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Topic:: Booming in Education Sector in India For Future Growth and Prospectus

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Booming in education sector in India

for future growth and prospectus


The word Education originated from the Latin word which

means to bring up or to nourish. Education means drawing out
the hidden potentialities and qualities of the students. Every
society has specialized individuals who fulfill certain positions
that require extended education. In some cases, these people
are known as shamans, priests or professors or they may be
doctors, mechanics, blacksmiths, or artists. In all these
Professions, some form of higher education is necessary. It
could come from an apprentice or rigorous private study, or it
could take the form of a formal education sector. Whatever the
form, the meanings are the same, gain knowledge and use
sits. There are two types of education

• one should teach us how to make a living,

• And the other how to live.

Education not only provides scientific and technical

skills, it also provides the motivation, justification, and
social support for pursuing and applying them. The
International community now strongly believes that we
need to foster through Education the values, behavior
and lifestyles required for a sustainable future.
Education provides the skills for

 Learning to know
Learning to live together
Learning to do
Learning to be


• Education is a basic human right, and is key
to a life with dignity.

• Quality, relevant education contributes to

economic growth, peace, stability and good
• Education and technology goes hand in hand

The evolution of education in India

The history and structure of education system in

India has not been stable. With India having a
history of invasion during the feudal period, the
system of imparting education also kept
changing. Indian educational system has molded
itself on the pattern of British education system.
Post Independence, all government’s greatly
emphasized the importance of spreading
education to all corners of the country. The
central and state governments in accordance
with constitutional directives have tried their best
to implement them. Keeping all these
developments in mind, we can safely assume
that, although Indian Education System has
noticeable blemishes, things have definitely
improved in the last decade. Indian education
policy makers have tried to prepare a well
defined curriculum, which enables Indian
students maintain their position in the top
quartile on international stage.

Currently, with hundreds of universities and

thousands of colleges affiliated to them,
India has positioned itself comfortably as a
country that provides quality higher
education to its people in specific and to the
world in general.


The Education system in India comprises of three

key groups based on the extent of student
population: Pre-School/Kindergarten Education,
Primary & Secondary
Education and Higher Education. With different
regulatory bodies governing each Stage of the
education sector, it is fraught with its unique

Educomp, which has already entered the K12

segment and has indicated intentions to cater to
the pre-school segment. The big advantage in the
pre-school segment is that it is not capital
intensive and can generate positive cash flows as
early as second year of operations currently.


The Indian education system is based upon 12

years of schooling (10+2), which
includes primary and secondary education.
Secondary schools are affiliated with central or
state boards. These boards specify the curriculum
and conduct examinations at the end of X and XII
grades. Many of the private schools as well as
many of the good government schools are
affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary
Education (CBSE).The primary education follow
the K-12 pattern. The
K-12 schools are divided into three categories –
primary (I-V), upper primary (VI- VII), and high

Private Tutoring for schools:

Private tutoring has become a flourishing

business in India with an estimated market size of
almost US$2 Bn. While the sector is very
fragmented, with classes being run even in
residential premises, larger players like Chate
Coaching Classes , RAVI Tutorials etc., who have a
wide network, are benefiting from this growing
market. Initial investment for setting up the
infrastructure is high but break even period is
about 2 to 3 years, and generates good cash

In the past century, India progressed from a

stage where the application of science to
manufacturing techniques or to agricultural
practices became the basis for production. This
demands a highly skilled labour force. During last
quarter of 20th century, three technologies
emerged, which have changed production,
transportation and life style of the people
profoundly. These are:

• Information Technology

• Communication
• Biotechnologies

The convergence of increased computing power,

reduced communication costs among people,
institutions and countries, which has significantly
increased the speed of production and
distribution. It is also seen that knowledge
produced by Research and Development, (R & D)
inventions created in universities and industrial
laboratories are creating the so called knowledge
industries. Education has been found a major
source of productivity growth, and because
education increases productive human capital, it
contributes to overall increase in economic
growth. In a knowledge economy, higher
education benefits more than just those who
attend. Knowledge economy relies heavily on a
well trained
workforce comprising knowledge workers that
can not only apply knowledge but are also
capable of analysis and decision making based on


• Highly bureaucratized system with multiple
controls and regulations exercised by Central and
State Governments, statutory bodies (UGC, AICTE
and others), university administration and local

• System is heavily subsidized by the

Government. Up to 90per cent of the operating
costs are paid for by the state. The efficiency of
fund utilization is very poor due to internal

• Salary and compensation for teaching staff is

poor and, therefore, higher education institutions
are unable to attract and retain qualified and
trained teachers.

Besides unattractive compensation packages,

recruitment procedure is lengthy and working
environment not conducive to retention. As a
result, a substantial proportion of high ranking
students who could fill up such assignments
prefer to work elsewhere or go abroad. In a
recent move UGC has further damaged the pay
and promotion prospects of college teachers by
reducing promotional grades
thereby creating more stagnation and frustration
amongst college teachers.

• Most institutions offer outdated programmes

with inflexible structures and content. While
course content has been updated and
restructured over time in the world’s best
institutions, Indian university curricula have
lagged behind.

• Infrastructural facilities range from inadequate

to dismal. Classrooms are often unattractive and
laboratories inadequately stocked, leading to
poor teaching. It is
estimated that barely 20per cent of the
institutions have the basic minimum laboratory
• Steady electric power supply is not available.
Laboratories are poorly stocked and
computerization, where it exists is generally
dependent on poor communication lines.

Education effect on our economics

This graph is showing MRP marginal revenue

production. This phenomena means the result in
total unit will be increased by putting or adding
one additional unit of education means when we
add new human after given good education .
When we add new unit of labor or any human
capital our revenue generate after adding one
more unit of educated person like a doctor increase
the revenue and a uneducated person can’t
generate more revenue.

With the outset of 21st Century there is an emerging need to identify
the way economies are diverging. The late 20th century saw the
growth of a knowledge centered, as opposed to a manufacturing
centered economy. Consequently, knowledge and people with
knowledge are now the key factors of production, main drivers of
growth and major determinants of competitiveness in global
knowledge economy. Along with increased educational
requirements, new skill requirements have also emerged. General
reasoning, problem solving and interpersonal skill have become
more important in today’s workplace because most new position are
created in education, health care and office sittings, where there are
higher level of human interaction. The emergence of new and
advanced technologies has led A strong education system lays
foundation of strong values, culture and ethics. Like technology
education now days is getting misused. Terrorism is a strong
example of education mixed with technology but used in a wrong


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