Property Management 2
Property Management 2
Property Management 2
2. NOOR AFIKA BINTI AHMAD (2017182937)
Assalamualaikum w.b., First of all, thanks to ALLAH because was give me and my
group members permission, good healthy and because of this we were finish this
assignment of Property Management and then we would like to express our sincere
gratitude to our Lecturer Sr. Dr. Maszuwita Abdul Wahab for the continuous support
of our related research, for his patience, motivation, and immense knowledge.
She has provided valuable opinion, shared his personal experience and also have
provided knowledge, as well as easy to understand especially in the subject of
Property Management as well as guidance in preparing assignment that was given.
Her guidance is absolute essential to the completion of her assignment for further
improvement. We sincerely appreciate the valuable time and attention that she had
spent on us.
Besides, we would like to thank Universiti Teknologi MARA (UITM) for giving us an
excellent opportunity to conduct this assignment. This assignment let us gained a lot
of knowledge. Last but not least, we would like to express our appreciation to all the
effort of each and every member in completing this task where there are willing to
spend their valuable time to complete our task. Without the help from group member,
we would not able to obtain data to finalize our task.
Business strategy is the main function of BPR creativities and the other
dimensions are governed by strategy's covering role. The organization dimension
reproduces the structural elements of the company, such as hierarchical levels, the
arrangement of organizational units, and the delivery of work between them.
Technology is worried with the use of computer systems and other forms
of communication technology in the business. In BPR, information technology is
generally measured to act as enabler of new forms of organizing and cooperating,
rather than supporting existing business functions. The people or human
resources dimension deals with features such as education, training, motivation and
remuneration systems. The concept of business processes is unified activities aiming
at creating a value added output to a customer and the basic fundamental idea of
BPR. These processes are characterized by a number of qualities, process ownership,
customer focus, value adding, and cross-functionality.
There are some of significant of BPR that can be identify. Firstly, BPR can make the
cost reduction. Based on the statement, it can be explain when an organization have
a nicely integrated system, any kind of unproductive activities and unnecessary labour
is eliminated. The effect of this process can reduce the wasted time which is can also
reduced of the cost that involved during the unnecessary activities.
BPR also can boosts competitiveness in the operations network through simpler,
leaner and more productive processes. An organisation can produce variety types of
styles and techniques during competitiveness in the operation such as strategy plan,
operational plan and theoretical plan. From these plans, it can help an organisation to
expand more in the country.
In addition, reengineering has helped create more challenging and more rewarding
jobs with broader responsibilities for employees which can be called as job redesign.
The property manager should hire the right staff so that they can adapt with the
environment of the company. This can ensure the organization serves the basic
Although BPR is very effective in controlling cost and improving efficiency, its
implementation is easy to be achieved. Employees are very resistant to this kind of
change thus, it is important to have extensive support from the top management.
Furthermore, there are several impacts of reengineering on customer and company
itself. Impact of BPR can be divided into two categories which is for the organization
and the customer.
Firstly, the impact of BPR to the customer is BPR process give the satisfaction to them.
BPR increases the customer satisfaction about the services that are provided such
service in some company that can become more efficient and systematic. Services
that are provide must be performance in all aspects management. For example,
services that provided to the customer are services counter in help desk. The
employee at help desk should give cooperation with the customer therefore it
comfortable and communicate can be relative between the organization and
The satisfaction of the customers can be measure purchasing of the product and
services. If the demand of product increasing, it show that the customer are satisfied
with the product. The implementing can be doing through the questionnaire that should
be given to the customer about the services. Based on questionnaire the company
can always improve the efficiency and services.
Secondly, BPR can improve the quality of production and the improvement can
increase the purchasing the buyers. BPR motivate the customer loyalty because the
company product is of high quality at affordable prices. Customer are willing to buy the
affordable prices if the product that produce having a high quality. Today, the customer
who high income are buying the product is of high quality. BPR easy to the company
can provide the product which have a high quality. The prices also be main effect to
the product, the customers are really love buying the high quality at affordable prices.
So that, the company should provide it for their satisfaction for them.
The core or outcome aspects is a relational or process aspects between customer
employee relationships of the service. While reliability is largely concerned with the
service outcome, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy are more concerned with
the service process. Customers are not the accuracy and dependability of the
delivered service to the employee, they judge the other service is being delivered are
having high quality. The employee should show a good attitude for the customer so
that dependability relationship between employee and customer can be achieved.
Employee will giving the task which is changing task orientation to process orientation,
that the main focus is put on the customer. This has the advantage that all irrelevant
processes quickly come to the foreground, after which they can easily be removed or
modified. The customer have a power to make it the chose purchasing the quality of
production and give their opinion in any form or media.
