Energy Policy: Faisal Jamil, Eatzaz Ahmad
Energy Policy: Faisal Jamil, Eatzaz Ahmad
Energy Policy: Faisal Jamil, Eatzaz Ahmad
Energy Policy
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a r t i c l e i n f o abstract
Article history: Cointegration and vector error correction modeling approaches are widely used in electricity demand
Received 24 March 2011 analysis. The study rigorously examines the determinants of electricity demand at aggregate and
Accepted 10 May 2011 sectoral levels in Pakistan. In the backdrop of severe electricity shortages, our empirical findings give
Available online 1 June 2011
support to the existence of a stable long-run relationship among the variables and indicate that
Keywords: electricity demand is elastic in the long run to both income and price at aggregate level. At sectoral
Electricity demand level, long-run income and price elasticity estimates follow this pattern except in agricultural sector,
VECM where electricity demand is found elastic to output but inelastic to electricity price. On the contrary, the
Price elasticity coefficients for income and price are rather small and mostly insignificant in the short run. We
employed temperature index, price of diesel oil and capital stock at aggregate and sectoral levels as
exogenous variables. These variables account for most of the variations in electricity demand in the
short run. It shows that mechanization of the economy significantly affect the electricity demand at
macro level. Moreover, elastic electricity demand with respect to electricity price in most of the sectors
implies that electricity price as a policy tool can be used for efficient use and conservation.
& 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction During the past few decades, demand for electricity has been
the focus of many empirical studies (see for example, the survey
Electricity demand is a derived demand, resulting from the article by Taylor (1975), and various other studies including
desire for output or activity in question. Its consumption does not Bentzen and Engsted (1993), Beenstock et al. (1999), Fatai et al.
yield utility by itself, but is used as an input in other processes (2003) and Hotledahl and Joutz (2004)). Typically, these
that give utility. For example, in hot summer days, the demand for studies relate electricity consumption to a variety of economic,
cooling the space and water rises. Since the cooling appliances demographic and meteorological variables to get estimates of
such as refrigerators and air-conditioners require electricity to short- and long-run elasticities. The advancement in time series
operate, its consumption rises during peak summer. The demand econometrics has resulted in methodological improvement in
for electricity like other goods essentially depends on income and electricity demand analysis.
price among various other factors. The main objective of this paper is to empirically analyze the
The major objective of electricity demand analysis is to obtain electricity demand in Pakistan during the period 1961–2008
estimates of income and price elasticity. The elasticity estimates using annual aggregate and sector-wise data for residential,
are equally important for policy makers, planners and managers commercial, manufacturing and agricultural sectors. These sec-
of electric utilities. Policy implications emanating from the tors in total consume more than 80% of electricity sold in
analysis depend upon the stability of electricity demand function. Pakistan.1 The study employs the Johansen’s approach to coin-
A stable electricity demand function implies the existence of tegration and vector error correction model (ECM) for estimating
theoretical relationship between the concerned variables. Main- elasticities. The results of this study show that variables are
taining adequate electricity generating capacity to meet the real cointegrated and that all models exhibit elasticity of electricity
time demand requires the electric utilities to have in-hand demand with respect to real economic activity and price greater
demand estimates and reliable demand forecasts. The demand than one in the long run with the exception of price elasticity of
elasticities may also help the regulators in decisions regarding the electricity demand in agricultural sector model. Electricity
effects of tax and subsidy on electricity. demand elasticity with respect to electricity price is much lower,
perhaps due to highly subsidized nature of electricity tariff rate
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ92 3337416577; fax: þ92 51 9211391.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (F. Jamil),
[email protected] (E. Ahmad). See WAPDA (2009).
