Yank 1944nov10 PDF
Yank 1944nov10 PDF
Yank 1944nov10 PDF
VOL 3 NO 2!
19 4 4
By the men . . . for the
men in the service
m YANK Staff C o r r e s p o n d e n t
O N THE WESTER.N- FRONT—Tht> general
speaking about foxholes. "I'm not say-
ing." he said, "that men in the theater
are living in the lap of luxury, but most of the
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Roman Justice
Fascist ofRcial but an orderly
trial preceded the execution for
murder and treason of Caruso,
the collaborationist police chief.
By Sgt. HARRY SIONS grabbed Carretta from the lightly resisting cara-
YANK Staff Correspondent binieri. They gouged out his eyes, tossed him in
the Tiber and finished him off in its muddy wa-
The verdict of the court was "Guilty." A carabinieri Firing squad shot Caruso in the back of the head.
A mighty Allied airborne force There was a last burst of fire over the drop- Jerry put up a stiff' fight at first, but we drove
ping zone and then Lt. Hoshal swung us earth- him out into an open field crossed by drainage
ran interference for the British ward in a hurry. Counting up on the ground, we ditches and he started giving up.
found we had been pretty lucky. A private sit- Pfc. Ernest Miller of Payson, Utah, was charg-
armor attempting an end run ting back of the cockpit had been wounded in ing from a ditch firing his BAR when it blew up
the face. I'd caught a slug, but it slopped halfway in his face. Carried forward by the impetus of
around the Siegfried Line. through a notebook in my hip pocket. The others the charge, Miller leaped into the next ditch
were all right. There were holes all over the waving his trench knife. The occupants'— three
By Pfc. GEORGE GROH glider, but the bullets had hit where we weren't. Nazis armed with machine guns and a mortar—
Other gliders were still coming in, some of them threw away their weapons, shouted "Americans!"
YANK Field Correspondent catching fire. Just as we struck off across a field and surrendered.
for the assembly area, we saw two big C-47s.
—The operation was to be like the old
end-run play in football. Lt. Gen. Miles C.
Dempsey of the British Second Army was mass-
belly up, plunge in flames.
A Clayville (R. I.) lieutenant named Walker
assembled about 100 men to set up a temporary
T HE next day the regiment made a forced
march to Veghel, about nine miles down the
line, where Jerry was putting up strong efforts
ing his armor for a sweep through Holland and defense. The rest of our company was scattered to cut the road. One of the companies went into
around the end of the Siegfried Line. Running all the way from London to Brussels. position to set up an- outpost.
interference for the tanks would be Lt. Gen. Division headquarters sent a call for help soon Two German noncoms who were cautiously
Lewis H. Brereton's First Allied Airborne Army, after we arrived, and about a dozen of us piled working toward the line, bringing with them a
largest glider and parachute force ever assembled. into a pair of jeeps and hurried down to Son, a blindfolded sergeant of one of our parachute
Our job, as explained at the briefing, was to nearby village. They had beaten off an attack units, were themselves taken prisoner. The para-
swoop down on both sides of the long road r u n - by the time we arrived but now J e r r y was hav- chutist said he had been captured the day b e -
ning north to Arnhem in Holland. By seizing ing a try with bombers, so we crawled into the fore, when he and another sergeant sighted what
and holding the bridges, canal banks and road first handy holes to sweat it out for the night. appeared to be a white flag waving from the
junctions, we would make sure the tanks could The company moved up to the other side of German lines. The white flag turned out to be
keep rolling forward. Airborne forces had landed Son and took over a canal bank the next day. Jerry's artillery direction finder. The two Ger-
on Sunday, two days before the wave of rein- S/Sgt. Jack Eleopoulos of St. Louis, Mo., took a mans had been hooked on different bait — they
forcements to which our glider belonged. patrol and "liberated" the village of Beugel had volunteered to enter our lines in the hope
Our glider was piloted by Lt. Hoshal and was about three miles away. For some reason it had of finding American chocolate.
named Roy White's Revenge after a friend of been bypassed in earlier drives. There was a Capt. Walter'Miller of Washington, D. C , a r -
Hoshal's who had been killed in Italy. It was great deal of rejoicing but no beer; we celebrated ranged an old-fashioned horse trade. One of the
just before noon when the towplane pilot wished by gorging ourselves with apples. Several of the Germans was sent back, returning with the other
Lt. Hoshal "Good Luck." We rendezvoused over young men of the village volunteered to accom- American parachutist. The four noncoms, two
England and then struck out across the Channel pany us back to our lines. They spoke reason- Yanks and two Germans, then parted company
for the Continent. ably good English and had considerable informa- on the banks of the Wilhelmina Canal, each pair
The fog closed in early. At times we could tion as to the disposition of the German troops. returning to its own lines. But it was better than
barely see the dim outline of a towship just We held Son for three days and had one action. an even swap. From his interrogation of the
up ahead. Occasionally through a break in the That came when our battalion was detailed to Germans and from reports of the freed para-
fog we spotted a glider abandoning the flight and clean out a German pocket menacing a road. chutists, Capt. Miller learned that our artillery
spiraling down toward the Channel. Usually air- was missing the German CP by about 200 yards.
sea rescu'e boats were waiting for them. The mistake was corrected.
The flight crossed a German pocket near In the meantime the remainder of the regi-
Dunkerque but the expected ack-ack didn't ma- This Week's Cover ment, now strengthened by scattered groups
terialize in any quantity. Another glider lost • N the Pacific, where car- which had failed to finish the first flight, was
control over this pocket but held to a long glide • rier plones have been ex- sitting tight on roads and bridges assuring the
and apparently made it to safe territory. When tensively used in blasting the command of Veghel.
we looked back, the boys were standing around Japs an the Philippines, one .A battalion of Hermann Goering troops was
talking with the local population. of the Navy's Avengers conies reported ready to make a do-or-die attempt on
in for a landing on a flat- our position, but the attack never came off. The
I was holding down the co-pilot's seat as
top. The landing signal man
Lt. Hoshal swung north toward Holland. I saw is waving the pilot off be-
Germans contented themselves with an occa-
him motion for his flak suit. A few minutes later couse the plane is in improp- sional shelling and one unsuccessful attempt by
his judgment was confirmed as we crossed a er position. Next time it was a demolition party to destroy our bridges. Other-
patch of woods from which short marking bursts okay—with no "go owoy." wise the boys in Veghel were left to divide their
of machine-gun fire emerged suddenly. That time between outpost duty and what passes in
happened several times. A glider at 500 feet is the Army for personal reconnaissance.
PHOTO C R E D I T S . Cover—U. S. Navy. 3 — S i f n i t Corps. « —
a clay pigeon. You just sit there feeling naked, This reconnaissance yielded a lot of valuable
Ucper. Coffraan, P W B : lower left. Heeox, P W B . 5—Upper, PWB:
helpless and as big as a barn door, while slugs center. A F P U : lower. P A . 6—Sgt. Ret Kenny. 8 — O W I . 9—Des information. Dutch girls are good looking and as
drop through the canvas. Moines (Iowa) Register. 11—Upper, Spt. Eddy Becker; lower two, plentiful as Dutch apples. Most of the Dutch
Glancing back, I could see some of the boys Sgt, Arthur Benjamin. 12 A 13—Sgt. Jerry Hausner, Armed know more English than most Americans know
hunching toward the center of the glider, though Forces Radio Service. 15—Acme. 18—Lett, P A : right. Acme. 19—• Dutch. You can get a pair of Dutch shoes for two
it wasn't much use—one pwsition is about as safe Acme. 2 0 — M 6 l t r . 22—Upper left. P A : lower left A upper r i g h t . packs of cigarettes if you're lucky and a bottle
as another. Once I thought the pilot was hit, but I N P : others. Sgt. Kenny. 23—Upper. P A : lower, U S C G . of wine for seven packs. But just where you can
he grinned and said: "No, not yet!" get them is something of a military secret.
PAGt 6
Down on the Farm
By Pvt. DEBS MYERS "I'm a little concerned," he said, "about things At least part of the reason for Ringoen's suc-
YANK Staff Writer I have read in the papers telling that a lot of cess is his scientific training. He is constantly
Army boys who have lived in cities all their lives studying the feed program and production rec-
GOOD hired man is hard to find in the farm
A country these days. Ed. J. Volz, who at 66
• farms 480 acres near Des Moines, Iowa,
had the problem licked. He had a good hired man,
want to come back now and start farming. For
the farm boys that will be fine. For the city boys,
I'm a little doubtful. Making a living off the land
is kinda tough. Tough even for an old codger
ords of his cows, for example. All cows are fed
according to individual production records, which
are carefully checked morning and evening.
"I get a lot of satisfaction out of farming,"
a respectable, steady fellow, 60 years old, who like me who should know most of the ropes." Ringoen says. But he doesn't recommend ttie
knew how to get milk out of cows, eggs out of There are, said Volz, so many "triflin", mean course he followed as an easy way to get ahead.
chickens, spiders out of privies. All the good little problems." Like the civet cat that got into "I had to feel my way. It took me five years to
basic things. the hen house and killed 80 baby chicks. The learn what farming was all about."
The hired man made $100 a month and board. next night Volz trapped and killed the civet cat.
He was happy until in a moment of baleful (In front of the store in the little town a man
That wasn't so bad, according to Volz, but taking in overalls was whittling on a piece of wood.
brooding he decided he could not really attain "that doggoned cat out of the trap was plain dis- "That," said the mayor, "is the village half-wit.
the abundant life without an automobile. gustin'." Smartest fellow in town. Been whittling like that
Volz bought him an automobile, admittedly an Of course, some city boys do make good farm- for years. Making battleships, he says. First man
old one whose arteries could harden in harmony ers in spite of everything. Like Marion Ringoen, in the whole country, I guess, to get busy on a
with those of its driver. who lives on a 160-acre place near Ridgeway, two-ocean navy.'')
"I should never," said Volz, "have bought him Iowa, in Winneshiek County. Back in 1927 Rin-
thaf damned jalopy."
The hired man deserted the tinkle of Old
Bossy's bell for the siren wail of the juke box.
goen taught physics and chemistry in the public
schools. He'd never lived on a farm and didn't
know shucks about farming. But he wearied of
T HERE is no doubt that most farmers have been
making money. Squirreling some of it away,
too, paying off mortgages, improving the place.
He developed a penchant for old whisky, young sitting behind a desk and decided to try his hand Like Ed Rieck, who farms 350 acres in Polk
women, bucolic benders. He became a Juke-Box at something new. County, Iowa. His 25-year-old son Norman is a
Jasper. Ringoen started in a small way, with six sergeant in a ground crew in Italy, and Rieck,
"Went plumb to hell," said Volz. "A-drinkin' Brown Swiss cows and a bull. Now he has one like all farm dads, is counting the days until the
and a-girlin' almost every night. Not gettin' back of Iowa's highest-producing dairy herds, with boy comes home.
home hardly in time for milkin'. Had to get rid more than 30 choice. animals, an annual aver- "He's been in Africa and Sicily and a helluva
of him." age production per cow of 375 to 400 pounds of lot of places he doesn't like," said Rieck. "When
That's the way it goes. Farmers still have their butterfat and a 4-percent milk test. he writes back, he keeps asking about things on
problems. There is more work to be done than In the bargain, he raises 150 to 160 crossbred the farm. Tells a little about being bombed and
there ever was and there aren't enough hands to hogs a year. About a month ago he sold a batch strafed and a lt>t more about how he hopes the
do it. But somehow, through sweat, a little new- of shoats that averaged just slightly under 200 corn is coming along. K^eps asking about a pair
fangled machinery and some old-fashioned cuss- pounds at five months and three weeks old.' of old mules he was reared up with, names of
ing, the job gets done.
