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ITM UNIVERSITY GWALIOR BOARD OF STUDY 2019 DEPARTMENT COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONSiter ‘GWALIOR-MP-INDIA, Dated: 28/01/2019 Minutes of Meeting (BOS) Meeting of Board of Studies in CS&A School Name: School of Engineering & Technology of ITM University Gwalior held on 28/01/2019 in Conference Hall, MG Block Ground floor. The following members were present: S.No. | Name Designation _| Signature '- | Dr. Ranjeet Singh Tomar Dean, SOET 2. | Dr. Santosh Sharma Dean, Academic a | 3. | Dr. Pallavi Khatri Chairperson POD 4. | De. Sanjay Jain Member 5. | Ms. Geetanjali Surange Member Alas 6. | Dr. Shashi Kant Gupta Member 7 |r. Arun Yadav Member Aer 8. | Dr. Deepak Motwani Member 0 9. | Mr. Ashish Tripathi Member has 10. | Mr. Kapil Sharma Member ue , Me” | Mr. HN. Verma Member 12. ee Dr. Kapil Govil Member . 13. | Mr. K.K. Joshi Member 14. | De. Sanjeev Sharma Member [se 15. | Dr. RS. Jadon, Professor & Head, Expert MITS, Gwalior ZO\1 16. | De. Rajesh Doriya,Assistant Professor _| Expert : NIT Raipur 17. lbp. R. S. Rao, Associate Professor , | Expert AIACTR New Delhi ¢hcn (GWALIOR.MP-INDIA Board of Studies, 2019 Department of Computer Science and Applications Agenda for B.O.S 1 Proposed Scheme and Syllabi of Specialization in B.Tech (CSE) course. a, Scheme of Specialization in Cyber forensics b. Scheme Specialization in Cloud computing ©. Scheme Specialization in Data Science and Machine Learning 2.Syllabi of B. Tech, B. Tech (Hons.) 5" to 8" Semester for Batch 2018-2022, B. Tech + M. Tech (Int.), B. Tech (Hons.) + M. Tech (Int.) 5" to 10" Semester for batch 2018-2023 have been approved. 3.Scheme of examination B. Tech, B. Tech (Hons.), B. Tech +M. Tech (Int.), B. Tech (Hons.) + M. Tech Int.), M. Tech, MCA, BCA and BCA (Hons.) for 2019 batch has been approved. 4.Syllabi of examination B. Tech, B. Tech (Hons.), B. Tech + M. Tech (Int.), B. Tech (Hons.) + M. Tech Int.), M. Tech, MCA, BCA and BCA (Hons.) for 2019 batch has been approved. pee isINVITATION LETTER for BOS (Department of CS&A) ITM UNIVERSITY GWALIOR. January 24,2019 To, Dr. R. S. Jadon Professor Department of Computer Se. and Engineering, M.LT.S. Gwalior Subject: Board of Studies (BOS) meeting of Department of Computer Science & Applications scheduled on 28/01/2019. Respected Sir, In the above mentioned subject, this is to bring to your kind notice the meeting of BOS will be held on January 28, 2019 at 10:00 AM in the conference room, MG Block, Turari Campus, ITM University Gwalior. The agenda of the BOS meeting is to finalise the scheme and syllabus of various courses of Department of Computer Science & Applications for the upcoming session of July-2019. Your kind presence in the meeting will highly oblige us. Thanking You Dy — Incharge-Chairman BOS Dept. of CS&A ITM University Gwalior (M.P.) Copy to: PA to Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, ITM University, Gwalior PA to Register, ITM University, Gwalior Dean, SOET, ITM University, Gwalior HOD, CS&A . Academic SectionINVITATION LETTER for BOS (Department of CS&A) ITM UNIVERSITY GWALIOR January 24, 2019 To, Dr. Vrijendra Singh Associate Professor Department of Information Technology, INT Allahabad Subject: Board of Studies (BOS) meeting of Department of Computer Science & Applications scheduled on 28/01/2019. Respected Sir, In the above mentioned subject, this is to bring to your kind notice the meeting of BOS will be held on January 28, 2019 at 10:00 AM in the conference room, MG Block, Turari Campus, ITM University Gwalior. The agenda of the BOS meeting is to finalise the scheme and syllabus of various courses of Department of Computer Science & Applications for the upcoming session of July-2019. Your kind presence in the meeting will highly oblige us. Thanking Yo king You Dr. a Incharge-Chairman BOS Dept. of CS&A ITM University Gwalior (M.P.) Copy to: PA to Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, ITM University, Gwalior PA to Register, ITM University, Gwalior Dean, SOET, ITM University, Gwalior HOD, CS&A Academic SectionINVITATION LETTER (Department of CS&A) ITM UNIVERSITY GWALIOR, January 23, 2019 To, Dr. Ram Shringar Rao Associate Professor Department of Computer Se, and Engineering, Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technologies & Research (AIACTR), Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Dethi-11003 Subject: Board of Studies (BOS) meeting of Department of Computer Science & Applications scheduled on 28/01/2019 and Expert Lecture on topic “Cloud based Vehicular Adhoc Networks” scheduled on 29/01/2019. Respected Sir, In the above me ined subject, this is to bring to your notice the meeting of BOS will be held on January 28, 2019 at 10:00 AM in the conference room, MG Block, Turari Campus, ITM. University, Gwalior and Expert Lecture on topic “Cloud based Vehicular Adhoc Networks” will be held on January 29, 2019 at 10:00 AM, ITM University, Gwalior, Turari Campus. The agenda of the BOS meeting is to finalise the scheme and syllabus of various courses of Department of Computer Science & Applications for the session 2019. Your kind presence in the meeting will highly oblige us. * Dr. Pallavi Khatri oat men Incharge-Chaig Dept. ofc pute ea ITM Univer Be Giitasext Copy to: PA to Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, ITM University, Gwalior PA to Register, ITM University, Gwalior Dean, SOET, ITM University, Gwalior HOD, CS&A Academic SeLTMU/H00/esa /jo21/2019 our. 26S si itu [over | 132 Sslos 7014 Tada /ie-o1 | OFFICE OF THE Vic CHANCELLOR Date: 14.1.2019 j lnward Ref, No. veo? ILS”. To, ‘The Dean SOET ITM University Gwalior Sub: Approval required for Board of Studies Meeting-2019 and budget for BOS. Respected Sir, As the technology is changing frequently, we have to keep updating our curriculum accordingly. Now a day's most of the work is going in Data Sciences, Cloud Computing and Cyber Forensic. For this session we are going to start three specialization in B.Tech., CSE, as follows 1. Cloud Computing 2. Data Science and Machine Learning 3. Cyber Security and Forensic Science ‘We want to conduct BOS meeting on 28, Jan, 2019 with two experts of specialization courses Dr. R.R. Janghel form NIT Raipur and Dr. R.S. Rao from AIACTR., Delhi. You are requested to give the approval for same. Trkerast Meters 9 GOS (4) Br. RS Taden, mrrs Goraior @) OF. Vijeudre, ZTTTA, AUsbabad Regards owe Dr. Pallavi Khatri jp A HOD, Department of CSA onde ae wet Ay oper Q ia hn, orBudget Department of CSA Board of Studies-2019 S.no_| Particulars __ Amount 1 [Honorarum ———=*i «83 000/-@N) | 12000/- = 2 [Tapa [As per actual 3 | Lunch | As per actual 4 | Miscellaneous Expenses 500/; | Total 12500/- (Appx) | Please sanction advance Rs. of 2000/- for smooth conduction of me Regards ow wo ct Dr. Pallavi Khatri vo ios, beeen che ot p st w a Ae apne i acer bB.TECH. 2019 NEW COURSESiv 23,29- 01-2019 ( ees ae BATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering with specialization in Data Science and Machine Learning ‘Semester: 1 ‘credits Allotted Maximum Marks Allotied it 'S. | Subject Total os ces | subject ame Theory Slot Practical Slot oat | Peed PerWeek | ei | Remarks End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam class | Endsem. | progressive | internal | wiarks| . | > | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam Evaluation Viva 1 | mato101| Catculus for Engineers 40 30 30 40 30 3 | 2] sfo|f2| 4 Principles of Electrical 2 |eevo101 40 30 30 40 30 ao | 200] 2}a1]2] 4 Engineering Environmental Science & 4 ED erect bey 40 30 30 40 30 30) ieaootl| 2 arie2 4 |csto101 ean laa 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 2 0 2 3 Technology 5. | ev0102 | Engineering Mechanics 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 ]2{1{2|] 4 6 [csPo101 | Programming Concepts “0 30 30 | wo | olols| s Total Credits] 22 : a ‘A os vYodeo Va A XW pov "Minimum Passing Mart in ng Semester Exam: 12 in Teor and 20 (in Practical) wy werSTUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME UNIVERSITY Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering with specialization in Data Science and Machine Learning (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2019-2023 Semester: 2 Credits allotted Maximum Marks Allotted riaieseaes| S. | Subject Total Subject Name Practical Slot riod Per Week Remarks asl cect | subi Theory Slot oat | PetodPereek | 7 | Rema Endsem. | Midsem. Exam [Gass | Endsem. | Progressve | Internal | warts | 1 | 7 | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average)| Participation exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 Jecto201 | Basic Electronics 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20] 2fal2|« 2 [ mavoz0s | statistics for Engineers 40 30 30 wof2{if2|« Communication Skil 3 |HULO201 Col ei oer 40, 30 30 40, 30 30 200 2 1 2 4 4 |Putoz01 | Engineering Physics 40 30 30 40 20 3 | 20] 2fal2| 4 5 |Moz02 | web architecture and Desien | ao = Ee a = =e | a eo 6 |csP0203 Cae Oriented - 40 30 30, 100 oO 0 6 3 Programming with C++ Total Credits] 23 Ay Ryo oy Minimum Passing Marks in End Semester Exam: 12 in Theor) ane 20 (i raciali i] onl ey 2 = im! ba go fil mi > Sil 2 BATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering with specialization in Data Science and Machine Learning Semester: 3 Credits Allotted imum Marks Allotted Maximum Mat eRe Oa s. | subject Total a iod Per Remar tal cect | subject Name ‘Theory Slot Practical Slot oat | Perea Perweek | 7, | Remarks End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam ass | EndSem. | Progressive | internal] warts | | | p Exam_ | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation| Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 | mAL0305 | Discrete Structures 40 30 30 = : - [ao fafafo| « 2 | csP0204 | Java Programming 5 2 40 30 x | 10 /efa|lg| 4 3 | CSLO306 pena system 40 30 30 40, 30 30 200 3 1 2 s Organization Data Structures & 4 |cst03s7 40 30 30 40 30 x | 2 )2]afa]s Applications 5 |[csi0358 | software Engineering 40 30 30 z : =| wo falalol« 6. | CSPO307 pescer ey 40, 30 30 100 oO 0 4 2 Programming E Total Credits| 24 ut e 40 0 - : EF 100 |2 Rt {Competitive Examinations) ia ig im Course as NY aoe es CeSTUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2019-2023 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering with specialization in Data Science and Machine Learning Semester: 4 Credits Allotted Maximum Marks Allotted (subject Wise) s.| subject Total Pract Period Per Week Sacks tal cout | subject Name Theory Slot ical Slot ae feck | tins | Re EndSem.| MidSem.txam | Gass | Endem. | Progressive | Internal | warks |, | 4 | p Exam | (Two Tests Average) |Participation| Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 |cst0%09 | Artificiat ntetigence 40 30 30 40 30 30 | a0 fa fal2|] s 2 |cstoaz7 | bata science and Data Mining] 40 30 30 wo | afafo| 4 3 [estoass | Operating System 40 30 30 40 30 zo | 20 |3faf2]s 4 |CsLo460 Ont Coaip eon me 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 3 4. 2 s Computer Networks Database Man: ‘5 |csLo407 4 a 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 2 1 4 s system 6 [csPozos | Python for data Sciences 40 30 30 | wo | ofofs| 2 Total Credits| 26 [Mathematical Aptitude & ‘audit 7 x ceanoaos} ana 40 30 30 100 | 2 Eo) ae Ww LZ |winimur Passing Mars in Endl Semester Exam: 12 (in Theory and 20 (in Pract)wy 52 ih sun | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 |cs10770 | Big Data Analytics 40 30 30 40 30 90] 2008 | 8 lista |e: 2 |csto767 | cloud computing 40 30 30 - - ; 100 | 3 of 4 'cst0768_ | Deep Learning 40 30 30 40 30 so [e20-[ a [a [2 os 4 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20/3 fafol a 5 |csoo702 40 30 30 | 10 lolfolsel a 6 |cspo707 40 30 30 | wo fololz| « Total Credits) 28 List of Elective -1 Subjects [CSE0771 Speech Processing [cSE07782 Computer Vision [CSE0773 Natural Language Processing Ow Y oe weeBATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering with specialization in Data Science and Machine Learning Semester: 8 Credits Allotted ‘Maximum Marks Allotted lean S. | Subject Total noc! cote | Subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot ovat | Pertod Per eek | cies] Remarks End Sem.| Mid Sem. Exam lass | End Sem. | Progressive | internal | marks| , | | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 |cspo805. | Major Project-t 40 30 30 | 10 | o | o | 38] 09 2. |cs00806 | Seminar 50 so | 10] 0 fo |4]| oz es ecarEeeSy z Total Credits| 11 * Wy ae 12 {in Theory) and 20 (in—— = 28-2901. 2019 c € Oe na BATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering specialization in Cyber forensics Credits Allotted r ‘Maximum Marks Allotted faeces S. | Subject Total Sle Practical Slot r Week Remarks Nol code. | Subieet Name Theory Slot aga (area aaa End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam lass | End Sem. | Progressive | Internal | marks | y | 7 | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 | mato10a| Calculus for Engineers 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20/3 fof2| 4 2 |eeto101 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 | 2]a]2] 4 3} ESLO101 Eonar Science & 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 2 1 2 4 Pollution Control Essentials of Information 4 |csto101 40 30 30 40 30 ao | 2007] 20 oats Technology 5 |Met0101 | Engineering Mechanics 40 30 30 40 30 20," 200] vai | a aie 6 ‘cSP0101 | Programming Concepts : : : 40 30 30 | 10 | o [ole] 3 Total Credits) 22 qm a yw ss» ¢ Lo ~ ‘Marks in EndUNIVERSITY STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering BATCH: 2019-2023 Jalization ji i Semester: 2 Specialization in Cyber forensics cred Alloa Maximum Marks Allotted {Subject Wise) s.