Islamic Verse
Islamic Verse
Islamic Verse
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Armed Forces Post Graduate Medical Institute
Rawalpindi, Pakistan
The Department of Biochemistry, Armed Forces Post Graduate Medical Institute
(AFPGMI) Rawalpindi and Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, accepts this thesis
Chairman/Supervisor: ________________________
Prof. Maj Gen Abdul Khaliq Naveed
Dated: ________________________
I hereby declare that the work presented in this thesis is my own effort, except where
otherwise acknowledged and that the thesis is my own composition. No part of this
thesis has been previously presented for any other degree.
Acknowledgements I
List of Abbreviations III
List of Figures VII
List of Tables XIII
Abstract XV
Chapter No.1 : Introduction 1
¾ Diabetes Mellitus
• Classification of diabetes mellitus 2
• Mitochondrial DNA 5
• Total Genomic DNA Extraction 30
• DNA sequencing 34
• Estimation of Plasma Glucose 36
• Impaired hearing 77
• Insulin dependence 81
• Hyperglycemia 84
Praise be to ALLAH the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds: Who granted
man with knowledge from His unseen treasures. All regards and respects are for
the Holy Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (SalAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), whose
blessings and teachings flourished my thoughts and thrived my ambitions.
Special thanks are extended to Dr. Ashraf Chaudhary for his technical
assistance and guidance in statistical analysis of this research work.
The biggest assets of my life are my beloved parents. I have no words to pay
tribute to them. Nothing I have for their efforts for me. It is due to their prayers
that I am successful in my educational career and I owe their prayers for success
in my life. May ALLAH bestow them with His blessings.
Dr Maryam Sharif
A Adenine
A Absorbance
4-AA 4 – Aminoantipyrine
ADPS N-ethyl-N-propyl-m-anisidine
bp Base Pair
CoQ Coenzyme Q
C Cytosine
Ca Calcium
CE Cholesterol Esterase
D Daltons
D – Loop Displacement Loop
DM Diabetes Mellitus
G Guanine
g Gram
Leu Leucine
µg Microgram
µl Microlitres
Mt Mitochondrial
NAD+ Oxidized Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide
np Nucleotide Pair
RC Respiratory Chain
POD Peroxidase
SD Standard Deviation
T Thymine
TC Total Cholesterol
TG Triglyceride
T2DM Type 2 diabetes mellitus
U Unit
UV Ultraviolet light
Figure Page No
3.4 Electropherogram of Ethidium bromide stained 2 % agarose 49
3.10 Electropherogram of Ethidium bromide stained 2 % agarose 51
with deafness
control group
3.16 Electropherogram of Ethidium bromide stained 4 % agarose 54
3.20 Electropherogram of Ethidium bromide stained 4 % agarose 56
in control group
complaint of deafness.
complaint of deafness.
3.27 Comparison of means of, Plasma cholesterol and plasma 66
Table Page No
control group.
6.1 Sex, age, age of onset of diabetes mellitus and plasma glucose 117
T2DM, group A
6.3 BMI, deafness, age of onset of deafness, glycosuria and type 125
6.4 Sex, age, plasma glucose levels and Glycosylated hemoglobin 129
group B
6.5 Plasma urea level, Body mass index (BMI), presence of 133
6.7 Sex, age, plasma glucose levels and Glycosylated hemoglobin 141
6.8 Plasma urea, plasma cholesterol, plasma triglyceride level and 145
Two basic abnormalities have been observed in the development of T2DM which include
impaired synthesis and release of insulin secretion by β cells of pancreas and decreased
insulin sensitivity. For the last 10 – 20 years, with more advancement in the studies and
techniques, basic concepts about exact mechanism involved in the pathogenesis of T2DM
have been modified, but the progression in this domain has been facing many difficulties. In
spite of a lot of hard work the basic fundamental molecular events are still to be explored
completely. Studies have shown that the individuals carrying diabetogenic mitochondrial
DNA (mtDNA) mutations have decreased insulin response and impaired glucose tolerance. It
was proposed that ATP generating mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation system, in the
pancreatic β cells, plays a pivotal role in the synthesis and release of insulin in reaction to
elevated blood glucose level. Mitochondria contain their own DNA which is
extrachromosomal and distinguishable from the nuclear genomic DNA. Total mitochondrial
DNA content accounts for up to 0.5% of the total genomic DNA in a nucleated somatic cell.
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been described to have only "Maternal Inheritance".
Therefore, if there is any mutation in the maternal mtDNA, it will be transmitted to all of her
siblings. But if father has mutant mtDNA, it is neither transmitted nor influences his children.
forming part of the OXPHOS system. Whereas, the other 24 genes code for 22 transfer
ribonucleic acids (tRNAs) and 2 ribosomal ribonucleic acids (rRNAs), 12S rRNA and 16S
nuclear genome. MtDNA mutations accumulate sequentially through maternal lineage and
can be detected in almost every gene of the mitochondrial DNA. MtDNA mutations are
linked with a variety of diseases, ranging from rare muscular syndromes to common disorders
like diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer’s disease. These pathogenic mtDNA mutations disrupt
the OXPHOS system affecting the energy supply to the cells. The energy supply deficit leads
to the development of a disease state. Beta cells of pancreas require more energy and hence
are liable to be affected more due to any disruption in OXPHOS system. MtDNA mutations
are linked with diabetes mellitus as these mutations lead to defective release of insulin from
the beta cells. However, insulin sensitivity is normal. Diabetes mellitus is a common and the
predominant hallmark associated with various mitochondrial diseases. The most common
major cause of maternally inherited diabetes accompanied with sensorineural hearing defect –
a new subtype of diabetes mellitus which was given the name of “Maternally Inherited
Diabetes and Deafness (MIDD)”. A3243G point mutation in the tRNALeu(UUR) gene is
considered to be strongly linked with the pathogenesis of MIDD. Many other mtDNA
mutations are capable to make the human beings more susceptible to develop diabetes.
Approximately twenty (20) mtDNA mutations have been detected and found to be associated
with maternally inherited diabetes mellitus like homoplasmic mutations i.e. G1888A,
T4216G, A4917G and T14709C. Out of these twenty mutations, A3243G mutation is
constantly identified in 0.1–1.5 % of the diabetics Moreover, for some reason, the cells in the
cochlear portion of the ear are also found to be more susceptible to energy deficiency. Hence,
any disruption in ATP production can also affect the normal hearing power of the patients
along with diabetes. Hence, due to the combination of these two defects, this disease got its
present name of MIDD, “Maternally Inherited Diabetes and Deafness”. MtDNA A3243G
absence of proper post translational modification of tRNA and proteins encoded by mtDNA.
In Pakistan, no information and study was available to evaluate the types of mitochondrial
DNA mutation seen more frequently in population affected with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
This study was conducted to ascertain the prevalence of the A3243G substitution in a
mitochondrial tRNALeu(UUR) gene in type 2 diabetes mellitus. We could not identify any A-to-
G mutation at position 3243 of mitochondrial leucine tRNA gene in the patients with
these diabetics. In conclusion, the A3243G mutation in mitochondrial tRNALeu(UUR) gene was
Unfortunately, the heteroplasmy of the mutation is the lowest in the peripheral blood
leukocytes and the highest in the affected tissues. In our study, peripheral blood leukocytes
were used to isolate total and then mitochondrial genome. So, the chance to detect this
mutation was lower in leukocytes and it might have hampered the detection of this mutation.
Moreover, ~0.7% decline in the heteroplasmy levels in leukocytes is seen per year.
Anyhow we believe that the results of our study in collaboration with the earlier studies can
cater a guideline for further research. More precise techniques can be developed to identify
• The work presented in the thesis has been published in the following articles:
• The research work was Presented ” in “PIMS Symposium, 2007” held on 16th – 18th
Chapter 1 Introduction
Diabetes Mellitus:
A dwarfish thief today, diabetes, is a menace that haunts the society, thriving every single
moment. The time isn’t far when it emerges as a pernicious giant, seizing the world in its deadly
clutches and becoming a severe challenge for physicians everywhere. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is
a frequently occurring, multifactorial disorder. It has been estimated that approximately 10% of
the population in Japan and Western countries is victim of this disease (1). The pandemic
been observed in Asian countries especially India (2). In order to check this trend, a National
survey was conducted in India and it was estimated that approximately 12% of population settled
in the urban areas was suffering from this disease (3, 4). However, DM has not only affected the
Asian population but people living in China and Australia are also affected by this major health
problem (1, 5). This increased occurrence in Asian population can be attributed to high incidence
of increased body weight, sedentary life style or other environmental factors. Moreover, surveys
and studies have promoted the information that the countries where most of the population lives
below poverty line, diabetes is more commonly observed. In such countries death rate is higher
in diabetics due to more complications of diabetes like infections and cardiovascular pathologies
(6). However, clinical features of the diabetic patients were analyzed and a new trend of low
body mass index and early onset of diabetes has been observed for the last few years. An Indian
study has further supported the trend to develop diabetes at an early age (7). The involvement of
molecular element in the development of type 2 diabetes in younger age group has been a hot
point of research for several decades and has yet to be explored (8).
World Health Organization published a data in 2000, according to which at least 171 million
people worldwide suffered from diabetes, or 2.8% of the population was diabetic. Unfortunately
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
the incidence of diabetes is increasing even more rapidly. According to this increasing trend it is
expected that by the year 2030, almost 342 million people would be affected. Although diabetes
mellitus occurs throughout the world, but developing countries with poor and inadequate health
facilities are affected more often, especially type 2 diabetes mellitus. The greatest increase in the
prevalence of diabetes in Asia and Africa is expected, and most of the diabetic patients will
likely be found in these countries by the year 2030. Recently, Indian study has also reported that
prevalence of T2DM has been increased in adolescents and young patients (9, 10). Previous
studies carried out in South Africa, on Indians settled in there, have reported a high prevalence of
T2DM in younger age group (11). Similarly a study from the United Kingdom has also reported
the increased prevalence of T2DM in Indian children and young adult settled in UK, as compared
It has been estimated that every tenth person is liable to become a victim of diabetes at any stage
of life. Some studies has reported that the total number of diabetics of age more than twenty
years worldwide is expected to rise in a generation, from 171,228 in 2000 to 366,212 by 2030,
mellitus as Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM),
gestational diabetes, malnutrition related diabetes mellitus and other types of diabetes associated
with certain metabolic syndromes like pancreatic diseases, diseases of hormonal etiology, etc
(14, 15). Both types of diabetes mellitus i.e. type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and type 2 diabetes
their pathogenesis (16). The important etiological factors seem to be autoimmune destruction of
β cells (beta cells) of pancreas in T1DM, whereas several variations in genes like genes
responsible for insulin synthesis and secretion, peripheral receptor genes for insulin are believed
to cause T2DM. Two basic abnormalities have been observed in the development of T2DM
which include impaired synthesis and release of insulin secretion by β cells of pancreas and
In 2008, a panel of experts from the American Diabetes Association has issued a revised
criterion to diagnose diabetes mellitus (18). According to this criterion, diagnosis of diabetes
mellitus is confirmed with the help of clinical symptoms and Oral Glucose Tolerance Test i.e.
after an overnight fast, fasting blood glucose is estimated. Then 75 g glucose is given orally and
a series of blood samples are taken for blood glucose measurement. At fasting glucose more than
7 mmol/L (126 mg/dl) and random blood glucose level more than 11.1 mmol/L (200 mg/dl),
diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is confirmed. However, if random blood glucose level is between
140 – 199 mg/dl (7.8 to 11.0 mmol/L) condition is considered as Impaired Glucose Tolerance
(IGT) (19).
For the last 10 – 20 years, with more advancement in the studies and techniques, basic concepts
about exact mechanism of pathogenesis of T2DM have been modified, but the progression in this
domain has been facing many difficulties making the situation as complicated as “untying the
deficiency due to gradual decline in the efficiency of β cells of pancreas. Hence plasma insulin
concentration is not in an amount sufficient to maintain normal plasma glucose level as well as
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
normal carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Typically, along with insufficient insulin secretion,
insulin resistance also develops. Insulin resistance may be a consequence of aging, obesity and
reduced exercise and physical activity. Underlying molecular events responsible for this disease
have been studied thoroughly for the last three to four decades but unfortunately in spite of a lot
of hard work the basic fundamental events are still to be explored completely (20, 21, 22).
Several studies have shown that genetic defects are involved both in glucose induced insulin
secretion by pancreatic beta cells and peripheral tissues insulin sensitivity/ insulin receptors.