("Too much work to be done to pay miLch at-
tention to politics in this neck of the woods," said
an old man in the grain elevator at Bondurunt,
Iowa. "Just the other night heard a political fel-
low on the radio say he was goin' to cut farmers'
taxes. Sure. That will happen when the frogs do a Here are late wholesale prices on some of the principol farm commodities on the Chicago market:
two-step up the Mississippi.") WHEAT—No. 2 $1.66 per bu. LAMBS—Good and choice, $14.50 to $14.85 per
Many farmers who aren't more than one faint CORN—No. 2 $1.16 ceiling per bu. cwt.
whoop and half-a-holler from the 70-year mark OATS—67Vic per bu. Medium, $12.25 to $13.85 per cwt.
are more than ready to step aside and turn their BARLEY—$1.10 per bu. Common, $10.25 to $12.00 per cwt.
farms over to sons who have been trained for the HOGS—150 to 240 lbs., $14.75 per cwt. Fat ewes, $4.00 to $6.25 per cwt.
task. They can't. The sons are in service, and Over 240 lbs., $14.00 per cwt. Feeder, $12.75 per cwt.
it is any man's guess when they will get out. CATTLE—Good and choice steers, $18.35 per EGGS—Large 1 and 2 extras, 48c to 49c per doz.
Like Volz. His boy Henry is a good farmer. But cwt. Large 3 and 4 extras, 42C to 45<' per doz.
Western grass steers, $15.00 per cwt. POTATOES—^Top quality, Idaho Russet, $3.10
he went into the Army in March 1941. He's a ser- per cwt.
geant in the Armored Forces, and his tank was Cows—Good, $13.50 to $14.00.
Common and medium, $7.75 to $10.75 per CELERY—Top quality, $1.00 to $1.35 per crate.
shot out from under him at St. Lo in Normandy, CAULIFLOWER—Colorado pony crate, 12 heads,
and he is now in a hospital in the States with a cwt.
$2.75 to $2.85.
wounded left arm. Canners and cutters, $5.00 to $6.75-per Michigan crate, 9 to 12 heads, $2.00 to $2.50.
Volz believes that Henry, his arm permitting, cwt. MILK—$3.22 per cwt. (subsidy excluded).
will take over the farm when the war is ended Light canners, $4.50 per cwt. CHEESE—Twins and cheddars, 23 ¥4 C per lb.
BULLS—$8.00 to $11.00 per cwt. POULTRY—Fowl, 23c to 24C per lb.
and run things. As far as Volz is concerned, it
will be high time, too. Some days last summer Sausage, $11.50 per cwt. Leghorn fryers, 21C to 22c per lb.
Fat beef, $13.00 per cwt. Old roosters, 19C to 20c per lb.
he worked 15 hours. Now, when the chance VEALERS—$16.00 per cwt.
comes, he wants to stretch out his feet and look Cull grade, $7.00 per cwt. Ducklings, 22%C to 23»^c per lb.
at them. FEEDER CATTLE---$12.00 to $13.50 per cwt. Old ducks. 17c to 18C per lb.
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Gl Views on Demobilization
Y feeling," said Pvt. Norman Moore, 20 fair to those of us who weren't as lucky. Each
we were right in the middle of something else."
years old, of Philadelphia, Pa., who is man's service record should be carefully exam- S/Sgt. Donald B. Abernathy, 22, of Lafayette,
stationed in the Persian Gulf, "is that ined for things like this before points are finally Ind., who has been on 34 missions with the
they ought to let the older men out." awarded. But all in all, I think the War Depart- Twelfth Air Force in Italy, felt the same way
And T-5 Frank (Shorty) lanuccilli of Provi- ment plan is excellent." about points for children. "I want to get married
dence, R. I., who has been in the Army for three Cooper is married and 30 years old, but he and have kids myself some day," he said.
years, two of them in the Caribbean, said: "I doesn't think that age or marital status should The only thing Abernathy likes about the plan
guess this demobilization plan is OK, but you can have anything to do with the demobilization is that points will be awarded for overseas com-
put down that I don't give a damn how I get plan. "Young unmarried men," he said, "are just bat duty. He has been in the Army four years
out, just so I get out." Then he added: as anxious to get home as we are, and we have and has been overseas 27 months. He was
"I'll admit, though, that guys in combat should the advantage of already having a wife and wounded by flak over Toulon and has the Purple
get out first. They are the guys who are doing all maybe a home to go back to." Heart, six battle stars and the Air Medal with a
the work. Fellows with kids should go home first number of clusters. "I don't know exactly how
if it's a choice between them and single men."
That's what two of the many GIs questioned
by YANK correspondents all over the world think
A LOT of men disagree and think age should
be considered. Sgt. W. J. Bennett, with a
fighter group in the ETO, said: "Our conclusion
many clusters I've got. There shouldn't be any
points for awards," he said. "We get them too
easily. Points for battle stars are a joke. You get
of the demobilization plan that is to go into after studying the plan is that a 21-year-old them for practically nothing, just being around."
effect when we defeat Germany. Most of the father may be discharged before a 40-year-old
men who were questioned think the plan is a broken-down man."
good one. There was some criticism, of course,
and a number of suggestions were made.
Sgt. Donald B. Hanks of Houston, Tex., who
has been in the CBI for 17 months said: "The
T -5 Garry "Vandeberg, 28, of Sioux Center,
Iowa, has been in the Army four years and
overseas 31 months. He has seen action with the
Most of the criticism can be summed up this American Legion says the demobilization plan is 34th Division in North Africa and in Italy,
way: older men should be released from the ser- good, so it's OK for me. I do think, though, that where he is now. Vandeberg praised the War
vice, and no credit should be given for battle older m e n . and men with dependent parents Department for adopting a plan that takes into
decorations, because (so critical GIs say) they should get extra preference." Hanks is 23. consideration the views of most GIs. "I'm in fa-
have sometimes been given out too freely. And Cpl. Donald A. Himan of Chicago, who vor of the point system," he said. "It's the fairest
Oddly, a great number of the men who believe has been in the Army 28 months, 20 of them in way to demobilize the troops."
that older men should be released from the Army the Middle East, said: "I think it is a fair system,
are in their early 20s; and "most of those who T-4 Charles Reagor, 30, who has the Silver
but they should consider that age Is a point Star, the Purple Heart and two campaign stars
don't want points given for battle decorations are credit, although combat and overseas service
men who have received them. for Guadalcanal and New Georgia, has been in
should come first." the South Pacific 25 months. He is married but
T-4 Moe Handeh of New York City, who has has no children. "I was impressed," he said,
VERYBODY agrees that the men who have seen
E combat should have the highest priority.
Here's what the men had to say about the dis-
been in Puerto Rico and Trinidad for 13 months,
said: "I believe the demobilization plan is very
fair except for one thing. Age wasn't considered.
"with the fact that the machinery will be ready
when (Germany falls. And when Japan falls, it
charge of soldiers who have been in combat: should be oiled and working full swing."
It seems to me that at least 30 should be just Pfc. Eugene McCoy of Rochester, N. Y., who is
Cpl. Louis C. Arnold, 22 years old, of Louis- about the right age limit for discharge."
ville, Ky., in the Army 25 months, 16 of them in with the 4th Infantry Division on the Western
Handeh spoke also about point credit for over- Front, noted that the War Department said men
the Persian Gulf: "It gives fellows at the front, seas duty and dependents. "Credit for overseas
in actual battle, a break, which is the way it in outfits with specially developed techniques
service," he said, "should be at least double the will be needed in the Pacific.
should be. The Army is trying to be fair, and I credit given for service in the States. A man
am all for the plan." Arnold has one child. "They don't seem to realize," he said, "that
should be given more credit for dependent chil-
Sgt. Alfred Breese, 28, of Trenton, N. J., also many of the troops with experience, say in land-
dren than for any other one thing. I don't think
believes combat men should get the first nod. ing tactics and in winning beachheads, aren't in
marriage alone should be considered, since many
He's been in the Caribbean for 13 months. their original outfits any more. The combat out-
men would get married now just to become eligi-
"In general," he said, "the plan looks OK to fits have many replacements now. If the replace-
ble for discharge. But credit might be given for
me. But when they start determining point rat- ments who have had only a few months' training
a wife if you've been married a year."
ings, credit should be about one to two for do- can replace experienced men here, why can't
Among the many GIs who agree with Handeh other replacements take over where we leave off
mestic and overseas service. They should get at is Cpl. Robert E. Cornish of Chattanooga, Tenn.,
least 13 points for each campaign." when the war here is finished? I don't like the
who has been in the Army two years, with 14 point system. The trouble is that when we win
Breese, who is single, thinks married men months of that time overseas. He's an infantry-
should not get any points for a wife. As a matter a tough fight, our officers get the Silver Stars."
man and a veteran of combat in the Aleutians
of fact, the plan doesn't give points for wives, and the Marshall Islands. "I've been in two cam- T/Sgt. E. D. Gorsucs of Baltimore, Md., in
but it does give credit for dependent children. paigns," he said. "I'm married and have a child. It Western Europe with the Ninth Air Force as an
T/Sgt. Milton Koren, 28, of Long Island City, seems to me the system is fair, and combat men aviation mechanic, said: "I'm a National Guards-
N. Y., who has served with the Eighth Air Force deserve their priority, with married men next." man and I've been in since Oct. 12, 1940. I was
in the ETO for 17 months, said: "I'm in favor of on submarine patrol for 2V2 years as a flight en-
1st Sgt. Tom Lampert of Jersey City, N. J., who gineer on Liberators doing convoy duty. Then I
giving a break to the men who have been in has been in the Caribbean 27 months, said: "The
combat on the ground or in the air." spent 15 months in Europe. There's a lot of fel-
trouble with the plan as it has been stated so far lows who have been in since this show started
Koren also spoke about what he called the u n - is that it doesn't make provision for dependents
fairness of giving demobilization points for bat- and who have been overseas a long time. But
other than children. A dependent wife, such as there's nothing in this plan to give us a break."
tle stars. "Ground crews in the Eighth Air Force an invalid, or a dependent parent, should also
have two battle stars on theater ribbons for give a man points. Single men with dependents As a matter of fact, Sgt. Gorsucs will get point
western European air offensives before and after should get as much credit as fathers." credits for each month he has been in the Army
D Day," he said. "On the other hand, service since Sept. 16, 1940, additional points for each
squadrons that have worked side by side with month he has been overseas, points for his battle
these men, in many cases doing the same work, stars and for certain decorations he may have.
haven't been made eligible for awards. Unless
that's corrected somehow, the demobilization
plan will be unfair to service squadrons."
