Explained Explained Explaining
24. Hope Hoped Hoped Hoping
25. Mop Moped Moped Moping
26. Walk Walked Walked Walking
27. Play Played Played Playing
28. Smoke Smoked Smoked Smoking
29. Have Had Had Having
30. Cut Cut Cut Cutting

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Contoh kata kerja tidak beraturan/IRREGULER VERB :

No. V1 V2 V3 V-ing
1. Eat Ate Eaten Eating
2. Drink Drank Drunk Drinking
3. Give Gave Given Giving
4. Take Took Taken Taking
5. Begin Began Begun Beginning
6. Forget Forgot Forgotten Forgetting
7. Do Did Done Doing
8. Go Went Gone Going
9. Buy Bought Bought Buying
10. Speak Spoke Spoken Speaking
11. Break Broke Broken Breaking
12. Sleep Slept Slept Sleeping
13. Feel Felt Felt Feeling
14. Fall Fell Fallen Falling
15. Wear Wore Worn Wearing
16. Shine Shone Shone Shining
17. See Saw Seen Seeing
18. Spend Spent Spent Spending
19. Build Built Built Building
20. Write Wrote Written Writing
21. Steal Stole Stolen Stealing
22. Find Found Found Finding
23. Fight Fought Fought Fighting
24. Bite Bit Bitten Biting
25. Throw Threw Thrown Throwing
26. Blow Blew Blown Blowing
27. Fly Flew Flown Flying
28. Draw Drew Drawn Drawing
29. Bring Brought Brought Bringing
30. Understand Understood Understood Understanding

Page 25

Setiap tenses baik yang berbentuk simple ataupun progressive pasti

memiliki cirinya tersendiri, dan tenses simple present tense ini menjelaskan
atau digunakan untuk menjelaskan tentang kejadian sehari-hari (usual events)
atau kejadian fakta (fact events) yang terjadi disekitar kita.

a. Time Marked/keterangan waktu : NOW & EVERY

b. To be : IS ; AM ; ARE

(+) S + TO BE (IS,AM,ARE) + A/C

(-) S + TO BE (IS,AM,ARE) + NOT +A/C
(?) TO BE (IS, AM, ARE) + S + A/C

1. (+) He is a Doctor
(-) He is not/isn’t a Doctor
(?) Is he a Doctor?
Yes, he is
No, he isn’t

(+) She is a Midwife

Page 26
(-) She is not/isn’t a Midwife
(?) Is he a Midwife ?
Yes, she is
No, she isn’t

(+) It is a syringe
(-) It is not/isn’t a syringe
(?) Is he a syringe?
Yes, it is
No, it isn’t

No. I
1. (+) I am a Doctor
(-) I am not a Doctor
(?) Am I a Doctor?
Yes, I am
No, I am not

(+) I am a Midwife
(-) I am not a Midwife
(?) Am I a Midwife?
Yes, I am
No, I am not

3. (+) I am a student Midwife

(-) I am not a student Midwife
(?) Am I a student Midwife?
Yes, I am
No, I am not

Page 27
1. (+) We are Doctor
(-) We are not Doctor
(?) Are We Doctor?
Yes, we are
No, we aren’t

(+) They are Midwife

(-) They are not Midwife
2. (?) Are we Midwife?
Yes, we are
No, we aren’t

(+) You are Here

3. (-) You aren’t Here
(?) Are you Here?
Yes, you are
No, you aren’t


Penggunaan kata kerja yank digunakan di dalam tenses ini adalah kata
kerja pertama (verb 1) dan kata kerja di dalam present tense ini sedikit
unik, karena kata kerjanya bisa berubah-ubah.
Adapun perubahan kata kerja tersebut tergantung subject.
Note : Apabila kata kerja bertemu dengan subject tunggal (He ; She ;
It) maka kata kerja tersebut juga terbagi dua, menjadi : kata kerja –es
(berakhiran –es) & kata kerja –s (berakhiran –s)
Seperti yang dicontohkan di bawah ini :
(+) S + Ves/s + O + A/C
(-) S + DOES NOT/DOESN’T + V1 + A/C
(?) DOES + S + V1 + A/C

Page 28

For examples :Ves Vs

- Kata kerja ditambah –es apabila kata - Kata kerja hanya ditambah –s apabila
kerja tersebut mengandung 9 akhiran) kata kerja tersebut tidak mengandung
- Adapun 9 akhiran tersebut adalah : 9 akhiran)
1. –ch = watch → watches - Contoh :
2. –sh = wash → washes 1. Speak = speaks
3. –x = fix → fixes 2. Run = runs
4. –z = buzz → buzzes 3. Talk = talks
5. –s = pass → passes 4. Bring = brings
6. – dy = study → studies 5. Drink = drinks
7. – ry = cry → cries 6. Dll.
8. –ly = fly → flies
9. – o = go → goes

Catatan penting :

- kata kerja “HAVE” apabila bertemu dengan subject tunggal (he; she; it) akan
berubah menjadi “HAS”


sebagai contoh :

1. Midwife Brenda..........(Watch) TV now.

(+) She Watches TV now.
(-) She Doesn’t Watch TV now.
(?) Does She Watch TV now???
Yes, She Does
No, She Doesn’t

2. My litte brother..........(go) to school every day.

(+) He Goes to school yesterday.
(-) He Doesn’t Go to school every day.

Page 29
(?) Does He Go to school every day???
Yes, He Does
No, He Doesn’t

3. The Cat ...........(chase) the mouse. (tidak ada Time Marked. Berarti
tetap milik Present tense karena salah satu fungsi dari Present Tense
adalah menjelaskan tentang “Fact Events”)
(+) It Chases the mouse.
(-) It Doesn’t Chase the mouse.
(?) Does It the mouse???
Yes, It Does
No,It Doesn’t

4. Midwife Tania..........(have) a new nursing uniform now.

(+) She Has a new nursing uniform now.
(-) She Doesn’t Have a new nursing uniform now.
(?) Does She Have a new nursing uniform now ???
Yes, It Does
No, It Doesn’t

Apabila kata kerja ketemu dengan Subject jamak (They :We : I : You)
maka kata kerja tersebut TIDAK BERUBAH.

Sebagai contoh :


(+) S + V1 + O + A/C
(-) S + DO NOT/DON’T + V1 + A/C
(?) DO + S + V1 + A/C?


Page 30
Salah satu syarat MUTLAK yang menunjukan bahwa kalimat tersebut adalah
Simple Present Tense selain Time marked (now & every) adalah adanya
Adverb of frequency:
seperti : - Always
- Usually
- Often
- Sometimes Adverb of Frequency
- Seldom
- Rarely
- Never

 Dimana letak Adverb of Frequency ini selalu SEBELUM KATA KERJA !

Sebagai contoh :
1. (+) They always speak English everyday
(-) They don’t always speak English everyday
(?) Do they always speak English every day?
Yes, they do
No, they don’t
2. (+) She often eats milk every night
(-) She doesn’t often eats milk every night
(?) Does she often eats milk every night?
Yes, she does
No, she doesn’t

7. Present Progressive Tense :

Tenses ini menjelaskan kejadian yang sedang anda lakukan atau berlangsung
saat ini dan bukan bersentuhan dengan kejadian yang anda lakukan setiap
harinya. Adapun ciri dari tenses adalah sbb:
a. Time Marked/Keterangan waktu
- Right Now
- Ada Keterangan Five Senses (Lima Panca Indera)
- Ada Keterangan Gambar
- Ada Keterangan Waktu

Page 31
b. To Be : IS; AM; ARE
c. Rumus Progressive Tense :
Pada dasarnya bentuk rumus progressive memiliki SATU BUAH RUMUS
YANG SAMA, yang membedakan hanya pada “TO BE” nya saja. Seperti
contoh dibawah ini :

(+) S + TO BE (IS; AM; ARE) + V-ing + A/C

(-) S + TO BE (IS; AM; ARE) + NOT + V-ing + A/C

(IS) + V-ing
(AM) + V-ing (ARE) +V-ing (subject
(subject tunggal)
(+) He is speaking English (+) I am speaking English (+) We are speaking English
(-) He isn’t speaking (-) I am not speaking (-) We aren’t speaking English
English English (?) Are we speaking English?
(?) Is he speaking (?) Am I speaking English? Yes, we are
English? Yes, I am No, we aren’t
Yes, he is No, I am not
No, he isn’t
(+) She is reading a book (+) I am reading a book (+) You are reading a book
(-) She isn’t reading a book (-) I am not reading a book (-) You are not reading a book
(?) Is she reading a book ? (?) Am I reading a book? (?) Are you reading a book?
Yes, she is Yes, I am Yes, you are
No. She isn’t No, I am not No, you aren’t
(+) It is raining right now (+) I am writing a letter (+) They are writing a letter
(-) It isn’t raining right now (-) I am not writing a letter (-) They are not writing a letter
(?) Is it raining right now ? (?) Am I writing a letter ? (?) Are they writing a letter?
Yes, It is Yes, I am Yes, they are
No, it isn’t No, I am not No, they aren’t

Page 32
Get and Give Directions In The Hospital

Contoh Percakapan Dibawah Ini Adalah Contoh Percakapan Bagaimana Bertanya

Dan Menjawab “Direction” Di Dalam Bahasa Inggris
1. How to get there?
1) Situation : I want to know how to get....?

Putri: excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the city hospital?

Anissa: sure, the hospital is on Tenth Street, about 20 minutes away foot. Go
south on this street two blocks until you come to the stop light

Putri: go south two blocks to the park.

Anissa: Correct, then, turn left and goes three more blocks, until you come to
the end of the road. A park will be in front of you.

Putri: Turn left and go for three blocks to the park.

Anissa: Right, then the right again and go seven blocks, to Lipton Avenue.

Putri: Turn right and go seven blocks to Lipton Avenue

Anissa: Next, turn left on Lipton Avenue and go two blocks. The hospital is on
your left, across from the baseball stadium.

Putri: Ok, Let me see if I’ve got this straight. Go south on this street for two
blocks to the park. Turn right at the park and go seven blocks to lipton
Avenue. At the Lipton Avenue turns right and...

Anissa: No, turn left on Lipton Avenue.

Putri : OK, turn left on Lipton Avenue, the Hospital is two blocks down , on my

Anissa: You got it

Putri: Thanks.

Page 33
2. How do I get to Surgical Ward, Miss?
2. Situasion : Mrs. Jenny is Looking for surgical ward in Bina Husada Hospital, the
she asks to the Information Center
Mrs. R : Excuse me, Miss?
IC : yes, can I help you Mom?
Mrs. R : I wonder whether you can help me?
IC : I hope I can help you.
Mrs. R: Could you tell me how I can I get surgical ward in this hospital
IC : of course, I can, surgical ward is in the third corridor
Mrs. R: in the third corridor? But, where the third corridor is?
IC : from here you just turn left, then you will find the an intersection on corridor
six and you can turn left and go straight on, when you find another intersection, you
just past it; and then you go through until next intersection. The surgical ward is in
front of obstetric clinic
Mrs. R: Thank you, Miss?
IC : Don’t mention it.

Common Preposition For The Direction (Bebera Contoh Kata Depan Yang Bisa
Digunakan Untuk Petunjuk Jalan)

Turn Left/ right : Belok Kiri/ kanan

Straight : Lurus ; go straight ahead : kamu jalan lurus
Intersection : Perempatan
three Junction : Pertigaan
go up/ down : Naik/ turun
Path : Jalan setapak
Alley : gang kecil
Short cut : jalan pintas
Main road : Jalan utama
Freeway : Jalan bebas hambatan
Get on/ off : naik/ turun (naik kendaraan umum)
Round about : Putaran

B. Literacy
1. Prepositions (Kata depan).

Definition Preposition are a class of words that indicate relationships

between nouns, pronouns and other words in a sentence. Most often they
come before a noun.

Page 34
Some common prepositions are:

About By Outside
Above Despite Over
Across Down Past
After During Since
Against Except Through
Along For Throughout
Among From Till
Around In To
At Inside Toward
Before Into Under
Behind Like Underneath
Below Near Until
Beneath Of Up
Beside Off Upon
Between On With
Beyond Onto Within
But Out Without

Preposition typically come before a noun :

For example:

1. After class.
2. At home
3. Before Tuesday
4. On fire
5. With pleasure

A preposition usually indicates the temporal, spatial or logical relationship of

its object to the rest of the sentence.

For example:

1. The book is on the table

2. The book is beside the table
3. She read the book during class

In each of the preceding sentence, a preposition locates the noun “book” in

space or in time.

Page 35
1.1.1. Simple prepositions
A. Compound prepositions

Compound prepositions are more than one word. In between and because
of, in front of, on behalf of.

