Republican University Corporation
Republican University Corporation
Republican University Corporation
Sweet and tasty, one of the oldest products that have idea is sugarcane, 3000 BC it
is recorded that process sugar was heard first in India. Later it became known here
in Colombia, and began planting movements in Santa Maria la Antigua del Darién
in 1510. Today Colombia has the seventh exporting countries of this product with a
figure of 34,900 TMT this is due that Colombia has a climate in which every month
of the year no harvest this
The Sower, classified in great detail cane plants that are healthy, dividing the
stems, then opening a hole in the ground where sticking more sun and moistening
finally introduced sugar cane, waiting between 9 and 24 months to see the fruit of
their crops come to light, andsame which it is immediately transferred to the mill
for extraction of sucrose that will ultimately result in the production of granulated
sugar. Transporting cane is very important, your goal is to collect the raw material
available in the field with high efficiency, ensuring the provision of appropriate
cane and sufficient factory in the shortest time between harvest and milling, with
low levels of materials strange (especially leaves, blunting and earth) and the
lowest cost, because the purpose is to obtain high quality sugar at competitive
prices. Its impact on production costs has always had high significance, so any
changes you register at this stage, be of great impact on product profitability.
Harvesting sugar cane made at the right time (in the phase of maximum maturation)
and by employing a suitable technique, is necessary to achieve the maximum
weight of processable rods, with minimum loss of field, for the conditions existing
growth. Conversely, collecting immature or mature cane by inappropriate
harvesting method, it causes production losses cane and sugar recovery, producing
a juice poor quality, causing problems in milling, due to presence of foreign bodies.
It is the harvest system where the whole cutting and hauling operations are
performed manually. The transport operation is performed by means of animal
carts, tractors and trailers, or trucks. In some areas the harvest is still done
manually, using various types of instruments, mainly machete or mocha. The basic
steps of manual harvesting are cutting the stem, bud separation, cleaning and
bucking the stem, forming the bump on the soil surface and load it on
One of the most efficient in the world, adaptable to the needs of its
This remarkable and soil fertility, make the Colombian sugar industry one
of the four most efficient in the world, including the production of beet
Within its exports CIAMSA has oil in bulk or in bags and different
qualities of white sugar packed in various presentations (products) suga r,
which can meet all the needs of our customers in terms of quality,
packaging and delivery because the condition of our suppliers of
permanent producers can produce on request, instead of managing
inventories after harvest. The client requests and we guarantee fresh,
freshly made and total punctuality in offices.
A satellite account arises from the need to expand the analytical capacity provided
by the national accounting on certain areas of social and economic interest in a
flexible way without overloading or distorting the system of National Accounts
(SNA). From this approach, a vision of agribusiness as a dynamic system, which
combines two production processes, agricultural and industrial aims. Agribusiness
is analyzed as an integrated economic activity that combines the production of the
primary process (agriculture, livestock, aquaculture and / or forestry national
origin), with the first level of industrial processing of these products. This first level
of transformation is delimited by those industrial processes requiring, directly,
inputs from primary activities, It is the final product of these industrial processes
traded on the market. This technical bulletin, consists of three sections: the first
presents the results of the agricultural phase currents associated with culture of
sugar cane in the development stage and productive stage prices. Subsequently, the
results of the first level of industrial transformation by the mills are presented.
Finally, the overall results of agribusiness cane sugar, compared with the respective
branches of activity of National Accounts, 2005. Base annexes published variables
sown and harvested areas, prices, production is in the present tons of sugar cane
and the products of the first level of industrial processing cost structure, among
other variables.
1.1.1. Total value of the production of sugar cane Aggregate the agro cane sugar
agricultural phase amounted to $ 2.6 trillion weights 2016p.
