Excel Skills For Business: Essentials: Week 6: Charts
Excel Skills For Business: Essentials: Week 6: Charts
Excel Skills For Business: Essentials: Week 6: Charts
Week 6: Charts
Follow the instructions provided in the questions of the quiz "Test your Skills" in Week 6.
Data Source
The data in this workbook was adapted from the FBI Crime Statistics
cel Skills for Business: Essentials
Week 6: Charts
Table 1
Crime in the United States by Volume, 1994–2013
Violent Murder and Aggravated Property Larceny-
Year Robbery Burglary vehicle
crime manslaughter assault crime thef thef
1994 1,857,670 23,326 618,949 1,113,179 12,131,873 2,712,774 7,879,812 1,539,287
1999 1,426,044 15,522 409,371 911,740 10,208,334 2,100,739 6,955,520 1,152,075
2004 1,360,088 16,148 401,470 847,381 10,319,386 2,144,446 6,937,089 1,237,851
2009 1,325,896 15,399 408,742 812,514 9,337,060 2,203,313 6,338,095 795,652
2013 1,163,146 14,196 345,031 724,149 8,632,512 1,928,465 6,004,453 699,594