0301-4215/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
5520 F. Jamil, E. Ahmad / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 5519–5527
for agricultural sector prevailing in Pakistan. An important impli- The availability of energy substitutes and possibility of realloca-
cation of high income elasticity is that when income level rises, tion of resources from one form of energy to another is greater in
the demand for electricity is also expected to rise. Pakistan is the long run than in the short run.
passing through a worse electricity crisis of the history and these Some of the studies in recent past compare various methodol-
findings show that electricity supplying capacity needs to be ogies of energy demand modeling and end up with different
managed keeping in view the overall economic activity and results (see, for example, Beenstock et al., 1999; Clements and
prudent use of price policy of electricity. Madlener, 1999; Fatai et al., 2003; Rao, 2007; Amarawickrama
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents brief and Hunt, 2008). Amarawickrama and Hunt (2008) employ six
survey of literature on electricity demand. Methodology and data techniques and compare the elasticities to explore the effect of
are described in Section 3, while Section 4 presents the results using different econometric estimation techniques. The findings
and discussion. Section 5 concludes the findings of the study. show some degree of variation in the preferred specification and
the resulting coefficients. The estimated long-run income and
price elasticities range from 1.0 to 2.0 and 0 to 0.6, respectively,
2. Survey of literature and the future demand forecasts up to the year 2025 obtained
through different techniques turn out to be fairly similar.
Considerable interest on the part of planners in particular and Methodological debates are a routine in research and it is
academicians in general spawned a number of studies on elec- difficult to reach a definite conclusion because chances are rare
tricity demand. The literature on electricity demand has improved for empirical verifications consistently favoring one particular
in terms of model specification, choice of variables as determi- approach. That is why there is no single preferred approach for
nants of demand and estimation techniques. A conventional estimating econometric models especially from non-stationary
demand model comprises of income, own price and prices of data (Beenstock et al., 1999). ECM has been widely used in
substitutes as explanatory variables. Several studies show that electricity demand analysis, especially because it provides a
electricity demand is income elastic and price inelastic, showing dynamic relationship between electricity consumption and its
that consumers consider it a normal good and a necessity (see, for various determinants. In the recent past, autoregressive distrib-
example, Fatai et al., 2003; Hotledahl and Joutz, 2004; uted lag (ARDL) models have attracted the researchers to the
Hondroyiannis, 2004; Zachariadis and Pashourtidou, 2007; study of energy demand. However, Clements and Madlener
Amarawickrama and Hunt, 2008). (1999), Bentzen and Engsted (2001) and Fatai et al. (2003) suggest
There are many studies on energy demand for countries of that ARDL and Johansen approach give similar results both
different geographical and economic backgrounds as shown in qualitatively and quantitatively. Rao (2007) suggests that general
Table 1. A substantial amount of effort in the literature has been to specific (GTS) approach adequately summaries data and
directed to sort out econometric modeling techniques that better captures the data generating process. He examines the alternative
identify the relationship of electricity consumption with its techniques to estimate time series models including GTS, Vector
determinants. Earlier studies tend to estimate the demand func- Autoregressive (VAR) and ECM, and concludes that ECM specifica-
tion through single equation approach, ignoring possible simul- tion has advantage over the alternative approaches. Fatai et al.
taneity among the variables. Moreover, details of electric (2003), however, finds that new ARDL approach has better
appliances are explicitly used in earlier studies (see, for example, forecasting performance than all other approaches considered.
Taylor, 1975). Later, partial adjustment modeling framework, in One characteristic of ARDL approach is that it does not need pre-
which desired electricity consumption is used instead of capital testing for the order of integration of the variables, though
stock details became popular (for example, Kamerschen and variables of different order of integration are unlikely to be
Porter, 2004; Rapanos and Polemis, 2006). Partial adjustment cointegrated.
model permits the estimation of both short- and long-run The above review of literature on energy demand suggests that
elasticities. the major determinants of electricity in almost all countries are
Numerous studies investigate electricity demand specifically output or real GDP, price of electricity and temperature. More-
in residential sector. Although the literature on electricity over, a few studies have employed the price of energy substitute
demand analysis is not limited to residential sector only, yet it such as oil, gas and LPG. The substitution possibilities of these
comprises a good part of it.2 The electricity demand in residential fuels are considerably low especially, in residential sector, hence
sector can be characterized as the use for daily services such as the cross price elasticity is found insignificant in most of the
lighting, refrigeration, washing, ironing, cooking and entertain- studies. In residential sector models, real mortgage interest rate
ment and weather related services like using for the purpose of (Silk and Joutz, 1997) and urbanization (Hotledahl and Joutz,
heating and cooling the space and water. It motivates researchers 2004) are found to be significant. The use of only aggregate or
to incorporate the most relevant factors to electricity demand in residential data in most of earlier studies is an obvious limitation.
their analyses. Different studies use different sets of variables for We capture sectoral aspects of electricity demand in our sectoral
explaining the variation in electricity consumption. In general, the demand models, which provide an interesting extension to the
variables used in electricity demand analysis can be arranged as existing literature. This study covers four sectors and examines
economic, demographic and weather and energy related the factors relevant to each particular sector.