| sujet rota S| StH | suojct name Theory St Pract ot vam [etodPereak |! naar End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam Class | EndSem. | Progressive | internal | wiarks| , | 7 | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | | Exam Evaluation | Viva 1 [ctor [ a econ © 29 » | o | » | » |m|2|:|7|* 2 [maton | Sits tor fnginces | 0 2 39 wfetslal 2 |eucor |ommunetenstaes 4g » wo | | «2 | » | am)2].2] 4 [Po2o4 | Engnerng Phys % % » | ° |» |» )=|?lsl2|- 5 [stone | weo rnnecre ane Desen | ap z zai lal ema ae Ce aa 6 | csP0203 ceeeelene 40 30 30 100 0 o}6 3 Programing with #P Tools| 23 he. yy Ve Py ae gw y.Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2019-2023 Balt ait Semester: 3 Specialization in Cyber forensics Credits Allotted Maximum Marks Allotted {Subject Wise) S. | Subject Total Name r Week ks nas] cea | Sublect Nam Theory Slot Practical Slot rat | Pete cans Fe™2 End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam lass | End em. | Progressive | internal | marks| , | 7 | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 | mato30s | viserete structures 40 30 30 wo} afifo| « Principles of Cyber 2 | estos 40 30 30 30 | 2} afij2| s & oF | scat > - 3 |cst0306 | Operating System 40 30 30 40 30 3 | 20fsfal2|s Data 4 | CSLO3S7 eerste 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 a 1 4 5 Applications 5 |cst03se | computer Networks 40 30 30 - wo fafifo| 4 6. | csP0308 | Java Programming - 40 30 30 | 10 fofo|l«| 2 Total Credits| 25 NON 7 | CEELO301. Sena nee =| 40 30 30 100 |2 Joz CGPA (Competitive Examinations) ee & NY be Ow Minimum Passing Mar in End Semester Exam: 12 (io Theory) and 20 (in Practical) hy ss, GoBATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 4 Specialization in Cyber forensics Maximum Marks Allotted oer (Subject Wise) s.| subject Total ject Name iod Per Week fies faaetes ‘Subject Nz ‘Theory Slot Practical Slot. Peal Period Per its Remarks Endsem.| Midsem.exam | Gass | End'sem.| Progressive | internal | marcs| , | y | p Exam _ | (Two Tests’ Average) |Participation| &xam | Evaluation | Viva 1 [mato409 | Engineering Mathematics-1v | 40 30 30 é Sn | doa eeaial ata | MOK eae 2 |csto427 nies Network 0 20 30 os oe 50. 2001 a 2 2 5 Silioss | Puree 40 30 30 40 30 3 | 2 |3]1f2|s ganization NAW Security and Ny 4 | CSLO460 te ‘ ys wy 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 3 1 2 5 Vulnerability Analysis s |e: |r 40 30 30 40 30 mo? ean a ieee aia |e al oa ystem 6 |cspoa0s | Server Side Programming 40 30 x | 10 /ofo|l«| 2 Total Credits| 26 NON - IceaRnsoa|e esters! apeteide &: 30 30 - . - 100 2 - 02 CGPA IReasoning-1 ee pester Exar: 12 (in Theory ew & a TsName of Course: Specialization in Cyber forensics UNIVERSITY STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) . Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering BATCH: 2019-2023 Semester: 5 Credits Allotted Maximum Marks allotted un Matte (Subject Wise) s. | subject Total Period Per Rey | SERRE | subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot oat |PETOdPerWeek | cea) Remark EndSem.| _ Mid Sem. Exam Gass | EndSem. | Progressive | internal | marks), | y | p exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | valuation | Viva 1 |csto508 | Data mining 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 {3fil2|] s Digital Forensies and 2 |cswos22 | analytics 40 30 30 wo} 3]afo| « 3 [csio5i6 | Theory of Computation | 40 30 30 wo fafafo| +4 Design and Ana 4 Jesssso [Detmenaamainsot |g x » | «| » |» |mlsfala]s 5 [cst0560 | pc Forensics 40 30 30 wo] sfafo| 4 6 |csP0506 | Programming with Python 40 30 30 | wo [ofole| 3 Total Credits] 25 NON General Engi 7 |ceevoson| ey 40 30 100 [2 loz | copa (Compatine Examination) course WY JeUNIVERSITY STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering Specialization in Cyber forensics BATCH: 2019-2023 Semester: 6 earns Sais Aon 15 | SE | subject name Theory aa Praca sie vas [Petre | nema hae | peste ocean een le 7 fesaees | manor ra 0 30 aogial tapi | dasamsa] aor emery a [iailizs|ics 2 [esioss2 | cone besten 70 30 30 wm ]s}afel 3 [esses 7 30 2» f «|» |» |wfefalal ‘eae Lo = eave 5 [esioess | Sor computing 7 30 30 m/[2l2bels 6 [es006or | winor rot «|» |» [aw tole. s Tost eatsl 24 7 [eeanoco)Mathematealaotde | yg x0 x soo | 2 2 om as yy By aBATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Semester: 7 Credits Allotted Maxir Marks Allotted mines (Subject Wise) S. | Subject Total Wal | hese ‘Subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot nh Period Per Week credits Remarks EndSem.| Mid Sem. Exam Class | End sem. | Progressive | Internal | marks| , | + | p Bam (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam Evaluation: Viva Cyber forensics and Cyber 1 | csLo766 e oo 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 3 1 oO 4 Laws Wireless and Mobile esto767 | 40 30 30 : : : wo} 3s] afo] 4 3 Elective =| “0 30 30 : : 2) sa000| ania tlnou[ns 4 Elective = 40 30 30 40 30 30 [2 [sfalz|s ‘Major Project (Cyber S |csp0702 7 ” ov 40 30 30 100 o 0 8 4 Forensics) Total Credits| 21 (1) €SE0770 COMPUTER CRIME INVESTIGATION AND (2) 1771. Information Security List of Elective -1 Subjects (3) CS€0772 Information Warefare FORENSICS [{Sovernanee (3) CSE0773 E-PRIVACY: PRIVACY AND TRUST IN THE Beara PRA st of Elective -2 Subjects | ELECTRONIC SOCIETY 074 Internet of Things Securty |) w\ PREVENTION SYSTEMSUNIVERSITY BATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering ee : Semester: 8 Sp tion in Cyber forensics Maximum Marks Allotted_ ‘Gest Ae oer (Subject Wise) s. | subject Total nol crc | Subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot ota | Peed er Week| ein |temarts End Sem.| Mid Sem. Exam class | Endsem. | Progressive | internal | marks | , | _ | p exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 |cs00805 | major Projects 40 30 30 | 10 | o | o [as| o 2 [espoa0s | seminar 50 so | 10 | o|ofa|] o Total Credits| 11 [Minimum Passing Marks in End Semester Exam: 12 in Theory] and 20 (ln2829_01—2919 l oa 2 Il Epa Sal aH o é STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2019-2023 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering with specialization in Cloud Computing Semester: 1 Credits Allotted ‘Maximum Marks Allotted (Subject wise) 5. | subject Total Practica Slot Period Per e.| Peele | subject name ‘Theory Slot nes Week | | Remarks End Sem. | _ Mid Sem. Exam Gass | End sem] Prosresive | internal | mans | y | 7 | p Exam _| (Two Tests’ Average) | Partcipation| Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 | ato101| Calculus for Engineers 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20] 3|o|2| 4 2 |ecvoros | Prnciles of lectrcal 40 30 30 40 30 ao: | 20 | 2 | a || ell 4 Engineering 2 |i ee 40 30 30 40 30 3 | 2 |2/1)/2] 4 Polistion Con 4 [ess [es meen 40 30 20 40 30 x | 20] 2]o)2] 3 Technology 5 | Meto101| Engineering Mechanics “0 30 30 40 30 wo | m[2[a)2] 4 6 |c5P0102 | Programming Concepts 40 30 x | 10]ofole| 3 Total Greits| 22 vAserlu meoww~sKk ye Minimum Passing Marks n End Semester Exar: 12 (in Theory) and 20 (Practical)2 2 2 222 Nomina ska BATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering with specialization in Cloud Computing Semester: 2 ‘Credits Allotted Maximum Marks Allotted ee (subject Wise) ‘S. | Subject: Total hol cece, | Sublect Name Theory Slot Practical slot nar [Peto Per Week | tig Remarks End em. | MidSem.txam | class | Endsem. | Progressive | internal | pranks |. | y | p Exam _ | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam Evaluation Viva 1 [ecio201 | Basic Electronics 40 30 30 40 30 wo | 2of2{1f2|{ 4 2 | MaLo203 | Statistics For Engineers 40 30 30 : ao [2 [a [2 | @ r a] Mocs ere 40 30 30 40 30 a [ao fi2|a|2| 4 Colloquium 4 |PHt0z01 | Engineering Physics 40 30 30 40 30 x | 2 )2{1f2| 4 [110202 | web architecture and Design | 4g o a a > a aes Tae le ‘Object Oriented 6 |csPo203 40 30 3 | 10) ofofe| 3 Programming with C++ Total Credits] 23 Me Y X\ Cacips ‘winimum Passing Marks in End Semester Exam: 12 (in Theory) and 20 (in Pracai i UNIVERSITY BATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering with specialization in Cloud Computing Semester: 3 Credits Allotted ‘Maximum Marks Allotted nage es) s. | subject Total Subject Theory Slot slot Period Per We rks ae] eee | subject name ry Practical Se er Week | TOM, | Rema End Sem. | Mid Sem, Exam Gass | Endsem.| progressive | internal | avarts |. | 7 | p Exam_ | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | fxam | Evaluation | Viva 1 | mAL0305 | Discrete structures 40 30 30 Z : eo) ane [ee | a(t (ics 2 | csto3o1 40 30 30 40 30 3 | 2] 3]af2]s Management 3 | cst0ase_ | software Engineering 40 30 30 40 30 a [aris la hel s 4 |estoasy_| Data Structures & 40 20 30 40 30 » | wmlelatel s Applications Computer System 5 |cstoaao | Computer Svs 40 30 30 40 30 3 | 2] afal2]s Organization 6. |csPo308 | Programming with Java 5 : : 40 30 x | 10 ]olofla|l 2 Total Credits] 26 audit 7 |ceet0301} . Ei A {Competitive Examinations) |*° fe bales fa course Se ncaes YE et Ye Ge Q “Minimum Passing Marksin End Semester Exam: 12(in Theory nd 20 (i Practical== UNIVERSIT: BATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering with specialization in Cloud Computing Semester: 4 Credits Allotted Maximum Marks Allotted oe S. | Subject Total S| SuBe | sunect name Theory Sot Practical Sot von [Peed ere | 70 | Remar End sem] Midsem. exam | cass | endsem.| Progressive | tteral | wrrks |, | | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) |Participation| Exam | Evaluation | Viva lotr 1 | csto4o2 rarecction to Cloud 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 3 . 2 5 Computing & virtualization , > lesioaay | isibuted and Paral a = . : eo ror Computing 3 |cs10406 | operating System 20 30 30 : : > jaols|apeo| « 4 | CSLO460, eee ee 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 i. bE 2 5 Computer Networks atabase Management 5S | csto407 ee xd a 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 a \ 4 5 system 6 |CSPO405 neous Apelor sith 40 30 30 100 oO oO 4 2 ANDROID 7 |csP0406 | Linux Programming ab = P ; ry 30 30 | 0] o|o|«| 2 Total Creats| 27 [Mathematical Aptitude & ‘ult 7 ceanoaoa)Matremati 0 20 30 é : - |aofa2] - oe a 4 wv eS + eet RY aco Minimum Passing Marks in nd Sort ory and 20 (in acta) ? (oseSTUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering with specialization in Cloud Computing BATCH: 2019-2023 Semester: 5 Credits Alotted Aloted Maximum Marks poradies s. | subject Total sul ot Per Remarks No. cade ibject Name ‘Theory Sic Practical Slot oesd Period Per Week Credits Endsem.| Wwidsem tram | clas |EndSem. | Progresshe [erat |wons| | > | fxam_| (TwoTests Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva rmputer Graphic an 1 | csLosos Foire cae 40 30 30, 40 30 30 200 3 1 2 5 Multimedia cryptography and cstosee ” 30 30 : wo} 3s|alo|] « Network Security 2 [cstosis | Theory of computation | 40 30 30 a ee ae Design and Anal 4 |CSLosso aad 40, 30 30 40 30 30 200 3 1 2 5 Algorithms Cloud Storage 5 |cstosox ” 30 x0 4 wx | 3 | m|s]rf2|s Technologies © |csr0506 | Programming with Pihon ~ ~» | 0 | mfolole|s Total credits] 26 General English =i uit 7 |ceetosox 40 2 2 ‘ann (Competitive Examinations) iad 0 fa ° |Course \ 2 4 i : S| q a anh WK \- ra: 5 Gx imum Passing Mansi ‘ch 12 Teor 20 fn Prati a QoHi Sil < mn = HN vm < im ia c g 3 @ 3 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2019-2023 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering with specialization in Cloud Computing Semester: 6 Credits Allotted aximum Mi Maximum Marks Allotted Se 5s. | subject Total r Week Re wa. | “eck | subject Name Theory Siot Practical Sot oar | Period Per Weak | To, |Remaris End Sem.] Mid Sem. Exam cass | Endsem. | erogresve | intermal | waar |. | y | p Exam | (Two Tests Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva Cloud Computing 1 |csto6o1 | architecture & Platforms | 40 30 30 40 30 so | 20) 3fafal s 2 |estose2 40 30 30 ao fa falo| « 3 |estos63 40 30 30 “0 30 30 | 20 | 2f]al2|] 4 4 |estoses | O32 Mining and “0 30 30 40 30 30 | 2 | 3s fale] s Warehousing 5 |csto6e1 | Computing Technologies | 40 30 30 wo fa filo| 4 6 |cso0601 | minor Project E zZ > 40 30 3 | 10] ofo|e| a Total Credits| 25 Mathematical Aptitude & ‘Audit 7 cearosox)Mamneratic 40 100 | 2 cat | eae Minimum Passing Marks in End Sem (Theory and 20 (in Practical) * ay WK ee, |HI Ih UNIVERSITY BATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering with specialization in Cloud Computing Semester: 7 Credits Aoted Maximum Marks Allotted aes van a. FERRE | subject Name Theory slot Practical Slot ora | Peed PerWeek | em, | Remarks ‘Mid Sem. Exam. Class | End sem. | Progressive | internal aa Marks} 4 | 7 | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | viva 40 40 40 40, 40 cs.0767 | Big data & 10T 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 [3afaf2]s 510765 | Soft Computing Cloud Security and 3 |csto701 30 30 wo} s|afo| 4 Management 4 Elective—1 30 30 ao [3 [1fol a 5 Elective -2 30 30 ao [3 [1 fo] 4 Major Project ~ 1 (Clo 5 || esparon' | MRE PaIRA licen 40 30 30 | 10 | o} ola} 2 7 |esPo707 40 30 30 | 10 | olofa| 2 Total Credits] 25 lst of Wecve “4 Sbjeds_ A) ESEO7O Network Management (2) E0779 Advance DBMS [B)eSEO77A Mobile Aa Roc Networks SEO7I6 Software Ust of Elective - 2 Subjects [a CSEO775 - Human Computer Interaction oe Pavers (3) CSE0782 Mobile Computing ee Minimum Passing Marks ind: en Myre & Ye & ster Exam: 12 (n Theory) a4 20 (in Practica)UNIVERSITY BATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering with specialization in Cloud Computing Semester: 8 Credits Allotted Maximum Marks Allotted {subject Wise) S. | Subject Total al | ese ‘Subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot am Period Per Week eats! Remarks End Sem. | Mid Ser. Exam Class | Endsem.