1. The bo9ok is in between war and peace and the lord of the rings.
2. The book is in front of the clock.
B. Prepositions of time
English Usage Example
On Days of the -On Monday
In Months/ - In august or in
Seasons winter
At For Night -At night
Since -From a certain -Since 1980
point of

Time (past till

For -Over a certain - For 2 years
period of

Of time (past till

Ago -A certain time in -2 years ago
the past
Before -Earlier than a -Before 2004

Point of time
To -Telling the time -Ten to six (5:50)
Past -Telling the time -Ten past six

Page 36
To/Till/Until -Marking the -From Monday to
beginning or till

And end of a Friday

period of

Till or Until -In time sense of -He is on holiday
how long until Friday
something is
going to last

By -In the sense of -I will be back by

at the latest 6 o’clock

C. Preposition of Place.

English Usage Example

In -Room, building, street, -In kitchen, in London
Town, Country
At -Meaning next to, by an -at the door, at the
On -Attached -The picture on the wall
By, next to, -Left or right of somebody -Jane is standing by/next

beside or something To/ beside the car

Under -On the ground, lower -The bag is under the

Than (or covered by) Table

Something else
Below -Lower than something -The fish are below the

Else but above ground Surface

Page 37
Over -Covered by something -Put a jacket over your

Else Shirt
Above -Higher than something -A path above the lake

Else, but not directly

Over it
Across -Getting to the other side -Walk across the
(also over) getting to the bridge
Through -Something with limits On -Drive thought the Tunnel
To -Movement to person Or -Go to the cinema
Into -Enter a room/ a building -Go into the kitchen/ The
Towards -Movement in the direction -Go 5 steps towards the
of something House
Onto -Movement to the top of -Jump onto the table
From -In the sense of where -A flower from the

From garden

D. Complex preposition

Definition: Complex (or compound) prepositions consist of two or more

words. Ex examples:

According to In the Interest

Apart from In front of

By courtesy of In the interest

By dint of In need of

Page 38
By means of In lieu of

By permission of In quest of

By reason of In place of

By virtue of In respect of

By way of In search of

In consideration of In settlement of

In danger of In spite of

In face of In view of

In favors of In accordance with

In front of With regard to

E. Common Expressions in the Directions

Expression Response
Could you tell me how to get to Go to the next light and turn right
(.... the library)? Go two blocks, it’s on the left
How do i find (.... city Gadding) Just go straight, it’s on this street, on the
right, about a mile and a half
Wich way do I go to get to (... the post Drive to Jackson Street and turn right.
office) The post office is in the middle of the
block, across form the park
Pardon me, I’m lost, how do I get to the Go to the second light and turn left. Then
(...Museum)? go third stop sign. The museum is on that
Could you direct me to (.... I-10) Take Pinal Avenue north about 8 miles
you’ll run into it.
Which is the best route to (... the Take Sukarno Hatta Street north to the
stadium)? papago freeway and head west. You can
miss it

Page 39
1.2 Modals

Definition : All the auxiliary verb except “be”, “do” and “have” are called modals.

Unlike the other auxiliary verb modals only exist in their helping from; they cannot
act alone as the principle

Verb in a sentence. Be, do, and have differ from the other auxiliaries in that they
can also server as ordinary

Verb in a given sentence. Modals verbs are used to express ideas such as
possibility, intention, obligation and necessity.

For axample :

 You can have a sweet if you like.

 Jhon will be a footballer someday.

The Modal verbs are : Can, Could, may, might, must, shall

Notes :

 The modal auxiliary verb are always followed by the base from.
Modal Example Uses
They can control their own Ability / possibility
Can We can’t fix it
Can I smoke here? Inability for
Can you help me? permission

Could I borrow your Asking for

Dictionary? permission.
Could Could you say it again more
slowly? Request
We could try to fix it ourselves.
Page 40
I think we could have another Suggestion
Gulf War
Have gave up his old job so he Future possibility
could work for us
Ability in the past
May I have another cup of Asking for permission
May coffee?
China may become a major Future possibility
economic power.
They might give us a 10% Future possibility
Might discount
We must say good-by now. Necessity / obligation
Must They mustn’t disrupt the work
more than necessary prohibition
We ought to employ a Saying what’s right or
Ought to professional writer correct
Shall I help you with your Offer
luggage? Suggestion
Shall Shall we say 2.30 then? Asking what to do
Shall I do that or will you?
We should sort out this problem saying what’s right or
at once. correct
Should I think we should check recommending action
everything again.
Profits should increase next Uncertain prediction
I can’t see any taxis so I’II walk Instant decisions
I’II do that for you if you like.
Will I’II get back to you first think on Offer
Profits will increase next year Promise

Certain prediction

Page 41
Would you mind if I brought a Asking for permission
colleague with me?
Would you pass the salt Request
Would Would you mind waiting a Request
“would three o’clock suit you?”- Making
“that’d be fine.” arrangements
Would you like to play golf this Invitation
“would you prefer tea or preference
coffee?”-“I’d like tea please.”

Dibawah Ini Ada Beberapa Contoh Bentuk Kata Kerja Beraturan Dan
Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan Yang Akan Kita Gunakan Didalam
Pembelajaran “Lesson II”, Anda Diharapkan Untuk Bisa Mengingatnya!

 Contoh kata kerja beraturan /REGULER VERB :

NO V1 V2 V3 V-ing
1 Examine Examine d Examine d Examining
2 Inject Injected injected injecting
3 Insert Inserted Inserted Inserting
4 help Helped helped Helping
5 Prepare Prepared Prepared Preparing
6 Control Controlled Controlled Controlling
7 listen Listened listened listening
8 smile Smiled smiled Smiling
9 cry Cried cried Crying
10 Pay Paid Paid Paying
11 Try Tried Tried Trying
12 Study Studied studied studying
13 Fix Fixed Fixed Fixing
14 Check up Checked up Checked up Checking up

Page 42
15 Work Worked Worked Working
16 Play Played Played Playing
17 watch watched watched watching
18 Visit Visited Visited Visiting
19 Wait Waited Waited Waiting
20 Start Started Started Starting Etc.
21 Measure Measured Measured Measuring
22 Carry Carried Carried Carrying
23 Explain Explained Explained Explaining
24 Hope Hoped Hoped Hoping
25 Mop Moped Moped Moping
26 Walk Walked Walked Walking
27 Play Played Played Playing
28 Smoke Smoked Smoked Smokeing
29 Have Had Had Having
30 Cut Cut Cut Cutting

 Contoh kata kerja tidak beraturan / IRREGULER VERB :

NO V1 V2 V3 V - ing
1. Eat Ate Eaten Eating
2. Drink Drank Drunk Drinking
3. Give Gave Given Giving
4. Take Took Taken Taking
5. Begin Began Begun Beginning
6. Forget Forgot Forgotten Forgetting
7. Do Did Done Doing
8. Go Went Gone Going
9. Buy Bought Bought Buying
10. Bring Brought Brought Bringing
11. Speak Spoke Spoken Speaking
12. Break Broke Broken Breaking
13. Sleep Slept Slept Sleeping
14. Feel Felt Felt Feeling

Page 43
15. Fall Fell Fallen Falling
16. Wear Wore Worn Wearing
17. Shine Shone Shone Shining
18. See Saw Seen Seeing
19. Spend Spent Spent Spending
20. Build Built Built Building
21. Write Wrote Written Writing
22. Steal Stole Stolen Stealing
23. Find Found Found Finding
24. Fight Fought Fought Fighting
25. Bite Bit Bitten Biting
26. Throw Threw Thrown Throwing
27. Blow Blew Blown Blowing
28. Fly Flew Flown Flying
29. Draw Drew Drawn Drawing
30. Understand Understood Understood Understanding

3. Simple Future Tense

Setiap tense baik yang berbentuk Simple ataupun Progressive pati memiliki
cirinya tersendiri, dan Tenses Simple Future Tense ini menjelaskan atau
digunakan untuk menjelaskan tentang kejadian yang akan anda lakukan di
masa akan datang dan tentunya terjadi disekitar anda.
a. Time Marked / Keterangan Waktu : NEXT, TOMORROW, TODAY,
b. Tobe : WIIL BE

( + ) S + TO BE (WILL BE) = A/C

( - ) S + TO BE (WILL) = NOT + BE + A/C
( ? ) WILL + S + BE + A/C ???

Page 44
 For Examples :
NO HE / SHE / IT / I/




( + ) S + WILL +V1 + O + A/C

(-) S + WILL NOT / WON’T + V1 + A/C

(?) WILL +S + V1 + A/C ???


Page 45
Sebagai Contoh :
1. MIDWIFE Brenda ….. (watch) TV tomorrow.
(+) She Will Watch TV tomorrow
(-) She Will Not / Won’t Watch TV tomorrow
(?) Will She Watch TV tomorrow ???
Yes, She will
No, She won’t
2. My little brother ….. (go) to school tomorrow.
(+) He Will Go to school tomorrow.
(-)He Won’t Go to school tomorrow.
(?) Will He Go to school tomorrow ???
Yes, He will
No, He won’t
3. Ms. Titha ….. (get) a chocolate next Sunday.
(+) She Will Get a chocolate next Sunday.
(-) She Won’t Get a chocolate next Sunday.
(?) Will She Get a chocolate next Sunday ???
Yes, She will
No, She won’t
4. Mr. Tono ….. (take) the airplane next week.
(+) He Will Take the airplane next week.
(-) He Won’t Take the airplane next week.
(?) Will He Take the airplane next week???
Yes, He will
No, He won’t
5. I ….. (do) my homework tonight
(+) I Will Do my homework tonight.
(-) I Won’t Do my homework tonight.
(?) Will I do my homework tonight???
Yes, I will
No, I won’t

Page 46
Which ward, midwife?
Contoh di bawah ini adalah beberapa contoh percakapan mengenai ruang -
ruang atau bangsal dan tempat di mana anda bekerja di suatu rumah sakit
serta sebutan di dalam bahasa inggris.
1. Where do you work, midwife?

Midwife Risky : Where did you work last year? (anda bekerja dimana?)

Midwife Deni : I worked at cianjur hospital, in a surgical ward. And

Where did you work last year?

Midwife Risky : Last year, I worked in orthopedic ward at has an sadikin

Bandung hospital. Now, I’m in medical word, and I am an
SRN (state registered midwife) are you an SRN?
Midwife Deni : No, I’m a student midwife.

2. Where do you work, midwife? (beberapa ruangan di rumahsakit

dalam bahasa inggris)
Surgical ward : bangsal bedah
Medical ward : bangsal penyakit dalam
Orthopedic ward : bangsal ortopedi
Gynecological ward : bangsal penyakit kandungan
Pediatric ward : bangsal penyakit anak
Dermatological ward : bangsal penyakit kulit
Long stay ward : bangsal rawat inap

Page 47
Intensive care unit : unit perawatan intensif
X-ray department : bagian rontgen
Central sterile supply depart : bagian pusat sterilisasi
Dispensary : apotik
Maternity unit : unit martenitas/kelahiran
Physiotherapy department : bagian fisiotherapi
Antenatal clinic : klinik antenatal
Postnatal clinic : Klinik Pasca Melahirkan
Psychiatric clinic : bangsal psikiatric
Admission department : bagian pendaftaran
Infection disease unit : unit penyakit menular
Anesthetic room : ruang anastetik
Occupational therapy department : bagian terapi okupasi

Di dalam lesson III, anda akan mempelajari apa dan bagaimana
menggunakan Questions types, simple past tense dan past progressive.
1. Questions
There are 3 basic types of question:
1. Yes/ No Questions (the answer to the question is “Yes” or “No”.
2. Questions word Questions (the answer to the question is
3. Choice Questions (the answer to the question is “in the question”)

Auxiliary Subject Main verb Answer

Verb Yes or No
Do You want Dinner? Yes, I do
Can You Drive? No, I can’t
Has She finished Her Yes, she has
Did They Go Home? No, they
Page 48
Question Auxiliary subject Main Answer
Word verb verb information
Where Do You Live In Paris
when Will We have lunch At 1 pm
Who Did She meet She met
Why Hasn’t Tara done It? Because
she can’t.
Exception! Verb be simple present and simple past
Where Is Bombay In India
How was she Very well

Question Function Example

What Asking for information about something What is your name?
Asking for repetition or confirmation What? I can’t hear you. You
did what?
What...for Asking for a reason, asking why What did you do that for?
When Asking about time When did he leave?
Where Asking in or at what place or position Where do they live?
Which Asking about choice Which color do you want?
Who Asking what or which person or people Who opened the door?
whom Asking what or which person or people Whom did you see?
whose Asking about ownership Whose are these keys?
Whose turn is it?
Why Asking for reason, asking what...for Why do you say that
Why don’t Making a suggestion Why don’t l help you?
How Asking about manner How does this work
Asking about condition or quality How was your exam?
How + Asking about extent or degree See examples below
Page 49
How far Distance How far is pattaya from?
How long Length (time or space) How long will it take?
How many Quantity (countable) How many cars are there?
How much Quantity (uncountable) How money do you have?
How old Age How old are you?
How come Asking for reason, asking why How come i can’t see her?

