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B.Sc. Final Year (Under CBCS)

(SEC-3) Skill Enhancement Course-III


Credits: 2
Theory: 2 hours/week Marks - 50


1.1 Series Completion: Number series, Alphabet Series
1.2 Series Completion: Alpha Numeric Series, Continuous Pattern Series
1.3 Logical Venn Diagrams
1.4 Mathematical Operations: Problem solving by substitution, Interchange of signs
and numbers

2.1 Mathematical Operations: Deriving the appropriate conclusions

2.2 Arithmetical Reasoning: Calculation based problems, Data based problems
2.3 Arithmetical Reasoning: Problems on ages, Venn diagram based problems
2.4 Cause and Effect Reasoning

Text Book: A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by Dr.


B.Sc (Computer Science) Kakatiya University 1

B.Sc. Final Year (Under CBCS)


Credits: 2
Theory :2 hours/week Marks: 50


1.1 Balanced diet and Malnutrition.
1.2 Nutritional deficiencies and disorders- Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins and
1.3 Occupational, Industrial, agricultural and urban Health-Exposure at work place, urban
areas, industrial workers, farmers and agricultural labourers, Health workers and
health disorders and diseases.
1.4 Environmental pollution and associated Health hazards, Water borne diseases and
Air borne diseases.


2.1 Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention - Malaria, Filaria, Measles,
Polio, Chicken pox, Rabies, Plague, Leprosy,.
2.2 Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of non communicable
diseases - Hypertension, Coronary Heart diseases, Stroke, Diabetes, Obesity and
Mental ill-health.
2.3 Health care legislation in India – Termination of pregnancy act, Maternity benefit act,
Biomedical waste act, ESI act.
2.4 First Aid and Health awareness, personal health care record maintenance.

B.Sc (Computer Science) Kakatiya University 2

U.G. Computer Science (Under CBCS)
B.Sc. Final Year

Paper- : Programming in Java

Unit I
Introduction: Java Essentials, JVM, Java Features, Creation and Execution of Programs, Data
Types, Type Conversion, Casting, Conditional Statements, Loops, Branching Mechanism,
Classes, Objects, Class Declaration, Creating Objects, Method Declaration and Invocation,
Method Overloading,

Unit II
Constructors – Parameterized Constructors, Constructor Overloading, Cleaning-up unused
Objects. Class Variables &Method-static Keyword, this Keyword, One-Dimensional Arrays,
Two-Dimensional Arrays, Command-Line Arguments, Inner Class.
Inheritance: Introduction, Types of Inheritance, extends Keyword, Examples, Method
Overriding, super, final Keyword, Abstract classes, Interfaces, Abstract Classes Verses
Packages: Creating and Using Packages, Access Protection, Wrapper Classes, String Class,
String Buffer Class.

Unit III
Exception: Introduction, Types, Exception Handling Techniques, User-Defined Exception.
Multithreading: Introduction, Main Thread and Creation of New Threads –By Inheriting the
Thread Class or Implementing the Runnable Interface, Thread Lifecycle, Thread Priority and
Input/Output: Introduction, java.io Package, File Class, FileInputStream Class, FileOutputStream
Class, Scanner Class, BufferedInputStream Class, BufferedOutputStream Class,
RandomAccessFile Class.

Unit IV
Applets: Introduction, Example, Life Cycle, Applet Class, Common Methods Used in Displaying
the Output.
Event Handling: Introduction, Types of Events, Example.
AWT: Introduction, Components, Containers, Button, Label, Checkbox, Radio Buttons,
Container Class, Layouts. Swing: Introduction, Differences between Swing and AWT, Jframe,
Japplet, Jpanel, Components in Swings, Layout Managers, Jtable, Dialog Box.

Database Handling Using JDBC: Introduction, Types of JDBC Drivers, Load the Driver,
Establish Connection, Create Statement, Execute Query, Iterate Resultset, Scrollable Resultset,
Developing a JDBC Application.