| Promressive | internal | warts! y | y | p Exam (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam Evaluation Viva ‘Major Project ~ 11 (Cloud a 1 |cspoeos : . : 40 30 x | 10 | o | o | 18] 0 Computing) 2 [esoo80s | seminar : 50 so [io fo|o|«| oa Total credits) 13 sega — “ ae by Dem YK y iy W aB.TECH. 2019 BATCH (CSE \ CSE(H) \ CSE(!))28,29_ 01-2019 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering BATCH: 2019-2023 Semester: 1 Maximum Marks Allotted Credits Allotted {Subject Wise) . | subject Total toc! cote. | Sublect Name Theory Slot Practical Slot ota | Petiod Per Week | ti | Remarks End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam class | End Sem. | Progressive | internat | marks |, | _ | fxam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation| fxam | Evaluation | Viva 1 | mavoxoa| 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 [3folf2| 4 2 | eevor01 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20) 2]}a]2| 4 a: lesimonl nee ors 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 | 2]al2| 4 Pollution Control Essentials of 4. [esunie, | ERROeal et ntoretion 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20] 2] o0/]2] 3 Technology 5 | metot0a | Engineering Mechanics 40 30 30 40 30 3 | 2 f2]alf2| 4 6 [csPo101 | Programming logies with ¢ 40 30 3 | 10 | ofoles| 3 Total Credits) 22 Minimum Passing Mt wyY STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2019-2023 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 2 Cres ned Mavinun Mars Aled pans er S. | Subject Total la Por te | Sth | sat arm Theor St Pras von [feed Perweck | noma tndsem| Wilson tom [cow | dsem | ropesive [miemal] ts . | «| » Exam |tTwo Tes Average) paricpaton| exam” | evataton | va 1 |ziaor [as Becton © » » | « | » |» |wlz|:||« 2 |uaiooa | static or Engineers | 0 » See |e a |e ea eee 3 |rucam [Smmunaiensinsa 7, » x | o | » | » |mwl2fife| « 4 [Paz | Eeneing Pn 2 » » |= |= |= |= felalele 5 [soz | Wen chtecureand Dosen | — ag os 9 | Sas nol ae elae aaa ied on 6 | CsP0203 i a - - - 40 30 30 100 oO 0) 6 3 Poraing with CP Total ered) 8 ‘Minimum Passing Marks in End Semester Exam: 12 [in Theory and 20 (in Practical)STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2019-2023 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 3 ET ‘Maximum Marks Allotted (Subject ) ae ed | sate | sac name ara Seer [emir] 70 net calsaay umtces egestas paves | hema ee Te Bam (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam Evaluation Viva Siete a 5 cass ta Soon NST RE EES eam z = stein sea leo VN Se LS Fi bee i - ee eres (aria leas eee era (let |e ee sce aes | af ara leo T oa real a (Competitive Examinations) ie ee Be Course ~ B hoyeo f : 4 = ore Minimum Passing Mark )and 20 (i Pr byBATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 4 Credits Allotted Ma» Allotted yximum Marks {Subject ) s.| subject Total me “Theory Slot Week Remarks Wyeth Megan ‘Subject Nar veory Practical Slot a Period Per Credits var EndSem.] MidSem.Exam | Class | EndSem.| Progressive | internal | marks| , | 7 | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) [Participation] Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 [Mato4o9 | Engineering Mathematics -1v | 40 30 30 : 5 =| ao [bea eso] 4 2 |eciosz7 40 30 30 40 30 30 | a0} 2)1]2| 4 3 |cstoass 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20] 3|1)2| 5 Organization Data Communication and 4 |cstosso 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 2} alata] s Computer Networks Da ment 5 |cstoao7 pine eee 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 2 1 4 3 system 6 |csPoaos | server Side Programming 40 30 % [| i0{o|o|«| 2 Total redits| 25 [Mathematical Aptitude & Aut 7 |ceanosos|Matneratc 40 30 : - | a0] 2] - oa la QV ROYSK yh 8 Yo &« € BATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 5 Credits Alotted imum Wi Maximum Marks allotted ae s. | subject Total | PRR | subject ame Theory Slot Practical Sot ont | Teviod Per Week | Teun | Remarks End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam Gass | End Sem. | Progressive | internal | wmors| 4 | > | p Exam _ | (TwoTests’ Average) | Participation | exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 | Cstososie| seeseretetes ner || a0 30 30 40 30 30 | 20} a}aj2] s Multimedia Cryptography and cstos22 aol 2 ee 40 30 30 100 of] 4 3 [¢s10516 | Theoryof Computation | 40 30 30 wo fa fajo| «4 4 |csunsso. lipases eae of 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20] 3)a)2] s Algorithms Inf yan S| Colaseo) |/eetnenl sree end 549 30 x0 wo | sfajo| 4 management 6 [csP0s06_ | Programming with Python 40 30 30 | 10] o]o|s] a Total Credits] 25 ‘General English = fauait 0503 7 | FE10501) (competitive Examinations) |*2 ealg I? Icourse oYBATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 6 Credits allotted rks Allotted ‘Maximum Mar cic Wie s. | Subject Total Subject N: Remarks, Nea teas ject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot sora | Peviod Per Week | eis End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam Class__| End Sem. | Progressive | internal | marks! , | 7 | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | xam | Evaluation | viva 1 |cstosea image Processing | 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20/f3]1f2]s 2 |cstos62 40 30 30 wo | 3[afo| 4 3 |cstos6s 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 f2]af2] a 4 |[cstos64 | cloud computing 40 30 30 wo [3s ]1fo| a 5 |cstoses | soft Computing 40 30 30 400; (3 | aes OP 6 |csp0601 | Minor Project - - : 40 30 30 | 10 ]olols] 3 Total Credits) 24 Audit 7 ‘ : : i icEARO6O1| 40. 30 30 100 | 2 a |Feae teen h pe Ki GY says @y "Minimum Passing Marks in End Semester Exam: 12 (in Tory) and 20 (in Pr ca)BATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 7 Credits Allotted Maximum Marks Allotted (Subject Wise) S. | Subject Total hcl conc | Subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot erat | Peto Per Week Remarks End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam lass | Endsem. | Progressive | Internal | was| | y | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam Evaluation Viva Data Warehousing and 1 |csio766. | ining 40 30 30 40 20 x | 2} a}al2] s 2 [cs10767 | Distributed Systems io 30 30 2 a Seagoys brs fea oe aT Wireless and Mobile 3 |cse0768 40 30 30 : : = wo} 3]1fo} 4 Communication 4 Elective—1 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 [3]1fo] 4 5 |csp0702 40 30 30 | 10 [ojo fal 2 6 |cspo707 40 30 30 | 10 fololal 2 Total Credits] 21 List of Elective-1 Subjects |(1) CSEO770 Network Management (2) CSE0771 Informatica (3) CSEO772 Big Data Analytics end? swim Ky & YoVe Minimum Pasing End Semester Exam: 12 [in Theory) and 20 (in Practical)2 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2019-2023 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 8 Maximum Marks allotted ao | PERE | subject me Theory slot Practical Sot ovat | Poi Perweek att | Remarks End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam Class. | End Sem. | Progressive | Internal | warks|-, | 7 | p Exam | (TwoTests’ Average) | Participation | fxam | Evaluation | Viva 1 |cst0873_ | simulation Modeling 40 30 30 40 30 Bor ame ae ae eas 2 cstoa7a | internet of Things 40 30 30 wo fafafe| «4 3 Electives 40 30 30 wo fa{iafo| 4 4 Electives 40 30 30 wo fs fafo| 4 5 [espoa0a | Major Project - 40 30 30 | 10 [0 | o |x| 6 Total Credits| 23 ist of Elective-2 Subjects |(2) CSE0875 - Human Computer In (Piece idle (2) cSE0877 Parallel Processing Uist of Elective -3 Subjects _|(1) CSEO878 - Embedded System (2) CSE0879 Advance DEMS (3) CSEO8BO Machine Learning Jet? “iy a a:ee 28-29 01-2019 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME ia iol a] C (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2019-2023 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (Hons.) Semester: 1 Es Credits Allotted Bae (Subject Wise) Total S| Sublet | cupject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot Period Per Week Remarks No.| Code sitar credits End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam Gass_—_| End sem. | Progressive | internal | maks| y | 7 | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 [Mavoi0i| Calculus for Engineers 40 30 30 40 30 3 | a fsfofz| 4 2) |eanuny| Setenerce cme ss 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 0 | 2}a]2| 4 Engineering 3 Jesnig |Staenetoe 40 30 30 40 20 30 | 20} 2])1]2| 4 Pollution Control tials of information 4 | eioios: eee nr 40 30 30 40 30 30 | m0 | 2}o}2] 3 Technology 5 [Met0101 | Engineering Mechanics 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20) 2{af2] 4 6 |csPoxos | Programming logis with ¢ 40 30 3 | 10 ]ojole| s Total Credits| 22 aM VK os Geen ay [Minimum Passing Marks in End Semester Exam 12 (in Theory and 20 (i Pract) VvSTUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME MO 1G wl 1 4 a (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2019-2023 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (Hons.) Semester: 2 Credits Allotted Maximum Marks Allotted {Subject Wise) s. | subject Total mic ele ‘Subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot een Period Per Week Remarks | EndSem. | MidSem.txam | Class | EndSem. | Progressive | internal | marks | , | + | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average)| Participation | Exam Evaluation Viva 1 [ecwo201 | Basic electronics 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20] 2fajl2| «4 2 [mavozoa 40 30 30 ioral alae ‘Communication Sis & 3 |Hutoz01 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 | 2]}al2] 4 Colloquium 4 [PHt0201 | Engineering Physics 40 30 30 40 30 ee ee 5 |Cst0202 | Web Architecture and Design | ag = a n a Sram eats aor 7 6 | CSPO203 beet Oriented 40 30 30, 100 oO oO 6 3 Programming with CPP Total Credits) 23 a Minimum Passing Marks in End Semester wy 2 (in Theory) and20 (in Practical) a YY sp somerin, BATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering(Hons.) Semester: 3 Credits Allotted ‘Maximum Marks Allotted (Subject Wise) s. | subject Total cll vende ‘Subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot a Period Per Week cr Remarks End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam lass | End Sem. | Progressive | Internal | marks, | 7 | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam Evaluation Viva 1 | mato30s | iscrete structures 40 30 30 wo [3fifo| 4 2 | Eci0306 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 2 ]sfif2|s 3 |csto3o6 0 30 30 “0 30 30 | 2 ]sfil2|s 4 |csto3s7 40 30 30 40 30 3 | m]2}ija| s 5 |cswoase | Software Engineering 40 30 30 i : ama eT Pr 6. |csP0308 | Java Programming z 2 5 40 30 30 | 10 | ofo|a| 2 Total Credits] 25 [auat 7 ‘| CEELO301 paneer 40 30 30 - - - }100 2 02 ug (Competitive Examinations) Course + ae MA iy AY om VRyBATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering(Hons.) Semester: 4 Credits Allotted Maximum Marks Allotted igisiaet ads s.| subject Total Theory Slot Period Per Week No:| Code ‘Subject Name sory Practical Slot en Week a Remarks EndSem.| MidSem.txam | Class | Endsem.| Progressive | internal | warns | , | _ | p Exam_ | (Two Tests’ Average) [Participation] Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 [1atoao9 | Engineering Mathematics-1v | 40 Fa 30 : - ie idan sel taal on ‘Analog and Digital 2 |ectoa27 40 30 30 40 30 3 | 2m] 2)1f2] 4 communication 3 | CSLO4S8. coment ier 40, 30 30 40 30 30 200 3 a 2 5 Organization 0: is 4 | CSLO460 el 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 ® x 2 5 Computer Networks Database Management 5 | csto4o7 te i 40 30 30 40 30 30, 200 2 1 4 s system 6 |csP0a05 | Server Side Programming 40 30 30 | 10 folo|la| 2 ae Total Credits| 25 7 leeanoag:| Mathematical Aptitude & ® a S r ; Lege se ce oo | aust Reasoning-| att Course qn ee yy, Uy we YY @yi z in ia ia a < STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2019-2023 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (Hons.) Semester: 5 Credits Allotted ‘Maximum Marks Allotted (Subject Wise) subject Total s. Practical Slot Period Per Week Remarks so. | SUB | subject Name Theory Slot tia a co Remar Endsem.] _MidSem-Exam | class | Erdem. | Progressive [interal |wwars| | 7 | p Exam | (Two Tests‘ Average) | Participation| Exam | Evaluation | Viva Computer Graphic and 1 |estos0s 0 30 20 40 x w | a}3]ijf2|s ultmedia Cryptography and 2 |estos22 rfo| « Network Security #0 ” ‘ag ae | 3 [cst0si6 [Theory of Computation | 40 30 30 wo fa|alo|« Design and Anah 4 | cstoss9 ee ot 40, 30 30 40 30 30 200 3 € 2 s Algorithms Information Storage and 5 |cstose0 : ” 30 30 wo} 3|1|o| « managernent 6 _[csr0506 | Programming with Python 40 30 3 | wo fo|o|e| s Basics of information 7 |estosao | secunty and Digital 40 30 x0 40 30 w | 10] 2]ol}2| 4 Forensics otal redits| 29 n= vat 8 | ceevosoa 20 100 2 oe (Competitive Examinations) |“? Bt I. course ee Wyse oe WY ByLOSSY BATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering(Hons.) Semester: 6 Maximum Marks Alloted feet! | PERI | subject ame Theory siot Practical Slot ou | Peted Per Week | Remarks End Sem.| Mid Sem. Exam Gass | endsem. | Progressive [intemal | sraris| y | | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | txam | Evaluation | viva 1 |estosex image Processing | 40 30 30 2 30 3 | 2013 ]a1]2| 5 2 [cstos62 40 30 30 wo fafafo|« 3 |cstoses 2 30 30 0 30 3 | 200]2]ala|« @ | cst0664 | Cloud computing 0 30 30 wo | s]ajlo| « 5 |csto665 | soft computing 40 30 30 10 | sfajfo| 6 |cso0so1 roject E 5 A 40 30 30 | wo} ofole| 3 7 |cshos79 oaeroe Ets 30 30 A 2 moo; estes | voulens, é esaze Analysis| & rscea is 8 |cearosoa pee. oo | 2] - i, [pees be oy Vie Vy Minimum Passing Marks End Semester Exam: 12 (in Theory) and 20 (i Practical)nm 2 a x UNIVER SLTY BATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (Hons.) Semester: 7 Credits allotted Maximum Marks allotted dies heh 8. | Subject Total no! cove, | Sublect Name Theory Slot Practical Slot ott [Period Per Weak | eas | Remarks EndSem.