Arduino Nixie Clock v8: Operating Instructions & Construction Manual
Arduino Nixie Clock v8: Operating Instructions & Construction Manual
Arduino Nixie Clock v8: Operating Instructions & Construction Manual
Operating Instructions
Construction Manual
Document V0008c
Contact Information
If you want to get in contact with me, please email to:
There are several option packs, complete kits or parts. Just drop us an email.
Direct Purchasing
If you buy through Ebay, I have to pay Ebay commission on top, which is around 10%! The prices here are if
you purchase direct:
Postage will be on top. Board and kits without tubes: $3, anything with tubes in it $10. To purchase, contact
me at
[email protected]
The Arduino Nixie Clock is a beautiful mix of old and new, resulting in a high accuracy, low power clock
which will be a talking point in your home.
The voltages produced in the High Voltage circuit can reach peaks of 400V! Take precautions not to
electrocute yourself! If you are not sure what this means, please do not use this clock and return it for a
full refund.
A shock from the clock high voltage circuit is at least a nasty bite. At worst it can kill you.
REPEAT: If you are not sure, please do not use the clock.
Time Display Mode
Normally, the clock will show the time. To show additional information press the button with a “short”
press. Each press cycles through the following information. After 5 seconds, the display will revert to the
normal time display.
Setting Mode
To enter setting mode, press the button for more than 1 second (“medium press”). The “tick” LED will start
to flash instead of pulse. The number of consecutive flashes indicates the mode you are in.
Each medium press of more than 1 second will move the setting mode onto the next. When you finish the
setting modes, the clock returns to normal time display mode.
To exit the setting mode before going through all the options, press the button for more than 2 seconds
(“long press”). The “tick” LED will start to pulse again. Another way of exiting is to cycle through all of the
setting options, after which you will return to time mode.
To change a setting, press the button for less than one second, and then release it (“short press”).
Mode Description Values
Time mode. This is the normal mode and displays the time. It is the
normal start up mode of the clock. If you do nothing. The clock is in
this mode.
In this mode a short press cycles through the values given in “Time
Display Mode”, but always returns to the standard time display after
5 seconds.
Time and Date Settings
Set minutes. Each short press will advance the minute. The
minutes roll over back to 0 ffter reaching 59 minutes. Each time you
set the minute, the seconds is reset to 0.
Set Hours. Each short press will advance the hour. The hours roll
over back to zero after reaching 12 or 24 (depending on the 12/24
hours mode).
Set Day. Each short press will advance the day. The day roll over
back to one after reaching the maximum number of days in the
Set Month. Each short press will advance the month. The month
roll over back to zero after reaching 12.
Set Year. Each short press will advance the year. The year roll over
back to 2015 after reaching 2099.
Basic Settings
“00” 12 or 24 hour time. The hours are displayed in 12 or 24 hour “1” = 12 hour
flashing mode. “0” = 24 hour
“01” Blank leading “0”. Blank out the leading “0” from single digit hours. “1” = blank
flashing “0” = don't blank
“02” Scroll back. Use the scroll back (rapid count down) effect when “1” = enable
flashing changing from “9” to “0”. “0” = disable
“03” Date format. Set the format that the date is displayed in. “0” = YY.MM.DD
flashing “1” = MM.DD.YY
“2” = DD.MM.YY
default: 2
“04” Display blanking. To preserve the tubes, you can set the display to “0” = Don't blank
flashing be blanked. “1” = Weekends
“2” = Week days
“3” = Always
default: 0
Special Effects Settings
“05” Fade Speed Slower. Each short press will make the fade speed Default: 50
flashing between digits slower. Max: 200
Min: 20
“06” Fade Speed Faster. Each short press will make the fade speed Default: 50
flashing between digits faster. Max: 200
Min: 20
“07” Scroll-back Speed Slower. Each short press will make the “scroll- Default: 4
flashing back” speed slower. Max: 40
Min: 1
“08” Scroll-back Speed Faster. Each short press will make the “scroll- Default: 4
flashing back” speed faster. Max: 40
Min: 1
Back Light Settings
“09” Back Light Mode. This sets the mode of the back light. “0” = Fixed
flashing “1” = Pulse
“Fixed” mode will show the back light color according to the Red, “2” = Cycle
Green and Blue channel intensities. default: 0
“Pulse” will make the intensity of the back light “pulse”, brightening
for a second and then darkening for a second, but always
respecting the relative intensities set by the Red, Green and Blue
channel intensities.
“Cycle” fades the back lighting randomly, and does not use the Red,
Green and Blue channel intensities.
