Circular Memo
Circular Memo
Circular Memo
2. In the Government Order second cited, orders were issued regulating the rates of
Dearness Allowance from 01.01.2014 and 01.07.2014 in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 in
pursuance of the recommendations of the Tenth Pay Revision Commission. In the
Government Order third cited, orders were issued implementing the recommendations of
the Tenth Pay Revision Commission on House Rent Allowance. In the Government Order
fourth cited, orders wereissued revising the rates of City Compensatory Allowance
asrecommendedby the Tenth Pay Revision Commission.
3. Government, now issue the following instructions for the effective implementation
of the above orders to the
(i) (a) The salaries in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 will be paid in cash
fromthemonth of March, 2015, payable in April, 2015.
(b) As regards the arrears of salary for the period from 02-06-2014 to 28-
02-2015 in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015, orders will be issued
separately and on receipt of the orders action shall be initiated topay
the arrears in the manner specified therein.
(c) In the event of death of any employee before the issue of these orders,
the legal heirs shall be entitled to get the benefit of Revised Pay
Scales, 2015as stipulated in (a) and (b) above.
(ii) The claims on account of fixation of pay in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 shall
be preferred in duplicate in the establishment pay bills form and presented to
the Treasury Officer / Pay and Accounts Officer, Hyderabad and the Pay and
Accounts Officers of Projects / District Audit Officer, State Audit Department
concerned along with pay fixation statements in triplicate together with the
Service Register of the individual concerned with upto date entries. The bill
should be superscripted in “RED INK” as “Claim for Pay Fixation arrears
in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015” to make it distinct from other bills.
(iii) The pay fixation claims shall be prepared in three parts:
Part-I: From 01-07-2013 to 01-06-2014 for which the fixation is
Part-II: From 02-06-2014 to 28-02-2015, for which arrears of pay
fixation in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015, are to be paid as
per the orders that will be issuedseparately.
Part-III: From 01-03-2015 onwards to the date of fixation of pay in
the revised Pay Scales, 2015 for which the arrears shall be
paid in cash.
The DDO concerned shall prepare the claim in three parts as above
and prefer the bill only in respect of Part-III amount at the Treasury
Officer / Pay and Accounts Officer, Hyderabad/ the Pay and Accounts
Officers of Projects/ District Audit Officer, State Audit Department
(iv) The Drawing Officer shall ensure that the bills are supported by all supporting
documents in duplicate indicating the details of the employees, before
submitting the claims to the District Treasury Officer/ Pay and Accounts
Officer, Hyderabad/Assistant Pay and Accounts Officer/ Pay and Accounts
Officer of Projects/ District Audit Officer of the State Audit Department as
the case may be.
(v) All the Drawing and Disbursing Officers are requested to intimate the
employees working under their control as to how much ofthe amounts
workedout due to fixation in the Revised Pay Scales,2015 are adjusted
notionally,amounts calculated from 02-06-2014 to 28-02-2015 and
amountpaid in cash from March, 2015 in the proforma appended (Appendix-
II) to these instructions.
(vi) All the Drawing Officers are directed to ensure that the bills are drawn as per
the above orders and to see that the amounts payable in cash are credited to
the respective Bank Accounts of the employees.
(vii) If the audit authorities report any erroneous pay fixation, the Drawing
Officer should check again, with reference to the pay fixation already
approved. If pay fixation was approved by a higher authority, the fact should
be reported by the Drawing Officer to the concerned audit authority. Suitable
action should be taken to rectify the erroneous fixation, if any, immediately.
(viii) The Drawing Officers should invariably indicate the particulars of pay and
allowances in the fixation statements correctly.
(ix) The Drawing Officers should not alter any column of the pay fixation
statement. They should not include any new item. They should not omit to
mention any information against the column.
5. The Audit Officers shall maintain a separate register soon after the receipt of claim
and watch the final disposal until it is passed. In case, the claims are admitted, the audit
officers should send the paid vouchers to the next authorities, along with detailed sheet. The
monthly accounts shall be prepared and sent with the vouchers including arrears of pay
fixation in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 in the normal course to the concerned
officers/Accountant General as per the existing schedule of dates.
6. In the case of the employees working in Projects, the Director of Works and
Accounts shall issue necessary instructions to his subordinates to follow the above
procedure with regard to preparation of pay fixations, checking of pay fixations and the
updating system. The Director of Works and Accounts of the Projects shall consolidate the
above information received from all the Works Departments whose salaries are paid
through Works PAOs, who in turn shall forward the consolidated information to the Finance
(HRM.IV) Department.
7. All the Heads of Departments are requested to issue necessary instructions to the
Departmental Officers under their control to follow the above instructions scrupulously and
co-operate with the Audit Authorities.
8. Any further clarification in this regard may be sought from the Finance (HRM.IV)
The Accountant General, Telangana, Hyderabad (20 copies).
The Accountant General, Telangana, Hyderabad (by name).
The Pay & Accounts Officer, Telangana, Hyderabad.
The Special Chief Secretary to Governor, Telangana, Hyderabad.
All Special Chief Secretaries/Principal Secretaries/Secretaries tothe Government.
The Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister and Private Secretaries to all the Ministers.
All the Departments of Secretariat (10 copies each).
All the Heads of Departments (including Collectors and District Judges).
The Registrar General, the Judicature of High Court, at Hyderabad for the State of Telangana
and State of AP, Hyderabad (with covering letter).
All the District Treasury Officers (with copies to Sub-Treasury Officers).
The Managing Director, Telangana State GENCO/TRANSCO.
The Vice Chairman and Managing Director, TSRTC, Hyderabad (with covering letter).