In an early energy demand study on Pakistan, Iqbal (1983)
estimates the income and price elasticities of residential electri- 3. Econometric methodology and data
city and natural gas demand. The results of the study show that in
case of electricity only income elasticity while, in case of natural Electricity is demanded for end-use services it provides. The
gas, both income and price elasticities are statistically significant. factors that affect the economic activity and consumption pat-
terns will affect the electricity demand. For example, the policies
of public utilities of providing subsidized electricity to some
See, for instance, Silk and Joutz (1997), Beenstock et al. (1999), Fatai et al.
(2003), Hotledahl and Joutz (2004), Hondroyiannis (2004), Halicioglu (2007) and
under-privileged sectors and rural electrification programs might
Zachariadis and Pashourtidou (2007). All these studies explicitly estimate elec- have increased access as well as induced additional electricity
tricity demand models in residential sector. consumption (Berndt and Samaniego, 1984). Electricity demand
F. Jamil, E. Ahmad / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 5519–5527 5521
Table 1
List of studies reviewed.
Iqbal (1983) Pakistan 1960–1981 Ordinary least square (OLS) 0.85 0.06 2.94 0.22
Bentzen and Engsted Denmark 1948–1990 Cointegration and error correction model 0.67 0.14 1.21 0.47
Silk and Joutz (1997) United 1949–1993 Cointegration and error correction model 0.38 0.63 0.52 0.48
Beenstock et al. (1999) Israel 1965–1995 Johansen maximum likelihood – – 0.99 0.43
Bentzen and Engsted Denmark 1960–1996 Autoregressive distributed lag model – – 1.29 1.03
(2001) Ordinary least square (OLS) – – 1.21 0.79
Johansen maximum likelihood – – 1.11 0.93
Non-linear least square – – 1.14 0.87
Dynamic OLS – – 1.12 0.88
Fatai et al. (2003) New 1960–1999 Engle–Granger 0.46 0.24 1.24 0.55
Zealand Autoregressive distributed lag model 0.24 0.18 0.81 0.59
Full modified least square 0.46 0.19 1.14 0.44
Lin (2003) China 1952–2001 Cointegration and error correction model 0.86 0.04 – –
1978–2001 0.78 0.02 – –
Hotledahl and Joutz (2004) Taiwan 1955–1996 Cointegration and error correction model 0.22 0.15 1.57 0.15
Hondroyiannis (2004) Greece 1986–1999 Cointegration and error correction model – – 1.56 0.41
De Vita et al. (2006) Namibia 1980–2002 Bounds testing approach to cointegration within – – 1.27 0.34
(Quarterly) ARDL MODEL – – 0.59 0.30
– – 1.08 0.86
– – 2.08 0.11
Rapanos and Polemis Greece 1965–1999 0.79 0.31 1.54 0.60
Halicioglu (2007) Turkey 1968–2005 Bounds testing approach to cointegration within 0.44 0.33 0.70 0.52
ARDL model
Zachariadis and Cyprus 1960–2004 Cointegration and error correction model 0.02 0.10 1.17 0.43
Pashourtidou (2007)
Altinay (2007) Turkey 1980–2005 Bounds testing approach to cointegration within 0.64 0.10 0.61 0.18
ARDL model
Amarawickrama and Hunt Sri Lanka 1970–2003 Engle–Granger (static) – – 1.76 0.02
(2008) Johansen method – – 1.74 0.04
Dergiades and Tsoulfidis United 1965–2006 Bounds testing approach to cointegration within 0.27 1.06 0.1 0.38
(2008) States ARDL model
Ziramba (2008) South 1978–2005 Bounds testing approach to cointegration within 0.30 0.02 0.31 0.04
Africa ARDL model
can be expressed in general, as a function of economic activity, account the possible endogeneity and simultaneity of variables by
electricity price, price of substitute goods and stock of energy inclusion of error correction terms to be contemporaneously
using capital and temperature. Therefore, we employ the follow- related across equations. Second, it allows modeling the short-
ing specification for parameterizing electricity demand in each of run adjustments, wherein the long-run estimates are also
aggregate and sectoral level models: included in short-run equations. Third, it enables to identify the
variable(s) that adjust towards equilibrium in the system
LnðEt Þ ¼ b1 þ b2 lnðYt Þ þ b3 lnðPt Þ þ b4 lnðPdt Þ þ b5 lnðKt Þ þ b6 lnðTt Þ þ ui (Bentzen and Engsted, 1993).