2. Choice Questions
Auxiliary subject Main OR Answer in the
verb verb question
Do you Want Tea or Coffee? Coffee, please.
Will we Meet John or James John
Did she Go To or New She went to London.
London york?
Exception! Verb be simple present and simple past
Is Your white or Black? It’s black.
Were They $15 or $50? $15.

Dibawah ini ada beberapa contoh bentuk kata kerja beraturan dan kata kerja
tidak beraturan yang akan kita gunakan didalam pembelajaran “lesson III” anda
di harapkan untuk bisa mengingatnya!

Page 50
Contoh kata kerja beraturan REGULER VERB :
No V1 V2 V3 V-ing
1. Examine Examine d Examine d Examining
2. Inject Injected Injected Injecting
3. Insert Inserted Inserted Inserting
4. Help Helped Helped Helping
5. Prepare Prepared Prepared Preparing
6. Control Controlled Controlled Controlling
7. Listen Listened Listened Listening
8. Smile Smiled Smiled Smiling
9. Cry Cried Cried Crying
10. Pay Paid Paid Paying
11. Try Tried Tried Trying
12. Study Studied Studied Studying
13. Fix Fixed Fixed Fixing
14. Check up Checked up Checked up Checking up
15. Work Worked Worked Working
16. Play Played Played Playing
17. Watch Watched Watched Watching
18. Visit Visited Visited Visiting
19. Wait Waited Waited Waiting
20. Start Started Started Starting Etc
21. Measure Measured measured Measuring
22. Carry Carried Carried Carrying
23. Explain Explained Explained Explaining
24. Hope Hoped Hoped Hoping
25. Mop Moped Moped Moping
26. Walk Walked Walked Walking
27. Play Played Played Playing
28. Smoke Smoked Smoked Smoking
29. Have Had Had Having
30. Cut Cut Cut Cutting

Page 51
Contoh kata kerja tidak beraturan IRREGULER VERB :
No V1 V2 V3 V-ing
1. Eat Ate Eaten Eating
2. Drink Drank Drunk Drinking
3. Give Gave Given Giving
4. Take Took Taken Taking
5. Begin Began Begun Beginning
6. Forget Forgot Forgotten Forgetting
7. Do Did Done Doing
8. Go Went Gone Going
9. Buy Bought Bought Buying
10. Bring Brought Brought Bringing
11. Speak Spoke Spoken Speaking
12. Break Broke Broken Breaking
13. Sleep Slept Slept Sleeping
14. Feel Felt Felt Feeling
15. Fall Fell Fallen Falling
16. Wear Wore Worn Wearing
17. Shine Shone Shone Shining
18 See Saw Seen Seeing
19. Sped Spent Spend Spending
20. Build Built Built Building
21. Write Wrote written Writing
22. Steal Stole Stolen Stealing
23. Find Found Found Finding
24. Fight Fought Fought Fighting
25. Bite Bit Bitten Biting
26. Throw Threw Thrown Throwing
27. Blow Blew Blown Blowing
28. Fly Flew Flown Flying
29. Draw Drew Drawn Drawing
30. understand Understood understood understanding

Page 52
2. Simple Past Tense

Setiap tenses baik yang berbentuk simple atau progressive pasti

memiliki cirinya tersendiri, dan tenses simple past tense ini menjelaskan atau
digunakan untuk menjelaskan tentang kejadian yang sudah terjadi dan tidah
berhubungan lagi dengan masa sekarang .

a. Time market/ keterangan waktu YESTERDAY, LAST, & AGO

b. Tobe : WAS, WERE
c. Rumus simple past tense kotak “TO BE”
(+) s + TO BE (WAS, WERE)+ A/C
(+) S + TO BE (WAS, WERE) + NOT + A/C
(?) TO BE (WAS, WERE) + S + A/C???
He/ She/ It/I
No Subject Tunggal
1 (+) He Was A Doctor
(-) He Was Not/Wasn’t A Doctor
(?) Was He A Doctor???
Yes, He Was no, He Wasn’t
(+) She Was A Midwife
2 (-) She Wasn’t A Midwife
(?) Was She A Midwife???
Yes, She Was
No, She Wasn’t
(+) It Was A Syringe
3 (-) It Wasn’t A Syringe
(?) Was It A Syringe???
Yes, It Was
No. It Wasn’t

Page 53

1 (+) We were doctor

(-) we were not doctor
(?) Were we doctor?
Yes, we were
No, we weren’t
(+) They were midwife
(-) they were not midwife
2 (?) Were we midwife?
Yes, you were no, we weren’t

(+) You were here

3 (-) you weren’t here
(?) Were you here?
Yes, you were
No, you weren’t

D. Rumus simple past tense kotak “TO DO”

Kata kerja pada simple past tense ini tidak perlu diubah-ubah seperti
pada simple past tense, pada tense ini hanya di perlikan kata kerja ke 2
atau (V2) pada bentuk positifnya.

 Kotak to do
(+) S + V2 + O + A/C
(-) S+DID NOT/ DIDN’T + V1 +A/C
(?) DID + S+ V1 +A/C???

Page 54
Sebagai contoh :

1. Midwife Brenda …….. (watch) TV last day

(+) she watched TV last day
(-) did she watch TV last day???
Yes, she did
No, she didn’t

2. My little brother ……(go) to school yesterday

(+) he went to school, yesterday
(-) he didn’t go to school yesterday
(?) did he go to school yesterday???
Yes, he did
No, he didn’t
3. Ms. Tithe…… (get) an accident no the road last Sunday
(+) she got an accident on the road last Sunday
(-) she didn’t get an accident on the road last Sunday
(?) she get an accident one the road last Sunday???
Yes, she did
No, she didn’t

4. Mr. tono ….. (take) the vitamins last night

(+)he took the vitamins last night
(-) he didn’t take the vitamins last night
(?) did he take the vitamins last night
Yes, he did
No, he didn’t

5. I …….. (do) my home work yesterday

(+) did my homework yesterday
(-) didn’t my do homework yesterday
(?) did I do my homework yesterday
Yes, I did
No, I didn’t
Page 55
3. Past Progressive Tense
Setiap tenses baik yang berbentuk simple maupun progressive pasti
memiliki cirinya tersendiri, dan tenses past progressive ini menjelaskan atau
digunakan untuk menjelaskan dua kejadian terjadi sekaligus dimasa lalu.
a. Time marked/ keterangan waktu : yesterday, last, ago
b. Tobe : was, were
c. Rumus progressive tense :
Pada dasarnya rumus progressive memiliki satu rumus yang sama, yang
membedakan hanya pada “TO BE” nya saja.
Seperti contoh dibawah ini :

(+) S + to be (was, were ) +v-ing +a/c

(-) s + to be (was, were ) +not +v-ing +a/c
(?) To be (was, were) + s + v-ing + a/c
Yes, s + to be
No, s + to be + not

They/We/ You
(Were)+ V- ing (subject/ plural)

(+) HE was speaking English (+) we were speaking English

(-) He wasn’t speaking English (-) we weren’t speaking English
(?)was he speaking English ??? (?) Were we speaking English???
Yes, he was Yes, we were
No, he wasn’t No, we weren’t
(+) she was reading a book (+) you were reading a book
(-) she wasn’t reading a book (-) you were not reading a book
(?) was she reading a book ??? (?) were there reading a book
Yes, she was Yes, you were
No, she wasn’t No, you weren’t
(+) it was raining yesterday (+) they were writing a letter
(-) it wasn’t raining yesterday (-) they were not writing letter

Page 56
(?) was it raining yesterday ??? (?) were they writing a book???
Yes, it was Yes, they were
No, it wasn’t No, they weren’t

Catatan penting :

Di dalam past progressive tense ini adalah sebuah syarat mutlak yang harus
di penuhi. Berhubung tense ini tidak bisa berdiri sendiri maka di dalam tenses
past progressive ini ada 2 buah conjuntions yang digunakan untuk
menyatakan bahwa kalimat tersebut adalah past progressive tense, yaitu :



Adapun rumus tersebut adalah :

Pas tense - - - while - - - past progressive

Past progressive --- when --- past tense

C . Last practices

1. Tenses exercises ( fill the blanks with the simple past tense and simple
progressive formula, and change it into positive, negative, and interrogatives
sentence exclude the past progressive tense)

1. Midwife Sara ………. (bring) her patient’ note yesterday

2. Midwife Maya ………. (to be) a midwife student last day
3. Midwife resize ………. (eat) an apple whit me last day
4. The teacher ……….. ( give ) us some homework to-do yesterday
5. Dr. Jessica ………. (inject) his patient last day
6. Midwife shanty ………. (take) a pregnant woman to delivery room last day
7. The midwifes ………( write) a nursing note in the and go shift yesterday
8. Jessica……….. (buy) a chocolate last Saturday for her niece
9. Dr. Jonathan ……….(come) to work early one last Monday

Page 57
10. The doctor ………(to be) in the medical ward yesterday
11. Dr. White ………. (inject) the patient yesterday morning
12. Midwife Kathy ………. (go) to the hospital last Saturday morning
13. Midwife Ane ………. (help) the pregnant women to the delivery room a
hour ago
14. The midwifes ……….(take) a nursing note in the end shift last night
15. Dr. Jane………. ( have) the vitamins yesterday night
16. Midwife Kimberly……….(insert) the breathing tube last day
17. The surgeon……….(do) the heart surgery one minute ago
18. The midwife student ………. (to be) in their English class last day
19. I………. (to be) a good & beautiful midwife yesterday
20. Midwife Cathy………. (to be) a diligent & smart present last year
21. The doctor ………(explore) the patient’s wound when the
midwife………..(prepare) the paint’s note
22. While dr. frank……….(control) his patient’s the midwife……….(measure)
the patient’s blood pressure
23. While my father ………. (attend) the health conference, my mother ……..
(read) the magazines
24. When the head midwife ……….(to be) in the lab, the midwife ………..
(study) microbiology in the class
25. The doctor……….. (Examine) the patient’s when the midwife………
( prepare) the patient’s note
26. While my father ……….(attend) the health conference, my mother
………… (cook) the lunch
27. My father …….(consult) his health while my sister ………..(read) the
newspaper last Friday
28. While dr. Samantha ……… (give) advice to the patient’s the midwife
……..(measure) the patient’s blood pressure
29. Mr. black ……….(complaint) to the midwife about his great headache when
he….. (feel) mist
30. He……. (Knock) the door while she….. (Take) shower.

Page 58
Occupations in the Hospital
1. I am a midwife
Dialogue 1
Jack : Hi, peter. Can you tell me a little bit about your current job?
Peter : Certainly what would you like to know?
Jack : First of all, what do you work as?
Peter : I work as a surgeon in Medika Hospital
Jack : what do your responsibilities include?
Peter : I’m responsible for the heart surgery.
Jack : What sort of problem do you deal with on a day-to-do basis?
Peter : Oh, I think, because I Love my jobs, I rarely a counter some hard
problem, I just must do my jobs properly, that’s all.
Jack : What else does your job involve?
Peter : well, as I said, for part of my job I have to connive my patients that
everything’s are going to be okay.
Jack : Do you have to produce any reports?
Peter : Yes, I must make sure that everything is in good working order.
Jack : Do you ever attend meeting?
Peter : Yes, I attend organizational meetings at the end of the month.
Jack : Thank for all the information, Peter. It sounds like you have an
interesting job.
Peter : Yes, it’s very interesting, but stressful, too!

Dialogue 2
A : Is your mother a Midwife?
B : Yes, she is a RN.
A : Where do you work?
B : She has worked in the Orthopedic Ward since 2010

Dialogue 3
A : What do you do, Mrs. Smith?
B : I have been a midwife for three years.

