International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Moringa oleifera is characterized by high coagulation properties, low cost and low toxicity hence is very
Received 17 November 2015 promising to be utilized as an alternative coagulant to recover microalgae biomass from its suspension
Received in revised form system. Hence, this study was performed with the objective to investigate the potentiality of M. oleifera
26 March 2016
as coagulant agent in harvesting microalgae and to investigate the effect of zeta potential in its
Accepted 28 March 2016
coagulation-flocculation activity. Bradford protein assay was applied for rapid and accurate determina-
Available online xxx
tion of protein concentration in the M. oleifera seed powder and protein powder. The flocculation ac-
tivities were determined at isoelectric pH by computing the flocculation efficiency in terms of microalgae
Moringa oleifera
biomass recovery and removal percentage at various coagulant dosages. It was observed that the protein
Coagulating protein concentration was 211.71 mg g1 mL1 in M. oleifera seed powder and 188.16 mg g1 mL1 in protein
Zeta potential powder which yielded 97% and 78% of biomass recovery, respectively at the dosage of 10 mg L1. Result
Bio-flocculation showed that M. oleifera seed derivatives supersede chemical coagulant, alum which yielded 34% of
Chlorella sp. biomass recovery at the same dosage. M. oleifera seed powder and protein powder was proven to be
highly promising bio-coagulant and suitable alternative to the chemical coagulant in environmentally-
sustainable harvesting of microalgae biomass.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0964-8305/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Abdul Hamid, S.H., et al., A study of coagulating protein of Moringa oleifera in microalgae bio-flocculation,
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previous studies (Table 1). contribute to the environmental problem such as eutrophication
Microalgae harvesting technique were including centrifugation, and algal blooms. Recovery of the microalgae biomass from broth
filtration, sedimentation, chemical flocculation and floatation. In has been claimed to contribute 20e30% to the total cost of pro-
centrifugation, solid-liquid separation process was driving by a ducing the biomass (Gudin and Thepenier, 1986; Molina Grima
much greater force (gravity) to promote accelerated settling of et al., 2003). Hence, the microalgae biomass harvesting issue was
microalgae cells. This technique can be used for almost all types of exclusively focused in order to promote effective aquaculture
microalgae reliably and without difficulty (Pires et al., 2012). wastewater treatment for sustainable downstream processing of
However, centrifugal recovery is only feasible if the metabolite microalgae.
content in the targeted biomass is a high-value product. This is due Harvesting of microalgae biomass requires the minimum of two
to the high energy consumption is required during the separation solid-liquid separation steps. According to Molina Grima et al.
process. The large-scale biomass recovery become a problematic (2003), microalgae biomass can be harvested through the process
due to the high power consumption which increases the produc- of centrifugation, filtration or gravity sedimentation. These pro-
tion costs. In addition, the coagulation-flocculation required to be cesses may be preceded by a coagulation-flocculation step. But,
followed by flotation-sedimentation and finally dewatering step by centrifugal recovery of the biomass was only feasible for high-value
centrifugation were performed for low-cost biomass harvesting products such as Spirulina sp. to reimburse the high maintenance
(Schenk et al., 2008). cost. On the other hand, filtration recovery was unsatisfactory
Coagulation-flocculation was used to aggregate the microalgae because it was relatively slow and unsuitable for the biomass re-
cells and increase the effective ‘‘particle’’ size, thus enhancing covery in large-scale volumes. Filtration recovery was unsatisfac-
biomass recovery. Coagulants such as aluminum sulfate (alum), tory due to the exposure of the harvested biomass towards
ferric sulfate, ferric chloride, ferrous sulfate, sodium aluminate, iron membrane fouling and its suitability to only large-cell-sized
salts and chitosan has been used for the recovery of microalgae via microalgae. Hence, it required regular membrane changing and
coagulation-flocculation and was demonstrated successfully to maintenance which may contributed to the harvesting cost.