Pfc. Cas Haak of Cicero, 111., in the 9th Divi-
Y ANK has received a great many letters on the
demobilization plan from GIs in the States.
Most of them agree that men who have seen
sion, which saw action in North Africa and is combat and who have been overseas for a long
now on the Western Front, said: "Maybe a guy time should be discharged. But they say they
gets through these tough campaigns and has been didn't ask to be kept in the States and that gen-
in two or three years, but he never gets wound- erally they were kept in the States because of
ed and never wins any medals. Another guy, a their age or because of physical defects unfitting
replacement say, who i s ^ only six months, gets Pfc. Russ Peyton of Atlantic City, N. J., who them for overseas duty. These two factors, they
a couple of shrapnel wounds in his tail because is a machine gunner on an ammunition train in say, will make it hard for them to readjust them-
he's got lead in it. That doesn't look fair to me. the Southwest Pacific, believes the "general selves to a highly competitive civilian life.
•Why don't they let the men over here go home plan" is okay but that medals shouldn't figure "How about us forgotten men who are 38 or
and let those guys go out to the Pacific?" in the deal, and neither should children. over?" said Pvt. Arthur J. Micha of Biggs Field,
Sgt. Morris Cooper of Bridgeport, Conn., in the "Hell," he said, "we'd all have had kids if we'd Tex. "I read Gen. Marshall has no use for older
CBI for 14 months and now at a B-29 base in had the chance." men, so why don't we get discharges? I see Bobby
India, also thinks battle decorations have been Cpl. Carl Smith of Louisville, Ga., who is 24 Jones and Clark Gable got discharges." He's been
too freely given. and has been in the Army 26 months, 16 of them in the Army 27 months and has two children.
"A lot of men are getting battle stars and at an advanced base in the Aleutians, agrees with Sgt. G. D. Thompson of Indiantown Gap, Pa.,
theater ribbons and maybe other decorations just Peyton. He said: "What about all the guys who who is in the Air Forces, agreed that men who
because they are lucky and not because they got married after Pearl Harbor? I don't think have been in combat overseas should "get the
deserve them," Cooper said. "There is also a lot dependents they got that way should have much first break." But, he said, "I've never ducked a
of loose awarding of battle stars to men who to do with their getting out. Some of the rest of job yet and have tried for overseas, too. Because
never get close to battle. I don't think giving us could have seen our way clear to get married, of my age I have been retained here." Thompson
extra demobilization points for these men is too, if we hadn't gotten into the Army just when was drafted two years ago when he was 38.
zo t.7. Laurence W o o l n o u s e , C h i c o g o , land in
Egypt Schlauch s g r i n tells its o w n story.
on Sofia. We were locked in cells during the the show with a black-face act. He also played
bombing. We begged the guards to let us try in the Shumen Symphony Orchestra. Some of
•<) find a safe shelter, but it was no go. One bomb the other instruments were a home-made drum
lit in that area and we'd have gone sky high." and bottles, jugs and pans. Emcee was usually Lt.
In October the prisoners were herded into a Julian T. Darlington of Washington, D. C. He
cattle car and hauled away by train to Shumen ran a quiz show and the man who answered
;n upper Bulgaria, There 100 men were billeted the $64 question got an egg for a prize.
•n a two-room barracks. The food ratjon was a Before the Red Cross box came, the prisoners
half-loaf of dark bread a day with some crushed- had to make decks of cards from the tops of Bul-
oean soup. Almost everyone got the GIs and i' IZ''''*"^' garian cigarette boxes smuggled in by the guards.
'here was only a one-holer for the entire gang. Pretty soon the guards started letting a street
Winter set in and the prisoners, trying to keep peddler come into the camp. He really cleaned
.varm around one little monkey stove in each up. He got $1 for a razor blade, 50 cents for a
room, made a "three-foot rule." This meant no- cake of lye soap and $3.50 for a little bar of
body could stand within three feet of the stove. chocolate. By this time the GIs were getting paid
That way more men could share the heat. SIO a month, For many months before that the
.A lot of men had no decent shoes and none officers were getting about $40 to $60 s month,
Ydd any more clothes than the flying suits they •a; but the enlisted men were going broke. Several
•.vere wearing when they were shot down. officers split their money with their crews.
The camp commandant was a bird whose house )t W i l l i a m R. Harkness of Athens, La., rests
at camp in MidcJIe East. O b v i o u s l y he has h a d
;n Sofia was wrecked by Allied bombs and he
•ook out his grudge on the prisoners. When
some British flyers were captured, they had to
e n o u g h of B u l g a r i a n PW camps to last h i m . W HEN the guards suddenly started saluting
the American officers, Maj. Smith figured
the Russians must have had Bulgaria in a tight
stand up in a public square in Sofia while crowds spot. He asked to see the camp commandant and
•nilled around jeering and threatening them. after a lot of fast talking he was given a plane
When Nazi agents pumped S/Sgt. Charles and a pilot so he could make a trip to talk to
• Red) Dameron of Goldsboro, N. C , a gunner, all some higher officials. The major was a good man.
the information he'd give was his name, rank and Soon the prisoners were told Maj. Smith had
serial number. They blindfolded and backed him arranged for a train to take them to Turkey.
.jgainst a wall and called for a firing squad. When A
•v.* There was no question as to who was going
.le still didn't crack, they called off the grim game. to have the honor of being the first to walk out
Naturally there was a lot of planning for an of the prison. The whole gang had decided long
••scape, but only one try. It lasted 10 minutes. ago that when that moment arrived, two guys
Lt. Thomas Judd, a fighter pilot from Wash- who never let anything get under their skin and
mgton, D. C„ was the ringleader. Judd has a who did their damndest to keep the rest of the
'nemento from his last dogfight over Sofia—a outfit laughing would lead the exit. There were
scar that starts over his right eye and disappears •^i. a lot of moist eyes when the prisoners lined up
into his close-cropped black hair. Three other %^i behind Briz and Uncle Bud to march to the train.
lieutenants agreed to try to make the break with Two hours later Russian GIs took Shumen.
lim. They were Robert Schultz of Appleton, All along the route Bulgarians cheered the
Wis,; Patrick Maegler of Rochester, N. Y.. and train carrying the Allied flyers. Everyone thought
Joseph Quigley of Newark. N. J. they were Russians coming to free Bulgaria.
S Sgt. LloycJ Barnes, Little Rock, Ark., a n d
Cpl. H a r r y Ross, New York City, eat U. S.
chow once more and seem to a p p r o v e of it.
On "Mail Call" W. C. Fields tries to reduce Charlie McCarthy to a pile of sow- If seems there was a doughfoot who wanted to know what Ann Miller would sound
dust. Bergen and Paulette Goddard look on in horror os Fields goes to work. if she danced in Gl brogans. Answering his request, Annie donned Gl brogans and dan
w , •>
/ .
iFLirtaiiiifiatiiwilwiSM •. . A i pr!S7^:
• , - «i
lii LiL
Everything on Command Performance" is a request In this particulor combination are comedian Phil Silvers making lamour without her sarong, which doesn'i
like o Pied Piper with two mice flanking him, simulated by red-headed Constance Moore ond leg-lovely Betty Grable carry on the air anyway, rolls a pair of dice
|lf|fl|||a|||GI show. From A homesick marine asked to hear the sound of San Francisco foghorns. Ginny
Ts in the studio as on the air. Simms, one of our better foghorns, gives ond Frances Longford watches her.
Lena Home goes on the air in "Jubilee." The song she sings will go out on re-
cordings to stations that reach U, S servicemen and women on overseas duty.
Fair Play
Dear YANK:
isn't It about time some ot the.se post newspaper
editors stopped re-serving the propaganda cooked up
by antilabor newspapers'? Don't they know that three-
fourths of our guns a r e turned out by union men and
Not Much Formality women'.' Official Government figures show less than
Dear YANK: 1 percent of production is lost because of cessation of
1 lust got to read your article on Col. Philip Coch- work from strikes. In that respect labor is even purer
•n. I just want to add I happened to be a mechanic than Ivory soap. . .
.1 ' h e Screwball Squadron" in Tunisia when Coch- One out of every four GIs is or was a union man.
i n look over. You .said that when Cochran took over We still hear from the fellows' and gals who a r e
here were remnants of two .squadrons there. T h e r e working and we see the results in victories of their
.\as lust one squadron there and later another of the work. On the whole, they've done a good job. Why
- .me group showed up. don't these service-paper editors read a few of those
In those days there wasn't very much formality. letters and scan a few union papers and maybe print
Beards were more common than not. During t h e day some extracts from them'/
.ve were too damn busy .getting a plane that was on Aleutians -T-4 B i l l REUBENS
he around back into the air by using parts from
m o t h e r which was in worse shape. What tech supply
.ve had with us was all there was. Added Burden
-\nvway. we weren't bothered with much bra.ss. Dear YANK:
One da.v Gen. Doolittle dropped in with some more The question of a bonus should b e approached from
iira.s.s. Jerry wanted to show off that day, so we were a number of side.s. but t h e economic is one of the
-•.sated twice m the morning, and then in t h e after- most important. A bonus would entail billions of dol-
noon they paid us a call with 10 JU-88s. T h e general's lars at a time when heavy taxes a r e already breaking
ransport took off very shortly after this. Also t w o '.he back of the middle class. It is from this class that
lews corre.'jpondents. Pyle and Liebling ( t h e New .America will come back on t h e wide highway of
Yarkert. decided it was time they went back t o write peace and prosperity.
"heir articles. They'd been there a couple of weeks. A bonus added to the already-neat present granted
.\s I .say. things just ran themselves, with everyone by the GI Bill of Rights would be nothing more or
-weating out the chow line except pilots going out less than economic suicide. T h e men and women m
'in a mission. If you wanted to get chewed out but service want a chance to make their own living.
ijood. just salute someone. That fact would be made more difficult by an over-
We lived m dugouts that we made ourselves; otti- Safe and Sound
crowding of t h e money market and a sharp rise in
ler.^. Loo. and they cared for their own baggage. Any- prices that would affect all people. Dear YANK:
ine slept where »he chose. In o u r shack there was a It is granted that in some cases a money grant be- Here is a telegram written by an ex-member
-tcond lieutenant, a tech sergeant and two lowly cor- yond that offered by t h e G I Bill jof Rights might be of our organization requesting an extension of
porals, but everyone had his day of room orderly. necessary. In cases of this kind, set up some Govern- his furlough. T h e answer was thought up by
.Sure we got plenty of hell, but we had fun and fig- ment agency to meet the emergency. After careful our first sergeant, Herbert L. Turner, who. by
ured we dished out more than we took. Maj. Levi investigation make the loan and permit the veteran a the way, once graced the pages of YANK as t h e
Chase was our big gun and went home quite a hero. long period of time to repay. youngest master sergeant in t h e ETO. He was
I don't think there a r e many from that "Screwball" redesignated to first sergeant and is now the
:;ang that would not go to hell a n d back with Coch- Let us feel that the job we have done was one that
needs no present from our Government. It was a job youngest first sergeant in our division. T h e
iiii. for we knew he would be right out in front. telegram said:
that needed doing, if America was to survive as a great
Chma - C p l . JOHN H O l i E t nation. All we ask of o u r Government is continued "URGENT JVIATRIMONIAL PROBLEM STOP AM IN
peace, for as Americans we can take care of ourselves, TROUBLE STOP REQUEST ( 3 ) THREE DAYS EXTENSION
Dear Y A N K ; Dear YANK: r h e answer was:
We read t h e article "Jeeps on t h e F a r m " in a r e - A bonus for post-war veterans? Wouldn't that be •RETURN IMMEDIATELY YOU WILL BE PERFECTLY
cent issue of YANK and we don't think much of Miss robbing Peter to pay Paul? T h e people of t h e U. S. SAFE H E R E . "
Dorothy V. Knibb's opinion. In t h e first place, she is are the Government, and when one group as huge as • fori Bragg, N. C -Pfc. HENRY COOPERMAN
i.ving to compare t h e jeep with t h e passenger car. the veterans of this w a r receive direct hand-outs, the
which it was never meant to be. She says t h e jeep bill will be footed to a large extent by us. But. more
nas no shock absorbers, which is wrong. We have been important, there has been, and will be more intensi-
.' iirking on jeeps for 19 months. They have been used fied, a tendency for us to feel that t h e Government
;n mud. water, dust, hot and cold weather. They have owes us something. It does, and it will pay us in future to start. If the switch is thrown before the 3 shows up.