Research work of Tsuruzoe et al. (1998) in Japan (23) has shown that the individuals carrying
diabetogenic genetic defects have decreased insulin response and impaired glucose tolerance
even in the pre-clinical period i.e. before the development of diabetes mellitus. Recently several
reports have also described the possible role of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations to
cells alive and functional. It was proposed that OXPHOS, in the pancreatic β cells, plays a
pivotal role in the synthesis and release of insulin in reaction to elevated blood glucose level
The earliest reports on intracellular organelles, representing mitochondria, go back to 150 years
ago. The name “mitochondrion” was given to energy producing organelle for the first time 100
years ago. Its name was derived from two Greek words, i.e. "mitos" (thread) and "chondros"
pathways and have an important function of energy generation by the cell. Two main processes –
glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation – are responsible for ATP generation. Aerobic
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
glycolysis contributes only ~ 2% to the total ATP generated. OXPHOS is the most important
Mitochondria are sausage (long tube like) or oval shaped structures, bounded by two membranes,
outer and inner membranes. The smooth outer membrane is relatively porous and permeable to
most of the molecules with molecular weights less than 10,000 Daltons. The inner membrane is
projected inwards and thrown into folds called cristae. The space enclosed by the inner
membrane is called mitochondrial matrix. This inner membrane is embedded with molecular
complexes called respiratory assemblies or respiratory chain, where ATP is synthesized. The
space between outer and inner membranes is called inter-membranous space (figure 1.1). This
space contains several enzymes which are involved in the nucleotide metabolism. Whereas
mitochondrial matrix is a gel- like substance and contains high concentrations of enzymes, ions,
and small organic molecules. These are involved in energy yielding metabolic processes like
fatty acids synthesis, urea cycle etc. Mitochondria are capable of independent fission. The
number of mitochondria per cell varies with the activity of the cell; more active the cell, more is
Mitochondrial DNA:
Mitochondria contain their own DNA which is extrachromosomal and can be distinguished from
the nuclear genomic DNA. This is called “Mitochondrial DNA”, (or mtDNA for short). The
presence of DNA in mitochondria was first demonstrated by electron microscopy by Nass and
Nass in 1963 (27). Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a closed circular molecule and exists in the
mitochondrial matrix. Its complete nucleotide sequence has been established by Anderson
in 1981 (28)
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
It measures 16,569 nucleotide base pairs (bp) in overall length. It consists of two strands,
HEAVY STRAND (H – Strand) which is rich in Purines i.e. Guanine and Adenine, and LIGHT
STRAND (L – Strand) which is rich in Pyrimidines i.e. Thymine and Cytosine. The assigned
words “Heavy” and “Light” refer to the difference in mobility of the separated DNA strands in
alkaline chloride medium during electrophoresis. Mitochondrial DNA is double stranded, except
a small portion that is triple stranded due to additional synthesis of a segment of mtDNA, 7S,
called D – Loop or Displacement Loop. It lacks any known coding DNA region. A cell contains
103 – 104 molecules of mitochondria. Each mitochondrion has 2 – 10 copies of DNA (Shay et al,
1990) (29). Total mitochondrial DNA content accounts for up to 0.5% of the total genomic DNA
in a nucleated somatic cell. Human mitochondrial genome is one of the most compact pieces of
Ninety-three percent of the mtDNA sequence is the CODING SEQUENCE. There is no intron
in mtDNA and some of its genes are even overlapping. MtDNA has only 1000 bp long non-
coding sequence in its short regulatory region i.e. displacement loop (D-loop) (31).
Human mtDNA has single origin of replication which has been physically separated into two
halves, each controlling synthesis of one of the daughter DNA strands. The origins of replication
for light and heavy strands lie in the D – Loop. The mitochondrial genome is replicated in two
phases. The replication starts at the point of replication in heavy-strand and continues clockwise
around the mtDNA. The second strand is replicated in the opposite direction, starting from the
light-strand replication origin. Therefore, replication is bidirectional but asynchronous (32, 33).
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
The inheritance of mtDNA does not follow the established Mendelian inheritance pattern of
nuclear genes, but follows a vertical non-Mendelian pattern. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has
been described to have only "Maternal Inheritance". (34, 35). Pattern of maternal inheritance of
mtDNA is shown in figure 1.2. The idea of maternal inheritance pattern adapted by
mitochondrial DNA makes it possible for any particular mitochondrial diseases to be traced from
maternal lineage. The unique inheritance pattern of mtDNA indicates that mutant codons
responsible for the pathogenesis of the mitochondrial diseases are inherited only from mother. As
it is a general belief that half of the nuclear genome is inherited from mother and other half from
the father, but the case is different for mitochondrial DNA. It is well established fact that mtDNA
is exclusively inherited from mother. Therefore, if there is any mutation in the maternal mtDNA,
it will be transmitted to all of her offspring. Thorough research work on the molecular events
involved in the formation and development of embryo have indicated that ovum usually contains
100,000 to 200,000 mtDNA copies as compared to few hundred copies of mtDNA in the
spermatozoa. In addition, the mitochondria of sperm, fertilizing the ovum, are present in the tail
of the sperm which gets detached through an active process (36, 37) and due to this detachment
mitochondria do not enter in to the ovum. Finally, the fertilized egg contains only maternal
mtDNA. If this mtDNA is mutant, it will affect the child irrespective of the gender of the
offspring. Hence, it can be concluded from the available knowledge that mtDNA mutations can
only be transmitted from mother and not from father. So if father has mutant mtDNA, it is
Likewise, only the daughters will pass mtDNA mutation on to all the members of the next
generation, and so on. Therefore, even if a male child has a mutation in his mitochondrial DNA,
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
it will not be passed on to his offspring. In contrast, a woman with a mitochondrial DNA
Situation is puzzling due to the truth that though one cell contains one nucleus and one set of
chromosomal DNA, but at the same time possesses hundreds of mitochondria along with many
copies of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) (39). Hence, if mtDNA mutations affect few copies, the
other copies of mtDNA are not affected and carry no mutation. The ratio between the mutant and
presentation of the mitochondrial disease like age of onset and intensity of the symptoms of the
disease. Moreover, before the process of mitosis starts, the nuclear genome of the cell is
duplicated and at the time of division, each daughter cell gets identical half of the nuclear
genome. This is not true for mitochondrial DNA. At the time of cell division, each daughter cell
gets half of the actual number of mitochondria, which are then duplicated to restore the actual
number. Hence mitochondrial DNA is randomly distributed between two daughter cells and each
cell contains different sets of mutant and correct copies of mtDNA (40). So the precise
distribution of normal and mutant mtDNA among daughter cells cannot be predicted. It is quite
possible that a cell may abruptly get abundant amount of defective mtDNA. In this situation,
during the egg formation by ovarian cells, accidentally an egg can get a high amount of the
mutant mtDNA. This is why the age at which the disease begins and intensity of the symptoms
vary among individuals. Moreover there may be dominance of the disease in one generation and
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
Mitochondrial functions:
Triphosphate (ATP). Thus, this organelle has rightly been called the "power plant" of the cell.
The machinery responsible to carry out this function is called the Mitochondrial Respiratory
Chain (RC). Various metabolically active substrates are oxidized by the RC to provide energy
for biological activities of the cells (figure 1.3). The inner mitochondrial membrane can be
disrupted into five separate enzyme complexes, called complex I, II, III, IV and V. Complex I to
IV each contain part of the electron transport chain, whereas complex V catalyzes ATP
Each complex accepts or donates electrons to relatively mobile electron carriers, such as
coenzyme Q and cytochrome c. Each carrier of electron transport chain can receive electrons
from an electron donor and can subsequently donate electrons to the next carrier in the chain,
ultimately to combine with oxygen and protons to form water. This requirement for oxygen
makes the electrons transport process the “Respiratory chain”, which accounts for the greatest
portion of the body’s utilization of oxygen. With the exception of coenzyme Q, all members of
RC are proteins. These may function as enzymes as in the case of various dehydrogenses, may
contain iron as a part of iron – sulfur center or may contain copper, as in cytochrome a + a3. Free
energy is released as electrons are transferred along the electron transport chain. NADH is a
strong electron donor and molecular oxygen is an avid electron acceptor (41, 42).
However, the flow of electrons from NADH to oxygen does not directly result in ATP synthesis.
Two electrons of NADH are transported from the cytosol into the mitochondria using shuttle
mechanisms. Three energy rich phosphate compounds i.e. ATP are generated from the oxidation
of one molecule of NADH. In addition, in pancreatic β cells, mitochondria are also responsible
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
for the secretion of insulin, induced by raised plasma glucose. Due to oxidative phosphorylation
taking place in the mitochondria, the intracellular ATP/ADP ratio changes and triggers the
Human mitochondrial DNA comprises of 37 genes, 13 of which code for polypeptides forming
part of the OXPHOS system. Whereas, the other 24 genes code for 22 transfer ribonucleic acids
(tRNAs) and 2 ribosomal ribonucleic acids (rRNAs), 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA. Thirteen
The remainder of the OXPHOS system components are encoded in the nuclear genome,
synthesized in the cytosol and then incorporated into the mitochondrial OXPHOS system (43).
out of 100 polypeptides are located on mitochondrial genes (as shown in figure 1.4), whereas the
All complexes of the RC, except complex II, have a double source of genetic origin. One to
seven subunits of these complexes are encoded only by mitochondria. Moreover, it is also
postulated that many hundred genes of chromosomal DNA are required to accomplish different
tasks of the RC. Mitochondrial proteins account for 3% of total cellular proteins (44, 45, 46).
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
All of the human mtDNA encoded 37 genes, are initially synthesized on two precursor
transcripts i.e. one encoded by the L-strand and the other by the H-strand. Of the 37 genes, 28 are
encoded by the H-strand whereas only eight tRNAs and one mRNA (ND6) are encoded by the
L-strand. Human mtDNA contains only two promoter regions for RNA transcription; both are
located within a 150-bp region in the D-loop containing conserved sequence blocks. One
promoter controls transcription of the H-strand, whereas the other controls transcription of
The mitochondrial matrix also accommodates many indistinguishable copies of the mtDNA,
mitochondrial ribosomes, transfer RNAs and distinct enzymes needed for mitochondrial genes
expression (49).
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
compared to nuclear genome (50). There are several possible causes of this high mutation rate,
like free toxic radicals are generated by the process of oxidative phosphorylation and cause
oxidative damage.
Moreover, mtDNA does not have a protection by Histones and lack the nucleotide excision
repair system, as present in the nuclear genome. This makes mitochondria less efficient in
repairing DNA damage. The mtDNA mutation rate is further increased by environmental factors
MtDNA mutations accumulate sequentially through maternal lineage and can be detected in
almost every gene of the mitochondria (51, 52). Two to ten copies of mtDNA are present in
every mitochondrion. Every cell comprises of many hundred of mitochondria. Hence, correct
and altered mitochondrial DNA can exist together at the same time in a single cell. This
In normal condition, the mtDNA molecules of one individual are identical (Homoplasmy).
Homoplasmy allows either completely correct or completely mutant mtDNA to exist in the cell
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
MtDNA mutations are linked with a variety of diseases, ranging from rare muscular syndromes
to common disorders like diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer’s disease (Wallace 1994) (57).
of ATP” (58).
Conspicuously, the most of the recognized mutations leading to mitochondrial diseases have
been located and identified in mtDNA not in the chromosomal DNA. Some of these mutations
have been shown in Fig 1.5. Mitochondrial defects occur in a broad range of degenerative
disorders, aging and carcinomas. Luft et al. (1962) (59) introduced the concept that mtDNA
mutations, when present, lead to the alteration in the oxidative phosphorylation system and
subsequently the development of disorders. These pathogenic mtDNA mutations disrupt the
OXPHOS system and the energy supply to the cell is affected. The energy supply deficit leads to
the development of disease state. But this situation is hard to put up with the concept that
deficient ATP generation is the only reason responsible for mitochondrial diseases. In advance of
1988, before the recognition of first mtDNA mutation (60, 61), several disorders were
The early proof of the role of mitochondrial DNA in the pathogenesis of some diseases, was
given by two findings, detection of mtDNA deletion mutation in the mitochondrial myopathies
and a mtDNA missense mutation in Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (62). Later on, another
Fig: 1.5
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
Inputs of facts and figures related to pathogenic mtDNA mutations have gathered at a heart
stirring place since the first pathogenic mtDNA mutation was discovered. Illustration of the
entire human mtDNA sequence and cognition of its pathogenic mutations has made it easy and
Virtually all organ systems of the body can be affected by mitochondrial dysfunction. Some
components of OXPHOS system are encoded by nuclear DNA while other by mtDNA. Hence, if
there is some abnormality in the DNA of two sources or anything wrong with transcription, the
ultimate result will be disruption of normal functioning of the oxidative phosphorylation system.
The resulting ATP deficit has harmful influences on various body tissues and systems.
Mitochondrial diseases can be caused by point mutations, deletions and duplications, which
abolish the function of genes in the densely packed mitochondrial genome (65).
