Testo 440 Datasheet 1981 1214

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Data sheet

testo 440
testo 440 dP

Air velocity & IAQ

measuring instruments
- t esto 440 air velocity & IAQ
measuring instrument
- testo 440 dP air velocity &
IAQ measuring instrument incl.
differential pressure


Intuitive: clearly structured measurement menus for the

most important applications stored on the instrument %RH CO2

Wireless: Bluetooth probes for greater measuring

convenience and a reduced tangle of cables in the case m/s Lux

Space-saving: a universal handle for all probes

Clear overview: parallel display of 3 measuring values;
configuration and results at a glance

Reliable: internal memory for up to 7500 measurement

protocols, USB interface for data export and optional
printout of measuring values
Compatible with a wide
selection of BluetoothTM and
wired probes.

The testo 440 combines the benefits of a compact are stored on the instrument. These menus enable you to
handheld device with intuitive measurement menus and a accomplish the relevant measuring task more quickly, more
comprehensive selection of air velocity & IAQ probes. This efficiently and more reliably. Reports can be exported as
means you have all measuring tasks on air conditioning and Excel files via the USB interface or printed out on site.
ventilation systems reliably under control.
The testo 440 air velocity & IAQ measuring instrument is
You can connect the testo 440 air velocity & IAQ measuring available in two versions. The testo 440 dP model version
instrument either to a large selection of digital probes, also has an integrated differential pressure sensor. This
the Testo Smart Probes or numerous Testo temperature makes measurements at filters as well as Pitot tube and
probes. Clearly structured menus for measuring volume K-factor measurements possible.
flow in ducts/at outlets, K-factor, degree of turbulence,
cooling/heating load, mould indication and logging mode

testo 440

The testo 440 probe system

Completely versatile: a universal handle for all air velocity With the testo 440, you have all air conditioning and
& IAQ probes. This saves space and reduces the weight, ventilation measurements systematically under control.
enabling you to perform accurate measurements in any
16 mm vane probe head incl.
temperature sensor

Hot wire probe head incl.

temperature and humidity

testo 440 probe handle, adapter and telescope High-precision 100 mm vane

for testo 440 air velocity probes probe head incl. temperature

100 mm vane probe head incl.

temperature sensor

testo 440 probe handle and adapter testo 440 probe heads for air velocity incl. temperature and
for testo 440 air velocity probes humidity sensor

CO probe head

CO₂ probe head incl.

temperature and humidity
High-precision humidity probe

Humidity probe head

testo 440 probe handle (Bluetooth or fixed cable) Probe heads for humidity, CO, CO2 and temperature

Advantages during measurement

All testo 440 air velocity probes The 100 mm vane probe can be Do you need to carry out With the testo 440 dP model, incl.
for measurements in ducts have easily combined with the 90° measurements in places where differential pressure sensor, you
a scaled, extendible telescope angle and telescope, making Bluetooth isn't possible? No can ensure that the filters in air
(optionally extendible from 1 m measurements at ceiling outlets problem: simply switch the probe conditioning systems are working
to 2 m). easier. head over from Bluetooth to the properly and no contamination
cable handle and you're ready. in the outdoor air gets into the
indoor air.
testo 440

Ordering data for testo 440

testo 440 testo 440 dP
Air velocity & IAQ measuring instrument, 3 x AA Air velocity & IAQ measuring instrument
batteries, USB cable and calibration protocol. with integrated differential pressure
sensor, connection hose, 3 x AA
batteries, USB cable and calibration

Order no. 0560 4401 Order no. 0560 4402

Technical data
testo 440
testo 440 testo 440 dP
Temperature (NTC)
Measuring range -40 to +150 °C
Accuracy (±1 digit) ±0.4 °C (-40 to -25.1 °C)
±0.2 °C (-25 to +74.9 °C)
±0.4 °C (+75 to +99.9 °C)
±0.5% of m.v. (remaining meas. range)
Resolution 0.1 °C
Temperature (TC) The wired digital probes and the NTC probes
of the testo 440 all have the practical
Measuring range -200 to +1370 °C
TUC connection (Testo Universal Connector).
Accuracy (±1 digit) ±(0.3 °C + 0.1% of m.v.)
Resolution 0.1 °C
Measuring range -150 to +150 hPa
Accuracy (±1 digit) ±0.05 hPa
(0 to +1.00 hPa)

