Wind Weather

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You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
- Bob Dylan

Wind & Weather

Weather affects us all, but none more than the sailor. Every time he ventures onto the sea, he
knows it is out there waiting for him. The best he can do is try to understand his foe and prepare
himself for the worst.

Basic Cloud Formations

Cirrus Cumulonimbus Cumulus Stratus

Clouds are defined by their general appearance and level in the atmosphere.

A prefix is frequently given to the cloud name to indicate the level of the atmosphere in which it resides.

Cirro is the prefix given to high clouds, those with bases above 20,000 feet.
Alto is the prefix given to mid-level clouds, those between 6,000 and 20,000 feet.
Nimbo added to the beginning or nimbus added to the end of a cloud name means the cloud is producing

The system is by no means uniform. There is no term for low clouds, and there are some odd joinings, such as
stratocumulus, which is a cloud with two different shapes.

So here's how some cloud types stack up:

Cloud Type Appearance Altitude

Near ground to above
Cumulonimbus Thunderheads
50,000 feet
Cirrostratus Thin, wispy, above thunderheads Above 18,000 feet
Cirrus Thin, often with "mare's tail" Above 18,000 feet
Cirrocumulus Small puffy clouds Above 18,000 feet
Thin, uniform, sometimes with "wide wale
Altostratus 6,000 - 20,000 feet
corduroy" appearance 5/6/2009
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Altocumulus Medium-sized puffy clouds 6,000 - 20,000 feet

Stratocumulus Broad and flat on the bottom, puffy on top Below 6,000 feet
Cumulus Puffy clouds Below 6,000 feet
Stratus Uniform, thick to thin layered clouds Below 6,000 feet

Highs & Lows

Winds blow clockwise around

a high pressure area in the
northern hemisphere and veer
outward. (Winds rotate
counterclockwise In the
southern hemisphere.)

Winds blow counterclockwise

around a low pressure area in
the northern hemisphere and
veer inward. (Winds rotate
clockwise in the southern

The closer a high is to a low,

the closer the isobars and
more wind is generated.

Standing with you back to the

wind, extend your arms to 10
o'clock and 4 o'clock. Your
left arm will point to the low
pressure area and you right
arm will point to the high
pressure area in the northern
hemisphere. (In the southern
hemisphere, the high is to
your left and the low is to
your right.)

In days past, sailors would

use this simple technique to
help guide them away from
lows and toward highs where
they had a better chance of
encountering more pleasant
weather conditions. It also
aided them in running away
from hurricanes.

Cold Fronts & Warm Fronts 5/6/2009
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Both cold front and warm fronts bring with them rain, but the events leading up to the rain differ slightly. The onset of each front is
announced by different cloud formations.

Northern Hemisphere: Wind shifts toward right (clockwise or veering) when either a warm or cold front passes.

Southern Hemisphere: Wind shifts left (counterclockwise or backing) when either a warm or cold front passes.

Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front

Cold air replaces warm air Warm air replaces cold air. Air masses of equal pressure
opposing each other.
Moves rapidly, often signaled by Moves slowly (1/2 speed of cold
towering cumulus clouds. front). Doesn't move.

Rain, strong winds, and Lots of showery precipitation. Weather similar to warm front but
thunderstorms. less intense.
If air is unstable, thunderstorms
Wind veers clockwise as the front and strong winds are possible. Winds parallel the front.

A backing wind means storms are nigh; Mackerel skies and mares' tails,

Veering wind will clear the skies. Mean high winds and full sails. 5/6/2009
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Squalls have
their own
two of which
are heavy rain
and strong

They are fast

moving and
usually short
in duration.

encountering a
squall, it is
often best to
shorten sail in
advance of its
approach and
to batten down
the hatches.

Clouds & Wind

High and low clouds move in different

Worsening weather - Wind backs counterclockwise in the
northern hemisphere (clockwise in the southern hemisphere),
and pressure drops . Stand with your back to the movement of the lower clouds.

A change for the worse if the high clouds move left to right in
Improving weather - Wind veers clockwise in the northern
the northern hemisphere.
hemisphere (counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere),
and pressure rises and stabilizes .
A change for the better if the high clouds move right to left in
the northern hemisphere. 5/6/2009
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Sound traveling far and wide

A stormy day will betide.