oroved themselves to be satisfactory in all conditions. security and t h e best medical care, a s well as the sev- numt>ers a n d codtjs will flash on the screen before
In several cases we have used t h e jeep motor as a eral points of t h e GI Bill of Rights. France fell in the picture starts. This is important to remember if
<tatuinary motor. It will stand up as good if not better 1940 because, over a period of years, all organized you want a smooth showing.
• han any other motor of its size. Miss Knibb made the groups were out for themselves rather than for France Not only is it important at the start of a show out.
statement that a pulley assembly for a jeep wouldn't as a whole. :f two projectors a r e being used for a show with
tost more than $50. A pulley assembly can be made I do think we should consider the good of the en- more than one reel, it is imperative that the .second
for a jeep without t h e cost being over $5. We're not tire country before we make huge demands on the reel .start at the right place and time. This is done
car salesmen but we don't want people t o get t h e Government. )y watching t h e numbers as before and starting the
A rong opinion of the jeep by someone who has taken ^econd projector in time to turn on that lamp and
ii couple of rides in one. England -Pfc. E. H H t U I A R D tiini off the lamp on the first machine at the same
ndia - S g l . N O R M A N SMITH*
nme—just after the cue mark on the first reel and
Finger Bowls •he 3 on the .second Hash by.
AKo signed by T-4 Franic Romono. I hope you can understand this explanation the-
Dear YANK: Aay I've written it. If not, then ask some good pro-
Dear YANK: I fear that my brother Elmer Lambiotte Iwho com- jectionist to clarify it for you.
. . The looks of the jeep don't bother the GI who plained about leaky raincoats in a recent Moil Call]
vants one. He will paint it a different color and may- Ceylon - U . JAMES E HENRY
doesn't know too much about GI raincoats. It was
i)e add to the body. The men that I have talked to •lever intended that they should shed rain. They a r e • T h a n k y o u . l i e u t e n a n t , b u t t h e r e isn't a q u e s -
• bout owning a jeep afte'r t h e war a r e the boys thai made in such a way that t h e rain filters through the tion in o u r m i n d s .
'low drive and ride in them. cloth, slowly runs down the length of t h e body and
It is true that the jeep doesn't ride like a '42 model thus bathes and cools same all in one operation. The
ear but it has four separate hydraulic shock-absorbers fact that the pockets All u p with water is a blessing. Back Home
• it the type used on the better late-model cars. It .Anyone who has served in t h e field during rainy Dear YANK;
doesn't have the riding quality of a car because of the seasons knows that it is a delightful sensation, after My wife is a Wac. I love her as other fighting men
-hort springs. I find that by adding a cushion to the eating in the rain, to dip one's hands into the water- love their wives. But right now I wonder what the
ilmost cushionless seat you get a much better ride. rilled pockets and wash said hands free of food par- hell kind of freedom I'm fighting tor when, if I stay
.As for the gas consumption, it isn't bad. Many d n v - ticles. Garrison soldiers a r e not so furnished with alive long enough to return to Shangri-La, I find that
. i s have told me that they made between 21 to 32 linger bowls. . . my wife has been sent overseas. Women overseas?
niles per gallon when traveling on hard-surfaced Sroiil - T . / S g t . J . A . LAMBIOTTE What hairbrained idea is this?
. oads. The average truck driver in the Army is very On my way over to this theater, I stopped at many
•lard on the equipment with fast stops a n d starts. tiases in various countries, a n d at every one there
The man owning his own jeep wouldn't rough- it as Rate of Exchange Acre many GIs lying on their behinds and complain-
luich and could save a little on gas. Dear YANK: ing about how tough it was. So what do we need
.Miss Knibb states that running the engine at r e - About a month ago I was reassigned from ETO to Wacs over here for? Get any economy expert to weed
1uced speed will harm it. If she was speaking of air- the Central Pacific. Upon my arrival in the States out these useless GIs and put them to work. Keep
craft engines, she would be correct. The engine in a I had in my possession a 500-franc note, which I at- our women at home where they a r e doing a grand
j i e p IS designed to run at any speed, preferably low tempted to change into American currency. At that job working and waiting.
-peeds. The slower you r u n the engine t h e longer it time I was told to t r y my next station. They told me India - S / S g t . GEORGE R. KUNTZ
.viU last. ."Vny car driver knows that. Another advan- that any finance officer would be only too glad to
•age of the jeep is its tires. They a r e the same size change the bill for me. Since then I've tried a dozen
..s the standard '37 to '42 model cars. Its engine is built tinance officers here and in t h e States and always Permanent Grades
*o stand punishment. It has a heavy-duty generator, they have the same answer: "We know what it's Dear YANK:
nil-bath air cleaner, oil filter, gasoline Alter and very worth, but we haven't a n y rate of exchange." Do I believe enlisted men who plan on staying in
Lsood hydrauhc brakes. vou honestly think I'll ever get that money e x -
Cor/jfrom Field, fla. - A C ANTON J. BOZICH changed? If so, when? T h e latest I heard was that after the war and now hold a noncommissioned grade
a radiogram was sent to Washington for authoriza- ^hould be given an opportunity to make their grades
Dear YANK: tion last week. permanent if they could pass a required examination.
The farmer of today is not the mute brute depicted Somewhere Overseai -T-5 NORMAN COLTUN Comp tee, Vo. - T Sgt. CHARIES AIMEDA
by T h e Man With the Hoe." Farmers well know that
for t h e past three years most farmers in t h e U. S. Army of Occupation
'lave been running their trucks, tractors and cars on That Film-Strip Girl
nakeshift parts. F a r m e r s have been their own m e - Dear YANK: Dear YANK:
chanics, doing a swell job of keeping t h e machinery Some time ago you had in Mail Call an explanation There seems to be a lot of concern about 'who is
••il agriculture going with next to no help from others. of the gal and t h e numbers found on movie film t>e- to serve in the Army of Occupation after. Germany
After the war, farmers are going t o need new trac- tore the movie begins. T h e explanation was fine as IS defeated. Here is a suggestion. There must be at
!ors, trucks and cars to replace t h e already over- far as it went, but t h e part that is most important least 3 million .soldiers in t h e Army, some of whom
Aorked ones. These new machines cannot b e built, U) those operating projectors was left out. have been in the Army two years or more, who at
transported and marketed overnight. There will be a When a projector is loaded properly, t h e film is present a r e in service units and have not served
ijeriod between t h e end of t h e w a r and the time these threaded through the machine in such a way that the overseas. 1 am sure that from this group t h e Army
new machines become available during which a sub- leader comes off the sound d r u m and onto t h e take-up could get at least a million volunteers to serve a
stitute would be a godsend. Reconditioned jeeps fresh reel. When the machine is started you can see the specified time with the Army of Occupation in Ger-
out of the Army motor pools would be such a substi- numbers flash oft' t h e drum—10. 9, 8, etc., to 4, 3. It many. . . . A lot of us in t h e service. I am sure,
:ute if made available to the American farmer. the projection lamp is turned on just as the 3 flashes would welcome this opportunity. .
A A f , V/eithamplon Beach. N. Y. - C p i . F. E. MARTIN by. the picture starts at the point that it was intended Selman Field, La. - S / S B » . JOHN A. TYIER
have finally supported had he not died on Oct. 8 have major security importance now. nearly
Diew Pearson, widely syndicated Washing- three years after the event.
ton columnist, who is more often pro-New Deal Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal sent
than not. began the futile game the next day by the report to Adm. Ernest J. King, commander of
allegedly quoting Willkie that in the end he was the fleet, for determination as to how much of the
going to say "yes" to the Presidents wooing. material could be made public. Reporters could
Gov. Raymond E. Baldwin of Connecticut, Re- get no indication of how long King would take
publican candidate for reelection, denied this, to do this.
Baldwin, who .seconded Willkie's nomination for The Navy investigation, as well as a parallel
president at the 1940 Republican Convention, said one by the War Department, was undertaken in
Willkie told him when Gov. Thomas E. Dewey obedience to a Congressional resolution last July.
of New York was nominated at the GOP Con-
vention this yeaJ : "Well, you can rely on one
thing. I wilTnot support the President in his
campaign for a fourth term."'
P hilippine Invasion. The home front was thrilled
by the invasion of the Philippines. Folks were
feeling a little down-in-the-mouth about the
Carl M. Owen. New York law partner of Will- near-stalemate on.the Western Front in Europe
kie. told tht San Francisco Chronicle virtually and the prospect that GIs would spend another
the same thing. "1 can say most empliatically," winter in the foxholes there. They were heart-
Owen declared, "that under no conditions would ened by the demonstration that we could press
he have supported the Roosevelt .Administration. on step by step against terrific Nazi resistance in
M the time of his death. I think he was still re- Germany and have enough power to mount a
serving judgment." Owen added that he believed huge new offensive closer than ever to the Japa-
Dewey's clarification of his views on international nese home islands.