Table 1. Total value of production, according to crop stage. At current prices, 2012-
Within the agricultural phase, the production value of developing sugarcane crops
increased from $ 142 thousand million pesos in 2012 to $ 403 thousand million
pesos in the year 2016p. Whereas, productive crops increased from $ 1.4 trillion
pesos in 2012 to $ 2.3 trillion pesos in the year 2016p
Total aggregate value of sugarcane total value added agribusiness cane sugar
agricultural phase in 2016p amounted to $ 1.7 trillion pesos.
Total production value in the first level of industrial processing industry production
of sugarcane in the first level of transformation went from $ 3.7 trillion pesos in
2012 to $ 5.5 trillion pesos in the year 2016p . The main product was sugar with an
average participation for 2012-2016p series of 73.5%, followed by ethanol with an
The added value of the agricultural phase of the sugar cane has an average share in
the added value of the activity "Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing" of 2.3%,
a share of 4.4% in value added activity "Other agricultural products" and a share of
3.6% within the value added activities "Other agricultural products + coffee" in the
period 2012-2016p.
(Figure 4,5 and 6) Figure 4. Share of value added of the agricultural phase within
the activity Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing "2012-2016p
Figure 8. Share of value added of the agricultural phase within the activities of
"Other agricultural products Café" 2012-2016p
The added value of the phase Industrial sugarcane has an average participation
within the value-added activity "Manufacturing Industry" of 1.9% and an average
share of 8.0% in the aggregate value of the food industry and beverages, the period
2012- 2016p. (Figure 9 and 10)
Figure 9. Share of value added of the industrial phase in the activity of the
Manufacturing Industry, 2012-2016p
olombia must differentiate your product to deal with volatility in sugar prices has
even dragged the pound to twelve cents,several experts of the sector.
Given the importance of the industry to the national economy, the expert said that
"as the volatility is so dangerous to the producer, you need to diversify." In this
regard he noted that today can not "put all your eggs in one basket" but should "use
various businesses because in the end you end up saving the other's situation."
However, he said that "does not mean" that has "to pull from flat to a business like
cane sugar that has been shown in the case of Colombia, which is ideal for soil
conditions and climate ".
In this regard, the Executive Secretary of the World Association of Sugarcane and
Sugar Beet, Timothé Masson, spoke and said to mitigate the impact of low prices is
urgent to invest in risk management tools. Another alternative, he said, is "the
development of different industries such as ethanol if oil prices continue to rise."
In the public ceremony will take place the panel 'Building the field you want' that
will be attended by the president of the SAC and the minister of agriculture.
According To Martha Betancourt, executive director of Procaña, "we can not forget
That Colombia's paneling industry is closely linked to the dynamics of markets in
the agro-industrial cane industry, HENCE the import of ethanol That can be
imported cane production Affects economic stability."
Production season greatly influences the quality cane. The sucrose content suffers
excessively cold and humid seasons. It is important to select suitable varieties for
local conditions. Farmers also have to plant varieties that ripen at convenient times
for contracts of sugar mills also match the peak in sugar production. Manage the
harvest can have an impact on the levels of plant or undesirable content in the cane
mill is sent to earth. It is important to be careful to minimize the levels of these
pollutants in the harvest. To others, any delay in the delivery of cane to the mill
will result in loss of sugar. Proper nutrition of sugarcane may affect their quality.
In what has to do with its traditional product, sugar, Colombian sugar industry
increased in recent years both the volume and quality portfolio offering for the
domestic market and international. It is important to note that although in 2006 the
production of alcohol was consolidated from cane, the sugar industry remains one
of the ten largest exporters of sugar in the world, with more than 900 thousand tons
of exports per year. The volume of exports continues to be the most important of
any agricultural product exported by Colombia, even much higher than coffee,
amounting to 660 thousand tons annually.
In the current decade several of the mills have made significant investments to
expand and improve the qualities of sugar offered, so that increased production in
recent years has been based on higher quality sugar. Between 1995 and 2006,
average annual growth of white sugar production was 2.8%, while raw sugar has
fallen 4% on average. Thus, white sugar now represents 81% of the sugar
produced, compared with 67% in 1995. Within represented white sugars has been
even greater growth of high quality sugars, such as special and refined , which have
increased over this period averaged 5.1%, from 1% has increased the current target.
