Topic:: Booming in Education Sector in India For Future Growth and Prospectus
Topic:: Booming in Education Sector in India For Future Growth and Prospectus
Topic:: Booming in Education Sector in India For Future Growth and Prospectus
Learning to know
Learning to live together
Learning to do
Learning to be
• Information Technology
• Communication
• Biotechnologies
With the outset of 21st Century there is an emerging need to identify
the way economies are diverging. The late 20th century saw the
growth of a knowledge centered, as opposed to a manufacturing
centered economy. Consequently, knowledge and people with
knowledge are now the key factors of production, main drivers of
growth and major determinants of competitiveness in global
knowledge economy. Along with increased educational
requirements, new skill requirements have also emerged. General
reasoning, problem solving and interpersonal skill have become
more important in today’s workplace because most new position are
created in education, health care and office sittings, where there are
higher level of human interaction. The emergence of new and
advanced technologies has led A strong education system lays
foundation of strong values, culture and ethics. Like technology
education now days is getting misused. Terrorism is a strong
example of education mixed with technology but used in a wrong