Chapters pages
1. The Voice of God (Poem) N
2. The Wise Caliph
3. Professions (a) Teaching (b) Fishing
4. Little Things (Poem)
5. A Visit
6. King Faisal
7. From a Railway Carriage (Poem)
8. Dignity of Work
9. A Nation's Strength(Poem)
10. Beautiful Hands (Poem)
11. A Village Fair
13. Shopping
14. The Hand that Rocks the Cradle (Poem)
15. An African Village
B. Exercise:
1. Why did author climb the steeple?
Ans: The author climbed up the steeple because he wants to hear the voice of
2. Why did God tell him to go down again?
Ans: God tell him to go down because God live among the people.
3. Say in your own words what you think is the message of this
Ans: The message of this poem is this that we don’t have to do big things in our
life to get close to God, we just have to love his best creation which is mankind to
get close to Him. Like Allama Iqbal said.
Ans. Caliph Haroon-ur-Rashid was famous for his wisdom and justice. The Caliph was wise in
that manner as he used to disguise himself to know the problems and difficulties of the subject
more freely and equality.
Ans. He would go through the streets of Baghdad to mingle with the common people in order to
gain first-hand knowledge of their difficulties. He believed that by adopting the common life
style, he experienced the problems in true sense.
Ans. Firstly Qazi approached to the Caliph saluted him and presented a puzzled case, which the
Qazi could not solve. The mystery was disturbing the Qazi because the two men were claiming
the ownership of the same horse.
Q.4 What was the dispute between the rich man and beggar?
Ans. The dispute between the rich man and the beggar because of a horse. Both of them were
claiming the ownership of horse plus accusing each other of robbery.
Ans. The rich man told the Caliph that he was riding towards the city. On this way he saw a
beggar, who asked for a ride up to city gate. Afterwards the beggar refused to get down from the
horse and claimed that the horse ws his.
The beggar told the Caliph that he had spent all his money on the horse. That morning the beggar
was riding to the city and saw the rich man walking along the road. He asked for a lift because he
was in hurry but afterwards refused to discount claiming that the horse belonged to him.
Ans. The beggar refused to get down the horse because he wanted to rob the rich man of his
horse. He also fabricated a false story to claim his ownership.
Q.8 What did the horse do when the beggar touched it?
Ans. When the beggar touched the horse it winced as if it did not like the touch of his hand. This
reaction of the animals show that it was not owned by the beggar.
Q.9 What did the horse do when the rich man touched it?
Ans. When the rich man touched the horse it neighed and snorted with pleasure. This reaction of
the horse proved the true ownership of the rich man.
Ans. The Caliph pronounced the beggar that he was a lair and wicked man. And by forgiving
him asked him to beg the pardon of the rich man. Afterwards the rich man forgave him.
1. shiver – tremble
2. astonish – amaze
3. cling – stick
4. request – beg
5. stiffen – harden
6. severe – stern
7. utterly – completely
8. disguise – hide
9. obvious – clear
10. puzzled – confused
11. mingle – mix
1. Beg – Beggary
2. Live – Life
3. Lend – Loan
4. Believe – Belief
5. Please – Pleasant
6. Give – Gift
7. Speak – Speech
1. Describe the dispute between the rich man and the poor beggar and how did the Caliph
prove that the beggar was a liar?
The dispute between the rich man and the beggar was because of a white horse. Both of them
were claiming the ownership of the horse plus accusing each other of the robbery. Firstly, rich
man riding to the city, he saw the beggar limping along the road. He felt sorry for him and gave
him a ride up city gate. Afterwards, the beggar refused to dismount claiming that horse belonged
to him. The beggar also told the same story with few amendments.
The Caliph, being wise, settled the dispute in a minute. He ordered both the men to touch the
horse. When the beggar touched the horse, it showed the displeasure by wincing. But when the
rich man touched the horse, It neighed and snorted with pleasure. The reaction of the animal
proved the true ownership of the rich man. In this manner the case was decided and the Caliph
was able to prove that the beggar was a liar and wicked man.
The lesson “The Wise Caliph” teaches us that if someone is dishonest to you and treats you in
the bad manner, you should not treat him in the smae manner in which her behaved. The best
revenge for a bad deed is a good deed.
Ans. “Akhund” is a Sindhi word derived from a Persian word “Khandan” which means “to
read”. It is the best word to express the teachers dignity and status.
Ans. The teacher fulfills God’s command by acting upon the first relation i.e. “to read” (IQRA).
Teacher observe God’s Law by reading from the human heart, the nature and the Holy book.
Ans. Teacher must possess some personal and professionals Gaits. Personal qualities include
interest for knowledge, reverence for all sorts knowledge, preference for students welfare. The
other qualities are love to learn from every source and also to apply practically what he preaches.
Ans. Fish is important, for us because it is a source of food and several by-products are obtained
from fish i.e. glue, manure, liver oil. Catching fish is one of the most ancient and common
profession of the world due to which a large number of people are engaged with this profession.
It is also a flourishing trade.
Q.5 What are the different modes of fishing?
Ans. Freshment fishing or fishing – inland and sea or marine fishing are the two different modes
of fishing. Freshwater fishing is done in rivers, Lakes, streams, ponds etc while marine fishing is
done in oceans, sea, coastal areas etc.
Ans. People like freshment fish because of its delicious taste. They are of very small size and
easier to catch rather than marine fishing. It is usually caught from rivers, lakes, ponds, canals
Ans. In Pakistan, marine fishing is done in the Arabian sea long the coast. The hazards of marine
fishing include prolong stay o the fisherman in deep sea. The other danger is sudden change of
weather, which can result in the loss of many lives.
