Internship Report New
Internship Report New
Internship Report New
Equipped with the extremely rich resources of an outstanding student body and faculty
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VTU is the first university in the country to adopt Innovative steps in the examination
reforms by adopting Digital Evaluation System in the year 2011-12 followed by online
services like delivery of question papers to affiliated colleges (Question Paper Delivery
System-QPDS), result announcement, photocopy availability, PG courses thesis
valuation, Ph.D. thesis valuation and Examination Results announced on Mobile Phone
through SMS.
The campus network uses the state of art network tiered architecture with Edge and Core
switches and scalable distributed network topology. This network will meet the
computing demand of PG students in the campus, provide eLearning environment, access
to digital library, support examination, administration work and more importantly have
sufficient bandwidth for Videoconferencing from any network access point.
Today, we’re still changing the world. Since those early beginnings students and alumni
have gone on to design and engineer the tools, buildings, and products that helped define
their generations. And tomorrow’s VTU students will do the same.
Center for scientific research and industrial consultancy (CSRIC).The campus network
uses the state of art network tiered architecture with Edge and Core switches and scalable
distributed network topology. This network will meet the computing demand of PG
students in the campus, provide eLearning environment, access to digital library, support
examination, administration work and more importantly have sufficient bandwidth for
Videoconferencing from any network access point. It has established Centre of excellence
at various places in Karnataka in different scopes to bring a change in the technology and
The course contents include exotic subjects like: Remote Sensing & GIS Section. It is the
platform where faculty and students can do their own research work. A research institute
or research center is an establishment founded for doing research. Research institutes may
specialize in basic research or may be oriented to applied research. Although the term
often implies natural science research, there are also many research institutes in the social
science as well, especially for sociological and historical research purposes.
Watershed models plays an important role to analyze the effect of the land-use
and the climate-change on the water resources. The characteristics of land surface area is
recognized by the understanding of biological, hydrological, and other process of the
watersheds by the importance of spatial variability. Spatial variability is important in
hydrological modelling. The spatial information on the natural resources and the physical
parameters are valuable and real time, these data are provided Remote Sensing Satellites.
For the watershed modelling, GIS is an effective tool. The estimation of runoff uses the
remotely sensed data. This helps in planning of water resources projects and suitable for
soil and water conservation measures. Hydrological modelling of watershed is carried by
an extraction of watershed parameters using RS and GIS. The Soil & Water Assessment
Tool is widely used hydrological model. The model application has been demonstrated
for the GHATAPRABHA sub-basin in KRISHNA watershed. The Soil & Assessment
Tool model (SWAT) is applied for the study area. The model is run for land-use/land-
cover, soil data, slope data and all the meteorological data. The aim of this study is to
predict the surface runoff and to know the area covered by each region, which improves
the model performance and increase the accuracy of runoff prediction. These outcomes
are more reliable due to the significant difference in the topographical features of the
catchment, human activities and climate changes in the watershed. Hence, the site
calibration for the large basin is reliable to get good results. The data is updated in the
HRU model. The Topographical situation of the area of the watershed is also known. This
helps us to know better situation of the elevation level present at each location of various
The objectives of applying Soil & Water Assessment Tool for the Ghataprabha sub-basin
is as follows.
Subhadip et al. (2017). The study area is taken to drive the chosen research in Ajay river
basin, which is located in the southwest of Deoghar in Jharkhand. The SWAT model is
applied to predict the runoff in the Ajay river basin. The 30 years of daily, monthly,
yearly rainfall data, maximum and minimum temperature data were collected to run the
model. The SWAT simulation was done for daily, monthly, yearly basis time series to
find out the run-off for corresponding rainfall.
Mitali et al. (2017). The opted research area was Ghataprabha basin, Almatti, Karnataka.
Specifically chosen to estimation the surface runoff, using SWAT model. The aim of their
study is to show the long term simulation of the Ghataprabha basin. The model is
calibrated for the time period of 1991-1994 and validated for the time period of 1995-
1998. The calibrated & validated results are valid.
Dhruveshet al. (2016).To think about the flooding probability of Anjana Khadi
miniaturized scale watershed. The Soil & Water Assessment (SWAT) display was led on
the Anjana Khadi Watershed arranged at down-stream of Ukai Dam. Water deplete from
the Anjana Khadi area to Tapi River is one of the capable elements for flooding at the
Surat city. The SWAT model is used to simulate the runoff of the 2006 rainfall. Result
acquired demonstrated most extreme and slightest surge potential for the two smaller
watersheds. Runoff classification map is prepared by the use of Per Unit Runoff (PUAR)
and gave the remedial measures to prevent floods.
Priyanka et al. (2016). The selected study area is Malaprabha sub-basin, Belgaum
district, Karnataka. In this study the Soil &Water Assessment Tool, the mathematical
model implemented. The assertive work aimed to improve theland and water quality
supporting, landuse planning with the greater potential is integrated with Arc-GIS
software. The approached model used to estimate the surface runoff for Malaprabha
subbasin. The observed value and simulated values are in the optimal accuracy.