The minimum amount of mutant mtDNA needed to produce a clinically apparent mitochondrial
disease is called THRESHOLD EFFECT. It depends on the precise adjustment between energy
provision and requirement of the tissues. It fluctuates among individuals, various systems and
This fact describes the important contribution of mitochondria in the development of major
human diseases. For all practical purposes, all of the cells, tissues and systems of the body bank
on oxidative energy supply. Therefore, these are readily influenced by any disruption in the
OXPHOS system due to mtDNA mutations. Mitochondria of the subjects, with mitochondrial
disease, often have a combination of faulty and correct type mtDNA (Heteroplasmy) (66, 67,
68). But the percentage of mutant DNA varies both between and within these individuals. As
during the process of cell division, different amounts of mutant mtDNA are delivered to the
daughter cells (called as vegetative segregation). Hence, different levels of mutant mtDNA are
seen in the adjacent cells during embryonic development as well as between cells continuing to
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
proliferate throughout life. Unlike nuclear DNA, mtDNA replicates continuously, even in non –
dividing (postmitotic) cells. Endocrine manifestations also develop and seen more frequently in
mitochondrial diseases, with a relatively high incidence of diabetes mellitus. Patients with
mitochondrial diseases usually first seek medical advise because of the systemic manifestations,
Beta cells of pancreas are metabolically more effectual and hence more liable to get affected due
to any disruption in OXPHOS system. MtDNA mutations linked Diabetes mellitus develops due
to defective release of insulin from the beta cells, not due to insulin resistance. Several steps and
mechanisms take part in the accurate release of insulin from beta cells. A glucose transporter
GLUT-2 transports the glucose into the β cells where by its phosphorylation glucose – 6 –
phosphate is formed. This is a rate regulatory step catalyzed by the enzyme glucokinase. With
the help of oxidative glycolysis, pyruvate is formed. Pyruvate enters into the mitochondria and is
completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. This process generates ATP and ATP/ADP
ratio becomes high. This increased ratio, in turn, causes closure of potassium channels and de-
polarization of the cell membrane and voltage-gated Calcium channels are opened. Calcium ions
are transported into the cells. The level of calcium ions rises inside the cells and this raised level
stimulates the release of Insulin. Moreover, high Ca level also regulates the rate of Citric Acid
It was postulated that mtDNA mutations lead to improper oxidation of glucose. Hence instead of
pyruvate, lactate is produced. More lactate reaches liver and, by the process of gluconeogenesis,
converted back to glucose. This leads to raised blood glucose level (73, 74, 75). However,
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
according to consequential studies, two main factors were detected to be implicated in maternally
inherited diabetes, first one was accelerated gluconeogenesis and the other was the defect
primarily in the β cells of pancreas. So the ability of the cells to secrete insulin gets impaired.
Diabetes mellitus is a common and the predominant hallmark associated with various
mitochondrial diseases. Fortunately diabetes can be treated effectively and blood glucose level
mtDNA mutation. The most common diabetogenic heteroplasmic point mutation in mtDNA
tRNA gene is A3243G. It is considered to affect transcription and translation of mtDNA. It was
hearing defect – a new subtype of diabetes mellitus which was given the name of “Maternally
Inherited Diabetes and Deafness (MIDD)”. A3243G point mutation in the tRNALeu(UUR) gene is
Transfer RNAs or tRNAs are small RNA molecules. These transport and incorporate amino
acids to the growing peptide chain during translation. The tRNALeu(UUR) transports Leucine.
Whereas, mtDNA gene encoding the tRNA(Leu) is called MTTL1. The A3243G gene mutation is
present on the MTTL1 gene. Mutations in tRNA genes cause mitochondrial dysfunction by
lowering the rate of mitochondrial translation due to early ending of growing polypeptide and
A3243G gene mutation was first described in the patients who presented with mitochondrial
encephalomyopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke like episodes (MELAS) but later on also
found to be implicated in MIDD. Patients with maternally inherited diabetes usually present with
the complaint of early onset of diabetes i.e. age ≤ 40 yrs. Patients also present with frequent
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
failure in the therapy with oral hypoglycemic drugs and demand insulin therapy
instead (78).
According to one study (79), there would be approximately 978,000 carriers of A3243G
mutations worldwide. Hence, we can conclude, from all observations, that mitochondrial
dysfunction due to mtDNA mutations is linked with the development of maternally inherited
type 2 diabetes mellitus (80, 81). Many other mtDNA mutations are capable to make the human
beings more susceptible to develop diabetes. Approximately twenty (20) mtDNA mutations have
been detected and found to be associated with maternally inherited diabetes mellitus like
homoplasmic mutations i.e. G1888A, T4216G, A4917G and T14709C. Out of these twenty
The linkage of mtDNA tRNALeu(UUR) gene mutations with the development of numerous diseases
has already been proven, but the exact pathogenic mechanisms are largely undisclosed. The
mtDNA A3243G mutation impairs crucial mitochondrial metabolic events required for the
proper functioning of the cells, such as glucose induced insulin secretion. The A3243G
translation. This affects the component proteins of OXPHOS system. A3243G mutation results in
the loss of mitochondrial function in vivo. At some stage, this mutation also causes maternally
inherited diabetes or MELAS in those subjects who carry this mutation and remain symptom free
The persons showing higher degree of heteroplasmy will develop more intense clinical
symptoms at an early age, as compared to those individuals who have lower degree of
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
heteroplasmy. As the A3243G mutation affects only few copies of the mtDNA, whereas
remaining copies are accurate, so heteroplasmy level is usually low. Indeed there are many
carriers this specific mutation and they remain symptom free due to very low grade of
Although, in a patient, various body tissues are used to indicate the degree of heteroplasmy e.g.
peripheral leucocytes or post mitotic tissue, but it really varies at the level of individual cell (84).
As the insulin producing cells in the Pancreas are sensitive to ATP/ADP ratio, hence any
alteration in the production of ATP by the mitochondria will influence the secretion of insulin as
well. This describes the considerable role of mtDNA A3243G mutation in the development of
Moreover, for some reason, the cells in the cochlear portion of the ear are also found to be more
susceptible to energy deficiency. Hence, any disruption in ATP production can also affect the
normal hearing power of the patients with mitochondrial diabetes. This leads to the development
of “Sensory-neural deafness” along with diabetes. Hence, due to the combination of these two
defects, this disease got its present name of MIDD, “Maternally Inherited Diabetes and
Deafness” (85).
Biochemically, A3243G mutation in tRNALeu(UUR) gene of the mtDNA appears to interfere not
only with the synthesis of tRNALeu(UUR), but also with the binding of the transcription termination
factor, thereby causing defects in the synthesis of proteins encoded by mtDNA. A3243G
mutation can lead to decrease availability of charged tRNALeu(UUR). Hence it can be well
imagined that this mtDNA mutation will also alter translation quantitatively (86). The proteins,
encoded by mtDNA, form the subunits of mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes. The
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
defects in the synthesis of these proteins can disturb these complexes and result in the failure of
ATP production and impaired release of insulin from the β cells of pancreas. Biochemically, this
mutation alters the sensitivity of pancreatic cells to hyperglycemia and halts efficient release of
insulin. This mutation also disturbs the synthesis of OXPHOS subunits which are encoded by
mtDNA. The decrease in the OXPHOS components, due to mtDNA A3243G mutation, impairs
the normal functioning of OXPHOS system (87). Such variation in the tRNA gene mainly affects
Anyhow, the fundamental mechanism by which this happens is still an important issue to be
It is seen that the A3243G mutation slightly changes the morphology of the tRNA. Because of
this altered structure, the tRNA is not capable to recognize the correct amino acid i.e. Leucine.
Hence, aminoacylation becomes defective. Moreover the defect may be in the form of failure to
provide the amino acid Leucine to the Ribosome when required. Instead another wrong amino
Unfortunately these proteins are linked with oxidation of nutrients and generation of energy rich
phosphate compounds, hence ultimately the cells get “starved” of power supply. To conclude,
aminoacylation and inefficient post translational modification of tRNA and proteins (89, 90, 91).
This is how mitochondrial dysfunction, due to A3243G mutation, is strongly linked with the
development of maternally inherited type 2 diabetes. However, it is still uncertain how the
normal functions. It has been estimated the approximately 85% of the individuals who carry
A3243G mutation become victims of diabetes before the age of 40 years. This trend indicates
that A3243G mutation is a potent diabetogenic mutation in carriers. Usually insulin producing
cells bear 30% of mutant mtDNA, whereas 75% mutant mtDNA is needed to alter the
However, it can be concluded that mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with impaired glucose
tolerance and development of maternally inherited diabetes. In the A3243G mutation, ability to
pour insulin into the circulation is reduced but insulin resistance has not been observed (93).
The clinical presentation of maternally inherited type 2 diabetes linked with A3243G mutation
has been discussed thoroughly by Guillausseau et al. (2001) (94) and can be summarized as
2. This type of diabetes is usually treated with Insulin, oral hypoglycemics like
3. Most of these patients have low or normal body mass index (BMI) and are not obese
4. Show absence of autoimmune markers as identified in T1DM and there is absence of anti
5. Usually accompanied with sensorineural hearing defect. The most characteristic audio
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
Therefore we can say that maternally inherited diabetes usually presents clinically with a picture
Impaired hearing is not a rare abnormality in adults, rather it is a common defect routinely
encountered in the clinics. Mostly the victims of defective hearing are the patients belonging to
the old age group i.e. more than 65 years of age. Studies have reported that several factors and
pathologies are involved in the pathogenesis of hearing defect. Some mutations in genes are seen
to be strongly linked with deafness, but role of environmental factors cannot be over looked
(100). Several studies have shown that impaired hearing is a characteristic feature in the patients
as well as carriers of the A3243G mutation. This can assist the researcher in the recognition of
mutation. The process by which the hearing defect is linked with the A3243G mutation is yet to
be explored. Moreover, a variety of other nuclear as well as mitochondrial genes are also
During the course of analyzing tRNA genes, numerous other mutations have been recognized
and considered to be important threat to produce diabetes. However the prevalence of these
mutations is very low. Moreover environmental factors, aging process and persistent
hyperglycemia can lead to the accumulation of A3243G mutation in the individuals (102).
To conclude, today, mitochondrial diabetes appears similar to wave in the open sea, mustering
up the strength to collide with the sea shore. In due time, it would certainly become strong
enough to leave devasting effects for the society and far from the control of medical specialists.
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
Diabetes due to mutations of mtDNA is emerging as a one of the most dreadful threats to human
mitochondrial DNA mutation seen more frequently in population affected with type 2 diabetes
mellitus, this study was conducted to ascertain the prevalence of the most common diabetogenic
diabetes mellitus. As this might help us to determine genotype – phenotype correlation for the
mentioned disease in Pakistani population. Moreover, after finding such mutation in Pakistani
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
All statistical calculations were done with computer software programme “Statistical Package for
Social Sciences (SPSS)” for windows, version 15.00. Data was subsequently examined by
Independent – Sample T-test. The results are phrased as mean ± s.e.m. Significance level
(p- value more than 0.05) was taken as statistically significant. Percentage was calculated by
dividing the number of subjects showing positive results with the total no of subjects analyzed in
each categorized group and multiplying the obtained value with 100.
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods
This study was carried out in the Centre for Research in Experimental and Applied Medicine
(CREAM) affiliated with the department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Army Medical
College Rawalpindi. This study was retrospective, analytical case control study. Patients
were randomly selected from Military Hospital, Rawalpindi, Combined Military Hospital,
Multan and rural areas near Chakri Road, Rawalpindi. The study was conducted according to the
declaration of Helsinki and Ethics were approved by the National University of Sciences and
Technology (NUST). Written informed consent was taken from all of the subjects, included in
the study, explaining the nature of the project. A questionnaire was used to screen patients.
Subjects were sub-divided into three groups. Fifty patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus,
maternal history of diabetes plus one or more features of mitochondrial diabetes (group 1).
Salient features of mitochondrial diabetes were defined as bilateral sensorineural deafness, onset
of diabetes before the age of 40 years and requirement of insulin therapy, either at the time of
diagnosis or later on. Audiometric services of the hospitals were used to confirm sensorineural
hearing loss. Fifty, healthy and symptom free, first-degree relatives of the patients with type 2
diabetes mellitus were also included (group 2) in the study and 50 non – diabetic controls with no
maternal history of diabetes (group 3) were also selected. Fifty patients showed only maternal
history of diabetes either in mother or grandmother affecting at least three persons in the family
from maternal side. Presence of diabetes in father or grandfather was cautiously ruled out.
Diagnosis of T2DM was based on oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and clinical criteria i.e.
early onset of diabetes (30 – 40 yrs of age) treated with oral hypoglycemics or insulin later on.
Fifty controls (Group 3) were selected randomly and presence of diabetes was ruled out by
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods
Blood samples from affected and normal members of the different study groups were collected
under sterile conditions. The blood was collected in the test tubes containing anticoagulant i.e.
Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid (EDTA 1 mg/ml) as an anticoagulant to reduce DNA
degradation and stored at -70 oC. Five ml of whole venous blood was collected. Blood (2ml) was
used for DNA extraction and subsequent molecular studies. 3ml of blood was transferred to an
aliquot for estimation of glycosylated hemoglobin, plasma glucose, plasma urea, plasma
Molecular studies were done at Centre for Research in Experimental and Applied Medicine
(CREAM), Army Medical College, Rawalpindi. MtDNA was isolated from peripheral blood
leukocytes of the subjects, and then a mt DNA fragment surrounding the tRNALeu(UUR) gene was
amplified by the technique of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). One set of primers was used in
PCR. These fragments were further subjected to the digestion by restriction endonuclease
enzyme known as ApaI and were subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis. As A to G substitution
creates a recognition site for Apa1 restriction endonuclease enzyme. To find a novel mutation in
autosequencer (103).
Peripheral blood leucocytes were used as a source of total genomic DNA by Kit method
(GENTRA, USA). Total genomic DNA is of High molecular weight. In this procedure, 300 µl of
whole blood was added to 1.5 ml microfuge tube, after adding 900 µl of RBC lysis solution and
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods
incubated at room temperature for 1 min. while incubation, microfuge tube was gently inverted
for 10 times. Then tube was centrifuged for 20 sec at 13,300 rpm in a microfuge (Beckman
Coulter ) and supernatant was removed with a pipette leaving 10 – 20 µl behind. Contents of
tube were vortexed for 10 sec and 300-µl cell lysis solution was added to cause lysis of RBCs in
the presence of DNA stabilizer. Cell lysate was placed on ice for quick cooling and 100 µl of
protein precipitation solution was added to remove proteins. After centrifugation at 13,300 rpm
for 1 min, proteins were precipitated and formed thick brown pellet. To recover genomic DNA,
supernatant was poured into another 1.5 ml microfuge tube already having 300 µl of 100%
propanol, mixed by gently inverting the tube at least 45 – 50 times followed by centrifugation at
13,300 x g for 1 min. Total genomic DNA showed itself as small white pellet. Supernatant was
poured off and 300 µl of 70% Ethanol was used to wash DNA pellet. Ethanol was then removed
carefully and tube was subjected to air dry for 5 min. Finally 100 µl DNA Hydration Solution
was added, vortexed for 5 min and incubated at 65oC for 2 hours.
This standard kit method (QIAGEN REPLI – g MITOCHONDRIAL DNA KIT)) was based on
the principle of Multiple Displacement Amplification (MDA) technology, which carries out
isothermal amplification of the human mitochondrial genome from small DNA samples with the
help of DNA polymerase. The sample DNA was denatured by an incubation in REPLI – g
Mitochondria Reaction Buffer for 5 minutes at 750C. After denaturation had been stopped by
cooling the solution to room temperature REPLI – g Midi DNA Polymerase was added.
Template DNA (10 µl) was added into a 1.5 ml centrifuge tube and its volume was adjusted to
20 µl with RNAase free water. Then 29 µl REPLI – g mitochondrial reaction buffer was added to
denature the DNA template. It was mixed by vortexing and centrifuging briefly. The sample was
incubated for 5 minutes at 750C and then allowed to cool down to room temperature (250C).
REPLI – g Midi DNA Polymerase was thawed on ice and 1 µl was added to the DNA, mixed
and centrifuged briefly. The sample was incubated at 33oC for 8 hours. REPLI – g Midi DNA
Polymerase was inactivated by heating the sample for 3 minutes at 650 C. The sample was
visualized on 1% agarose gel to see the amplification of mtDNA. The sample was stored at 4oC.
The segments of mitochondrial DNA surrounding np 3243 were subjected to PCR for
amplification with the help of AmpliTaq DNA polymerase. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
was performed according to standard procedure. The total volume was 50 µl which contained 2
Primer, 2 µl of Reverse Primer, 0.25 µl of Taq Polymerase and 32.75 µl of Deionized water.
Forward Primer was 5’– CGTTTGTTCAACGATTAAAG –3’ covering position 3035 to 3054
and Reverse Primer was 5’– AGCGAAGGGTTGTACTAGCC –3’ covering position 3437 to
3456. The contents were vortexed briefly and tube was placed in thermocycler for conventional
PCR to amplify 422-bp mt. DNA fragment (104). In the start DNA was denatured at 94oC for 5
min. This was followed by PCR (40 cycles), with the following thermal cycling conditions: one
minute at 94oC, one minute at 55oC, one minute at 72oC, then final extension for 10 minutes at
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods
The PCR products were subjected to electrophoresis on Ethidium Bromide stained 4 % agarose
gel. Amplified mitochondrial DNA (422-bp) containing nucleotide base pair 3243 was digested
by ApaI and electrophoresed on Ethidium Bromide stained 2 % agarose gel. The PCR products
(0.89M Tris-Borate, 0.032 M EDTA, pH 8.3) in a microwave oven for two minutes. Ethidium
Bromide (20 µg / ml) was added in the gel to a final concentration of 0.5 µg/ ml to facilitate
visualization of DNA after electrophoresis. After mixing the PCR products with gel loading
buffer (0.25 % bromophenol blue in 40 % w/v Sucrose in water), slots of the gel were loaded.
Electrophoresis was performed at 100 V for 30 minutes in 1 X TBE buffer. Amplified products
were visualized by placing the gel under UV Transilluminator (Biometra, Germany). A 100 bp
DNA ladder (MBI-Fermantas, England) was also used to verify sizes of the amplified
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods
PCR amplified mitochondrial DNA of 422 – bp length was subjected to the digestion by
restriction enzyme ApaI (Fermentas Life Sciences) to find out A3243G mutation and followed
PCR reaction mixture (10 µl) was added to 0.1 – 0.5 µg of DNA (amplified 422 bp mt. DNA).
Then 18 µl of nuclease free water was added followed by 2 µl of 10X buffer. Finally, 2 µl of
ApaI was added and mixed gently, spun down briefly and incubated at 37oC for 2 hours. Then
ApaI was inactivated by incubation at 65oC for 20 minutes. Products were electrophoresed on 4
% agarose gel stained with Ethidium Bromide to find out the action of restriction enzyme on the
422 – bp Fragment of mitochondrial DNA. This was followed by direct sequencing of the 422 –
DNA purification was done by standard kit method followed by DNA sequencing PCR.
Polymerase Chain Reaction was performed according to the standard procedure in a total volume
Then PCR was carried out for 30 cycles, with the following thermal cycling conditions:
96oC for 20 sec, 50oC for 20 sec and 60oC for 4 min. PCR was followed by Ethanol
tubes. Freshly prepared Stop Solution (2 µl of 3M Sodium Acetate (pH 5.2), 2 µl of 100 mM
Na2+- EDTA (pH 8.0) 1µl of 20 mg/ml Glycogen) was added to each of the labeled tubes.
Sequencing reaction was transferred to the appropriately labeled 0.5 ml microfuge tube and
centrifuged immediately at 14,000 rpm at 4 oC for 15 min. DNA pellet was visible. Supernatant
was removed carefully with a micropipette. The pellet was rinsed 2 times with chilled 200-µl 70
% (v/v) ethanol/dH2O. For each rinse, centrifugation was done at 14,000 rpm at 4 oC for 2 min.
after centrifugation the supernatant was removed carefully with a micropipette. Then tube was
vacuum dried for 10 minutes and sample was resuspended in 40 µl of the sample loading
solution (SLS).
The resuspended samples were transferred to the appropriate wells of the sample plate and
overlaid with one drop of light mineral oil. The sample plate was loaded into the instrument and
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods
Plasma glucose was estimated by enzymatic colorimetric method using glucose oxidase enzyme
This method is based on the oxidation of glucose in the presence of enzyme glucose oxidase. In
this reaction, oxidation of glucose leads to the formation of gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide,
which is liberated. The liberated hydrogen peroxide reacts with phenol and 4 – aminophenazone
to form a red – violet quinoneimine. This reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme peroxidase. The
Three cuvettes of 1 cm light path were taken and labeled as blank, sample and standard. 1.0 ml
of working reagent (R1) was added to all of the three cuvettes. Then 10 µl of distilled water was
added to “blank”, 10µl of sample to “sample” and l0 µl of standard was added to “standard”
cuvettes. Contents in the cuvettes were mixed and incubated for 10 minutes at 37 °C.
The absorbance of sample and reagent was measured against blank reagent at 510 nm
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods
Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) was determined by micro column method (ion exchange
chromatography) (107).
In ion exchange chromatography, first of all a hemolysate of the sample is prepared. The labile
component of the hemolysate was removed with the help of cationic exchange resin. Solutions
were exchanged for anionic groups on the resin. Only charged components (ions) can be
and the HbAla + HbAlb fraction was removed, and was determined by direct reading on Microlab
Detergent 5 g/l
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods
Micro columns:
Accomodates a pre-weighed quantity of resin weighed same to the phosphate buffer 72 mmol/l
(pH 6.5) and sodium azide 0.95 g/l. Micro columns and reagents of the same lot were used.
The temperature of the columns and the reagents was brought to the room temperature
(21 – 26 °C). To prepare the hemolysate, 50 µl of the blood sample and 200 µl of reagent “R1”
were taken in a test tube and shaken thoroughly. Then the test tube was left for 15 minutes.
Upper cap of the column was removed and then snapped the tip off the bottom. flat end of the
pipette was used to push the upper disc down to the resin surface. Precaution was taken to avoid
compressing it. The column was emptied completely by allowing the liquid to run out of it.
To separate HbAlc, 50 µl of the hemolysate was taken in a pipette carefully on the upper filter
and column was allowed to drain to waste. Then to remove the sample residue left above the
upper disc, 200 µl of reagent “R2” was added and the column was allowed to drain to waste. The
column was placed over a test tube and 4 ml of Reagent “R3” was added and elute was collected
which was HbAlc fraction. The test tube was shaken thoroughly and absorbance (A) of the HbAlc
To calculate HbTOTAL, 12 ml of R3” and 50 µI of the hemolysate was taken in a test tube and was
shaken thoroughly. Then the absorbance AHb TOTAL was read against distilled water.
The volume of HbA1c (VHbA1c) was 4 m1, the volume of Hb TOTAL (VHb TOTAL) was 12 ml. the
This method is based on the hydrolysis of urea in the presence of enzyme urease to produce
ammonia and CO2. The ammonia produced combines with α – ketoglutarate, in the presence of
(NADH), to yield glutamate and oxidized form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+).
The decrease in extinction due to decrease in NADH in unit time is proportional to the urea
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods
• Reagent B: Enzyme urease 3750 U/L , enzyme glutamate dehydrogenase 6000U/L and
Reagent B (20 ml) was mixed with 80 ml of Reagent A in a vial and kept at a temperature 4 °C
Two cuvettes of 1 cm light path were taken and labeled as “sample” and “standard”. Sample
(10 µl) was taken in cuvette labeled as “sample” and 10 µl of standard was taken in the cuvette
labeled as “standard”. Then 1ml of working reagent was added to both cuvettes and extinction
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods
This method involves the use of three enzymes: Cholesterol Esterase (CE), Cholesterol Oxidase
(CO), and peroxidase (POD). In the presence of the former, the mixture of ADPS (N-ethyl-N-
PIPES 200 mmol/L pH 7.0, Sodium cholate 1 mmol/L, cholesterol esterase >250 U/L,
cholesterol oxidase >250 U/L, peroxidase > 1KU/L, 4 – aminoantipyrine 0.33 mmol/L, ADPS
Cholesterol Standard:
Three labeled tubes (blank, sample, standard) were taken. 1.0 ml of Monoreagent was added to
all the tubes. Sample (10 µl) was added to sample tube and 10 µl of Cholesterol standard was
added to standard tube. Contents were mixed and incubated for 5 minutes at 37oC. Absorbance
Enzyme lipoprotein lipase (LPL) hydrolyzes triglycerides to form glycerol and then oxidize to
form Dihydroxyacetone phosphate and hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide reacts with 4-
aminoantipyrine and 4-chlorophenol to produce a red dye. The enzyme needed is peroxidase. In
the presence of buffer, 4-chlorophenol and enzymes, following chain of reactions takes place.
Triglycerides + 3H2O Glycerol + 3 RCOOH
Glycerol–3–phosphate + O2 Dihydroxyacetone phosphate + H2O2
H2O2 + 4-Aminantipyrine + 4-chlorophenol Quinoneimine + HCl + H2O
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods
4-chlorophenol: 5.0
4-aminoantipyrine 0.25
Two cuvettes were labeled as sample and standard. In one cuvette sample (10 µl) and to the other
cuvette standard (10 µl) was added. Then working reagent (1000 µl) was added to both the
cuvettes. Contents were mixed and incubated for 10 minutes at 25 oC. Absorbance of the sample
and the standard was measured against the reagent blank within 60 minutes.
