Main Project

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S.No Title Page No

I Introduction 4
II Industry Profile 7
III Company Profile 20


S.No Title Page No

2.1 Review of Literature 47


S.No Title Page No

3.1 Research Methodology 55
3.2 Significance of the Study 57


S.No Title Page No

4.1 Data analysis and Interpretation 60


S.No Title Page No

5.1 Suggestion and Recommendation 85
5.2 Bibliography 86
5.3 Appendix 87



1. Age Group 62

2. Gender 63

3. Working Experience 64

4. Income Level 65

5. General Work Environment & The Working C onditions 66

6. Opportunities for Promotions 67

7. Fringe Benefits 68

8. Safety of Workers 69

9. Work Timings 70

10. Infrastructure Facilities 71

11. Job Secure 73

12. Opportunity to Develop 74

13. Instruction to Get the J ob 75


The project was undergone in WINTEK TECHNOLOGY INDIA PVT LTD
for a period of one month. Theoretical knowledge is insufficient to cope up with the
modern functioning of the companies. So in order to gain practical knowledge, the

Quality of work life (QWL) is viewed as an alternative to the control

approach of managing people. The QWL approach considers people as an ‘asset' to
the organization rather than as ‘costs'. It believes that people perform better when
they are allowed to participate in managing their work and make decisions. This
approach motivates people by satisfying not only their economic needs but also their
social and psychological ones. To satisfy the new generation workforce,
organizations need to concentrate on job designs and organization of work. Further,
today's workforce is realizing the importance of relationships and is trying to strike a
balance between career and personal lives.

Successful organizations support and provide facilities to their people to help

them to balance the scales. In this process, organizations are coming up with new
and innovative ideas to improve the quality of work and quality of work life of every
individual in the organization. Various programs like flex time, alternative work
schedules, compressed work weeks, telecommuting etc., are being adopted by these

Technological advances further help organizations to implement these

programs successfully. Organizations are enjoying the fruits of implementing QWL
programs in the form of increased productivity, and an efficient, satisfied, and
committed workforce which aims to achieve organizational objectives. The future
work world will also have more women entrepreneurs and they will encourage and
adopt QWL programs.

It is almost impossible today to pick up a newspaper of news-magazine
without finding a reference to quality of work/working life. In the search for
improved productivity, manager and executives alike are discovering the important
contribution of QWL. QWL entails the design of work systems that enhance the
working life experiences of organizational members, thereby improving
commitment to and motivation for achieving organizational goals. Most, often, this
has been implemented through the design of jobs that afford workers more direct
control over their immediate work environment.

The success of any organization is highly dependent on how it attracts,

recruits, motivates, and retains its workforce. Today's organizations need to be more
flexible so that they are equipped to develop their workforce and enjoy their
commitment. Therefore, organizations are required to adopt a strategy to improve
the employees “quality of work life (QWL)” to satisfy both the organizational
objectives and employee needs.

Regular assessment of Quality of Working Life can potentially provide

organizations with important information about the welfare of their employees, such
as job satisfaction, general well-being, work-related stress and the home-work
interface. Studies in the UK University sector have shown a valid measure of
Quality of Working Life exist and can be used as a basis for effective interventions.

This particular topic is chosen as Quality of work life is great importance in

any organization, especially manufacturing organizations because of several stress
situations they are facing and it influences the growth of the individual and that of
the organization. In this project work, it is proposed to investigate the various quality
of work life programmes provided to the employees and their satisfaction.



“Wintek Technology is a global design and manufacturing partner for the

telecommunications and electronics industries”. Wintek Technology provides
services and commodities from design and concepts to manufacturing, final
assembly and testing. With our unique offering, we are able to provide a global,
comprehensive service to all leading handheld device brands.

With more than 60 years of experience, 11 manufacturing plants, a strong

local presence in all major markets and a deep insight into market needs, we have
the competence, capability and capacity to serve you.

We provide the perfect mix of design driven, innovative technologies and

services for the leading handheld brands. A complete package in combination of
know-how, expertise and experience, with the solid financial position of the parent
company of Wintek Technology makes us a valuable partner.
Our offering comprises services and technologically innovative solutions.
We can provide whatever solutions you need, from metals, plastics and touch
modules to antennas and glass, to name just some, and combining them with the
latest technologies into innovative solutions - with the perfect balance of cost,
logistics, form, features, and end-user benefits. Our service offering spans the whole
lifecycle of from industrial design and concepts to manufacturing, final assembly
and testing.

By listening carefully to our customers, suppliers and other players in the

market, we gain a good understanding of their needs. Real professionalism lies in
innovating new ways in fulfilling their needs and challenges.

We have a team dedicated to innovations. Our unique operating model

enables us to truly innovate in everything we do for Competence, capacity and

WINTEK TECHNOLOGY has a smart combination of in-house expertise,
top-rated partners and leading vendors as customers. As a result, our products offer a
distinctive user experience and an attractive look & feel among other customer

Process developers, R&D partners, design partners, new technology

providers; "two's company, three's a crowd " does not apply here, since eco-partner
relations should be created to cover various needs: hardware, software, services and
content - design, research, testing, technology or process development, the list goes


The major idea of this organization is to launch the new technology with new
components like Keypads, Panels, Metal parts, Charger molding. Upgrading R& D
team is working on the organization growth concentrating on new inventions.

WINTEK TECHNOLOGY’s role in the ecosystem is to integrate internal

and external resources and capabilities as the vertically integrated (VI) enabler. Our
commodities constantly scan the industry to find the best potential partner
candidates, based on our own needs and those of our customers. They define the
area of partnership and ensure technical, quality, logistic and capacity performance.
An ecosystem partner is not just a supplier – they bring added value, not just
capacity or raw materials.

Shell-Line expects the eco-partnership with WINTEK TECHNOLOGY to

widen their business opportunities. They have given their expertise on high- end and
mid- class module manufacturing, product development


By combining the highest-quality materials and the latest technologies, we

create truly innovative solutions. We find the perfect balance of cost, logistics, form,
features, and end-user benefits. From planning, conception, and designing to
manufacturing, assembly, and testing – we do it all. From one component to the
whole package, we tailor our service to your needs.

 Production Processes: It would include procurement, ordering and

replenishment of stocks, processing of payments, production control

 Customer Focused Processes: It would include promotional and

marketing efforts, selling over the internet, processing of purchase orders
and payments.

 Internal Management Processes: It would include employee services,

training, video conferencing and recruiting.

Features of the Industry at a Glance

 Economies of scale for the information technology industry are high. The
marginal cost of each unit of additional software or hardware is insignificant
compared to the value addition that results from it.

 Unlike other common industries, the manufacturing industry is technology


 Efficient utilization of skilled labor forces in the production sector can help
an economy achieve a rapid pace of economic growth.

 The manufacturing sector helps many other sectors in the growth process of
the economy including the product knowledge.


‘Planning’ is the key term for production system. As it is defined as the back
bone for organizational profit and loss. Sales team will provide the execution view
( EV ) to planning team. As it contains the overall demand for a year. Planning needs
to give their supportability for 6 weeks. The demand fluctuates according to the
customer requirement. The Planning motto is to satisfy the sales according to the
production capacity.

‘Material controlling’ section depends on the production planning team plan.

Demand visibility (DV) will be prepared by them to supplier team. The purchase
team will be responsible to deliver the materials on time from supplier end. MCS
department will be tracking the DV and update to the planner regarding the arrival
of the materials. Their foremost work is to satisfy the planning team by providing
the materials on time.

‘Purchase’ (Buyer) will track along the logistics team and deliver the
materials within the given lead time. “Lead time is defined as the time taken to bring
the products from the produced area to the supplier”. As they are responsible for
incoming materials to the organization. Excess material will be tracked every month
and highlighted to respective head of the department.

‘Stores or Warehousing’ is the place to keep the materials safe. The

inventory wise arrangement is encouraged in this area. Materials will be kept split
up and they will follow their own procedures as FIFO, LIFO.

Inventory controlling plays a vital role in an organization. The incoming

inputs, work in progress and output ready should all get equalized. The input should
be matched with the output including scrap.


 MWFG - Finished Goods ( W/H ), ready to shipment.

 KMFG - FG in shop floor.
 MWRE - Materials in W/H.
 KM01 - Work In Progress.
 MWPA – Consumption materials.


As constantly stated in this text, production systems, whether the inputs are
interdependent. As such the activities and economic entities within the network of
exchange relationships and any other coordinating mechanisms are complex.
Because of this, analysts usually look at the activities of organization, coordination
and performance evaluation within a subsystem or single commodity Transaction
costs should also be included.