| Mid Sem. Exam lass | EndSem. | Progressive | internal | marks | , | | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 4- [cares [eee wen et 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20] 3a]1]2] s Mining 2_|cst0767 | Distributed Systems 40 30 30 : : = | ie ps fa poe Wireless and Mobil 3 | CSEO768 . 40 30 30 - - - 100 3 a o 4 Communication 4 Elective 1 40. 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 | 3 | afo| a 5 [cso0702_ 40 30 30 | wo | ofola| 2 6 |csP0707 40 30 30 | 10 | ofola| 2 Total Credits) 21 [Ust of Elective -1 Subjects _|(1) CSE0770 Network Management (2) cSEO771 informatica (3) CSEO772 Big Data Analytics "yy «@ Yas ey "Minna Passing Marks in End Semester Exam: 12 in Theory) and 20 (i Practical),STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2019-2023 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering(Hons.) Semester: 8 Manan Mors Aloe oe Be eae Tot vr [arr | tlre ee mete EE + |et073 | smaton veg | 0 0 oer EraaP ore van | soe] as fa eae 7 [sre [enetotting | F) 2 mlate[els 3 ce = F) 3» mw ]taleLs : = @ * » i soot lac ial 5 | mt jr Pea [= p= pm pepe ]ay Twat] 28 steve aso] 07s -muman Computer neato passa seas 2)est07 raat rca List of Elective - 3 Subjects (1) CSE0878 - Embedded System (2) CSEO879 Advance DBMS: (3) CSEO880 Machine Learning obey Ay assing Marks in End Semester Exam: 12 (in Theory) and 20 (i Practical), We es BAS ooa 28.29-O1- 2019 UNIVER STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME Nh nin st fn & UNIVERSITY BATCH: 2019-2024 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (INTEGRATED) Semester: 3 Credits Allotted c ‘Maximum Marks Allotted ‘obey s. | subject Total sub slot * jod Pe Remarks no| cong | Subect Name Theory’ Practical slo oar | PeTod PerWeek | Tom, End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam ass | End sem. | Progressive | internal | waar |, | > | p Exam _| (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 | matoa0s | Discrete Structures 40 30 30 g i - [ao [a fafol 4 2 [ect0306 | pigiat Electronics 40 30 30 40 30 30 | mf} sfala2] s 3 | estoa06 40 30 30 «0 30 | mfsfale|s 4 | cstoas7 30 30 200 a|s aan 40 30 40 30 22) 4 5 |cst0358_ | software Engineering 40 30 30 : a i eae 6. |csP0308 | Java Programming 3 = : 40 30 30 | 10 ]ojfofa| 2 Total Credits] 25 7 |ceevoao1 30 100 |2 oo. | course cma ie or NOYUNIVERSITY BATCH: 2019-2024 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B, Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering(INTEGRATED) Semester: 4 Credits Allotted Maximum Marks Allotted ite (Subject wise) s.| subject Total ane za | Be | subject Theory Slot Practical Slot vou [Pood er wk | TO, Rema Endsem.] MidSem.oxam | Class | End Sem. | Progressive [ternal | ars| y | 7 | p eam | (Two Tests’ Average) [Participation exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 | maio4o9 | engineering Mathematics -1v | 40 30 30 5 zi i feasts | OS =a 2) Eciosa7, || tema et 40 30 20 40 30 x | 2]2}a}a2| Communication 3 | CSLO4ss aoe anen 40 30 30, 40 30 30 200 3 1 = 5 Organization Data Communication and 4 |cstoaso 40 30 30 40 30 | fs] a fos Computer Networks Dat i I cstoao7 | poet near 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 | 2/}1)a| s system csPo405 | Server Side Programming 40 30 30 | 10] ofolfa| 2 Total Credits| 25 [Mathematical Aptitude & audit Course Ka EY oP VR iceaRo40a| 40 30 - : : wo | 2] - 02VE Ute BATCH: 2019-2024 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (INTEGRATED) Semester: 5 Credits Allotted Maximum Marks Allotted ence s. | Subject eat | Sabie | subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot To [Perera wenk | eg | Pemats End Sem. | _ Mid Sem. Exam Class | EndSem.| progresswe | internal | warts |. | | p fxam | (TwoTests’ Average) | Participation | Gam | Evaluation | Viva a) |cotasoel: | ameunentnt ees 40 30 30 40 30 so | 20] 3a}af2]s Multimedia 2 |cstos22 Cypoaretiy and 40, 30 30 100 3 < 0 4 Network Security 3 [estosi6 | theory of Computation | 40 30 30 5 E wo fs |ajo|« 4 |CSLOSS9 pee mre 40, 30 30 40 30 30 200 3 2 2 s Algorithms 5 |CSLOS6O ‘prorat regen end 40 30, 30 - 100 3 1 o 4 management 6 |c3P0506 | programming wth Python 20 30 x | 10 fofo|s|s Total Credits] 25 General English rer | Sael (Competitive Examinations) jaa eS 00 i re Course 7 ke RY in End Semester Exam: 12 ( 3) and 20 (in Praca) t 3 ria woe WNBATCH: 2019-2024 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering(INTEGRATED) Semester: 6 Maximum Marks Allotted icrece ee (Subject wise) wi) aR | subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot rat | PetedPerWeek te Remarks End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam Glass | Endsem. | Progressive | Internal | aris |, | > | p fxam_ | (two Tests’ Average) | Participation | exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 |cstosex image Processing | 40 30 30 40 30 3 | 2 [3f1f2] 5 2 | CsL0662 40 30 30 - - - 100 3 1 o 4 3 |csto663 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 | 2/af2{ 4 4 |cst066a 40 30 30 wo | 3|afo| 5, [cs10665 | Soft Computing 40 30 30 : : Ea ieaon us cae ee 6 |cs0601 | minor Project z : 5 40 30 x | wfojofs| s Total Credits| 24 7 |cearoson| etic 40 20 3 i Pk dao va et Haare WO DV ey Minimum Passing Marks in End Semester Exam: 12 [in Theory) and 20 (in Practical[QUALOR-NP- HO BATCH: 2019-2024 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (INTEGRATED) Semester: 7 Credits Allotted imum M1 Maximum Marks Allotted ips twa S. | Subject Total te oak ‘Subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot pe Period Per Week ears Remarks: End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam Gass ~ | Endsem. | Prosresive | Internal | marks |. | y | p Bam _ | (TwoTests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 | CsLo766 Lee eeerecs 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 3 1 2 s Mining 2 |¢s10767_| pistributed Systems 40 30 30 2 z = \aon [ose [oa pent: s |cseores: | ier 40 30 30 2 . 2 | 6 ae ia feo. |e 4 Elective—I 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 2 ]afalo|« 5 |[cs00702_ | Major Project —1 : E : 40 30 30 | 10 fofo|l«| 2 6 |esP0707 | ind 40 30 3 | 10 fofo|la«| 2 7 |csto727 |Research Methodology | 40 30 30 : = Bg) 100..| 95 |canleps [ie Total Credits] _25 List of Elective - 1 Subjects | (1) CSEO770 Network Management |(2) CSEO771 Informatica (3) CSEO772 Big Data Analytics 8 LYS bo Ve "Minimum Passing Mars in Ena Semester Exam: 12 (in Theory and 20 (in Practical)ma x i BATCH: 2019-2024 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering(INTEGRATED) Semester: 8 Credits Allotted ‘Maximum Marks Allotted gees s. | Subject Total Nac! code | Subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot ora | Patio Peres | cea | Remarks End Sem.| Mid Sem. Exam Class | End sem. | Progressive | internal | marks | 4 | | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 |cs.0873_| simulation Modeling 40 30 30 40 30 Bt [ical esa] eae (eats 2 |cs10874_ | intemet of Things 40 30 30 wo [3s fafo| a 3 40 30 30 wo [3 ]afo| 4 4 40 30 30 wo [3a fafo| 4 5 |cs00804 | Major Project -1 40 30 30 | 0] o | ola] 6 6 |cstos4o | Ad-hoc Networks 40 30 30 wo] 3|[afo] 4 71) csuneds detec meets N40 30 30 wo | 3 ]afo}] 4 Total Credits] 34 List of Elective - 2 Subjects |(2) CSE0875 - Human Computer Interaction (2) CSE0876 Software Project [Management (3) CSE0877 Parallel Processing List of Elective -3 Subjects (2) CSE0878 - Embedded System (2) CSE0879 Advance DBMS (3) CSE0880 Machine Learning Minimum Passing Marks in End Semester Ex yp. ee Ty Qk Ay 2 (in Theory] and 20 (in Practical) Fo VRcn eth UNIVERSIT Ty BATCH: 2019-2024 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: 8. Tech. + M. Tech. (Integrated) in Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 9 Credits Allotted ‘Maximum Marks jaximu Allotted hegiee Weal s. | Subject Total ut me sk rks: no.) code. | Sublect Na Theory Slot Practical Slot cin eee le End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam ‘class_| EndSem. | Progressive | internal | marks| , | 7 | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 |mavog3 | quantitative Techniques | 40 30 30 - - : wo | 3s ]|afo] 4 2 \csto970 | computer vision 40 30 30 40, 30 ee ‘Software Testing and 3 |cstos73 40 30 30 40 30 0.1 |) 200g [Psi] a feasts: Quality Assurance 4 Elective -5 40 30 30 - - y wo | 3 | 1]o] 4 5 Elective -6 40 30 30 - - - wo | 3] ajo} 4 6 |s00907 | Dissertation (Part!) 40 30 go | io |= | + ee Total Credits) 24 [Uist of Elective-5 Subjects _|(1) CSE0948 - Natural Language Processing (2) CSE0968 - Real Time Systems (2) CSE0969 - Information Retrieval and Web Search ist of Elective -6 Subjects (21) CSE0971 - cyber Law and Information Security |(2) €SE0972-- Information Theory and Coding |(3) CSEO981 Deep Learning and Neural Networks eA Ww Ky th ow VR ‘Minimum Passing Mars in End Sere 2 (in Meany) and 20 (in Practical)UN sar Y BATCH: 2019-2024 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. + M. Tech. (Integrated) in Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 10 Credits Allotted ‘Maximum Marks allotted ane Tia s. | Subject Total ? Period Per Week Remarks no] cogs | Sublect Name Theory Slot Practical Slot Be ea End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam lass | End Sem. | Progressive | internal | warks| , | 7 | p Exam _| (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | &xam | Evaluation | Viva 1 |cso1008 | Dissertation (Part -) 400 300 300 | 1000] - | - | - | 20 2 |eso1003 | Seminar 50 so | 100 4 Total Credits| 24 Minimum Passing Marks 12 (in Theory andy 28-29-0)- 2019 UNI < 2 o a 2 Nomura BATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in INFORMATION TECHNOLOOGY Semester: 1 Credits allotted Maximum Marks Allotted sts 5. | Subject Total o.| coe, | Sublect Name Theory Slot Practical slot oat |Peiod Per Week| sl Remar End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam lass | End Sem. | Progressive | internal | wars | ¢ | 7 | p fxam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | f&xam | Evaluation | viva 1 | mavoroa] Catcutus for Engineers 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20/3 fof2| 4 rneiples of Electrical ab lesioaon | Pascoe 40 30 30 40 30 zo | 20] 2]/a1]2] 4 Engineering 2 lesioton| Eo ee 40 30 30 40 30 3 | 20 | 2}1)2] 4 Pollution Cont 4 mom [sete earn 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20] 2]o]2] 3 Technology 5 | me.oi0a | Engineering Mechani 40 30 30 40 30 30 | wm [2[1f2] 4 6 |1Po101 | Programming logies wth ¢ 40 30 30 | wo] olfols| 3 Total Credits| 22 a. ee Minimum Passing Marks En Ob eyc SS z=: UNIVERSITY OHALOR- MPA STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2019-2023 Name of Course: B. Tech. in INFORMATION TECHNOLOOGY Semester: 2 Credits Allotted Maximum Marks Allottes Ree eel s. | subject Total | SUPME* | subject Name Theory Slot Practica Sot vas | PetodPer Weck | ean, | Remon EndSem.] MidSem.6am | class | Endsem.| Progressive | internal | wants |, | 7 | p Exam |(Two Tests’ Average)|Partcipation| exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 Jectoz01 ry 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 | 2{af2] 4 2 [matoz03 40 30 30 wo f2fal2|« 3 | Hywnan|| emanation Sas 8 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 | 2)al2] 4 Colloquium 4 [PH10202 | Engineering Physics 20 30 30 40 30 x | aof2falz2|« |rrioz02 | web architecture and Desien | gg z a ee a sericea lt sae eee ¢.| reoacs) [eet tars 40 30 x | wo] o}ole|] s Programming with CPP Total credits) 28 - ay Qe Mloinue Passing Macs i (in Proce)STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2019-2023 Name of Course: B. Tech. in INFORMATION TECHNOLOOGY Semester: 3 ‘credits allotted Maximum Marks Allotted aed 5. | subject Total No. Code Subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot al Period Per Week credits. Remarks End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam lass | End Sem. | Progressive | internal | marks | , | 7 | p fxam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 | mato3os | Discrete structures 40 30 30 ao [3 |afo| 4 2 |ec10306 | Digital Electronics 40 30 30 40 30 apy Wanless 3 [1710306 | Operating System 40 30 30 40 30 30] -eoos [es a|eas|penpns Data Structures & 4 |moss7 40 30 30 40 30 905 |) 200 |! 2: |a fice. | 5 ‘Applications 5 | ITLO3S8 | Software Engineering 40 30 30 100 3 1 0 4 6. | 1TP0308 | Java Programming 40 30 3 | 10]ofofa| 2 Total Credits) 25 General Eng “Jauait 7 | ceetoa01 30 30 2 o2 (compe ces | course @ySTUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME UNIVERSITY (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2019-2023 Name of Course: B. Tech. in INFORMATION TECHNOLOOGY Semester: 4 crate Aled Masini Mare Aled pee nen S. | Subject Total Bae [| ‘Subject Name ‘Theory Slot Practical Slot eat Period Per Week credits Rer EndSem.