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods
reaction (114).
Peroxidase 0.9 %
The multitest urine chemistry dipstick was removed from the container and the container was
closed immediately with original cap. Test strip was immersed in the urine for two seconds to
cover the reagent areas completely. Excess of urine from the strip was removed by wiping the
edge of the strip on the absorbent paper. The strip was held in horizontal position during
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods
incubation to prevent interaction between adjacent test areas. Color of the reagent areas on the
strip were compared with the corresponding color chart on the container, 60 seconds after
Audiography was performed for the detection of type and extent of hearing loss (115, 116).
Body weight (Kg) and height (cm) was determined and BMI was calculated. Body mass index
(BMI) of 20 – 25 kg/m2 was considered as normal. A person was considered obese if his body
mass index (BMI) was 30 kg/m2 or more and a BMI value less than 18.5 kg/m2 was taken as low
Height ( m2 )
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
Fifty patients of Type 2 diabetes mellitus with a maternal history of diabetes mellitus (Group 1),
fifty first-degree relatives of the patients with T2DM (Group 2) and fifty normal, healthy and
non-diabetic subjects (Group 3), with no maternal history of diabetes mellitus were thoroughly
investigated and underwent a standard 75g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) to confirm
diagnosis of T2DM. Group 1 comprised of 36% females and 64 % males. There were 40 %
females and 60 % males in group 2, and 46 % females and 54 % males in group 3. Blood
samples were analyzed for estimation of plasma glucose, HbA1c, plasma urea, plasma cholesterol
and triglyceride (TG). The data of body height in meters and weight in kilograms was also
collected to find out body mass index (BMI). The classification and diagnosis of diabetes and
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
The amplified PCR product of mtDNA was 422 bp in length. After digestion with restriction
endonuclease enzyme, ApaI, it was to be separated into 210 bp and 212 bp fragments if it had a
We could not identify any A-to-G mutation at position 3243 of mitochondrial leucine tRNA gene
in 50 patients, 50 normal subjects with no family history of diabetes and even in 50 non-diabetic
first-degree relatives of the patients with a maternal inheritance of diabetes. The initial negative
results of the less sensitive method i.e. ApaI digestion technique, were confirmed by direct
sequencing. Results of selected few cases are shown in figures 3.1 to 3.25.
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 3.1: Electropherogram of Ethidium bromide stained 2 % agarose gel for total
genomic DNA of Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with no complaint of deafness
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 3.2: Electropherogram of Ethidium bromide stained 2 % agarose gel for total
genomic DNA of Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with deafness (Lane 1 to Lane 11)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 3.3: Electropherogram of Ethidium bromide stained 2 % agarose gel for total
genomic DNA of first degree relatives of the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with no
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Figure 3.4: Electropherogram of Ethidium bromide stained 2 % agarose gel for total
genomic DNA of first degree relatives of the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 3.5: Electropherogram of Ethidium bromide stained 2 % agarose gel for total
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
1kb DNA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ladder
16569 bp
1000 bp
mitochondrial DNA of the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and deafness
(Lane 1 to 9)
1 kb DNA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ladder
16569 bp 1000 bp
mitochondrial DNA of Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and no complaint of deafness
(Lane 1 to 7)
1kb DNA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ladder
16569 bp 1000 bp
mitochondrial DNA of the first degree relatives of the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
1kb DNA
1 2 3 4 5 Ladder
16569 bp 1000 bp
mitochondrial DNA of the first degree relatives of the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
1kb DNA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ladder
16569 bp 1000 bp
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
100 bp DNA
1 2 3 4 5 6 Ladder
422 bp 500 bp
Figure 3.11: Electropherogram of Ethidium bromide stained 4 % agarose gel for amplified
422 bp segment of mitochondrial DNA in Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and
deafness (Lane 1 to 8)
100 bp DNA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ladder
422 bp 500 bp
Figure 3.12: Electropherogram of Ethidium bromide stained 4 % agarose gel for amplified
422 bp segment of mitochondrial DNA in Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with no
100bp DNA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ladder
422 bp 500 bp
Figure 3.13: Electropherogram of Ethidium bromide stained 4 % agarose gel for amplified
422 bp segment of mitochondrial DNA of first degree relatives of Patients with type 2
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
100 bp DNA
1 2 3 4 Ladder
422 bp 500 bp
Figure 3.14: Electropherogram of Ethidium bromide stained 4 % agarose gel for amplified
422 bp segment of mitochondrial DNA of first degree relatives of the patients with type 2
100 bp DNA
1 2 3 4 Ladder
422 bp 500 bp
Figure 3.15: Electropherogram of Ethidium bromide stained 4 % agarose gel for amplified
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
100 bp DNA
1 2 3 4 5 6 Ladder
422 bp 500 bp
absence of A3243G mutation in the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with no
100 bp DNA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ladder
422 bp 500 bp
absence of A3243G mutation in Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and deafness
(Lane 1 to 7).
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
100 bp DNA
1 2 3 Ladder
422 bp 500 bp
absence of A3243G mutation in first degree relatives of the patients with type 2 diabetes
100 bp DNA
1 2 3 4 Ladder
422 bp 500 bp
absence of A3243G mutation in first degree relatives of the patients with type 2 diabetes
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
100 bp DNA
1 2 3 4 5 Ladder
422 bp 500 bp
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
the first degree relative of the patient with T2DM and deafness.
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
mtDNA of the first degree relative of the patient with T2DM and no complaint
of deafness.
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
The details of the results for individual cases are given in appendix tables I to 9. The
results have been summarized and means and s.e.m. (standard error of means) of control subjects
and different study groups are shown in tables 1 to 3 and figures 3.26 to 3.28.
Table 3.1 shows the distribution of age of onset of diabetes mellitus, age of onset of
deafness, plasma glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin levels among various study groups.
Mean age at which the patients developed diabetes mellitus was found to be 35.86 years. Mean
age at which the patients developed deafness was found to be 47.06 years. Mean plasma glucose
and glycosylated hemoglobin level in patients of maternally inherited type 2 diabetes mellitus
was significantly higher (p< 0.001) as compared with control group. These comparisons are
shown in figure 3.26. Whereas no significant statistical difference in plasma glucose and
Table 3.2 shows the variation of plasma urea, plasma cholesterol and plasma triglyceride levels
among control subjects and other study groups. Plasma urea, plasma cholesterol and plasma
triglyceride level of patients with maternally inherited type 2 diabetes mellitus was significantly
higher (p< 0.001) as compared with control subjects. This comparison is shown in figure 3.27.
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
TABLE – 3.1
Comparison of Age of onset of maternally inherited T2DM, Age of onset of deafness (mean ±
standard deviation (SD), plasma glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin levels (mean ± s.e.m) of
patients with maternally inherited T2DM and first-degree relatives of diabetics with control
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
Plasma Glucose HbA1c Plasma Uea
FIGURE 3.26: Comparison of means of, Plasma Glucose, HbA1c and plasma urea among
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
TABLE – 3.2
Comparison of Plasma Urea, Plasma Cholesterol and Plasma Triglyceride level of the patients
with maternally inherited T2DM and first-degree relatives of diabetics with control group
relatives of
5.09 + 0.19 4.44 + 0.13 1.31 + 0.03
Non – Diabetic
Controls 5.67 + 0.24 4.78 + 0.15 1.32 + 0.04
***p = 0.001 or <0.001 as compared with normal control subjects (highly significant).
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
4.44 4.78
1.31 1.32
Plasma Cholesterol Plasma Triglyceride
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
Comparison of Body Mass Index (BMI) of patients with phenotype of maternally inherited
T2DM and first-degree relatives of diabetics with control group is shown in table 3.3. In patients
with maternally inherited T2DM, BMI was significantly less (p< 0.001) as compared with
comparison of first-degree relatives of diabetic patients with control group. This comparison is
Table 3.3 also shows presence or absence of glycosuria in different study groups. It also shows
the frequency of deafness and dependence on insulin therapy in patients with maternally
inherited T2DM. Deafness was observed in 78 % patients with T2DM, whereas 80 % patients
presented with glycosuria. Out of 50 patients, 76% were dependent on insulin therapy for their
control of plasma glucose level, whereas 24% were able to maintain normal plasma glucose level
Bilateral neurosensory hearing loss was present in 39 of 50 patients (78 %) and was clinically
significant. Hearing loss was documented by audiography. Only four patients required a prosthetic
hearing aid. Mean age at the diagnosis of deafness was found to be 47.06 years. Diabetes was the
first clinical manifestation of the disease in all of the patients, not the hearing loss. Eleven patients
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
TABLE – 3.3
Comparison of Body Mass Index (BMI), deafness, Glycosuria and dependence on insulin
therapy of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and first-degree relatives of diabetics with
relatives of
24.20 + 0.52 NIL NIL NIL
Non – Diabetic
Controls 24.52 + 0.53 NIL NIL NIL
***p = .001 or < 0.001 as compared with normal control subjects (highly significant).
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 3 Results
24.20 24.52
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
Type 2 diabetes is considered to be the most serious health problem worldwide (118). This rapid
increase in the incidence of T2DM is a constant threat to the people of developed as well as
developing countries. Mutations of mtDNA, particularly in tRNA genes encoded by mtDNA, are
developed countries. It has been estimated that mitochondrial DNA mutations are responsible for
producing diseases at least one in 1500 adult and are associated with particular disease states,
A new concept of “Mitochondrial diabetes” has been introduced over the last two to three
diabetes can share the symptoms of both types of diabetes mellitus i.e. T1DM & T2DM. Clinical
Final proof, whether it is maternally transmitted mitochondrial diabetes or not, can only be
It is a well established fact that in some families, diabetes mellitus (particularly type 2 diabetes),
follows a maternal inheritance pattern (120). Therefore, we can say that the mitochondrial DNA
mutations may play an important role in the pathogenesis of diabetes. A few mtDNA mutations
have been identified to be strongly linked with the development of diabetes. Among known
(Leu) UUR
mtDNA mutations, A3243G mutation in tRNA gene is the most commonly detected
mutation (121).
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
Pakistani population provides a valuable genetic resource for mapping mtDNA mutations, as this
population has still not been explored with respect to any mitochondrial disease as compared to
other populations in advanced countries like Japan etc. The prevalence of mtDNA A3243G
Due to development of more sensitive techniques, the detection of A3243G mutation is easy to
be carried out in the laboratories. It has been detected in mitochondrial diabetes, however its
prevalence is only 1 – 2 % among diabetics (122). In present study, we selected those patients
who clinically presented with the phenotype of maternally inherited type 2 diabetes mellitus to
find out the prevalence of the pathogenic mtDNA A3243G mutation in the tRNALeu(UUR) gene.
We tried to find out the association of T2DM, plus two or more known characteristic features of
features of mitochondrial diabetes, considered in this study, were pure maternal transmission of
diabetes, normal or low BMI, deafness and insulin dependence. A diagnosis of maternally
inherited type 2 diabetes mellitus was made using a combination of maternal family history of
diabetes, clinical assessment, WHO diagnostic criteria for diabetes and laboratory testing.
Previous studies have proved that almost all carriers of this mutation can develop diabetes at any
stage of their life (123). Hence, first degree relatives of the patients with phenotype of maternally
inherited type 2 diabetes mellitus were also included in this study as an additional group.
Non– diabetic controls, patients with type 2 diabetes and first degree relatives of type 2 diabetics
were scanned for the detection of mitochondrial DNA tRNALeu(UUR) gene (3035 – 3456, 422 bp
tRNALeu(UUR) gene in any patient, first degree relative of the patients as well as control subjects.
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
This indicates that the variation or mutation within mtDNA bp sequence 3035 – 3456 was not the
major cause of type 2 diabetes mellitus in this selected group of study. We were unable to
identify A3243G mutation in the patients, controls and even the in first degree relatives of those
diabetics who were diagnosed as maternally inherited type 2 diabetes and presented with
Similar studies were carried on the patients with maternally inherited diabetes in Poland (124)
and Argentina (125). Both of these studies could not detect even a single A3243G mutation in
mitochondrial DNA. Hence, our results further strengthen the findings of these studies.