These primarily relate to costs associated with buying, selling and

transferring ownership of goods and services, and are very wide ranging. These
costs include information, negotiating contracts, the actual costs of transferring
goods, services, money and ownership rights, costs of monitoring trade conditions
and enforcing trading terms


Wintek Technology is a global design and manufacturing partner for the

telecommunications and electronics industries. Wintek Technology provides
services and commodities from design and concepts to manufacturing, final
assembly and testing. With our unique offering, we are able to provide a global,
comprehensive service to all leading handheld device brands.

With more than 60 years of experience, 11 manufacturing plants, a strong

local presence in all major markets and a deep insight into market needs, we have
the competence, capability and capacity to serve you.

We provide the perfect mix of design driven, innovative technologies and

services for the leading handheld brands. A complete package in combination of
know-how, expertise and experience, with the solid financial position of the parent
company of Wintek Technology makes us a valuable partner.
Our offering comprises services and technologically innovative solutions.
We can provide whatever solutions you need, from metals, plastics and touch
modules to antennas and glass, to name just some, and combining them with the
latest technologies into innovative solutions - with the perfect balance of cost,
logistics, form, features, and end-user benefits. Our service offering spans the whole
lifecycle of from industrial design and concepts to manufacturing, final assembly
and testing.

Goal to implement:
By listening carefully to our customers, suppliers and other players in the
market, we gain a good understanding of their needs. Real professionalism lies in
innovating new ways in fulfilling their needs and challenges. We have a team
dedicated to innovations. Our unique operating model enables us to truly innovate in
everything we do for Competence, capacity and capability.

Wintek Technology has a smart combination of in-house expertise, top-rated
partners and leading vendors as customers. As a result, our products offer a
distinctive user experience and an attractive look & feel among other customer

Process developers, R&D partners, design partners, new technology

providers; "two's company, three's a crowd " does not apply here, since eco-partner
relations should be created to cover various needs: hardware, software, services and
content - design, research, testing, technology or process development, the list goes

 Wintek Technology- Chennai – INDIA.


 KEYPAD, Panel board, Charger molding.






The work of the department is to collect the materials from warehouse and
hand over to the production department as per the released work order. The raw
materials are collected from the warehouse and handed over again as FG.


 Materials issued from Warehouse.

 Number keys and Navigation keys are spitted.

 Punching process is done.

 Visual Checking is done.

 Glue with Light guide is attached

 Key click and drop is checked.

 LE – Laser Etching is done.


 Production process.

 Tooling section checks the gauges.

 Manual verification and testing.

 FMA – Failure Mode Analysis.


 Handed over to QA ( Quality Analysis )

 Inspection is done along Final Inspection

 CCD machine and LLK will analyze the material

 OQC section will inspect and finalize the product.

 FG ready ( Finished Goods)


 Production planning plans for production and shipment.

 Material section responsible for SFG.


 Buyer purchases the materials required for the organization

 Direct material – Required for Production

 In Direct material – Required for Non Production.


 Deals with the customer – NOKIA.

 Fulfill the requirement of the customer.

 Shipping plan will be provided by them according to the customer


 Works for Customer Satisfaction.


RMA number to return the goods:

 The E-mail will be provided along the Project and describe the situation
of the add-on cards. Our after sales members will have an initial analysis
against defects within 24 hours.
 After 24 hours, if the defects can't be removed, our after-sales members
will issue you an RMA number for returning the goods.
 When you return the product to us, please write RMA number clearly on
the outside of the box. Products should arrive at our facility within 14
days of the date we issued the RMA number.

Replacement guidelines:

WINTEK TECHNOLOGY INT' Ltd warrants add-on card against defects in

materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the on-board date of the
(a) 0-30 Days after on board date (based on invoice date)

 We will provide you with a replacement for DOA (Defect On

Arrival), within 30 days of receipt of the returned product.

(b)Within one Year after on board date (based on invoice date)

 WINTEK TECHNOLOGY repairs the products at no charge, using

new or refurbished replacement parts.

(c ) Out of One Year Warranty Period (based on invoice date)

 WINTEK TECHNOLOGY will repair a defective product out of one

year warranty period. But the handling charge & the cost of
replacement component & shipping charge will be applied to any


SAP systems experienced rapid growth in the 1990s because the year 2000
problem and introduction of the Euro disrupted legacy systems. Many companies
took this opportunity to replace such systems with SAP.

SAP systems initially focused on automating back office functions that did
not directly affect customers and the general public. Front office functions such as
customer relationship management (CRM) dealt directly with customers, ore–
business systems such as e–commerce, e–government, e–telecom, and e–finance, or
supplier relationship management (SRM) became integrated later, when the Internet
simplified communicating with external parties.

"SAP" was coined in the early 2000s. It describes web–based software that
allows both employees and partners (such as suppliers and customers) real–time
access to the systems. The role of SAP expands from the resource optimization and
transaction processing of traditional SAP to leveraging the information involving
those resources in the enterprise’s efforts to collaborate with other enterprises, not
just to conduct e-commerce buying and selling. Compared to the first generation
SAP, SAP II is said to be more flexible rather than confining the capabilities of the
SAP system within the organization, it is designed to go beyond the corporate walls
and interact with other systems.


SAP is the advanced version which has the following characteristics:

 An integrated system that operates in real time (or next to real time),
without relying on periodic updates.
 A common database, which supports all applications.
 A consistent look and feel throughout each module.
 Installation of the system without elaborate application/data integration
by the Information Technology (IT) department.
 Easy to use i.e.( User friendly)

Functional Areas:

Financial Accounting:

Payables, Receivables, Cash Management, Financial Consolidation.

Management Accounting
Budgeting, Costing, Cost Management, Activity Based Costing

Human Resources
Recruiting, Training, Payroll, Benefits, 401K, Diversity
Management, Retirement, Separation

Engineering, Bill of Materials, Work Orders, Scheduling, Capacity,
Workflow Management, Quality Control, Manufacturing Process,
Manufacturing Projects, Manufacturing Flow, Product Life Cycle

Project Management
Project Planning, Resource Planning, Project Costing, Work Break
Down Structure, Billing, Time and Expense, Performance Units,
Activity Management

Customer Relationship Management

Sales and Marketing, Commissions, Service, Customer Contact, Call
Center Support - CRM systems are not always considered part of
ERP systems but rather BSS systems . Specifically in Telecom

Data Services
 Various "self–service" interfaces for customers, suppliers and/or

Access Control
Management of user privileges for various processes



Wintek Technology is a global design and manufacturing partner for the

telecommunications and electronics industries. Wintek Technology provides
services and commodities from design and concepts to manufacturing, final
assembly and testing. With our unique offering, we are able to provide a global,
comprehensive service to all leading handheld device brands.

With more than 60 years of experience, 11 manufacturing plants, a strong

local presence in all major markets and a deep insight into market needs, we have
the competence, capability and capacity to serve you.

We provide the perfect mix of design driven, innovative technologies and

services for the leading handheld brands. A complete package in combination of
know-how, expertise and experience, with the solid financial position of the parent
company of Wintek Technology makes us a valuable partner.
Our core is in innovation:
By listening carefully to our customers, suppliers and other players in the
market, we gain a good understanding of their needs. Real professionalism lies in
innovating new ways in fulfilling their needs and challenges.

We have a team dedicated to innovations. Our unique operating model

enables us to truly innovate in everything we do for Competence, capacity and


WINTEK TECHNOLOGY has a smart combination of in-house expertise,

top-rated partners and leading vendors as customers. As a result, our products offer a
distinctive user experience and an attractive look & feel among other customer

Process developers, R&D partners, design partners, new technology
providers; "two's company, three's a crowd " does not apply here, since eco-partner
relations should be created to cover various needs: hardware, software, services and
content - design, research, testing, technology or process development, the list goes
WINTEK TECHNOLOGY’s role in the ecosystem is to integrate internal
and external resources and capabilities as the vertically integrated (VI) enabler. Our
commodities constantly scan the industry to find the best potential partner
candidates, based on our own needs and those of our customers. They define the
area of partnership and ensure technical, quality, logistic and capacity performance


Established in Finland in 1953

Net sales EUR 730 million in 2011
Employs approximately 14,800 people worldwide
Manufacturing units in Asia and the Americas
Headquartered in Vantaa, Finland
CEO - Cor Saris
 Owned by Taiwanese WINTEK TECHNOLOGY – Lite On Group.
Effective from November 29, 2010, Perlos Corporation has duly
changed its corporate name into Wintek Technology Corporation in


We collaborate globally and locally with all major handheld device vendors:

Taiwan inplant.
Sony Mobile
Suzhou Plant


Seamless metal cover with integrated antenna

Visual antenna integrated to plastic
Combining glass, plastic and touch panel into one
Seamless casing with sub-assembled mechanics, flex circuits and


WINTEK TECHNOLOGY is launching two new cost-effective antenna-

manufacturing solutions with space-saving product integration: 3D direct print and
cosmetic Laser Direct Structuring (LDS).WINTEK TECHNOLOGY’s new antenna
manufacturing technologies.