±0.2 hPa + 1.5% of m.v.
(+1.01 ... +150 hPa)
Resolution 0.01 hPa
Probe connections
TC type K 1x
NTC TUC / digital 1x
probe with cable
Bluetooth probe 1x digital Bluetooth probe
or testo Smart Probe
Differential pressure – +
Technical data
Operating temperature -20 to +50 °C
Storage temperature -20 to +50 °C
Battery type 3 x AA batteries
Battery life 12 h (typically vane measurement)
Weight 250 g
Dimensions 154 x 65 x 32 mm
testo 440

Ordering data for kits

Kits for measurement in ducts, at outlets and at filters

testo 440 delta P testo 440 delta P

Air Flow ComboKit 1 with BT Air Flow ComboKit 2 with BT
- t esto 440 dP air velocity & IAQ measuring instrument incl. differen- - testo 440
 dP air velocity & IAQ measuring instrument incl.
tial pressure with internal memory and data export function differential pressure with internal memory and data export function
-U  niversal probe handle with Bluetooth - Universal
 probe handle with Bluetooth
-H  ot wire probe head incl. temperature and humidity sensor - 16
 mm vane probe head incl. temperature sensor
- 100
 mm vane probe head incl. temperature sensor - 100
 mm vane probe head incl. temperature sensor
-T  elescope (1 m) and 90° angle to fit both probes - Humidity
 probe head incl. temperature sensor
-C  ombi case for testo 440 dP and multiple probes - Telescope
 (1 m) and 90° angle to fit both probes
- Combi
 case for testo 440 dP and multiple probes

Order no. 0563 4409 Order no. 0563 4410

Kits for measurements in ducts and at outlets

testo 440 testo 440
Air Flow ComboKit 1 with BT Air Flow ComboKit 2 with BT
- t esto 440 air velocity & IAQ measuring instrument with internal - t esto 440 air velocity & IAQ measuring instrument with internal
memory and data export function memory and data export function
-1  00 mm vane probe with Bluetooth, incl. temperature sensor -1  00 mm vane probe with Bluetooth, incl. temperature sensor
-H  ot wire probe with telescope (0.85 m) incl. temperature sensor, -1  6 mm vane probe with telescope (0.85 m), fixed cable (1.8 m)
fixed cable (1.8 m) -M  easurement menu, e.g. for determining the volume flow
- Measurement
 menu, e.g. for determining the volume flow -C  ombi case for testo 440 and multiple probes
-C  ombi case for testo 440 and multiple probes

Order no. 0563 4406 Order no. 0563 4407

testo 440

Ordering data for kits

Additional kits

testo 440 testo 440
Hot Wire Kit 16 mm Vane Kit
- t esto 440 air velocity & IAQ measuring instru- - t esto 440 air velocity & IAQ measuring
ment with internal memory and data export instrument with internal memory and data
function export function
-H  ot wire probe incl. temperature sensor, - Vane probe, fixed cable (1.8 m) with
fixed cable (1.8 m) with telescope (0.85 m) telescope (0.85 m)
-M  easurement menu, e.g. for determining the - Measurement menu, e.g. for determining the
volume flow and timed and multi-point mean volume flow and timed and multi-point mean
calculation calculation
- Basic case for testo 440 and 1 probe - Basic case for testo 440 and 1 probe
Order no. 0563 4400 Order no. 0563 4401

testo 440 testo 440
100 mm Vane Kit with BT Indoor Comfort ComboKit
- t esto 440 air velocity & IAQ measuring instru- with BT
ment with internal memory and data export
- t esto 440 air velocity & IAQ
measuring instrument with internal
-1  00 mm vane probe with Bluetooth, incl. tem-
memory and data export function
perature sensor
- Turbulence probe (400 mm)
-M  easurement menu, e.g. for determining the
- CO₂ probe with Bluetooth, incl.
volume flow
temperature and humidity sensor
- Basic case for testo 440 and 1 probe
- Combi case for testo 440 and
multiple probes