cooperation after Willkie's death would have been Of course. Gen. Douglas MacArthur got hi.s full
acceptable to the author of "One World." share of acclaim There was obvious drama in his
Henry R. Luce, president of Time Inc., said he being able to say after stepping ashore on Leyte
knew Willkie was for Dewey, and so did Malcolm on A Day. "I have returned,'" 2Vi years after he-
Muir, publisher of Newsweek magazine, left m Lt. Comdr. John D Bulkeley's PT boat,
A letter from Willkie to Rojicoe Drummond, promising. "I shall return." film titled '"Without Love," Two song writers were
Washington reporter for the Christian Science Incidentally the home front was excellently in- divorced by actress-wives—Leo Robin by Estelle
Monitor, written about one week before the for- formed of the entire military operation. The news Clarke and Robert G. Hartley, now a corporal in
m e r s death, indicated thai Willkie had not yet coverage was tremendous, unequaled even at Nor- the Army, by Bonnie Jean Hartley. Humphrey
made up his mind. mandy on D Day. and reports were received in Bogart, $200,000-a-year movie bad man. admitted
And Willkie's wife, home in Rushville. Ind.. some cases only a few minutes after the event. he's separated from his third wife, former ac-
tried to put an end to the whole business. "I am Naturally, the newspapers played the story all tress Mayo Methot; one friend said politics may
distressed." she said, "because many people are over their front pages and the radio was loud have been responsible — Bogart favored Roose-
saying that they knew how Wendell Willkie in- with accounts and comment. velt, his wife Dewey. . . . George Weyerhaueser,
tended to vote in the election. I am sure he had The New York Times felt the invasion of the 18, whose kidnaping in 1935 received nation-
not made his decision. No one could speak for him Philippines might signalize in history the coming wide publicity, was inducted into the Navy at
while he was living, and I ask, out of respect for of the while man "not to'conquer, enslave, exploit Seattle. Wash. . . . Pearl Harbour of Dayton, Ohio,
his memory, that no one should attempt to speak or condescendingly patronize Oriental peoples but is now a Wac. And James D. Six, one of the six
for him now," to liberate them." Six boys in the armed forces, was back in Phila-
And the San Francisco Chroincle rejoiced be- delphia on furlough; five of the Sixes are in the
earl Harbor Inquiry. The controversy over
P whether to make public now the fads of the
investigation into the causes of the Pearl Harbor
cause "this time we are not in the Philippines
with too little." and because we would have the
active guerrilla help of the Filipinos,
Army and the sixth Six is in the Navy. . , Elton
Ellison of Ralls. Tex., now in the armed forces.
was named the nation's top Future Farmer.
disaster flared up again as a special Navy court Meanwhile war-production cut-backs were not Lt. Col. Leslie B. Cooper, nationally known heli-
finished its study of the affair but marked its materializing in the volume that had been feared coptOT expert, was one of five Army men killed
report "top secret" in part and "secret" in the would create a blow to employment and morale in a plane crash at Pennsville, N. J . . John Henry
rest of it. this winter. Industrial experts pointed out that Titus, 87. self-styled author of "The Face on the
Members of Congress opposing the Adminislra- as long as the £uropean war continued, war con- Barroom Floor,"' married Elizabeth Pfeiderer, 54.
iion. who tried to gel a public inquiry before tracts would be diminished in a gradual way so at Elkton, Md. . . Bucky Harris signed a $15,000
Election Day. denounced the "secret" procedure that 'V-E Day would bring a smaller dislocation contract to manage the Buffalo (N. Y.) Bisons in
as a cover for high Administration responsibility than a sudden 40-peicent cut that had been pre- 1945; that's more than he was paid as manager
for the success of the Japanese bombing. dicted. There apparently would be more and of the Washington Senators. . . Died. Richard
Rep. Melvin J. Maas I Hep., Minn. I said the more "ran-outs""—contracts completed and not Bennett, long a stage matinee idol and later a
"secret" classification was "an alibi for not giving renewed—which were preferred by both labor screen character actor, father of actresses Con-
It to the public." Sen, Robert R. Reynolds |Dem.. and management to sudden cancelations. stance. Barbara and Joan, in Los Angeles at 72.
PAGl 15
YANK rhe Army Weekly . NOVEMBER 10
Overseas Refurnees
Z. J \ \
HE War Department
has announced that
I about 30,000 men are
being returned to the
States each month from
' overseas. This number,
said the WD in a report to the House Military
Affairs Committee, cannot be increased substan-
tially without "endangering the success of our
military operations. . , ."
To return 30,000 men each month, according to
the WD, four to seven times this number must be
immobilized. This is the equivalent of from eight
to 14 divisions. As a rule, men are returned to
the States for rehabilitation, recuperation and
recovery. Some men have been returned when
threats from the enemy were no longer antici-
pated in their area arid a reduction in the size of
our forces was possible. Others are sent back on
temporary duty for a rest and then returned
overseas. Still others are brought back under the
rotation plan and assigned to new duties.
In no csise, says the WD, can a soldier be sure
he will be returned after serving a certain length
of time, although some theater commanders have
set a minimum period a soldier must serve before
he can be considered eligible for return.
The overseas commanders have been given the
sole responsibility of selecting the men to be sent
home. The determining factors are local condi-
tions, the length of time spent overseas, whether
the GI is a key man in his unit, the nature of his
duties, his importance in relation to the accom-
plishment of his unit's military mission and the
morale of the individuals in the unit, including
the extent of rebuilding of mind and body re-
quired. Men who have been engaged in dangerous
and difficult duty are to get special consideration.
"How d'ya like that? This makes the fourth suicide detail I've been on this weekl"
The WD report pointed out that in order to
send a man back to the States for temporary
duty so that he might spend 30 days at home, he
must be away from his outfit for about four appointments as flight officers or second lieuten-
months. This includes travel time and preparation
for shipment from the theater and for his return.
A shortage in shipping space for replacements
ants on Oct. 16 will not be graduated until Nov. 20.
Wash i n g t o n OP
going overseas is another reason why more men Texas Voters
cannot be returned to the States.
The report noted an erroneous impression that
there are plenty of men in the Army still in the
Gis from Texas who are planning to vote by
the Federal ballot are advised by the U. S. War
Ballot Commission of the following changes in
A rtificial Harbors. President Roosevelt showed
reporters a scale model of one of the two
artificial harbors floated into place along the
States who can be used as replacements for the list of candidates published earlier in YANK Normandy Channel coast to help make possible
troops overseas. As a matter of fact, says the WD, and on W® Soldier Voting Poster No. 4: Add— the invasion of France. The model was complete
"the exact opjwsite is the case." to the candidates for President and Vice Presi- even to 'the Liberty ships loaded with stones
"Overhead installations (in the States)," says dent — Smith and Romer, America First Party; and sunk a mile offshore to provide a break-
the report, "are at present operated almost exclu- for Representative, 18th District, McD. Bybee of water, the floating docks and the 3,300-foot pon-
sively by personnel who have already had over- Childress, Republican. Delete from the list of ton causeways connecting them with the sliore.
seas service or who are not physically qualified candidates for Representative, 6th District— Known as "mulberries" in code, the harbors
for such service or by members of the WAC." Charles W. Beck of Hillsboro, Republican. were a secret from the time they were conceived
Most of the men in the States who are qualified at the Quebec Conference. Some 20,000 tons of
for overseas duty, says the report, are assigned Why We Fight supplies a day were unloaded from each harbor,
to organizations preparing for shipment overseas, and today they are unloading more supplies than
or they are receiving individual training for ship- Lt. Gen. Ben Lear, CG of the Army Ground the great port of Cherbourg, the President said.
ment overseas as replacements for battle losses. Forces, has issued a directive stressing the impor- The mulberries were in operation by D-plus-
tance of keeping soldiers well informed about the three, but one of them was knocked out for six
war through weekly orientation hours. "A weeks by a severe storm that swept the Channel
Lighter Loads thorough technical knowledge of weapons and a few days later.
Soldiers are now carrying 15 pounds less in their use and good physical condition alone," he
clothing and equipment than in 1941, according said, "are not sufficient to make a first-class fight- Rote of Discharge. Secretary Stimson declared
to the WD. The total load of 110 pounds has been ing man. He must have a basic knowledge of what that only two considerations will affect the speed
cut down to 95 by the QM. The number of items he is fighting for, what is happening at home and of demobilization: (1) the need for troops to
was reduced and some articles were redesigned the progress of our troops in other theaters." defeat Japan quickly and permanently, and (2)
or manufactured of lighter, materials. This saving the amount of available shipping. He denied
in weight and bulk means that cargo and truck- 80th Division that available employment opportunities would
ing space is saved when units are moved. With govern the rate of discharge.
the lighter load, a GI boarding a ship wears Presence in Europe of the 80th Infantry Divi-
about 18% pounds of clothing and equipment; sion, a veteran of the 1918 Western Front, has Odds and Ends. The Veterans' Administration
carries a 45-pound pack, including a rifle, gas been disclosed by the has ruled that under the GI Bill of Rights quali-
mask and medical supplies, and has a duffle bag War Department. Known fied veterans may attend educational institutions
weighing from 25 to 35 pounds, depending on his as the Blue Ridge Divi- outside the States. However, the institutions
destination and personal effects. sion because it was origi- must be approved by the VA. . . . Recent legis-
nally composed of men lation has abolished forfeiture of pay for time
/* from Virginia, West Vir- lost from the effects of VD. . . . Army Reserva-
Pilot Training ginia and western Penn- tion Bureaus- are being set up in large cities in
Because the Army's reservoir of pilots is filled, sylvania, the outfit has the States by the Transportation Corps to help
pilot trainees will receive 15 instead of 10 weeks' as its insignia a shield of military personnel traveling on orders or on fur-
instruction in the phase of training in which they OD cloth with three blue lough obtain sleeping-car, parlor-car and re-
are currei\tly engaged. T h e A A F directive applies hills in the center. Reac- served-coach accommodations on trains. . . . Half
to aU phases of undergraduate pilot training, in- tivated in 1942, the 80th of all the nickel candy bars and rolls have been
cluding pre-fiight, primary, basic and advanced. trained in "Tennessee. earmarked for the armed forces by the War
Advanced students scheduled to get wings and Kansas and California before shipping overseas. Food Administration. - Y A N K Wothingten B « r M »
YANK i i puMlfliMl WMkly ky tiM eall>te4 « i i •( tin U. S. Army an* It Seuth PaclDc: Cal. James Gohle. Armd.: Cal. Lea Wllsen. Sif Coras.
t«r sale only tt these in the ansed senrieee. Sterles. features, yictures and Central Paeille: Sft. Jamet L. McManut, CA: Sft. Bill Reed. Inf.: Cal.
ether material freai VANK laay ke rearedueed If they are net restrieted Tom O'Brien, laf.: Sft. H. M. Oliahaat. Enfr.: Pfc Geerfe Burnt. Sif.
ky lair ar •lUtary reialattei. >t»»ldad avaaar endit it ^«ea. ralaate datet Coras: Ken Harris CPhoM. -USCG: Sft. Barrett HcGura. Med.: Massn
are ektereed aad taacitt arier aenaiislea hat keea irairted fer each Iteai
tA be repredueed. Eatlre eenteats ceayrifhted. 1944. ky Get. Franklin S. E. Pawlak PboMIc, USNR: Sft. Oillon Ferris. AAF; Sft. Jack Rufe.
Ferskeri aad reviewed ky tf. S. aiilitary centers. DEML.
Alaska: Cal. John Haverstick. CA: 8ft. Ray Duncan, AAF.
205 E. 42d STREET. NEW YORK 17, N. Y.. U. S. A. Panama: Sit. John Hay. Inf.: Cal. Richard Douflass. Med.
EDITORIAL STAFF THE ARMY WEEKLY Puerto Rleo: Sft. Don Cooke. FA: Pfc. Janes lorlo. MP.
Bermuda: Cal. William Pene du Bols.
Maaaalai Editar. Sit. Jce McCarthy, FA: Art Oiraeter. S«t. Arthur B r u l l : Pfc. Nat Bodlan. AAF.