| Mid Sem. Exam lass | End sem. | Progressive | internal | nrarks | , | 7 | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation! Exam Evaluation Viva + [asta Eognewring Mathematics | 40 » 2 mw flstafe|« 2 |ecLo427 pee ee Der 40 30, 30, 40 30 30 200 2 1 2 4 convmumneston 3 |ITLOass. Sen 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 3 1 2 s Oremisaton Data anemone + |inosco «0 » » | o | » | » |m|s{s[a] s compar Newer inet = lfaaer, | ectamasmeee "se » » | | 2» | » |am|2[s]a] s & [rons _| server Sd Programming © [= 1» p=fele[+|2 Total Credits| 25 | : a 3 3 aie ox fener B cour lin Theory and 20 (inractical TW, WKc « BATCH: 2019-2023, STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in INFORMATION TECHNOLOOGY Semester: 5 Maximum Marks Allotted be (Subject Wise) s. | sues rol | Fee | ses tans Teste rani vo [el erent] ema fear | gibt nc gt cease | eee dd Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 |rnasoe. | comer « * » | «| » | » |mlsfalals 2 | ITL0s22 Cree sy ent 40 30 30 - - - 100 3 1 o 4 Nery 3 |ITLOS16 | Theory of Computation 40, 30 30 : : - 100 3 1 o 4 + [nase [Reemaneartweor Tg » » | «| » | » fm[s]ala]s Tortora magnet Teal 8 = oa mM os Y we VG,STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in INFORMATION TECHNOLOOGY BATCH: 2019-2023 Semester: 6 is Alot Maxinum Mrs Aled Sema fea ee eae ro vrais vu | Paosrr ea] noma Thatem | Mitsenbam | Gas |erdsan.| ropesne [neal one! |g | Taam | (twoTesw Avergs) | Patkpaton| “Bam | Erahaton | Via 1 [maesi | Dgtatmase rocesine | «0 3 2 | « |» |» |m}slsfa|s 2 |moxea % » % mw ]s}ate|s 3 jmoees % » 2» fe [= |» fae felalel« 4 [moses | Goud cmpung % Ey 3% wo fs |afe| 5 [mess [son comptng 7% 2 » wo ps2 fe| 6 rooect| minor rect |» | fm [elols] » Totaled 38 7 Jeeanocatienatealaerde | yg » » soo | 2 a & ds Wy Marks in End Semester Exam: 12 (in Tory] and 20 in Practical) edenNUMER Sry BATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in INFORMATION TECHNOLOOGY Semester: 7 Credits Allotted: ‘Maximum Marks Allotted (Subject Wise) S. | Subject Total Nes| Ueeae Subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot oa Period Per Week Credits! Remarks End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam Glass | Endsem. | Progressive | Internal | saarts |, | y | p Exam (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam Evaluation Viva 1 | ITL0766 face eee a 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 3 4 2 5 2 |mo7e7 ted Systems 0 30 30 wo fs }aje|. 3 | (Te0768 Pagers Noon 40 30 30 100 3 1 oO 4 Communication a 40 30 0 0 3% 3 | 2 falafel. 5 |iro0702 40 30 30 [a0 fofols| 2 6 |rnPo707 0 30 3 | wo] ofo|«|2 Total redts| 21 st of Elective =a Subjects 2) 1TE0770 Network Management (2) E077 informatica [() E0772 big Data analytics Minimom Passing Marks in End Semester Exar ¥ by Wey 2 (in Theory and 20 (in Pact!) a ¥ns YNBATCH: 2019-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in INFORMATION TECHNOLOOGY Semester: 8 Maximum Marks Allotted era | PRE | subject ame Theory Slot Practical slot ony | Pete Per Week aa | Remarks Endsem.] MidSem.6am | Class | Endsem. | Progressive | internal | mans! y | y | p txam | (TwoTests Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 [im10873 | Simulation Modeling «0 30 30 «0 30 x | 2o}afalf2| s 2 |imios74_| internet of Things 0 30 30 wo | faje|« 3 Electives 0 0 30 10 | 3 |ajo|a 4 Electives 7” 0 30 wo fs|alo|« 5 |ITD080 | Major Project «© 30 ~ | 10 foj|o|n| « Total rete) 23 Ust of Elective -2 Subjects _|(1) TE0875 = Human Computer Interface (2) ITEO876 Software Project Management [(3) ITEO877 Parallel Processing List of Elective -3 Subjects _|(1) ITE0878 - Embedded System (2) T0879 Advance DBMS (3) ITEO880 Machine Learning ay “ys v4 Semester Exam: 12 (in Theory and 20 (in Practical) G5 VagBCA/BCAH/MCA 201929,29_ ol- 201g = UNIVERSITY CGWALIOR = MP INDIA SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Subject wise Distribution of Marks and Corresponding Credits Program Name: BCA. Semester: I (Session 2019-22) Coursecode | CourseName | L | T | P | Credits ‘Maximum Marks Maximum Marks Total (irs) | (irs) | (rs) (Theory Slot) (Practical Slot) Marks End [Mid | Class End | tab Internal term | term | Performance | term | Performance | Viva BCA—101 | Computer 3 T a 18 4 [30/30 40/30 30 200 Fundamentals & Applications BCA-102 | Discr 3 T Sle [30 [30 = = > 100 Mathematics-1 BCA=103 | Programmingin © [3 T + [6 [30 | 30 af 30 30 200 BCA—104 | Digital Computer [3 T erin [30 Yao ~ 100 Principles BCA— 105 3 T 7 {6 )30 30 ao (30 30 200 Total Credits 3S 200 | 150 | 150 10 | 90 90 300 Minimum rete a subject in end term theory: 30% wv Minimum pass ‘a subject in end term Practical: NK a ! hye bn Needed 081 UNIVERSITY ‘GWALIOR = MP - INDIA SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Subject wise Distribution of Marks and Corresponding Credits Program Name: BCA Semester: II (Session 2019-22) Course code | CourseName | L | 1 | P| Credits Maximum Marks Maximum Marks Total (irs) | (Hrs) | (Hrs) (Theory Slot) (Practical Slot) Marks End [Mid | Class End [tab Internal term _| term _| Performance | term _| Performance _| Viva BCA~201 | Discrete :} T = |4 4 [30 [30 = 100 Mathematics - 11 BCA-202 | Data Structures | 3 T 7 {6 [30 | 30 7 [30 30 200 BCA—203 | Environmental [3 T 4 [30 [30 100 jence & Ethics BCA-204 | Operating system | 3 T =__|4 [30 [30 = : = 100 BCA-205 | Database 3 T a {6 [30 [30 4130 30 200 Management system. BCA~206 | Seminar > a(t = > a [30 30 100 ‘Toial Credits 3 200/180 | 150 120-90 90 300 Minimum pa: Minimum pa: Ael Fe UNIVERSITY ‘GWALIOR =“ MP- INDIA, SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Subject wise Distribution of Marks and Corresponding Credits Program Name: BCA Semester: III (Session 2019-22) Course | CourseName | L | 1 | _P | Credit Maximum Marks Total ‘code (irs) | (irs) | (rs) | s (Theory Slot) Marks End | Mid | Glass | End | Lab | Internal Viva term | term | Perform | term |: Perfor ance mance BCA-301 [ECommerce [3 |1 |- [4 0 30 */30 : = - 100 BCA 302 | Computer System [3] 7 0 30/30 > > ss 100 Organization BCA—303_ | Software san aie [* co 30-30 7 > > 100 Engineering BCA-308 | ObjectOriented [3 |1 ]4 | wo 3] 30 | 3030 200 Programming with C++ BCA—305 | DatNet a jioge je a 30-30 [30 {30 200 Framework with CH ie BCA-306 | Group Discusion |= |- ]2 |T = = eI: a |30 30 100 2 150 0 [90 | 90 imum pass Markein a subject in end term theory: 30% imum pass Mi in end term Practical: 50% pe we. ie ¥ 30 oye ( :a b UNIVERSITY CGWALIOR MP INDIA SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Subject wise Distribution of Marks and Corresponding Credits Program Name: BCA Semester: IV (Session 2019-22) Course | CourseName | L | Maximum Marks ‘Maximum Marks Total code (Hrs) | (Hrs) (Theory Slot) (Practical Slo Marks End | Mid End | Lab | Internal Viva term | term term | Perfor BCA=401_| Computer a it ope 0 30 5 100 Oriented Statistical Methods BCA=402_| Computer Said 2 oaks co 30/30 [30 30 200 Networks BCA —403 Set 7 0 30 [30 eS 100 BCA 404 ait 7 {6 w 30/30 0/30 30 200 BCA—405 ee 2 Ale 0 30 [30 30 30 200 BCA—406 | Logical and Sade Pe : Ske a0 |30 30 100 Reasoning Aptitude Total 35 10/120 120 300 Credits yi Minimum pass Marks jf wgubject in end term theory: 30% cea . ' jum pass Marl ibject in end term —. 50% ; .+ fe hee UNIVERSITY ‘GWALIOR = MP INDIA SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Subject wise Distribution of Marks and Corresponding Credits Program Name: BCA. Semester: V (Session 2019-22) Course code | CourseName | & | T | P | Cred ‘Maximum Marks Total (airs) | crs) | crs) | heory Slot) __| Slot) Marks End | Mid | Glass | End Internal Viva term | term | Perform | term y ance BCA~501 | Numerical 7 [i eere | o 30/30 Pes = 100 ‘Methods BCA~502 | Computer ay [t eens 0 30/30 ww |30 30 200 Graphics BCA=503 | Web ara [T eels w 3/30 [3030 200 ‘Technologies BCA~504 | Tniformation aot T pela ry 30-30 alg F 100 Storage and Management BCA = 505] Minor Project s 3 ; re cn a 100 Toial Credits 2B 0 [a0 foo Poa 700 um pass Marks end term theory: 30% y um pass Marks ct in end term Practical: 50% pee a i oe= ra a 43 32: UNIVERSITY GWALIOR “MP INDIA ‘SCHEME OF EXAMINATION sal its Subject wise Distribution of Marks and Corresponding Credits Program Name: BCA. Semester: VI (Session 2019-22) Course code | Course] | ¥ | P| Gredit | Maximum Marks ‘Maximum Marks Total ‘Name (Hrs) | (Hrs) | (Hrs) s (Theory Slot) (Practices ) Marks: End | Mid | Class | End | Lab | Internal Viv term | term | Perform | term | Perfor ance mance BCA=6O1 | Software J 3] —_]2__ 5] ao 3/30 aya 30 200 Project management BCA=602 | Mulimedia | 3 [1 2] [ao 3030 a0 0 300 Systems BCA—603 | Object Beals. seca sees 3030 cs ra = 100 Oriented analysis and Design BCA=@b4 | Elesive=1_| 3 ]T 7 yan 30 [30 100 BCA=@05 | Major Project 74 a }30 30 100 Total Credits 2160} r20 a0} 2090} 90 700 : YK v ELECTIVE I (BCA-604) vPzebo Ee G bye a A, Cloud Computing B. Wireless and Mobile Communications 7 * C. Data Ware Housing & Mining D. Distributed Systems Xe28,29_01-2019 UNIVERSITY ‘GWALIOR = MP “INDIA SCHEME OF EXAMINATION sie ‘Subject wise Distribution of Marks and Corresponding Credits Program Name: BCA(Hons.) Semester: 1 (Session 2019-22) ‘Course code | Course Name L | T | P | Credits ‘Maximum Marks Maximum Marks Total (rs) | (irs) | (Hrs) (Theory Slot) (Practical Slot) Marks End [Mid] Class End [Lab Tnternal term__| term_| Performance | term _| Performance _| Viva BCAH—101 | Essentials oF 3 T aa Ts 40 [30 [30 40 | 30 30 200 Information ‘Technology BCAH— 102 | Discrete Mathematics- | 3 T 4 4 {30-30 100 1 BCAH— 103 | ProgramminginC [3 T To 16 [30 [30 40/30 30 200 BCAH— 104 | Digital Computer [3 T q 4 [30-30 100 Principles BCAH- 105 | Communication & [3 T a Te 4 3030 4/30 30 200 Presentation skills Total Fy 200 —*[ 150} 150 0 [90 90 800 Credits ‘Minimum pass Marks in a subject in end term theory: 30% ‘Minimum pass Marks in a subject in end term Practical: SO% i «| te a 7" = dk ger @y \ae f UNIVERSITY ‘GWALIOR = MP INDIA SCHEME OF EXAMINATION ‘Subject wise Distribution of Marks and Corresponding Credits Program Name: BCA(Hons.) ‘Semester: I (Session 2019-22) ‘Course code | Course Name L | 1 | P | Credits Maximum Marks Maximum Marks Total (irs) | (Hrs) | (itrs) (Theory Slot) (Practical Slot) Marks End | Mid | Class Fad] Lab Taternal term__| term | Performance | term _| Performance _| Viva BCAH 201 | Discrete Mathematics | 3 T EF 40 [30/30 - : = 100 oI BCAH — 202 | Data Structure 3 T a {6 wo [30 [30 [30 30 200 BCAH 203 | Environmental 3 T > IF 4 |30 [30 > = = 100 Seience & Ethics BCA—204 | Operating system | 3 T ot 4 [30 ~‘| 30 ; : = 100 BCAH— 208 | Database Management | 3 T 7 |6 4 [30 [30 0 [30 30 200 system BCAH—206 | Seminar 1 0/30 30 100 Toial Credits 3B 200 [130-150 120/90 oy +800 Minimum pass Marks in a subject in end term Practical: 50% —— ee ea by MK Ys PW a — VeProgram Name: BCA(Hons.) UNIVERSITY ‘GNALIOR = MP INDIA SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Subject wise Distribution of Marks and Corresponding Credits Semester: III (Session 2019-22) Course code | CourseName | L | 1 | P | Credit Maximum Marks ‘Maximum Marks Total (Hr | (Hrs) | (irs) | s (Theory Slot) (Practical Slot) Marks End | Mid | Glass [End | Lab | Internal Viva term | term | Perform | term | Perfor ance mance BCAH-301 | E-Commerce | 3 T 7 rT) 30/30 = 100 BCAH—302 | Computer System [37 q rn 30/30 100 Organization BCAH—303 | Software rat q a 30/30 100 Engineering BCAH—304 | Object Oriented [3 [1 + |6 a 30-130 4 [30 30 200 Programming & cH BCAH-305 | DotNet 3 T 7 6 40 30) 30 4/30 30 200 Framework with ce BCAH- 306 | Group Discussion | - earht 130 30 100 BCAN-307 | Tinux 6 is 0 | 30 30 100 Programming. Total Credits 8 200 150 | 150 160 [120 -| 130 300) ‘Minimum pass Marks in a subject in end term theory: 30% ‘Minimum pass Marks in a subject in end term Practical: S0% we Ve a olProgram Name: BCA(Hons,) UNIVER ‘GWALIOR = MP- SCHEME OF EXAMINATION SITY TNO Subject wise Distribution of Marks and Corresponding Credits eh ‘Semester: IV (Session 2019-22) yum pass Marks i fend term Practical: 5 » Si fedeo oe Course code | CourseName | L | T | P | Credit Maximum Marks Total (irs) | (rs) | (irs) | s (Theory Slot) Marks End | Mid | Glass | End ] Lab nal Viva term | term | Perform | term | Perfor ance mance BCAH—401 | Computer a > 4 40 30-| 30 100 Oriented Statistical Methods BCAH—402 | Computer 3 T a as 0 30 [30 4 [30 30 200 Networks BCAH—403 | Enterprise 3 T 4 0 30 «| 30 100 Resource Planning. BCA 404 | Java 3 T a {6 rT) 30 | 30 40 [30 30 200 Programming BCAH—405 | Intemer& 1s [3 T a 0 30 | 30 a 130 30 200 Applications BCAH—406 | Logical and 2 a [30 0 100 Reasoning Aptitude BCAH-407 | Web Designing 6 [3 40/30 30 100 with PHP Total Credits 28 [200 150 | 150 200-150 | 150 1000 jum pass Marks in a subject in end term theory: 30%a = cae Sasa = = : = ¥ © re rr if UNIVERSITY {OWALIOR = MP INDIA SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Subject wise Distribution of Marks and Corresponding Credits Program Name: BCA(Hons.) Semester: V (Session 2019-22) Course code | CourseName | LC] T | P| Credit] Maximum Marks ‘Maximum Marks Total rs) | (ites) | ates) | Theory Slot) (Practical Slo) Marks End | Mid | Class | End] Lab | Internal Viva term | term | Perform | term | Perfor ance mance ‘BCAH—501 | Numerical apt fst a 3/30 3 100 Methods BCAH—502 | Computer Srey ae? 1s w 3 30 wo [30 —]30 200 Graphics BCAH 505 | Web Sa pape |S: ee 3 30 [30 ]30 200 Technologies BEAT 504 | Taformation a laa 3/30 100 Storage and Management BCAH=503 | Minor Project ame F) a [3030 100 BCAFES06 | Oracle Sr le a ET) a [3030 200 Total Credits 2300] 180] 150 [60 [ROR 300 Minimum pass Marks in a subject in end term theory: 30% Minimum pass Marks i MY ject in end term Practical: 50% Bae oe eyProgram Name: BCA(Fons.) UNIVERSITY ‘GWALIOR =P INDIA ‘SCHEME OF EXAMINATION ‘Subject wise Distribution of Marks and Corresponding Credits ht a aakd Semester: VI (Session 2019-22) ‘Course code | Course Name T | P | Creat ‘Maximum Marks Total (irs) | (irs) | s (Theory Slot) (Practical Slot) ‘Marks End | Mid [ Class | End | Lab | Internal Viva term | term | Perform | term | Perfor BCAH- 601 | Software Project [3 T z 5 40 30/30 w 30 30 200 ‘management BCAH 602 | Multimedia a 1 ~ iF co 30/30 cr) 30 30 200) Systems and tools BCAH— 603 | Object Oriented [3 T ~ a 0 30 (30 100 lysis and ce BCAH—604 | Elective=T 3 T [ 7 co 30/30 100 BCAH— 605 | Major Project ~ | 8 4a 0 30 30 100 