Page 59
A : where do you work?
B : I have been in the Maternity Ward at Arneza Hosspital since 2010.
2. Occupation In The Hospital (beberapa daftar profesi pekerjaan yang ada di
rumah sakit dalam bahasa inggris)

Tittle Role Abbreviation

Anesthetist A medical specialist
who administers an
anesthetic before,
during and after
Assistant an RN who the DON;
director of often responsible for
nursing a particular area,
such as education or
Audiologist A qualified health
professional who
specializes in hearing
Career/personal A non-professional
career staff member who
provides personal
care services for a
Clinical Midwife An RN who is an
expert clinician and
leader; may assist
the NUM
Clinical Midwife An RN who provides
consultant a clinical consultancy
service to all clinical
areas in their field of

Page 60
expertise; may also
have management
and financial
Clinical Midwife an RN who CNS
specialist specializes in a
particular kind of care
on a ward
Consultant The highest ranking
physician or surgeon;
an expert in their
speciality a male
consultant is called
Mr. rather than Dr.
Dietitian a health professional
who provides care
and education for
The senior RN who
directs and manages
Director of DON
nursing programs,
nursing/ nursing
clinical services a
(emergency, mental
health etc.) in
hospitals and other
health services
a person who has
appropriate training
or education;
Enrolled midwife
provides basic

Page 61
patient services; may
be supervised by
registered midwifes.
A senior leadership EDNS
position of nursing
services in a hospital;
director of
has financial
nursing services
standards and
an RN who plans,
provides, manages
and maintains the
practice midwife
standards of a
nursing services;
may report to director
or deputy director of
a division.
An experienced
registrar who is
training to become a
a newly registered
graduate of nursing;
beginner practitioner
A physician who has
completed a medical
course and is
practicing under
supervision before

Page 62
beginning residency.
A doctor/ physician/
general practitioner,
Medical officer MO
diagnoses illnesses
and injuries,
medication and
A senior RN who
provides clinical
Midwife educator
education programs
and staff
development for
nursing staff.
Senior RN
responsible for the
management of a
unit (nursing staff
Midwife manager NUM
and resources),
/ nursing unit
award or unit within a
division (division
include areas such
as surgical, pediatric,
emergency); may
report to the DON
A RN educated to
work in an
Midwife NP
independent and/or
advanced clinical
An RN who has
Midwife specialist
postgraduate studies

Page 63
in a specialty area
and engages in
development and
research in the
A qualified person
who assesses and
Occupational OT
treats patients who
have lost some ability
in their activities of
daily living.
a physician who
specializes in treating
A qualified person
who supplies and
dispenses drugs and
medicines in
pharmacies and
A qualified person Physio
who assesses and
treats patients who
have injury or
disease causing
mobility problems.
a registered health
professional who
treats medical and
surgical conditions of
the feet and lower

Page 64
A member of the Prof
medical, surgical, or
nursing staff who has
a connection to a
university and
responsibility for
teaching students.
A midwife who has
completed an
Registered RM
approved course of
study and met the
requirements of the
midwifery board;
provides midwifery
care to patients.
A midwife who has
completed an
Registered RN
approved course of
study and met the
requirement of the
midwifes board;
provides day-to-day
nursing care to
A physician who
works in a specialist
area; may supervise
junior medical
officers; may be
training to become
surgeon or

Page 65
A physician who has
a completed
internship year and is
doing postgraduate
clinical training in
specialty area.
A person who
provides ultrasound
services for patients.
A health professional
who diagnoses and
treats patients with
A student of nursing
who is studying in an
nursing student
nursing course; helps
provide patient care
under the direct
supervision of an RN.
A physician who VMO
works part-time in a
Visiting medical
hospital; may also
have a private
Ward A person who PSA
assistant/hospital provides cleaning,
aide/patient housekeeping,
services equipment transfer,
assistant or meal delivery
function within a unit.

Page 66
Di dalam lesson IV, anda akan mempelajari apa Dan Bagaimana Menggunakan
Simple Present Perfect Tense Di Lingkungan Pekerjaan Anda.
Dibawah Ini Ada Dan Bagaimana Menggunakan Simple Present Perfect Tense Di
Lingkungan Pekerjaan Anda.
Dibawah Ini Ada Beberapa Contoh Bentuk Kata Kerja Beraturan Dan Kata Kerja
Tidak Beraturan Yang Akan Kita Gunakan Di Dalam Pembelajaran “Lesson III”,
Anda Diharapkan Untuk Bisa Mengingatnya.

 Contoh kata kerja beraturan / REGULAR VERB :

No V1 V2 V3 V4

1 Examine Examined Examined Examining

2 Inject Injected Injected Injecting
3 Insert Inserted Inserted Inserting
4 Help Helped Helped Helping
5 Prepare Prepared Prepared Preparing
6 Control Controlled Controlled Controlling
7 Listen Listened Listened Listening
8 Smile Smiled Smiled Smiling
9 Cry Cried Cried Crying
10 Pay Paid Paid Paying
11 Try Tried Tried Trying
12 Study Studied Studied Studying
13 Fix Fixed Fixed Fixing
14 Check up Checked up Checked up Checking up
15 Work Worked Worked Working
16 Play Played Played Playing
17 watch Watched watched watching
18. Visit Visited Visited Visiting
19. Wait Waited Waited Waiting
20. Start Started Started Starting Etc.
21. Measure Measured Measured Measuring
22. Carry Carried Carried Carrying
23. Explain Explained Explained Explaining
24. Hope Hoped Hoped Hoping
25. Mop Moped Moped Moping
26. Walk Walked Walked Wolking
27. Play Played Played Playing
28. Smoke Smoked Smoked Smoking
29. Have Had Had Having
30. Cut Cut Cut Cutting
Page 67
 Contoh kata kerjatidakberaturan / IRREGULER VERB :

NO. V1 V2 V3 V- ing
1. Eat Ate Eaten Eating
2. Drink Drank Drunk Drinking
3. Give Gave Given Giving
4. Take Took Taken Taking
5. Begin Began Begun Beginning
6. Forget Forgot Forgotten Forgetting
7. Do Did Done Doing
8. Go Went Gone Going
9. Buy Bought Bought Buying
10. Bring Brought Brought Bringing
11. Speak Spoke Spoken Speaking
12. Break Broke Broken Breaking
13. Sleep Slept Slept Sleeping
14. Feel Felt Felt Feeling
15. Fall Fell Fallen Falling
16. Wear Wore Worn Wearing
17. Shine Shone Shone Shining
18. See Saw Seen Seeing
19. Spend Spent Spent Spending
20. Build Built Built Building
21. Write Wrote Written Writing
22. Steal Stole Stolen Stealing
23. Find Found Found Finding
24. Fight Fought Fought Fighting
25. Bite Bit Bitten Biting
26. Throw Threw Thrown Throwing
27. Blow Blew Blown Blowing
28. Fly Flew Flown Flying
29. Draw Drew Drawn Drawing
30. Understand Understood Understood Understanding

1. Simple Present Perfect

Simple present perfect tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang
anda lakukan di masa lampau tetapi masih anda lakukan atau berkaitan
dengan masa sekarang dan tenses ini memiliki ciri menggunakan time marked
“since & for”.
a. Time Marked : SINCE & FOR
c. Rumus Simple Present Perfect Tense Kotak “To Be”:

Page 68


(?) TO BE(HAS/HAVE) + S + BEEN +A/C ???



 For Examples:











Page 69















d. Rumus Simple Present Perfect Tense Kotak “To Do”:

Pada Simple Present Perfect Tense ini diperlukam kata kerja ke 3 atau
(V3) pada bentuk positif, negatif, & interrogativenya !!!.

(+) S + HAS/HAVE +V3 + O + A/C

(-) S + HAS/HAVE + NOT + V3 + O + A/C

(?) HAVE/HAS + S +V3 + O + A/C ???



 Di dalam tenses ini diperlukan Time Market : Since & For.
 Sebagai Contoh :

Page 70
1. Midwife Brenda.........(watch) TV Since last day
(+) She Has Watched TV Since last day.
(-) She Hasn’t / Has not Watched TV Since last day.
(?) Has She Watched TV Since last day???
Yes, She Has
No, She Hasn’t
2. My little brother........ (go) to school for 8 hours.
(+) He Has Gone to school For 8 hours.
(-) He Hasn’t Gone to school For 8 hours.
(?) Has He Gone to school For 8 hours???
Yes, He Has
No, He Hasn’t
3. I ............. (Drive) the cars Since Sunday Morning.
(+) I Have Driven the cars Since Sunday Morning.
(-) I Have Not / Haven’t Driven the cars Since Sunday Morning.
(?) Have I driven the cars Since Sunday Morning???
Yes, I Have
No, I Haven’t

4. They........(take) the vitamins For 4 nights.

(+) They Have taken the vitamins For 4 night.
(-) They haven’t taken the vitamins For 4 nights.
(?) Have They Taken the vitamins For 4 nights???
Yes, They Have
No, I Haven’t
5. I........(do) my homework Since yesterday
(+) I have done my homework since yesterday
(-) I haven’t done my homework Since yesterday.
(?) Have I done my homework since yesterday???
Yes, I have
No, I Haven’t

For & Since with Present Perfect Tense (perbedaan penggunaan since &
for) adalah:
Page 71
We often use for and since with the present perfect tense.

 We use for to talk about a period of time-5 minutes, 2 weeks, 6 years

 We use since to talk about a point in past time- 9 o’clock, 1st January,

For since

A period of time A point in past time

...................... x.................

20 minutes 6.15pm
Three days Monday
6 months January
4 years 1994
2 centuries 1800
A long time I left school
Ever The beginning of time
etc. etc.

Here are some examples:

 I have been here for 20 minutes.
 I have been here since 9 o’clock.
 John hasn’t called for 6 months.
 John hasn’t called since February.
 He has worked in New York for a long time.
 He has worked in New York since he left school.


Page 72
1) a. tenses exercises (fill the blanks with the correct formula of simple
present perfect
Tense and make it into positive, negative and interrogative sentence) !
1. Mr. And Mrs. Smith ...... (Work) in Indonesia since two years ago as a
2. The midwife ....... (measure) all the patients’ temperature for one hour ago.
3. The doctor ........ (give) me the medicine to relieve the pain since
4. Mr. Black ....... (become) an English Teacher for five years.
5. I ....... (get) the exactly information about the midwife examination since
last day.
6. Midwife Jessica ....... (be) a Midwife since 1998.
7. The doctor ....... (examine) the patients since this morning.
8. Miss. Jane ...... (check up) her health for 2 months.
9. They ....... (spend) their leisure time for 1 week.
10. My mother ....... (speak) to the native speaker since.
11. She ....... (bring) her mother’s beauty as since two minutes ago.
12. My sister ..... (go) to the hospital since yesterday.
13. Every midwife ...... (take) a nursing note in the end of shift for 4 nights.
14. Midwife Kimberly ...... (insert) the breathing tube to the patient for three
15. The surgeon ....... (do) the heart surgery for four hours.
16. I ........ (to be) a great midwife in the London Hospital since 2 years ago.
17. Dr. John ....... (inject)the patient since today.
18. My mother ........ (to be) in the medical ward for a week.
19. M.s. Tities .......(to be) my English teacher Since 2005.
20. They ........(to be) in the Lab Since this morning.

b. Make those sentences below into negative & interrogative sentences!

1. Each women has had an individual cycle of menstruation since the first period
2. She has got the first period, her reproductive organ reaches maturity
3. I have had one child
4. I have had two children since 2007
5. I have been in contraction for about 30 minutes
6. You have visited a midwife for three times
Page 73
7. You have got vaginal bleeding
8. I have given you an injection to stimulate contraction
9. Your wife has given birth to your baby normally
10. The midwife has expelled the placenta from the uterine wall
11. The midwife has cut the umbilical cord
12. I have clamped and cut the umbilical cord
13. You have been in the second stage of delivery
14. I think, the head of the baby has descended sufficiently
15. The shoulder of the baby has been visible
16. I have assessed the fetal heart rate by Doppler ultrasound apparatus
17. I have checked the fetal lie
18. The midwife has taken the urine sample to the laboratory
19. The result of the urine test has shown that my mother is pregnant
20. We have discussed with the mother the has taken the caesarean section

2). a. Filling Gap Exercises

Call chair course emergency in near notes put smoker

urgent voice wrong

SURGERY RECEPTIONIST Doctor – I’ve got an c all for you. Can

you take it? It sounds very .

DOCTOR yes, of . What is it about?


It’s a young man, by the sound of this , a neighbor of Mr. Lindley

who’s a patient of the ours. Lives on Forsyth Crescent, the Cutty
Sark pud.

DOCTOR Oh, yes – I remember. He came last week

or the week before, didn’t he? Chronic emphysema, life long . Not
long given up. Can’t work anymore.

Page 74
SURGERY RECEPTIONIST Yes – that’s him. I’ve got his here

DOCTOR What’s with him ? Why an emergency

now ? What’s up?

SURGERY RECEPTIONIST Apparently, the young man went round to

on Mr Lindley and found him practically parlayed in his . Shall I put
him through?

DOCTOR Yes, him on ......

b. Filling Gap Exercise II

Fortunately What batch cancer going prognosis

routine seriously slept then what you

DOCTOR Good morning, Mr. Wilson. Thanks you for com .ing to
see me -we’ve got the second of your test result through.

PATIENT And ? come on - get on with it ! I haven’t a wink

for days! What’s the outcome?

DOCTOR Not quite the best, I’m afraid. In fact, fairly pisimistic,
really. The

is not too good.

PATIENT What do mean ?

DOCTOR I’m afraid you’re quite ill. The condition is

more advanced than anyone thought.

PTIENT Condition? condition?

DOCTOR I’m afraid the doctors at the hospital think you my have got
of the bowel. It showed up quite clearly on the colonoscopy.