Welthai. DEML: Astistaat Maaaiiai Editer, 8ft. lattat Schlelihaaer. Inf.;
Attlilaat Art DIretter, 8ft. Ralah 8teln, Med.; PIcturei, S«t. Lee Hefaller. Central Africa: 8ft. Kenneth Abbott, AAF.
Armd.: Features, 8tt. Maria* Hariram. FA: Saerts. Sit. Oaa Paller. leelaad: Sft. John Moraa. Inf.
AAF: Overseas Hews. 8 i t . Allan Eeker, AAF. Newfoundta.id; Sft. Frank Bode, Sif. Corps.
Washiaitaa: Sft. Rkhard Paal, DEML. Navy: Robert L. Schwartz Y2c: Donald Nuient S2c
BrIUia-France: Sit. Darkia Haraer. BMC: S«t. iaha Scatt. Enir.: Middle East: Sft. Retert MeBriaa. Sit. Cerat.
Sft. Charles Praad. AAF.- 8ft. Bill Davidsaa. laf.: Sft. Sa.'dersaa Van- Ira«-lraa: Sft. Burtt Evaas. laf.: Cal. Richard Galfe. OEML. Cemmandinf OlScer: Col. Franklin S. Forcbera.
derkitt, CA; Cat. lack Caff Ins. CA: Cal. iehn Prcstsn, AAF: Sft. Saul Chlna-Burma-lndIa: Sft. Dave Richardson, CA: Sft. Leu Stouroen. E<ecutlve Officer: Mai. Jack W. Weeks.
Levitt. AAF: Cal. Edaiund Aatrahus. Inf.: Sft. ReflnaM Kenny. AAF: OEML; Sft. Seymour Frlednan. Sif. Coras: Cpl. Geerfe J. Corhellini.
Pvt. Heward Kalzaader. CA: 8ft. Mack Marritt, laf.: 8tt. Earl Andersen. SIf. Cerat: Cal. Paul Jeknstaa. AAF. Business Manafer: Caat. North Bitbee.
AAF: 8 i t . Merle Millar. AAF. Seuthwest Pacific: Sot. LaFayette Locke. AAF: Sat. Douflas Borfstedt. Overseas Bureau OfHcers: London, MaJ. WaHer Hussman: India. Cant.
Italy>8e«tkeni Fraaee: Sft. Geerfe Aareas. 8if. Cera*: Sft. Jamet P. DEML; Sft. Oz2ie St. Geerfe. Inf.; Sft. Dick Hanley, AAF: Sft. Charles Harold A. Burroufhs: Australia, MaJ. Harold B. Hawley: Italy. Mai.
O'Neill. Inf.: 8ft. iehn Frane. Inf.; 8ft. Harry Slens, AAF: Sft. Aufust Pearson, Enfr.: Sft. Ralah Beyce, AAF: Sft. Bill Alcine. Sl«. Coras: Robert Strether; Hawaii, MaJ. Josua Eaainter: Cairo, Caat. Knewlten
Leeb, AAF: Pfc.Carl Sehwind. AAF: Sft. J. Oeaten Scett. FA: 8tt. Steve Sft. Charles Rathe, OEML: Cal. Geerfe Blek. Inf.: Cal. John McLeod. Ames: Iran, MaJ. Henry E. Johnson; South Pacific. Caat. Justus J.
Derry, DEML: Cal. Geerw Barrett, AAF. Med.: Sfl. Marvin Fasif, Enfr.; Cal. Refer Wrenn, Sit. Coras. Craemer: Alaska, Caat, Harry R, Roberts: Panama, Caat. Howard J.
Cartwell: Puerto Rico, Caat. Frank Gladstone.
Four Birmingham men, all present or former
law-enforcement officers, were charged with pos-
^jession of 13,750 counterfeit gas coupons; they
were city detectives Joe F, Prickett and David
Hal McKinney, former city patrolman Hubert G.
Alexander and Johnny Coe, Jefferson County
honorary deputy sheriflf. Luke Stevens retired
after 37 years as a fireman in Mobile. Decatur
received a $44,000 Federal grant for a health cen-
ter. The Alabama Education Association, District
1. elected J. M. Laird of Prichard president.
Socially prominent Mrs. Frances Andrews, 38,
was acquitted after a sensational month-long trial
at Salinas of the murder last July in Carmel Val-
ley of Jay Lovett, 19-year-oId farm-boy protege.
Mayor John F. Slavich of Oakland led a protest
against post-war construction of a $6,500,000 Fed-
eral Building on the old Post Office site, 17th and
Broadway, recommending instead a site in the
proposed Civic Center area. The California Racing
Board licensed a 55-day race meet at Santa Anita
from Dec. 30 through Mar. 13.
The Trail Ridge Road between Estes Park and
Grand Lake will be left to the snowdrifts this
winter, Supt. John E. Doerr of Rocky Mountain
National Park said; he hasn't the gas or the funds
to clear it. Joe Rademacher of Longmont, his three
sons and two friends got six deer in' the Meeker
district in two days—a season record. The OPA
sued Sam Kleinman and Edwin M. Tucker of
Denver for $45,230 triple damages for over-ceil-
ing liquor sales, biggest suit of its type in the
region. Died: Andrew Campion. 84, retired live-
stock broker and Denver resident for 60 years.
Acting on a protest from the Protestant Minis-
terial Association, Savannah movies closed on
Sundays; a theater spokesman said 80 percent of for driving through a boulevard stoo, then paid MASSACHUSETTS
the Sunday patrons were servicemen and women the fine; the defendant was Mrs. Allen. Mrs. John Arraigned in an ambulance after he was left
and that the profits went to charity. The Wayne * Warnholtz was killed when her team ran away for dead in a gang-ride shooting, Patrick T. Fa-
County Singing Convention was held in Jesup in a cornfield on the Warnholtz farm near Floyd; rina of Roxbury was held for $50,000 bail in a
High School. W. Comer Cherry of Valdosta was her baby Mary Beth, 2, escaped from the wagon $7,000 pay-roll hold-up a month earlier in Bos-
elected president of the Georgia Associated Credit and wandered home alone. ton. Frank H. Barnett, former Provincetown se-
Bureaus at a convention in Waycross. The Middle lectman, was given an 18-month term for larceny
Baptist Association held its I03d session at Big KANSAS of town funds. Somerville High defeated Med-
Horse Creek Baptist Church with the Rev. H. E. As the voice of Thurman Hill, Democratic can- ford at football for the first time in 30 years, 19-7,
Gaddy of Sylvania as moderator. didate for the U. S. Senate, thundered through Prof. Earnests A. Hooton, Harvard anthropologist,
the Municipal Auditorium in Chanute in "a cam- said the country needs a woman President.
IDAHO paign address a 500-pound chunk of cornice fell,
Idaho GIs on furlough can go hunting in the but no one was injured. At Eniporia, James D. MICHIGAN
state without a license; they can get free permits Donovan of Kansas City, Kans., was re-elected A $1-million bequest for cancer research was
from their home-town conservation officer. The president of the Kansas Association of Municipal made by Mrs. James T. Pardee of Midland,
Idaho Allied Civic Forces, in a letter signed by Utilities; O. K. Stewart of Pratt was named first widow of a founder of the Dow Chemical Com-
Harry S. Keesler, secretary, charged "pateiit and vice president. A team of three Republic County pany; her total estate was about $6 million.
flagrant" gambling-law violations in Boise and youths took stock-judging honors at the Ameri- Brother faced brother at Ann Arbor when Duane
Ada County. At Twin Falls, Deputy Sheriff Ed can Royal Livestock Show in Kansas City—Hal Sickels, Northwestern end, and Quentin Sickels,
Hall received a map from a soldier who'd lost his Ramsbottom of Munden, Ed Valek of Wayne and Michigan guard, met in a Big Ten game; the
purse on the way through to Mississippi; at "X" Joe Hanzlick of Belleville. Sickels are from Benton Harbor. Macomb Coun-
on the map Hall found the purse with $52 in it. ty Sheriff Jacob F. Theut kept the promise he
Fire blackened 30,000 acres in the edge of the LOUISIANA made in 1942 not to run again; he's retiring after
Sawtooth National Forest near Hailey, destroyed Six candidates announced for the New Orleans four years, the only sheriff of the county ever to
ranch buildings, killed horses and game apd d a m - Parish School Board: Willis A. Pellerin, Mrs. quit voluntarily. The Very Rev. Charles H.
aged buildings of the Camas Mining Company. Rosalee Teavis Cummins, William C. Fletcher, Cloud, president of the University of Detroit
R. Elmmett Mahoney, Leon Sarpy and Stuart Paul from 1935 until last June, died at 65.
ILLINOIS Weiss. Grady Kinnard, operator of a bar in Bas-
At Peoria, Alderman Alfred J. Schuh was trop, was fined $5,000 by Judge Ben C. Dawkins MISSOURI
charged with attacking news photographer Larry in Federal Court at Monroe for failure to pay a At Kansas City, Raymond T. Demsey, 64, vice
Lawrence and smashing his camera' in the Jour- Federal liquor tax. The Bossier-Caddo Kiwanis president of the Long-Bell Lumber Company,
nal-Tran:script office after Lawrence took a pic- Club opened a children's playground park in Bos- which he joined in 1903, was seriously injured
ture of Schuh's double-parked truck blocking sier City. Deaths: Mrs. Frances Gordon Randolph, in a leap from the eighth floor of the R. A. Long
traffic. At Carmi, Mrs. Effie Elizabeth Owen, 61. 67, of Kateland plantation near Colfax; Mrs. Mary Building; he hit a wire netting after falling six
went back to school as a high-school freshman Digby Golden, 70, of New Orleans, whose kidnap- floors. Betty Jean Taylor, 12, of St. Louis, got
after 47 years. Mrs. Tillie Majczek of Chicago ing when she was a baby prompted England's a 25-cent reward for returning to a neighbor a
Queen Victoria to appeal for her return. lost wallet containing $88, The 150-year-old Iron
scrubbed floors 11 years, mortgaged her home, Mountain Mine in St. Francois County resumed
saved allotment checks from her son in the Army operations after more than 10 years. Be sure not
until she had $5,000; then she offered this sum as MAINE to shoot any antlerless deer in red coats, the
reward for proof that her other son Joe, now The Legislature had a three-day special session, State Conservation Commission warned as Mis-
serving a 99-year prison term, didn't kill police- appropriated $769,000 for expansion of fish hatch- souri had its first deer season in eight years.
man William Lundy in 1932. eries and construction at Pownal State School,
raised legislators' pay from $600 to $850 a session MONTANA
INDIANA and accepted a set of revised statutes. Meeting The largest single sale of tax-deed lands in the
Eight Rush County farmers who had been his at Portland, Maine Red Men elected A. Walter history of Hill County was made at Havre when
tenants carried Wendell Willkie to his grave in Pierce of South Berwick great sachem. Died: at Harry E. Voyta and James Connors bought 4,320
Rushville; the Rev. Dr. George A. Frantz of Indi- Waldoboro, John W. Palmer, 98, adjutant of the acres in the Wildhorse Lake section. Mrs. Aria
anapolis preached the burial sermon. Fire gutted Maine Department, GAR; at Saco, Superior Court Selzer, day clerk at the Hotel Deer Lodge,
the Wolf Building at Petersburg with a $40,000 Justice George L. Emery, 68. Football scores: drowned in her bathtub. The State of Montana
loss; the Red Men's Building at Taylorsville was Rumford 6, Waterville 6; Portland 13, Bangor 0; appealed to the State Supreme Court in an at-
destroyed by fire with a loss of $20,000. Russell Old Orchard Beach 14, Westbrook 6; Old Town tempt to obtain for the school fund the $11,297
L. Hoak, vice president of the First National Bank 25, Brewer 6; South Paris 6, Norway 0. estate left by Adolph Pincus of Butte to an heir
of Elkhart, took a week-end war job as b r a k e - in Breslau, Germany; the Silver Bow District
man on a freight run to Chicago. At Seymour, MARYLAND Court held that the money should go to the Fed-
William H. Quade, 69, died in the house in which Baltimore's International League Orioles won eral property custodian. Powell County High
he was born and married. the Little World Series for the first time since closed a week to let 175 students harvest potatoes.