Order no. 0563 4403 Order no. 0563 4408

testo 440 testo 440
CO₂ Kit with BT Humidity Kit with BT
- testo 440
 air velocity & IAQ measuring - t esto 440 air velocity & IAQ measuring
instrument instrument
- CO2 probe with Bluetooth, incl. temperature - Humidity and temperature probe with
and humidity sensor Bluetooth
- Basic
 case for testo 440 and 1 probe - Basic case for testo 440 and 1 probe

Order no. 0563 4405 Order no. 0563 4404

testo 440
Lux Kit
- t esto 440 air velocity & IAQ measuring
- Lux probe
- Basic case for testo 440 and 1 probe

Order no. 0563 4402

testo 440

Digital air velocity probes

Probe type Measuring Accuracy Resolution Order no.

Digital flow probes

Hot wire probe with Bluetooth, incl. 0635 1571

570 to 1000 mm
temperature and humidity sensor ±(0.03 m/s + 4% of m.v.)
Ø 16 mm Ø 9 mm (0 to 20 m/s)
±(0.5 m/s + 5% of m.v.)
Hot wire probe, fixed cable, incl. (20.01 to 30 m/s) 0635 1572
570 to 1000 mm 0 to 50 m/s ±0.5 °C (0 to +70 °C) 0.01 m/s
temperature and humidity sensor
-20 to +70 °C ±0.8 °C (-20 to 0 °C) 0.1 °C
Ø 16 mm Ø 9 mm 5 to +95% RH ±3.0% RH (10 to 35% RH) 0.1% RH
±2.0% RH (35 to 65% RH)
Hot wire probe head, incl. 1) ±3.0% RH (65 to 90% RH) 0635 1570
temperature and humidity sensor ±5% RH (remaining meas.
230 mm
Ø 9 mm

Vane probe (Ø 16 mm) with 570 to 1000 mm

0635 9571
Bluetooth, incl. temperature sensor
Ø 16 mm Ø 16 mm

Vane probe (Ø 16 mm), fixed cable, ±(0.2 m/s + 1% of m.v.) 0635 9572
570 to 1000 mm (0.6 to 40 m/s)
incl. temperature sensor 0.6 to 50 m/s 0.1 m/s
±(0.2 m/s + 2% of m.v.)
Ø 16 mm -10 to +70 °C 0.1 °C
Ø 16 mm (40.1 to 50 m/s)
±1.8 °C
Vane probe head (Ø 16 mm), incl. 1) 0635 9570
temperature sensor 230 mm

Ø 16 mm

Hot wire probe, fixed cable, 0 to 30 m/s ±(0.03 m/s + 4% of m.v.) 0.01 m/s 0635 1032
incl. temperature sensor 300 to 850 mm -20 to +70 °C (0 to 20 m/s) 0.1 °C
±(0.5 m/s + 5% of m.v.)
(20.01 to 30 m/s)
Ø 12 mm Ø 9 mm ±0.5 °C

Vane probe (Ø 16 mm) fixed cable 0.6 to 50 m/s ±(0.2 m/s + 1% of m.v.) 0.1 m/s 0635 9532
300 to 850 mm (0.6 to 40 m/s)
±(0.2 m/s + 2% of m.v.)
Ø 12 mm Ø 16 mm (40.1 to 50 m/s)

Fume hood probe, fixed cable 150 mm 0 to 5 m/s ±(0.02 m/s + 5% of m.v.) 0.01 m/s 0635 1052
0 to +50 °C (0 to 5 m/s) 0.1 °C
±0.5 °C
Ø 10 mm

To measure flows in ducts with a large cross-section, we recommend an extension set (0554 0990).
This enables the telescope to be extended to up to 2 m for all flow probes with an interchangeable handle.
High-precision vane probe (Ø 100 0635 9371
mm) with Bluetooth, including 100 
temperature sensor mm