ð1Þ The error correction model contains an error-correcting vector
obtained from long-run relationship and conveys the deviation in
where Et, Yt, Pt and Pdt represent, respectively, the electricity dependent variable, that is, electricity consumption from its long-
consumption in Gigawatt hours (GWh), aggregate and sectoral run mean. The error-correction term measures the proportion by
real GDP (private consumption expenditures in case of residential which the long-run disturbance in the dependent variable is
sector), real price of electricity and real price of diesel taken as a corrected in each short-run period. The size and the statistical
substitute good. The stock of capital is represented by Kt and significance of error-correction term measure the tendency of
weighted monthly temperature in Pakistan is represented by Tt. dependent variable to return to its long-run equilibrium. Thus, its
The empirical models use a double logarithmic specification. coefficient measures the speed of adjustment in current electri-
The first step in the analysis involves the testing for unit root city consumption to its previous equilibrium value. Significance of
of the series. In the second step, the model is tested for the parameter estimates of error-correction term in a particular
existence of cointegration in a multivariate framework. We equation of error correction model implies that the dependent
applied the Johansen approach (Johansen, 1988; Johansen and variable has the tendency to restore long-run equilibrium and
Juselius, 1990) for identifying the existence of cointegrating take the burden of a shock to the system. We estimate the
vectors. The Johansen procedure estimates the parameters of following error correction model of electricity demand. The
cointegrating vectors using maximum likelihood procedure. coefficients of differenced variables represent the short-run
Finally, the error correction model (ECM) is estimated to obtain movements in the variables, while the error correction term
the short-run elasticities. We applied the error correction model- brings the long-run equilibrium in the model (Bentzen and
ing approach since it has certain advantages. First, ECM takes into Engsted, 1993; Silk and Joutz, 1997; Fatai et al., 2003; Lin, 2003;
5522 F. Jamil, E. Ahmad / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 5519–5527
Table 3
Johansen’s tests for cointegration analysis (intercept and trend in CE).
Et Yt Pt Constant
0 44.79n 27.28n 1 1.56 1.27 0.30
[35.19] [22.97] ( 4.18) (2.18)
rr1 17.31 11.70
[20.26] [12.89]
rr2 5.60 5.60
[9.16] [9.16]
0 73.56n 60.20n 1 1.97 1.22 13.12
[29.79] [21.13] ( 16.30) (6.03)
rr1 13.36 11.05
[15.49] [14.26]
rr2 2.30 2.30
[3.84] [3.84]
0 35.37n 22.62nn 1 1.47 1.68 0.83
[35.19] [22.30] ( 3.52) (3.39)
rr1 12.75 6.63
[20.26] [15.89]
rr2 6.11 6.11
[9.16] [9.16]
0 33.34n 21.72n 1 1.61 1.22 4.34
[29.79] [21.13] ( 18.02) (6.27)
rr1 11.62 11.55
[15.49] [14.26]
rr2 0.70 0.70
[3.84] [3.84]
0 42.22n 30.49n 1 1.25 0.51 7.61
[35.19] [22.29] ( 5.51) (4.72)
rr1 11.72 7.79
[20.26] [15.89]
rr2 3.93 3.93
[9.16] [9.16]
Note: Critical values given in [ ] are from MacKinnon et al. (1999). The figures in ( ) represent t-statistics.
Significance at 5% level.
Significance at 10% level.
Table 4
Short run elasticities-error correction model results.