Zhang et al. (2012). They conducted a SWAT model in the upper reach of Yangtze
River. They considered reservoir operation for the 4 scenarios i.e. a). Reservoir Is Not
Considered; B) Constructed, Under the Construction and Planed to Construct Reservoir;
C) Reservoir that Have Been Constructed; d) Reservoir that have been constructed and
being constructed. They concluded that by the construction of reservoir the water
storage level is increased than the earlier time and is well defined for the Water
Resources management.
Reungsanget al. (2005).The SWAT model was applied on Upper Maquoketa River
Watershed, Northeast Iowa. The whole watershed cropland zone was reenacted in SWAT
in this investigation, making an interpretation of the APEX subareas into SWAT
hydrologic reaction units (HRUs). From the predicted floe out the calibration and
validation is carried. The increment of 19% in the annual average rainfall is achieved by
the reservoir operation
Bernord et al. (2003).) conducted the study in the area Whittlesey creek, bay field
country, Wisconsin. The research focused on the land cover of the flooding and base
flow, which literally considered in detail nominated study in their paper by using
groundwater flow and rainfall run-off modelling. The field data’s are collected during the
year 1999 to 2001 for synoptic base flow. The results shows the annual runoff changes by
the land-cover in the Whittlesey Creek watershed. This effects the flood peaks. Increase
of the forest land-cover will decrease the flood peaks by 12% to 14% for the recurrence of
100 years interval.
Krishna river is India's second largest river, which is western ghats of Mahadev
range near Mahabaleshwar, located at the height of about 1337m above the MSL. The
strech of the Krishna river is 1400km and reach the bay of Bengal in the state of Andhra
Pradesh. Tributaries of this river are Tungabhadra,Musi,Ghataprabha, Bhima,
Malaprabha,Muneru andPalleru. Ghataprabha is southern tributaries of upper Krishna
river. Catchment lies between latitudes of 150 45’N to 160 25’N and longitude of 740 00’
to 750 55’ (fig.1). Ghataprabha originates at an altitude of 884m in the region of western
ghats, Maharashtra and flows 60km East through districts of the Sindhudurg &Kolhapur
in Maharashtra, and enters Karnataka. In Karnataka, Ghataprabha river flows 216km
through Belgaum and past at Bagalkot. After 283km river joins a right bank of the
Krishna river at Kudalasangama at an elevation of 500m at 16km from Almatti.
The river starts in the tropical wet climate zone and passes over the semi arid
zones before joining the river Krishna. In summer south-westmonsoon deliver an 80% of
annual rainfall (June-October) and 20% of rainfall is delivered in the winter north-east.
The temperature of the catchment reaches more than 400C in May/April. During non-
monsoonduration, the relative humidity is about 30%. The number of rainfall days in the
months of June to September varies from 12-25 days and amount of rainfall is about 175
to 520mm.
Land-use is determined inaccordance with the population usage of the area in this
region and their socioeconomic activities. The land-use/land-cover of this catchment is
mentioned below(Table.1).
transitional zone is present and at the upland hills are mostly as sediments and granites at
the Kaladgi region of Ghataprabha catchment.
In some region, the laterite occurs as quartzites and sandstone and the thickness is
varies from 1 to 40m. the occurrence of alluvium can be seen alongthe streams and river
courses. Granite Gneisses are the oldest rock and Migmatites of peninsularGneissic are
complexof Achaean age And also Limestone, Dolomitic Limestone are observed.
Quartzites, Sandstone and Shale are consists in the Badami region. Deccan traps were
massive, hard, and joined with spheroidal weathering at this region of about 20 to 45m.
Soil Cover:
The soil cover of this area is in the nature of in-situ. Shallow & light textured soils
can be observed at the ridges, ridge slopes, at the gently sloping region, the medium
textured soils of medium depth can be observed and at the low lying areas along with the
river and riverbanks very deep, the heavy textured soil is discovered. Some of the
characteristics of the soilare followed.
1. Basaltic Landscapes-
The soil is shallow, reddish brown to grey in colour, a variation in texture from
sandy loam to clay. These are low permeable, poor capacity of water holding and
it as a good drainage property.
2. Limestone-
These soils are dark in colour, very deep, low permeable, high water holding
capacity and varies from silty clayey to clay.
3. Sandstones-
They are very deep, dark brown, slightly calcareous clayey loamy soil. Moderate
drains with permeable. Varies from clay loam sand to sandy clay loam.
4. Slates and phyllites-
They are shallow, clayey loam, , reddish brown, low calcareous,moderate
permeable, well drained, and erosion is persuadable.
5. Ferruginous-Quartzites-
These are shallow to deep, low calcareous,reddish brown,well-drained, high
permeable and clayey loam. These are found on gently sloping undulating
6. Gneissic Rocks-
These rocks are very deep and dark grey in colour. These are calcareous clayey
soils and tends to crack in the summer season. Having high water holding
capacity, low permeable. Alluvial soils are restricted to drain courses.