High-precision vane probe (Ø 100 0635 9372

Ø  ±(0.1 m/s + 1.5% of m.v.)
mm), fixed cable, incl. temperature 100 
0.1 to 15 m/s 0.01 m/s
(0.1 to 15 m/s)
sensor mm -20 to +70 °C 0.1 °C
±0.5 °C

High-precision vane probe head (Ø 1) 0635 9370

100 mm), incl. temperature sensor 100 

Vane probe (Ø 100 mm) with 0635 9431

Bluetooth, incl. temperature sensor Ø 

Vane probe (Ø 100 mm) , fixed cable, ±(0.1 m/s + 1.5% of m.v.) 0635 9432
incl. temperature sensor Ø  (0.3 to 20 m/s)
0.3 to 35 m/s 0.01 m/s
100  ±(0.2 m/s + 1.5% of m.v.)
mm -20 to +70 °C 0.1 °C
(20.01 to 35 m/s)
±0.5 °C
Vane probe head (Ø 100 mm), incl. 1)
Ø  0635 9430
temperature sensor 100 

For convenient ceiling measurements, the telescope with 90° angle (0550 0960) has been developed.
It can simply be fitted to the 100 mm vane probes.

For use with cable handle (order no. 0554 2222)


or Bluetooth handle (order no. 0554 1111) in conjunction with adapter (order no. 0554 2160).
testo 440

Other digital probes and probe accessories

Probe type Measuring Accuracy Resolution Order no.

Digital humidity probes

Humidity/temperature probe with 290 mm 0636 9731

Bluetooth Ø 12 

Humidity/temperature probe, fixed 290 mm 0636 9732

Ø 12  0 to 100% RH ±2% RH (5 to 90% RH) 0.1% RH
cable -20 to +70 °C ±0.5 °C 0.1 °C

Humidity/temperature probe head 140 mm 0636 9730

Ø 12 
High-precision humidity/temperature 0636 9771
290 mm
probe with Bluetooth Ø 12 
mm ±(0.6% RH + 0.7% of m.v.)
(0 to 90% RH)
High-precision humidity/temperature ±(1.0% RH + 0.7% of m.v.) 0636 9772
290 mm
probe, fixed cable 0 to 100% RH (90 to 100% RH) 0.01% RH
Ø 12 
mm -20 to +70 °C ±0.3 °C 0.1 °C
(15 to 30 °C)
High-precision humidity/temperature 2)
±0.5 °C 0636 9770
140 mm (remaining meas. range)
probe head
Ø 12 

Robust humidity/temperature probe 0 to 100% RH ±3% RH (0 to 2% RH) 0.1% RH 0636 9775

for temperatures up to +180 °C, -20 to +180 °C ±2% RH (2.1 to 98% RH) 0.1 °C
270 mm ±3% RH (98.1 to 100% RH)
fixed cable ±0.5 °C (-20 to 0 °C)
Ø 12 mm ±0.4 °C (0.1 to +50 °C)
±0.5 °C (+50.1 to +180 °C)

Digital comfort probes

Turbulence probe, fixed cable 190 mm 0 to +5 m/s ±(0.03 m/s + 4% of m.v.) 0.01 m/s 0628 0152
0 to +50 °C (0 to 5 m/s) 0.1 °C
±0.5 °C

Lux probe, fixed cable 110 mm 0 to 100,000 lux DIN EN 13032-1 Appendix B 0.1 lux 0635 0551
Class C according to (< 10,000 lux)
55 mm DIN 5032-7 1 lux
(≥ 10,000 lux)

CO2 probe with Bluetooth, incl. 280 mm 0632 1551

temperature and humidity sensor ±(50 ppm + 3% of m.v.)
30  (0 to 5000 ppm)
±(100 ppm + 5% of m.v.)
0 to 10,000 (5001 to 10,000 ppm)
CO2 probe, fixed cable, incl. 280 mm 1 ppm 0632 1552
ppm CO2 ±3% RH (10 to 35% RH)
temperature and humidity sensor 30  0.1% RH
5 to +95% RH ±2% RH (35 to 65% RH)
mm 0.1 °C
0 to +50 °C ±3% RH (65 to 90% RH)
±5% RH (remaining meas.
CO₂ probe head, incl. temperature 2)
130 mm range) 0632 1550
and humidity sensor 30  ±0.5 °C