The most elegant quality of a teacher is that he takes keen interest in learning from every source.
He does not hesitate in capturing knowledge from every point in life. He does not keep himself
committed to the books only. But tries to gain knowledge from any and everyone. even those
younger or less gifted than himself. It means that he remains student forever. So, the good
teacher is one who is enthusiastic for gaining knowledge from every source of life.
Unseen Passage
Before railways were made the cultivator derived little benefit on abundant harvest. He could
not send his product to distant places to be sold; and if the land produced more than it was
required in any particular district, as would happen in a good season. Prices fell and the
cultivator was deprived of the profit which he might have expected, indeed, he often found it
more economical to leave apart of his crop circuit. Railway has altered these conditions
equalized has enabled agricultural, produce the improvements in communication to be sent to
any distance with the result that prices have been in all places, within reasonable distance from
the railway. When harvest are abundant, foodstuffs no longer not for want of buyers, since the
farmer now has access to all the markets of the world.
1. Write down to main problems the farmer had to face before railways were made?
Ans. The main hazards the farmer had to face were that he could not send his produce to the far-
flung areas. The other problem was that if more crop is harvested, the prices fell and he deprived
of the profit.
2. Why did the prices of agricultural produce fall in good season?
Ans. the prices of agricultural products fell in good season because of abundant quantity of
3. Why did the cultivators sometimes leave a part of his crop uncut?
Ans The farmers sometimes left a part of their crop uncut because it was found more economical
for them other than getting low prices for the produce.
4. How has the improvement in communication helped to equalize the prices of agriculture
Ans. The improvement in communication has helped to equalize the prices of agricultural
products because after the establishment to transport link, the products can be taken to ay part of
the world.
1. Reflection – Image
2. Enshrined – preserved carefully
3. Divine – of God
4. Dignity – honour
5. Par excellence – the best
6. cultivating – developing
7. professional – concerning one’s job
8. regard – opinion
Little Things
Central Idea
This poem is written by Julia Carney. The poem emphasis upon the importance of little things.
Central Idea
Nothing in this material world is unimportant. Even little things, which fail to claim and
importance and fail to invite our attention, have their importance which cannot be ignored. Same
as short, brief an soft spoken words create an everlasting impression in the hearts of others. Thus
help to establish a harmonies society.
“If a great thing is simple to explain and easy to understand then the little things demand
elaboration of details.”
Q.1 Write five lines about a little out of kindness done by you, and the result of it?
Ans. Once a poor woman came to my house. She asked us about some money because her only
son was in the hospital and she needed the money to buy medicines for him. My mother did not
believe on her story but I offered my whole collection of the year which was about 800 to 900
rupees. In return, the woman gave me so much prays that I felt very happy on my act.
1. To make fun of – We should not make fun of poor because they are also human beings like
2. To make room – The conductor was trying to make room for incoming passengers inside the
3. To make money – Most of the people spend their lives in making money other than doing
good deed.
4. To make a mistake – Aslam is making a mistake by choosing Qurban as his partner.
5. To make up – I’ve made up my mind to go to England for higher studies after the
matriculation exams.
Use of made of
A Visit
Ans. Mr. Ahmed’s pupils were excited because they were given a day off to visit a Model
Agricultural Farm. They were naturally very excited.
Q.2 What surprised the boys when they reached the model farm?
Ans. When the boys reached the farm, they were surprised to see such a vast area of farm. They
were also astonished to see mechanized farm.
Q.3 What is the name of the machine working in the wheat field?
Ans. The name of the machine working in the wheat field is “Combine”. Its function is to harvest
the crop and tied it into sheaves.
Ans. A Thresher chaff from the grain. From one side of the machine, a golden rain of sweet
smelling machine comes out while from other end the chaff comes out.
Q.5 How are ploughing, seeding and harvesting done on the model farm?
Ans. On the model farm, ploughing is done by tractors. The sowing machine is used for the
purpose of seeding where as harvesting is done by Combine.
Ans. Machines have made the work easy for the farmer. That’s why a man can do the work of
almost hundred men with the help of machines.
Q.7 What is an average produce from and ordinary farm? What is the produce per hectare on
model farm?
Ans. The average produce from na ordinary farm is 13 to 20 quintals. Where as average produce
per hectare on the model farm is 60 to 70 quintals.
Ans. There is a difference in the output of the two because of the machines used in model farm.
The use of modern machinery and chemical, fertilizers in model farm has made work feasible for
farmers. Moreover, spray of pesticides / insecticides and continuous supply of water has helped
to increase the work output.
Ans. They spray pesticides and insecticides for the prevention of germs and insects. This process
includes washing of tree trunks with lime water and removal of wild grass and weeds.
Ans. They grow wheat, maize, cotton, sugarcane and grant. Moreover, they also grow vegetables
and they also have a large orchard, where they grow mangoes and oranges.
Ans. The boys were surprised on the vegetable farm to see the vegetable growing out of the
season on the vegetable form. They do it by the usage of chemical fertilizers; plentiful supply of
water and by the help modern machine.
1. Narrate in your own words how they get so much produce per rectare on the model farm.
The farmers are able to grow an abundant produce on the model farm because of the modern
techniques. They use modern machines, which can perform the work of hundred men. Along
with, fertilizers are being used on a vast scale in the farm, so that better and finer crops can be
grown. Moreover, spray of pesticides/insecticides and non-stop supply of water has helped to
increase the work output.