However, it is really difficult to reach a conclusion as interaction of wide range of genetic and
environmental factors has been involved in the development of T2DM. Several variants in
mitochondrial DNA can be a significant cause of T2DM. This is due to the fact that ATP is
required in the synthesis and secretion of insulin. This is why, according to the latest trend,
mitochondrial DNA mutations have become the most exciting spots in the diabetes research
field. Several studies have proved that mtDNA variations can lead to diabetes along with other
clinical features of mitochondrial disease. According to the previous literature, the mitochondrial
DNA mutations were frequently identified in type 2 diabetes mellitus especially in the bp
sequence of tRNALeu(UUR) gene. The most frequently detected point mutation is mtDNA A3243G
mutation and its link with diabetes is also well established (126, 127). It was firstly identified and
acidosis and stroke like episodes syndrome) (128). But the exact incidence, clinical features, and
Regarding clinical picture, some overlap of signs and symptoms of type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus
has been observed (129). Common clinical features, like diabetes, neurosensory hearing loss, a
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
normal or low BMI, short stature, presence of macular, neuromuscular and psychiatric
disturbances, have been linked to the mitochondrial defects resulting in impaired oxidative
But the situation is a little more complicated. Coordinated action of two genetic sources has been
involved in the biogenesis of functional mitochondria i.e. nuclear genome and mitochondrial
genome. So any defect in one of these genetic sources may contribute in the pathogenesis of
diseases which are mitochondrial in origin (132). This would suggest that mutations in nuclear
genome, inherited from the father or the mother, may lead to significantly higher risk of the
T2DM in Pakistani population. The situation is hard to understand due to the reality that every
cell possesses a large number of mitochondria and a single mitochondrion has multiple copies of
the mtDNA. Hence, the level of heteroplasmy also varies among different tissues. Heteroplasmy
is the highest in postmitotic tissues like pancreas, brain and skeletal muscles, and the lowest in
rapidly dividing cells, such as blood leukocytes – being the commonest source of mtDNA
isolation (133,134,135).
Main role of mitochondrial respiratory chain is to generate energy rich phosphate compound,
ATP. The mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, contained within each cell, encode various proteins.
Some of the proteins encoded by mtDNA also form the components of the OXPHOS system.
Whereas, nuclear DNA encodes the remaining protein components of the respiratory chain as
well as proteins needed for the repair of mtDNA (136, 137). This means that defective
DNA (138). In female, mtDNA mutations also affect the mitochondria in the ovarian cells. This
means that the mutation carried by ovum, containing mutant mitochondria, can be transmitted to
all of her offspring. This transmission can produce a mitochondrial disease in the offspring of
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
affected mother. However, severity of the disease transmitted is strongly related with the fact that
how many mutant mitochondria have been transferred to the next generation.
Two rRNA, 22 tRNA and 13 protein coding genes form the total gene content of the
mitochondrial DNA and these contents are completely involved in the synthesis of various
mitochondrial DNA, it will affect the mitochondrial OXPHOS system and interfere with the
generation of energy rich compound, ATP. Previous studies have reported approximately twenty
pathogenic point mutations in the mitochondrial tRNALeu(UUR) gene (139, 140). Mitochondrial
DNA tRNALeu(UUR) gene mutations produce various diseases but the clinical presentation has
It has been seen that in mitochondrial tRNALeu(UUR) gene mutation, there is impaired synthesis of
tRNA(UUR)Leu. But at the same time, synthesis of the mitochondrial proteins is also affected
because of defective translation process at UUR codons of the mitochondrial mRNA. The level
of tRNALeu(UUR) have also been observed to be decreased in the patients with tRNALeu(UUR) gene
mutation. Low tRNALeu(UUR) level indicates that the degradation of tRNALeu(UUR is enhanced due
According to recent literature review, different ethnic groups and patients with diabetes with
different modes of clinical features show variable prevalence of A3243G (145, 146).
It should not be excluded that variations involving other genes can also contribute a lot in the
mutation requires sequencing of the entire mtDNA molecule (147). Individual susceptibility to
develop mitochondrial disease depends on the identification of genes. By identifying such genes
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
positive steps can be taken to probe into the basic molecular events implicated in the
development of T2DM. This will help the doctors dealing with diabetics to develop more
As a matter of fact, reliable and accurate detection of mitochondrial DNA mutations seen in
T2DM requires analysis of thousands of well defined diabetics. Large cohort studies and samples
are required to be analyzed to get exact data of the disease and to identify the suspected
diabetogenic gene mutation. We selected and studied fifty diabetic patients from the affected
pedigrees, with strong maternal history of diabetes. Our extensive quest for mtDNA A3243G
mutation permits us to deduce that mechanisms other than mtDNA mutation must have been
Adequate research work on the prevalence of A3243G mutation is still lacking in Asian
countries. However, rising prevalence of type 2DM in Asian countries cannot be over looked
(148). Few studies on the people of India and on Asian minorities present in Western countries
have given some idea about the prevalence of A3243G mutation (3, 4, 149). Recently Sahu RP.
et al (2007) carried out observational cohort study on young patients with T2DM and found
mitochondrial A3243G mutation in one (~1%) subject (149). However, according to two
previous research studies on South Indian adult patients with T2DM, this mutation was not
detected (150).
In conclusion, although previous clinical observations and studies have suggested some role of
mitochondrial dysfunctions in the progression of type 2 diabetes mellitus, the A3243G mutation
T2DM in Pakistani population. The observed clinical hallmarks of diabetes might be the
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
T2DM. Further screening of larger study group is required to fully determine the exact
Out of fifty patients with a phenotype of maternally inherited diabetes, 32 were males and 18
were females. Hence, in our study males were found to be affected more as compared with the
Mean age at which the patients developed diabetes mellitus, in our study, was found to be 35.86
years. Previous studies in Asia have also confirmed a new trend of early onset of diabetes in
Asian population i.e. at least ten to twenty years earlier as compared to the developed Western
countries (151). Two reports, one from UK (12, 152) and the other one from US (153) have also
shown an early onset of diabetes, especially in the minority population, including the Asians.
According to a report from American Diabetes Association, a high frequency of early onset of
diabetes in the Indians settled in America and Canada, Hispanics, African people settled in
America, Japanese, Asian and Middle-Eastern populations was observed (154). It is worth
mentioning that these are ethnic minority populations settled in America. Our data further
confirms this trend of early onset of diabetes. Moreover, the present study also focuses attention
on the reality that onset of type 2 diabetes in younger age occurs even in developing countries. In
the view of the like minded reports from the developed countries, absence of obesity, maternal
history and early onset of diabetes seems to be positively related with the T2DM in Asian
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
It is not bias to say that ears are the best gift of nature but unfortunately its proper care is mostly
undervalued. Most common ear defect encountered daily in the hospitals is impaired hearing or
deafness. Deafness is primarily of three types, conductive, perceptive (neurosensory) and mixed
deafness. As conductive deafness usually results due to middle ear diseases, hence it is also
called middle ear deafness. Since each cause of conductive deafness obstructs the passage of
sound waves to the internal ear, this deafness is also called obstructive deafness (155, 156). The
common factors or pathological conditions leading to the development of this type of deafness
includes wax, boil, fungus in the external meatus, diseases of the middle ear and Eustachian tube
and osteosclerosis in which the stapes gets fixed in the oval window (157).
Sensorineural hearing loss is that type of hearing impairment in which the fault lies in the
perception of sound. The pathology involved lies somewhere between the membranous cochlea
and the hearing centre in the superior temporal gyrus. As in most of the cases the defect lies in
membranous cochlea which is a part of the inner ear, this is also called “inner ear deafness” or
In mixed deafness, both conductive and perceptive elements are present (159).
We used this criterion to find out the type of hearing defect and found that 39 patients (78%)
presented with sensorineural hearing loss. Thorough clinical examination and audiometry
revealed that deafness was present bilaterally, involving both of the ears. Patients presented with
deafness for loud sounds which is a characteristic feature of sensorineural hearing defect.
Moreover, any discharge from the ear and otalgia was not observed. Clinically deafness was
assessed according to the degree of hearing loss. Normal hearing ability is up to 10 Db. Slight to
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
moderate hearing impairment was detected in our patients who presented with the hearing loss of
30 – 50 Db.
As several environmental and genetic factors can contribute in imperfect hearing, hence it is
difficult to reach a definite conclusion at this moment. Genetic causes expected to be responsible
of maternally inherited diabetes phenotype could not be explored. So other factors must be given
a thought.
As far as the genes related with hearing loss are concerned, very inadequate data is available yet.
However, mutations at some point in the genomic DNA have been detected in the patients with
impaired hearing. Mitochondrial DNA mutations have also been found to play an important role
in the pathogenesis of both inherited and acquired hearing loss. Carriers of mitochondrial DNA
A1555G mutation develop defect in hearing ability, when exposed to aminoglycoside antibiotic.
However, almost all of the diseases produced by mutations in the mtDNA are usually
tRNASer gene, 7472insC and T7511C mutations in mtDNA are also found to be responsible for
The basic differentiating feature which distinguishes mitochondrial diabetes from T2DM is the
both of the ears. In mitochondrial diabetes, prominent hearing defect is mainly an intensifying
sensorineural hearing defect. The most characteristic shape of the audiometric curve is a sloping
curve, with flat profiles in advanced cases (158). The rate of advancement and intensity of the
hearing loss rely upon the degree of heteroplasmy of the mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid.
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
As in our study, mitochondrial DNA mutation was not found to be a main inducer of maternally
inherited diabetes associated with other features of mitochondrial diabetes, so other pathogenic
As in developed countries, no distinct environmental cause could be found in more than fifty
percent cases of deafness. Hence in these patients genetic cause may be the main factor behind
this situation. But these facts and figures should be considered with caution, as standards of
public health care and awareness are improving. With better awareness about the role of
environmental factors in the occurrence of impaired hearing, their role as causative agents will
become less important (164, 165). Then the significance of nuclear and mitochondrial genomic
Finally, the cases in which hearing loss is seen in old age, the defective hearing usually results
from an interaction of both genetic and environmental factors. This is why the epidemiological
As per literature, impaired hearing loss can also be categorized syndromic or non-syndromic.
"Syndromic hearing loss" is the hearing defect which is associated with some specific
syndromes. Approximately 30% of clinically presented cases of deafness have been diagnosed as
syndromic deafness. Several modes are related with the transmission of Syndromic hearing loss,
The other category includes non syndromic hearing loss. This condition develops due to some
mutations in various genes. First gene involved in deafness was identified in 1955. Since than
approximately 30 genes have been located and identified to be involved in the pathogenesis of
hearing loss. Some of these isolated genes are responsible for the production of channel proteins.
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
KCNQ4 mutation in these genes causes hearing defect. Some genes are responsible for the
production of the muscle proteins (myosine). MYO6, MYO7A and MYO15 mutations in these
genes cause hearing loss. Some are involved in the process of transcription. POU3F4, POU4F3
and TFCP2L3 mutations in these genes cause impaired hearing. Whereas the exact function of
Internationally, it is documented that 30% of the population has been suffering from impaired
hearing. It was also observed that number of patients having sensorineural hearing defect was
almost double in developed countries as compared to the developing countries. This might be
due to more improved health care facilities and awareness about environmental factors leading to
Keeping all the contributory factors of hearing loss in mind we can say that impaired hearing is a
multifactorial disorder. To our knowledge, any possible mechanism leading to the maternal
transmission of diabetes and deafness, both, has not been detected and explained. Hence we can
say that 27 patients presenting with maternally inherited 2 diabetes phenotype and deafness must
have carried two different pathological scenarios. One mechanism led to early onset of diabetes
and the other one caused impaired hearing. However, the possible role of other genetic factors
cannot be excluded at this moment. Deafness may be due to some other genetic causes or
Due to unique inheritance of mtDNA and interaction of the environmental factors, detection and
identification of the genes and mechanism responsible for the maternal transmission of type 2
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
diabetes mellitus and deafness is difficult to describe. However, the journey to explore more
genes involved in the development of hearing defects is going on, as several genes are yet to be
identified (168).
The recognition and isolation of such genes requires more precise clinical characterization of the
patients. This characterization should include the information about the phenotype of deafness
including age of onset, severity, audiometric study, dynamics and the familial phenotypic
Thirty eight out of fifty patients (76%) showed the dependence on insulin for the control of
normal blood glucose level at later stage of diabetes. In these patients, later on, treatment with
oral hypoglycemic agents was found to be ineffective in controlling blood glucose level. This
study found statistically insignificant difference in the mean blood glucose level among patients
on oral hypoglycemic and those on insulin therapies. Patients required insulin therapy due to
uncontrolled. Insulin dependence might have resulted due to progressive increase in insulin
requirement. It is a well documented fact that persistent hyperglycemia leads to the development
of insulin resistance, further decrease in insulin production or both (169). Pronounced age-
decreased insulin production and enhanced requirement of insulin therapy (170). Obesity is
usually the main cause of insulin resistance in diabetics. However, the patients in our study had
low BMI as compared with controls, so there must be some other cause of insulin dependence
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
like pancreatic beta cells defect that has limited their ability to secrete or produce insulin. In most
cases, the nature and cause of beta cells defect and deterioration is not known.
This situation indicates the involvement of additional processes, too. Besides, we believe that
mtDNA defects impairing generation of energy rich phosphate compounds can cause diabetes.