3D direct print and cosmetic LDS, have a wide range of benefits for both
designer and end user: better performance, lower costs due to the simplified
production process, flexibility in material selection and paintings, enhanced
appearance and slimmer design – with integration that allows more space for other

By combining the highest-quality materials and the latest technologies, we

create truly innovative solutions. We find the perfect balance of cost, logistics, form,
features, and end-user benefits. From planning, conception, and designing to
manufacturing, assembly, and testing – we do it all. From one component to the
whole package, we tailor our service to your needs.


3D direct printing boasts a simplified manufacturing process and design

flexibility, with mechanical antenna integration into a chassis or cover. Compared to
LDS technology, 3D Direct Print can offer significant cost down, actual numbers
depending on the size and shape of the product.

Among the many advantages this technology brings is its environmental

friendliness, due to the avoidance of nickel and plating processes. This significantly
lowers the cost by shortening the supply chain and the amount of factory space
needed, making 3D direct printing a highly flexible manufacturing alternative to
LDS antennas.

In this 3D antenna solution, highly conductive silver is printed directly onto

structural or cosmetic product surfaces in an antenna pattern. The method shows
good adhesion and conductivity. The technology will be available for mass
production from WINTEK TECHNOLOGY from March 2013.


Cosmetic LDS gives better antenna performance and enables slim design
through maximum mechanical integration. LDS patterns are placed directly on the
outer surface of a device and then leveled with additional plating.

The antenna surface can be painted along with the rest of the product using a
range of paints, from soft touch to the highest gloss. The first mass production
shipments are now being made from WINTEK TECHNOLOGY.

Lite-On Young Fast (LOYF) provides a brand-new solution of Low-cost

Single-layer Capacitive Touch Panel (CTP) with multi-touch technology, supporting
touch screens of up to 4.3 inches. As a true one-layer solution with no shielding
layer, it is an economical choice for applications that require thinner, lighter, and
more cost-effective handset touch modules.


LOYF Single-layer CTP with multi-touch technology is the perfect solution

to the technical challenge of achieving high functionality and mechanical strength
while reducing a touch module’s thickness and weight, especially when aiming to
keep or lower the current price level and maintain favored features. Material
selection is the key point where LOYF utilizes materials, including ITO film, nano-
silver film, and metal mesh film, to achieve thinner modules, much lower costs, and
ultra-low resistance capabilities, overcoming the challenges of sensor design with an
advanced manufacturing process.

The new technology integrates multiple functions within one layer of ITO
PET, but keeps the same good user experience and functions in the same way as
other multi-touch modules. It is suitable for both glass and PMMA screens, and
combines touch application design flexibility with nano-silver or metal mesh

From the material science to the semiconductors, this Single-layer ITO PET
with multi-touch solution is an industry breakthrough. It is now available for mass
production from LOYF Huizhou plant, with additional developments in nano-silver
and metal mesh film to be launched in 2013.


WINTEK TECHNOLOGY Manaus wins Logistics Efficiency Award:

On October 30, 2012, Wintek Technology was presented with a Logistics

Efficiency Award by airport operator Infraero for its logistics work in the cargo
terminals of Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes International Airport in Manaus, Brazil.
Infraero evaluated 100 best-in-class companies and their international supply chain
management before selecting the award winners. WINTEK TECHNOLOGY
received the award thanks to its continuous improvements in logistics processes and
the resulting benefits for foreign trade.

“We have reduced logistics costs by 70% without sacrificing efficiency,”

says Fabio Anze, Manaus Plant Director. Fabio Anze accepted the award in a prize-
giving ceremony on behalf of the whole Manaus team.“It was a memorable day for
Lite-On Mobile, when we were recognized among major brands as one of the
companies with the best supply chain management from July 2011 to June 2012.





Silicon Rubber keypads are used extensively in both consumer and

industrial electronic products as a low cost and reliable switching solution. The
technology uses the compression molding properties of silicone rubber to which
upon depression of the switch the webbing uniformly deforms to produce a
tactile response. When pressure is removed from the switch the webbing returns
to its neutral position with positive feedback.
In order to make an electronic switch a carbon or gold pill is placed on
the base of the switch center which contacts onto a Printed Circuit Board when
the web has been deformed.


Rubber keypads can be designed so that they achieve a positive tactile

response when the operator depresses the keypad.
To achieve good tactile feel that is inherent in the rubber keypad the
keypad should have at least .060" of travel and should have an actuation force
As an alternative, a tactile layer can be incorporated in between the
rubber keypad and the circuitry layer, which will enable a good tactile feel even
with small keys and minimal travel distances.


Our Application Guide is an aid in the design and development of

silicone keypads and specialty products.
Silicone keypads are used in a wide range of applications including
medical, industrial, and instrumentation and communications equipment.


Capabilities include all molding processes, laser etching, in house graphics,

and custom finishes offering an economical quality solution for your design
We provide an excellent choice for even the most stringent design
specifications. Patented molded processes allow light pipes and windows to be
molded as an integral part of the keypad during manufacturing, making them a
single sealed component.
The silicone rubber keypad manufacturing process, including, making
the tool, adding colors, and screen printing. All our manufactured silicone
rubber keypads go through intensive testing and quality.

Laser Etched Keypads:
The legends are laser etched for precise lighting. The perfect
way to illuminate the graphics or legends while the custom
keypad remains on or off.
Plastic Keycaps and Key trees:
Plastic Keycaps with a conductive rubber keypad base. These
can be molded in many shapes and contours to enhance
In-Mold Graphics:
Placed over silicone rubber keypad supports or mounted over
metal domes. Available in any shape. In-Mold Graphics are used
in cellular phone and other consumer and automotive products.
Dual Durometer Keypads:
Hard durometer silicone rubber molded key tops to simulate
plastic is a popular feature, used to avoid the cost of plastic
molds in conductive rubber keypads.
Epoxy Keypads
Epoxy crown is applied to the key tops. Hard epoxy on custom
keypads is a very popular way to have hard tops economically on
most styles of silicone rubber keypads.
3D & Concave Key Tops
Keys appear more robust with rich 3D enhancements. Custom
keypads with these features are becoming more popular with
high end medical instrumentation.


A 40-year history of innovation:

In 1972, five entrepreneurs had a vision for the business potential of
technology. With one customer and a handful of employees, SAP set out on a path
that would not only transform the world of information technology, but also forever
alter the way companies do business.
Forty years and 197,000 customers stronger, we’re just getting started. Building on a
track record of innovation and a vision proven true throughout every economic and
IT shift, now more than ever, SAP is fueled by the pioneering spirit that inspired its
founders to continually transform the IT industry.


 “Real time” data processing can help bring people closer to business

 A dedication “to innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit” enable


SAP is the world leader in enterprise applications in terms of software and

software-related service revenue. Based on market capitalization, we are the world’s
third largest independent software manufacturer.

More than 1,97,000 customers in 120+ countries.

More than 55,765 employees in 120+ countries.

Annual revenue ( IFRS ) of $ 14.23 billion.


SAP is the world's largest business software company and the third-highest
revenue independent software provider (as of 2007).[12]It operates in four geographic
regions: EMEA (Europe, MiddleEast, Africa), America (UnitedStates and Canada),
LAC (Latin America and Caribbean), and APJ (Asia Pacific and Japan), which
represents Japan, Korea, Australia and New Zealand, India,Greater China, and
Southeast Asian countries. In addition, SAP operates a network of 115 subsidiaries,
and has R&D (Research & Development) facilities around the globe in Germany,
India, US, Canada, France, Brazil, Turkey,
China, Hungary, Israel, Ireland andBulgaria.

SAP focuses on six industry sectors: process industries, discrete industries,

consumer industries, service industries, financial services, and public services.[13] It
offers more than 25 industry solution portfolios for large enterprises[14] and more than
550 micro-vertical solutions for midsize companies and small businesses.[15]

SAP ERP is one of five enterprise applications in SAP's Business Suite. The other
four applications are:

 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) – helps companies acquire and

retain customers, gain marketing and customer insight
 Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) – helps manufacturers with product-
related information
 Supply Chain Management (SCM) – helps companies with the process of
resource in manufacturing and service processes
 Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) – enables companies to procure
from suppliers

Other major product offerings include: the Net Weaver platform, Governance,
Risk and Compliance (GRC) solutions, Duet (joint offering with Microsoft),
Performance Management solutions and RFID. SAP offers service-oriented
architecture capabilities (calling it Enterprise SOA) in the form of web services that
are wrapped around its applications.