Page 75
PATIENT But l thought you said l was going to be all right! Just ,
you said!

DOCTOR So l did. And that’s l thought. Really – l did.

PATIENT So – am l to die?

DOCTOR No, no – you’re not going to die. , it’s not that



3. Reading Comprehension l

Midwife Jane on The Wards

Do you remember Jane Johnson??? She and her friend, Joan

Chapman are both Midwifes. They work at saint Peter’s Hospital, a large
teaching hospital in London. Joan did her training at St. Peter’s and last year
she passed her State Finals and a men’s medical ward.

Jane is a student Midwife and still training. Last month, she worked in
one of the hospital’s surgical wards. She learned to set trolley for sterile
procedures such as surgical dressing, intravenous, infusion and
catheterization. She carried out certain procedures herself and assisted
doctor with others. She often had to go to the central sterile supply
department to fetch sterile dressing packs. Sometimes, she took patients to
the X-Ray department or to the occupational therapy unit.

This Month, Jane is working in the same ward as Joan. She is learning
to midwife patient suffering from diseases such as cardiac infection, cerebral
hemorrhage, cerebral the thrombosis and pneumonia. At the moment, she is
helping a staff Midwife to give injections. The staff Midwife is explaining to her
the doses, action and side effects of the drugs they are administering.

Page 76
The other Midwife in the ward are carrying out various nursing duties.
Some are doing bet-baths, one is helping a patient to get out of bed, and
another is taking

A doctor is doing a ward round and a physiotherapyrapist is helping a

pneumonia-patient to de deep –breathing exercises

 Answer The Questions Correctly :

1. What sort of hospital is St. Peter’?
2. Where did Joan do her training?
3. When did Joan pass her State Finals?
4. Which Ward is Joan working in now?
5. Where did Jane work last month?
6. Which sterile procedures did she learn to set trolleys for?
7. Where did she go to fetch sterile dressing packs?
8. Where did she sometimes take patients?
9. Where is Jane working this month?
10. Which patients is Jean learning to Midwife?
11. What is the staff Midwife explaining to her ?
12. What are the other Midwifes in the ward doing ?
13. What is the doctor doing ?
14. What is one Midwife taking?
15. What is the physiotherapist doing ?

4). Reading Comprehension II

Preparation for Labor

Labor is the culmination of pregnancy. It gives psychological, social

and emotional meaning for mother and her family. A midwife is the caregiver
for the process of labor. The midwife should provide good physical
surroundings. The attitude of the midwife , however , is much important. The
midwife should spend time actively listening to the women. Continues one-to-

Page 77
one of a woman during labor creates a strong feeling of security and

What happen during labor? A midwife should remember that women

may experience heightened abdominal sensivity during labor. It makes the
procedures cause discomfort and uterine contractions. The midwife should
ensure that the procedure is not undertaken unnecessarily and the midwife will
complete the procedure promptly. That is why the examination should be
undertaken carefully between the contractions to minimize the discomfort.

The examination requires the women to be in recumbent position. This

position is not ideal for labor. The midwife should encourage the woman to be
upright position following the examination.

The woman will fell the contraction of the uterus. It can be felt as it
hardens beneath the abdominal wall. It begins in the fundus of the uterus and
spreads down. Thus the contraction is felt easily by placing a hand over the
area of fundus. The frequency of the contractions can be assessed ba
ascertaining the length of time between the onsets of each contraction. The
degree of hardness of the abdominal wall can indicate the strength of the
contraction. The length of contraction is known from he timing the
contractions are increasing in strength and frequently normally.

Page 78
Relaxing after a tiring day

Practice the conversation with your friend.

George : Hello, Anne. What are you doing?

Anne : well, I’m doing what usually do at this time of night, I’m watching TV
George : so you are not studying then
Anne : No, I’m not. I think I need to relax for a while. You know this morning I went
Diseases Dan The Symptoms
A.a Clinic
ORACY in village and helped a patient to deliver a baby.

1. Dialogue 1
George : I see. Do you always watch TV at this time?
: Yes, I watch: the
good afternoon.
news. I’m also having some snack and a drink
George : What What snack do you always have?
Midwife : good afternoon. Have a seat. So, what have you come in for
: You are very nosey, aren’t you? I have whatever I want
George : What are you drinking?
Patient : thank you. I’m feeling ill, I’ve got quite a bad cough, but I
Annedon’t seem to
: Heavens, have
you’re a fever.
even worse than I thought. I am having warm tea with some
sugar. I do this every night at this time if I don’t go out.
Midwife : I see. How long have you had these symptoms?
George : Actually, that’s what I’m ringing you about. Are you going out tonight, by any
chance? : Oh, I’ve had the cough for two weeks, but feeling ill just these
past few days.
: No, I am going to stay
: Are youathaving
home. Besides,
any othersome of my classmates are coming
to discuss or preparation to attend a cesarean birth in the operating theater
Patient : Well, I’ve got a headche. I’ve also had a little bit of diarrhea.
tomorrow, Why?
Midwife : Do you produce any phlegm when coughing?
George : Well, I’m going to the cinema and I’ve got a spare ticket, so –
Patient : Sometimes, but it’s usually pretty dry.
Anne : that’s very kind of you, George. But my sister’s also coming for a meal and -
George : Again?
Midwife : Do you smoke?
Anne : what do you mean, again? She comes every week.
Patient : Yes, a few cigarettes a day. Certainly no more than a half a
George : I’m
pack a beginning
day. to think you don’t want to see me.
Anne : what makes you say that?
Midwife : How about allergies? Do you have any allergies?
George : you always have an excuse whenever I ask you out.
Patient : Not that I’m aware of.

Page 79
Midwife : Does your head fell stuffy?

Patients : yes, for the past few days.

Midwife : Ok. Now let’s have a look. Could you please open your mouth
and say ‘ah’?

2. Dialogue 2

Patient : midwife, I think I might have a fever. It’s so cold in here!

Midwife : Here, let me check your forehead.

Patient : What do you think?

Midwife : Your temperature seems raised. Let me get a

thermometer to check.

Patient : How do I raise my bed? I can’t find the controls.

Midwife : Here you are. Is that better?

Patient : Could have another pillow?

Midwife : certainly, Here you are. Is there anything else I can do

for you?

Patient : No, thank you.

Midwife : OK, I’’ll be right back with the thermometer.

Patient : Oh, just a moment. Can you bring me another bottle of

water, too?

Midwife : Certainly, I’ll be back in a moment.

Di dalam lesson 5, anda akan mempelajari apa dan bagaimana menggunakan
Simple Past Perfect Tense dan juga mempelajari

1. Simple Past Perfect Tense “To Be” :

Rumus :
(+) s + to be (had been) + a/c

Page 80
(-) s + to be (had been) + not + a/c
(?) to be (had be) + s + been + a/c ???
yes, s + had been
no, s + had not been
(+) He had been a docter
(-) He hadn’t been a docter
(?) Had he been a docter ?
yes, he had been
no, he hadn’t been

2. Simple Past Perfect Tense “To Do”

(+) S + Had + V3 + O + A/C
( -) S + Had + Not +V3 + O + A/C
(?) Had + S + V3 + O + A/C ??
Yes, S + Had
No, S + Hadn’t

penyakit-penyakit apa saja yang mungkin di derita oleh calon-calon ibu

selama kehamilannya.

1. Patients’ Diseases

Page 81
1. Numps
2. Cold
3. Backache
4. Headache
5. Flu
6. Stomacheache
7. Toothache
8. Sore throat
9. Measles
10. Earache

Imagine that you were a midwife. Look at the pictures above and find out their

Page 82
Di bawah ini gejala- gejala atau penyakit yang biasa diderita wanita hamil:

No Minor Problem Midwife’s response /

1 Nausea & - It is normal (it’s caused by the
Vomiting change of the hormones during
- It is normal (between four and
sixteen gestation)
2 Severe vomiting. - I need to refer you to an
Lose weight internist / consultant
3 Backache - It is normal (this is because of
the changing center of gravity
during pregnancy)
- Once birth has occurred, it will
be back to normal
4 Heartburn - Just avoid bending over while
- Just knee when taking
something from the ground
- Sleep the more pillow
5 Constipation - Drink a lot of fresh water
- Consume fresh fruit, vegetables
- Drink a glass of warm water in
the morning
- Do mild exercises, such as
6 Leg cramp - Just sit, hold the knee straight
- Then stretch the calf muscle by
pulling the foot upwards
7 Dribbled - This is normal (in the early
waterworks weeks of pregnancy)

Page 83
- The problem will be resolved (in
the twelve weeks pregnancy)
8 White vaginal - Keep your personal hygiene
discharge - Wash with plain water twice a
- Give a mild cream
9 Fainting - Avoid long period opf standing
- Sit or lie down if you feel faint
10 Fainting while - This is normally happened in
lying flat on my late pregnancy
back - Just turn yourself into side-lying
11 Varicose vein - Rest with legs vertical against
the wall for a short time
- Exercise the calf muscle by
rising onto the toe
- Make circling movements with
the ankles

2. Simple past perfect tense :

Setiap tenses baik yang berbentuk simple ataupun progressive pasti memiliki
cirinya tersendiri, dan tenses simple past fercet tense ini menjelaskan atau di
gunakan untuk menjelaskan tentang 2 kejadian yang terjadi bersamaan dimana
salah satu aktifitasnya mendahului aktifitas sebelumnya.

a. Conjunction : BEFORE & AFTER

b. Tobe : HAD BEEN
c. Rumus simple past perfect tense kotak “To Be” :

Page 84
( + ) S + TO BE (HAD BEEN) +
( - ) S + TO BE (HAD BEEN) +
( ? ) TO BE (HAD) + S + BEEN
+ A/C ???
YES, S +

 For Examples :





Rumus simple past perfect tense kotak “To Do”

Pada simple past perfect tense ini diperlukan kata kerja ke 3 atau (V3) pada
bentuk positif, negative & interrogativenya !!!
Page 85
( + ) S + HAD + V3 + O + A/C
( - ) S + HAD + NOT + V3 + O + A/C
( ? ) HAD + S + V3 + O + A/C???

 Di dalam tenses ini tidak diperlukan time merked, yang biasa digunakan untuk
menandakan bahwa kalimat tersebut adalah termasuk tenses simple past
perfect adalah adanya Conjunctions: Before & After. Tenses ini hamper mirip
dengan past progressive karena tenses ini tidak bisa berdiri sendiri, dia harus
disandingkan dengan tenses simple past tense.
 Adapun rumus tersebut adalah :



1) Tenses Exercises ( fill the blanks with the correct formula of simple past
tense & simple past perfect tense)!

1. Before Alexandria …… (Take) the vitamins, she …… (Consult) to her

2. Mr. Black …… (complain) to the midwife about his great headache after he
(feel) its.
3. After I …… (finish) doing my homework, I …… (Tidy up) my room.

Page 86
4. Before I…… (come) in to your house, your sister…… (tell) me that you
weren’t at home.
5. Before …… (have) dinner with my father, I…… (have) dinner with my
friends, first.
6. Dr. frank……(give) advice to the patient after the midwife…… (measure)
the patient’s blood pressure.
7. The midwife…… (examine) the patient after the midwife…… (prepare) the
patient’s note.
8. Before my father…… (attend) the health conference, my mother…...
(cook) the lunch.
9. my father …… (consult) his health before my sister…… (read) the
newspaper last Friday.
10. Mr. jack …… (Decide) to be a midwife, he already…… (get) married
11. Before the surgeon……(require) the surgical, he…… (give) the patient the
anesthetization, first.
12. the midwife……(explore) the patient’s wound after the midwife……
(prepare) the patient’s note.
13. Mrs. Jane…… (to be) a midwife before I …… (work) in the London
14. After Dr. Paula…… (inject) the patient, the midwife….. (clean up) the used
15. the teachers…… (make) the new regulations after they…… (meet) in their
conference room.
Adapun rumus tersebut adalah :

Cause cereal contact cups going gone have last

Like off runs stopped suggest suppose today

Patient : midwife I’m afraid I have the…… 1..

Midwife : Are you …… 2…. To the toilet often?

Page 87
Patient : haven’t …..3…..since very early this morning.

Midwife : what did you …..4….. for breakfast?

Patient : just…..5….. and few….. 6….. of tea.

Midwife :the doesn’t seem to be the…… 7…… unless the milk was….. 8…..

Patient : I doubt it very much, more ….. 9….. the soup….. 10….. night.

Midwife : do you think it had ….. 11….. off?

Patient : I….. 12….. so, it had been in the fridge for a few days.

Midwife : I ….. 13 ….. you eat nothing….. 14….. and….. 15….. me tomorrow.

2). b. Filling Gap Exercises II

Be chest comfortable dizzy else fine found hurry idea

Movement phoning pick pig sides speak still trying water what yet

MIDWIFE could he….. 1….. when you entered the room?

