Activity No: 3.2: Primary Sexual Characteristics
Activity No: 3.2: Primary Sexual Characteristics
Activity No: 3.2: Primary Sexual Characteristics
Primary and secondary sexual characteristics refer to specific physical traits that set apart males
and females in sexually dimorphic species; that is, species in which the males and females look
different from each other. Primary sexual characteristics are there from birth (for example,
penises vs. vaginas). Secondary sexual characteristics emerge at puberty (such as low voices and
beards in human males, and high voices and no facial hair in human females).
Male-Male Competition
Some secondary sexual characteristics give a dominant male an advantage, such as the
ability to overcome his opponents in physical battle, which may win that made the right to mate
with a female, thus increasing his genetic contribution to the population. This dominant male will
be able to mate with more females than less-dominant males, presumably due to superior
characteristics like tusks and antlers, that can be used as weapons when fighting other males.
Because he will be able to mate with more females, the genes for the superior fighting
characteristic will become prevalent in the population; in other words, that characteristic will be
naturally selected.
Everyone agrees that Darwinian evolution is a controversial topic. But not everyone agrees
on why.
Many advocates of Darwinian evolution promote the stereotype that the theory is
controversial only because a small religious segment of society has social, religious, or political
objections. These advocates claim that there is no credible scientific disagreement with
Darwinian evolution. This, however, is not true. The Scientific Dissent from Darwinism list
shows that there is credible scientific dissent from Darwinian theory. The Scientific Dissent from
Darwinism List includes 1,000+ PhD scientists who are skeptical of Darwinian evolution. The
list shows that it is possible to hold legitimate scientific doubts about Darwinian evolution from a
strictly scientific standpoint.
Of course, there are some people who have religious objections to Darwinian evolution.
Conversely, some people make religious (or anti-religious) arguments for accepting Darwinian
evolution. Religion isn’t the issue here. The issue is whether it’s possible to be a scientific
skeptic of Darwinian evolution. The Scientific Dissent from Darwinism List shows that it is.
What Is “Evolution”?
Whenever talking about challenges to “evolution,” it’s vital to carefully define terms, otherwise
confusion can result. There are three common usages of the term “evolution”:
Evolution #1 — Microevolution: Small-scale changes in a population of organisms.
Evolution #2 — Universal Common Descent: The idea that all organisms are related and are
descended from a single common ancestor.
Evolution #3 — Darwinian Evolution: The view that an unguided process of natural selection
acting upon random mutation has been the primary mechanism driving the evolution of life.
No one doubts Evolution #1, which is sometimes called “microevolution.” Some scientists doubt
Evolution #2. But the Scientific Dissent from Darwinism list only concerns Evolution #3, also
called Darwinian evolution or Darwinism. The scientists who have signed the dissent statement
say this:
We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for
the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be
We defined Evolution #1 by equating it with “microevolution”—small-scale changes in a
population of organisms. Collectively, Evolution #2 and #3 might be termed macroevolution,
which is defined as follows:
Biochemistry— Unguided and Random Processes Cannot Produce Cellular Complexity: Our
cells are like miniature factories using machine technology but dwarfing the complexity and
efficiency of anything produced by humans. Cells use miniature circuits, motors, feedback loops,
encoded language, and even error-checking machinery to decode and repair our DNA. As Bruce
Alberts, former president of the U.S. National Academy of Science, observed: “[t]he entire cell
can be viewed as a factory that contains an elaborate network of interlocking assembly lines,
each of which is composed of a set of large protein machines.”3 Darwinian evolution struggles to
explain the origin of this type of integrated complexity. Biochemist Franklin Harold admits in a
book published by Oxford University Press: “There are presently no detailed Darwinian accounts
of the evolution of any biochemical or cellular system, only a variety of wishful speculations.”4
Paleontology— The Fossil Record Lacks Intermediate Fossils: The fossil record’s overall
pattern is one of abrupt explosions of new biological forms, and generally lacks plausible
candidates for transitional fossils, contradicting the pattern of gradual evolution predicted by
Darwinian theory. This non-Darwinian pattern has been recognized by many paleontologists.
University of Pittsburgh anthropologist Jeffrey Schwartz states: “We are still in the dark about
the origin of most major groups of organisms. They appear in the fossil record as Athena did
from the head of Zeus — full-blown and raring to go, in contradiction to Darwin’s depiction of
evolution as resulting from the gradual accumulation of countless infinitesimally minute
variations.”5 Likewise the great evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr explained that “[n]ew species
usually appear in the fossil record suddenly, not connected with their ancestors by a series of
intermediates.”6 Similarly, a zoology textbook observes: “Many species remain virtually
unchanged for millions of years, then suddenly disappear to be replaced by a quite different, but
related, form. Moreover, most major groups of animals appear abruptly in the fossil record, fully
formed, and with no fossils yet discovered that form a transition from their parent group.”7
3. How does Darwin’s Theory of Evolution transform the societies?
A century and a half after the publication of The Origin of Species, it’s difficult for us today
to appreciate the seismic shift in attitudes that began with its publication. Most of us have grown
up having been taught Darwin’s theory in our schools. Many people accept it unquestioningly.
Few questions the teaching of his ideas in our public schools. But it was very different in 1859.
Richard Weikart, head of the history department at California State University, Stanislaus,
describes how some viewed the book’s initial publication: “A good deal of the initial resistance
to Darwinism sprang from a perceived threat to the moral order. Adam Sedgwick, Darwin’s
former mentor in natural science at the University of Cambridge, expressed this fear poignantly
in a letter to Darwin in 1859, shortly after reading The Origin of Species. He stated, ‘Passages in
your book…greatly shocked my moral taste’ ” ( From Darwin to Hitler, 2004, p. 1).
Warning of the consequences of the book’s publication, Sedgwick added that “humanity, in
my mind, would suffer a damage that might brutalize it, and sink the human race into a lower
grade of degradation than any into which it has fallen since its written records tell us of its
history” (ibid.).
No restraints
Anything and everything can be justified once you take God out of the picture.
Paul in Romans 1 went on to say: “And even as they did not like to retain God in their
knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;
being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness,
maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness” (verses 28-29). Sadly, this
reads like a vivid summation of today’s Western world.
Perhaps the next verse sums it up best, with Paul writing that men became “haters of
God” (verse 30). Darwin may not have started out with any idea of rejecting Judeo-Christian
morality, but that’s where his theory ultimately led. Living in Victorian England, Darwin would
no doubt have been appalled at Nazi ideology—but without the theory of evolution, Hitler’s
Third Reich could not have justified itself.
Weikart concludes: “Darwinism by itself did not produce the Holocaust, but without
Darwinism, especially in its social Darwinist and eugenics permutations, neither Hitler nor his
Nazi followers would have had the necessary scientific underpinnings to convince themselves
and their collaborators that one of the world’s greatest atrocities was really morally praiseworthy.
Darwinism—or at least some naturalistic interpretations of Darwinism—succeeded in turning
morality on its head” (From Darwin to Hitler, p. 233). GN