ERP systems can be extended with third–party software. ERP vendors

typically provide access to data and functionality through published interfaces.
Extensions offer features such as:

 archiving, reporting and republishing;

 capturing transactional data, e.g. using scanners, tills or RFID
 access to specialized data/capabilities, such as syndicated marketing
data and associated trend analytics.
 advanced planning and scheduling (APS)
 managing resources, facilities and transmission in real-time

SAP systems are theoretically based on industry best practices and are
intended to be deployed "as is". SAP vendors do offer customers configuration
options that allow organizations to incorporate their own business rules but there are
often functionality gaps remaining even after the configuration is complete. SAP
customers have several options to reconcile functionality gaps, each with their own

Key differences between customization and configuration include:

 Customization is always optional, whereas the software must always

be configured before use (e.g., setting up cost/profit center structures,
organisational trees, purchase approval rules, etc.)
 The software was designed to handle various configurations, and
behaves predictably in any allowed configuration.
 The effect of configuration changes on system behavior and
performance is predictable and is the responsibility of the SAP
vendor. The effect of customization is less predictable, is the
customer's responsibility and increases testing activities.

Customization Advantages:

 Improves user acceptance

 Offers the potential to obtain competitive advantage vis-à-vis
companies using only standard features.

Customization Disadvantages:

 Increases time and resources required to both implement and

 Inhibits seamless communication between suppliers and
customers who use the same SAP system uncustomized.
 Over reliance on customization undermines the principles of SAP
as a standardizing software platform

Data migration is the process of moving/copying and restructuring data from

an existing system to the SAP system. Migration is critical to implementation
success and requires significant planning. Unfortunately, since migration is one of
the final activities before the production phase, it often receives insufficient
attention. The following steps can structure migration planning.


 Identify the data to be migrated

 Determine migration timing
 Generate the data templates
 Freeze the toolset
 Decide on migration-related setups


 Design Time Repository

 Component build service

 Change Management service.

 Development

 Allows easier global integration (barriers of currency exchange rates,

language, and culture can be bridged automatically)
 Updates only need to be done once to be implemented company-wide
 Provides real-time information, reducing the possibility of
redundancy errors
 May create a more efficient work environment for employees
 Vendors have past knowledge and expertise on how to best build and
implement a system


The DTR resembles a file system and can be accessed through File and
folder permissions can be configured for users or groups. Each file is version
controlled and it's possible to branch or merge files. The main repository folder (ws)
contains folders representing tracks in the NWDI.


When a file is changed in the Net weaver Developer Studio, an activity is

created together with a request. When the changes are done, the request is checked
in to the DTR, the activity is then activated, which triggers the CBS to build the DC
on the NWDI. Usually an ear or war file is created. When the activity is released
from the Net weaver Developer Studio, the ear or war file is deployed to a
development system via the CMS.


Change Management Service is used to maintain tracks and keep track of

what version is deployed on different servers in the landscape. CMS can also
transfer code between tracks. This is often used when creating tracks supporting
development of general components, development of main components and finally
maintaining deployment of full solutions.

Transferring code between tracks in order to achieve merge and joins

between deployed production versions.


 Check-In : where initial source is loaded to the track.

 Development : represents the deployment to a development system.
Changes are deployed on a DC level.
 Consolidation : represents the deployment to a consolidation system.
 Assembly : Stage to accept a change. Combines all DCs to a full SC.
Version number labels are possible to set here.
 Test : represents the deployment to a test system. Changes are deployed
on a SC level.
 Confirm : Confirmation stage before moving the change to production.
 Production : represent the deployment to a production system.
 System State : Gives an overview of the different versions deployed on
different systems.

 Each layer have a history and the possibility to go back to an earlier state.


 They eliminate the need to synchronize changes between multiple

systems—consolidation of finance, marketing and sales, human
resource, and manufacturing applications.
 They bring legitimacy and transparency in each bit of statistical data.
 They provide a comprehensive enterprise view (no "islands of
information"). They make real–time information available to
management anywhere, any time to make proper decisions.
 They protect sensitive data by consolidating multiple security
systems into a single structure.
 SAP can greatly improve the quality and efficiency of a business. By
keeping a company's internal business process running smoothly,
SAP can lead to better outputs that will benefit the company such as
customer service, and manufacturing.

 SAP provides support to upper level management to provide them

with critical decision making information. This decision support will
allow the upper level management to make managerial choices that
will enhance the business down the road.
 SAP also creates a more agile company that can better adapt to
situations and changes. SAP makes the company more flexible and
less rigidly structured in an effort to allow the different parts of an
organization to become more cohesive, in turn, enhancing the
business both internally and externally


 Cost of implementing in too high.

 Locked into relationship by contract and manageability with vendor -
a contract can hold a company to the vendor until it expires and it can
be unprofitable to switch vendors if switching costs are too high
 Inflexibility - vendor packages may not fit a company's business
model well and customization can be expensive
 Return on Investment may take too long to be profitable
 Implementations have a risk of project failure
 Customization is problematic.

 Overcoming resistance to sharing sensitive information between

departments can divert management attention.
 Integration of truly independent businesses can create unnecessary
 Extensive training requirements take resources from daily operations.
 Due to SAP's architecture (OLTP, On-Line Transaction Processing)
SAP systems are not well suited for production planning and supply
chain management (SCM)

 Harmonization of ERP systems can be a mammoth task (especially

for big companies) and requires a lot of time, planning and money.


The limitations of ERP have been recognized sparking new trends in ERP
application development, the four significant developments being made in ERP are,
creating a more flexible ERP, Web-Enable ERP, Inter enterprise ERP and e-
Business Suites, each of which will potentially address the failings of the current

 List of SAP software packages

 Accounting software
 Business process management
 Cost accounting
 Document automation
 Data migration
 Enterprise feedback management (EFM)
 Enterprise planning systems
 Enterprise system
 SAP modeling
 SAP for IT
 SAP system selection methodology
 Information technology management
 List of project management software
 Management information system
 Manufacturing operations management
 Service management
 Software as a service
 Supply chain management


SAP has been the standard in the ERP product space for over a quarter of a
century. Over the years, as SAP has evolved from offering a single product to a host
of enterprise solutions, SAP solutions have become nerve centers at the customer
organizations, growing in size, criticality and complexity. Consequently, customer’s
felt the need for service providers with product expertise, deep domain
understanding, flexible yet robust delivery capabilities and commitment to provide
services through industry processes and methodology.

We are ideally positioned to cater to this need through our dedicated SAP Practice.
We aim to:

 Be a preferred solution and services provider

 Demonstrate capability, competitiveness and cost effectiveness
 Align with SAP’s plan (both long term and short term) on targeted industry
and product standards.
1) Infrastructure Services:

The company’s Infrastructure Services team brings a vast pool of resources,

along with the rich domain expertise spanning across various vertical industries, in
an endeavor to consistently help the customer align with business. WINTEK
TECHNOLOGY designs, builds and sustains state-of-the-art, secure, flexible and
completely scalable infrastructure and ensures 24X7 availability of all business

2) Product Lifecycle Management:

WINTEK TECHNOLOGY is one of the leading Product Lifecycle

Management (PLM) service providers globally and is a long-standing partner of
PTC (Parametric Technology Corporation) for Wind chill based services. We have
consistently delivered value at the highest quality to over 500 customers worldwide
including North America, Europe and Asia Pacific regions as part of our ‘Strategic
Outsourcing Partnership’ with PTC.

Strategic Outsourcing Partner:

WINTEK TECHNOLOGY has been PTC’s Strategic Outsourcing Partner

since 2004, providing Implementation, Upgrade & Migration, Integration, Testing
and Run Team Support Services on Windchill & Flex PLM leveraging the Global
Delivery Model.

Our customers enjoy the following benefits:

a) Unique combination of world-class domain and technical capabilities

b) Enhanced value addition through Technology Partnerships and Alliances
c) Flexible Partnership Model focused at ensuring personalized relationship
attention and co-investment support
d) Best of breed talented resources – WINTEK TECHNOLOGY is rated
among the top 4 employer brands in India
e) Small enough to care, big enough to dare – Our customers enjoy the
attention and flexibility of a niche provider, while relying on strong
financials and robust corporate governance policies from 100 year old
parent organization WINTEK TECHNOLOGY Ltd
f) Agility and entrepreneurial drive of one of India’s fastest growing global
services firms
g) Strength and stability of the WINTEK TECHNOLOGY Group – one of
India’s largest, most respected and best governed corporates
h) Commitment beyond market – supporting sustainability through triple
bottom line reporting on economic, ecological and social dimensions.

Quality Assurance and Testing

WINTEK TECHNOLOGY offers world-class testing services focusing

on key business domains and delivering cutting-edge services that are attuned to
industry-specific needs. The industry is shifting from internal testing scenario to
outsourced or independent testing to reduce cost, accelerate test cycles and
improve quality.


Create. Innovate. Excel:

Whether fresh out of college or a Seasoned professional, wherever you

are in your career path, we offer a host of challenging global opportunities,
working for top-tier clients across industries.

