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Bandung, 27 June 2019

Dear, Sir

With respect, Based on information obtained from the web

gallery/19564 regarding job opportunities in the company that you manage specifically as
Training Staff, I intend to submit an application to you.

In this case, let me introduce myself. I have experience working in the field of
community empowerment and Education development in several areas such as North
Maluku Province, NTB, Musi Rawas District, Murung Raya Regency and other regions.
For additional information, I am used to working with local governments and teachers in
improving the quality of education in a region. While currently, I am currently working as
an Expert in the Field of Training at the Ministry of Village, Development of
Disadvantaged Areas and Transmigration, specifically the Independent Village
Development Program for the regions of Papua and West Papua.

As for personally, I am a fast, personal, friendly learner, listeners who have high loyalty
to superiors and companies, a motivator, able to inspire and have a great interest in
community development & empowerment, able to work independently or in in the
team. In addition, I can work by utilizing IT and MS Office.

Based on the experience, qualifications and personality that I have, I am sure I can make
a positive contribution to the development of the company that you manage. As a
consideration, I attach the last CV I made.

Thus, it is my great hope to be able to meet you, where I can be contacted at any time
either by email or telephone for the next stage.

For your attention and affection, I say thank you very much.

Best regards,

Ragil Pardiantoro, S.Pd.

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