Total 0.08 0.27n 0.32 0.07 0.79 1.08nn 0.07 0.06 3.45 0.48
Electricity consumption ( 1.25) ( 2.31) (0.84) (1.18) ( 0.79) (1.81) (1.22) (1.43)
Residential 0.11n 0. 39n 0.49 0.07 0.27 0.32n 0.14nn 0.35 4.95 0.47
Electricity consumption ( 5.62) ( 2.93) (1.27) (0.73) (0.86) (2.34) (1.80) (1.23)
Commercial 0.08 0.20 0.05 0.31 1.78 1.03 0.26 0.71n 2.83 0.39
Electricity consumption ( 1.27) ( 1.38) (1.18) ( 1.10) ( 1.58) (1.26) (0.86) (2.51)
Manufacturing 0.20nn 0.07 0.64n 0.06 0.23 0.67nn 0.11 0.06 3.25 0.40
Electricity consumption ( 1.82) (0.48) (2.02) ( 1.46) (1.45) (1.78) (1.16) (1.17)
Agricultural 0.47n 0.19 0.24 0.19 1.55n 0.50nn 0.15 0.14n 8.67 0.61
Electricity consumption ( 3.90) (1.37) (1.32) ( 1.24) ( 2.67) (1.81) (1.31) (2.77)
greater than price elasticity in the long run (see, for example, The cointegrating vectors represent the long term relationship
Amarawickrama and Hunt, 2008). Moreover, the elasticity estimates among the variables. To examine the model for electricity
are generally found higher in developing countries than the same for demand more thoroughly, short-run error correction models are
developed countries (see, for instance, Table 1). employed. The results of final error correction model are given in
5524 F. Jamil, E. Ahmad / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 5519–5527
Table 5
Diagnostic statistics of the error correction models.
Model/ Equation ECTt 1 LM(1) LM(2) ARCH- ARCH- HET Chow Reset Norm Durbin–
sector LM(1) LM(2) forecast Watson
Total DEt 0.08 [ 1.25] 0.30 (0.59) 1.07 (0.36) 0.38 (0.54) 0.36 (0.70) 1.47 (0.18) 0.66 (0.77) 0.09 (0.77) 2.07 (0.35) 1.83
D Yt 0.02[ 0.92] 0.50 (048) 1.18 (0.37) 0.08 (0.92) 0.07 (0.93) 0.70 (0.73) 1.15 (0.36) 0.08 (0.82) 0.20 (0.90) 1.90
DPt 0.27n[ 4.38] 0.75 (0.39) 0.38 (0.69) 0.60 (0.44) 0.73 (0.49) 0.88 (0.52) 1.29 (0.28) 1.92 (0.18) 2.48 (0.23) 2.09
Residential DEt 0.11n[ 5.62] 0.15 (0.70) 0.66 (0.52) 1.86 (0.18) 1.15 (0.32) 0.92 (0.55) 1.05 (0.43) 3.94 (0.06) 10.12n (0.01) 1.92
D Yt 0.04[1.96] 0.37 (0.54) 1.79 (0.18) 0.35 (0.56) 1.15 (0.32) 0.68 (0.70) 1.39 (0.23) 0.17 (0.67) 1.03 (0.59) 1.87
DPt 0.03[ 0.79] 1.38 (0.25) 2.19 (0.13) 0.24 (0.62) 1.06 (0.36) 1.11 (0.38) 5.55n (0.03) 0.12 (0.89) 1.66 (0.43) 1.78
Commercial DEt 0.08[ 1.27] 0. 15 (0.80) 0.04 (0.86) 0.02 (0.87) 0.04 (0.93) 1.31 (0.25) 0.51 (0.89) 0.10 (0.74) 2.49 (0.29) 1.96
D Yt 0.10n[2.70] 0.70 (0.40) 2.76 (0.14) 0.04 (0.83) 0.26 (0.77) 1.10 (0.39) 7.45n (0.01) 0.59 (0.21) 15.78n (0.01) 2.08
DPt 0.03[ 0.80] 0. 71 (0.39) 0.34 (0.70) 0.43 (0.83) 0.79 (0.46) 0.73 (0.10) 0.23 (0.97) 0.05 (0.94) 3.01 (0.13) 1.90
Manufacturing DEt 0.20[ 1.82] 2.21 (0.14) 1.71 (0.19) 3.68 (0.06) 1.91 (0.16) 1.82 (0.09) 1.14 (0.37) 0.31 (0.57) 1.04 (0.59) 2.04
D Yt 0.11[1.35] 0.14 (0.70) 0.69 (0.53) 1.71n (0.04) 1.03 (0.06) 1.90 (0.07) 6.94n (0.00) 0.69 (0.73) 9.87n (0.03) 1.83
DPt 0.38n[ 2.84] 0.29 (0.59) 1.16 (0.32) 0.03 (0.86) 0.19 (0.82) 0.94 (0.51) 0.72 (0.51) 2.12 (0.15) 1.19 (0.55) 2.01
Agriculture DEt 0.47n[ 3.90] 0.07 (0.88) 0.48 (0.62) 0.02 (0.97) 1.46 (0.23) 0.32 (0.98) 0.83 (0.62) 0.47 (0.49) 3.17 (0.20) 2.01
D Yt 0.03[0.11] 0.64 (0.43) 1.41 (0.25) 0.05 (0.83) 0.23 (0.79) 0.61 (0.83) 0.48 (0.91) 1.71 (0.21) 6.12 (0.07) 2.09
DPt 0.21[ 1.84] 0.33 (0.56) 1.21 (0.31) 2.29 (0.14) 1.31 (0.28) 1.15 (0.35) 0.52 (0.88) 1.92 (0.17) 1.24 (0.53) 2.05
Notes: The figures in [ ] are t-values, whereas ( ) are probability values for rejecting the hypotheses of the above mentioned diagnostic tests.
LM denotes the Breusch–Godfrey LM test for serial correlation for testing the null of no serial correlation at first and second lags, ARCH is an LM test for autoregressive
conditional heteroskedasticity in residuals and HET is the statistic for White Test, testing the null of no heteroscedasticity. Reset is Ramsey’s RESET stability test statistic
and Norm is Jarque–Bera statistic for testing the null of Gaussian errors. Chow Forecast test uses the year 1996 for breakpoint because reforms were introduced in