If you are just starting your career, our international footprint, wide
industry reach, and broad exposure to the latest technologies provides you with
a wide world of opportunities to launch your career in the right direction.

Or maybe you have been there, done that and are looking for new
challenges. Here, at WINTEK TECHNOLOGY, we encourage innovative
thinking and fresh perspectives. We are moving quickly, growing rapidly and
creating value for our stakeholders across the globe. We're always looking for
people who are willing to join us in our quest for excellence.

We are part of one of India’s most respected congerates – WINTEK


We are one of India’s fastest growing companies.

 We give you the opportunity to chart a global career, spanning across 5

 We have a partnership with technology majors, through which you get the
opportunity to work on the latest technologies.
 We are a professionally managed company which empowers its
employees to take decisions and implement new ideas at work place.
 We provide intensive training every year to all the employees at WINTEK
TECHNOLOGY both technical as well as on behavioural leadership.

Our way of life:

Every work day at WINTEK TECHNOLOGY is all about people who

believe they can make an extraordinary difference. This mindset forms the
cornerstone of our culture. As a stakeholder, you shall be expected to meet day
to day challenges with simplicity, while also imbibing creativity and innovation
in your approach.

Our Value Proposition:

Domain Expertise

Proven Capabilities

 Global delivery capabilities

 World-class technical strengths, infrastructure and quality
process maturity
 Robust offshore delivery infrastructure
 Solutions that address customers’ pain areas

Best-of-Breed Talent

 Global multi-cultural workforce, creating an agile and

adaptable organization
 Creation of distributed leadership
 High empowerment and space for people to actualize their

Small Enough To Care and Big Enough To Dare

 Complete relationship flexibility and top management focus

behind every strategic relationship
 Ability to invest in building long-term and fast-scaling
strategic outsourcing partnerships
 Stability and strength of one of India's best run and biggest
corporate and Strong corporate governance.

Commitment Beyond Market

 Triple bottom line reporting on economic, ecological and

social dimensions
 Green partner

Social Responsibility & Accountability:

WINTEK TECHNOLOGY Chennai has become India’s great company

to receive the prestigious Social Accountability (SA) 8000:2008 certification.
SA 8000 is widely accepted as the most viable and comprehensive international
work place management system. This is yet another significant step in our
journey towards excellence and reflects our deep commitment to adopting
global best practices at the work place.


In our constant endeavor to reach people, we follow an open door policy.

New ideas are encouraged and furnished with all help to fructify them. An
internal newsletter is published every month to capture all the activities across
the organization in a snapshot. We strongly believe in the concept of ‘Leadership
Connect’; our senior managers have regular deliberations with employees
through various forums and periodic updates are sent on organizational issues of
importance. Monthly Review meetings are organized where the enabling
functions like administration, human resources & finance etc. Meet the delivery
functions to understand their requirement to create an ever enabling environment
for the employees to excel.

Employee Benefits:

Medical Insurance of self and family

Group life and accident insurance
Free Health Check-up
Higher education sponsorship
Employee referral program
Business referral program
Certification reimbursement
ATM in campus
Transport in night shift
Health care center
Work from Home
Retiral benefits

Employees at WINTEK TECHNOLOGY strongly believe in the 'Work

Hard; Play Harder' attitude. While work at WINTEK TECHNOLOGY is
certainly stimulating and challenging, it is also spaced out with an equal amount
of fun and recreation. To this end, employees are encouraged to extend beyond
their routine jobs. To achieve this objective, a series of initiatives including but
not limited to the following, have been put in place:

Fun Activities

Friday Fun
Informal events like Quiz competitions, one minute games, etc

Cultural Activities

Foundation day celebration

Summer camp for the children of employees
Rangoli, painting, Antakshari, singing competitions etc.

Recreation Facilities

Gymnasium, Squash Court and a Billiards

Training & Development

We actively seize opportunities to keep enhance competencies of our

employees by leveraging our state-of-the-art training facilities and our belief of
facilitating continuous learning.

Our training and development centre is called Epicenter. The Epicenter is

the institution where we sharpen our skill sets, foster innovation and encourage
freedom of thought. It is the institution that symbolizes our aspiration for
excellence in every sphere of functioning through Knowledge/skill


This highly sophisticated centre is equipped with a range of advanced

facilities such as

o A 70-Seater Lecture Theatre

o A 50-Seater Lecture Theatre
o Two 20-Seater Classrooms Synchronized with the Main Lecture
o A 15-Seater conference room with VoIP and video conferencing
o Each lecture theatre and classroom is equipped with state of the art
Audio Visual systems
o Meta Frame Thin Clients at Every Seat Capability of Simultaneous
Work on Multiple operating systems, IDEs, Application Servers
o Well Stocked Library with adequate titles and periodic magazine

Employee Training

Technical training typically includes basic skills for freshers such as

programming language skills, OS principles, SE principles and specific
technology expertise related to various technology areas. Along with Technical
training, we also provide a very comprehensive Certification Program, which
allows our employees to choose from a multitude of technology areas and hone
their skills.

Behavioral training includes soft skills development sessions for the

employees. The programs include workshops on Leadership skills, Customer
Delight, comprehensive course on building Communication skills, Time
Management, Creativity & Innovation, Team Building exercises etc.

It is also very important that our employees have a domain understanding

of business areas we work in. In this regard, we focus on training programs
leading to certification.

We also have a robust E-learning platform titled ‘PROP-EL’, which

caters to the learning needs of our growing & global workforce. Employees
across the globe are able to access this system and undertake trainings in a variety
of subjects at their own time and pace. They can also participate in assessments
and assess their capabilities online.



Meaning of Quality of Work Life (QWL):

Quality of work life refers to the level of happiness or dissatisfaction with

one's career. Those who enjoy their careers are said to have a high quality of work
life, while those who are unhappy or whose needs are otherwise unfilled are said to
have a low quality of work life.

Definition of Quality of Work Life (QWL):

According to J. LIoyd Suttle, “Quality of work life is the degree to

which members of a work organization are able to satisfy important personal
needs through their experiences in the organization.”

QWL could be defined as “The Quality of the relationship between the man
and task.”

Concept of Quality of Work Life (QWL):

QWL is a prescriptive concept, it attempts to design work environments so

as to maximize concern for human welfare. QWL acts in two dimensions.


QWL acts as goal by Creation of more involving, satisfying and effective jobs.
Work environment for people at all levels of the organization.


QWL acts as process by Make efforts to realize this goal through active
participation. The whole essence of QWL may be stated thus, the QWL is co–
operative rather than authoritarian; evolutionary and open rather static and rigid;
informal rather than mechanistic; mutual respect and trust than hatred against each

Objectives of Quality of Work Life (QWL):

The major three main objectives for the QWL are

 Improve employees satisfaction

 Strengthen workplace learning, and
 Better manage on–going chance and transition

Major Issues in QWL:

Jerome M Rosow, president of the Work in American Institute, has identified

seven critical factors which will affect the quality of work life during the years
ahead. These are pay, employee benefits, job security, alternative work schedules,
occupational stress, participation and democracy in the workplace. QWL means
having good supervision, good working conditions, good pay and benefits an
interesting and challenging, and a rewarding job.

1) Pay

QWL is basically built around the concept of equitable pay. In the days ahead,
employees may want to participate in the profits of the firm as will. Employees must
be paid their due share in the progress and prosperity of the firm.

2) Benefits

Workers throughout the globe have raises their expectations over the years
and now feel entitled to benefits that were once considered a part of the bargaining

3) Job Security

Employees want stability of employment. They do not like to be the victims

of whimsical personal policies and stay at the mercy of employers.

4) Alternative Work Schedules

Employees demand more freedom at the workplace, especially in scheduling

their work. Among the alternative work schedules capable of enhancing the quality
of work life for some employees are:

i. Flexi time: A system of flexible working hours,
ii. Staggered hours: Here groups of employees begin and end work at different
iii. Compressed workweek: It involves more hours of work per day for fever
days, per week.
iv. Job enrichment: It attempts to increase a person's level of output by
providing that persons with exciting, interesting, stimulating or
challenging work.
v. Autonomous work groups (AWGs): Here a group of workers will be given
some control of decision-making and have responsibility for a task area
without day-to-day supervision, and with authority to influence and
control both group members and their behavior.
5) Occupational Stress

Occupational mental-health programmes dealing with stress are beginning to

emerge as a new and important aspect of QWL programmes. Obviously, and
individual suffering from an uncomfortable amount of job-related stress cannot
enjoy a high quality of work life. '

6) Worker Participation

Employees have a genuine hunger for participation in organizational issues

affecting their lives. Naturally they demand far more participation in the decision
making process at the workplace.