However, in present study role of ATP and other by products of mitochondrial OXPHOS like
OXPHOS system is mandatory for the insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells (171). There is
diabetes. Moreover, pancreatic beta cells are also found to be deteriorated and defective, leading
to insulinopenia and raised plasma glucose level. Peripheral insulin resistance is not observed as
is usually seen in the case of T2DM (172). An underlying genetic mutation in the genes might be
responsible for this impairment, impairing the pancreatic beta cell glucose sensitivity.
Alternatively, it is also reported that hypertriglyceridaemia and raised cholesterol (as observed in
present study) also has deleterious effects on beta cell function (173). There is also evidence that
aggregate of insulin producing cells of pancreas reduces in the patients with T2DM as compared
to the non diabetics and this could have a congenital reason (174). As it might have resulted from
an initial failure to produce adequate number of beta cells during the development of fetus or
increase in beta cell death (175). This decline in insulin production capacity leads to eventual
failure to respond to oral hypoglycemic therapy and insulin therapy is required (176, 177). Hence
there are many possibilities which may be held responsible for the dependence on insulin therapy
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
According to other studies, an excessive deposition of fat leading to obesity has commonly been
found in type 2 diabetics. Obesity is strongly related to the insulin resistance and hyperglycemia.
It means if obesity is absent or Body Mass Index is within normal limits, insulin sensitivity will
be normal, provided other defects of insulin receptors are not present. In present study, low BMI
in patients with phenotype of maternally inherited type 2 diabetes mellitus surely indicates that
nothing was wrong with insulin sensitivity in these patients and the primary defect would have
lied in the insulin secretion. Some other diabetogenic mutations in mitochondrial DNA can also
result in a gradual decline in insulin secretion by the pancreas. In a recent study, it was
documented that another common mitochondrial DNA mutation i.e. 16189 mutation, is also
maternally inherited and associated with type 2 diabetes and low BMI (178, 179). Although we
recognize that the power to detect differences in this study was too small and any proof to show a
definite association between maternally inherited diabetes phenotype and low BMI was difficult
to provide, the study nevertheless provides a support for the hypothesis that mtDNA mutation
may be an important genetic factor contributing to the weight loss in maternally inherited
diabetes. However, other than genetic reasoning of low BMI, we cannot overlook the
education, low socioeconomic status and failure to take recommended balanced diet due to
poverty (180, 181). As in our study, most of the patients were from poor families with low
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
An interaction of insulin and glucagon is responsible to maintain the normal blood glucose level.
Whenever there is deficiency of insulin, blood glucose level rises. If the insulin deficiency
persists for a longer time period, it leads to the development of diabetes mellitus. Depending
upon the severity of insulin deficiency and number and sensitivity of insulin receptors, diabetes
Recent study has shown that the type 2 diabetic patients of normal BMI often present with severe
hyperglycemia and evidence of insulin resistance is usually absent (182). The present study also
documented marked hyperglycemia in the type 2 diabetic patients with low BMI. The
decreased peripheral utilization of glucose, is the specific sign of diabetes mellitus (183). Plasma
HbA1c concentration was also measured to evaluate diabetic control for the 4 – 6 week period
before the measurement. Significantly high plasma HbA1c level indicated the poor status of
glycaemic control in the subjects over the previous months. Glycosuria was also noticed in
patients with T2DM as renal capacity for glucose reabsorption was exceeded. Similar
observations had been noted previously for plasma glucose level in diabetes mellitus (184).
HbA1c is a reflection of effectiveness of the control of blood glucose level during the previous
2 – 3 months. This opens an opportunity to change therapy if needed. Plasma glucose level
correlates with HbA1c in T2DM, since fluctuations in blood glucose are not as severe as in Type
1 Diabetic patients. Raised level of HbA1c is due to persistently high fasting and prandial blood
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
increase in total and LDL cholesterol as well as triglycerides. It has been established as a
characteristic feature of T2DM in earlier studies (187, 188). An electrifying rise in the incidence
of T2DM accompanied with dyslipidaemia is assumed to occur in the near future. Thus, the
possibility to develop ischemic heart disease due to hyperlipidemia will also be greater in the
diabetics than non-diabetics (189, 190). Therefore, the management of hyperlipidemia can
reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases in diabetic population. We used the criterion
level. We considered plasma cholesterol level less than 200 mg/dl as normal, 200 – 240 mg/dl as
borderline, and more than 240 mg/dl as significantly high or hypercholesterolemia (191). In our
study, plasma cholesterol level in patients with T2DM was found to be borderline high.
Moreover, the pattern of moderately raised triglycerides, seen in diabetics, was found to be
T2DM as proved by various research based studies. Several studies have suggested the
importance of raised serum triglyceride levels in people with diabetes. Moreover, majority of
dyslipidaemia in the type 2 diabetics. As hyperglycemia leads to raised plasma triglyceride levels
hypertriglyceridaemia (192, 193). In present study, the reason for moderately raised TG level
unawareness of the community about significance of controlled lipid profile and the
consequences of dyslipidemia because most of the patients included in the present study were
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
uneducated. Low literacy rate and poverty is a great barrier for better understanding of the
T2DM and was found to be the predominant feature of dyslipidaemia seen in 60% of the
patients. Whereas, low levels of HDL Cholesterol were also seen in 52% of diabetics (194, 195,
196, 197). This study supports the above mentioned findings by showing that
hypertriglyceridaemia was predominant in type 2 diabetics. In our study total cholesterol was
also found to be significantly higher as compared to non – diabetic control group and even first
degree relatives of the patients. Abbasi MA et al (2007) carried out a study in Pakistan and
reported raised levels of total cholesterol and LDL as the only main finding in the diabetics,
particularly T2DM (198). Our results further strengthen these findings of the previous studies in
Diabetes is already a major health concern in all countries and type 2 diabetes is undergoing a
major escalation, not only in developed countries, but also in developing countries, including
Pakistan. Diabetes is usually accompanied with damage to the renal tissue at later stage of its
course. This damage to the renal tissue leads to Diabetic Nephropathies. In our country the
population has been newly exposed to the Westernized lifestyle, followed by increased incidence
of T2DM. Diabetes is now one of the leading causes of end-stage kidney disease in Western
In present study, plasma urea level in patients with T2DM was found to be significantly higher
as compared with first-degree relatives and controls. As insulin deficiency is the predominant
feature of diabetes and it is a well recognized fact that tissue protein synthesis decreases in the
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
absence of insulin. This decrease is partly due to diminished transport of amino acids into the
gluconeogenesis (204, 205). In type 2 diabetes, either maternally inherited mitochondrial or due
to other cause, impaired insulin secretion and hyperglucagonemia cause enhanced protein
degradation and negative nitrogen balance (206). Chronic renal tissue complications are usually
nephropathies. The prevalence of nephropathy in Asian patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus is
poorly defined. These generally occur after several years of diabetes and affect the small blood
vessels in the kidneys, eyes and nerves, leading to the development of microangiopathy. Extent
individuals with type 2 diabetes (208). Diabetic nephropathy is a clinical syndrome characterized
by persistent albuminuria, raised plasma urea level, decline in GFR (Glomerular filtration rate),
raised arterial blood pressure and increased risk for cardiovascular diseases. This leads to more
diabetic foot and high blood pressure. Patients with diabetes account for approximately one-third
of all end stage renal failure (ESRD) cases and a great increase in the number is observed due to
growing incidence of diabetes. Out of 14 million diabetic patients in the U.S, 90–95% of patients
were diagnosed as type 2 diabetes. On analysis of the data of diabetics with nephropathy on
chronic dialysis, majority of the patients were found to have type 2 diabetes (60%) (209).
According to the first reports of DN in late 19th and early 20th centuries, it was detected in the
patients with type 2 diabetes. The prevalence of renal failure along with uremia in diabetes
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
increases with increase in duration of diabetes. The socioeconomic status of patients also effect
development of diabetes and DN. According to previous investigations, low income employees
and small shopkeepers were found more susceptible to develop diabetes (206, 209). Results from
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
In spite of extensive work, our study had certain limitations. Complete screening of
mitochondrial region encompassing tRNALeu(UUR) gene was done to detect A3243G mutation in
the subjects who were most likely to carry this mutation. We know that the percentage of mutant
mtDNA varies from tissue to tissue. Unfortunately, the heteroplasmy of the mutation is the
lowest in the peripheral blood leukocytes and the highest in the affected tissues. In our study,
peripheral blood leukocytes were used to isolate total and then mitochondrial genome. So, the
chance to detect this mutation was lower in leukocytes and it might have hampered the detection
of this mutation. Moreover, ~0.7% decline in the heteroplasmy levels in leukocytes is seen per
year. In this regard, the pancreas would be the best source of tissue for the examination and the
detection of A3243G mutation in patients with diabetes. However, pancreatic biopsy is not a
Moreover, ß-Cell autoantibodies should also be performed in all those presenting with onset of
maternally inherited type 2 diabetes mellitus at ages 30–45 years. Phenotypically defined
subjects can be targeted to Genetic investigations. The finding of a possible specific etiology will
allow effective and proper management of the disease and can give patients valuable information
Direct sequencing of isolated mitochondrial proteins may also be done to detect any alteration in
the primary structure of proteins and their possible involvement in maternally inherited diabetes.
Further study of families with non-syndromic monogenic hearing loss should lead to the better
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
We believe that the results of our study in collaboration with the earlier studies can cater a
guideline for further research. More precise techniques can be developed to identify novel
mutations as well as to analyze post mitotic tissues. This will be of great value because post
mitotic tissues show highest level of heteroplasmy and make the situation more reliable and
fruitful for the researcher. By this effort it would be easy to screen all those patients who are
strongly suspected to carry mitochondrial DNA mutation. Moreover, specialized centers with
such techniques can be used to carry out extensive investigation for other mtDNA defects. The
entire mtDNA molecule should be sequenced to rule out the presence of known and novel
mutations as well.
All those patients presented with diabetes, hearing loss and suspected to carry any kind of
mtDNA mutation should undergo thorough genetic evaluation. Correlation of diabetes, type of
hearing defect and other features of mitochondrial disease should be established. This should be
has already enabled us to give appropriate treatment i.e. those with HNF –1α MODY are treated
with sulfonylureas, and those with lipodystrophy syndromes with thiazolidinedione and leptin
Finally, the association of maternally inherited type diabetes with A3243G mutation needs to be
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 4 Discussion
We can conclude that there is positively no diabetic to look for inherited mtDNA A3243G
mutation in families having clear evidence of maternal inheritance of diabetes along with two or
etiologically heterogeneous. Other factors, such as a change in lipid profiles, other nuclear and
mitochondrial genetic factors might also have contributed to the pathogenesis of diabetes and
other associated features. Hence analysis of these possibilities cannot be excluded and require
additional studies.