NEIGHBOUR just about. He said he was ….. 2….. to make a phone-call to his
daughter – she lives in Ashford – and as he stretched out to….. 3….. the phone
up off the rest, he got this terrible shooting pain up his arm and across his…..

MIDWIFE yes – then….. 5….. ?

NEIGHBOUR He says he went….. 6….. and that’s where I….. 7….. him. He
can’t move, he says.

MIDWIFE Anything….. 8….. ?

Page 88
NEIGHBOUR yes. He says he’s very hot. Says he’s sweating like a….. 9…..

MIDWIFE has he ….. 10….. got the pain? Does he seem to have lost….. 11…..
down one side?

NEIGHBOUR No, he seems OK down both…..12….. He says he’s still got the
pain but not as bed. He says he’s terribly. Shall I give him a drink of ….. 13…..

MIDWIFE No, not just ….. 14….. look – I’m on my way. I’m setting off now. Is he
fairly….. 15……? Can you stay with him until I arrive? About ten minutes?

NEIGHBOUR yes. No problem. He’s OK, but do hurry up – I’ve no….. 16…..
what to do if he another turn.

MIDWIFE don’t worry – you’re doing just ….. 17….. just stay with him. Don’t try
to move him or do anything for him – just leave him in the chair where he’s
comfortable. I’m….. 18….. for an ambulance for him – if they arrive before I do,
just tell them I’m on my way. Dr Blasco – all right?

NEIGHBOUR All right. Just ….. 19….. up!

MIDWIFE I’ll….. 20….. there as quick as I can

3). Guess what ! (match the blanks with the suitable words below)

Doctor sick prescriptions wound

hospitalized Temperature

Fever flu over counter medicine place


Page 89
Mix And Match The Problems And The Advices Below

Problems Advice

a. headache 1. Take some aspirin

b. toothache 2. Go to bed and rest
c. sore throat 3. Drink a lot of water
d. cough 4. Take some vitamin C
e. backache 5. Put some lotion on it
f. fever 6. Give taped water compress
g. burn 7. Don’t lift anything
h. bone Fracture 8. Close the mouth when coughing
i. sneezing 9. Take the Diarrhea medicines

stomachache 10. brush the teeth regularly

see the dentist

12. take some panadol

reading comprehension 1

Midwife jane Johnson & her accident

Jane Johnson was going to school this morning, a car knocked her
down. Her right leg was broken just below the knee. Some people who saw
the accident laid her in comfortable position on the pavement and phoned for
an ambulance. The driver of the car that knocked jane covered her with a coat
and tried to comfort her. When the ambulance arrived, jane was lifted onto a
stretcher. Put into the ambulance and driven to a hospital that was not far
away. when she arrived at the causality department, she was admitted. The
midwife was admitted her gave an injection of morphine to combat the shock

Page 90
and the pain. The midwife who examined her, comforted her and told herb that
everything will be all right.

While the midwife was examining her, the midwife who has admitted
took her pulse and blood pressure. As jane’s wound was lacerated and
contused, she was given an antibiotic to prevent the onset of infection. She
was taken to X-ray department, while the X- ray examining was being carried
out, jane’s parents arrived at the hospital. The midwife who examined jane told
them that jane had sustained a compound fracture at tibia and fibula.

He explained that an operation was necessary and asked mr. smith to

sign a consent form. While Mrs.smith was giving jane’s particulars and
previous medical history to the midwife. Before jane’s parents left the hospital,
they were told when they could visit her and were given a list of things that she
would need.

7) reading comprehension II

Mr. jack & his surgery

Ibn the theater, jack will be given an anesthetic and his wound will be .
The X- rays which were taken by the radiographer will show the surgeon the
exact site and extent of the fracture. Dead or dirty tissue will be excised and
any small splinters of bone will be removed. The surgeon will perform the
operation using a “no touch” technique to reduce the chances of infection.

When the surgeon is stratified that the wound is as clean as possible,

he will dust it off with an antibiotic powder. He will then suture it and cover it
with a sterile gauze dressing. Any areas that the raw will be dressed with the
sterile vaselin petroleum gauze. The surgeon will now be able to treat the
fracture as closed. He will reduce the bone into anatomical position, and the
leg will be put in the plaster of Paris. Jack then will be taken back to an
orthopedic ward.

When the post-operative panties like jack arrives in the ward, they are
carefully life from the stretcher and laid in a specially prepared bed. The foot
Page 91
the bed is often raised on wooden blocks. The patient is placed on his back
with his head turned to one side. As he is generally still unconscious, an
artificial airway is in position and a midwife stays with him to ensure that his
airway is kept clear. She also checks his pulse rate and volume, his color and
the rate and the depth of his respiration

8) reading comprehension III

At the stage labor

The mother will realize that the birth of her baby is imminent. The
reaction to labor may vary to women. Some may experience that the
contractions are motivating, positive, life giving force. Others may fell them as
pain and resist them. One woman may welcome the event with excitement
because a new baby is soon delivered, another may be glad the pregnancy is

One thing is obvious for us, that the preparatory phase of pregnancy is
at an end, and within a reactively short period a baby will be born the mother
may fell apprehensive and fear in case she does not conform to the social
expectations of her culture. The mother may fell anxious in case the
experience is painful and she concerns about her ability to control pain. She
may fell less confident in her ability to cope with the relentless nature of the
contractions which control her body

At this moment, the midwife role is more important than the earlier
stage of labor. The midwife’s calm approach and information about what is
happening can safeguard a co-operative partnership. This is critical at a time
when a woman may fell lack of control over events which can result in a
sensation of panic. The situation can be more critical especially when a
supportive companion is not present to witness. His wishes should be
respected. The midwife can do much to encourage and help the mother
whose expectation is to be sustained by another human being, to have relief
from pain, to have a safe outcome for self and fetus, to have attitudes and
behaviors accepted and to receive bodily care

Page 92
Checking Vital Sign

1. Dialogue 1

Midwife : When did you last come in a physical exam?

Patient : I had my last physical two years ago.
Midwife : Have you had any other exam recently? Blood work, an EKG or an
Patient : Well, I had a few X-rays at the dentist’s.
Midwife : How have you been feeling in general?
Patient : Pretty well. No complaints, really.
Midwife : Could you roll up your left sleeve? I’d like take to your blood pressure
Patient : Certainly.

Midwife : 120 cover 80. That’s fine. You don’t seem to be over weight, that’s
good. Do you exercise regularly?

Patient : No, not really. Ih I run up flight of stairs, it takes me a while to get my
breath back. I need to get out more.
Midwife : That would be a good idea. How about your diet?
Patient : I think I eat a pretty balanced diet. You know, I’ll have a hamburger
from time to time, but generally I have well balanced meals.
Midwife : That’s good. Now, I’m going to listen to your heart.
Patient : Ooh, that’s cold.
Midwife : Don’t worry it’s just my stethoscope. Now, breathe in and hold your
breath. Please pull up your shirt, and breathe deeply… Everything
sounds good. Let’s take a look at your throat. Please open wide and
say ‘ah’.
Patient : ‘ah’
Midwife : OK. Everything looks ship shape. I’m going to order some blood
work and that’s about it. Take this slip to the front desk and they’ll
arrange a appointment for the test.
Patient : Thank you midwife. Have a nice day.

Page 93
2. Dialogue 2

Patient : Midwife, I think I might have a fever. It’s so cold in here !

Midwife : Here, let me check your forehead.
Patient : What do you think?
Midwife : Your temperature seem raised. Let me get a thermometer to check.
Patient : How do I rise my bed? I can’t find the controls.
Midwife : Here you are. Is that better?
Patient : Could I have another pillow?
Midwife : Certainly, jere you are. Is there anything else I can do for you?
Patient : No, thank you.
Midwife : OK, I’ll be right back with the thermometer.

Patient : Oh, just a moment. Can you bring me another bottle of water, too?

Midwife : Certainly, I’ll be back in a moment.

Di Dalam Lesson 7, Ana Akan Mempelajari Apa dan Bagaimana
Menggunakan Passive Voice, Kinds Of Sentence dan Menerapkan Polite
Request Di Dalam Kehidupan Kebidanan dan speaking dalam role play.
1. Polite Request
Commands & polite request for the midwives to the patient:
a. Commands / Request 1
1. Come in….(silahkan masuk).
2. Sit down….(silahkan duduk).
3. Stand up….(berdiri).
4. Turn around….(berputar).
5. Say ‘ah’….(katakana “ah”).
6. Bend down…(membungkuk).
7. Lay down….(berbaring).
8. Look up….(lihat ke atas).
9. Raise your arm / armpt….(angkat tanganmu / ketiakmu)
10. Move your head….(gerrakan kepala).

Page 94
b. Commands / Request 2 :
1. Lift your leg….(angkat kakimu).
2. Arch your back….(bungkukan kakimu).
3. Lower your foot….(turunkan kakimu).
4. Open your mouth….(buka mulutmu).
5. Put out your tongue….(julurkan lidahmu).
6. Bend your knees….(tekuk lututmu).
7. Touch your toes….(sentuh jari kakimu).
8. Wriggle your fingers….(gerakan tanganmu).
9. Take your shirt off….(buka bajumu).
10. Roll your sleeve up / down….(gulung lengan bajumu ke atas / ke
c. Commands / Request 3 :
1. Hold your head up….(tengadahkan kepalamu).
2. Take deep breath….(ambil nafas panjang).
3. Touch your ankle….(sentuh pergelangan kakimu).
4. Fist your fingers….(kepalkan jarimu).
5. Put on your shirt….(kenakan bajumu).
6. Lower down your trouser….(turunkan celanamu).
7. Take your trouser off….(lepaskan celanamu).
8. Keep your mouth open….(tetap buka mulut).
9. Keep your eyes shut….(tutup mata).
10. Extend your hand….(rentangkan tangan).

d. Commands / Request 4 :
1. Take the breath in / out….(ambil nafas dalam / hembuskan).
2. Shake your head….(gerakkan kepalamu).
3. On the knees down….(berlutut).
4. Put your body upside down….(tengkurap).
5. Slight over / scoot over….(bergeser).
6. Fold your knees….(lipat lututmu).
7. Hold your breath….(tahan nafasmu).
8. Fold your elbow….(lipat sikumu).
9. Lay onto your tummy….(tengkurap).

e. Polite request of midwife to the patient 5 :

- Please…..
- I want you…..
- I need you to…..
- Would you…..
Lie flat on your back
Lie on your side

Page 95
Sit upright
Roll up your gown
Put both your legs here
- I want to…..
Prepare you for the labor
Teach you for breathing
Examine your abdomen
Check breathing
Check the fetus heart beat
Lie flat on bed
Open your gown
Bend your knee

Catatan penting :
1. Jangan lupa untuk selalu mangucapkan “Please, Madam, Sir, Miss, Mr, Etc”
kepada semua pasien sebelum melakukan tindakan medis.
2. Jangan lupa untuk selalu mangucapkan “Please, Madam, Sir, Miss, Mr, Etc”
kepada semua pasien setelah melakukan tindakan medis.
3. Jangan lupa untuk selalu mangucapkan “Would You Mind --- / I Would Like To
---“ kepada semua pasien pada saat melakukan tindakan medis.

2. Kinds Of Sentences
a). Declarative Sentence
Definition : The declarative sentence or declaration, is the most important
type. You can, and often will write entire
essays or report using only declarative sentences, and you should always
use them far more often than the other
A declarative sentence simply states a fact or argument, states an idea,
without requiring either an answer
Or action from the reader, it does not give a commands or request, nor does it
ask a question.
You punctuate your declarative sentence with a simple period.

Page 96
Subject + Predicate
Declarative sentence consist of a subject and a predicate. The subject may
be a simple subject or a compound subject
Example :
 Mario play the piano.
 I hope you can come tomorrow.
b). Exclamative sentence
Definition : Exclamative sentence are used to make exclamation.
These are also referred to as Exclamative sentence or exclamative.
These are used to express strong feelings, strong emphasis or emotion.
Exclamation sentence can begin with “what” or “how”
Example :
 What a naughty dog he is !
 What an amazing game the was!

Example :
 What a stupid man he is!
 What a surprise!

c). Impertative
Definition : imperative are verbs used to give order, command warning or
Example :
 Give me that tape, please.
Adults do not usually give each other order, unless they are in position of
However, adults can give order to children and to animals.
The intonation of an order is important: each word is stressed, and the tone
falls at the end of the sentence:
 Sit down now!
“Sit”, “down” and “now” are all stressed, and the tones fall on “now”.

