Kopi Luwak

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Kopi luwak is the world’s most expensive coffee.

The main factor of it’s high price is the

uncommon method of producing such a coffee. It has been produced from the coffee beans which
have been digested by a certain Indonesian cat-like animal called then palm civet or also civet cat.
This is the reason kopi luwak is also called cat poop coffee or civet cat coffee. The feces of this
cat will be collected, finished and sold as kopi luwak. On this website you will find all relevant
information about the production process, the cat, certified kopi luwak producers, the kopi luwak
coffee itself and it’s unique properties and taste. The short supply, in comparison with the high
demand, the different taste and the uncommon production methods define the value of kopi luwak
– the most expensive coffee in the world.
Why is Kopi Luwak so special and the most expensive coffee?

The most important reason of the coffee’s speciality is the production process. Have a look at the
pictures below to see how the most expensive coffee is produced: from beans fallen from a coffee
tree to a cup of Kopi Luwak coffee. If you want more details about each step, just click on “more..”
in each section. Hint: To enjoy Kopi Luwak, use regular sized coffee mugs.
Important: You should pay attention when buying Kopi Luwak coffee!

The keyword in this sense is animal friendly and “authentic“, which means it’s coffee cherries
have been eaten, digested and excreted by wild living and non-caged civet cat, collected by farmers
and sold to roasters to prepare for human consumption. The potential in selling of kopi Luwak is
high, which allures alot business people trying to skim the market with wicked methods:

1.) “Fake” kopi luwak / Civet coffee

Around 70% of kopi luwak coffee or civet coffee available at coffee stores and the Internet is NOT
100% pure kopi luwak and sometimes it does not contain anything of the genuine coffee. Mark
Prince of the popular industry forum Coffee Geek has stated, “There is probably 5,000 percent
more kopi luwak sold each year than there is actually produced; production of the legit stuff runs
less than 5,000 pounds per year. Why? Because there’s lots of snake oil salesmen packaging up
plain Jane inferior commodity grade Indonesian coffees under this banner and trying to get $300
per pound for it.” If you need a detail explanation of the fake potential of kopi luwak, we
recommend reading “Don’t Buy kopi luwak Coffee Before You Read This Book”, which gives
some great advices. The “Fake” seller try to sell the “most expensive coffee” for a high price with
low producing costs.

2.) “Cruel” kopi luwak farms / caged civet cats

Natural kopi luwak, which is harmless to the animals, is found on plantation grounds and collected
for roasting. Unfortunately, the farmers of this expensive bean found too high a demand for the
coffee and started to harvest the beans unnaturally. Farmers stopped worrying about the natural
cultivation of the product and rather looked for ways to yield the highest profit. The answer?
Farmers gathered and caged an over-abundant amount of civets and started to almost exclusively
feed them coffee beans. High-end pricing turned farming civet cats for kopi luwak coffee into a
enslavement industry. Hundreds of the animals can be caged together where they fight or gnaw at
their own limbs due to mental distress. Many farmers are uneducated on how to care for their
animals and stand by as many succumb to illness and death.

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