B.Sc (Computer Science) Kakatiya University 3

Text Book:

Sachin Malhotra, Saurabh Choudhary, Programming in Java (2e)

1. Bruce Eckel, Thinking in Java (4e)
2. Herbert Schildt, Java: The Complete Reference (9e)
3. Y. Daniel Liang, Introduction to Java Programming (10e)
4. Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, Java: How To Program (10e)
5. Cay S. Horsttnann, Core Java Volume I –Fundamentals (10e)
6. C. Thomas Wu, An introduction to object-oriented programming with Java (5e)
7. Tony Gaddis, Starting Out with Java From Control Structures Through Objects (6e)
8. Jeanne Boyarsky, Scott Selikoff, OCA: Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Programmer–
I Study Guide

B.Sc (Computer Science) Kakatiya University 4

U.G. Computer Science (Under CBCS)
B.Sc. Final Year

Programming in Java Lab

 Programs of all the Concepts from Text Book including exercises must be practice and
 Faculty must take care about UG Standard Programs.
 In the external lab examination student has to execute two programs with compilation
and deployment steps are necessary.
 External Vice-Voce is compulsory.

1. Write Java programs to find the following

a) largest of given three numbers
b) reverses the digits of a number
c) given number is prime or not
d) GCD of given two integers

2. Write Java programs to implement the following

a) default constructor b) parameterized constructor c) constructor overloading

a) Write a Java program to find the smallest from given list of integers using array
and scanner class.
b) Write a Java program for multiplication of two matrices.

a) Write a Java program for demonstrating an inner class or nested class.
b) Write a Java program to implement method overloading, method overriding,
dynamic method dispatch

5. Write a Java program to implement single, multilevel, hierarchal, multiple, hybrid


6. Write Java programs that demonstrate the use of abstract, this, super, static, final

a) Write a Java program for creating a package and using a package.
b) Write a Java program to demonstrate the use of wrapper classes.

a) Write a Java program using all five keywords of exception handling mechanism.

B.Sc (Computer Science) Kakatiya University 5

b) Write a Java program for creating customized (user) Exception

a) Write a Java program that checks whether a given string is a palindrome or not.
b) Write a Java program for sorting a given list of names in ascending order.

a) Write a Java program to create a file, write the data and display the data.
b) Write a Java program that reads a file name from user and displays its information.

a) Write a Java program for controlling main thread.
b) Write a Java program for creating new thread by extending Thread class.

a) Write a Java program for creating new thread by implementing Runnable interface.
b) Write a Java program for thread synchronization.

a) Write a Java program to create following AWT components: Button, Checkbox,
Choice and List.
b) Write Java programs to create AWT application using containers and layouts.

a) Write Java programs to create a simple Applet.
b) Write a Java program to handle different types of events in a swing application.

15. Write Java programs to create a swing application using swing components and layouts.

16. Write a Java program to store and retrieve data from database using JDBC.

B.Sc (Computer Science) Kakatiya University 6

U.G. Computer Science (Under CBCS)
B.Sc. Final Year
Elective 1

A) Computer Networks

Unit I
Introduction: Data Communication Components, Line Configuration, Topologies, Transmission
Mode, Categories of Networks, ISO Reference Model–Layered Architecture, Functions of
Layers, TCP/IP Reference Model.
Transmission Media: Guided Media–Twisted Pair Cable, Coaxial Cable, Optical Fiber,
Unguided Media– Satellite Communication, and Cellular Telephony. Multiplexing: Frequency–
Division Multiplexing, Time–Division Multiplexing.

Unit II
Data Link Layer: Error Detection–VRC, LRC, CRC, Checksum, Error Correction–Hamming
Code, Burst Error Correction, Line Discipline–ENQ/ACK, Poll/Select, Flow Control–Stop-and-
Wait, Sliding Window, Error Control–Stop-and-Wait ARQ, Sliding Window ARQ Go-Back-n
ARQ, Selective-Reject ARQ.

Unit III
Local Area Networks: Introduction to IEEE 802, Ethernet-CSMA/CD, Implementation, Token
Ring,-Token Passing, Implementation.
Switching: Circuit Switching, Packet Switching, Message Switching.