Page 97
You can use the imperative to warn someone of danger.
All the words in the warning are stressed, but the last word has a higer tone
than the first word:
 Watch out!
 Look out!
When you give advice using the imperative, the word are stressed normally.
 Don’t tell him you’re resigning now! Wait until Monday when he’s a better
 Don’t drink alcohol.
You can also use the imperative to make a request, but you should use a
polite word before the verb:
 Please take a seat.
 Please wait here
 Please hold the line.
d). interrogative Sentence
Definition: An interrogative sentence is a type of sentence which usually asks
a question and use.
A question mark (?). They must ask for information or for confirmation or
denial of statement.
They typically begin with a question word such as what, who, or how or an
auxiliary verb such as do/does, can or would.
 Do you speak French?
 Will you go to the supermarket for me?
There are for types of interrogative sentences.
1) Yes/No Interrogative
Yes/no question usually will be answered by yes or no.
 Will you bring your book?
Page 98
 Answer : yes or no)
 Did she pass the test?
 Answer : yes or no)
2) Alternative Interrogatives
Alternative Interrogatives offer two or more alternative responses.

 Should I telephone you or send an email?
 Do you want bear, wine or whisky?
3) Wh- Interrogatives
Wh- Interrogatives are introduced by a wh- word, and they elicit an open –
ended response:
 What happened?
 Where do you work?
4) Tag Question
They are sometimes tagged onto the end of a declarative sentence.
 David play the piano, doesn’t he?
 We’ve forgotten the milk, haven’t we?

3. Passive Voice
Kalimat pasif adalah kalimat yang berawalan dengan di- atau ter- dan ber.

Grammar Pattern :
Simple : S + TO BE+ V3 + (BY) + OP
Progressive : S + TO BE+ V3 + BEING + (BY) + OP
To be going to : S + TO BE+ GOING + TO BE + (tidak berubah) + V3 + (BY) +

Ther are two special forms for verb called voice:

1. Active voice
2. Passive voice
The active voice is the “normal” voice. This is the voice that we use most of the
time. You are probably already familiar with the active voice. In the active voice,
the object receives the action of the verb:
Page 99
subject verb
cats oat by cats

The Passive voice is less usual. In the passive voice, the subject receives the
action of the verb:

Subject verb object

Fish are eaten by

The object of the active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb:

subject Verb object

Active Everybody Drink By everybody
passive Water Is drunk Water

The passive voice is less usual than the active voice. The active voice is the
“normal” voice. But sometimes we need the passive voice. In this lesson we
look at how to construct the passive voice, when to use it and how to conjugate
Look at the example:
Subject Auxiliary verb Main verb (past
(to be) participle)
Water is drunk By everyone
100 people are Employed By this company
I Am Paid In euro
We Are not Paid In dollars
Are They Paid In yen?
Page 100
Use of the passive voice
We use the passive when:
 We want to make the active object more important.
 We don’t know the active object.

Subject Verb Object

Give importance to President Was killed By Lee Harvey
active object kenedy Oswaid
(president Kenedy)
Active subject My wallet Has been ?
unknown stolen

Conjugation for the passive voice

We can from the passive in any tense. In fact, conjugation of verb in the passive
tense is rather easy, as the main verb is always in past participle form and the
auxiliary verb is always be. To form required tense, we conjugate the auxiliary
verb. So, for example:
 Present simple : it is made
 Present continuous : it is being made
 Present perfect : it has been made

Here are some examples with most of the possible tense :

Infinitive To be washed

Simple present
past It is washed
It washed
It will be washed

It would be washed

Page 101
Continuous present It is being washed
It was being washed

It will be being washed

It would be being
Perfect simple present It has been washed
past It had been washed
future It will have been washed
It would have been washed
Perfect continuous present It has been being washed
Past It had been being washed
Future It will have been being washed
It would have been being
conditional washed

Role Play : do the following play with your partner

Student A Student B

You have to measure a client’s vital You visit a midwife and your vital signs
signs. You have to explain to your client are assessed by the midwife and you will
(Student B) the results of observation have to ask the results of the assessment
chart as provided as the following

Page 102


A. Conversation

Midwife : well Mrs. Roumd, let’s take a look at you. Would you mind lying
down here?

Mrs. Roumd : Ok

Midwife : Everything is normal. I suggest you to have ultrasonography or

USG test for several times during pregnancy,

Mrs. Roumd : I have got a USG check last month

Midwife : Alright, have a seat please. You have a USG check in your first
trimester. It’s better to have USG check at least once for each
trimester during your pregnancy, many women have USG check
each month.

Mrs. Roumd : Ok. Do I will have soon

Midwife : good, so do you have any more complaints for your pregnancy

Mrs. Roumd : well, beside morning sickness and vomiting, i am a bit worried
about my pregnancy if I get too tired.

Midwife : Yes, you are now in 8 weeks of your pregnancy, means that
you are now still in the first trimester. On your early months of
pregnancy you felt morning sickness. Its intensity varies form
bed loss of appetite or even frequent vomiting. Other common
bloating, frequent urination, fatigue, etc.

Mrs. Roumd : yes, exactly, that’s what I feel on my first months

Midwife : Alright, and next on your second trimester, there will be new
feature that appears during the second trimester or 13-28 weeks
of a normal pregnancy is a progressive enlargement of the lower
abdomen or the growing uterus.

Mrs. Roumd : so my abdomen will be getting bigger.

Midwife : take extra care of your health and increase the nutrition intake
for the healthy growth of your baby. As you told me taht you’re
always getting busy, you have to know that you need more rest
during pregnancy. Try to lie down and relax with your feet up
once or twice a day. Brisk walking, freehand exercises, aerobics.
Page 103
Mrs. Roumd : so when I get too tired, it’s better for me to get rest soon by
lying down with my feet up. May I go swimming?

Midwife : when you have time, it’s ok to swim. Swimming is also helpful
to keep your body fit.

Mrs. Roumd : well I’m glad to hear that because I really like to swim

Midwife : However, don’t indulge in vigorous worksouts.

Mrs. Roumd : of course.

Midwife : Further, a well ballanced diet is essential for maternal health

and for nourishing the growing fetus in the womb

Mrs. Roumd : well, for now, I try to eat meals regulary as now I get easily
hungry but I do not like to eat rice. What do you suggest?

Midwife : well rice is one of meals consisting carbohydrate, if you don’t

like rice you may change with the other carbohydrat resource
such as bread, potato, noodle, etc. Remember well balance food
and take vitamins and you may take milk for pregnant women.

Mrs. Roumd : I don’t like milk, but drink milk for the sake of my baby

Midwife : you’re great mom...

B. Vocabularies

Word Meaning

Trimester tiga bulan

Complaints Keluhan

Vomiting mual

Nausea Muntah

Loss of appetite hilang/ kurang nafsu makan

Breast discomfort Payudara terasa tidak nyaman

Tender and Swollen breast payudara membengkak

Abdominal bloating Perut kembung

Frequent urination Sering buang air kecil

Page 104
Fatigue Kelelahan

Intake Masukan

Progressive Bersifat cepat/ perkembangan

Enlargement Pembesaran/ perluasan

Uterus Rahim

Brisk walking Jalan cepat

Exercises Olahraga

Fit Sehat

Indulge Puas diri

Well-balanced diet Diet seimbang

Maternal Ibu

Fetus Janin

Resource sumber


Use a gerund in your answer.

1. Name one thing that you enjoy doing.

2. What is your opinion of smoking ?
3. What are some unhealthy habits ?
4. What do you worry about ?
5. What do you dislike doing ?

Gerunds Exercises :

A. Identify the function of the verb- ing in each sentence, does it belong to
gerund as the subject, object of preposition or object of certain words !

Page 105
1. The hygine need of a baby focuses on bathing, washing, cleaning of the
genital area, the cord and the eyes.
2. The baby bathing skill is important for a midwife when undertaking the task
and educating the parents.
3. One recommends delaying the first full bath until feeding, but another one
suggest early bathing to reduce the risk of transmission of blood-borne
infection such as HIV.
4. Ensuring the security of information which women share with their caregivers
is essential to create an environment in which clients feel safe.
5. A woman receiving long-term medical treatment should be advised by her
midwife to consult her physician before embarking on pregnancy.
6. If a pregnant woman feels heartburn occasionally, the reflux can be prevanted
by avoiding the bending position over while housekeeping and kneeling to
clean the bath or to make beds.
7. Emotional and physical stresses operate on the maternal hypothalamus
triggering the release of oxytocin.
8. Later in pregnancy a other may fell faint while lying flat on her back.
9. A frequent bathing, particularly if alkaline soaps or lotions are used, may
predispose the baby to infection.
10. For some parents daily bathing may be pleasurable than washing the baby.

B. Fill the blanks with the formula of Verb-ing ; to infinitive;bare verb

1. Approximately 20% of women ...... (attend) infertility clinics ...... (have) the
ovulatory dysfunction
2. A midwife must be familiar with the function of all equipment before .......
(attempt) ....... (use) it for the care of neonates
3. Any baby ....... (receive) oxygen therapy must have the oxygen concentration
measured continuously
4. A first-time mother may be very distressed at ....... (be) away from home and
has to stay longer at the hospital
5. Every woman has the right ....... (choose) a home delivary
6. A maternity pack ....... (contain) cotton wool, sanitary towels, and absorbent
pads should ....... (be) provided before ....... (delivery) a baby at home
7. Any midwife who may be called for the home delivery should ........ (have) met
the family and should know how ........ (find) the hom
8. When ........ (care) for a mother with any transmission infection, a midwife
should wear gloves
Page 106
9. ......... (avoid) long periods of ....... (stand) is helpful for a pregnant woman to
easa fainting
10. The water temperature when ........... (bath) the baby must be not too cold or
not too hot.

6) Preference Phrases Exercise

1. I like .......... (read) a novel better than ........ (watch) a television.

2. I would rather ......... (accompany) my mother to market than ........ (have) fun
with my friends.
3. My father would prefer ........ (buy) a car father than ......... (rent) its.
4. Jessica prefers ........ (be) a midwife to ........ (become) a doctor.
5. They prefers ......... (dance) to .......... (sing).
6. I like ........ (read) a novel better than ........ (write) a letter.
7. We would rather ........ (eat0 oranges than .......... (drink) milk.
8. Our sport teacher would prefer ........ ( play) basket ball rather than ........
(smoke) a cigarette.
9. I would prefer ....... (inject) the patient rather than ........ (measure) their blood
10. My English teacher like ........ (swim) better than ......... (jog) on Sundays.
11. She would rather ........ (go) to cinema ......... (.......) go to the concert.
12. They (........) eating grapes (........) pineapples.
13. He (.........) to fix the car (.......) to mend the torn clothes.
14. Our parents (........) stay at home (.......) go shopping in mall.
15. We (.......) playing a guitar (.......) a flute.
16. She would prefers ........ (stay) at home than .......(play) around.
17. He prefers ......... ( study) to ......... (have) fun.
18. Dr. Smith would prefer ......... (inject) the patient in the clinic rather than ..........
(examine) them in his house.
19. She liked ........ (draw) a pigeon better than .......... (catch) it.
20. My hhead midwife would prefer .......... (teach) the students in the lab rather
than ....... (give) exercieses in the field.

Page 107
7) Matching Exercise

Match the comments with the supplies that are needed:

1 I Can’t catch my breath. A Table and

headrest paper
2 Prepare the examining table B Thermometer
for the next patient.
3 We’ll have to get a bloold C Oxygen mask
4 I need to sterilize the wound D Hypodemic
5 We’ll have to feed him with E Bandage
liquids. scissors
6 Let’s check your vision. F Scales
7 I need to examine the G Eye chart
patient in private.
8 Let’s seel if you are running H Antiseptic
a fever.
9 Let’s see if you are running I IV bag
a fever.
10 Can you cut this gauze for j Privacy screen

Page 108

a. Discribing symptomps

1 What’s the matter? Apa keluhan anda

2 I am not feeling well Saya merasa kurang enak badan
3 I am not feeling very well Saya merasa kurang enak badan
4 I feel ill Saya merasa sakit
5 I feel sick Saya merasa sakit
6 I’ve cut myself Saya terluka (jari, tangan, kaki dll) sendiri
7 I’ve got headache Saya sakit kepala
8 I’ve got a splitting headache Saya sakit kepala yang sangat pening
9 I’m not well Saya merasa sakit
10 I’ve got flu Saya kena flu
11 I’ve been sick Saya sakit
12 I’ve got a pain in my neck Leher saya terasa sakit
13 My ..... are hurting Saya .... terasa sakit
14 My back hurts Punggung saya sakit

b. Discussing symptomps

1 How can I help you Ada yang bisa saya bantu

2 What’s the problem? Apa masalahnya
3. What are your symptomps? Anda menderita gejala apa
4 I’ve got a...... Saya mengalami
Temperature Demam
Sore throat Sakit tenggorokan
Headache Sakit kepala
Rash Ruam
5 I’ve been feeling sick Saya merasa sakit
6 I’ve been having headaches Saya merasa sakit kepala
7 I’m very congeted Saya sesak napas
8 My joints are aching Sendi-sendi saya terasa sakit

Page 109
9 I’ve got diarrhea Saya menderita diare
10 I’ve got a lump Saya punyabenjolan
11 I’ve got swollen ankle Pergelangan kaki saya bengkak
12 I’m in a lot of pain Saya sangat kesakitan
13 I’ve got a pain in my.. ... saya sakit
Bak Pinggang
Chest Dada
14 I think I’ve pulled a muscle in Saya pikir otot kaki saya tertarik
my leg
15 I’m Saya...
Asthmatic Kena penyakit astma
Diabetic Kena penyakit kencing manis
Epileptic Kena penyakit elepsi
16 I need.... Saya membutuhkan ...
Another inhaler Inhaler baru
Some more insulin Insulin lagi
17 I’m having difficulty breathing Saya susah bernapas
18 I’ve got very little energy Saya merasa lemah sekali
19 I’ve been feeling very tired Saya merasa capek sekali
20 I’ve been feeling very Saya merasa sangat tertekan
21 I’ve been having dificulty Saya sulit tidur
22 How long have you been Sudah berapa lama anda seperti ini
feeling like this?
23 How have you been feeling Secara umum apa yang anda rasakan
24 I think I might be pregnant Mungkin saya hamil
25 Do you have any allergies? Apakah anda punya alergi
26 I’m allergic to antibiotics Saya alergi terhadap antibiotik
27 Are you any sort of Apakah anda sekarang sedang
medication? mengkonsumsi obat obatan

Page 110

a. Conversation
Mrs. Roumd and her husband are coming to see Midwife Amelia for consultan
about family planning program. Mrs. Roumd post partum period has ended.
She needs to know about the family planning program information and advice.
Midwife : Good morning Mrs. Roumd, how can I help you?