Cropping Pattern:
The main crops are grown in this area are Jowar, Bajra, Millet and Pulses. This
region is provided withcanal irrigation and helps in the need of water for the cultivation
of the crops such as wheat, Jowar, cotton, millets, sunflower, groundnut, tobacco, linseed,
ginger, tur, chillies, gram, sugarcane, paddy, sugarcane, vegetable etc. The lift-irrigation
schemes have been implemented for the irrigation purpose. Surface water is not efficient
for the needs of water demand. The over-exploitation of groundwatertakes place due to
the insufficient of surface water, this causes the faster depletion, which is a major concern
of the basin. Surface water structure is constructed for the better management and usage
of water.
SWAT model is the hydrological model, applied to the river catchment to quantify
the impact of the land practice management on the Water Resources, Agricultural,
Sediment and the Chemical yield in a large complex catchment area with the varying in
the land-use, soil & other management conditions over a long period of the time. The
main components SWAT model includes the surface runoff, weather, return flow,
evaporation, percolation, crop growth, transmission losses, irrigation, reservoir storage,
reach routing, groundwater flow, pesticide & nutrient loading and water transfer. The
input data required for the SWAT model are Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Land-Use/
Land-Cover and Soil map are collected. The SWAT model involves the process of
watershed delineation, Land Use/Soil/Slope Reclassification, HRUs Creation, Weather
Data incorporation Writing input files and Model Simulation. SWAT model requires
some of the specific information of topography, weather, soil properties, vegetation &
land management practices occur in the watershed. Other additional database input files
are soil database and weather generator database. These databases are the collection of
weather and soil database parameters from the soil and weather stations.
SWAT is the physically based model, which performs the continuous time model
for the long-term simulation & prediction of the hydrological components, nutrient and
sediment movement of the large catchments. For the estimation of surface runoff, the
SWAT model uses Hourly, Daily, Monthly and Yearly time series data. SWAT model
uses empirical SCS-CN is used for the computation of Daily, Monthly & Yearly runoff.
SWAT begins with the Watershed delineation, watershed delineated to the sub-basins,
then sub-basin is divided to areas of the homogeneous similarity between the Land-use,
Soil type & Slope and this is known as Hydrological Response Units (HRUs). The SWAT
model setup and the execution of model is carried as shown in the flowchart (Fig.2)
The Area of the sub-basin is divided into the Hydrological Response Units.
HRUs are created with raster data. These HRUs process the sub-basin details of Land-
use/Land-cover, soil type and Land-slope. The geo-processed raster data of land use/land
cover map, soil map and land slopes are considered for the HRU analysis. The map
details are created with a lookup table and these are reclassified and overlay analysis is
carried out. The maps of landuse/landcover(Fig.4.), soil type(Fig.5.) and land
slope(Fig.6.) are shown below.
The percentage of land use/land cover and description of the land-use classes is
mentioned below (Table.2.)
The SWAT model requires the data of precipitation, max & min air temperature, solar
radiation, relative humidity and wind speed. These data are collected in the daily time
series, the values for all these parameters are the records of Observed data.
From all the SWAT data input the model is executed for the time series i.e. daily,
monthly and yearly for required years. From the output flow the SWAT model give us to
estimate the Surface Runoff, Sediment transport, Nutrients & pesticides transport,
Reservoir operation and Water management studies. From the flow out of the SWAT
model Calibration and Validation of the model is carried out.
From the study, we obtain the results of the watershed studied. We found out that this
watershed contains 186 HRU and 31 sub-basins.
2. Soil
(a) Vp42-3a-3867 174129.4353 430282.5410 25.75
(b) Lc5-2b-3773 187378.7989 463022.3809 27.71
(c) Vc43-3ab-3861 232527.6989 5745587.5703 34.39
(d) Ap21-2b-3656 68779.2798 169957.0394 10.17
(e) Bv12-3b-3696 13352.0576 32993.6018 1.97
3 Slope
(a) 0 - 3.7 363071.3758 897167.5232 53.70
(b) 3.7 - 8.7 265676.2770 656499.3642 39.29
(c) 8.7 - 17 39969.3877 98766.3554 5.91
(d) 17 - 32 7106.0505 17559.4060 1.05
(e) 32 - 9999 344.1795 850.4847 0.05
From the study, we obtained the topography of the watershed. The values obtained are
given in table below.
This study investigated about the total land area of the watershed at Ghatapraba sub-
basin. In multisite calibration the catchment is divided into smaller sub-basin hence the
accurate results can be achieved with the help of Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT).
Here the land area is divided into Landuse which holds the majority of usage with regions
used in Agriculture, Water, Forest etc; Soil with different types like Very Porous, Very
Cohesive, Less Cohesive etc; Slopes of different points are also known with their
coverage of land. With this, we can easily plan the future with water resource projects and
water conservation projects by collecting these data. Further, Topography of the sub-
basin is also known in order to set the upstream and downstream elevation levels and the
flow level is found. This makes us to make future planning of drought conditions, flood
level, irrigation uses, domestic uses and power generation also.
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