Unit IV
Networking and Internetworking Devices: Repeaters, Bridges, Routers, Gateways, Routers,
Switches, Distance Vector Routing Algorithm, Link State Routing Algorithm.
Transport Layer: Duties of Transport Layer, Connection. Upper OSI Layers; Session Layer,
Presentation Layer, Application Layer.

Text Book:
Behrouz A. Forouzan, Data Communication and Networking (2e Update)

1. S.S. Shinde, Computer Networks
2. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications
3. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J Wetherall, Computer Networks
4. Behrouz A Forouzan, Firouz Mosharraf, Computer Networks A Top-Down Approach
5. James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach
Featuring the Internet.

B.Sc (Computer Science) Kakatiya University 7

U.G. Computer Science (Under CBCS)
B.Sc. Final Year
Elective 1

A) Computer Networks Lab

 Programs of all the Concepts from Text Book including exercises must be practice and
 Faculty must take care about UG Standard Programs.
 In the external lab examination student has to execute two programs with compilation
and deployment steps are necessary.
 External Vice-Voce is compulsory.

1. Write a program to create a socket and implement connect function.

2. Write a program to get MAC address.
3. Write a program to display hello world using signals.
4. Write a program for socket pair system call using IPC.
5. Write a program to implement the sliding window protocol.
6. Write a program to identify the category of IP address for a given IP address.
7. Write a program to print details of DNS host.
8. Write a program to implement listener and talker.
9. Write a program to implement TCP echo using client–server program.
10. Write a program to implement UDP echo using client–server program.
11. Write a UDP client–server program to convert lowercase letters to uppercase letters.
12. Write a TCP client–server program to convert a given string into reverse.
13. Write a UDP client–server program to convert a given string into reverse.
14. Write a program to implement TCP iterative client–server program.
15. Write a program to implement time service using TCP client–server program.
16. Write a program to implement time service using UDP client–server program.

Note: Write above program using ‘C’ or C++

B.Sc (Computer Science) Kakatiya University 8

U.G. Computer Science (Under CBCS)
B.Sc. Final Year
Elective 1

B. Visual Programming
Unit I
Introduction to VB: Writing windows application with VB, Programming languages -procedural,
object oriented, event driven; VB Environment, Writing first VB project, compiling, debugging,
and running the programs.
Controls : Introduction to controls textboxes, frames, check boxes, option buttons, images,
setting borders and styles, the shape control, the line control, working with multiple controls and
their properties, designing the user interface, keyboard access, tab controls, default & cancel
property, coding for controls.
Variables, constants, and Calculation: Data types, naming rules and conversion, constants-named
and intrinsic, declaring variables, scope of variables, val function, arithmetic operations,
formatting data Counting and accumulating Sums.

Unit II
Decisions and Conditions : If statement, Conditions comparing numeric variables and constants,
comparing strings, compound conditions (and, or, not), nested if statements, using if statements
with option buttons & check boxes, displaying message in message box, input validation. Calling
event procedures, debugging VB projects, Debugging Step-by-Step Tutorial.

Modular programming: Menus, using common dialog box, writing general procedure.

Unit III
Forms Handling: Multiple forms, creating, adding, removing forms, hide, show method, load,
unload statement, me keyword, referring to objects on a different forms, Variables and constants
in Multiple-Forms.
Iteration Handling: Lists Boxes and Combo Boxes, Do/loops, for/next loops, using msgbox
function, using string function

Arrays: control Arrays, the case structure, single-dimension arrays, for Each/Next statement,
table lookup, using list boxes with array, multi dimensional arrays.

Unit IV
Database Connectivity: VB and database, using the data control, viewing a database file-step-by-
step, Navigating the Database in code, using list boxes and comboboxes as data-bound controls,
adding a lookup table and navigation-step-by-step, updating a database file, Record sets, working
with database fields, creating a new Dynaset.
Advanced topics in VB: ActiveX controls, Dynamic link libraries (DLL), Multiple Document
interface (MDI).

