We Are Born With Six Senses
We Are Born With Six Senses
We Are Born With Six Senses
Seeing (eyes)
Hearing (ears)
Smelling (nose)
and a sixty sense (mind)which might also be called intuition or psychic sense.
The sixth sense can be extremely powerful, and yet few people ever develop or use this valuable gift
from our Creator.
If the truth be known, most of us haven't developed our other five senses to any great extent, either.
We will deal with sensitizing our first five senses now because our sixth sense utilizes all of the other five
senses from time to time in addition to using its own mental abilities.
What follows are some suggestions on how to start right now to become more sensitive to external and
internal stimuli. The following exercises only take about seconds or minutes and should be practiced
until you are satisfied that "tuning in" to stimuli is an innate part of your behavior. Then you won't have
to practice consciously because you will have conditioned yourself to be sensitive at all times.
Most psychics use sight a great deal in their psychic work. There are two kinds of psychic sight. The first
involves seeing images, scenes, or beings inside your own mind. The second involves seeing images,
scenes, or beings outside your mind; one example is seeing an apparition (ghost, entity).
*Exercise 1*
• As you identify each shape, say it either mentally or loudly something like
• “This is what (name of the object) looks like in the dark. I am sharpening my sight to recognize
objects accurately in the dark and under any lighting situations.”
• During daylight, at any place or time, take a few seconds to observe what is around you.
• Mentally repeat what you see and say, “I am training my psychic mind to accurately observe my
environment at all times.”
• Say “I command my subconscious mind to always alert me to everything I need to see for my
benefit and protection, so that I may function to my fullest psychic capacity.”
When you hear something psychically it is called clairaudience. Clairaudience is the ability to hear
audible messages from outside the normal range of sources. Hearing can be an effective psychic tool,
although it may not be very often. One needs to sensitize the hearing, and we will have a few examples
how to do that…
*Exercise 2*
When you go to bed at night, lay quietly for a couple of minutes. In bed we usually tune out all sound,
unless it is so loud and obnoxious that wear forced to hear it.
Instead, concentrate on all the sounds you hear, and try to identify them.
Listen carefully. You might hear the refrigerator cycle, or the ice maker drop a load of ice. Perhaps a
motor vehicle passes on the street; is it a car, a truck, a motor bike? Maybe you can hear an airplane; is
it a jet, a helicopter, propeller driven? Some voices may drift in from outside; are they adult voices or
children's voices?
Identify the sounds of the night whatever they may be, including the sound of your own breathing and
heartbeat, or the sounds of your partner (if any). Don't overlook anything. Train your hearing to be
sensitive to all sounds, especially the soft sounds that may be almost hidden by other louder sounds.
When the psychic mind speaks to you, it is often soft and might be drowned out if you are not sensitive
to distinguishing all sounds. In the morning, spend a few minutes listening in a similar fashion. Sensitize
yourself for the sounds of morning. Do you hear a newspaper being delivered, the hum of traffic, birds
chirping, a distant siren? During the day, listen for the sounds of your environment: a television or radio
playing somewhere, a ringing telephone, a distant train, a barking dog. Be aware of all sounds, wherever
you are.
Once you have practiced this exercise a few times and have sensitized your hearing ability, you will find
that external noises will not distract you, unless you need to be aware of a certain noise for your benefit.
If we were always consciously aware of every sound we would probably go crazy. We need to be able to
tune out sounds we don’t need to hear so that we can maintain our sanity and concentrate on what we
are doing, but we need to remain subconsciously aware of all sounds so that when an important sound
occurs our subconscious mind alerts us to it.
To assure that you will hear sounds only when it is important, program your subconscious mind. Here is
a sample program to give you the idea. Begin by lying in bed with your eyes closed while you listen for
the sounds of the night.
• Say to yourself (I always talk out loud to myself unless it is more prudent to talk mentally to myself), "I
am now listening to the sounds of the night."
• "The sounds I hear are (name the sounds you hear: a passing motorcycle, your mate snoring, etc.)."
• "I am listening to and identifying these sounds to sensitize my hearing so I may be a more effective
psychic practitioner."
• "I command my subconscious mind to always alert me to any sounds that I need to hear for my safety
or benefit and for improving my psychic communication with all intelligence in cosmic consciousness."
Use a similar procedure whenever you are sensitizing your hearing. You don't have to speak out loud if
you don't want to. In fact, there are times when it would be prudent to speak only mentally; for
instance, when you are riding on the commuter to work. Whenever possible, close your eyes to perform
the brief sensitizing program because it is more powerful, usually, than with your eyes open.