“10” Red Channel Intensity. Sets the maximum intensity of the red Default: 15
flashing channel back light. This will be dimmed according to the display Max: 15
dimming. Min: 0
“11” Green Channel Intensity. Sets the maximum intensity of the green Default: 15
flashing channel back light. This will be dimmed according to the display Max: 15
dimming. Min: 0
“12” Blue Channel Intensity. Sets the maximum intensity of the blue Default: 15
flashing channel back light. This will be dimmed according to the display Max: 15
dimming. Min: 0
HV Generation Settings (See “HV Settings” note)
“13” HV Target Voltage Higher. Each press sets the HV target voltage Default: 180
flashing higher by 5V. Max: 200
Min: 150
“14” HV Target Voltage Lower. Each press sets the HV target voltage Default: 180
flashing lower by 5V. Max: 200
Min: 150
“15” PWM On Time Longer. This setting controls how long the PWM On Default: 200
flashing pulse is. Normally you should not have to change this, but you can Max: 50
try changing this is the HV generation is noisy or you have unusual Min: 500
“16” PWM On Time Shorter. This setting controls how long the PWM On Default: 200
flashing pulse is. Normally you should not have to change this, but you can Max: 50
try changing this is the HV generation is noisy or you have unusual Min: 500
Information Settings
“17” Current case temperature. Show the current temperature inside
flashing the case (used as part of the temperature compensation for the
clock crystal).
“18” Clock version. Show the clock software version. In this version, will
flashing show “0007”.
Digit Test. Will roll through all digits on all locations to check that
the display is healthy.
Note “HV Settings”: Before leaving the clock for long periods with a new “HV Generation” setting, check
that neither the IRF740 MOSFET nor the 7805 voltage regulator is running too hot. If either of these
components gets too hot, either adjust the high voltage settings or add a heat sink.
You can configure the display to blank at weekends, during week days, always or never (the default).
In order to display the time during blanking, just press the button, and the time will be displayed for the
rest of the minute.
If you make a “super-long” press of the button (more than 8 seconds), the clock will enter filament healing
mode. All the power will be placed through a single filament of a single digit to clean it. A short press will
change the selected filament.
Another super-long press or cycling through all the filaments will return the clock to normal.
Caution! Don't leave a single filament in this state for an extended period of time. It is a harsh process,
and may damage the tube if you leave it in this mode for too long. Normally a few minutes will restore the
cathode digit.
Factory Reset
To reset the clock back to initial settings, hold down the button while powering on. The “tick” LED will flash
10 times to signal that the reset has been done.
If you use more than 12V be aware that you might have to provide a heat sink for the power components
and adjust the HV voltage generation. It is not advised to use more than 12V.
The absolute maximum permissible is 24V DC. Higher voltages than this will surely damage the clock.
Board layout
For reference, the board layout is as shown (viewed from the top):
These are the controls that go on the front panel: The input button
and the Light Dependent Resistor to detect ambient light.
GND: The “ground”. One lead of the button and one lead of the LDR
are connected to this.
BTN1: The other lead of the button is connected to this input
DLS: The other lead of the LDR is connected to this
VCC: Regulated 5V output to drive any LEDs or lighting.
LEDs The LEDs are connected to these sink terminals. To connect up you
take the positive sides of the LEDs to either VIN or VCC and connect
the negative sides of the LEDs to these termionals.
BL RED *: PWM cathode connection for the back light RED channel.
BL GRN *: PWM cathode connection for the back light GREEN
BL BLU *: PWM cathode connection for the back light BLUE
TICK LED: Cathode connection for the blinking “tick” LED.
RTC The connection for the RTC (Real Time Clock) module. Connect this
to the approriately marked terminals on the RTC module.
CATHODES The terminals to the cathodes (individual digits “0” - “9”) for each
ANODES The terminals to the anodes for each tube.
Below is the schematic for the clock.
And for the external components, showing how they are connected.
D1 IN4001
C2 100nF
IC1 7805TV
C9 220uF
R8 2.7k
The Low Voltage circuit is a very traditional voltage regulator using a linear regulator. It's job is to reduce
the external voltage from the power adapter down to a known and stable 5V to drive the micro-controller
and the 74141.
Put the parts on the board in the marked locations in the order they appear on the list.
• See the section on “Component Identification” for help with identifying the components.
• D1 and D2 look very similar, but have different jobs to do. Be careful to get the 1N4001 and not the
• D1 should be placed so that the white stripe on the body lines up with the white stripe on the
• C9 must go the right way round. The negative side is marked with a stripe. (See hint)
• The LED must go with the right polarity. The side with a flat on it, (the cathode, which has the
shorter lead) goes nearest the “170V” test point. (See hint)
• Put IC1 so that the metal tab lines up with the white stripe on the board. The metal side faces to
the outside of the board.