Text Book:
1. Programming in Visual Basic 6.0 by Julia Case Bradley, Anita C. Millispangh (Tata
Mcgraw Hill Edition 2000 (Fourteenth Reprint 2004)

B.Sc (Computer Science) Kakatiya University 9

U.G. Computer Science (Under CBCS)
B.Sc. Final Year
Elective 1

B) Visual Programming Lab

 Programs of all the Concepts from Text Book including exercises must be practice and
 Faculty must take care about UG Standard Programs.
 In the external lab examination student has to execute two programs with compilation
and deployment steps are necessary.
 External Vice-Voce is compulsory.

1. Print a table of numbers from 5 to 15 and their squares & Cubes.

2. Print the largest of three numbers.
3. Find the factional of a number n.
4. Enter a list of positive numbers terminated by zero. Find the sum and average of these
5. A person deposits Rs. 1000 in a fixed account yielding 5% interest. Complete the amount
in the account at the end of each year for n years.
6. Read n numbers. Count the number of negative numbers, positive numbers and zeros in
the list.
7. Read n numbers. Count the number of negative numbers, positive numbers and zeroes in
the list(use arrays)
8. Read a single dimension array. Find the sum and average of these numbers.
9. Read a two dimension array. Find the sum of two 2D Array
10. Write a program to Demonstrate Control Array.
11. Write a Program to perform String Manipulation Operations.
12. Develop a VB Application to check for Input Validations.
13. Develop a VB Application to Demonstrate MDI.
14. Develop a VB Application to Demonstrate Combobox and Listbox.
15. Develop a VB Application to Demonstrate Option Buttons and Check Boxes.
16. Develop a VB Application to deal the following Database Operations
a) Insert
b) Delete
c) Update
d) Display

B.Sc (Computer Science) Kakatiya University 10

U.G. Computer Science (Under CBCS)
B.Sc. Final Year
Elective 1

C) Python

Unit I
Introduction to Python: Python, Features of Python, Execution of a Python Program, Viewing the
Byte Code, Flavors of Python, Python Virtual Machine, Frozen Binaries, Memory Management in
Python, Garbage Collection in Python, Comparisons between C and Python, Comparisons between
Java and Python.
Writing Our First Python Program: Installing Python for Windows, Installing numpy, Setting the
Path to Python, Writing Our First Python Program, Executing a Python Program, Getting Help in
Python, Getting Python Documentation Help, Reopening the Python Program in IDLE.
Data types in Python: Comments in Python, Doc strings, How Python Sees Variables, Data types in
Python, Built-in data types, bool Data type, Sequences in Python, Sets, Literals in Python,
Determining the Data type of a Variable, What about Characters, User-defined Data types, Constants
in Python, Identifiers and Reserved words, Naming Conventions in Python.

Unit II
Operators in Python: Arithmetic Operators, Assignment Operators, Unary Minus Operator,
Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Boolean Operators, Bitwise Operators, Membership
Operators, Identity Operators, Operator Precedence and Associativity, Mathematical Functions.
Input and Output: Output statements, Input Statements, Command Line Arguments. Control
Statements: Control Statements, The if Statement, A Word on Indentation, The if … else Statement,
The if … elif … else Statement, The while Loop, The for Loop, Infinite Loops, Nested Loops, The
else Suite, The break Statement, The continue Statement, The pass Statement, The assert Statement,
The return Statement.

Unit III
Arrays in Python: Array, Advantages of Arrays, Creating an Array, Importing the Array Module,
Indexing and Slicing on Arrays, Processing the Arrays, Types of Arrays, Working with Arrays using
numpy, Creating Arrays using array(), linspace, logspace, arange(), zeros() and ones() Functions,
Mathematical Operations on Arrays, Comparing Arrays, Aliasing the Arrays, Viewing and Copying
Arrays, Slicing and Indexing in numpy Arrays, Dimensions of Arrays, Attributes of an Array, The
reshape() Method, The flatten() Method, Working with Multi-dimensional Arrays, Indexing in Multi-
dimensional Arrays, Slicing the Multi-dimensional Arrays, Matrices in numpy, Getting Diagonal
Elements of a Matrix, Finding Maximum and Minimum Elements, Finding Sum and Average of
Elements, Products of Elements, Sorting the Matrix, Transpose of a Matrix, Matrix Addition and
Multiplication, Random Numbers.
Strings and Characters: Creating Strings, Length of a String, Indexing in Strings, Slicing the Strings,
Repeating the Strings, Concatenation of Strings, Checking Membership, Comparing Strings,
Removing Spaces from a String, Finding Sub Strings, Counting Substrings in a String, Strings are
Immutable, Replacing a String with another String, Splitting and Joining Strings, Changing Case of a
String, Checking Starting and Ending of a String, String Testing Methods, Formatting the Strings,