Mrs. Roumd : yes Mam, we come to see you this morning for a consultation
about the family planning program. My post partum period has
finished. I think we should know what kind of contraceptive
method that we should choose.

Husband : and we need to know how the contraception would deal with our
sexual relationship.

Midwife : alright, family planning is important to avoid unintended

pregnancy. We need to consider what type of contraception we
choose. There are two types of contraceptive methods.

Mrs. Roumd : I’ve read an article on internet Mam, hormonal, intra uterine
device (UID) and barrier method.

Midwife : yes exactly Mrs. Roumd, the hormonal ones include pills,
implant and injection, the next one is UID, the spiral copper
implanted or inserted into the uterus, and the barrier method is
by using condom.

Husband : can you explain in detail each of the contraceptions?

Midwife : of course, if you use hormonal contraception such as pills and

injective contraception, you will feel such side effects such as
dizziness, weight gain, nausea, irregular menstruation, probably
you will have regular schedule of taking the contraception. You
may not miss to take the oral contraception.
Page 111
Mrs. Roumd : how about the UID contraception?

Midwife : it has some benefits such as, you don’t have to regularly take
any pills or have regular injection, the effectiveness reaches 0.6
– 0.8 pregnancies per 100 women using UID users, it has no
hormonal effect the quality and volume of your breast milk,
commonly it doesn’t interfere you sexual sensation both for the
husband and wife, it can be used in 1-10 years and you may
check it each on year and it doesn’t influence your hormonal

Mrs. Roumd : how about its weakness?

Midwife : well, you may have more volume of your menstruation but it
usually stops earlier compared to menstruation of those who
use hormonal contraception. UID has more strengths than its

Husband : the last one seem quite simple, the barrier method or using

Midwife : Yes, you may say that. Condom is one of the simple ways of
contraceptive methods. It also effective to prevent sexually
transmitted desease but many couples especially husbands
state that using condom lessens their sexual sensation.

Mrs. Roumd : Beside those contraceptive methods, is there any manual or

more natural ways of preventing pregnancy

Midwife : Yes, Mrs. Roumd. Yo can use calendar calculation or

personalized calculation based on the length of the previous
period cycles. You’re not allowed to have an intercouse while
you are in your fertile days. You have to be carefully counting
the cycles to find out the tertile days based on the longest cycle
or the longest cycle of your regular periods

Page 112
Mrs. Roumd : well, I need to make sure I will not be mistaken in calculating
the cycles.

Husband : I think that is too risky for us honey, I’m afraid we forget or miss
calculate. You easily forget things, don’t you?

Mrs. Roumd : and you are such impatient, aren’t you?

Midwife : well, there is another option beside calender calculation. It is

called coitus intereptus or withdrawal. This invovles a
withdrawal of the penis from the vagina prior to ejaculation. This
practice is widely used.

Mrs. Roumd : Any other method we should know?

Midwife : well, there is male or female sterelization. It is taken if a couple

doesn’t want to have any more children or for a woman who is
not allowed to be pregnant anymore for a medical reason.

Mrs. Roumd : well we want to have more children of course, don’t we?

Husband : of course, I want to have my own foot ball team dear, our
children football team

Mrs. Roumd : oh you’re kidding.

Husband : You are a happy couple for sure.

Mrs. Roumd : what things should be we consider to choose one of the types
of the contraceptive methods?

Midwife : well you may choose the most appropriate one for both of you.

Mrs. Roumd : well, Midwife Amelia, I think I am interested in using IUD

contraception. What do you think?

Midwife : Now the gonvernment is intensively promote the childbearing

age women to use IUD contraception. I have explained its
Page 113
strengths and weakness haven’t I? You are free to choose one
of the methods that is confotable for you and your husband.

b. Vocabularies
Family planning Keluarga Berencana (KB)
Post Partum Nifas
Advice Nasehat
Sexual relationship Hubungan Seksual
Unintended Tidak sengaja
Avoid Menghindari
Implant Susuk/ tanam
Barrier Penghalang
Dizziness Pusing
Weight gain Penambahan berat badan
Irregular menstruation Menstruasi tidak teratur
Interfere Mengganggu
Cycle Siklus
Weakness Kelemahan
Sexually transmited disease Penyakit seksual menular
Sexual intercourse Hubungan intim
Fertile days Masa subur
Intereptus or withdrawal Pengunduran/ penarikan
Ejaculation Ejakulasi
Sterelization Sterilisasi
Confortable Nyaman
Preventing Mencegah

c. Language/ grammar Focus

Question tag
we want to have more children of course, Yes, but we have to do birth
don’t we? control anyway
you two such a funny and romantic couple Yes we are, we love each other
aren’t you?

Page 114
you easily forget things, don’t you I do
You are such impatient aren’t you Well that’s me aren’t you?
You are a midwifery student, aren’t you Yes, I am, how do you know?

If the sentence begins with positive statement, we have to use negative
question tag (auxaliary verbs with the negative form and if the sentence begins
with negative statement we have to use positive form of question tag or
positive auxiliary verbs.

Sentence pattern:
Positive statement + question tag negative – (you are Tom, aren’t you?)
Negative statement -> question tag positive – (he isn’t Joe, is he?)

d. Activities
I. Writing
Make the dialogue below into good English!

Midwife : paynem kamu sudah mengerti dengan penjelasn ibu

mengenai bagaimana memberikan penyuluhan tentang
pemilihan kontrasepsi.

Paynem : Sudah Ibu, setelah klien memustuskan memilih jenis

kontrasepsi yang sesuai dengan diri klien, kita akan
memberikan inform konsen kan bu?

Midwife : ya kemudian apa?

Paynem : kita harus menjelaskan isi dari inform konsen tersebut kan

Midwife : Betul sekali

Paynen : hehe, saya pintar kan bu?

Page 115
II. Speaking
Ask and answer about family planning or any other topic related to
midwifery using question tags with your partner. You may also ask and
answer based on the situation around you. Below are some examples:
You think that Family planning Yes I do, because family Planning
will lessen the number of the control birth and the number of the
people, do you? people or citizen can be controlled
You are a midwifey student, Yes I am, how do you know?
aren’t you

III. Reading

Client Education
Delegate agencies must have written education plans for client
education that includes goals and content outlines to ensure the
consistency and accuracy of the information provided. Education
protocol should be include detail on the educational focus for initial,
annual, other revisits and supply visits.

A Method to assess the client’s educational needs should be

performed at each visit. The education provided shoud be appropriate
to the client’s age, level of knowledge, language and socio-cultural
background and be presented in an unbiased manner. Clinic staff
should use a client-centered approach to education, assessing each
each client knowledge, circumstances and risks. A mecanism to
determine taht the information has been understood should be
established. An example would be asking the client to repeat
information in her/his own words.

Education services must provide clients with the information needed


 Make informed decisions about Family Planning;

Page 116
 Use specific methods of contraception and identify adverse
 Reduce the risk of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases
and Human Imunodeficiency Virus (HIV) beginning with a risk
 Understand the importance of recommended screening tests
and other procedures involved in the family planning visit;
 Understand the range of available services, the purpose and
squence of the clinic visit, and the procedures and agency fees
and financial arrangements.

Family Planning education must include face-to-face instruction with

the individual client. Additionally, film or videotape, pamphlet, and/or
group discussion may be used. A variety of printed educational
materials in languages prevalent in the community should also be
available in the common areas or waiting areas of the clinic

Initial clients should be offered information about basic female and

male reproductive anatomy and physicology, and the value of fertility
regulation in maintaining individual and family health. On subsequent
visits, client should be given information on reproductive health and
health promotion/ disease prevention, as appropriate.

Additional education should include information on preconception

counselinng, nutrition, exercise, smoking cessation, alcohol, and drug
abuse, partner and family violence, sexual abuse and sexual coercion

Information on all contraceptive choices must be given to clients.

Details on the safety, effectiveness, benefits, risks, potential side
effects, complications and instructions on how to use the method prior
to the client making informed choice pf the method. The contraceptive
education should be offered to clients on the following contraceptive

Page 117
A female methods A male method
 Abstinence  Abstinence
 Contraceptive transdermal  Male Condoms
patch  Male Sterilization
 Contraceptive Vaginal Ring
 Diaphragm/ cervical Cap
 Female Condoms
 Female Sterilization
 Fertility awareness Method
 Hormonal Implant
 Hormonal Injectables
 Intrauterine Device/ System
 Oral Contraceptives
 Spermicides

In Providing contraceptive information to clients, staff should consider

and discuss with the clients the methods for both their contraceptive
effectiveness and their effectiveness in preventing STDs and HIV.
Education on emergency contraception must be provided and
emergency contraception mus be available on site.

Clinics must use any appropriate oppurtinity to provide all clients with
information on the following high priority topics: emergency
contraception and STD and HIV risk and prevention. This education
must be done annually at a minimum.

Delegate agencies must develop procedures for evaluating the quality

and effectiveness of the educational component. Evaluation of the
client education services must occur annually.

All requered client education must be documented in the client medical

record. An education checklist will document coverage of all required
education components. Topics on the checklist must be detailed in the

Page 118
education protocols.
(Taken from


Abstinence Pantang
Alcohol and drug abuse Penyalahgunaan alkohol dan narkoba
Annual Tahunan
Annually Setiap tahun
Appropriate to Sesuai
Assess Menilai
Benefits Manfaat/ keuntungan
Breast self examination SADARI (Pemeriksaan Payudara Sendiri
Circumstances Keadaan
Client Education Promosi Kesehatan Kepada Client
Client centered approach Pendekatan berpusat pada klient
Contraceptive Transdermal Patch transdermal kontrasepsi
Contraceptive Vaginal Ring Kontrasepsi cincin Vagina
Delegate agencies Lembaga delegasi berwenang
Determine Menentukan
Diaphragm/ cervical cap Diafragma/ cap serviks
Disease prevention Pencegahan penyakit
Education protocol Protokol penyuluhan
Emergency contraception Kontrasepsi darurat
Ensure Memastikan
Established Mapan
Face-to-face planing Instruksi langsung
Finanial arrangement Pengaturan keuangan
Informed choice of method Metode pemilihan persetujuan tindakan
Informed decisions Inform konsen
Initial Awal
Langauages prevalent Bahasa lazim
Page 119
Partner and family violence Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga
Potential side effects Potensi efek samping
Preconception counseling Konseling prakonsepsi
Purpose and sequence of the Tujuan dan urutan kunjungan klinik
clinic visit
Risk assessment Penilaian resiko
Screenings test Tes skrining
Subsequent visit Kunjungan berikutnya
Testicular self examination Pemeriksaan testis sendiri
Transmission of sexually Penyakit menular (PMS)
transmitted diseasese (STDs)
Unbiased manner Tidak memihak


a. List the new vocabularies that you haven’t known the meaning and discuss the
meaning of those words?
b. Read the articles. Then for each statement, check (√) true or false
NO Statement True False
1 The education provided should be
appropriate to the client’s age level
of knowledge, language, and socio-
cultural background
2 There are two groups of
contraceptive choices
3 Face-to-face instruction with the
individual client must be included in
the family planning education
4 The most favorite contraception is
female contraception
5 HIV and other sexually
transmitted diseases are spread by
the use of condom

Page 120
Page 121

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