7) Social Integration

The work environment should provide opportunities for preserving an

employee's personal identify and self-esteem through freedom from prejudice, a
sense of community, interpersonal openness and the absence of stratification in the

8) Work and total life space

A person's work should not overbalance his life. Ideally speaking, work
schedules, career demands and other job requirements should not take up too much
of a person's leisure time and family life.

QWL Programmes:

Adequate & Fair Safe & Healthy Work

Compensation Environment

Development of Growth &

Human Security

Social Integration Constitutionalism

Total Life Space Social Relevance

QWL programmes concentrate on creating a working environment that is

Conductive to the satisfaction of worker needs. This program assumes that a job and
the work environment should be structured to meet as many of the workers needs as
possible. Richard Walton has organized into eight categories. These should be
integrated, coordinated and properly managed.

These programmes are helped to avoid some pitfalls like

 QWL program must be implemented with the co-operation of management

and labour.
 Action plans must be carried to completion.
 Care must be taken to concentrate the focus on the joint objectives of
improving the QWL.

What is QWL?

The term refers to the favorableness or unfavourableness of a total job

environment for people. QWL programs are another way in which organizations
recognize their responsibility to develop jobs and working conditions that are
excellent for people as well as for economic health of the organization. The
elements in a typical QWL program include – open communications, equitable
reward systems, a concern for employee job security and satisfying careers and
participation in decision making. Many early QWL efforts focus on job enrichment.
In addition to improving the work system, QWL programs usually emphasize
development of employee skills, the reduction of occupational stress and the
development of more co-operative labor-management relations.

Human resource departments are involved with efforts to improve

productivity through changes in employee relations. QWL means having good
supervision, good working conditions, good pay and benefits and an interesting,
challenging and rewarding job. High QWL is sought through an employee relations
philosophy that encourages the use of QWL efforts, which are systematic attempts
by an organization to give workers greater opportunities to affect their jobs and their
contributions to the organization’s overall effectiveness. That is, a proactive human
resource department finds ways to empower employees so that they draw on their
“brains and wits,” usually by getting the employees more involved in the decision-
making process.

A Rationale

Job specialization and simplification were popular in the early part of this
century. Employees were assigned narrow jobs and supported by a rigid hierarchy in
the expectation that efficiency would improve. The idea was to lower cost by using
unskilled workers who could be easily trained to do a small, repetitive part of each

Many difficulties developed from that classical job design, however. There
was excessive division of labour. Workers became socially isolated from their co-
workers because their highly specialized jobs weakened their community of interest
in the whole product. De-skilled workers lost pride in their work and became bored
with their jobs. Higher-order (social and growth) needs were left unsatisfied. The
result was higher turnover and absenteeism, declines in quality and alienated
workers. Conflict often arose as workers sought to improve their conditions and
organisations failed to respond appropriately. The real cause was that in many
instances the job itself simply was not satisfying.

Forces for Change

A factor contributing to the problem was that the workers themselves were
changing. They became educated, more affluent (partly because of the effectiveness
of classical job design), and more independent. They began reaching for higher-
order needs, something more than merely earning their bread. Employers now had
two reasons for re-designing jobs and organisations for a better QWL:

Classical design originally gave inadequate attention to human needs.

The needs and aspirations of workers themselves were changing.

Humanized Work Through QWL

One option was to re-design jobs to have the attributes desired by people,
and re-design organisations to have the environment desired by the people. This
approach seeks to improve QWL. There is a need to give workers more of a
challenge, more of a whole task, more opportunity to use their ideas. Close attention
to QWL provides a more humanized work environment. It attempts to serve the
higher-order needs of workers as well as their more basic needs. It seeks to employ
the higher skills of workers and to provide an environment that encourages them to
improve their skills.

Job Enlargement vs. Job Enrichment

The modern interest in quality of work life was stimulated through efforts to
change the scope of people’s jobs in attempting to motivate them. Job scope has
two dimensions – breadth and depth. Job breadth is the number of different tasks
an individual is directly responsible for. It ranges from very narrow (one task
performed repetitively) to wide (several tasks). Employees with narrow job breadth
were sometimes given a wider variety of duties in order to reduce their monotony;
this process is called job enlargement. In order to perform these additional duties,
employees spend less time on each duty. Another approach to changing job breadth
is job rotation, which involves periodic assignment of an employee to completely
different sets of job activities.

Job enrichment takes a different approach by adding additional motivators

to a job to make it more rewarding. It was developed by Frederick Herzberg on the
basis of his studies indicating that the most effective way to motivate workers was
by focusing on higher-order needs. Job enrichment seeks to add depth to a job by
giving workers more control, responsibility and discretion over hoe their job is


The term 'research' refers to a critical, careful and exhaustive investigation
or inquiry of experimentation or examination having as its aim the revision of
accepted conclusion, in the light of newly discovered facts, Research is essentially a
systematic enquiry seeking facts through objective verifiable methods in order to
discover the relationship among them.


The area of the study is limited to employees of ITC INFOTECH INDIA



Descriptive research studies are those studies which are concerned with
describing the characteristics of a particular individual or of a group. Studies
concerned with specific predictions, with narration of facts and characteristics
concerning individual, group or situation are all examples at descriptive research


There are totally


The samples collected for this research is 100 had been taken.


The study was conducted in the time frame of 2nd Feb 2011 to 31st Mar 2011 for


From the perspective of examining the employees in the ITC INFOTECH

INDIA LIMITED, BANGALORE, it appropriate to categorize the information into
two types.

a) Primary data

The research work mainly depends on primary data which are collected from

The primary data includes

o Questionnaire

o Interview schedule

b) Secondary collection

Secondary data is information that is collected for a purpose other than to

solve the specific problem under investigation. The secondary data collected in

o Text book

o Journals and magazines

o Internet

This was the public document under secondary data. These are all published


Sampling is a method of selecting a few items from a particular group to be

obtaining relevant data which help in drawing conclusions regarding the entire
group i.e. population or universe. Among the total employees of ITC INFOTECH,
Samples of 100 employees were selected as per the “stratified random sampling
method” to the researcher in the total population.

The objective of study was to ascertain the quality of work life of the
employees in specific work environment relationship. For this best suited method
was survey method. Hence a questionnaire method is chosen which is free from bias
of the interviewer and large sample can be made use of and thus the result can be
more dependable and reliable. The respondents were employees of ITC INFOTECH


To measure the effectiveness of QWL, Questionnaire method is used. The

questionnaire consists of two sections.

Section 1: collect the personal details about respondents.

Section 2: consists of 20 Questions which deal with QWL.

In this study, structured questionnaire means “a set of questions (statements) which

is administered to the respondents. To assess their attributes, opinion, & information
this is needed for the project.


 The study helps in assisting the employees for the improvement in their
skills and efficiency.
 It improves the organizations effectiveness in the form of employee
retention, employee involvement and also turnover rate.
 It helps in knowing the satisfaction level of employees.


Primary objective

 To study about the Quality of Work Life (QWL) of employees in ITC


Secondary objective

 To find out how quality of work life leads to high satisfaction.

 To know the existing working conditions, Industrial Health and safety
help to improve the quality of work life.
 To study the workers participation in WINTEK TECHNOLOGY,
 To examine how the training and development programmes helps to
improve the quality of work life.
 To know how the various welfare activities and other benefits helps to
bring a better quality of work life.


 Converting qualitative data into quantitative data may often lead to

inaccurate results.
 The respondents may not have expressed their strong negative feelings
about the policies, which results in the error of central tendency.
 Few respondents were reluctant while answering the questions.
 The study was limited to 100 workers only. Hence chances of errors
while making conclusions would be more.
 The respondents were selected based on their time during the survey.


Analysis of data:
This refers to the refinement and manipulation of data that would help at
arriving at inference.
Interpretation of data:
Interpretation has helped in bringing out the meaning of the data or in other
words to convert mere data into information. The climax of the research process is
approached as one prepares to draw conclusion from the data analyzed.
The data collected from the survey wear subjected to statistical analysis
 Percentage analysis
 Weighted average scale
 Chi-Square tests
1. Percentage analysis:
One of the simplest methods of analysis is the percentage method. It is one
of the traditional statistical tools. Through the use of percentage, the data are
reduced in the standard form with the base equal to 100, which facilitates
comparison. The formula used to compute Percentage analysis is,

2. Weighted Average Method:

Weighted average scale is used to analyze the 4point scale options used to
know about the satisfaction level other benefits to improve quality of work life.