B.Sc (Computer Science) Kakatiya University 11

Working with Characters, Sorting Strings, Searching in the Strings, Finding Number of Characters
and Words, Inserting Sub String into a String.

Unit IV
Functions: Difference between a Function and a Method, Defining a Function, Calling a Function,
Returning Results from a Function, Returning Multiple Values from a Function, Functions are First
Class Objects, Pass by Object Reference, Formal and Actual Arguments, Positional Arguments,
Keyword Arguments, Default Arguments, Variable Length Arguments, Local and Global Variables,
The Global Keyword, Passing a Group of Elements to a Function, Recursive Functions, Anonymous
Functions or Lambdas, Function Decorators, Generators, Structured Programming, Creating our Own
Modules in Python, The Special Variable name.
Lists and Tuples: List, Creating Lists using range() Function, Updating the Elements of a List,
Concatenation of Two Lists, Repetition of Lists, Membership in Lists, Aliasing and Cloning Lists,
Methods to Process Lists, Finding Biggest and Smallest Elements in a List, Sorting the List
Elements, Number of Occurrences of an Element in the List, Finding Common Elements in Two
Lists, Storing Different Types of Data in a List, Nested Lists, Nested Lists as Matrices, List
Comprehensions, Tuples, Creating Tuples, Accessing the Tuple Elements, Basic Operations on
Tuples, Functions to Process Tuples, Nested Tuples, Inserting Elements in a Tuple, Modifying
Elements of a Tuple, Deleting Elements from a Tuple.

Text Book:
R. Nageswara Rao, Corer Python Programming, Dreamtech Press

1. Mark Lutz, Learning Python
2. Tony Gaddis, Starting Out With Python
3. Kenneth A. Lambert, Fundamentals of Python
4. James Payne, Beginning Python using Python 2.6 and Python 3
5. Paul Gries, Practical Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science using
Python 3

Student friendly video lecturers pertaining to this course are available at
Teachers are advised to teach these courses in the computer lab itself, so that the interested
students may derive some time to perform few programs their own.

B.Sc (Computer Science) Kakatiya University 12

U.G. Computer Science (Under CBCS)
B.Sc. Final Year
Elective 1

C) Python Lab
 Programs of all the Concepts from Text Book including exercises must be practice and
 Faculty must take care about UG Standard Programs.
 In the external lab examination student has to execute two programs with compilation
and deployment steps are necessary.
 External Vice-Voce is compulsory.

1. Write a Python Program which accepts the radius of a Circle from the user and compute
the Area.
2. Write a Python program to solve ( x + y ) * ( x + y ), accept x and y from the user.
3. Write a Python program to calculate the sum of three given numbers, if the values are
equal then return thrice of their sum.
4. Write a Python program to find whether a given number (accept from the user) is even or
odd, Print out an appropriate message to the user.
5. Write a Python program to get the Fibonacci series between 0 and 50.
6. Write a Python program to print alphabet pattern 'E'.


7. Write the Python programs for the following.

a. To find the length of a given string
b. To Concatenate N Strings
c. To find the given String is palindrome or not.
8. Write a Python program to check if a String is numeric.
9. Write a Python program to find the sum of positive numbers from a given list (using continue
10. Write a Python program to reverse the order of the items in the array.
11. Write a Python function to find the Maximum of three numbers.
12. Write a Python function that takes a number as a parameter and check the number is prime or
13. Write a Python program to get the number of occurrences of a specified element in an array.
14. Write a Python Recursive function to calculate the Factorial of a number (a non-negative
15. Write a Python program to add an item in a tuple.
16. Write a Python program to check whether an element exists within a tuple

B.Sc (Computer Science) Kakatiya University 13

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