CO probe with Bluetooth 200 mm 0632 1271


CO probe, fixed cable 200 mm ±3 ppm (0 to 30 ppm) 0632 1272

30  0 to 500 ppm ±10% of m.v. 0.1 ppm
mm (30.1 to 500 ppm)

CO probe head 2) 30 mm 0632 1270


Probe handle and adapter

Cable handle for connecting 0554 2222

testo 440 probe heads

Bluetooth handle for connecting 0554 1111

testo 440 probe heads

Handle adapter for connecting 0554 2160

testo 440 flow probes

For use with cable handle (order no. 0554 2222)


or Bluetooth handle (order no. 0554 1111).

testo 440

Testo Smart Probes

Testo Smart Probes Measuring Accuracy Res- Order no.

range ±1 digit olution

testo 115i -40 to +150 °C ±1.3 °C (-20 to +85 °C) 0.1 °C 0560 1115

Clamp thermometer with smartphone
operation, for measurements on pipelines
with diameters of 6 to maximum 35 mm,
incl. batteries and calibration protocol

testo 905i -50 to +150 °C ±1 °C 0.1 °C 0560 1905

Thermometer with smartphone operation,
including batteries and calibration

testo 805i -30 to +250 °C ±1.5 °C or ±1.5% of m.v. (0 0.1 °C 0560 1805

Infrared thermometer with smartphone to +250 °C)
±2.0 °C (-20 to -0.1 °C)
operation, including batteries and ±2.5 °C (-30 to -20.1 °C)
calibration protocol


testo 605i 0 to 100% RH ±(1.8% RH + 3% of m.v.) 0.1% RH 0560 1605

Thermohygrometer with smartphone -20 to +60 °C at +25 °C (5 to 80% RH) 0.1 °C
±0.8 °C (-20 to 0 °C)
operation, including batteries and ±0.5 °C (0 to +60 °C)
calibration protocol


testo 405i 0 to 30 m/s ±(0.1 m/s + 5% of m.v.) 0.01 m/s 0560 1405

Thermal anemometer with smartphone -20 to +60 °C (0 to 2 m/s) 0.1 °C
±(0.3 m/s + 5% of m.v.)
operation, telescopic tube extendible (2 to 15 m/s)
to up to 400 mm, incl. batteries and ±0.5 °C
calibration protocol

testo 410i 0.4 to 30 m/s ±(0.2 m/s + 2% of m.v.) 0.1 m/s 0560 1410
Vane anemometer with smartphone -20 to +60 °C (0.4 to 20 m/s) 0.1 °C
±0.5 °C
operation, including batteries and
calibration protocol


testo 510i -150 to 150 hPa ±0.05 hPa (0 to 1 hPa) 0.01 hPa 0560 1510

Differential pressure measuring ±(0.2 hPa + 1.5% of m.v.)
(1 to 150 hPa)
instrument with smartphone operation,
including hose set (Ø 4 mm and 5 mm)
with adapter, batteries and calibration
testo 549i -1 to 60 bar 0.5% of final value 0.01 bar 0560 1549
High-pressure measuring instrument with
smartphone operation, including batteries
and calibration protocol
testo 440

Analogue temperature probes

Probe type Dimensions Measuring Accuracy t99 Order no.

Probe shaft/probe shaft tip range
Watertight immersion/penetration 115 mm 50 mm -50 to +150 °C ±0.5% of m.v. 10 s 0615 1212
(+100 to +150 °C)
probe NTC, fixed cable 1.2 m
Ø 5 mm Ø 4 mm ±0.2 °C (-25 to +74.9 °C)
±0.4 °C (remaining meas.
Robust air probe, NTC, fixed cable 115 mm 50 mm -50 to +125 °C ±0.2 °C (-25 to +80 °C) 60 s 0615 1712
±0.4 °C (remaining meas.
1.2 m
Ø 5 mm Ø 4 mm range)