electricity sector of Pakistan in that year. The last column gives the DW statistic in the respective equation.
Statistical significance at 5%.
Table 4, while Table 5 provides the coefficient and t-values of We now come to error correction models of the four sectors,
error correction terms in each equation of models. We employed namely residential, commercial, manufacturing and agricultural.
aggregate and sector-wise capital stock, price of diesel and In residential sector, the error correction takes place in equation
temperature index as exogenous variables in each model in our of electricity consumption as coefficient of error correction term
general to specific approach. Since the major focus of this study is is significant in equation of electricity consumption. The adjust-
to examine the dynamics of electricity demand in relation with ment coefficient is quite low indicating slow adjustment in case
economic activity, price and capital stock, we report in Table 4 the the system moves away from the long-run equilibrium and that
short-run coefficients from equations of electricity consumption electricity consumption takes lead in adjusting towards the
of error correction models corresponding to Eq. (2). equilibrium. Growth in electricity consumption at lag-1 has a
The error correction term expresses deviations in electricity statistically significant negative effect and explains 39% reduction
consumption from its mean in long run, and its coefficients in each in total electricity consumption in the next year. The coefficient of
equation of the model are reported in Table 5. The error correction capital stock equals to 0.32 and appears significant at 5%. Both
takes place in electricity consumption equation in residential and economic activity and electricity price variables are insignificant
agricultural sector models. In the aggregate and manufacturing and low in the short run. The price of diesel has a positive but
sector models electricity price corrects the error to take the models very low effect on electricity consumption and is significant at
to long-run equilibrium. Finally, in commercial sector, real economic 10%. The temperature is found rather insignificant in residential
activity bears the brunt of correcting error from long-run equili- sector.
brium. Our original specification of models begins with four lags of In commercial sector model, the error correction takes place in
all the endogenous variables and we proceed by systematically equation of economic activity. The adjustment coefficient is vary
omitting the most insignificant lags and variables in ECM through low showing that economic activity adjusts to restore the long-
lag exclusion Wald test, ensuring that there is no serial correlation run equilibrium in the system such as one tenth of the error
among the residuals. All the final models include only one lag, which corrects in first year of the shock. The short-run price elasticity is
is reasonable in case of annual data. higher than short-run income elasticity although both are insig-
In the aggregate model, the coefficients on the differenced nificant at 5%. The capital stock has an elastic coefficient but is not
income and price variables are 0.32 and 0.07, respectively. Both significant even at 10%. The temperature is found significantly
coefficients are smaller than their long-run counterparts but are affecting electricity consumption in the sector with sufficiently
statistically insignificant. The coefficient of error correction term high coefficient value, 0.71, indicating that a 1% increase in
is significant in the equation of electricity price, suggesting that in temperature index results in 0.7% increase in electricity consump-
case of disequilibrium, electricity price adjust towards the long- tion in the commercial sector.
