Smart Nav Kfir 1983 - 1560 PDF
Smart Nav Kfir 1983 - 1560 PDF
Smart Nav Kfir 1983 - 1560 PDF
Smart nav/attack system for Kfir Kfir cockpit with WDNS control
box forward of the pilot's right
Elbit Computers is producing hand
the nav/attack system for
Israeli Aircraft Industries' System 82.
latest Kfir C7 fighter-bomber. System 82 weighs in at
The System 82 weapon deliv- about 52kg excluding inertial
ery and navigation system platform, so Elbit has assem-
(WDNS) features a stores bled a simplified version
management computer and which lacks the stores
head-down CRT display management and backup
which enables the aircraft to capability. Providing the
deliver smart weapons such as same accuracy and reliability
TV-guided bombs and as System 82, the lighter
missiles. inertial-based System 81
System 82 is the latest in comprises central computer,
line of Elbit nav/attack control terminal, and headup
systems developed for the display.
Israeli Air Force which began
in 1971 with licence- Low-cost systems
production of US weapon-
delivery equipment for the A- For trainers, light-attack
4 Skyhawk. This system was aircraft, and interceptors
later adapted by Elbit for use Elbit offers the low-cost
on the Kfir by adding naviga- weapon-delivery system
tion capability, improving and (LCWDS) providing a
augmenting weapon delivery lOmrad air-to-ground delivery
modes, and increasing accuracy, improving to 3mrad
reliability. air-to-air, and with an 800hr
MTBF. Basic modes include
Jason IN AS air-to-air "hotline" symbol-
ogy and lead-computing opti-
In 1977 Elbit and Singer- cal sight, plus air-to-ground
Kearfott co-operated to continuously computed
develop the Jason inertial- System 82 provides 0-6 direct visual bombing backup impact point and manual
based nav/attack system for n.m./hr navigation and 6mrad air-to-ground mode. A stores release functions. If a Doppler
Israeli F-4E and RF-4E Phan- weapon-delivery accuracies management computer and navigation system is fitted,
toms, which would be more with a 500hr MTBF and armament control and display toss bombing and waypoint
reliable and maintainable, impressive redundancy. panel go to make up the stores navigation are available. The
and higher performing, than management system; the 4in LCWDS, comprises a 10kg
the original equipment. The Six units go to make up
System 82. The digital central CRT can display sensor or central computer and 3kg
F-4 Update WDNS intro- weapon video plus alpha- control terminal, and can be
duced 0-8 n.m./hr navigation computer comprises a 16-bit
processor, program memory, numeric weapon inventory, used with a headup display or
and 7mrad weapon-delivery release parameter, or simple gunsight.
accuracies and a 300hr mean and symbol generator. An
independent backup com- malfunction warning data. A The components that go to
time between failures make up System 82 and its
(MTBF). This system, which puter with its own symbol keyboard control terminal is
generation provides lead- used to enter and extract data derivatives are available sepa-
includes a digital mission rately, such as the stores
computer, rear-seat CRT computing optical sight from the nav/attack system.
backup air-to-air mode and A headup display completes management system with its
navigation display, and smart computer and display unit,
weapon capability, is available which together weigh some
for retrofit on F-4s and weighs 20kg. Elbit is already working
some 55kg including inertial on the nav/attack system for
platform. the IAI Lavi. This will feature
The System 80 WDNS, a smaller, faster central
developed in 1980, was the ' '-•»/» •«* "*£ *£1¥ "*- computer.
first to use an Elbit computer, 0 AEL Israel is producing
and was supplied as a one-for- self-protection systems for
one box replacement for older flCDP fixed-wing aircraft and heli-
nav/attack systems in A-4s A I RBORNE DISPLAY copters. The SPS-200 detects
and Kfirs. The inertial-based and displays pulsed radar
equipment offered improved threats within the l-8GHz
weapon-delivery and naviga- frequency range. A separate
tion accuracy, and expanded receiver handles continuous-
stores capability. wave radars. A 3in CRT
Now in production for the ,BHtHESS CONTRAST azimuth indicator displays
Kfir C7, the System 82 type, bearing, relative lethal-
WDNS is Elbit's first with a ' DISPLAYS ity, and status of analysed
stores management computer radar threats, and the system
to handle weapon release can be coupled to a chaff/flare
"hands on throttle and stick". dispenser. The SP-20 is a
HFT IN0X 0 F F lightweight warning set for
Elbit's head-down display helicopters.
542 FLIGHT International, 27 August 1983