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/ESTERN TW ERSY Professional Practice | 0 Secondary Program Report Presence Teaser sare | Eman Chai sade 47072 853, Ginenneacing eo” Saece Ca 0° 08 ‘hen soem ‘toa erin on Sh Wetpxames | 101? ‘SUMMARY COMMENTS by the SUPERVISING TEACHER Eman has completed a sucessful Professional Experience at Merylands HS. Over the Weck period she has developed her classroom management skill as wells planing & variety of lessons designed around the ability of her stent chor. Eman presented in a manner that engaged students and were built on knowledge and sills ‘obtained fom previous lessons, "Eman has develope stratepes which asst with classroom management and contin evaluated her lessons, etng on suggestions for futher improvement She's empathetic towards ll students learning and regulary asistd individual students in ‘overcoming problems with the st ask, Eman always mainiained a safe leaming environment in the Science laboratory. She collected student work srples and repulnly provided feedback on thei progress and areas of improvement. Eman formed a good professional relationship withthe teaching staat MHS and punicipatcd in sport and sehool meetings. She observed several other sta members present Fessons and was able to analyse various aspets of each of thei lessons. 7 (OVERALL ASSESSMENT Grade: 7) satistactory Donsatistactory ATSACTORY tra hase Tore a tna ete ee dan ee ee ste 9 DeNGW ettet ender Pasian ate etsnratory Meee orbs ced ey to np sage sadeaith ene coe ssi mri at nateregetn nt SSS tna eee ereranememeeene ee Seeger ey ania et Serarumennas i eavrnnane rags Seri ate pester ener Tere me entree mnt Seep eer ah taser = Seana am LMC shpat: RC) - ove blir Posen teers Sane: LayC- vate 16fifis (Shier Tega me asset rr Tape ot Ge eh Sine it a apc \uPrkeiens Epica Il ete ND" enone 9 Sesmae Buss tae Ea er Eye Teoars essays nie Caner oan H Sura nema ora em pe 9 Supenising Teacher's Name Pe esr Gorm con Toc vet a Ps WS S117 Sciraeigocant | tipen uence cio ‘eon Knowles of eachingraeyc awe rape we T "emg ks fm ga 4 Sapo Ta Sasori Waa ne a ea ‘ching Aral and Gal sey np tno se ses en Teersat nr Rp an oes a ops fatness ‘iy pani | oing suse pet apn amigo ene ston "|S ia man demonstated knowledge of various caching strategies tat ar suitable tthe ness of stunts rom a range of backgroud Se was ls aware ofthe state fo teaehing across the spetrum of lamers in er elasss, | com ey a ST99D4RDFRNOW THE CONTENT AND HOW 10 94 | leno ‘encto hhcn 4 281 Lacy an oy and wera icy lumi xing ies nd 71 Eman had good knowledge and understanding of the subject content she presented. Her 'esson plans were detied and followed a sequence which enabled her students to acces the Unit of work, Her use of ICT also expanded the learning opportunities of her students Scien Se Seis pearance cat — erm ———} 9 z "Ra AT RIT Teabags be |) [Eman Set achievable leaming challenges to he lasses, Based om carly lessons in het practicum, she modified activites to suit the range of ability levels inthe cohort, Her vettal and nonverbal communication strategies developed over the period of the practicum, AND SAFE TERR re OL atntne Lofr J Be ce ATE act a Sea Somes} hg on ane “1 GG Wai feenemeaere f rio Sh | ne Sea | Eman demonstrated the capacity r to organise essa activities giving clear instretions on ‘hat her students were to achieve each lesson, She was ale ta use 11 safely and ‘esponsibly and was aware ofthe relevant issu assated witht se | SEASDARD = ASS ROVTOG FEEDBACK AND RPORT OV STUDENT we Le time Fegan UGRADUATE ESCHER d STi aaa | Benne nd as ig ed ‘enn ee hn me pe ‘Git, | erica waste eratag A Sie —— pam rt taser ini || —} Samet | pa tn ui ego en 7 ‘tami ad ecg pee = Spore) Desa tea agra) ‘Siemon Stdlachinene = NTIS weet | | ‘Eman provided feedback to he lasesin both informal and formal Sa fifo sches. She had a good understan, a Se 1 abind nesting te inp ff FRADE NGAGE RORSTONT TENG r few ‘caput at {Th pin ements tarred || Tg | Aun pont ma prpeaieeia [les Sree | kiln sk mp | inp pae cere |_|" ‘rep tsi | eesti gt he i | coerce | ces Zz ‘Throughout he racial experience, man ot out edack on er teaching rom et superior and incorporate changes in ue less She was very comfortable communicating with ter members of sal at MIS aout thr aching sate. "STANDARD ENGAGE PROFFSONALL WEN COLLEAGUES, wey PARENT so TH COMMITS apo Scab nmianteniesenont || —eeeerigereacscameses |} |] = SSR) ciahng |S shes pono ‘Eman performed her dis profesional manner tl ines when dealing with students, Staff oother members ofthe school community. She observed conversations between teachers and parents and undertod the confdcaiaity ofthese matters and the professional ‘manner in wih the) must be undertaken. a eae | | Sa

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