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Chapter 6 Appendices
Sex, age, age of onset of diabetes mellitus and plasma glucose levels of the patients with
Age Of Onset
Case Age Plasma glucose
Sex Of
No. (years) (mmol/L)
M 30 35 20.0
M 32 55 5.0
M 35 65 21.0
M 38 60 4.5
M 40 57 22.0
F 29 55 22.0
F 37 54 5.0
M 38 67 5.0
M 32 55 13.9
M 33 60 21.0
F 29 58 19.0
F 28 55 21.0
F 31 60 18.0
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Sex, age, age of onset of diabetes mellitus and plasma glucose levels of the patients with
Age Of Onset
Case Age Plasma glucose
Sex Of
No. (years) (mmol/L)
F 30 58 11.0
F 39 40 20.0
F 40 55 11.5
F 41 54 17.0
M 37 41 11.1
M 35 55 16.9
M 39 60 18.9
M 30 45 19.0
M 32 61 13.0
F 35 50 22.0
M 38 50 5.0
M 31 35 10.0
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Sex, age, age of onset of diabetes mellitus and plasma glucose levels of the patients with
Age Of Onset
Case Age Plasma glucose
Sex Of
No. (years) (mmol/L)
M 29 58 11.9
M 37 59 4.5
F 38 50 12.7
F 32 54 13.7
M 33 45 5.0
M 29 42 14.3
F 28 45 21.0
M 31 56 22.0
M 30 54 12.0
M 39 60 11.0
F 40 45 6.0
F 41 56 22.0
M 37 53 5.0
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Sex, age, age of onset of diabetes mellitus and plasma glucose levels of the patients with
Age Of Onset
Case Age Plasma glucose
Sex Of
No. (years) (mmol/L)
M 35 58 12.4
M 39 45 7.0
M 29 45 16.0
F 43 56 5.0
M 41 65 8.0
M 43 50 21.0
M 43 50 22.0
M 39 54 5.3
M 40 54 5.0
M 45 54 5.0
F 44 51 4.9
F 43 50 22.5
Female=36% 35.86 53.06 13.36
s.e.m 5.23 7.17
Males= 64% 0.94
(SD) (SD)
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Plasma Glycosylated hemoglobin level, plasma urea, plasma cholesterol and plasma triglyceride
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Plasma Glycosylated hemoglobin level, plasma urea, plasma cholesterol and plasma triglyceride
Plasma Plasma
Case Glycosylated Plasma TG
Urea cholesterol
No. hemoglobin (%) (mmol / L)
(mmol / L) (mmol / L)
10.5 6.5 5.4 1.4
13.5 7.0 6.0 1.3
9.8 6.0 5.8 1.5
10.8 21.5 5.7 1.6
9.5 6.0 5.6 1.8
11.6 22.0 5.3 1.7
12.8 6.0 9.0 2.1
9.8 10.0 5.8 1.9
10.6 9.9 5.0 1.5
13.8 18.0 5.1 1.8
9.0 12.9 5.0 2.0
9.0 4.7 4.9 2.1
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Plasma Glycosylated hemoglobin level, plasma urea, plasma cholesterol and plasma triglyceride
Plasma Plasma
Case Glycosylated Plasma TG
Urea cholesterol
No. hemoglobin (%) (mmol / L)
(mmol / L) (mmol / L)
9.7 9.0 5.9 1.9
5.0 8.6 7.0 1.8
9.8 17.0 5.5 1.6
11.4 13.0 5.4 1.4
5.0 7.0 6.0 1.9
9.9 6.0 5.3 1.3
13.5 8.0 5.1 2.3
12.3 9.0 5.1 2.2
10.5 8.0 5.3 1.9
12.0 7.0 5.0 1.7
5.0 7.9 4.9 2.0
12.0 4.9 5.9 2.0
4.5 4.8 7.0 2.1
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Plasma Glycosylated hemoglobin level, plasma urea, plasma cholesterol and plasma triglyceride
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
BMI, deafness, age of onset of deafness, glycosuria and type of therapy of the patients with
Age at onset
BMI DEAFNESS of deafness Glycosuria Type of therapy
19 yes 31 yes Insulin
17 yes 45 no Insulin
17 yes 55 yes Insulin
17 yes 52 no Insulin
18 yes 54 yes Insulin
22 yes 49 yes Insulin
19 yes 44 yes Insulin
18 no - yes Hypoglycemic
19 yes 48 yes Insulin
23 yes 53 yes Insulin
27 yes 45 yes Insulin
19 yes 42 yes Insulin
19 no - yes Insulin
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
BMI, deafness, age of onset of deafness, glycosuria and type of therapy of the patients with
Age at onset
BMI DEAFNESS of deafness Glycosuria Type of therapy
24 yes 56 yes Insulin
17 yes 40 yes Insulin
21 yes 52 yes Insulin
22 yes 44 yes Hypoglycemic
20 no - yes Hypoglycemic
22 yes 51 yes Insulin
24 yes 53 yes Insulin
21 yes 41 yes Hypoglycemic
19 yes 55 yes Insulin
21 yes 43 yes Insulin
20 yes 41 yes Insulin
20 yes 34 yes Insulin
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
BMI, deafness, age of onset of deafness, glycosuria and type of therapy of the patients with
Age at onset
Case Type of
BMI DEAFNESS of deafness Glycosuria
No. therapy
19 yes 50 yes Insulin
20 no - no Hypoglycemic
17 yes 49 yes Hypoglycemic
21 yes 54 yes Insulin
18 yes 40 no Insulin
20 no - yes Insulin
20 no - yes Insulin
17 yes 50 yes Insulin
18 no - yes Hypoglycemic
21 yes 53 yes Insulin
20 no - yes Insulin
18 yes 51 yes Hypoglycemic
22 yes 47 no Insulin
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
BMI, deafness, age of onset of deafness, glycosuria and type of therapy of the patients with
Age at onset
Case Type of
BMI DEAFNESS of deafness Glycosuria
No. therapy
19 no - yes Hypoglycemic
23 yes 41 yes Insulin
24 yes 38 yes Insulin
22 no - no Insulin
21 yes 55 yes Hypoglycemic
24 yes 45 yes Hypoglycemic
21 no - yes Insulin
20 yes 49 no Insulin
23 yes 36 no Insulin
20 yes 49 no Insulin
19 yes 49 no Insulin
21 yes 51 yes Hypoglycemic
Analysis 20.26 + 0.32 Deafness= 47.05+ 6.32 Glycosuria Insulin
(mean + s.e.m) 78% (mean + SD) present= 80% therapy= 76%
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Sex, age, plasma glucose levels and Glycosylated hemoglobin level of the first-degree relatives
Plasma Glycosylated
Case Age
Sex glucose hemoglobin
No. (years)
(mmol/L) (%)
M 30 5.0 5.5
M 34 3.5 4.5
M 38 4.0 6.6
M 18 5.0 6.0
F 23 5.0 6.1
F 36 4.9 5.5
F 24 5.1 6.0
F 30 5.3 5.0
M 37 5.5 4.5
M 27 6.0 6.0
M 35 5.0 5.0
M 31 5.7 6.1
M 35 5.6 5.0
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Sex, age, plasma glucose levels and Glycosylated hemoglobin level of the first-degree relatives
Plasma Glycosylated
Case Age
Sex glucose hemoglobin
No. (years)
(mmol/L) (%)
M 18 5.4 5.1
M 27 4.0 4.5
M 20 5.0 5.0
M 45 4.9 4.3
F 23 5.0 6.0
F 34 4.0 5.0
F 22 5.2 4.5
M 23 6.0 5.0
F 15 5.9 6.0
M 18 5.0 6.5
M 22 3.5 6.0
F 23 4.7 5.0
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Sex, age, plasma glucose levels and Glycosylated hemoglobin level of the first-degree relatives
Plasma Glycosylated
Case Age
Sex glucose hemoglobin
No. (years)
(mmol/L) (%)
F 32 4.9 5.5
M 34 5.0 5.2
M 22 5.0 4.8
F 29 5.3 4.5
F 32 6.0 5.0
M 35 4.9 5.0
M 23 5.0 6.6
M 31 5.0 6.0
M 25 4.7 5.7
M 34 5.4 5.2
M 23 6.0 5.0
F 45 4.6 4.5
M 32 4.8 4.0
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Sex, age, plasma glucose levels and Glycosylated hemoglobin level of the first-degree relatives
Plasma Glycosylated
Case Age
Sex glucose hemoglobin
No. (years)
(mmol/L) (%)
F 40 5.0 5.0
M 18 3.4 5.0
F 29 5.0 5.7
M 33 5.1 6.0
M 34 5.2 4.9
F 23 5.2 6.0
F 34 6.0 5.8
F 41 5.0 5.7
F 34 5.0 6.0
M 20 5.0 5.5
M 32 4.5 4.5
F 23 5.5 5.0
28.92 5.01 5.34
Female= 40%
s.e.m Males=60% 7.34
0.09 0.09
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Plasma urea, Plasma cholesterol, plasma triglyceride (TG) and Body mass index (BMI) of the
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Plasma urea, Plasma cholesterol, plasma triglyceride (TG) and Body mass index (BMI) of the
3.7 4.1 .9 27
6.3 4.4 1.2 21
5.1 3.9 1.2 30
4.5 5.0 1.3 24
4.7 4.1 1.1 28
4.9 4.3 1.4 21
4.8 4.5 1.5 22
4.5 5.0 1.7 19
4.7 4.0 1.1 18
5.0 4.0 1.0 21
5.1 5.0 1.3 23
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Plasma urea, Plasma cholesterol, plasma triglyceride (TG) and Body mass index (BMI) of the
4.2 7.7 1.4 30
4.2 3.8 1.3 22
4.1 3.7 1.0 28
6.0 4.1 .8 31
4.3 4.4 1.2 26
5.0 3.9 1.7 23
4.3 4.0 1.4 29
5.0 4.1 1.4 26
4.7 4.3 1.3 25
4.9 3.6 1.3 24
6.0 4.0 1.6 27
4.5 5.0 1.4 23
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Plasma urea, Plasma cholesterol, plasma triglyceride (TG) and Body mass index (BMI) of the
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Glycosuria and deafness in the first-degree relatives of the diabetic patients, group B (n = 50).
no no
no no
no no
no no
no no
no no
no no
no no
no no
no no
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Glycosuria and deafness in the first-degree relatives of the diabetic patients, group B (n = 50).
no no
no no
no no
no no
no no
no no
no no
no no
no no
no no
no no
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Glycosuria and deafness in the first-degree relatives of the diabetic patients, group B (n = 50).
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Glycosuria and deafness in the first-degree relatives of the diabetic patients, group B (n = 50).
no no
no no
no no
no no
no no
no no
no no
no no
0% 0%
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Sex, age, plasma glucose levels and Glycosylated hemoglobin level of non – diabetic subjects
Case Age Plasma glucose
Sex hemoglobin
No. (years) (mmol/L)
M 24 4.0 4.7
F 25 5.0 4.9
F 45 6.0 4.5
F 4 5.4 6.0
F 32 5.0 5.4
F 31 5.0 6.1
F 23 4.9 6.7
F 54 6.0 5.2
M 43 5.3 5.5
M 34 5.5 4.5
M 23 5.0 6.6
M 13 5.0 6.1
M 33 5.7 6.1
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Sex, age, plasma glucose levels and Glycosylated hemoglobin level of non – diabetic subjects
Age Plasma glucose
Case Sex hemoglobin
(years) (mmol/L)
No. (%)
F 46 5.6 7.2
M 57 4.5 4.6
M 45 5.0 5.5
M 42 5.0 6.1
M 25 6.0 5.5
F 25 5.0 6.0
F 32 3.5 5.5
M 35 5.2 4.5
M 31 6.0 5.0
F 26 5.9 4.7
M 37 4.5 5.5
M 45 4.8 7.2
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Sex, age, plasma glucose levels and Glycosylated hemoglobin level of non – diabetic subjects
Case Age Plasma glucose
Sex hemoglobin
No. (years) (mmol/L)
M 57 4.7 6.0
F 23 6.0 5.5
F 24 5.0 6.1
M 25 5.8 5.5
M 45 4.0 5.0
F 4 5.1 5.5
F 32 4.9 4.5
F 31 4.7 6.6
F 23 4.7 6.8
F 54 5.5 6.1
F 43 5.4 5.9
F 34 6.0 5.8
M 23 4.6 4.5
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Sex, age, plasma glucose levels and Glycosylated hemoglobin level of non – diabetic subjects
Case Age Plasma glucose
Sex hemoglobin
No. (years) (mmol/L)
M 13 4.8 4.0
M 33 5.0 4.7
M 46 5.0 5.6
M 57 5.0 5.7
F 45 6.0 5.9
M 42 5.2 4.9
M 25 5.2 6.0
M 25 5.7 5.8
M 32 5.0 5.7
F 35 5.0 5.8
F 31 4.9 5.5
M 26 4.5 4.5
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Plasma urea, plasma cholesterol, plasma triglyceride level and BMI of non – diabetic subjects
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Plasma urea, plasma cholesterol, plasma triglyceride level and BMI of non – diabetic subjects
8.5 4.1 1.3 28
5.0 4.3 1.6 31
4.9 4.5 1.4 26
6.3 4.6 1.3 23
5.0 4.0 1.0 25
6.3 4.0 .9 29
5.1 4.0 1.2 28
8.2 5.1 1.2 27
3.9 5.0 1.3 25
6.0 4.0 1.1 19
9.2 4.8 1.4 32
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Plasma urea, plasma cholesterol, plasma triglyceride level and BMI of non – diabetic subjects
Plasma Plasma
Case Plasma Urea
Cholesterol TG BMI
No. (mmol/L)
(mmol/L) (mmol/L)
8.5 3.7 1.5 26
4.3 4.1 1.7 25
4.4 4.4 1.1 24
6.3 4.4 1.0 27
5.0 7.6 1.3 23
5.0 7.0 1.6 24
5.1 5.0 1.3 22
4.6 5.1 1.1 24
4.2 4.6 1.4 25
4.2 8.0 1.9 25
4.1 6.0 1.7 12
6.0 6.1 1.1 24
4.3 4.6 1.0 27
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan
Chapter 6 Appendices
Plasma urea, plasma cholesterol, plasma triglyceride level and BMI of non – diabetic subjects
Plasma Plasma
Case Plasma Urea
Cholesterol TG BMI
No. (mmol/L)
(mmol/L) (mmol/L)
5.0 4.7 1.3 24
4.3 5.8 1.6 24
5.0 5.3 1.4 27
4.7 5.1 1.3 24
4.9 5.0 1.5 27
6.0 7.0 1.6 21
4.5 3.8 1.2 30
4.7 4.0 1.2 24
9.2 4.4 1.3 28
8.5 4.7 1.1 21
4.3 7.0 1.8 22
3.4 5.4 1.5 19
5.67 4.78 1.32 24.52
0.24 0.15 0.04 0.53
Prevalence of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in T2DM in Pakistan