Lastly, the impact is about the speed of human resources, production, management,
and others. Customers valued speed, efficiency and easy access to information about
the company products. Speed in every aspects in services is an element of timeliness
in company. Speed is a competitive dimension that enables one to make the desired
product or provide a service very quickly. The company using this process must have
improvement in speed all aspects. Speeding all aspect is improved when the duration
taken for a customer to receive a product or service since the requisition has been
minimized. Customers can judge the organizational service as good or bad depending
on the time spent during consuming a service at an organization. In this regard,
organizations have to make sure that their business processes are effective enough
in order to provide services that delight their customers. The services speed is main
benefits to the customer to easily their deal with the company. Their comfortable is
main point to the company to improve the efficiency of the underlying processes.
The goal of BPR is to modernise outdated processes and that often yields time-saving
results. For example, after performing BPR, the organisation can discover that a
certain process can be carried out by two employees instead of four. It’s important that
the employees themselves provide input and come up with suggestions; after all, they
know better than anyone else how the business processes work.
The Impact of BPR to The Company
The first impact to the company is the BPR can improve the value in the organization.
Business Process Re-engineering has rapidly developed towards a new management.
The inherent business process orientation changes the perspective of international
management from a structural to that of a process view. The re-engineering of
business processes is only one aspect of the management of business processes. In
particular, the re-engineering of international business processes needs special
attention, because the multi-faceted structure of multinational corporations increases
the complexity of business processes, there by influencing the options for redesign.
Improve the value of the company because the BPR can increase the efficiencies and
effectiveness in the service and also their productivity. BPR is the one of the business
that can be give the benefits to the company. The meaning of value is about the quality
of human resource that provide the product and services in production. The
employee’s skill is main stronger to the organization in management and production.
The goal of the organization in services and production can be achieved based on
their skill. Other than that, it also refer to the new technology that used in organization.
Property management should always upgrade or alert the new technology in this era
because the competitors in surrounding are advanced in technology management.
This helps the organization’s potential within the market as well its potential basing on
the external factors affecting the organization. The strength analysis can be effectively
used in the market, such as its commercial viability, it could also be used as a method
of distributing sales as well as used to offer invaluable information on strategic options
that may involve entering new market.
Second step for Business Process Reengineering (BPR) recognize all the major
processes in the firm should be initially identified and few processes should be
selected for reengineering. It can follow by the questions that define the criteria for
selecting processes for reengineering like the processes are critical to accomplishing
company strategy and have the greatest impact on the company’s customer, another
question can the company or business continuous improvement deliver the required
improvements and also how the process obsolete antiquated or the technology used
outdated in the organization. Response to these questions can be weighted in
accordance with the company’s need for improvement. The selected process should
have a manageable reengineering project scope with well-defined process boundaries
Evaluate enablers is the third step that can include in Business Process Reengineering
(BPR). Evaluate enablers more about information technology and
human/organisational issues act as enablers of the reengineering process.
Technology evaluation has now become a core competency required of all companies.
Companies should develop the ability to evaluate current and emerging information
technology and identify creative application to redesign their existing processes. The
current organisational culture should also be evaluated in light of the impending
change to be brought about by reengineering. Participative and customer-oriented
cultures that have evolved from the quality revolution provide a suitable environment
for further change. But the magnitude of change created by process redesign makes
the management of change a necessity. Issues of measurement and compensation,
career paths, work enrichment and new skills training should be addressed (Smriti
Chand, 2011)
After did evaluate enablers, we must know and understanding the current process by
making use of process evaluation techniques such as flow charts, fishbone diagrams
and quality function deployment. The purpose is to create a new, radically better
process. The current process must be studied to understand the activities which are
essential to completion. All activities can be classified into three types which is value
adding work, non-value adding work and waste. Value adding work consists of all of
the activities that create the goods and services that customers want. For example, if
a customer’s order has to be executed, value adding activities include inventory
allocation, picking, packing, route planning and shipping. Waste work is work whose
absence would not be noticed by the customer and waste also work needs to be
eliminated. For Non-value adding work is the glue that binds the value-adding work in
conventional processes. It is mainly the administrative overhead by the reporting,
checking, supervising, controlling, reviewing and coordinating. The final major step
that can include in the Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is implement the
reengineered process. This step more about leadership which is critical to the
application process additionally to the whole reengineering exertion. Process
engineering teams are typically responsible for implementing the new designs.
However, support and buy-in from line managers are crucial to success. Training
employees in additional skills needed to perform in the new environment is also
First of all, the objective of re-engineering must be defined in the quantitative and
qualitative terms. The objectives are the end results that the management desires after
the reengineering. Once the objectives are defined, the need for change should be
well communicated to the employees because, the success of BPR depends on the
readiness of the employees to accept the change.