BCAH-606 | Elective- IT 3 T | + 6 40 30—*[ 30 0 30 30 200 Total Credits oy 200 150 | 150 160 | 120 120 900 ind term theory: 30% a lv 4 ind term Practical: SO% x NS ELECTIVE I (Theory + Practical) (BCAT-606) (A) Cloud Computing (B) Wireless and Mobile Communications (A) Advanced JAVA ‘Ware Housing & Mining ‘Advanced. NET stributed Systems Programming with PYTHON (D) ANDROID based Application DevelPa 28.29 ol 2019 cre UNIVERSITY {GWALIOR = MP “INDIA SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Subject wise Distribution of Marks and Corresponding Credits Program Name: MCA, Semester : I (Session 2019-22) Course ‘Course Name L [Tt | P | Credits ‘Maximum Marks Total code (airs) | (Hrs) | (Hrs) (Practical Slot) Marks End | Mid] Class End | Lab Tnternal term__| term _| Performance | term _ | Performance | viva MCA=T101 | Diserete Mathematics) 3 T 7 40/30 30 5 : 100 MCA=102 3 T 2 3 0 [30 30 0 30 30 200 MCA—103 3 T a 0/30 30 100 MCA= 104 3 T B 5 40 [30 30 oT) 30 30 200 MCA 105 | Communication Skills | 3 T 2 3 [30 30 0 Ey 30 200 MCA- 106 | Programming Lab in C | = es [4 0 30 30 100 MCA 107 | Seminar 2 T ro) 30 30 100 Total 8 200 [150 ‘| 150 200 | 150 150 1000 Credits or Minimum pass Marks in a subj Minimum pass Marks in a subjUNIVERSITY ‘GALIOR*MP INDIA ‘SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Subject wise Distribution of Marks and Corresponding Credits Program Name : MCA Semester : II (Session 2019-22) ‘Course Course Name c]F ] P| credits Maximum Marks Total code (irs) | rs) | crs) (Theory Slot) Marks End Chass End] Tab internal term_| term _| Performance | term | Performance | viva MCA 201 | Numerical & Soi etlesns «0 [30 30 : ; 100 Statistical Methods MCA=205 | Data Siructure Saale eral [3030 a P30 30 200 MCA~203 | Software Enginesing 3] 1] 2] 30 0 0 30 200 - | MCA=204 [DEMS Saale ensy | a0 [3030 | 30 30 300 [ MCA=205 | Object Oriented Spee |iean | aes [330 a Pao 30 300 Programming with cH Teal cy 200 | 180) 150 160130 120 | 900 Credits visio Ww Minimum pass Marks in a subject in end term theory: 30% fs ¢ \h Minimum pass Marks in a subject in end term Practical: 50% WY " AeUNIVERSITY GWALIOR = MP-INDIA SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Subject wise Distribution of Marks and Corresponding Credits Program Name: MCA ‘Semester: III (Session 2019-22) Course ‘Course Name E T | P iY Credits ‘Maximum Marks ‘Maximum Marks Total ‘code (irs) | (ttrs) | (Hrs) (Theory Slot) (Practical Slot) Marks End [Mid | Class End | Lab Internal term | term __| Performance | term | Performance _| viva MCA~301 | Computer Oriented | 3 T 4 40/30 30 - - 100 Optimization ‘Techniques MCA~302 | Java Programming | 3 T a 16 0 [30 30 0 30 30 200 MCA~303 | Design and Analysis | 3 T angels [30 30 0 30 30 200 Algorithm, MCA~304 | Computer Networks | 3 T - 4 [30 30 100 MCA~305 | Elective —T 3 T a 16 ao [30 30 cy 30 30 200 | MCA—306 | Minor Project —1 - > e 13 cs 5 0 30 30 100 Total 2B 200-[ 150 | 150 160 | 120 120 900 Credits @y : a > orUNIVERSITY ‘GWALIOR = MP - INDIA SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Subject wise Distribution of Marks and Corresponding Credits Program Name : MCA Semester : IV (Session 2019-22) Course ‘Course Name T T | P| Credits ‘Maximum Marks Maximum Marks Total code (Hrs) | (dirs) | (Hrs) (Theory Stot) (Practical Slot) ‘Marks End | Mid | Class End | Lab Internal term | term | Performance | term — | Performance _| viva MCA~401 | Data ware Housing & [3 T a 5 40/30 30 40 30 30 200 MCA—402 | Computer Graphics | 3 T (5 [30 30 0 30 30 200 MCA—403 | Theory of 3 T = a [30 30 = zi c Too Computation MCA~404 | Information Storage | 3 T = q 7 [30 30 > ~ = 100 ‘And Management MCA 405 | Elective IT 3 T a {6 4/30 30 0 30 30 200 MCA~406 | Minor Project | - = [4 = = = w 30 30 100 Toul 28 200 | 150 —*| 150 160 | 120 rt) 3700 Credits um pass Marks in a subject in end term theory: jum pass Marks in a subject in end term Practi aeB= 22° = ==> UNIVERSITY "GWALIOR = MP -INDIA SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Subject wise Distribution of Marks and Corresponding Credits Program Name: MCA Semester: V (Session 2019-22) Course | CourseName | L T | P| Creaic Maximum Marks ‘Maximum Marks | Total ‘code (irs) | (irs) | (Hrs) | 5) (Theory Slot) (Practical Slot) Marks End [Mid | Class End | Lab Internal term | term | Performance | term | Perform | viva MCA 3 T z 3 [3030 a 730 30 200 S01 MCA 3 T 2 i [30 [30 40/30 30 200 502 MCA— | Web 3 T 2 3 w [30 [30 0 [30 30 200 503 Technologies MCA—_ | Elective-tit 3 7 a 3 a [30 | 30 40/30 30 200 504 MCA—_ | Elective-1V 3 i q [30 [30 100 505 MCA | Minor Project —IiT | ~ = 8 a = 0/30 30 100 506 Total 28 200) 1s0. | 150 200 | 150 150 7000 Credits Bspe UNIVERSITY [GWALIOR = MP-INDIA SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Subject wise Distribution of Marks and Corresponding Credits Program Name: MCA Semester: VI (Session 2019-22) Course | Course Name cL [ot | P| Credis Maximum Marks Maximum Marks Total code (airs) | (Hrs) | tes) (Theory Slot) (Practical Slot) Marks End [Mid | Class End [Seminar/ | Project term | term | Performane | term | Presentation | Record! e Prac Internal Viva MCA— | Major Project Sahel enor [mia [2 = 200 100 200 | 500 601 Dissertation Total 20 Faale 200 100 200 | 500 Credits ELECTIVE-T veo ELECTIVE IT Za (A)Dot Net Framework (B) Advanced DBMS (A)Machine Learning (C) MATLAB (B) Internet of Things Z (D) PHP (©)Cloud Computing (D)Multimedia Systems & Applications ELECTIVE 11 ELECTIVE IV (A)Advanced JAVA (B) ASP NET (A) Network Securit (©) Programming with Python 'D) ANDROID based application development Fath x yo - (D)Compiler DesignM.Tech. 2019a 28,29_o01-201 9 iz : UNIVERSITY ‘GWALIOR » MP = INDIA NAME OF COURSE: M. Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) (2019-20) SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS & CORRESPONDING CREDITS ‘SEMESTER: 1 =F Satna Peds Meta And Ta Remar se] case | te crete Tico Sa Fiat Sa Tea start ed | Nelsen] Chas ae Prog Taare a Sen | _misrciwo | parpaion| Sem. | trcton | Vi mre Pee | iia oreaia 1) to | Art wo}. » » soo | 3 : PaCS. | Daignad Anas a 102 | of Algorithms ian 2» A 409 fa 4 PaCS nao ad 2. | Sealer aa Neca » woo | 4 a: | POG ld rss epacy oot | Sa 30 woo | 4 Advance Database ar [Eo [acer eam a » sw | : ann DOCS | Dean Al o |» | x | w fo 2 7. | PACS simian tab a |» | 9 | a lo 2 Minimum Marks (End Semester only): (in Theory) q ‘CGPA — 5 required to promote in next semester - Va “ie Ng Draft for approvali UNIVERSITY ‘GWALIOR + MP «INDIA NAME OF COURSE: M. Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering(2019-20) ‘SEMESTER: I ‘SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS & CORRESPONDING CREDITS S| Subject] Subject Maximum Marks Allotted Credits] Total] Remarks No| Code | Name & Allotted | Credits Title Subject wise Theory Slot Practical Slot Total | Period per Marks | week End | Mid Sem. Class | End | Progressive | Internal LT © Sem. | MST(Two | Participation | Sem. | Evaluation | Viva Tests Average) T. | pacs201 | Advanced | 4 30 30 to |3}rjo] 4 ‘Computer Architecture 2 | pacs202 | adhoc 0 30 30 To |3}rjo| 4 Networks 3 Data Mining | 30 30 To |3}rj{o| 4 PGcs-203 | and Data Warehousing 7 Simulation | 4 30 30 To |3s}rjo| 4 Pacs-204 | and Modeling 5. | pacs-205 | Elective 0 30 30 - > oo [3}i}o} 4 & | PGCS-206 | Network Lab - 0 30 30 wo [opo}a| 2 rn 0 30 30 to [ofoj4] 2 PGCS.207 Minimum Marks (End Semester only): (In Theory) 12 ‘CGPA — 5 required to promote in next semester iS ' ; (In Practical) 20 Wy ov Ney Draft for approvalEPA : UNIVERSITY (GWALIOR + MP INDIA NAME OF COURSE: M. Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) (2019-20) SEMESTER: IIT SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS & CORRESPONDING CREDITS S| Subject] Sabjeet ame Marimum Marks Alltted Greats | Tota | Rewari No| Code | & Tide ‘ttocted | Credits Subjet wise "Ticory Sat Practical Sot "oiat | Period per tae | se Tad | Md Sen. | Gass] in| Progrenive | Tatraat LFF sem. | mstctwo | Participation | Sem. | Evaluation | Viva Tests Average) 1. | pacs-01 «| 30 30 ¢ : - | fsfifo} « 2. | pacs.se2 wo | 30 30 wo falifo} 4 3, | pacsaas 200 | 10+) 0 | sw [-|-]o] 10 4, | pcos-2o4 so x | wo |-|-a] 2 3 Minimum Marks (End Semester only): (In Theory) 12 CGPA — 5 required to promote in next semester in Practical) 20 hy y, ye i eae, Draft for approval Note: The academic committee of the university headed by dean and chairman BOS as secretary will consider cases for research work with well known research lab & have the powers to condone their attendance. However, the students of these projects have to appear all assessments physicaim UNIVERSITY ‘GWALIOR » MP + INDIA NAME OF COURSE: M. Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) (2019-20) SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS & CORRESPONDING CREDITS ‘SEMESTER: IV eer utara aera maa wen kes oe oa to ee EL Se eee oe oa ss Note: All the theoretical subjects are up to 3° semester must be clear before evaluation of final dissertation. Draft for approvalB.TECH. 2018 BATCH (CSE \ CSE(H) \ CSE(I))4 28,23_01.2019 UNIVERSITY STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME ‘OWALOR > -O (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2018-2022 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 1 Credits Allotted ‘Maximum Marks Alloted (Subject wise) s. | Subject Total Theory Slot Ret Nos: obde: ‘Subject Name very: Practical Slot a Period Per Week chai marks End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam ass | Endsem, | Progressive | internal | wars| , | > | p Bram | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 |matoron! 40 30 30 40 30 3 | 20] 3fof2| 4 2 |ecwo10. 40 30 30 40 30 wo | 2 ]2)1]2] 4 2 festoion 40 30 30 40 30 04 io. Lae a ela Essentials of Information 4 |cstoroi 40 30 30 aus ie 40 30 30 | 20 | 2 | 0 5 |Meto201 | Engineering Mechanics 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 ]2 ]2f2| 4 6 |cspotos | Programming logics 40 30 30 | 0) olole6| 3 Total Credits| 22 be be ieew eae BATCH: 2018-2022 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 2 Credits Alloted imum jotted vpn aauanarey (Subject Wise) s. | subject Total lot Pr Re no} els | subject Name Theory Sk actical Slot ont | Penoa Per week | Tot | Remarks fnasem.] “midsem.tram | class | Endsem.] orosenive [imteral| wane |, | «| p Exam _|(Two Tests’ Average)| Participation] Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 [ectozoa | basic electronics 40 30 30 20 30 30 | 20{2{[a]2|] « 2 |1mavozoa | statistics for Engineers 20 30 30 - E =, fal pete loa nication Skil 3; Huenaon| Comeanuce sos 40 30 30 40 30 3 | mf 2}al2] 4 Colloquium 4 |erwoz01 | Engineering Physics 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20]2/[a]2]« 5 [€sto202 | web architecture and Desien | go a 3 7m a al eculrell taal ales Object Oriented 6 |cspozos | Oblest Onente : : Z 40 30 w |} olols| 3 Programming with Java Total Credits) 23 © KE Vorie Y BATCH: 2018-2022 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 3 Credits Alotted Maximum Marks allotted (subject Wise) s. | subject Total a we. ‘Subject Name ‘Theory Slot Practical Slot oa Period Per Weel Remarks End Sem.] Mid Sem. Exam Gass | End Sem. | Progressive | intemal | rants |, | y | p tam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 | MALo305 | Discrete Structures 40 30 30 wo fa fafo| 4 2 | eci0306 | bigita Electronics 40 30 30 “0 30 x | 2 |sfafals 3 |csto206 | operating system 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20] 3 [ala] s Data structures & 4 |cstoas? 4 30 30 40 30 30 | a0] 2faltal s Applications 5 |cst0a5e | sontware Engineering 40 30 30 wo [a{ilo|« 6. |csP0308 | server side Programming 40 30 3 | wo] olo|a|2 Total credits] _25 General English =I rer 7 |cee 40 300 o2 10301) (competitive Examinations) ie tag fF course w og By ‘Minimum Passing Mars in End Semester Exam: 12 (i wh ke? PostonSTUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2018-2022 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 4 Credits Allotted Maximum Marks Allotted (Subject Wise) S| Subject Total WN Slot riod Pe Remarks ea] cone, | Sublect Name Theory Practical Slot oat | Peder wea | ine EndSem.| MidSem.Exam | Class | End Sem. tnneral | marks | | 7 | p Exam_ | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation] Exam Viva 1 [mato409 | Engineering Mathematies-1v | 40 30 30 wo} 2[afo| 4 ‘Analog and Digital 2 |ecioa27 40 30 30 40 30 xo | 20} 2]1]}2] 4 ‘Communication Computer System 3 |cstosse. nese 40 30 30 40 30 so .| a | s|a}2]s Organization Data ci f aj stone} | ocuceseaneeenee 40 30 30 40 30 a | 2 }s]af2] s Computer Networks Database Management 5 |csto4o7 40 30 30 40 30 30 | wm | 2)1]4) s system Mobile Application with 4 ° 6 |CSPOA05 | ANDROID 10 30 30 100 ioe | ha) ea Total reaits| 25 7 |ceaRosos Lp 4 30 30 100 | 2 ah ee pee ad Course "Minimum Passing Marksn End Semester Exam:STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2018-2022 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 5 Credits Allotted ‘Maximum Marks Allotted cue (subject wise) s. | Subject Total Practical Period Sm noc| ode. | Sublect Name Theory Slot ractical Slot ae er Week | erie | Remarks End Sem. |" Mid Sem. Exam Gass | End Sem. | Progressive | internal | marks | | > | p Exam_ | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva smputer Graphie an | cstoson, | avestee orabiac er 40 30 30 40 30 sw | 20] 3]1]2| s 2: [esunsoa}, | CYeeceet ai 40 30 30 wo] 3]1}o} 4 Network Security 3 |cst0516 | theory of Computation | 40 30 30 wo [s|1afo| 4 Design and Analysis 4 |cstosss [2 pees 40 30 30 40 30 so | 20] 3s ]a]2]s Algorithms 5 lestoseo | information storageand [4 a = wer see ‘management 6 |csP0s06_ | Programming with Python “0 30 zo | wo folofe| 3 Total Credits] 25 Audit 7 |ceetosor ons {#° 30 30 100 2 baitsUNIVERSITY STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2018-2022 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 6 cre Aloe Maximum Maks Aloted ae 5. | subject rota if Peri a subject name Theory ot etal st er week | 12 | nemars EndSem.