2. Write the sentences to show whether modern methods of farming are better nor the old
Machines and techniques have made the profession farming easy for the farmers. Modern
methods are better than the old ones because they are more easy to operate than the old methods.
They have increase the feasibility of work, because of mechanized means. In this way, one
machine can do the work of hundred men. The old methods worked very slow and took a long
time of the farmer. But today, the time is also saved and good crops can be grown. Today
chemical fertilizers are being used in crops on vast scale, along with pesticides. These salts
provide extra enrichment to the crops and protect them from diseases. In this manner better crops
could be grown.
Instructor: “Hello! I m from the department of Agriculture. I’ve come here to guide you”.
Farmer : “How can I increase the production?”
Instructor : “You can do it by using chemical fertilizers in your crops.”
Farmer: “But how these artificial compounds can increase the growth?”
Instructor: “Actually these fertilizers are salts, which provide extra nourishment to the crops. In
this manner you can grow better crops”.
Farmer: “OK! Now tell me any other advantage of these fertilizers.”
Instructor: ” By using these salts you can also grow the crops that are out of season.”
Farmer: ” Well I’ve another problem to discuss.”
Instructor: ” What is it?”
Farmer: “Last year my whole crop was destroyed due to some insects. Tell me any cure for it?”
Instructor: “Don’t worry Look! These are the begs of pesticides or you can call it insecticides.”
Farmer: “Please make it more clear.’
Instructor: “Sure, actually these pesticides serve as medicines which will kill the insects and
prevent destruction of crops.”
Farmer: “Oh it’s very easy. you’ve provided me a useful knowledge. Thank You.”
Instructor: “No matter, its my job.”
Mr. Hasan told the visitors that the farm had been doing so well that they had decided to add a
dairy to it. There, Finest cows and buffaloes would be kept. The farm would use an electric
milker to milk the animals Modern Machinery would make cream and butter.
Mr. Hasan said to the visitors “The farm has been doing so well that we have decided to add a
dairy to it. Here, finest cows and buffaloes will be kept. The farm, will use an electric milker to
milk the animals. Modern machinery will make cream and butter.”
King Faisal
Ans. The Late King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was born in 1907. He was the second son of King
Abdul Aziz Ibn Sa’ud.
Ans. King Faisal belonged to a noble and religious family so the received his religious education
from his maternal grand father Sheikh Abdullah Bin Latif.
Ans. Faisal was made King after the illness of his elder brother King saud in 1964. The council
of Ministers chose him as a king because of his wisdom and intelligence.
Ans. Being an able ruler and possessing great qualities of Leadership. Faisal ruled Saudi Arabia
wisely and
justly Saudi Arabia was polished under his rule because of his sincere leadership and love for his
country. He did his best for the development of the country.
Ans. Keeping a vast governing experience, Fisal took all necessary steps to develop his country.
He spend a lot of money to promote his people and provided the basic amenities of life to the
people at their footsteps. He setup new industries and milk, provided the education with stipends
compulsory and took every step to increase mineral oil’s production, which is the main source of
income. Vast areas deserts were irrigated and brought under cultivation.
Ans. King Faisal was a sincere friend and well-wisher of the people of Pakistan. He showed his
sincerely on several ocasions by providing all-out metal and material support. He felt deeply on
the separation of Pakistan. He was the one who gave the “Castle of Islam” to Pakistan and his
name shall live foreever in the hearts of Pakistan.
Ans. King Faisal was against the state of Israel, because of its enmity towards the ARabs. Infact,
he was arare of the aggressive designs of European block, that why he condemned the illegal
occupation of israel. He demanded that the previous state of Jerusalem should be restored i.e. to
be given under the control of Muslims as a holy Islamic city.
Q.8 What did FAisal do for the Arabs in their war against Israel?
Ans. Faisal made every possible effort to get back the ARab territories and provided full
financial support to Arabs. He never recognized the state of Israel and did not establish any kind
of relation with it at any level. He was the one who introduce the Arabs as a community.
Ans. King Faisal was killed by a wicked nephew of his on 25th March, 1975. Actually hee was
murdered by a skillful fabricated plan.
Ans. The Muslims felt deep sorrow over his death. Pakistan now in his death as one of their
family members had died. His name shall be written in the letters of gold and will be
remembered forever.
1. King Faisal
King Faisal had a royal background that’s why from the very beginning he was aware from the
art of governing. Due to his intelligence, he was made P.M. in early age. He was a very sincere
and true leader. He made the correct usage of all sources of income. He used mineral oil as a
weapon for Arab to fight with the European block. he was aware of the aggressive plans of non-
Muslims, that’s why he openly declared it to the Muslim World. He also gave the solution by
awaking the need of unity among the Muslims. he was only leader who recognized the Arabs as
a community in the World. Now, he is no more but his efforts shall be remembered forever.
To create unity among Muslims and to unite them on one platform, was the main aim of King
Faisal. He realized that only solution to the problems which the Muslims world is currently
facing lies in the unity among the Muslims. He provoke the need of brotherhood among the
Muslims. He gave the idea and practically hold the Islamic Summit conferences in which all the
problems were discussed at Length. he always supported the Muslims at their hard times which
created an examplary effect on the Muslims. The best best example is his continuous struggle
against the Israeli occupation of the Arab Territories. Infact, he chose the right path to save the
Muslims from devastation.
1. Born – Birth
2. Educate – Education
3. Resign – Resignation
4. Move – Movement
5. Rule – Ruler
6. Govern – Government
7. Serve – Service
8. Visit – A Visit
9. Die – Death
10. Develop – Development
y of the area. He also sees a boy who is collecting services hardly, a homeless person who is doing
nothing but to stare and a man who is lifting the overloaded cart.