While, redesigning the business process the needs of the customers must be taken
into prior consideration. The process shall be redesigned in such a way that it clearly
provides the added value to the customer. One must take the following parameters
into the consideration such as type of customer and customer groups, customer’s
expected utilities in product and services customer requirements, buying habits and
consuming tendencies and lastly, customer problems and expectations about the
product or service.
Before deciding on the changes to be made in the existing business process, one must
analyze it carefully. The existing process provides a base for the new process and
hence “what” and “why” of the new process can be well designed by studying the right
and wrongs of the existing business plan.
Once the existing business process is studied thoroughly, the required changes are
written down on a piece of paper and is converted into an ideal re-design process.
Here, all the changes are chalked down, and the best among all the alternatives is
Implement the Redesign
Finally, the changes are implemented into the redesign plan to achieve the dramatic
improvements. It is the responsibility of both the management and the designer to
operationalise the new process and gain the support of all.
In today’s challenging economic climate, many organizations have come to realize that
improved quality is an essential entry ingredient for successful global competition.
Business process re-engineering (BPR) has become a best quality improvement tool
designed to improve organizational performance and quality in order to sustain a
competitive edge in this global manufacturing era. This article examines Business
process reengineering as quality improvement tool mostly used in the manufacturing
Firstly, the challenges are wrong direction and irregularity in application of BPR cannot
trigger an instant competitive advantage because it only focus to the improvement
efficiency to the organization and customers. For visible growth, the process must be
followed through and through therefore should be achieve that improvement. But, that
does not mean that BPR works in every process of the organization because some
reengineering is unsuitable for many. Furthermore, when the company is able to
achieve its benchmark once, the BPR practice shall not be discontinued. An irregular
BPR process hinders the many opportunities and growth that it comes with. The
objectives and expectations must be set and made more explicit.
Secondly, the challenges is the employee less inadequate knowledge. The team must
be clear on why and apparent on where to implement the reengineering processes
because some of the employee did not alert about the information that be given. This
furthermore needs a proper prioritization of business process for reengineering. The
employees must have appropriate knowledge for performing BPR, retouched with
substantial Business Process Re-Engineering training programs. The implementation,
if done on wrong processes, is an utter waste of resources. This process can make a
long term to achieved the target if the employee in adequate. With proper training,
guidance, and knowledge transfer, the business will see the correct process
implementation. Based on training from the employee, the property management can
analyse is that the BPR can be achieved their target or goals.
Other than that, the challenges of BPR is unsound analysis and lack support from the
property managers and also the teams. The process BPR must be established and
adequately analyzed beforehand so that it can be avoid by the problems. The data
and information essential for the procedure must be fully accessible to the team
therefore some information did not practice. Also, the team must be clear on what to
analyze and prioritize for coordinated work without wasting any precious time. The
work must be relevant and free of any superficial knowledge. More than how the
particular task is done, the team first needs to be more transparent on why it is required
for that specific process.
Furthermore, even with the correct knowledge package and employees, the
businesses face failures in channeling the Business Process Reengineering Steps.
The team should be dedicated to the process and know how to prioritize their time and
methods. Moreover, when a decision is made, not just the selected BPR team is
responsible for the results but the organization as well. The ingredients to failure
include; lack of organizational readiness for change, lack of intent to move past the
traditional methods and comfort zone, problems in commitment, planning, and
leadership. Employees in the firm should not be skeptical and apprehensive towards
the BPRE success and must be educated too and form a better understanding of the
In the first part of this assignment the meaning Business Process Reengineering
(BPR) is analysed. In more details, it is outlined how business processes might be
reengineered to improve company or organizational performance. In conclusion,
successful BPR can potentially create considerable improvements in the way
organizations do business and can actually produce fundamental developments for
business processes. These enhancements can be sensed in terms of effectiveness,
income, time saving, etc…
However, in order to achieve that, there are some key success factors that must be
taken into consideration. BPR success factors are a collection of lessons learned from
reengineering projects and from these lessons common themes should have
emerged. Organizations planning toundertake BPR must show commitment, and
practice effective change management in order to ensure that their reengineering
related change efforts are comprehensive, well-implemented and have a minimum
chance of failure.
In addition, the ultimate success of BPR depends on the human factor. The people
who are involved in a BPR project must be committed, motivated, creative, and must
work coherently to analyze all aspects of the business needs. They need to apply their
detailed knowledge to the reengineering initiative and consciously suggest and
implement improvements. Last but not least, the proper implementation and
governance of the output of BPR, i.e. new processes and procedures, need to be
applied by the adequate IT
Wamweta, E. (2016, June 28). What are the barriers or challenges Business
Process Re-Engineering (BPR)? - Specialties from