Clamp probe for measurements on -40 to +125 °C ±1 °C (-20 to +85 °C) 60 s 0615 5505
pipes from 6 to 35 mm diameter,
NTC, fixed cable 1.5 m

Robust air probe, TC type K, -60 to +400 °C Class 2 1)

200 s 0602 1793
fixed cable 115 mm

Ø 4 mm

Fast-reaction surface probe with -60 to +300 °C Class 2 1)

3 s 0602 0393
sprung thermocouple strip, also 115 mm
suitable for non-plane surfaces,
measuring range briefly up to Ø 5 mm Ø 12 mm
+500 °C, TC type K, fixed cable

Fast-reaction paddle surface probe, 0 to +300 °C Class 2 1)

5 s 0602 0193
145 mm 40 mm
for measurements in places that
are difficult to access, e.g. narrow
Ø 7 mm

openings and cracks, TC type K, Ø 8 mm

fixed cable

Precise, watertight surface probe -60 to +1000 °C Class 1 1)

20 s 0602 0693
150 mm
with small measuring head for plane
surfaces, TC type K, fixed cable
Ø 2.5 mm Ø 4 mm

Fast-reaction surface probe with -60 to +300 °C Class 2 1)

3 s 0602 0993
80 mm
sprung thermocouple strip, angled
for non-plane surfaces as well,
50 mm

Ø 5 mm Ø 12 mm
measuring range briefly up to
+500 °C, TC type K, fixed cable

Surface temperature probe TC type -50 to +250 °C Class 2 1)

3 s 0602 2394
985 ±5 mm 12 mm
K, with telescope max. 985 mm, for
measurements in places that are
difficult to access, fixed cable 1.6 Ø 25 mm
m (correspondingly shorter when
telescope is extended)

Magnetic probe, adhesive power -50 to +170 °C Class 2 1)

150 s 0602 4792
35 mm
approx. 20 N, with magnets, for
measurements on metal surfaces, Ø 20 mm

TC type K, fixed cable

Magnetic probe, adhesive power -50 to +400 °C Class 2 1)

0602 4892
75 mm
approx. 10 N, with magnets,
for higher temperatures, for Ø 21 mm

measurements on metal surfaces,

TC type K, fixed cable

1) According to standard EN 60584-2, the accuracy of Class 1 refers to -40 to +1000 °C (type K), Class 2 to -40 to +1200 °C (type K), Class 3 to -200 to +40 °C (type K).
A probe only ever complies with one accuracy class.

Information about surface measurement:

• The specified response times t99 are measured on polished steel or aluminium plates at +60 °C.
• The specified accuracies are sensor accuracies.
• Accuracy in your application depends on the surface properties (roughness), the material of the measurement object (thermal capacity and heat transfer) and the sensor
accuracy. Testo will produce a corresponding calibration certificate for the deviations of your measurement system in your application. For this, Testo uses a surface test bed
developed in cooperation with the PTB (Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt - National Metrology Institute of Germany).
testo 440

Analogue temperature probes

Probe type Dimensions Measuring Accuracy t99 Order no.

Probe shaft/probe shaft tip range
Watertight surface probe with wider -60 to +400 °C Class 2 1) 30 s 0602 1993
115 mm
measuring tip for plane surfaces,
TC type K, fixed cable
Ø 5 mm Ø 6 mm

Pipe wrap probe with Velcro strip, -50 to +120 °C Class 1 1)

90 s 0628 0020
395 mm
for measuring temperatures on
pipes with diameters up to max. 20 mm

120 mm, Tmax +120 °C, TC type K,

fixed cable

Pipe wrap probe for pipe diameters -60 to +130 °C Class 2 1)

5 s 0602 4592
5 to 65 mm, with interchangeable
measuring head, measuring range
briefly up to +280 °C, TC type K,
fixed cable

Replacement measuring head for 35 mm -60 to +130 °C Class 2 1)

5 s 0602 0092
pipe wrap probe, TC type K
15 mm

Clamp probe for measurements on -50 to +100 °C Class 2 1)