All District Educational Officers / All Principals of Junior Colleges.
All the Chief Executive Officers, ZillaPrajaParishads.
All District Panchayat Officers.
All Secretaries of ZillaGrandhalayaSamsthas through Director of Public Libraries,
All Secretaries of Agricultural Market Committees through the Commissioner and Director
of Agricultural Marketing, Telangana, Hyderabad.
All Commissioners / Special Officers of Municipalities.
All Recognized Service Associations.
Copy to the General Administration (Cabinet) Department.
Copy to the General Administration (SW) Department.
Copy to SF/SCs.
B. Thedateof entry into the Revised Pay Scales is from the date of increment, i.e.,
Pay in the existing pay scales, 2010on 01-10-2013 : 15280.00
DA as on 1.7.2013 (63.344%) : 9678.96
Fitment benefit (43%) : 6570.40
Total emoluments : 31529.36
Pay fixed at Next Stage in RPS,2015 on 01-10-2013 : Rs.32340.
Date of Next Increment in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 : 01.10.2014
Pay on the next date of increment, i.e.on01-10-2014 : Rs.33220.
Statement of fixation of Pay under Telangana Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 2015
(Circular Memo No. 68/1/HRM.IV/2014, dated: 04-04-2015)
Note: 1. Separate statement should be prepared for fixation of pay in
respect of substantive and officiating post.
2. In respect of employees holding Special Grade / Special Promotion
Post Special Ad-hoc Promotion Post, fixation shall be in the
corresponding relevant Revised Scales assigned to the post
(Amounts in Rupees)
1 Name of the employee :
2 Designation of the post in which pay is to be fixed (the actual
nomenclature of the post i.e., Ordinary / Special Grade / SPP-I A& IB/ :
SAPP-IA & IB/SPP-II/SAPP-II held by the employees is to be only
3 Whether substantive or officiating :
4 a) Whether the employee has opted to the Revised Pay Scales, 2015. :
b) Date on which option was exercised :
c) Date from which option was exercised to come over to the Revised :
Pay Scales, 2015 from 01.07.2013, the date of next increment.
5 (a) Existing Scale of Pay of the post on the date of entry into the
Revised Pay Scales, 2015. :
b) Pay in the existing Scale (i.e. in RPS, 2010) :
c) Special Pay, if any in the existing Scale (i.e. in RPS, 2010) :
6 Existing emoluments on the date of entry into RPS, 2015.
a) „Basic Pay‟ i.e., pay as defined in Fundamental Rule9(21)(a)(i) :
including stagnation increments / Pay as per 5 (b) above
b) Personal Pay under Rule 9 (23) (a) of the Fundamental Rules or
Rules or Rule 7 (40) (a) of the Hyderabad Civil Service :
c) Dearness Allowance admissible at the rate which existed on 1st
July, 2013 appropriate to „Basic Pay‟ referred to at sub-item (a) :
Total 6 (a to c) :
7 Fitment benefit 43% of Basic Pay referred to in item 6 (a) :
8 Total of items 6 and 7 :
9 Revised Scale of Pay, 2015 for the post in which the Pay is fixed now. :
10 Revised Pay as fixed in the Revised Scale at the stage next above the
amount referred to in item 8 above irrespective whether, the amount is :
a stage or not, in the Revised Scale.
In the existing Pay In the Revised
11 Increase in emoluments Scales, 2010 PayScales, 2015
‘X’ ‘Y’
i) Basic Pay :
ii) Special Pay* :
iii) Personal Pay* (under FR/RSPR, 2015) :
iv) Family Planning Increment* :
v) Advance increment* :
vi) Dearness Allowance :
vii) House Rent Allowance :
viii) City Compensatory Allowance :
ix) Other Compensatory Allowance :
x) Telangana Increment (Telangana Special Pay)# :
(Same as in the
Column „X‟)
xi) Interim Relief : -Nil-
Total (Rs.) :
Net Increase Y – X :
12 (a) The amount of pay fixed in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 in the
lower / substantive post :
(b) The amount of pay fixed in Revised Pay Scales, 2015 (vide item
10 above) :
(c) The pay fixed in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 in officiating post
as per Rule 6 (g) (i) of the Telangana Revised Scales of Pay
Rules, 2015 in case where the Pay in item 12(b) is equal or less :
than Pay in item 12 (a) above (i.e., next stage to the amount of
the substantive pay as per item 12 (a) above)
13 Date of next increment :
14 Any other relevant information :
Station :
Date :
Signature of the Head of the
Office/Drawing and
Disbursing Officer
*Shall not be reckoned as pay for purpose of calculation of Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance
and City Compensatory Allowance.
#Telangana Increment (Telangana Special Pay) as per para 9 of G.O.Ms.No.23, Finance (HRM.III) Dept.,
dt.13-08-2014, is a fixed amount and it shall not be revised.
[As per para 3 (c) (iv) of Circular Memo No. 68/1/HRM.IV/2014, dated: 04-04-2015.]
1. Name of the Office :
2. Designation of Drawing and :
Disbursing Officer
3. Name and Designation of the employee :
4. Amount of claim of fixation of pay in the Revised :
Pay Scales, 2015.
i) From 01-07-2013 to 01-06-2014 (Notional) : Rs.
(Circular Memo No. 68/1/HRM.IV/2014, dated: 04-04-2015)
(Circular Memo No. 68/1/HRM.IV/2014, dated: 04-04-2015)
Office of _________________________________________________
Sl. Name and Defects noticed in Reference No. in Final Result (i.e.,)
No Designation verification of pay which the matter is whether the Revised
fixation reported to the Pay Fixation is
statement Drawing andadmitted or not.
Disbursing Officer