run equilibrium with about 27% of the adjustment taking place in In manufacturing sector model, error correction takes place in
the first year. Growth in electricity consumption in the previous electricity price such that it reduces by 38% in the first year to
year has a statistically significant negative effect on current bring the system towards the long-run equilibrium. The short-run
consumption. The coefficient of capital stock is 1.08 and turns output elasticity of electricity demand appears significant in the
to be significant at 10%. The price of diesel is insignificant and has manufacturing sector model of electricity demand and its coeffi-
relatively low positive effect on aggregate electricity consumption cient equals 0.64. The capital stock is found significant at 10%
that essentially shows less substitutability of electricity with level with a coefficient value 0.67. Other exogenous variables
diesel. The temperature variable is also found statistically insig- such as price of diesel and temperature are found insignificant at
nificant with very low coefficient. 5% level of significance.
F. Jamil, E. Ahmad / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 5519–5527 5525
20 1.6
CUSUM 5% Significance CUSUM of Squares 5% Significance
5 0.8
-20 -0.4
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
20 1.6
CUSUM 5% Significance CUSUM of Squares 5% Significance
-20 -0.4
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
20 1.6
CUSUM 5% Significance CUSUM of Squares 5% Significance
-20 -0.4
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
20 1.6
CUSUM 5% Significance CUSUM of Squares 5% Significance
-20 -0.4
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
20 1.6
CUSUM 5% Significance CUSUM of Squares 5% Significance
-20 -0.4
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Fig. 1. Graphical representation of CUSUM and CUSUMSQ tests. (a) Aggregate Electricity Demand, (b) Residential Electricity Demand, (c) Commerrcial Electricity Demand,
(d) Manufacturing Electricity Demand and (e) Agricultural Electricity Demand.
Finally, in agriculture sector the error correction takes place in demand curve, electricity consumption adjusts quickly towards
electricity consumption with an adjustment coefficient of 0.47, long-run equilibrium. The quick adjustment may be due to the
indicating that if the system drifts away from the long-run availability of substitutes of electricity in the agricultural sector.
5526 F. Jamil, E. Ahmad / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 5519–5527
Electricity is mainly used for irrigation purposes in agricultural examined at aggregate level, as well as at four major electricity
sector and diesel oil is technically a close substitute for electricity. consuming sectors in Pakistan. The analysis is carried out in a
Moreover, the availability of canal water is also important for multivariate cointegration framework. The study leads to a
agricultural electricity demand since Indus basin irrigation sys- number of conclusions and policy implications. Our results are
tem of Pakistan is the largest contiguous irrigation system in the partially consistent with the results of previous studies that show
world (Chaudhry and Young, 1989). In the short run, elasticity of higher income elasticity estimates for developing countries.
electricity demand with respect to output and price is lower than Johansen’s approach provides the evidence of one cointegrating
their long-run counterparts but the coefficients are insignificant. relationship in all the five models. The long-run income elasticity
The capital stock is significant at 10% level with a coefficient value estimates indicate that electricity demand is responsive to real
0.50. The temperature variable is found significant in agriculture economic activity at aggregate and sectoral levels. The elasticity
sector model, though coefficient value is low, 0.14. of electricity demand with respect to price is also higher than one
In a nutshell, most of the coefficient estimates are consistent in all cases except agricultural sector. The long-run electricity
with theory and provide interesting dynamics. The analysis con- demand is price inelastic in agricultural sector due to highly
cludes that the long-run elasticities are consistently higher than subsidized nature of agricultural tariff rate for this particular
their short-run counterparts. The low and/or mostly insignificant sector in Pakistan.