achieve the goal (Molina Grima et al., 2003). However, coagulation- Among the aforementioned methods, coagulation-flocculation
flocculation by metal salts may be unacceptable if harvested was considered to be an effective and convenient process, which
biomass is to be used for aquaculture purposes, animal feed or allows rapid treatment of large quantities of microalgae (Oh et al.,
organic fertilizer. High aluminum concentration does not caused 2001). Various methods of coagulation-flocculation can be used
effects only upon fish, but also birds and other higher animals in the to aggregate the microalgal cells to increase the effective particle
food chain that consumed the contaminated fish and insects. Ac- size and hence ease the sedimentation process for biomass recov-
cording to De-Bashan and Bashan (2004), another negative envi- ery. Microalgal cells carry a negative charge that prevents aggre-
ronmental effect of aluminum is that its ions can react with gation of cells in suspension (Molina Grima et al., 2003). Therefore,
phosphates, which causes total phosphate to be less available to the surface charge can be neutralized or reduced by the addition of
water organisms. It was reported that the major component of alum coagulants such as multivalent cations and cationic polymers to the
and acrylamide could lead to human health implications, such as culture. The use of biological based coagulant would assist sus-
involvement in Alzheimer's disease and the cause of cancers tainable aquaculture practices. The objectives of this study are (i) to
(Ahmad et al., 2011; Hamid et al., 2014). Therefore, an alternative of investigate the potentiality of Moringa oleifera seed as coagulant
environmentally friendly harvesting approach need to be devel- agent for freshwater Chlorella sp. biomass harvesting and (ii) to
oped completely not only to ease microalgae biomass recovery but study the effect of zeta potential and isoelectric of microalgae
also to preserve our natural environment. suspension toward coagulation-flocculation. As comparison to the
Besides that, the treated medium was also not suitable to be efficiency of coagulation-flocculation process, alum was selected as
reused because of the deterioration of water quality due to the control for the M. oleifera derivatives because it had been widely
addition of coagulants. Hence, the exploration of potential natural utilized as standard flocculation reagent in the water and waste-
coagulant is crucial for sustainable wastewater treatment utilizing water treatment protocols. This study had successfully elucidated
microalgae. The utilization of suspended microalgae culture in the potentiality of M. oleifera plant derivatives in harvesting
biological treatment would then lead to the requirement for the Chlorella sp. from the water column which is absence in current
effective separation process. Releasing treated water to the water research.
body without proper recovery of microalgae biomass could
Table 1
Harvesting techniques and their respective advantages and disadvantages (Brennan and Owende, 2010).
Please cite this article in press as: Abdul Hamid, S.H., et al., A study of coagulating protein of Moringa oleifera in microalgae bio-flocculation,
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Please cite this article in press as: Abdul Hamid, S.H., et al., A study of coagulating protein of Moringa oleifera in microalgae bio-flocculation,
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation (2016),
4 S.H. Abdul Hamid et al. / International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation xxx (2016) 1e8
2.6. Braford protein analysis interaction between these factors. Although useful for multi-
factorial statistical determination, two-way ANOVA lacked the
Prior to the coagulation-flocculation test, each of the M. oleifera determination capability to point treatment with the most signif-
seed derivatives prepared was subjected to the determination of icant reading and rank them to the least significant. One-way
crude protein content. Bradford protein assay was used for the ANOVA was then employed to determine the significance within
rapid accurate determination of protein concentration. Among the each factor based on the result of two-way ANOVA. OriginLab Pro
several methods available, the spectroscopic Bradford assay was 9.1™ was used as the main software for the purpose of graphical
commonly used because it was considered as fast and sensitive method of analysis.