5 s 0602 4692
pipes, pipe diameters 15 to 25 mm
(max. 1"), measuring range briefly
up to +130 °C, TC type K, fixed

Precise and fast immersion probe, Ø 1.5 mm

-60 to +1000 °C Class 1 1)
2 s 0602 0593
flexible, watertight, TC type K, fixed 300 mm

Ultra-fast, watertight immersion/ -60 to +800 °C Class 1 1)

3 s 0602 2693
60 mm 14 mm
penetration probe, TC type K, fixed
Ø 5 mm Ø 1.5 mm

Immersion measuring tip, flexible, -200 to +1000 °C Class 1 1)

5 s 0602 5792
TC type K
Ø 1.5 mm 500 mm

Immersion measuring tip, flexible, -200 to +40 °C Class 3 1)

5 s 0602 5793
TC type K
Ø 1.5 mm 500 mm

Immersion measuring tip, flexible, -200 to +1300 °C Class 1 1)

4 s 0602 5693
for measurements in air/flue gases
Ø 3 mm 1000 mm
(not suitable for measurements in
smelters), TC type K

Watertight immersion/penetration -60 to +400 °C Class 2 1)

7 s 0602 1293
probe, TC type K, fixed cable 114 mm 50 mm

Ø 5 mm Ø 3.7 mm

Flexible, low-mass immersion -200 to +1000 °C Class 1 1)

1 s 0602 0493
measuring tip, ideal for measure-
ments in small volumes, such as Ø 0.25 mm 500 mm

Petri dishes or for surface meas-

urements (e.g. fixed with adhesive TC type K, 2 m, FEP-insulated thermal wire,
temperature-resistant up to 200 °C, oval cable with
tape) dimensions: 2.2 mm x 1.4 mm

Watertight food probe made of -60 to +400 °C Class 2 1)

7 s 0602 2292
stainless steel (IP 65), TC type K, 125 mm 30 mm

fixed cable
Ø 4 mm Ø 3.2 mm

1) According to standard EN 60584-2, the accuracy of Class 1 refers to -40 to +1000 °C (type K), Class 2 to -40 to +1200 °C (type K), Class 3 to -200 to +40 °C (type K).
A probe only ever complies with one accuracy class.
testo 440

Analogue probes

Probe type Dimensions Measuring Accuracy t99 Order no.

Probe shaft/probe shaft tip range
Thermoelectric couples

Thermoelectric couple with TC -50 to +400 °C Class 2 1) 5 s 0602 0644

plug, flexible, length 800 mm, 800 mm
fibreglass, TC type K
Ø 1.5 mm

Thermoelectric couple with TC -50 to +400 °C Class 2 1) 5 s 0602 0645

plug, flexible, length 1500 mm, 1500 mm
fibreglass, TC type K
Ø 1.5 mm

Thermoelectric couple with TC -50 to +250 °C Class 2 1) 5 s 0602 0646

plug, flexible, length 1500 mm, 1500 mm
PTFE, TC type K
Ø 1.5 mm

Comfort probe

Globe thermometer Ø 150 mm, TC 0 to +120 °C Class 1 1)

0602 0743
type K, for measuring radiant heat

1) According to standard EN 60584-2, the accuracy of Class 1 refers to -40 to +1000 °C (type K), Class 2 to -40 to +1200 °C (type K), Class 3 to -200 to +40 °C (type K).
A probe only ever complies with one accuracy class.

Pitot tubes
Probe type Dimensions Measuring range Order no.
Probe shaft/probe shaft tip
Pitot tube, length 500 mm, Ø 7 mm, Measuring range 1 to 100 m/s 0635 2045
stainless steel, for measuring flow 500 mm Ø 7 mm
Operating temperature 0 to +600 °C
velocity* Pitot tube factor 1.0

Pitot tube, length 350 mm, Ø 7 mm, Measuring range: 1 to 100 m/s 0635 2145
stainless steel, for measuring flow 350 mm Ø 7 mm Operating temperature: 0 to +600 °C
velocity* Pitot tube factor: 1.0