Weighted average method = (X1W1 + X2W2 + X3W3+X4W4) /N

3. Chi-Square tests:
It is a measure to study the divergence of actual and expected frequencies. It is
represented by the symbol Ψ2, Greek letter chi. It describes the discrepancy theory
and observation. The formula used is,

Ψ2 = ∑(O-E)2/E

Where "O" is the observed Frequency "E" is the expected Frequency

Table: 1
Following table shows the age group in which the respondent belongs:

Age No. of respondents Percentage

20-25 38 38
26-30 34 34
31-35 16 16
36-40 10 10
Above 40 2 2
Total 100 100
Source – Primary data
From the total number of respondents, 38% belong to the age group of 20-
25, 34% belong to the age group of 26-30, 16% belong to the age group of 31-35
and10% belong to the age group of 36-40 and 2% of the respondents belong to the
age group above 40.

Chart: 1
Following chart shows the age group in which the respondent belongs:

Table 2
Distribution table showing the gender of respondents:

Gender No. of respondents Percentage

Male 72 72
Female 28 28
Total 100 100

Source – Primary data

The above table shows that 72% of the respondents were male and 28% of
the respondents were female.

Chart: 2
Distribution chart showing the gender of respondents:

Table: 3
Following table shows the working experience of respondents:

Experience No. of respondents Percentage

Below 1year 0 0
1-5 years 19 19
5-10 years 24 24
Above 10 years 57 57
Total 100 100

Source – Primary data

From the table, none of the respondents have experience below 1year, 19%
of the respondents belongs to 1-5years, and 24% of the respondents belongs to 5-
10years, 57% of respondents belongs to experience above 10years.

Chart: 3
Following chart shows the working experience of respondents:

Table: 4
Following table shows the Income level of respondents:

Income Level No. of respondents Percentage

Below 15,000 16 16
15,000-25,000 35 35
25,000-35,000 32 32
35,000-45,000 13 13
Above 45,000 4 4
Total 100 100
Source – Primary data
The above table shows that 16% of the respondents earn income below
Rs.15,000, 35% of them earn between Rs.15,000-25,000, 32% of the respondents
earn between Rs.25,000-35,000, 13% of them earn between Rs.35,000-45,000 and
4% of them earn above Rs.45,000.

Chart: 4
Following chart shows the Income level of respondents:

Table: 5
Following table shows satisfaction level of respondents with the general work
environment & the working conditions provided by the company:

Choice No: of Percentage Weighted Value

Respondents Average Scale
Strongly Agree 43 43 4 172

Agree 57 57 3 171

Disagree 0 0 2 0

Strongly Disagree 0 0 1 0

Total 100 100 343

Mean value=343/100=3.43
Source – Primary data
By applying weighted average scale, the mean value is 3.43 which shows
that the respondents strongly agree that they are satisfied with the general work
environment & the working conditions provided by the company.
Chart: 5
Following chart shows satisfaction level of respondents with the general work
environment & the working conditions provided by the company:

Table: 6
Following table shows whether the opportunities for promotions of respondents are

Choice No: of Percentage Weighted Value

Respondents Average Scale
Strongly Agree 46 46 4 184

Agree 51 51 3 153

Disagree 2 2 2 4

Strongly Disagree 1 1 1 1

Total 100 100 342

Mean value=342/100=3.42

Source – Primary data

By applying weighted average scale, the mean value is 3.42 which
shows that the respondents strongly agree that the opportunities for promotions are
Chart: 6
Following chart shows whether the opportunities for promotions of respondents are

Table: 7
Following table shows whether the fringe benefits of respondents provided by the
organization are good:

Choice No: of Percentage Weighted Value

Respondents Average Scale
Strongly Agree 25 25 4 100

Agree 63 63 3 189

Disagree 12 12 2 24

Strongly Disagree 0 0 1 0

Total 100 100 313

Mean value=313/100=3.13
Source – Primary data
By applying weighted average scale, the mean value is 3.13 which
shows that the respondents strongly agree that the fringe benefits provided by the
organization are good.
Chart: 7
Following chart shows whether the fringe benefits of respondents provided by the
organization are good:

Table: 8
Following table shows whether the safety of workers is at high priority:

Choice No: of Percentage Weighted Value

Respondents Average Scale
Strongly Agree 24 24 4 96

Agree 58 58 3 174

Disagree 17 17 2 34

Strongly Disagree 1 1 1 1

Total 100 100 305

Mean value=305/100=3.05
Source – Primary data
By applying weighted average scale, the mean value is 3.05 which
shows that the respondents strongly agree that the safety of workers is at high
Chart: 8
Following chart shows whether the safety of workers is at high priority:

Table: 9
Following table shows whether the work timings of the organization are good:

Choice No: of Percentage Weighted Value

Respondents Average Scale
Strongly Agree 65 65 4 260

Agree 32 32 3 96

Disagree 3 3 2 6

Strongly Disagree 0 0 1 0

Total 100 100 362

Mean value=362/100=3.62
Source – Primary data
By applying weighted average scale, the mean value is 3.62 which
shows that the respondents strongly agree that the work timings of the organization
are good.
Chart: 9
Following chart shows whether the work timings of the organization are good:

Table: 10
Following table shows whether the infrastructure facilities provided to the
respondents are good:
Choice No. of respondents Percentage
Yes 90 90
No 10 10
Total 100 100

Source – Primary data

The above table shows that 90% of the respondents respond that they are
provided with good infrastructure facilities and 10% of them are not.

Chart: 10
Following chart shows whether the infrastructure facilities provided to the
respondents are good:

Table: 10(a)
Following table shows if the infrastructure facilities are good then which one the
respondents mostly like:

Choice No: of Respondents Percentage

First aid 7 7
Canteen 27 27
Lightning & Ventilation 56 56
Others 10 10

Total 100 100

Source – Primary data
The above table shows that if the respondents respond that they are provided
with good infrastructure facilities then in that 7% of the respondents like the first aid
facility, 27% of the respondents like the canteen facility, 56% of the respondents
like the lightning & ventilation facility and 10 % of them like other facilities.
Chart: 10(a)
Following chart shows if the infrastructure facilities are good then which one the
respondents mostly like:

Table: 11
Following table shows whether the job is secured:

Choice No: of Percentage Weighted Value

Respondents Average Scale
Strongly Agree 20 20 4 80

Agree 52 52 3 156

Disagree 27 27 2 54

Strongly Disagree 1 1 1 1

Total 100 100 291

Mean value=291/100=2.91
Source – Primary data
By applying weighted average scale, the mean value is 2.91 which
shows that the respondents agree that their job is secured.

Chart: 11
Following chart shows whether the job is secured:

Table: 12
Following table shows whether the organization provides an opportunity to develop
the respondents own abilities:

Choice No: of Percentage Weighted Value

Respondents Average Scale
Strongly Agree 28 28 4 112

Agree 56 56 3 168

Disagree 15 15 2 30

Strongly Disagree 1 1 1 1

Total 100 100 311

Mean value=311/100=3.11
Source – Primary data
By applying weighted average scale, the mean value is 3.11 which
shows that the respondents strongly agree that the organization provides an
opportunity to develop their own abilities.
Chart: 12
Following chart shows whether the organization provides an opportunity to develop
the respondents own abilities:

Table: 13
Following table shows whether the organization provides enough instruction to get
the job done:

Choice No: of Percentage Weighted Value

Respondents Average Scale
Strongly Agree 25 25 4 100

Agree 45 45 3 135

Disagree 25 25 2 50

Strongly Disagree 5 5 1 5

Total 100 100 290

Mean value=290/100=2.90
Source – Primary data
By applying weighted average scale, the mean value is 2.90 which
shows that the respondents agree that the organization provides enough instruction
to get the job done.
Chart: 13
Following chart shows whether the organization provides enough instruction to get
the job done:

Table: 14
Following table shows whether the organization is providing a high quality tools and
techniques to do the job:

Choice No: of Percentage Weighted Value

Respondents Average Scale
Strongly Agree 53 53 4 212

Agree 46 46 3 138

Disagree 1 1 2 2

Strongly Disagree 0 0 1 0

Total 100 100 352

Mean value=352/100=3.52
Source – Primary data
By applying weighted average scale, the mean value is 3.52 which
shows that the respondents strongly agree that the organization is providing a high
quality tools & techniques to do the job.
Chart: 14
Following chart shows whether the organization is providing a high quality tools and
techniques to do the job:

Table: 15
Following table shows whether the job conditions allow the respondents to be

Choice No: of Percentage Weighted Value

Respondents Average Scale
Strongly Agree 33 33 4 132

Agree 54 54 3 162

Disagree 11 11 2 22

Strongly Disagree 2 2 1 2

Total 100 100 318

Mean value=318/100=3.18
Source – Primary data
By applying weighted average scale, the mean value is 3.18 which
shows that the respondents strongly agree that the job conditions allow them to be
Following table shows whether the training programs help in improving relationship
among employees:

Choice No: of Percentage Weighted Value

Respondents Average Scale
Strongly Agree 29 29 4 116

Agree 64 64 3 192

Disagree 4 4 2 8

Strongly Disagree 3 3 1 3

Total 100 100 319

Mean value=319/100=3.19
Source – Primary data
By applying weighted average scale, the mean value is 3.19 which
shows that the respondents strongly agree that the training programs help in
improving relationship among employees.