Improving the quality has been very important for household consumption and food
processing industry and drinks in Colombia. It has also impacted especially
exports. In the nineties, the share of white sugar exports was, on average, 40% of
total exports; in the last five years, the average turnout was 65% of the total,
allowing Colombia has become a major exporter of sugar ready for final
consumption or for the production of high quality food products. It further noted
that within that 65%, most corresponds to special and refined sugars, representing
59 points of their participation; the remaining six points correspond to ordinary
white sugar.
Because raw sugar is exported mainly to countries where it is refined and then sold,
increased exports of white sugar from Colombia it has implied that it is our country
that has been with the added value of refining. Additional foreign exchange
earnings for this concept totaled more than 60 million between 2000 and 2006.
Aspects to Evaluate
And she explained. The sugar will continental Europe moves across the continent,
while sugar reaching Britain stays there. Then, the British refiners pay above those
in Europe because they need sugar. England now needs to increase the number of
suppliers, "he said.
He noted that most of the British Caribbean colonies have been disappearing sugar
production. De Moya said that the future that awaits the sugar industry which is
currently being promoted cane planting on land that was the State Sugar Council
(CEA), for which the mills are being modernized. He considered that add value to
Dominican products is advantage to be exploited from producers and exporters.
Standards in Europe
Rules and other related publications are guidelinesvoluntaryestablished
byTechnical specificationsapplicable to products, services and processes varied:
helmets for industry, chargers electronic devices, minimum levels of quality of
public transport, etc. The rules are drawn up a private standardization
organizations, usually on the initiative of stakeholders who see the need to apply
Although standards as such are voluntary, apply them demonstrates that products
and services have a certain level of quality, safety and reliability.
European standards
3) Sugarcane is one of the main items of national agriculture; Its importance lies in
its character of being the raw material of a product of mass consumption: sugar,
and the number of producers engaged in its cultivation. Hence the technical
recommendations for its cultivation also acquire national importance.
Thecu ltivo of cane of sugar represents, besides, an amicable crop with the
The Organisation of the United Nations for the education, the science and the
culture (Unesco), considers to the cane of sugar the agricultural crop more
important of the planet.
Honduras produces more than five million annual tonnes of cane of sugar,
allocating more than 80 one thousand apples of which the 60% belongs to the
industry and 40% remaining to independent producers.
This converts to the agroindustria azucarera of the Honduras in the main generator
of use in his areas of influence, catering work to 44% of the economically active
population of the zones.
The crop of cane of sugar represents, besides, an amicable crop with the
environment by his high photosynthetic efficiency in comparison with other
commercial crops, that allows him a main utilisation of the solar energy and
consistently, a main coefficient of absorption of the atmospheric CO2.
Only by this, the cane of sugar represents an ecological contribution of importance
like road to relieve the warming of the atmosphere that originates through the
called “effect invernadero”.
It fits to highlight that the wits azucareros Hondurans also generate clean energy,
using the bagazo of the cane to feed his plants of biomass.
Mateo Yibrín, employer of the sector azucarero stood out that at present the rubro
finds in full harvest and like industry is growing in the crop of cane and in
renewable energy.
In the actuality the industry azucarera is handing 324 kilowatts of clean energy by
This energy sell it to him to the Honduran government to a cost of US$0.8 cents the
kilowatt. The financial transaction is a good saving for the government due to the
fact that other energies cost him more than US$0.25 cents.
Yibrín Also stood out that the wits azucareros, produce his own energy. Every year
it augments the generation of clean energy to base of the bagazo that begins in
December and usually extends until August or September in the wits that has more
The energetic matrix of Honduras is resupplied in 45% of clean energy and 55% of
thermal energy.
The Government, in coordination with the private sector, works in a strategy that
has by dip to strengthen the economic development and generate sources of work.