(Bradford, 1976). The Bradford protein assay was a simple proce-
dure for determination of total protein concentration in solutions 3. Results and discussion
that depends upon the change in absorbance based on the pro-
portional binding of the dye Coomassie Blue G-250 to proteins. A 3.1. Effect of protein concentration in M. oleifera seed derivatives on
set of standard was prepared from a stock solution of protein with biomass recovery
known concentration. The Bradford values obtained from the
standard was used to construct a standard curve. Then, this stan- Fig. 1 shows the protein concentration and the biomass recovery
dard curve was used to determine the protein concentration in M. percentage of Moringa oleifera seed derivatives from the pre-
oleifera samples. The standard curve of Bovine Serum Albumin liminary coagulation-flocculation assay. The highest concentration
(BSA) was prepared within the range of 0e1 mg mL1. The Bradford of protein content was found in M. oleifera seed powder which is
reagent was a light brown in color. It was filtered through What- 211.71 mg g1 mL1 compared to seed coat (171.06 mg g1 mL1) and
man No.1 paper before use to rid of reagent of blue components. cupule (183.97 mg g1 mL1) for M. oleifera primary derivatives. In
Stock solution with concentration of 1 mg mL1 was prepared by M. oleifera secondary derivatives, the protein concentration was
dissolving 1 g of BSA in 1000 mL of 150 mM NaCl solution. 150 mM 149.45 and 177.84 mg g1 mL1 for de-oiled seed and seed oil
NaCl solution was prepared by dissolving 8.775 g crystalline NaCl in respectively. The protein concentration for M. oleifera tertiary seed
1 L deionized water and stored frozen in 1 mL aliquots for quick use. derivatives were observed at 170.42 mg g1 mL1 in protein-lipid
NaCl solution was used to dissolve the standard and any unknown and 188.16 mg g1 mL1 in M. oleifera protein powder. The alum
protein samples to be tested. Due to the tendency of protein to was not included in the determination of crude protein content. All
absorb water during storage, it was important to obtain the exact
concentration of BSA by measuring its absorbance at 280 nm before
use. Therefore, the measurement was carried out by using dual-
beam spectrophotometer (Shimadzu UV-1800, Japan) to ensure
that 1 mg mL1 solution of BSA have an absorbance of 0.66 at
wavelength 280 nm. After obtain the exact concentration,
100 mL mL1 of BSA solution was of 595 nm. All measurements in
this procedure was carried out by using the quartz cuvette to avoid
color reagent stains on the cuvette.
Please cite this article in press as: Abdul Hamid, S.H., et al., A study of coagulating protein of Moringa oleifera in microalgae bio-flocculation,
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation (2016),
S.H. Abdul Hamid et al. / International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation xxx (2016) 1e8 5
Fig. 2 shows the z-potential as a function of pH of the aqueous 3.3. Coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and decantation
dispersions of alum, M. oleifera seed protein and M. oleifera protein
powder. All these three coagulants can be characterized with an The stable suspension of microalgae biomass formed from
isoelectric point (i.e.p.) at the point z-potential is zero. In the aquaculture wastewater phytoremediation does affect the separa-
neighborhood of the i.e.p., the dispersion is unstable and the ability tion process. There are two factors which affect the stability of the
of aggregation or flocculation to form larger particles is higher. If microalgae in suspension. The first is an electric charge on the algal
more alkali are added to the suspension, then the particles will tend surface which cause the development of intercellular repulsion
to acquire a more negative charge. However, if acid is then added to forces (Chen et al., 2011). While the second factor is the tiny cell
the suspension, a point will be reached where the negative charge dimension and cell density, which close to that of medium cause
is neutralized. Any further addition of acid can cause a buildup of slow cell sinking rate. Both of the electric repulsion interactions
positive charge. Therefore, a z-potential versus pH curve will be between algal cells and cell interactions with the surrounding
positive at low pH and negative at high pH. The i.e.p. for all coag- water contribute to the stability of the algal in suspension. Most of
ulant samples which are alum, M. oleifera seed powder and M. the planktonic algae is characterized as negatively charged sur-
oleifera protein powder was indicated at the pH between pH 6.5 to faces. The intensity of that charge is a function of algal species, ionic
pH 7.5. At this pH range, the value of z-potential was near to zero. strength of the medium, pH and other environmental conditions.
Alum was very stable in acidic and alkali form due to the high value Fig. 3 shows the coagulation (a), flocculation (b), sedimentation (c
of positively (þ64.38 mV at pH 3.38) and negatively z-potential and d) and decantation (e and f) processes. A coagulation process
(38.40 mV at pH 10.83). Higher values of positively and negatively occurs after the addition of coagulants following by the rapid
z-potential indicate the high stability level of that dispersion. This mixing via agitation.
Table 2
The flocculation activity of Chlorella sp. culture using different Moringa oleifera seed derivatives and chemical coagulant, alum.