Pitot tube, length 1000 mm, Measuring range: 1 to 100 m/s 0635 2345
stainless steel, for measuring flow 1000 mm Ø 7 mm Operating temperature: 0 to +600 °C
velocity* Pitot tube factor: 1.0

Straight Pitot tube with integrated Measuring range: 1 to 30 m/s 0635 2043
temperature measurement, incl. 360 mm Operating temperature: 0 to +600 °C
connection hose, length 360 mm Pitot tube factor: 0.67
Minimum immersion depth: 150 mm

Straight Pitot tube with integrated Measuring range: 1 to 30 m/s 0635 2143
temperature measurement, incl. 500 mm Operating temperature: 0 to +600 °C
connection hose, length 500 mm Pitot tube factor: 0.67
Minimum immersion depth: 150 mm

Straight Pitot tube with integrated Measuring range: 1 to 30 m/s 0635 2243
temperature measurement, incl. 1000 mm Operating temperature: 0 to +600 °C
connection hose, length 1000 mm Pitot tube factor: 0.67
Minimum immersion depth: 150 mm

*Connection hose required (order no. 0554 0440) or (order no. 0554 0453)

Accessories for digital air velocity probes Order no. Other accessories Order no.
Connection hose, silicone, length 5 m, maximum 0554 0440
load capacity 700 hPa (mbar)
Extendible telescope for testo 440 air flow probes 0554 0960 Connection hose silicone-free for differential pres- 0554 0453
(37.5 to 100 cm incl. 90° angle) sure measurement, length 5 m, maximum load ca-

pacity 700 hPa, (mbar)
Control and calibration set for Testo humidity 0554 0660

1981 0614/dk/11.2017
Telescope extension (0.9 m) for testo 440 0554 0990 probes, saline solution with 11.3% RH and 75.3%
flow probes RH, incl. adapter for Testo humidity probes
Other accessories Order no. Printer Order no.
Measuring stand for comfort level 0554 1590 BLUETOOTH®/IRDA printer incl. bat- 0554 0621
measurements with standard-compli- tery and mains unit
ant positioning of probes (incl. case)
Spare thermal paper for printer 0554 0568
(6 rolls), measurement data docu-
mentation can be read for up to 10
Combi case for testo 440 0516 4401 Calibration certificates Order no.
and multiple probes ISO calibration certificate (temperature), for air/ 0520 0001
immersion probe, calibration points -18 °C; 0 °C;
Service case 0516 4900 +60 °C
for volume flow measurement DAkkS calibration certificate (temperature); 0520 0211
measuring instruments with air/immersion probe;
calibration points -20 °C; 0 °C; +60 °C
testovent 410 0554 0410 ISO calibration certificate humidity, 0520 0006
volume flow rate funnel, calibration points 11.3 %RH and 75.3 %RH at +25°C
Ø 340 mm/330 x 330 mm, incl. case DAkkS calibration certificate (humidity); electronic 0520 0206
hygrometer; calibration points 11.3% RH and 75.3%
RH at +25 °C
testovent 415 0554 0415
volume flow rate funnel, ISO calibration certificate (pressure); accuracy 0.1 to 0520 0025
Ø 210 mm/190 x 190 mm, incl. case 0.6 (% of f.v.), 5 points spread over measuring range

Subject to change without notice.

ISO calibration certificate (pressure); 0520 0005
accuracy > 0.6 (% of f.v.)
testovent 417 funnel set 0563 4170
comprising funnel for plate out- ISO calibration certificate flow, hot wire, vane an- 0520 0004
lets (Ø 200 mm) and funnel for emometer, Pitot tube; calibration points 1; 2; 5;
fans (330 x 330 mm) for incom- 10 m/s
ing/outgoing air ISO calibration certificate flow, hot wire, vane an- 0520 0034
Flow straightener testovent 417 0554 4172 emometer, Pitot tube; calibration points 5; 10; 15;
20 m/s
ISO calibration certificate (luminance) calibration 0520 0010
points 0; 500; 1000; 2000; 4000 lux
USB mains unit incl. cable 0554 1105
ISO calibration certificate (CO₂; CO₂ probes); calibra- 0520 0033
tion points 0; 1000; 5000 ppm


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