Q.2 What pleasures does the railway journey give to the poet?
Ans. The railway journey gives an immeasurable pleasure to the post. Natural beauty provides him an
everlasting joy which includes the sights of meadows, daisies, mill, river, hill plain etc. He is pleased
because a thing of beauty is a joy forever.
Dignity of Work
Ans. Akhter, being stubborn did not answer his mother. He was feeling cross and angry because
he was made to do the work of servants and gardeners with his own hands.
Ans. Mr. Inayat usually used to tell interesting stories of different parts of the world. But on that
particular day, he told the children about the dignity of doing work with our own hands.
Q.3 What reason did Akhter give his under for being cross?
Ans. The reason for Akhtar’s anger was that he was forced to do the mean would. He believed
that by doing out cast his greatness is decreased and was feeling ashame on his act.
Ans. The teacher swept the room and emptied the dustbin. The head master also took part in the
activities by cleaning bathroom.
Ans. Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) loved to do the work for himself and for others with his own
hands. He never felt shy in repairing and mending his shoes, washing clothes and sweeping
room. He proudly joined his companions in digging ditch during the Khandaq Battle.
Ans. Yes, the companions of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) like him. They were the complete sketch
of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) personality and loved doing work with their hands. Hazrat Abu Bakr
not did his own work but also helped others.
Ans. Hazrat Abu Bakr was the orthodox Caliph of Muslims. Following of footsteps of Holy
Prophet (P.B.U.H), he did every kind of work, his own as well as of others. He fetched water far
widows and neighbours who were very old and had no one to work for them.
Ans. Hazrat Fatima was the beloved and dearest daughter of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). She could
have servants being the daughter of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H), but like her father she fetched
water, ground corn and swept the house.
Ans. Sultan Nasir-uddin was a very pious Emperor of Muslims. He earned his living by making
caps, although he could take money from the emperor’s treasury.
Ans. People at China believe that all ought to work. Everyone has to spend sometime each year
working in the fields or in a factor. Even the Prime Minister and his wife do the work.
Word Meanings
1. cross – angry
2. reason – cause
3. pleasant – friendly
4. surprised – astonished
5. favourite – specially liked
6. treat – behave towards somebody
7. noble – showing high character
8. feteree – went for an brought back
9. advanced – developed
Dignity of Work
Greatness of work or significance of work stand in the meanings of dignity of work .It means
that every kind of work is great. No matter how small or how trivial it is. By doing work with our
own hands, our greatness is not curtailed and we should, not feel shy or disgrace in doing chores
of daily life. Dignity of work is very importance because it produces the spirit of doing hard
work which enables us to face the hardship of life. It creates modesty on our personality and
helps in the modification of ourselves. It also makes us ethical and social. So, we should realize
that by doing work with our own hands make us honourable and great.
A Nation’s Strength
Central Idea
Raph Waldo Emerson is the writer of this beautiful poem. His philosophy is everlasting, because
it arose from a desire to make all things new, to seize life freshly.
Central Idea
The vigorous growth of any nation does not depend on wealth. But majority the result of hard
work, high moral character and virtues of great people. A nation’s strength is a fruit of which
labour is seed.
The heights by great men reached and kept were nor attained by sudden light, But they, while
their companions left, were toiling upward in the night. (Henry Longfellow)
“people do not lack strength they lack will.”
Character means moral qualities which constitute personal or national individuality. A nation’s
strength rest upon the character of its people. Men of character achieve greatness for their nation
through sacrifices and hones deeds. They build their nation on foundation of lasting virtue. So
character is a parameter which can be used to measure the depth of a man’s personality. “When
wealth is lost, nothing is lost. When health is lost, something is lost. When Character is lost,
everything is lost.
1.That teacher is very popular because she works with heart and soul.
2. We should love our country with heart and soul
Ans. The farmer was ploughing in his field with a team of bullocks. Suddenly, a tiger appeared
from the bushes, which terrified the farmer.
Ans. Tiger greeted the farmer and said that the God had commanded him to eat farmer’s
bullocks. He ordered farmer to obey God’s command then and deliver them to him.
Ans. The tiger was angry because first of all the farmer argued that God had commanded him to
plough the fields and then refused to handover the bullocks to him. This argument and refusal of
farmer made the tiger angry.
Ans. When the tiger became angry, the farmer tried to lesser his anger by offering his fat cow.
He did so to save his dear live.
Ans. The farmer entered the house in a panting position and introduced his wife with the
terrifying condition. He told her that the tiger is awaiting for cow and asked her the cure for his
feared condition.
Q.6 Why did the wife of the farmer refuse to give the cow?
Ans. The wife of the farmer refused to give the cow because it was the only source of butter and
ghee for them. Moreover she also used to get milk from the animal.
Ans. She returned the farmer to the field and decided to solve the problem. She dressed herself as
a blood-thirsty hunter and rode to the field.
Q.8 What did she say when she saw the tiger?
Ans. She said when she saw the tiger that she was really in need of a tiger because of its
delicious flesh. She further said that she was habitual of eating three tigers a day in order to
frighten the tiger.
Q.9 What did the tiger do when the farmers wife said that she would eat a tiger?
Ans. Actually the tiger was coward at heart. That’s why when he listened the terrifying dialogues
from the farmer’s wife. He run away to save his dear life.
Ans. The jackal revealed the fact that the blood-thirsty killer was actually the farmer’s wife. He
also promised to show the real identity of the killer.
Ans. The farmer’s wife thanked Jackal for bringing such a fine tiger to her. She also asked for
two more
tigers because she wanted to show the character of a blood-thirsty killer to afraid the tiger.
