A. 2CE686 Advanced Civil Engineering Lab-II: 1. Practical Outline in Structural Engineering

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2CE686 Advanced Civil Engineering Lab-II

L-T-P-Cr: 0-0-6-4

1. Practical Outline in Structural Engineering

PREREQUISITE: The student should have attended course of structural analysis.
OBJECTIVE: To provide soft skill for modelling of structures.
EXPECTED OUTCOME: The Student would be able to model structures using softwares.

1. Introduction to STAAD - Pro package.
2. Analysis and Design of R.C.C. Beams, Slabs and Columns subjected to axial forces Uni- axial
bending and Biaxial bending.
3. Analysis and Design of Steel Plane Truss subjected to gravity forces and joint forces.
4. Analysis and Design of Steel and Concrete space building frame subjected to gravity and wind
5. Analysis and Design of Steel and Concrete building frame subjected to gravity forces and
earthquake forces.
6. Analysis and Design of R.C.C. retaining Walls.
7. Analysis and Design of Industrial space truss for gravity and wind forces.
8. Analysis and Design of Gantry Girder for moving loads.

2. Practical Outline in Transportation Engineering

PREREQUISITE: Theknowledge of highways pavement engineering is required.
OBJECTIVE: To provide skill of testing of advance field experiments on pavement performance.
EXPECTED OUTCOME: The Student would be able to aware about advanced field testing on pavement
performance and traffic simulation that is generally used in practice.
1. Benkelman beam tests for pavement evaluation and overlay design
2. Roughness measurement by bump integrator
3. Skid resistance measurement by British portable tester (skid resistance tester)
4. Unevenness measurement of road surface by using Merlin
5. In-situ measurement of wet density, dry density, percentage moisture, Percentage
composition for all pavement materials, using nuclear moisture andDensity gauge
6. Traffic flow simulation using simulation software
7. Analysis and design of Flexible and Rigid pavements using software
Reference Books/Codes:
1. IS and IRC Codes
2. Khanna, S. K. and Justo, C. e. G., Manual for Highway testing manuals, Nemchand Bros., Roorkee

3. Practical Outline in Water Resources Engineering

Prerequisite: Basin knowledge of hydrology, hydraulics, remote sensing, GIS
Objective: To provide advanced training on application of equipment and software in real life situations.
Expected outcome: To gain in-depth knowledge of use of various equipment, carry out experiment and
get use to different software.
1. Filed application of different hydraulic and hydrologic equipment and methods.
2. Hands-on-practice of different advances software and their application with case studies: Arc-GIs,
3. Work on product development in water resources.

Laboratory Manual
Manuals of different software procured by the Institute.

4. Practical Outline in Environmental Engineering)

PREREQISITE: No Prerequisites.
EXPECTED OUTCOME: Student will be able to apply the environmental monitoring techniques in natural
end research environment.
THEORY: Student should be imparted upon post graduate level and (or) upper-undergraduate level
knowledge in concepts of Environmental Monitoring and its application in various systems.
Laboratory experiments related ambient air quality, solid waste. Microbial growth experiment.
Demonstration and use of advance instruments.
1. Metcalf and Eddy, Inc. " Wastewater Engineering - Treatment ", Disposal and Reuse, Third
Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi
2. Willard. H., Merritt, L., Dean. D.A. and Settle. F.A. " Instrumental methods of analysis ",CSS
publishers, New Delhi, 1986.
3. C.W.Ewing " Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analyser ", 5th Edi., McGraw-Hill, 1995
4. " Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater ", 20th Edition, APHA,
Washington, 1998.

5. Practical Outline in Geotechnical Engineering

PREREQUISITE: The student should have attended course of soil/rock mechanics.
OBJECTIVE: Students should be able find out various rock strength parameters and Geo syntheics
EXPECTED OUTCOME: The Students should be able to find out the shear strength of rock. Also they
should be able to find out related parameters for geotextiles/geomembranes.
Rock testing- shear and compression test. Various test on geo-synthetic material, flow net analysis,
software applications in geotechnical engineering
Determination of Engineering properties and compaction characteristics of soils. Permeability of clays
andbentonite amendedsoils. Tensile strength of geomembranes,geo- textiles. Flow net solutions.
Laboratory Manuals Books:
1. Geotechnical Practice for Waste Disposal by D. E. denial, Chapman and Hall, 1993.
2. Environmental Geotechnics by R. Sarsby, Thomas Telford, 2000.


The end semester viva voce examination will be of a predetermined duration covering the entire syllabus
covering both theoretical and (or) numerical exercises upon the instructors discretion where all questions
will need to be answered.

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