1925 by defeating Louisville of the American As-
IOWA sociation 5-3; top crowd was 52,833, some 17,000 NEBRASKA
Sheriff Henry Jordan was investigating what more than the best crowd at the World Series. Nebraska was harvesting its biggest corn crop,
was believed to be a murder plot against the Fred P. Wiseman was elected mayor of Luke for somewhere above 310 million bushels compared
family of Pete Eisel, Cass County supervisor, who the third successive term. Rives Matthews, 37, with the 1927 record of 294 million. Anna
lives near Griswold; poison in sugar, catsup and publisher of the Somerset News, at Princess Kramph, 71, who began as clerk at the North
peaches made members of the family ill, none Anne, obtained a peace warrant naming State's Platte First National Bank in 1904, retired as as-
fatally. An outbreak of typhoid occurred in the Atty. Harry C. Dashiell, 58, who told newsmen: sistant cashier. James A. Lindsey of Omaha was
Brayton section north of Atlantic. In Des Moines, "I beat the devil out of him. He has been after- named purchasing agent by the boys in the office
Municipal Judge Don G. Allen fined a woman $3 me for three years in his paper." to get a going-away present for a girl employee
YANK The Army Weekly • NOVEMBER 10
and chose earrings, he told police; his wife found drowned in a creek near her home. David Gramm probably to cost more than $5 million, was an-
out about the purchase and shot him twice in the of Beulah was killed when a train hit his auto. nounced for Marlin. E. N. Paslay of Dallas was
legs before he could explain. named grand patriarch of Texas Odd Fellows.
OHIO Marie Stanphill, 18, of Coleman, who helped fel-
NEVADA Joe Heving, veteran relief pitcher of the Cleve- low nurses escape a $15,000 fire in the nurses'
The University of Nevada inaugurated Dr. land Indians and only grandfather in the major home at Santa Anna, died in the blaze.
John O. Moseley as president. The OPA issued a leagues, pleaded innocent to a paternity charge
30-day suspension order against the Christie and before Judge Frank Merick and was released on VERMONT
Corey Steak House, Las Vegas, for meat pur- $500 bond. The Green Line Company of Cincin- The state opposed a $30-million Federal dam
chases without ration points, first restaurant sus- nati has been finding thousands of red and blue for West River flood control, which would sub-
pension in Nevada. Seventy-eight Hereford bulls food-ration tokens in its Dixie Terminal turn- merge towns in the valley, and proposed instead
sold at the Western Pacific stock corrals in Win- stiles instead of coins. William F. Lange came eight small dams to cost $9% million. Raymond
nemucca by Peterson Bros, brought a total of from the University of North Carolina to be Sinclair of Brattleboro was elected president of
$24,570. Deaths: Ray J. Welden, superintendent athletic director of Kenyon College. Deaths: the State Elks Association, succeeding Joseph
of mails at Reno; Peter Pauff, 97, Las Vegas pio- Charles R. Ely, mayor of Euclid for 12 years, McWeeny, also of Brattleboro. Died: at Fair
neer, who is survived by his wife to whom he while en route to Florida; John Sanner, 86, life- Haven, George M. Mahar, 64, organizer of the
had been married 72 years. long resident of the Mansfield section. Mahar Brothers Slate Manufacturing Company;
at Springfield, Floyd B. Johnson, 57, president of
NEW JERSEY OREGON the Springfield Printing Company. Football
GI papas of babies born in Paterson General At Oregon City, John Mickels rigged up a scores: Springfield 38, Rutland 0; St. Johnsbury
Hospital will receive a set of their new offsprings' camera to catch a thief who had been stealing 7, Burlington 0; Bennington 7, Brattleboro 0.
footprints. At Hackensack, John Warchalowski clothes from the line in his back yard; the thief
was held in $50,000 bail after police found loot stole the camera. Iris Vogel of Union won top WASHINGTON
from 50 Bergen County burglaries, totaling sev- honors in the Hereford 4-H showmanship divi- Vancouver planned a $40,000 juvenile detention
eral hundred thousand dollars, in his home and sion at the Pacific International Livestock Expo- home. At Bellingham, $60,000 was to be spent
office. To obtain a more realistic effect while sition in Portland. William Gavin, 16, a 6-foot- improving the anchorage for the fishing fleet.
playing with a 125-year-old flintlock musket, 5V2-inch basketball player, won over seven girls Mrs. Ann Eliza Stroops, North Whidby's oldest
William Hayward, 15, of Jersey City put a match in a state-wide 4-H cooking contest. U. Laine, resident, died at 96. In Seattle, Marvin Dwayne
head in the powder pan and pulled the trigger; Astoria jeweler, his wife and Verne Heikkanen, Dye, 16, w^as shot and killed by D. A. MacKenzie,
the gun, which must have been loaded several watchmaker in his store, drowned in the Naha- who said he heard someone tampering with a
generations ago, went off and William's brother lem River near Mohler while on a fishing trip. window screen at his home. O'Dea ended its
Jimmy, 6, was killed. Frank Trinka, Little Ferry three-year reign as Catholic high school cham-
police chief for 37 years, was suspended for fail- PENNSYLVANIA pion of Seattle when its football team was beaten
ing to suppress a tavern fight: he won reinstate- 7-0 by Seattle Prep.
ment and then resigned. Retirement from the baby assembly line was
announced by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wallace E^terly
NEW YORK of Allentown after birth of their 20th child; nine WEST VIRGINIA
boys and nine girls are living. Peter Yock and Joseph S. Jefferson of Meadow Estates was
Mrs. Josephine Tys, 53, of the Bronx died of George J. Helfrich, Pittsburgh semi-pro football named city treasurer of Wheeling, succeeding the
rabies after her pet dog bit her; it was the first players, were killed and 25 other players were late Harry Jungling. Deaths: John C. Hopkins,
death from the disease in New York in three injured when their truck overturned in suburban 49, of Cameron, Democratic nominee for prose-
years, and the entire city was put under anti- Glenfield. The Middletown Press, largest weekly cuting attorney; Sister Mary Magdalen Poulten
rabies quarantine, with all unleashed dogs sub- paper in Dauphin County, was sold by George of Mount de Chantel, Wheeling, who celebrated
ject to death. Peter J. Schmitt, Buffalo wholesale A. Bacon to J. Henry Fox, publisher of the semi- her golden jubilee as one of the Sisters of the
grocer, was killed when his private plane crashed weekly Middletown Journal. Harry B. Knoll, 62, Visitation three years ago. Football scores:
near HoUsopple, Pa., on the way to Florida. Rob- and his nephew, Harry Jamison, 44, of Fayette- Triadelphia 14, Wellsburg 12; Moundsville 13,
ert Jesson of Somerset Corners got so excited ville were crushed to death when a blasting Bellaire 0; Union 12, Magnolia 0; Follansbee 12,
when he failed to get his wife to Lockport City charge went off prematurely at the Mount Cy- Chester 6; St. John 7, Bridgeport 6.
Hospital ahead of the stork that he fainted at the donia Sand Bank Inc. quarry near Chambersburg.
wheel and wrecked the car; passers-by rescued
Jesson, Mrs. Jesson and the new baby, none seri- WISCONSIN
ously damaged. Miss Emily Getty, 80, member of TENNESSEE Madison police used tear gas and streams, of
the pioneer Yonkers family for which Getty Prodded into action by Knoxville ministers, water to subdue 3,000 rioters who took over State
Square was named, died in the house at 15 Cedar police made 10 bootlegging arrests and two for Street in the annual University of Wisconsin
Place where she was born. operation of "tip-board" gambling devices. The homecoming disturbance; nine were arrested.
Island Queen, Memphis-to-Cincinnati (Ohio) e x - The Rev. E. L. Shroeder resigned the pastorate
NORTH CAROLINA cursion boat, will get a $300,000 remodeling as of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Ixonia, to become
University of North Carolina trustees author- soon as priorities can be arranged, Capt. C. N. professor of English at Northwestern College at
ized paying a $12,000 salary to a football coach— Hall, master, announced. The UDC placed a Watertown. The OPA filed suit in Milwaukee to
generally believed a bid for Carl Snavely of marker honoring the late Henry Watterson on a close Edward GoUin's grocery store on South
Cornell; newspapers pointed out that the amount downtown Chattanooga building where he. edited "Third Street for a year for ceiling-price viola-
is about a third more than the $8,250 the univer- the Rebel during the War Between the States. tions. After a collision in downtown Madison,
sity's president, Frank Graham, gets. Co-eds from Three prominent Nashville citizens died: Willard Atty. Gen. John E. Martin was fined $50 and costs
Duke University picked cotton on the M. B. Law- Cakes Tirrill, 70, with the Graham Paper Com- for driving an auto while intoxicated.
rence farm and put the money they earned in the pany 34 years; James E. Caldwell, 90, retired
junior-class fund. Died: at Hopewell, Col. E. L. banker, and Donald Macdonald, 71, manager of WYOMING
Baxter Davidson, 86; at Charlotte, Arthur Game- the Nashville Baking Company. At Cheyenne, $5,770 in fees were paid when
well Craig, 83, and Mrs. Susie Wolfe DeArmon, 76, the Atlantic Refining Company filed for oil leases
wife of Dr. J. 'Mc. DeArmon; at Chapel Hill, TEXAS on 21,102 acres of state land in Niobrara County
Judge Robe'rt Watson Winston, 84. An anti-city-manager ticket headed by George —a state record. Walt Williams, Laramie flying
D. Neal for mayor opposed a city-manager ticket cowboy, had. rounded up 80 head of wild horses
NORTH DAKOTA headed by Mayor Otis Massey at Houston, but by plane in the desert north of Rock Springs.
Gov. John Moses recovered from an operation petitions for a vote to do away with the city- M. S. Jordan resigned as chief of police at Lusk
in Rochester, Minn., in time to get into his cam- manager system weren't presented in time for to become a member of the State Highway Patrol.
paign for U. S. senator. Bismarck WPB officials the November election; voters also were to pass Sale at Sheridan of 65 Herefords owned by the
announced approval of $571,000 in construction on proposals for $26^/^ million in city bonds, Bear Claw Ranch of Dayton brought $20,995.
projects for the state, including $43,250 for the $7y2 million in school bonds and a probable total Deaths: Mart T. Christensen, secretary of state,
Memorial Hospital at Hazen. Jeannet Bartel. 18- of $22 million in county, flood-control and Navi- of a cerebral hemorrhage, in Cheyenne; Ford B.
month-old daughter of Nick Bartel of Lefor, gation District bonds. A 1,000-bed Navy hospital, Kuns, former superintendent of schools ai Lusk.