Once all the components are on the board, hook up the power, and check that the LED comes on. Check
also that the voltage is 5V between the “GND” test point and the “VCC” test point.
If the LED does not come on, turn off immediately to avoid damage to the components.
If all is well, proceed to the next step. If not, check carefully the orientation of the components and the
power leads. Diode D1 protects the board from having the power connected inverted.
If the LED comes on, check for a few seconds that the 7805 does not heat up. It should stay almost cold.
Hint: The 220 uF capacitor
C5 22pF
C6 22pF
C1 1uF
C7 100nF
C8 100nF
C4 220uF
D2 UF4004
Q2 16MHz
L1 100uH
R7 2.7k
Q1 IRF740
R9 390k
R10 4.7k
The high voltage circuit uses the micro-controller to drive the boost circuit with a high frequency square
wave, and has a feedback loop in which the controller reads the voltage produced via an analogue input,
and regulates the brightness of the tubes so that there is no flickering or unwanted dimming.
• See the section on “Component Identification” for help with identifying the components.
• C4 must go the right way round. The negative side is marked with a stripe (see hint).
• Put Q1 so that the metal portion lines up with the white stripe on the board. The metal side faces
to the outside of the board.
• D2 should be placed so that the white stripe on the body lines up with the white stripe on the
• Put the micro-controller socket in first. Make sure that the depression on the end of the socket
lines up with the marking on the board. When you put the chip in, the chip should go in with the
depression faces to the outside of the board.
Once all the components are on the board, hook up the power. Give your work a careful check to make
sure that the orientation of the components is right.
If you hear any angry sounding buzzing turn the power off immediately and check the orientation
of C1! The circuit should run almost silently.
Be careful, we are dealing with high voltages now! If all is well, measure the voltage at the “170V” test
point. It is high voltage and the voltage may be significantly higher than 170V at the moment, because the
high voltage generator is powerful and the output is not loaded. Once you add a load, (by connecting the
tubes), the voltage should oscillate around 170V – 190V, and might have a slight “sawtooth” appearance.
You can also check the voltage using an old neon lamp if you have one. Temporarily connect the neon lamp
between the “GND” test point and the “170V” test point (turn the power off first). Turn the power on and
the neon lamp should come on.
Q1 can get warm, but should not get hot. If it gets hot, you need to check the orientation of the
components and that there are no solder bridges.
R19 1k
Q6 2N7000
This step will check that the Micro-controller can talk to the RTC module, and that the time counting is
working properly. The flashing rhythm of the “tick” LED comes from the RTC module.
• Q6 should be orientated with the flat side as shown on the board. Some FETs come with the leds in
a row rather than in a triange. If this is the case, bend the middle lead slightly so that it fits the
holes in the board (see hint).
• The RTC module has two sets of contacts on it. You can use either the side with the pins on it or
wire up the other side with flying wires. If you use the side with pins, you should carefully remove
the two unused pins (see hint).
• The LED must go with the right polarity. The + side has a flat on it, and has the shorter lead (see
The LED should be wired up with the longer lead to pin 4 of the CONN_FRONT (SV2) connector and the
shorter lead to pin 4 of the CONN_LED (SV3) connector.
Once you have populated the components, power on. The LED on the RTC module should come on, and the
“TICK” LED should flash on and off slowly (on for one second, off for one second).
After you have wired everything up, it should look like this:
Note that here I have put the RTC module directly onto the main board. The battery goes in the RTC
module with the back (with the writing on it) upwards.
Anode Control Circuit:
Parts List:
OK1 EL817
OK2 EL817
OK3 EL817
OK4 EL817
OK5 EL817
OK6 EL817
R1 1k
R2 1k
R3 1k
R12 1k
R13 1k
R14 1k
R4 2.7k
R5 2.7k
R6 2.7k
R15 2.7k
R16 2.7k
R17 2.7k
This circuit controls passing the HV to the anodes of the tubes. The micro-controller multiplexes the
anodes by turning each of them on it turn.
• The Opto-Isolators fit into the 24 pin socket snugly. Be careful to put them in the right way round.
The dot denotes pin 1 and should be on the side closest to the micro-controller. All 6 should fit
perfectly into the 24 pin socket.
• The Opto-Isolators are socketed because they are sensitive to heat and are easily destroyed if you
apply too much heat to them. Putting them in a socket means that we don't run the risk of
destroying them while soldering.