Chart: 15
Following chart shows whether the training programs help in improving relationship
among employees:

Table: 16
Following table shows whether the suggestions given by me are always accepted
and motivated by the supervisor:

Choice No: of Percentage Weighted Value

Respondents Average Scale
Strongly Agree 28 28 4 112

Agree 60 60 3 180

Disagree 12 12 2 24

Strongly Disagree 0 0 1 0

Total 100 100 316

Mean value=316/100=3.16
Source – Primary data
By applying weighted average scale, the mean value is 3.16 which
shows that the respondents strongly agree that the suggestions given by them are
always accepted and motivated by the supervisor.

Chart: 16
Following chart shows whether the suggestions given by me are always accepted
and motivated by the supervisor:

Table: 17
Following table shows whether the respondents feel their work stressful:

Choice No: of Percentage Weighted Value

Respondents Average Scale
Always 29 29 4 116

Often 64 64 3 192

Sometimes 6 6 2 12

Never 1 1 1 1

Total 100 100 321

Mean value=321/100=3.21
Source – Primary data
By applying weighted average scale, the mean value is 3.21 which
shows that the respondents always feel their work stressful.

Chart: 17
Following chart shows whether the respondents feel their work stressful:

Table: 18
Following table shows how the respondents rank their motivational insights:

Insights Total Mean
5 4 3 2 1 Rank
no Score Score

28 26 26 14 6
a) Interesting Work 356 3.56 1
140 104 78 28 6
34 24 10 16 16
b) Recognition 344 3.44 2
170 96 30 32 16
9 22 23 24 22
c) Awards & Rewards 272 2.72 4
45 88 69 48 22
10 12 20 17 41
d) Compensation 233 2.33 5
50 48 60 34 41
19 16 21 29 15
e) Friendly Co-workers 295 2.95 3
95 64 63 58 15

Total 100 100 100 100 100

Table: 18(a)
Following table shows ranked mean scores of their motivational insights:

Sl. no Insights Mean scores Rank

a) Interesting Work 3.56 1

b) Recognition 3.44 2

c) Friendly Co-workers 2.95 3

d) Awards & Rewards 2.72 4

e) Compensation 2.33 5

Source – Primary data


After analyzing using weighted average scale, it was found that the mean
score for all the 5 motivational insights are above 2.

 The insight interesting work has been ranked first place by the respondents.
 The insight recognition has been ranked second place by the respondents.
 The insight friendly co-workers has been ranked third place by the
 The insight awards & rewards has been ranked fourth place by the
 The insight compensation has been ranked fifth place by the respondents.

Chart: 18(a)
Following chart shows how the respondents rank their motivational insights:

Chi-square Tests

Table: 19
Following table shows the relationship between experience & promotions:
Experience Total
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1-5years 9(8.74) 10(9.69) 0(0.38) 0(0.19) 19
5-10years 11(11.04) 12(12.24) 0(0.48) 1(0.24) 24
Above 10years 26(26.22) 29(29.07) 2(1.14) 0(0.57) 57
Total 46 51 2 1 100


There is no significant relationship between the working experience of

workers and their opinion about promotions.

Calculated Value=4.6999

Table Value at 0.05 significant level=12.592

Degrees of Freedom=(r-1) (c-1) = (3-1) (4-1) = 6

Table value is greater than the calculated value. So, hypothesis is accepted.
Therefore, there is no significant relationship between the working experience of
workers and their opinion about promotions.

Table: 20
Following table shows the relationship between income level & fringe benefits:
Fringe Benefits
Income Level (In Strongly Agree Disagree Total
Rs) Agree
Below 15,000 4(4) 10(10.08) 2(1.92) 16
15,000-25,000 9(8.75) 22(22.05) 4(4.2) 35
25,000-35,000 8(8) 20(20.16) 4(3.84) 32
35,000-45,000 3(3.25) 9(8.19) 1(1.56) 13
Above 45,000 1(1) 2(2.52) 1(0.48) 4
Total 25 63 12 100

There is no significant relationship between the income level of workers and

their opinion about fringe benefits.

Calculated Value=0.9994

Table Value at 0.05 significant level=21.026

Degrees of Freedom=(r-1) (c-1) = (5-1) (4-1) = 12



From the analysis the researcher found that the quality of work life of
employees is good.

Most of the respondents responded are male within the age group of 20-25
having working experience above 10 years who are earning a income level
between Rs15,000-25,000.
Majority of the respondents strongly agree that they are satisfied with the
general work environment & the working conditions provided by the
Most of the respondents strongly agree that the opportunities for
promotions are good.
Majority of the respondents strongly agree that the fringe benefits provided
by the organization are good.
Most of the respondents strongly agree that the safety of workers is at high
Majority of the respondents strongly agree that the work timings of the
organization are good.
Most of the respondents respond that they are provided with good
infrastructure facilities.
Majority of the respondents like the lightning & ventilation facility.
Most of the respondents agree that their job is secured.
Majority of the respondents strongly agree that the organization provides an
opportunity to develop their own abilities.
Most of the respondents agree that the organization provides enough
instruction to get the job done.
Majority of the respondents strongly agree that the organization is
providing a high quality tools & techniques to do the job.
Most of the respondents strongly agree that the job conditions allow them
to be productivity.


• Quality of Work Life (QWL) & Employee Satisfaction (2012),

Kunal Gaurav

• Employment Law for Human Resource Practice (South-Western

Legal Studies in Business) , David J. Walsh

• V.K. Varadachari's Legal Fictions, Vepa P. Sarathi

• Production and Operations Management, S. Chary

• Principles Of Management (2004), Koontz

• Production Planning and Control with SAP (2007), Jorg Thomas


• Operations Management(2008), Second Edition, Albert Porter

• Excel Models for Business and Operations Management(2006),

John F. Barlow


I am Baiju G S doing MBA in Madras university, Chennai. As a part of my MBA

curriculum I am doing a project study under the title “A Study about Quality of work life
of employees of Wintek Technology India Pvt Ltd., Chennai”. All the information that
you provide will be used only for academic purpose and will be kept highly confidential.
(Please tick mark on relevant option)


1) Age :-
20-25 26-30 31-35
36-40 Above 40
2) Gender :-
Male Female
3) Experience :-
Below 1 year 1-5 years
5 – 10 years Above 10years
4) Income (In Rs1000) :-
Below 15 15 – 25 25 – 35
35 – 45 Above 45
5) I am satisfied with the general work environment & the working conditions
provided by the company.
Strongly Agree Agree
Disagree Strongly Disagree

6) The opportunities for promotions are good.

Strongly Agree Agree
Disagree Strongly Disagree

7) Fringe benefits are good in the organization.
Strongly Agree Agree
Disagree Strongly Disagree
8) The safety of workers is at high priority.
Strongly Agree Agree
Disagree Strongly Disagree
9) The work timings of the organization are good.
Strongly Agree Agree
Disagree Strongly Disagree
10) Does the infrastructure facilities provided are good?
Yes No
If yes, which of the following do you like?
First aid Canteen
Lightning & Ventilation Others
11) The job is secured.
Strongly Agree Agree
Disagree Strongly Disagree
12) The organization provides an opportunity to develop my own abilities.
Strongly Agree Agree
Disagree Strongly Disagree
13) The organization provides enough instruction to get the job done.
Strongly Agree Agree
Disagree Strongly Disagree
14) The organization is providing a high quality tools and techniques to do the
Strongly Agree Agree
Disagree Strongly Disagree
15) Conditions the job allows me to be productive.
Strongly Agree Agree
Disagree Strongly Disagree

16) I am treated with respect in the workplace.
Strongly Agree Agree
Disagree Strongly Disagree
17) I am proud to be a part of ITC.
Strongly Agree Agree
Disagree Strongly Disagree
18) The supervisor is concerned about the welfare activities of the employees.
Strongly Agree Agree
Disagree Strongly Disagree
19) The supervisor is helpful to me in getting the job done.
Strongly Agree Agree
Disagree Strongly Disagree
20) The training opportunities have really helped in improving quality of
Strongly Agree Agree
Disagree Strongly Disagree
21) The training programs help in improving relationship among employees.
Strongly Agree Agree
Disagree Strongly Disagree
22) The suggestions given by me are always accepted and motivated by the
Strongly Agree Agree
Disagree Strongly Disagree
23) How often do you feel work stressful?
Always Often
Sometimes Never

24) Rank the following motivational insights:-
Sl.No Insights Rank
1) Interesting Work
2) Recognition
3) Awards & Rewards
4) Compensation
5) Friendly Co-workers

25) Your valuable suggestions to improve Quality of work life?


************ Thank You! ************


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