1. Command: The major commanded his soldiers to attack the enemy’s fort.
2. Coward: To sing a song behind one’s back is a very coward act.
3. Deliver: Newspaper are the best media to deliver the messages of Government.
4. Tender: We should deal everyone in a tender and delicate manner.”
5. Trick: We should not play tricks with others.
Q.1 Why did the farmer offer the tiger his cow?
Ans. Firstly the tiger demanded the farmer’s bullocks in a dramatic style. The demand of the
tiger terrified the farmer. He thought that if he had no bullocks to plough the field, there would
be no wheat to make bread. He thought that if he gives his fat cow instead of bullocks, this
would be profitable for him. That’s why the farmer offered the tiger, his cow.
Q.2 How did farmer’s wife frighten the tiger?
Ans. The farmer’s wife frighted the tiger by cladding herself as a blood-thirsty killer. She put on
her husband’s best clothes, lied a fine turban round her head. Then she saddled the horse and
rode to the field. When she reached there, said in loud and bold voice that she was really in need
of a tiger. She also added that she was habitual of eating three tigers a day. The tiger was coward
at heart, that’s why when he listened such dialogues, he ran to same his dear life?
Ans. The Jackal firstly flattered the tiger. Then he encouraged him by revealing the fact that the
bloodthirsty killer, who was terrifying the tiger, was the farmer’s wife. He also promised to show
the real identity of farmer’s wife i.e. her long hair in order to proved his claim. He did so because
he thought that he might also have a piece from the tiger’s hunt.
Ans. The lesson “The Clever Wife” teaches us that we can erase tireny from the society by
showing boldness in our character. We should not be panic, while facing tribulations of life and
we must keep our units along us.
Direct: Tiger said to the farmer, “Good morning, farmed of God has commanded me to eat your
bullocks. Now obey God’s command and deliver them to me.”
Indirect: Tiger greeted the farmer that God had commanded him to eat farmer’s bullocks. He
ordered farmer to obey God’s command then and deliver them to him.
Direct: Farmer said to the tiger, “God has commanded me to plough the fields and i Cannot do
so without my bullocks. Perhaps, Sir, you have made a mistake.”
Indirect: Farmer told tiger that God had commanded him to plough the fields and he would not
do so without his bullocks. Might the tiger had made a mistake.
Direct: Tiger said, ” I know better what God wishes me to do so hurry up and hand over the
bullocks to me.”
Indirect: Tiger said that he knew better what God wished him to do; he ordered the farmer to
hurry up and handover the bullocks to me.
Direct: Farmer said to the Tiger, “Please, Sir, I’ve a fat cow at home. I’ll fetch it for you in a few
Indirect: Farmer requested the tiger that he had a fat cow at home. He would fetch it fo you in a
few moments.
Direct: The tiger said, “All right, go and bring the cow but leave, the bullocks here. I promise I’ll
not hurt them.”
Indirect: The tiger commanded the farmer to go and bring the cow but leave the bullocks there.
He promised he would not hurt them.
Direct: The wife said to the farmer, “You are already home, I haven’t yet started my household
Indirect: The wife asked the farmer that he was already home and that she hadn’t yet started her
house hold work.
Direct: The farmer said to his wife, “Please, hurry up! Tell me what to do. The tiger is waiting
for the cow. If I am late, the tiger will eat up the bullocks.”
Indirect: The farmer begged his wife to hurry up and tell him what to do. The tiger was waiting
for the co. If he was late, the tiger would eat up the bullocks.
Direct: The farmer’s wife said, “Where shall and get the milk from? How shall I make butter and
ghee if you give away the cow?”
Indirect: The farmer’s wife questioned where they would get the milk from. How she would
make butter and ghee if he gave away the cow.
Direct: The farmer said, “I know but bread is more important than butter. If I’ve no bullocks to
plough the field with, there’ll be no wheat to make bread.”
Indirect: The farmer said that he knew but bread was more important than butter. If he had no
bullocks to plough the field with there would be no wheat to make bread.
Direct: The farmer’s wife said, “No, I won’t let you take the cow.”
Indirect: The farmer’s wife refused she would not let him took the cow.
Direct: The farmer’s wife said, “Very well, I shall think of a way. Leave it to me. No go back to
the tiger and tell him that your wife is bringing the cow.”
Indirect: The farmer’s wife exclaimed that she would think of a way. Leave it to her. She
ordered the farmer to go back to the tiger and tell him that his wife was bringing the cow.
Direct: The farmer’s wife said, “How I would like to eat a live tiger! It’s flesh is so tender and
tasty. Yesterday, I ate three tigers, bones and all. I hope I shall find at least one delicious little
tiger today.”
Indirect: The farmer’s wife said that how she would like to eat a live tiger. It’s flesh was so
tender and tasty. The day before, she had eaten three tigers, bones and all. She hoped she would
find at least one delicious little tiger that day.
Direct: The jackal said to the tiger, “What is the matter, my lord? Where are you off to?”
Indirect: The jackal asked the tiger what was the matter. Where he was off to?
Direct: The tiger said to the jackal, “Run for your life. There’s a blood – thirsty horseman, who
goes about eating tigers.”
Indirect: The tiger said to the jackal to run for his life. There was a blood-thirsty horseman, who
went about eating tigers.
Direct: The jackal said to the tigers, “Oh that was only the farmer’s wife. She has played a trick
on you. Come with me, my lord, and I shall you her long hair.