Please cite this article in press as: Abdul Hamid, S.H., et al., A study of coagulating protein of Moringa oleifera in microalgae bio-flocculation,
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6 S.H. Abdul Hamid et al. / International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation xxx (2016) 1e8
3.4. Optimization of coagulation-flocculation assay these coagulants in terms of microalgae biomass recovery was
compared with conventional coagulant, alum. In fact, alum was
The optimization of coagulation-flocculation for microalgae used commercially in treating wastewater for the removal of
harvesting was done by manipulating the parameters such as turbidity as well as microalgae harvesting.
coagulant dosage, the pH of the microalgal suspension and rapid- The optimization of coagulation-flocculation assay was per-
slow mixing protocol. The lab-scale harvesting process was per- formed by defining the most important factor which is the z-po-
formed using Jar Test in order to optimize the coagulation- tential of the suspended microalgae. The analysis of z-potential lead
flocculation process. In this study, coagulants used were M. olei- to the determination of i.e.p. of the colloidal system. Without the
fera seed powder and M. oleifera protein powder where these two determination of z-potential value in the colloidal system, the
derivatives show significant biomass recovery percentage from the optimization of coagulation-flocculation process could be prob-
preliminary coagulation-flocculation assay. The performance of lematic. Otherwise, the dosage used may be high and not economic.
Please cite this article in press as: Abdul Hamid, S.H., et al., A study of coagulating protein of Moringa oleifera in microalgae bio-flocculation,
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation (2016),
S.H. Abdul Hamid et al. / International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation xxx (2016) 1e8 7
Table 3
Current and reported harvesting methods for respective microalgae species.
Flocculation with M. oleifera seed Chlorella sp. Freshwater >97 ± 5 Current study
Flocculation with M. oleifera protein Chlorella sp. Freshwater >78 ± 4 Current study
Flocculation with ɣ-PGA Chlorella protothecoides, Chlorella vulgaris LIMCE 001 and Botryococcus Freshwater >95 Zheng et al.
braunii LIMCE 003 (2012)
Flocculation with ɣ-PGA Chlorella vulgaris, Nannochloropsis oculata LICME 002 and Phaeodactylum Marine >90 Zheng et al.
tricornutum (2012)
Flocculation with chitosan Thalassiosira pseudonana Marine 90 Heasman et al.
Flocculation with Aluminum Chlorella minutissima Freshwater >90 Papazi et al.
Chloride (AlCl3) (2010)
Centrifugation Phaeodactylum tricornutum Marine 94 Heasman et al.
This is due to the high energy barrier to be overwhelmed between freshwater Chlorella protothecoides flocculation with poly glutamic
the adjacent cells in a suspension. The determination of z-potential, acid (ɣ-PGA) was over 95%. Marine Chlorella vulgaris flocculation
however could reduce the consumption of coagulant and simplify utilizing ɣ-PGA also gives high efficiency, which exceeds 90%. This
the optimization process. The optimization of coagulation- finding was similar with the flocculation of marine microalgae
flocculation process was considering the pH, mixing rate and using chitosan which yield 90% efficiency (Heasman et al., 2000).
coagulant dosage. In addition, the performance of harvesting pro- The efficiency of biomass recovery via centrifugation method was
cess was determined by the biomass recovery percentage. 94%. Papazi et al. (2010) also reported that flocculation of fresh-
Table 3 shows the flocculation efficiency according to harvesting water Chlorella minutissima by using alum yield over 90% efficiency.
methods for respective microalgae species. Study conducted by The current study shows that the flocculation efficiency was over
(Zheng et al. (2012)) concluded that harvesting efficiency of 97% using M. oleifera seed powder in low dosage. 78% flocculation
Fig. 4. The reduction of zeta potential of Chlorella sp. with respect to the coagulant dosage.
Please cite this article in press as: Abdul Hamid, S.H., et al., A study of coagulating protein of Moringa oleifera in microalgae bio-flocculation,
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation (2016),
8 S.H. Abdul Hamid et al. / International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation xxx (2016) 1e8
efficiency was achieved by the flocculation using M. oleifera protein Education through the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme
powder. The major disadvantages of using ɣ-PGA as a coagulant (FRGS), project no. FRGS/1/2014/STWN01/UNISZA/02/2 and FRGS/
purposes are its cytotoxicity and not biodegradable (Dubruel et al., 1/2013/TK07/UMT/01/1 for the support of this study.
2003). Alum however, was known as a chemical coagulant that
could remain in harvested biomass and cause the limitation of
downstream processing for aquaculture feeds. Although chitosan
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This research was funded by the Malaysian Ministry of Higher flocculation with poly (g-glutamic acid). Bioresour. Technol. 112, 212e220.
Please cite this article in press as: Abdul Hamid, S.H., et al., A study of coagulating protein of Moringa oleifera in microalgae bio-flocculation,
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation (2016),