Barometric Pressure Changes

A stationary barometer indicates that current weather conditions are likely to continue.

A high and steady or rising barometer indicates settled weather.

Lower than normal and steady or a falling barometer indicates unsettled weather.

A rapid rise or fall indicates that a strong wind is likely to blow and the weather is likely to change.

The speed of a storm's approach and its intensity will be indicated by the rate of barometric fall and its amount.

If the barometer falls without a change in weather, it's likely there is a violent storm a long way off.

First rise after a low,

Foretells a stronger blow.

Rate of Barometric Fall

Barometric Reading in the Middle
A fall of .01 inch per hour is considered a low rate. Latitudes

A fall of .03 inch per hour is considered a high rate. 29.60 inches is very low.

A fall of .10 inch is possible; .20 inch has been 30.00 inches is average.

30.50 inches is high.

Barometer changes forecast 8-12 hours in the

Hurricane Season in the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and U.S. East


June: too soon 5/6/2009
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July: stand by

August: come it must

September: remember

October: all over

--Old weather saying

Dew on the Deck
A rainbow is created by the refraction of sunlight in
drops of rain in the air.
Dew in the morning indicates fine weather ahead.

The center of the bow is opposite the sun.

Heavy dew and hot weather indicate continuing fine
A rainbow in the morning is to the west of the observer,
and it is likely the rain that created it will pass overhead.
If there is no dew in the morning and the previous day
was hot, rain is likely.
A rainbow in the afternoon is to the east, and the rain is
likely to be moving away.

Rainbow to windward, foul fall the day;

When halo rings the moon or sun,
Rainbow to leeward, damp runs away.
Rain's approaching on the run.
-- Old weather saying
-- Old weather saying

Wind Speed
Beaufort Wind Scale
Less than 1 knot – smoke rises vertically
Force Speed in
1-3 knots – smoke drifts Number knots
0 0-0.9 Calm
4-6 knots – wind felt on face
1 1-3 Light air
7-10 knots – light flag extends from pole
2 4-6 Light breeze

11-16 knots – wind raises dust, cinders, loose paper, etc. 3 7-10 Gentle breeze

4 11-16 Moderate breeze

17-21 knots – flag waves and snaps briskly
5 17-21 Fresh breeze
22-27 knots – wind whistles in the rigging 5/6/2009
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28-33 knots – walking against wind is difficult

6 22-27 Strong breeze

7 28-33 Near gale

34-40 knots – wind impedes progress
8 34-40 Gale
When water is very cold and air is warm (e.g. spring
9 41-47 Strong gale
mornings), wind speed at the mast head won't match
wind speed at the water. 10 48-55 Storm

11 56-63 Violent storm

White caps will form with the wind speed reached 12
knots. 12 64+ Hurricane

True Wind vs. Apparent Wind

The wind as it naturally blows is called the "true

The wind you feel while sailing is referred to as

the "apparent wind."

The apparent wind is not from the exact same

direction as the true wind because of the wind
generated by the forward motion of the boat.

The apparent wind is always slightly forward of

the true wind when underway.

Land Breeze Sea Breeze

A land breeze is a movement of air off the land onto the water A sea breeze is a movement of air off the sea onto the land
that occurs after sunset as the air cools over the land, sinks, after sunrise as the air heats and rises over the land, pulling
and flows off the land onto the warmer sea. the air onto the land off of the cooler sea. 5/6/2009
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Usually results in visibility less than 1100 yards (i.e. approximately 1/2 mile or 1000 meters)

Radiation Fog Advection Fog

Over land at night.

Caused when warm, moist air moves over cool land.

Caused by the ground cooling the air below the dew point.
Can occur with heavy winds and in any season.
Usually not present when there are high winds.
Usually persistent and prolonged.
Usually burns off with the morning sun. 5/6/2009
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Bright yellow - wind

Pale yellow - rain

Pink - Fair weather

If the sun goes pale to bed,

'Twill rain tomorrow, so 'tis said.

Top of page 5/6/2009

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