Indirect: The jackal told the tiger that, she had been the farmers wife only. She had played a trick
on tiger. He said to the tiger to go with him, and he would show him her long hair.
Direct: The tiger said to the jackal, “Are you sure it’s only a woman.”
Indirect: The tiger asked the jackal if he was sure it was only a woman.
Direct: The jackal said to the tiger, “Don’t you trust your old friend.”
Indirect: The jackal asked the tiger if he not trusted his old friend.
Direct:The farmer’s wife said to the farmer, “Don’t you worry. I shall deal with them.”
Indirect:The farmer’s wife told the farmer not to worry. She would deal with them.
Direct: The farmer’s wife said to the jackal, ” Ah, thank you so much, dear Mr. Jackal, for
bringing me such a fine gift of a tiger. I was really looking for such a one. Have you any more
because I must eat three tigers a day.”
Indirect: The farmer’s wife thanked jackal for bringing her such a fine gift for a tiger. She had
been really looking for such a one. If he had any more because she must ate three tigers a day.
2. Preposition
3. Plough – Tractor is better tool than bullocks to plough the fields. (N)
3. Ploughed – The farmer ploughed the field to earn his bread. (V)
4. Anger – Anger is prohibited in Islam. (N)
4. Angered – Aslam angered when he listened the news of his failure in exams. (V)
5. Trick – The audience were very excited with the funny tricks of joker. (N)
5. Tricked – He tricked me by telling wrong exercise to me for the test. (V)
6. Surprise – There is a strange surprise for you in the store room. (N)
6. Surprised – Fahad was surprised with the slims. (V)
4. Synonyms
1. Bold – Brave
2. Firm – Strong
3. Delicious – Tasty
4. Despair – Hopelessness
5. Solute – Great
6. Eager – Desirous
7. Tender – Sof
Beautiful Hands
Central Idea
This poem is written by an American poetess Ellen M.H.Gates. She wrote religious songs.
Collection of her poems were published in 1987 and 1910.
Central Idea
Mother’s hands are the symbol of Love. A mother is a pivot, around which the whole family
revolves. She relieves the tedium of life, sheds the divine light in the darkness, alleviates distress,
does her duties by her children makes them happy, healthy and intelligent citizens of tomorrow.
The progress of a nation depends upon the care and skill with which mothers rear up their
The theme of this poem can be expressed in the words of Napoleon that:
“Give me good mothers, I’ll Give you good nation.”
“The hands that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.”
Question and Answers
Q.1 What words or phrases tell us that they are not pretty in the physical sense?
Ans. The words “ages and wrinkled” tell us that the hands are not beautiful in their physical
appearance. It means that these hands are old and full of wrinkles. They are neither fair not small
but rough and big.
Q.2 Why does the poetess praise the hands in the second stanza?
Ans. The poetess praises the hands in the second stanza because these hands carelessly worked
hard inspite of exhaustion and utter fatigue in order to provide happiness of her children. The
poetess is showing repentance because when she was young, she could’ve helped her mother in
doing chars of daily life but she did not.
Q.3 In the third stanza, what does “These hands must folded be” mean?
Ans. The words, “These hands must folded be” mean that the death time of the poetess mother
was near to come. The poetess is showing her grief because soon her mother would be under the
layers of wild flowers in a folding manner.
Ans. In this poem, the poetess pays a high tribute to her mother’s hands for their spiritual beauty.
She further defined these hands that they worked restlessly inspite of facing tribulations of life,
so that her family might enjoys a happy life.
A Village Fair
Ans. When Bilal reached his cousin’s village he saw that the village was beautifully decorated
with colourful buntings and flags unusually. The reason behind that decoration was that the
annual village fair was being celebrated.
Ans. Bilal visited the village in his summer vacations. It would be best time for him to visit the
village because the villagers were celebrating annual fair which is held only once in year. Bilal
luckily experienced the amazing sights of this fair.
Q.3 How did the juggler entertain the people?
Ans. The juggler entertained the people through his funny and amazing tricks. He juggled with
seven balls at a time without dropping any of them. It was a great game of practice and skill.
Ans.The conjurer performed several unbelievable tricks through his clever skill. He took Bilal’s
handkerchief and tore it into pieces. Later on he astonished the audience by returning the
handkerchief in just one piece.
Ans. Tent -Pegging is a typical feature of Pakistani fair and a popular country game. In this
game, the horse rider has to pull up the wooden pegs fixed in the ground. They do this with the
help of lances.
Ans. Dog race is a kind of fascinating entertainment for the villagers in which the skill of hound
dongs is examined. In the fair, a rabbit was brought in the field and was let loose inform of the
dogs, which made the dogs run.
Ans. The special announcement was about the horse race. s it is the general feature of a fair,
that’s why most of the people rushed to view their favourite segment of the fair.
Q.8 What kinds of shops had been setup for the fair?
Ans. Mostly the temporary shops had been set up for the fair. All kinds of goods from
handkerchiefs to framing tools were available in these shops. They were the special faculty for
this fair.
Q.9 What was the use of these shops for the villagers?
Ans. The temporary shops set up for the fair provided feasibility to both buyers and seller.
People from far off places easily bought essential commodities of life. Where as, it was a good
time for the sellers to avail business opportunity.
Q.10 What were the different entertainments in the fair for the children?
Ans. Thee were different entertainments for the children in the fair. These entertainments include
swings, the monkey man show and the show performed by the circus people. Children enjoyed it
a lot.