IC3 74141N
This part of the circuit controls which cathode will be lit. Each time the digit to be displayed, the correct
cathodes have to be set.
• Instead of the 74141, you might have the Russian equivalent “K155”.
• Be careful to orient the 74141 correctly
Place the 16 pin socket and the connector, and then put the cathode driver on the board.
After you have done this, that part of the board should look like this:
LEDs and front panel
Parts List:
R20 1k (*)
R21 1k (*)
R22 1k (*)
Q3 2N7000
Q4 2N7000
Q5 2N7000
R11 10k
LED RGB LED RGB Common anode
These are the final parts of the clock apart from the tubes, and are intended as the elements which the
user sees and touches.
• The FETs should be orientated with the flat side as shown on the board. Some FETs come with the
leds in a row rather than in a triange. If this is the case, bend the middle lead slightly so that it fits
the holes in the board (see hint).
• If you want to run more than one back light LED from the board, see the note below.
(*) You can run more than one back light LED for each R,G or B channel. If you want to do this, replace this
resistor with a simple PCB link, and put a 1k resistor in series with each LED cathode instead. You can run
between 4 and 6 LEDs off the driver depending on the type and the supply (you can choose the regulated
5V or the unregulated VIN). The total current for each channel should not exceed 200mA.
To calculate the current drawn, you can measure the forward drop V FWD across the LED when it is on, and
use the following formula to calculate the current:
In this case, you can safely run 6 LEDs off the channel.
When all the components are installed, you are finished with the board.
The switch connects to ground when closed. It uses the internal pull-up resistor provided by the Atmega on
the input pin to pull the input to VCC when the switch is not closed.
The switch is de-bounced in software, so practically any switch you want to use is suitable. A simple switch
is provided in the kit, but you might want to substitute this switch with one that suits you case.
Connecting the tubes
When all the components are installed, you are now ready to install the tubes. Either you can wire then by
hand or you have a board to put them on. I prefer hand wiring, because I think it has a more “retro” feel.
Anode “1” is the one next to the tiny “o” on the board connector.
Side note: There are some tricks in the software to make the wiring and the PCB easy and logical. We use a
translation table in the software, and cross some of the standard channels to make the PCB more logical.
You can also see this on the “digit control” section of the schematic. This means that we are not using the
74141 “0” output to drive digit “0”, but instead we are using digit “2” of the 74141 to drive digit “0”.
// Used for special mappings of the 74141 -> digit (wiring aid)
// allows the board wiring to be much simpler<
int decodeDigit[16] = {2,3,7,6,4,5,1,0,9,8,10,10,10,10,10,10};
When we come in with a “0”, we decode this to “2” (the 0 th element of the array), and in fact, it is the “2”
output that is activated, but the wiring brings the “2” output to the “0” connection.
The cathodes to the tubes (the digits for each tube) need to be wired in parallel, “daisy chaining” them, so
that the run to the same digit of each tube.
10k resistor
Alternative 1
RED = 2 (2 zeros in this case)
BROWN = 1 (1% Tolerance)
= 1 0 0 0 0 with 1% tolerance 10k resistor
Alternative 2
ORANGE = 3 (3 zeros in this case)
GOLD = 5% Tolerance
= 1 0 0 0 0 with 5% tolerance
10k resistor
4.7k resistor
Alternative 1
BROWN = 1 (1 zero in this case)
BROWN = 1 (1% Tolerance)
= 4 7 0 0 with 1% tolerance
4.7k resistor
Alternative 2
RED = 2 (2 zeros in this case)
GOLD = 5% Tolerance
= 4 7 0 0 with 5% tolerance 4.7k resistor
390k resistor
Alternative 1
ORANGE = 3 (3 zeros in this case)
BROWN = 1 (1% Tolerance) 390k resistor
= 3 9 0 0 0 0 with 1% tolerance
Alternative 2
YELLOW = 4 (4 zeros in this case)
GOLD = 5% Tolerance
= 3 9 0 0 0 0 with 5% tolerance
390k resistor
2.7k resistor
Alternative 1
RED = 2
BROWN = 1 (1 zero in this case)
BROWN = 1 (1% Tolerance)
= 2 7 0 0 with 1% tolerance
2.7k resistor
Alternative 2
RED = 2
RED = 2 (2 zeros in this case)
GOLD = 5% Tolerance
= 2 7 0 0 with 5% tolerance
2.7k resistor
100nF capacitor
The coding on the 100nF capactor is
22pF capacitor
The coding on the 22pF capactor is
simply “22”. It does not matter which way
round it goes.
22pF capacitor
The RGB LED has one pin longer than the
rest. This longer pin is the common