This supposes to promote and diversify the industrial production exportable, with
emphasis in elevation of the aggregated value. A retrospective vision would spend
us to take like example the industry azucarera, that during long was main support of
the economy and whose potentialities follow valid.
The causes of the failure of the industry azucarera of the State did not have his
origin in the markets neither the fluctuations of prices. They were the evil handle
and the vision politiquera what put it in state comatoso. And the model of
capitalisation that adopted purportedly with purpose to revive it ended up being the
shot of grace that reduced to demolitions the more productive and profitable wits.
The peak of the biofuels, like form to reduce the dependency of the oil, opens new
expectations for the industry of the cane and puts to the country in front of the
opportunity to restart his exploitation with a vision adjusted to this increasingly
firm tendency. This opportunity would fit very well in the strategy of development
that designs , as we still have recoverable infrastructure, terrains to produce prime
and sufficient matter hand of work.
In the English countries is necessary this type of product, simply for endulzar his
life since they are not producing of this well, and does not exist supplement any so
that his lunches tills mainly for the production of sugar, although also it turn prime
matter for the manufacture of paper, cement, abonos and animal food, with her can
produce alcoholic drinks distilled.
Colombia has one of the best soils, During the first decades of the 20th century
began the industrialisation of the country, protected by protectionist norms, by the
crises of the international market and the world-wide wars. The sudden
enlargement of the market of the sugar allowed the foundation of more industrial
wits, this time by the families of hacendados and traders, in Cundinamarca, Nariño
and Tolima, but the was in the Valley of the Cauca where the companies azucareras
registered the main success, given the comparative advantages of his properties,
especially the proportionate by the quality of the soils. They arise by then the wits
Riopaila of the Caicedo, Providence of the Cabal and Mayagüez of the Stolen
Holguín, that follow being until today among the main producers.
Like this, Colombia occupies the first place in world-wide productivity azucarera,
as each hectare harvested to the year attains to produce an average of 15 tonnes.
In relation with the sales of sugar that the country did to the rest of the world,
Asocañas reported that in 2016 exported 518.423 tonnes, what would explain a
surplus to the year closely of US$300 millions, data that for Shell explains because
“ have to export more than one million tonnes of sugar, although with the price like
factor that does not allow to export”. A resistant variety to the drought and with
more fibre
More than 80% of the area planted in Spain is covered by one already obsolete
variety, the NC0310, that arrived of south Africa in 1945. This variety is not
resistant to the virus of the mosaic (produces discolorations of the plate foliar),
what subtracts him competitiveness in the global market of production of sugar and
The main characteristic of this new variety is his main resistance to the drought,
what allows him medrar in areas of Spain where could not survive other crops of
cane. The second notable characteristic is his main production of fibre: until 30%,
what allows maximizar a new economic model based in taking advantage of more
the bagazo that the juice of the cane.
Can employ without processed any to generate electricity; turn pellets uses to
obtain industrial thermal energy and electrical; it is an excellent source of ethanol
of second generation; it uses in animal diet, and is source of obtaining of
compounds like the methanol or the furfural, with a lot of industrial applications.
The main characteristic of this new variety is his main resistance to the drought,
what allows him medrar in areas of Spain where could not survive other crops of
cane. The second notable characteristic is his main production of fibre: until 30%,
what allows maximizar a new economic model based in taking advantage of more
the bagazo that the juice of the cane.
The cane of sugar is of big importance so much for our country as for the world.
Equally, it has subsistido through the time and his production, export and import
has generated big economic movements for all.
In Colombia , is one of the main sources inside the sector of alimentary industries,
that generates strong income to the country. His aprovechamiento and consumption
is significant, in spite of the increase of the price in products derived of the cane of
sugar by new substitutes of the sugar.
It is a plant that provides a big quantity of energy by the tall content of saccharose
and of big care in his production. To his time has seen exploded in resources for
the environment; with medicinal purposes; like basic ingredient inside the sector of
articles of beauty or for other insumos alimentary (alcohol, honey, juices, etc.)