Pumping Lemma Writeup

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CS311 Winter 05 Ammara Shabbir

Prove that Language L = {0n: n is a perfect square} is irregular.


L is infinite. Suppose L is also regular. Then according to pumping lemma there exists an integer
n such that for every string w in where |w| >= n, we can break w into three strings w = xyz such

|y| > 0 , |xy| <= n and for all k>=0 , the string xykz is also in L.

Choose w to be w = 0s where s = n2 that is it is a perfect square.

Let w= 00000000000000000………00000 = xyz . (The length of w = s = n2 in this case.)

Let |xy| <= n and |y| = k.

That is w = 0000 0k 000…

X y z

So, |xyz| = |xz| + |y| = (n2- k ) + (k)

From pumping lemma, I can pump y any number of times and the new string should also belong
to the language. Suppose I pump y twice then, the new string should belong to the language that
is it should have length that is a perfect square but,

|xy2z| = |xz| + 2|y| = (n2- k ) + 2k = n2 + k

where n2 + k < n2 + n (k <= n as |xy| <=n and |y| = k )

< n2 + 2n +1
= (n+1)(n+1)

and n2 + k > n2 (As k > 0)

=> n2 < n2 + k < (n+1)2

Ö n2 + k is not a perfect square

Ö xy2z is not in L
Ö This is a contradiction to the pumping lemma
Ö So, our initial assumption must have been wrong that is L is not regular.

CS311 Winter 05 Ammara Shabbir

Prove that Language L = {0n: n is a perfect cube} is irregular.


L is infinite. Suppose L is also regular. Then according to pumping lemma there exists an integer
n such that for every string w in where |w| >= n, we can break w into three strings w = xyz such

|y| > 0, |xy| <= n and for all k>=0 , the string xykz is also in L.

Choose w to be w = 0s where s = n3 that is it is a perfect square.

Let w= 00000000000000000………00000 = xyz . (The length of w = s = n3 in this case.)

Let |xy| <= n and |y| = k.

That is w = 0000 0k 000…

X y z

So, |xyz| = |xz| + |y| = (n3- k ) + (k)

From pumping lemma, I can pump y any number of times and the new string should also belong
to the language. Suppose I pump y twice then, the new string should belong to the language that
is it should have length that is a perfect cube but ,

|xy2z| = |xz| + 2|y| = (n3- k ) + 2k = n3 + k

where n3 + k < n3 + n (k <= n as |xy| <=n and |y| = k )

< n3 + 3 n2 + 3n +1
= (n+1)3

and n3 + k > n3 (As k > 0)

=> n3 < n3 + k < (n+1)3

Ö n3 + k is not a perfect cube

Ö xy2z is not in L
Ö This is a contradiction to the pumping lemma
Ö So, our initial assumption must have been wrong that is L is not regular.

CS311 Winter 05 Ammara Shabbir

Steps to solve Pumping Lemma problems:

1. If the language is finite, it is regular (quiz3-section1), otherwise it might be non-regular.
2. Consider the given language to be regular
3. State pumping lemma
4. Choose a string w from language, choose smartly :`)
5. Partition it according to constraints of pumping lemma in a generic way
6. Choose a pumping factor k such that the new ‘pumped’ string is not part of the language
7. State the contradiction and end the proof.

How to remember what pumping Lemma says:

(As ahsan mentioned)

Pumping Lemma alternates between “for all” and “there is at least one” or “for every” or
“there exists”. Notice:

For every regular language L

There exists a constant n
For every string w in L such that |w| >= n,
There exists a way to break up w into three strings w = xyz such that |y| > 0 , |xy| <= n and
For every k>=0 , the string xykz is also in L.

What does this imply?

Ö I can choose the language I want to prove (this is trivial…obviously in exams you have no
choice but you can pick up a language of choice during practice)
Ö I cannot choose n that is I have to keep it arbitrary; I have to use a generic value. (So I
cannot choose 4 or 16 as the length of my string It has to be defined as a function of n)
Ö I can choose w, with any combination of alphabets. The only constraint is that the
chosen string should belong to the language under consideration. (So I can have
000000… or 111111 … or the combination of the two even if the alphabet comprises of any
number of letters in the first or second solution as long as length chosen arbitrarily is perfect
square…but I cannot have all aaaaa… in anbn language since it does not belong to the
language.. I can choose only those strings that conform to the language’s general
Ö I cannot choose the division of my string. It has to be arbitrary and general and should
conform to the pumping lemma constraints. (SO, I cannot choose the length of y to be 1 or
2 It has to be a generic, choose a variable k or something)
Ö I can choose my pumping factor k. (This means that I can choose to pump any number of
times I want to. I can choose to pump 0 times 1 time or even put a constraint on it like I have
not pumped more than n times like sir did in class in the factorial proof). If you want to
complete a proof your pumpimg factor should lead to a contradiction to pumping
lemma but the point is you can pump any times you want like in prime language proof
in the book you could have pumped p-m times or 2p-2m times or 3p-3m times …no
constraint there.

I hope this helps in clarifying confusions!!

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