estimates of short-run error correction model indicate the lesser The estimation of consistent and stable income and price
influence of short-run conditions in determining the equilibrium of elasticity estimates is essential for policy makers and planners
electricity consumption. The results of the analysis indicating price for the assessment of future demand and investment require-
elastic demand of electricity are interesting from the policy point of ments for electricity supply network expansion. Thus, the results
view. It shows that electricity price can be used as a policy tool to of the study have important practical applications. The estimates
achieve efficient use and energy conservation. The capital stock of the analysis indicate rising electricity requirements as the
appears at 10% in all error correction models except the commercial country achieves higher GDP growth rates. The capital stock has
sector model. Only the commercial and agricultural sector models significant short-run positive effect on electricity consumption in
significantly capture the impact of temperature on electricity aggregate and sectoral models except the commercial sector
demand. In other ECMs, it is rather insignificant. model indicating the rising electricity demand with the mechan-
These models perform well from a statistical point of view, ization of the economy. Below are given the inferences drawn
indicating that they are well specified. We applied a battery of from our empirical analysis. First, a stable long-run electricity
diagnostic tests to each of the model in order to check the demand function exists over the estimated period in Pakistan.
robustness of the models. The results are presented in Table 5, Second, the deviation from long-run equilibrium is corrected in at
which indicate no significant departure from standard regression least one of the three equations of the cointegrating vector. Third,
assumptions like serial correlation, homoskedasticity or normality. the long-run income elasticity of electricity demands is significant
We obtain the Jarque–Bera statistic to test the null hypothesis of and greater than one in all cases, suggesting responsiveness of
whether the standardized residuals are normally distributed. The electricity demand to economic growth. Fourth, the price elasti-
results show that we cannot reject in most of the equations the city of electricity demand is less than unity only in agricultural
null of normality. The null hypothesis underlying the White test sector. All other models exhibit elastic electricity demand with
assumes that the errors are both homoskadastic and independent respect to its price. The price elastic electricity demand delineates
of the regressors, and that the linear specification of the model is the importance of electricity variable as a policy tool. It is also
correct, whereas failure of these conditions implies heteroskedastic alarming, since if the regulatory body raises the electricity price
residuals. We applied White heteroskedasticity test with ‘‘no cross due to rising electricity generation cost, it would hurt real
terms’’ option along with the ARCH-LM test for heteroskedasticity. economic activity in the country. Pakistan relies heavily on
The test statistics suggest that there is no sign of residual serial thermal power stations (about 65% of the total), mainly using
correlation or autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity in the imported furnace oil. Thus the oil shock of any magnitude
most of the equations. directly strikes the electricity sector in the country besides the
Several stability tests including Chow’s forecast test and fact that Pakistan is already among the countries with the lowest
recursive tests such as Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) and Cumulative per capita electricity consumption (Muneer and Asif, 2007). It
Sum of squares (CUSUMSQ) tests are applied to check the stability emphasizes the need for diversification in modes of electricity
of the parameter. Chow test estimates two models to test the generation, especially focusing on the renewable and indigenous
sample parameter stability, where one uses the full set of data, resources based thermal generation. Fifth, the temperature
and the other uses a long sub-period. A significant Chow test appears significant only in agricultural and commercial sectors.
statistic indicating wide difference between the two models Sixth, the capital stock has a significant positive impact on
makes suspicious the stability of the estimated relation over the electricity consumption, although its coefficient is less than one
sample period. Reset test of specification error with one fitted in residential, manufacturing and agricultural sectors. Finally, the
term is applied to each equation. The CUSUM and CUSUMSQ of price of diesel as a substitute of electricity does not appear
parameter stability tests indicate that the estimated parameters significant in most of the cases, indicating low technical or
of the models are stable over the sample period notwithstanding financial substitutability of electricity with diesel oil. Besides
the short-run disturbances. Fig. 1 supports the structural stability various other determinants, electricity consumption in develop-
of estimated regression for the overall period used in the ing countries relies heavily on generation capacity and sustain-
empirical analysis of our error correction models because the able supply. The investment in improving generation capacity,
plots of the CUSUM and CUSUMSQ statistics are confined within efficiency and electricity transmission and distribution network is
the 5% critical bounds of parameter stability. imperative to meet the growing energy needs of the masses,
which is imminent as is evident from high income elasticity.
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