1. Decorated – Our school was beautifully decorated on the occasion of Eid Milad-un- Nabi.
2. Competition – A soldier was badly wounded during the shooting competition.
3. Performance – A Major was awarded medal because of his performance during the war.
4. Temporary – Temporary arrangements have been made for the prevention of crimes.
5. Damaged – The car was badly damaged after a small accident.
1. The drummer who could beat the longest work get a prize.
2. The two friends moved towards a crowd which had gathered in a big circle.
3. The food that we ate was delicious.
4. The man whom we saw climbing the pole had been walking on the tight rope.
5. The rider whose horse had won the race was very happy.
6. I went to the village where my cousin was living.
7. I visited him when the village fair was in full swing.
1. We do our homework.
Ans. We did our homework at night.
2. The pupils write a composition.
Ans. The pupils wrote a composition in the half-time.
3. My friend walks to school.
Ans. My friend walked to school in the morning.
4. The Headmaster teaches us English.
Ans. The Headmaster taught us English in the last period.
5. The peon rings the bell.
Ans. The peon rang the bell at 1′O clock.
6. My mother does not sleep well.
Ans. My mother did not sleep well.
7. His brother loses his book.
Ans. His brother lost his book in the assembly.
8. The eagle flies very high.
Ans. The eagle flew very high in the sky.
9. The cobbler sits under a tree.
Ans. The cobbler sat under a tree at noon.
10. They grow rice on this farm.
Ans. They grow rice on this farm in the winter season.
3. Degrees of Adjectives
1. old – older- oldest
2. young – younger- youngest
3. great – greater – greatest
4. big – bigger – biggest
5. far – more far – most far
6. famous – more famous – most famous
7. beautiful – more beautiful – most beautiful
8. popular – more popular – most popular
9. intelligent – more intelligent – most intelligent
10. delicious – more delicious – most delicious
4. Forms of Verbs
1. A Village Fair
Last month, we visited a village fair. The fair was representing the festive mood of the rusic
people. The village was specially decorated with colourful buntings and flags and was crowded
with a lrge number of people. Many temporary shops had been set up which were the special
faculty for the fair. These shops were providing feasibility for the visitors as well as for the
shopkeepers. There was a lot of entertainment for different age groups especially children like
swings, monkey man show, drum beating competition, horse race etc. The circus people were
also presenting their funny and amazing tricks to fascinate people. Tent – pegging and the dog
race were two very popular games of the fair. In tent-pegging the training and skill to horse and
the rider is examined skill of dogs is examined through the dog race. We were very enchanted to
see the beautiful sights of the fair.
2. Tent-Pegging
Tent-pegging is one of the most popular and famous sport of Pakistan. It is an important heritage
of our culture. In this game wooden pegs are fixed in the ground. The riders have to pull these
pegs out of the ground with the help of their spear, as they ride by at a gallop. Tent-pegging is a
exhibit of skill in which the training invested on the horse and the skill of trainee and the rider is
tested. It is great game of joy in addition to practice and skill.
Speak Gently
Central Idea
The writer of this poem is anonymous. But the tone of the poetry represents the peome is a part
of Moorish poetry.
Central Idea
Speaking gently to everyone is a good trait in our character. By being gentle we are likely to
loose nothing and gain much in terms of friendship. Good will and even material rewards. It
places our character and personality in a very good light and creates an everlasting impression in
the minds of others.
“Kindness is more important than wisdom and recognition of it is the beginning of wisdom.”
This Moorish poem is written by an anonymous poet. This poem emphasis upon speaking gently.
By speaking gently we can attain the spiritual power of rule. Treating someone harshly is a kind
of moral sin which can devastate our good deeds.
Speak gently is the best way to train a child and win over his love and trust. If you don’t adopt
the mild attitude your teachings will not persist for a prolong period.
Our attitude should be soft to the aged and old people in order to create such an atmosphere in
which they can pass their remaining days peacefully.
Speak mildly does not cause and burden to you. These soft words create a forever impression on
the other’s hearts. The reward of adopting this habit is that in this mortal world is the good deeds
and the everlasting pleasure. It also brings reward in the eternal life.
Ans. To speak harshly is a kind of ethical and social sin which can devastate our good deeds we
produce mildness in our character. This is the only way through which we can provide security
to our good deeds which we have done in this mortal world.
Q.2 What resemblance does he find between hearts and the deep well?
Ans. The poet finds resemblance between and deep well because like deep well we cannot
assume what is deeply within human heart. One thing is sure that the soft words go deeply in the
heart and we cannot assume these words out of the hearts.
4. Prepositions
2. The field was ploughed, the seed was sown and the crop was harvested by the farmer himself.
Ans. The farmer himself ploughed the field, sowed the seed nd harvested the crop.
You go shopping to buy a cloth for your School uniform Write a dialogue with the shopkeeper.
Me: “Hello sir, may I have a cloth for the school uniform?”
Shopkeeper: “Sure, wait a second.”
Me: “Is this purely cotton?”
Shopkeeper: “No, it is paper cotton. But assure you that it will last longer?”
Me: “Ok! But how can you say that the colour of trouser will not fade?”
Shopkeeper:It is my guarantee that the colour will not fade otherwise you can have your money back.”
Me: “Alright, how much it costs?”
Shopkeeper: “First tell me how much do you want?”
Me: “I need about 6 meters of the cloth.”
Shopkeeper: “Actually, the real price is 200 rupees but as you are our regular customer, you can have it
at a cost of 18 rupees.”
Me: “It’s too expensive. Can’t you be more flexible?”
Shopkeeper: “No my son, because if I do so I will deprived of my profit.”
Me: “Ok, take these 180 rupees and pack the cloth.”
Shopkeeper: “No problem.”