| Mid Sem. Exam tass | End Sem. | Progressive | internal |-nrarks| , | | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 7 [esses | Digtorimage Processing | 40 3 » | «| » |» |m|:|sle|s 2 estaeca 70 30 ava ae wm [2fafel« > jesus “0 » » | « |» |» [m|lalalal« 7 [esses [cod computing 7 30 30 m [sale] s 5 |CSLOG6S | Soft Computing 40 30 30, 100 3 ajo 4 6 [eso | minor ject «|» |» |m[elole| Total cei) 24 7 [ezarocs)MathenateatAetnude BT yp x x ww | 2 oe | eeSTUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering Subject, Code Subject Name Maximum Marks Allotted cst0766 Data Warehousing and cst0767 cse0768 500702 csP0707 Theory Slot Total Mid Sem. Exam Class | End Sem. Marks (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam 30 30 40 200 30 30 300 30 30 100 30 30 40 200 > 40 100 40 100 ist of Elective -1 Subjects (4) CSE0770 Network Management [(2) CSEO771 INFOMATICA (3) CSE0772 Big Data Analysis Minimum Passing . Te WY Ly i &BATCH: 2018-2022 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 8 Maximum Marks Allotted ey | PERI | subject Nome ‘Theory Slot Practical Slot vera | Peed Per Week rota | Remarks nd Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam Gass | End'Sem. | Progressive | intemal | marks |, | > | p Exam_| (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | fxam | Evaluation | Viva 1 [310873 simulation Modeling 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20] 3fal2|s 2 |[cst0874 | internet of Things 40 30 30 : . wo fafajol]« za 3 electives 40 30 30 ; : - [ao fafalols ‘| 4 Electives 40 30 30 E 5 - [ao fafalo| « 5 |¢s00808 | Major Project -1 : : = 40 30 30 | 10 | o | o jaz) 6 Totalcredis| 23 |_| lust of Elective -2 Subjects _|(2) CSE087 - Human Computer Interaction ene Brad (3) c3€0877 Parallel Processing List of Elective -3 Subjects _|(2) CSE0878 - Embedded System (2) C5£0879 Advance DBMS (3) C5E0880 Machine Learning a ~ ph. AW © Ph Minimum Passing Mars in End Semester Exam: 12 (la Theory an 20 (in Practical28, 29-01-2019 ¢ mo = c MEALS BATCH: 2018-2022 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (Hons.) Semester: 1 Credits Allotted Maximum Marks Alloted jarani s. | subject Total 10 | ARS | subject Nome Theory Slot Practical Slot xa | Peer week | |emarks End Sem] Midsem.Exam | Class | End Sem. | Progressive | Internal | marks | , | _ | p Exam | (Two Tests Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 [MALO103| Calculus for Engineers 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20} 3[o|2| 4 | etage) [cone ogee 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20) 2)1]2] 4 Engineering | esuoaors EON arate 1d. eo 30 30 40 30 3 | 20} 2/)1]2] 4 Pollution Control 4 |Gsinaes | een |) aa, 20 20 40 20 30 | 20) 2] o]2| 2 Technology 5 | me10103 | Engineering Mechanics 20 30 30 20 30 30 | 20 |2]af2|4 6 |csPoio1 | Programming logics 4 z 2 120 90 | ao |olo|e|s Total credits] 22 r WHF © ye, Ne MH : pS eae AY wedo0 Minimum Passing Marks in End Semester Exam: 12 (in Theory) and 20 (in racial)in a a FS) i il < STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (Hons.) BATCH: 2018-2022 Semester: 2 Credits Allotted Maximum Marks Allotted an (Subject Wise) s | sub Total uPleet | suect Name Theory slot Practical slot Period Per Week | T° | remarks No. Code Total credits Endsem.| Midsem.exam | Class | Endsem. | Progressive | internal | marks | , | 7 | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) Participation) Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 [ectozo1 | Basic Electronics 40 30 30 40 30 3 | mf 2frf2| 4 2 |mato20s | Statistics for Engineers 40 30 30 wo f2[i[2| 4 Comi ils & 3: | aucezon | Commentnen eA 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20] 2]1]2] 4 Colloquium 4 | PHL0202 | Engineering Physics 40 30 30 40 30 ao, [pao | aa |e fe ss |€sto202 | Web Architecture and Desien | 4g x e eS a eaeea eee tere eaalioe ‘Object Oriented 6 |csPoz0s 40 30 3 | w]ol}ole|] 3 Programming with Java Total Credits| 23 Minimum Passing Marks in End Semester Exam: 12 (a Theory) and a \ AS ; wy WK, a in Practical) he wyBATCH: 2018-2022 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering(Hons.) Semester: 3 Credits Allotted Maxim All laximum Marks Allotted feu wis) s. | Subject Total o| code. | Sublet Name Theory Slot Practical Slot sot [Perio Wenk | ate mars End Sem. | — Mid Sem, Exam lass | End Sem. | Progressive | internal | marks | , | 7 | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 | mavoz0s | Discrete structures 40 30 30 = ‘ 7 wo | 3 [afol 4 2 |ecto3os 40 30 30 40 30 90) | 2008 | Fst i[ial [baultes 3 |cstoaos 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 | 3 [af2] 5 4 |cstoss7 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 | 2]/a]4] s 5 |csto3se | software Engineering 40. 30 30 c z - wo | 3 [1fo| 4 6. |csP0304 | Serverside Programming | - - - 40 30 30 | 0 | ololfa| 2 Total Credits| 25 [auait ceeto303| - - - 100 J aca [aor BW wot We \\ LySTUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME ‘ Eve t i BI Pi (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2018-2022 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering(Hons.) Semester: 4 Credits allotted ‘Maximum Marks Allotted Pea (Subject Wise) s. | Subject Total ‘Subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot r Remarks fa ibject ory’ a tay | Pato Per Week| te End Sem.| Mid Sem. Exam internal | marks | | > | p Exam _ | (Two Tests’ Average) vwva 1 |mavoaoa_ | Engineering Mathematics-1v | 40 30 30 - wo} 3s|{1fo|] 4 ‘Analog and a) |ecotars |e 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20} 2])a]2] 4 Computer || coumesasa| menos” 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20] s}af2] 5 Organization Data Communication and 4 |cstos6o 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20] sfal2] 5 Computer Networks Si|csiownsa|Deeeene 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20} 2]}ifal s system Mobile Application with 40 30 30 | 10 | o | o § JesPo405 | aNDROID ale Total Credits) 25 7 Teearoaos| Mathematical Aptitude & a a o 4 E Sea ee ast pees 2 | Audit IReasoning-1 ea {| course Exam: 12 (in Theor and 20 (in PractBATCH: 2018-2022 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (Hons.) Semester: 5 Credits Allotted Maximum Marks Allotted cn) Subject Total : Week Remarks S.No. ‘cole ‘Subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot aa Period Per Weel chasis End sem.| Mid Sem. Exam lass | End sem. | Progressive | internal | srarks| . | y | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam Evaluation | Viva 1 | cstosos epee cence 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 3 1 2 s ‘Multimedia hy and 2 | cstos22 Roe cee 40 30 30 * * « 100 3 ajo 4 Network Security 3 |cstos16 | theory of Computation | 40 30 30 ei ill janot| fea [iar [ole 4 | CSLOSS9- beseens pnetias ot 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 3 1a]2 5 Algorithms: Information Storage and 5 |cstos6o 40 30 30 - | wo }sfafo} 4 management 6 |csP0sos | Programming with Python| Z = 40 30 30 | 10 |ofole| 3 7 |cstosso 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 10 | 3 ]}o]2| 4 Total Credits] 29 General English — Audit 8 |ceevosor 30 30 E - i 00 |2 o2 a OT Ee PVRSTUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering(Hons.) BATCH: 2018-2022 Semester: 6 oe yy WK Minimum Passing Marks in End Semester Exam: 12 in Theory) ané 20 (n Practical) Ae Peden Credit Allotted ‘Maximum Marks Allotted (Subject Wise) s. | subject Total me slot ical Slot Now ‘Subject Nar ‘Theory: Practic ei Period Per Week credits! Remarks End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam class | EndSem. | Progressive | internal | marks| , | 7 | p fxam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | fxam | Evaluation | Viva 1 |stos62 image Processing | 40 30 30 40 30 x | 20/3 ]if2|s 2 [estose2 40 30 30 wo [3]afo| 4 3 |cst0663 40 30 30 «0 30 ~ [2 |2fale2] 4 4 |estos6a | Cloud computing 40 30 30 wo) 3)afo|« 5 |estoses | sort Computing 40 30 30 wo 3]afo| «4 6 |cs00602 | minor Project 40 30 30 | 10 [ololfe| 3 it eric J 7 vom PRAT | - eras Motuseze Analy sis Total Credits] 28 [Mathematical Aptitude & ‘audit 8 |CEAROGOI eosoning- Il 40 30 30 | oo | 2 Oh liane / oeLeary BATCH: 2018-2022 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (Hons.) Semester: 7 Credits Allotted q Maximum Marks Allotted (Subject Wise) s. | Subject Total Nos diene ‘Subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot sat Period Per Week Remarks End sem. | Mid Sem. Exam ciass | End Sem. | Progressive | internal | marks |, | | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam Evaluation Viva Data Warehousing and 1 | CsLo766 7 a bd 40 30, 30 40 30 30 200 3 1 2 5 2 [cs10767_| bistributed Systems 40 30 30 Z . - [wo fsafalo|« Wireless and Mobile 3 | cseo768 40 30 30 : : : wo | 3] 1]o} 4 ‘Communication 4 Elective—1 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20{3fi1fo] 4 5 |cso0702_ | Major Project -1 - - - 40 30 30 | 10 [o]ojfa| 2 6 |csP0707 | industrial Training 40 30 30 | w0[ofo]a| 2 Total Credits) 21 Ust of Elective-1 Subjects |(1) CSEO770 Network Management (2) CSEO771 INFOMATICA (3) CSEO772 Big Data Analysis Wwe Ab ot ANG Minimum Passing Marks in ster Exam: 12 in Theory) and 20 {in Practica)STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2018-2022 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering(Hons.) Semester: 8 ee == 3 | ste | soetnane = ries] __, [printers £0 erate fndsem | MidSem.Exam | Gass | Endsem. | Progresve | imermal | wonts| y | > | p fxam_ | (Two Tests Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | viva 7 [¢s10873 | simulation Modeling 0 30 30 0 30 30 | 20} 3|a}2| s 2 [est0874 | internet of Tings ry 30 30 ao fs |alo|« 3 ry 30 30 ao fs |fafe|« a ~ 30 20 ao fs falo|« 3 |esbosos © 30 x | 0 fo|o|n| 6 Total Creits| 23 List of Elective-2 Subjects _|(2)csE0875 - Human Computer Interaction Snes (3) 3€0877 Parallel Processing |List of Elective - 3 Subjects |(1) CSEO878 - Embedded System |(2) CSEO879 Advance DBMS (3) CSEO880 Machine Learning ay Mw Yer yo Minimum Passing Macks in End Semester Exam: 12 (in Theory) and 20 (in Practical)— 28,2901 9019 cI 3 * © 2 = m a2 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2018-2023 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering(INTEGRATED) Semester: 1 Credits Allotted Maximum Marks Allotted (Subject Wise) S. | Subject Total ibject Name 201 mi weal ogc Ph Theory Slot Practical Slot ota | Potted Per Week | creains| Remarks End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam lass] End sem. | Progressive | internal | warks | | | p Exam | (TwoTests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 | Mator01 | Calculus for Engineers 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20/3 ]o/f2] 4 Principles of Electrical 2 |eevo101 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 2} 2)a]2] 4 Engineering Environmental Science & 3 |estoro1 ae 40 30 30 40 30 3 | 20] 2]}a]2] 4 Essentials of Information 4 |csto101 Hie oe 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20) 2]o0)2] 3 Technology 5 |Meto101 | Engineering Mechanics 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20] 2]af2] 4 6 |csPo102 | Programming logics 40 30 30 | 10] olole] 3 ‘Total Credits| 22 wm mx Ae ASTUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME UNIVERSITY (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2018-2023 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (INTEGRATED) Semester: 2 Credits Alotted M ‘Maximum Marks Allotted eee s. | subject Total Subject Name Pra + Week | SEPMEE | subject ma ‘Theory Slot tical Slot oat | Peed creas} Remarks Endsem.| MidSem.txam | Glass | EndSem. | Progressive | Internal | marks |. | > | p Exam |(Two Tests’ Average)|Partcipation| Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 [eci0201 | Basic Eectronies, 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 | 2{af2| 4 2 | mat0203 | statistics for Engineers 40 30 30 wo f2{al2] 4 om ils & 3 | HULO201 punaten ser 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 2 ih 2 4 Colloquium “4 [pHtoz01 Engineering Physics 40 30 30 40 30 30, 200 2 1 2 4 [1110202 | Web Architecture and Design | 4p = = a rs eae [eon tera pe | toe Object Oriented 6 |csPoz0s 40 30 30 | wo | ojols| s Programming with lava Total Credits] 23 - Minimum Passing Marks in nd Semester Exam: 12 (in Theory) and 20 in Pretcal) Je on 2STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2018-2023 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (INTEGRATED) Semester: 3 f Credits Allotted Marks Allotted (Subject Wise) tues “ | oe | aac a ee ee ae eo ee ee, | See eee 4 | CSLO3S7 Dera siniciure: & 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 2 4 4 5 Applications: 7 =| CEELO301, Sen See }40, 30, 100. 2 }02 Ae (Competitive Examinations) dK [Course iy i bk yk . yo £- Bim Pasig Macks by xSTUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2018-2023 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering(INTEGRATED) Semester: 4 Cres Alotted ‘Maximum Marks Allotted es (Subject Wise) S.| Subject Total a ; Remarks ae ae ‘Subject Name ‘Theory Slot Practical Slot oa Period Per Week clas EndSem.