M^ i am" d '
fl*^ • ^
HOTEL BOAT. Here's the way Cleveland licked the housing problem dur- H O M E I N STYLE. Flowers and a jeep ride were part of Washington's w
ing a recent convention. The Great Lakes pleasure boat, Greater Detroit, was come for Venus Ramey, the capital's first Miss America in 23 years. This w
moved into dockage and its cabins were thrown open to some 1,200 delegates. her first visit home since she won the honor at the Atlantic City beauty conte
Mary Ganly
Myers. Fla.: write Pvt. Ben L. Brown. Two Rock F/O Wallace F. Miller, OTS, SAAF. 'Warrensburg. Mo
Ranch, Petaluma, Calif. . . . Pvt. CARL ENCLEKINC: . . . ROGER W . MORRIS, 12173702, once at Providence
write Cpl. Charles E. Beck (formerly of Scott Field i. College, later at Fort Knox: write Pvt. Gene Lazicki
Sec. Q. BAAF. Fort Myers, Fla. . . . Pvt. ROBERT LOGAK 1645 Engrs. Util. Det., Camp Sutton. N. C, . , Lt.
S /SGT. RICHARD ARONSTAM. somewhere m England
write Cpl. Simeon Busenover. 423d AAF Base'
Unit. Sq. B. AAF. Walla Walla. Wash . . . Pvt. LEVERI
EscHBACK. once in Lansing, Mich., last heard of at
Tarawa: write Pvt. Peter J. Treleaven, Co. A. 275th
Inf. Regt.. APO 461, Fort Leonard Wood. Mo. . . .
CHARLES ORLANDO, formerly of Class 43-D, SAACC:
write Pfc. Peter J. Elardo, Sec, C. 2509 AAFBU. Big
Spring Tex. . . Pfc. IRIS O'BRIEN, WAC. somewhere
."VvERY. 597th Airborne Engrs.. Camp McCall. N C. JOSEPH FELTHANGER. U S N , believed to be in a New
write Pfc. Vilma Bickerstaff. WAC Det. *!. Fort in Italy: write A. D. Harris GM2c, USCG, COTP. New
Moultrie. S. C. . . . S/Sgt. EDWARD T, CICIOR. formerly
York hospital: write Pvt. Joseph Yoklavich. Co. B. Orleans. La. . . . Sgt. GORDON PAVtAir. once at Lowrv
with the 66th AB Sq., Macon. Ga.: write Pvt. Charlep 74th Bn.. ASFTC, Cariip Barkeley, Tex. . . Pvt. FIN- Field: write Pvt. Jack A. Rhavies. Med. Det., AAAB.
L- Grange, 267th AAF Base Unit iFi. Sec. III. Fon FROCK, once in the 32d Cavalry, Camp Maxey: write Abilene. Tex. . . . Capt. GEORGE PRICHARD JR.. formerly
Sumner. N. Mex. . . . Anyone having information con- Pvt. Orin Brooks, Hq. Troop, 45th Cav. Ren. Sq. Mecz.. of Fort Benning: write Sgt. Steve A. Yarak. Co. A.
Camp Polk. La. . . . Sgt. JOHN B.,,<BLACK) GARDNER. 3169 Sig, Serv, Bn.. Camp Kohler. Calif
cerning Lt. JOHN B . CRUL. 2d Marines, last heard of AAF: write Pfc. Joseph J. Misso. Isl Acad. Co.. TPS.
or, Saipan Island: write Lt. Earl Shepard, Joyce. La Box 427. Fort Benning. Ga. . . . Cpl. GOLDBROOK oi
. . . PAUL CZOPYDALO of Brooklyn, last heard of in Connecticut, formerly at APO 43: write Pvt. 'Louis
OCS in North Carolina: write Pvt. William K. Edmis- Scherl. England Gen. Hosp., Atlantic City. N. J. .
ton. Co. C. 62d Med. Tng. Bn., ASFTC. Camp Barke- Pfc. LAWSON GRIFFIN, last heard of in England: write
ley. Tex. . . . ORILLO C. DABE of Phoenix. Ariz., now
somewhere in the South Pacific: write Sgt. Robert S Cpl. Rey Gonzalez, Co, A. 406th Inf.. APO 102. Fort CHANGE OF ADDRESS ; r K r r
Dix. N. Y . . Lt. HARRY HANSON of Los Angeles, for- scriber a n d have changed your address, use this coupon
Dabe. 2514th Base Unit lAAF), Sec. A-Pl. 1. Laugh- merly ai Cochran Field: write R. Cunningham SK3c.
lin Field, Del Rio, Tex. . . . CARLISLE DEMPSEY, for- together with the mailing address on your latest YANK
merly of Flint, Mich., entered the Army early in 1942 Maint. Office, W-34, Naval Tng. Sta.. Newport. R. I. to notify us of the change. M a i l it to Y A N K , The Army
. . . HOWARD "W. HATCH SF3C, last heard of on the USS
write A/C Joseph Luketich. Sec. H. FU. D. Class 44- Mackab write Cpl. I. Nusbaum, Box 1172, 328 ABU Weekly, JOS East 4 2 d Street, N e w York 17, N , Y.. a n d
12, 2509 AAF Base Unit. Big Spring, Tex. Pfc, lA). GAAF. Gulfport, Miss. . . . Sgt. A. (ROCKYi HEN- YANK will follow you to a n y part of the world.
WAYNE J. (DUT) DUTTON, stationed at McChord Field RiKSEN. USMC. at Camp Linda 'Vista, Calif.: write Cpl
m 1941. later sent overseas: write S/Sgt, Joseph A. J. Staiano, 132 Sig. Co., APO 411, Camp Gruber,
Brand, Casual Del., Camp Stoneman. Calif. Cpl Okla. . . . S,/Sgt. EDWARD JACOBS, with the Medics, last F u l l Name and Rank Order No
WILLIAM ELLIS, last heard of at Page Field, Fort heard of in France: write Cpl. Leonard K. Hovles. OLD MilfTARY ADDRESS
Co. B. 1899th Engr. Avn. Bn.. APAAF. Avon Park.
Fla. . . . Lt. FORREST E. KELLY (43-E), once an aviation
cadet at AAFFTD, Ala.: write Pfc. WilUam L. Reams,
His d e l i c a t e b i t o f f e m i n i n i t y is a n o t h e r of 2156th AAF BU (CPS, P), Decatur, Ala. . . . S/Sgt
JOE KOPEC formerly at Miami Beach, Fla., left for
B r o o k l y n ' s c o n t r i b u t i o n s to a g r a t e f u l Crash Boat Tng.: write Sgt. Sigmund Cohen. Sec. B.
w o r l d . Her n a m e is M a r y G a n l y . She w a s Bks, ill. Buckley Field, 3702 AAF, Denver...8. Colo NEW MILITARY ADDRESS
, , Sgt, CHARLES 'LAMB, last heard of at Hendricks
d a n c i n g in N e w York City w h e n the r o v i n g Field, Fla.: write S/Sgt. W. C. Buckleman. 371!
eye of a m o v i e t a l e n t scout focused o n her AAFBU. Boeing B-29 Sch., Seattle, Wash. . . . Sgt
b l o n d p e r s o n . Before y o u could say M e t r o - RALPH MCCORD. once at Camp Breckinridge, Kv,: write
Pfc, Marvin Marshall. Btry. C. 513th AAA Gun. Bn
G o l d w y n - M a y e r she w a s o u t in H o l l y w o o d (Semi. Fort Bliss. Tex. . . . GEORGE MCCORMACK. for-
p l a y i n g a c a m p u s cutie in " B a t h i n g B e a u t y . " merly in Lubbock, Tex., and S/Sgt. RALPH MEDOFI- of AHow 2 1 days f o r change of address to become effective
Brooklyn, formerly a cadet at Coleman, Tex. write
id.L Lf-
-i,'&.%W*«*>SO st^-yi -.
»i:' •
PARIS. Pictured above are scenes from one of the few baseball games ever played
in Paris. The three GIs who seem to be enjoying oil the comforts of a cafe are ac-
tually sitting in box seats where white-jacketed waiters served beer and cognac.
Lower photo shows general view of the stadium. Game featured two Gi teams.
^ u .•« , -^ .
Shausihiie.ssy at 'I'uiane in 1917 and took the
pledge that little t'elix would also toil for
Ml', Shaughnessy wherever he coached.
But thanks to the little words of comfort.
Messrs. McEver and Shaughnessy went away
from West Point feeling more kindly toward
then wa.vward boys and the Army horde. Mr.
Shaughnessy especially. He summoned a
group of n e w s p a p e r m e n and announced:
"I just had the pleasure of being absolute-
y m u r d e r e d by the best Army team I have
evei' seen. I wouldn't be surprised if it
turned out to be A r m y ' s all-time best. If
anybody beats them, they'll have to score 51
points, because Army will score 50
"I would also like to say that this boy
Blanchard is the gre'ktest fullback I have ever
seen. He's even better than Norm Standlee.
He's just as big and faster. Yes. he's faster
than Standlee and more powerful. He could
play halfback as well as fullback. He can
pass and kick. He's absolutely at the top of
the heap as far as I'm concerned."
When Lt. Col. Earl Blaik. the Army coach,
heard of Mr. Shaughnessy's speech he was
horror-stricken. This generous b u i l d - u p was
t h e o n ^ t h i n g he had been guarding against
all season. He wanted Navy or Notre Dame
to win t h e national championship on p a p e r :
he'd win it on the field when the proper time
came. The colonel dispatched Maj. Andy
Gustafson, his No. 1 aide, to New York to
address the Football Writers with i n s t r u c -
tions to stem the w a v e of optimism that Mr.
Shaughnessy had t u r n e d loose,
•'I w a n t to-thank Mr. Shaughnessy for giv-
ing us sifch a nice b u i l d - u p , " Maj. Gustafson
told the assembled group of writers. "I guess
we're set to beat the world now. But, gentle-
men. I w a n t to w a r n you we haven't been
tested as yet. "We don't know how good our
t e a m is. We still h a v e Navy, P e n n and N o t r e
Dame to play and one or all of t h e m could
lick us—especially Navy. They have too much
backfield depth.
"This young man Blanchard. of whom Mr.'
Shaughnessy speaks so highly, is big, rough
and tough, all right, but he is a victim of a
peculiar disease we have at West Point. We
Army's Felix Blanchard spins out of the clutches of two Brown tacklers on 50-yard touchdown gallop call it 'plebitis.' It's a m a l a d y caught only by
plebes, and t h e upperclassmen give it to
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V: Mail yourself a copy of YANK every week. Use your name and
the old home-town address. Have the folks keep YANK on file
for you until after the shooting's over. Start today—2 bucks for
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