DLL Tle-Ia 6 q3 w3
DLL Tle-Ia 6 q3 w3
DLL Tle-Ia 6 q3 w3
Enhancing/ decorating finished products
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resources
What is a survey? Effects of innovative Effects of creative Brief Discussion on the Brief Discussion on the
A. Reviewing previous
finishing materials on the accessories on the processes of sketching to processes of sketching to
lesson or presenting the new
marketability of products marketability of products enhance bamboo, wood, enhance bamboo, wood,
metal, and other finished metal, and other finished
products. products.
B. Establishing a For this learning episode, we are going to discuss the
purpose for the lesson effects of innovative finishing materials and creative
accessories on the marketability of products.
Group activity: Group activity: Prepare an activity focusing Prepare an activity focusing Prepare an activity focusing
With the use of internet or With the use of internet or on the processes of on the processes of on the processes of
C. Presenting examples/ other information gathering other information gathering sketching, shading and sketching, shading and sketching, shading and
instances of the new methods, answer the methods, answer the outlining to enhance bamboo outlining to enhance bamboo outlining to enhance bamboo
lesson following questions: following questions: projects/products. projects/products. projects/products.
1. What is finishing materials? 1. What is creative
2. Write some accessories?
examples of 2. Write some
finishing materials examples of
that can be found creative
in our community. accessories that
3. What are the can be found in our
effects of finishing community.
materials in the 3. What are the
marketability of effects of creative
products/projects? accessories in the
marketability of
D. Discussing new Group Group Group Group Group
concepts and practicing new presentations/discussions of presentations/discussions of presentations/discussions of presentations/discussions of presentations/discussions of
skills #1 their outputs. their outputs. their outputs. their outputs. their outputs.
Discuss the effects of Discuss the effects of Discuss how to enhance Discuss how to enhance Discuss how to enhance
innovative finishing creative accessories on the bamboo wood products/projects metal products/projects
materials on the marketability of products products/projects through sketching, through sketching,
E. Discussing new concepts and
marketability of products through sketching, outlining and shading. outlining and shading.
practicing new skills#2
Teacher also gives examples outlining and shading.
of the different finishing
materials that can be found
in our community.
F. Developing mastery Write 5 common finishing Write 5 common creative Original File Submitted and
(Leads to Formative materials that can be accessories that can be Formatted by DepEd Club
Assessment 3) found in your community. found in your community. Member - visit depedclub.com
for more
G. Finding practical Why do we need to apply Why do we need to apply
applications of concepts finishing touch on a finishing touch on a
and skills in daily living product/project? Does it product/project? Does it
affect the marketability of affect the marketability of
the project? How? the project? How?
H.Making generalizations and What are the effects of What are the effects of How do we enhance How do we enhance How do we enhance
abstractions about the finishing materials in the creative accessories in the bamboo wood metal
lesson marketability of the marketability of the projects/products? projects/products? projects/products?
products? products?
I. Evaluating learning Direction: Essay 5 pts. Direction: Essay 5 pts. The class will be The class will be The class will be
Discuss the effects of Discuss the effects of grouped into four. Each grouped into four. Each grouped into four. Each
finishing materials in the creative accessories in the group will enhance the group will enhance the group will enhance the
marketability of the marketability of the bamboo products bamboo products bamboo products
products products through sketching, through sketching, through sketching,
(use rubrics to assess the (use rubrics to assess the shading and outlining. shading and outlining. shading and outlining.
answers of learners) answers of learners) The teacher will show The teacher will show The teacher will show
four bamboo products four wood products to four metal products to
to be enhance by the be enhance by the be enhance by the
learners. learners. learners.
(use rubrics to assess (use rubrics to assess (use rubrics to assess
the performance of the performance of the performance of
learners) learners) learners)
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No.oflearnerswho
earned80%onthe formative
B. No.oflearnerswho
C. Didtheremediallessons
work? No.oflearnerswho
D. No.oflearnerswho
E. Whichofmyteaching
F. WhatdifficultiesdidI
G.What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?