| Midsem.txam | class | EndSem.] Progressive | Internal | warks | , | | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation) Exam Evaluation Viva 1 |ato409 | Engineering Mathematcs-1v | 40 30 30 ao fs fafo| 4 Analog and Distal 2 Jeanar [Aarne “ » ar aa ee ahs el | aaa Compute System 3 |CsLO4s8 eeevoree 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 3 1 2 5 Organization Data Communication and 4 |cstosco 40 30 20 “0 20 w | 2)3fafa]s Computer Networks erageinent ‘S |CSLO407 Darmiase Manas 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 2 1 4 s system ton with 6 | CsPo40s Pebic peptcation a 40 30 30 100 o oO 4 2 ANOROIO Total reas] 25 . Audit 7 «0 30 30 oo | 2 fe [oeBATCH: 2018-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (INTEGRATED) Semester: 5 Credits Allotted Maximum Marks Al \aximum lotted Fate wah s. | subject Total i PIRES | subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot A eed ae End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam ass [Endsem. | Progesive | itera! | warts |, | | » Exam | (TworTests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 2, | eioso, |coeeent | 20 30 40 30 x | 2m] alata] s Multimedia 2, |calosaa fonoersentond 40 30 30 : : - | ao ]afalto| 4 Network security 3 |cst0536_ | Theory of Comput 40 30 30 q - Eis 3500 | apis [a Oe | Design and Ai ii] counssoraiynnee nom ere Me org 30 30 4 30 x | a |)3faf2] s Algorithms s les.oseo | Information storage and | or c i a a rae ee management 6 |csP0s06 | Programming with Python] - : : 40 30 x [10 folole| s Total credits] 25 iceetosor 7 F . 100 fe cay sine courseUNIVERSITY BATCH: 2018-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering(INTEGRATED) Semester: 6 Credits Allotted ‘Maximum Marks Allotted arks Al (Subject wise) 5. | Subject Total Remarks nos cong, | Subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot ovat | Peed Perweek | End sem. | Mid Sem. Exam Gass | End Sem. | Progresve | internal | marks |, | y | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 [cst0661 | digital image Processing | 40 30 30 40 30 3 | 2fafif2|s 2 |es.os62 | compiler Design 40 30 30 - E - [wo fafafo| « 3 |cst0663 | artificial intetigence 40 30 30 40 30 3 | 2 f2frf2|4 4 |cstos64 | cloud computing 40 30 30 ; P - [ao fsafafol « 5 |csto6ss | soft computing 40 30 30 - : - | a0 f3afalo| a 6 |cs00601 | Minor Project 5 : : 40 30 30 | 10 [ofole| 3 Total Credits| 24 [Mathematical Aptitude & ‘Audit 7 : : |CEARO601 reasoning It mn ay 2 | course ay m Wa ir Minima Passing Mark Exam: 12 (im Theory and 20 (in Practical)STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2018-2023 Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (INTEGRATED) Semester: 7 Credits Allotted ane One (Subject Wise) Ape a = arene | PS Sse tae eras aise ro [aan at | Iron Sion] Misoniem | cea leet] roomie [imeem get, |e Te Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva Ee 1 | CSLO766 Mining oe 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 3 1 2 s 3 | CSEO768 Nore joes 40 30 30 100 3 a oO 4 ee eo ae | iosossia loa =| xnalo fants ro Go or eet ener Core sara RS Gy a: WO AS - & at Marts in End Sem Theory and 20 (in racial AUNIVERSITY BATCH: 2018-2023 OWALIOR HP A STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering(INTEGRATED) Semester: Credits allotted “Maximum Marks allotted re (Subject Wise) 5. | subject Tota Name 0 we Remarks | SRE | subject Theory Slot Practica lot vou [Peed Per wen | ei Fam EndSem. | MidSem.txam | cl End sem. | Progressive | mternat| mans | y | 7 |p txam | (Two Tests’ Average) txam | Evaluation | Viva + |cst0873 | simulation Modeling “0 30 “0 30 x | m}afail2|s 2 [estos74 | interne *0 30 30 = z ~ [a0 | 3s fafe| a 3 Elec “0 30 F : : ~ [wo fsfajo|« a elective 40 30 20 wo fs |ajo|« 5 [espo804 | Major 0 Fy x0 | 100 | o|o|a| 6 6 [estoeaa | Adthoc Networks 0 30 30 : : 7 [ao fs |afol« 7ilcstoeds een ose cess a0 20 30 : : - | wo }afajo| « and Design Total credits] 34 a) cst rs List of lective -2 subjects |) 50875 - Human Computer interaction ak cieoe7s Sofware Poke (3) c3e0877 parallel Processing Management Iistof Elective -3 Subjects |(a)CSE087E - Embedded System (2) 30879 Advance DaMS (3) 30880 Machine Learning 1a KE Gy by F oP \WeSTUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2018-2023 Name of Course: B, Tech. + M. Tech. (Integrated) in Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 9 Credits Alltted ne a (Subject Wise) s. | subject Total | SE | subject Name ‘Theory Slot Practica Slot ana | Pera Per Week | eug| Remarks End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam Glass | EndSem.| Progressive | internal | srarks |. | | p Exam_ | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | fam | Evaluation | Viva 1 | MALo923 | Quantia 40 30 30 ao fs ]afo| a 2 |cs10970_ | computes 40 30 30 40 30 0 | am] sfaf2|s Software Testing and 3 | csto973 40 30 30 40 20 30 | 20} 3 )af2] s Quality Assurance 4 Elective -5 40 30 30 10 | 3 alo| « 5 Elective -6 40 30 30 ro [3a falo| « 6 |cs00907 | Dissertation (Part -1) 0 30 30 | 100 2 Total credits] 24 ist of Elective 5 Subjects _[(a) E0948 - Natural Language Processing (2) CS£0968 — RealTime Systems (3) CSt0969 Information Retrieval and Web Seorch list of Elective-6 Subjects _|(1) CSEO971 - Cyber aw and information Security |(2)CSE0972 Information Theory and Coding_|(3) CSEO9@1 ~Deep Learning and Neural Networks gr xe aa Y ot WENOBATCH: 2018-2023 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. + M. Tech. (Integrated) in Computer Science & Engineering Semester: 10 Credits Alotted anim Marks Allotted Waar (Subject Wise) s. | subject Total | SaB | subject Name Theory Slot Practical lot onan [Peto er week | ein, | Remarks fndsem. Midsem.txam | class | Endsem.| Prowressive | intemal | wars | | y | p txam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | &xam | Evaluation | Viva 1 [cs01008 | oissertation (Part-19 woo | 200 | 300 | 3000 20 2 [eso1009 | seminar 30 Sa] Saou tales we Total credits] 249 is 93.29- 04.20! € a C UNIVERSITY BATCH: 2018-2022 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in INFORMATION TECHNOLOOGY Semester: 1 Credits allotted Maximum Marks Allotted (Subject Wise) s. | Subject Total ieee ‘Subject Name Theory Slot Practical Slot ota | Pend Per Week | cae | Remarts End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam lass | End'Sem. |.Progressive | internal | marks | y | 7 | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1. | Mato101| Calculus for Engineers 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20/3 ]/of2|] 4 2 |eeo101 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 | 2|2]2] 4 3} ESL0101 eee 40 320, 30 40 30 30 200 2 1 2 4 Pollution Control Essentials of n 4 |moto1 Eel hones 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20] 2]o0];2] 3 Technology 5 |meto201 | Engineering Mechanics 40 30 30 40 30 no f2faf2] 4 6 |po101 | Programming logics - - - 40 30 wo |olole| 3 “Total Credits) 22 \ ah by Vey VS — [Minimum Passing Mars in Endl Semester Exam: 12 (in Theory and 20 (i Pract)BATCH: 2018-2022 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in INFORMATION TECHNOLOOGY Semester: 2 Credits Allotted vo laximum Marks Allotted {Subject Wise) s.| sue rot Pater wee | Treat eee eee Tow s6e Praia ee aa erase tealsentel cant extern nape [ees mcs (ede [thom |(woteaverge| Pepto] tam | Suton | Ve 1 fecont 70 2 » | | » |» |w]?|s|al« 2 |aozes 7 F) ase as ra mena [ca a maton 3 [pecs [Psepeten sie] cap » » | o | » | » |mlelifal« [ona [ees ry ® 2 op |» p= |e lafalale | |iumao2 | web citer andossen | ag 3 a erirsr | attas ee Object ented « |rozes * ofole| = Programming with Java pes PP ne Tour ey ty WK, ao te pa. sin End Semester Exam: 12 (in Theory) and 20 (in Practical)A € BATCH: 2018-2022 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in INFORMATION TECHNOLOOGY Semester: 3 Credits Alotted Maximum Marks Allotted Rai s. | subject Total 1 | SERRE | subject Name Theory Slot Practica Slot vou | Peed Per Week Remarks End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam oss | End sem. | Progressive | internal | aris |, | y | p Exam | (Two Teste’ Average) | Participation | fxam | Evaluation | Va 1 | mavo30s | Discrete Structures 20 30 30 ro |afafo| a 2 | ect0306 | Digta Electronics 40 30 30 “0 30 x | 2ofafal2]s 3 [1710306 | Operating System 40 30 30 40 30 x | oo [sfal2]s ‘| uaasz. | Demesenentes 40 30 30 40 30 3 | 2 f2fafals Applications 5 [ir103se | sofware Engineering 40 30 30 wo fa fafo|« 6. |1TP0304 | Server Side Programming | : : 40 30 3 | wo] ofo|s| 2 Total credts| 25 General English=1 [auait 7 |EFL0301) (competitive Examinations) |“ fe i course yo y kK Soe ere€ € oe BATCH: 2018-2022 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in INFORMATION TECHNOLOOGY Semester: 4 Credits Allotted ‘Maximum Marks Allotted {Subject Wise) s.| Subject Total K nol cogs | Sublest Name Theory Slot Practical slot nas [Pei Per Wea | | Remarks End em.| MidSem.txam | Class | EndSem.| Progressive | internal | Mans | , | | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) [Participation] fxam | Evaluation | Viva 1 [matoa0a_ | Engineering Mathematics-1v | 40 30 30 wo fs |1fo| 4 2 | ecLo427 etme 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 2 1 2 4 Communication 3 |MTLoass compuersreen 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 3 1 2 s Organization 4 | ITLO460 Peet 40 30 30 40 30 30 200 3 1 2 5 Computer Networks 5 |\moao7 (romeer acoliyy 40 30 30 40 30 3 | m)2)a}als “Mobile Application wi 6 |ITPO4OS: coated 40 30 30 100 oO 0 4 2 ANDROID Total Credits) 25 | [Mathematical Aptitude & ‘audit 7 |CEARO401| lneasoni 30 © | course eo EO Vegsteo,= a= anne BATCH: 2018-2022 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in INFORMATION TECHNOLOOGY Semester: 5 Credits Allotted ‘Maximum Marks Allotted ena s. | subject Tot | S| SEB | sunject name Theory Slot Practical slot vou [Peo Perwesk |u| Remarks Endsem.] idsem.exam | Class | End'Sem. | Progressive | tera! | marks |, | y | p Exam | (TwoTests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva Computer Graphic and 1 |mosos | neste 40 20 30 40 30 3 | 2m] 3faf2]s 2 |mos22 Coyptoeraptty ond 40, 30 30 100 3 1 o 4 Network Security 3 |rriosi6 | Theory of Computation | 40 30 30 wo [3s |ajo|« 1 [russe [Peienantamainsot |p * ae law ae les © mosco [information storage and [4p a Q ie ae management 6 |rTP0506 | Programming with Python 20 30 x | a0 folol}e| a Total Gredits| 25 + Jeeerosoa] Sera Enaish =" "i BS ES f oe cet (Competitive Examinations) course “0 SVS PPBUN STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME si iv cy am ia o (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) BATCH: 2018-2022 Name of Course: B. Tech. in INFORMATION TECHNOLOOGY Semester: 6 Credits Allotted ‘Maximum Marks Allotted (Subject Wise) Ss. | Subject Total : Remarks toc] code |Sublect Name Theory Slot Practical Slot ora | Period Per Week | creans EndSem.| — Mid Sem. Exam class | EndSem.| Progressive | internat | tarks | , | > | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | Exam | Evaluation | Viva 1 |mio661 | digital mage Processing | 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 2 | sfif2{s 2 | mose2 40 30 30 S wo | s]afof 4 3 | moses 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20 | 2[1f2{ 4 4 |1mv0s64 | cloud computing 40 30 30 wo [3s [afo| 4 5 |rmos6s | soft computing 40 30 30 wo | 3s [afo| 4 6 [100601 | minor Project. 40 30 30 | 10] ol]ole6| 3 Total Credits) 24 [Mathematical Aptitude & ‘Audit 7 |EARO601 peasoning- % baa Ed a lee % | course & Minimum Passing Marks in End Semester fxam: q ory and 20 (in Practical)2 2 255 UNIVERSITY BATCH: 2018-2022 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in INFORMATION TECHNOLOOGY Semester: 7 Geli ited Maximum Ma ote mM ee s. | ste rou rere | Site | ate name = Pasian wr [tr | 2 es Este ef steoe 1] ean eden oem eee ees] 2 ea | ses Resi cuties | eae | ne a a es * » | « | » | » falsfa]a] s 7 [nore [osatucdseiene [0 ® = a Ra PST EI ET SE ‘res aa ole 3 |ITEO768 cherie 40 30 30 * : + 100 3 1 oO 4 7 atv @ = ape [= p= pet pep. 5 [oor aj Poe : a [=f [a fe peep a Tae tHe ap METTO New ene TTT WFO Tea aie ae OM OE wpe Minimum Passing Marks In End Semester ExoMLion- be sao BATCH: 2018-2022 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME (SUBJECT WISE DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND CORRESPONDING CREDITS) Name of Course: B. Tech. in INFORMATION TECHNOLOOGY Semester: 8 Credits Allotted ‘Maximum Marks Allotted eos va 8. | Subject Total nos! code | Sublect Name ‘Theory slot Practical Slot out | Pet Per Week | tig| Remarks End Sem. | Mid Sem. Exam class | End sem. | Progressive | internat | tyarks | , | 7 | p Exam | (Two Tests’ Average) | Participation | éxam | Evaluation | Viva 1 [110873 | simulation Modeling 40 30 30 40 30 30 | 20/3 f1f2|] s 2 |1mt0874 | internet of Things 40 30 30 - - - | wo fsfafo| «4 3 el 40 30 30 Z : - | 10 fsf[afo|[ « 4 Electives 40 30 30 - - - | 10 f3sfafo| 4 5 |1mpo804 | major Project - - - - 40 30 3 | 10 | o0|o fz] 6 Total Credits) 23 List of Elective -2 Subjects _[(1)ITE0875 - Human Computer Interface (2) ITE0876 Software Project Management |(3) ITEO877 Parallel Processing List of Elective-3 Subjects |(1) TEO878 - Embedded System (2) TE0879 Advance DBMS TTE0880 Machine Learning AN Ww | Vue whe westr Exam: 12 (in Theory an
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4.5/5 (476)
Bad Feminist: Essays
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Bad Feminist: Essays
Roxane Gay
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
Siddhartha Mukherjee
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
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Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
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The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
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Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Doris Kearns Goodwin
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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Little Women
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