Achievers Tutorial Center First Periodical Exam St. School-CLE 3 October 10, 2019

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Achievers Tutorial Center

First Periodical Exam

St. School- CLE 3
October 10, 2019

1. Praising and Giving Glory to God.
2. Offering Prayers as one faith Community.

I. List down 10 any words you say to others that express praise and affirmation.
Example: You are good!

II. Write G if the word belongs to the Gloria and X if not.

_____1. We glorify you _____6. Lord God
_____2. Our Father _____7. We offer you
_____3. Peace to people _____8. Son of the Father
_____4. Brothers and sisters _____9. Lord, Giver of Life
_____5. For you alone _____10. Most High
III. Fill in the missing words to complete the hymn Gloria.

Glory to God in the __________, and on Earth peace to people of good will. We __________you,
we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God,
__________, O God, almighty Father.
Lord Jesus __________, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, ___________ of God, Son of the father,
you take away the sins of the world, __________; you take away the sins of the world, __________ our
prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.
For you alone are the _________, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the __________,
in the glory of God the Father. __________.

IV. Fill in the column with prayers that you would like to tell God, especially when you attend

Type of Prayer Your Prayer





V. Truth in a Nutshell
On the left hand, write in each finger the names of five important persons in your life. On the right
hand, write in each finger the prayers you would want to offer them using all the different types of prayers
(adoration, thanksgiving, petition, contrition, offering).

IV. Self- evaluation

Rate your involvement and participation, use the scale below.
4- Always 2- Sometimes
3- Most of the time 1- Rarely

Praising Gratefully
____ Reads the psalms sincerely
____ Joins others in reciting the Psalms
____ Leads the class to prayer when asked/ assigned
____ Maintains silence in preparation for the prayer

Wondering Joyfully
____ Participates actively in the activity
____ Answers all the question properly
____ Works with others, bearing differences
____ Reflects on the main message of the activities
Listening Reflectively
____ Reads and tries to understand the story/ message
____ Reflects on the message of the reading
____ Respects the Living Word of God by reading it sincerely and respectfully
____ Listens attentively and reflectively

Knowing Lovingly
____ Participates by recitation
____ Reads the content in advance
____ Understands the answer to every question
____ Relates the Bible and Church teachings to one’s life
____ Involves oneself willingly to the activities

Integrating Holistically
____ Sees and understands the interrelationship of the three dimensions of faith namely: doctrine, morals,
and worship

Understanding Fully
____ Answers all the questions comprehensively
____ Joins the activity for dyad or group work
____ Does individual work responsibly
____ Does the synthesis of the lesson thoroughly

Witnessing Prayerfully
____ Reads and understands the story
____ Answers the questions correctly
____ Reflects on the message, implication, or challenge of the story
Spreading Truthfully
____ Performs the task with passion and gusto
____ Executes the instruction correctly and properly
____ Makes the product creatively
____ Answers the question well

____ Follows the instruction properly
____ Accomplishes the work with quality
____ Fills out completely the information needed

____ Prepares all the materials needed
____ Shows positive behavior during the prayer
____ Shares sincerely one’s faith experience
____ Respects the sharer/s by listening attentively
____ Joins in the singing of the song
____ Responds and reads the prayer

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