2. To same something for rainy day: To keep for some future security.
Example: He wanted all his savings and has save nothing for a rainy day.
Sentence: He lost all his money in gamble and didn’t save anything for a rainy day.
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle is the Hand That Rules The World
Central Idea
This poem is written by William Ross Wallace, (1819-1881). He was born in Dexington, Kentucky. HiBs
first poem appeared in 1837. He was lawyer by profession, but spent more time on literature. He
composed patriotic songs during the civil wr which became popular. He possessed a splendid
imagination as well as poetic diction.
Central Idea
The Central idea of this poem is that the first, noblest and most sacred mission of the mother is to bring
up children. Mothers are the real builders of our nation, in the sense that the character of a children
made or marred by the mother. It is said that:
“Educate women or mothers and the Nation will take charge of itself.”
A French idealogist Charles force said:
“One could judge the degree of civilization of a country by the social and political possession of its
Ans. The poet find resemblance between the mother’s hands and a rainbow because “rainbow” is
symbol of peace, pleasure and happiness. It indicates that the storm has passed and difficulties have
gone. Similarly a mother is a symbol of pity and pleasure who creates a peaceful and coming
atmosphere for the whole family.
Ans. The chestity and grace of mothers is guided by angles. No one can destroy the spirit of the true
mothers because it is protected by the holy angles. They bring divine blessings to the mothers which
help the mothers to struggle with the tediums of life.
Q.3 Explain how the poet gives the credit for all great achievements of people to their mothers?
Ans. The poet gives the credit for all great accomplishment of people to their mothers because all the
great personalities are prominent in the world due to the careful bringing up to their mothers. It’s only
the result of mother’s caring guidance and training that the world is passing with the periods of
humanstary and great successes.
Ans. The role of a mother is to bring up and train the children. Mother is an actual guiding force for the
children because due to her training a child can instigate a high moral character. Mother also infest in
the children the spirit to know the difference between good and evil. A child is virtuous or his bad
character depends upon the guidance of mother.
Q.5 Why does the poet compare infancy (childhood) with the tender fountain?
Ans. The poet compares infancy (childhood) with the tender fountain because childhood is just like a
sophisticated and delicated fountain which can be led to any stage of life i.e. good or bad. It is only a
mother who can guide a very young soil to his destination success it or failure.
Ans. Sunshine is a symbol of goodness and virtue. This phrase means that the structure of a man’s
character depends mainly upon the mother’s. If the training of mother is goo it mean that she has
infested a high moral character in her children. But if the guidance is not good and child’s character will
prevail by evilness.
Q.7 Why does the poet say that the prayers of mothers on earth mingles with that said in heaven?
Ans. The poet says so because the prayers of a mothers are so sacred and holy that they are
accompanied by the holy prayers of angle. So that, these prayers are enforced and strengthened. The
words of mother keep a sanctimonious status to God, which cannot be neglected because they are also
strengthened by the worship of angles.
Ans.William Rose Wallace composed patriotic songs during the civil war which became popular. He was
a friend of Edgar Allen Roe whom he resembled both in temperament and habits. He possessed a
splendid imagination as well as poetic diction.
Q.9 How can the mother keep the young heart open and for what?
Ans. Mother has a very divine task to complete which starts right from the beginning of the child’s life
and continues till the end. She keeps the young heart open in such a way that the child can understand
and accept the divine commands of Allah.
An African Village
Q.1 How many independent countries are there in Africa and where is Nigeria?
Ans. Africa is the second largest continent which consists of more than twenty five independent
countries. Nigeria is one of the largest countries of Africa. It is in West Africa.
Q.2 What is the bush area made up of and where do most Nigeria farmers live?
Ans. The bush area is consisted of scattered trees with heavy undergrowth in the form of thick
bush and grass. Most of the Nigerian farmers live in the villages and farm settlements in the bush
area. They construct huts and live in those huts.
Ans. The crop, which is edible and we use as food are called food crops. The main food crops of
Nigeria are plantains, potatoes, yarns, ground nuts and pepper. The crop which is sold to other
countries are called cash crops and the Nigeria’s cash crops include palm oil and cocoa.
Q.5 Who tends the food crops and the cash crops?
Ans. Food crops are usually tended by the women. Whereas, the cash crops are tended by men.
Q.6 What is made from cocoa beans and yield from palm trees?
Ans. From the fruit of cocoa tree, yield beans which are grounded into powder which forms
chocolate. From the palm trees, palm oil is yield. When the oil from the trees is passed through
the chemical processors, the palm oil is obtained in pure form.
Ans. Continent Africa was called “Dark Continent” once because the habitats and civilizations of
the people of this continent was not known to the world. Due to their backward living styles and
old fashioned traits, this continent seems to be the dull part of this world.
Ans. Nigeria is situated in West Africa and is one of the largest countries of Africa. Nigeria is
basically an agricultural country. It is also a thickly populated country which comprises majority
of farmers. A great part of Nigeria is covered with a dense forest.
Q.9 How is the life of Nigerian farmer differ from Pakistani farmer?
Ans. The life of Nigerian farmer differ from Pakistani farmer in many ways. Their agricultural
style is quite different from our’s. They are not in the favour of keeping cattles because of the
disease which unables them to use cattles in farming. Their daily routine of life also differs from
Pakistani farmer.
Q.10 Describe the changes that are coming or likely to come soon in the life of the bush
dwellers in Nigeria.
Ans. Many favourable changes are coming in the life of bush dwellers, which include the
availability of transport and communication, health and education, food and water etc. Soon their
life style will more develope because many more modern facilities are making their way in these
Q.11 Describe the life of a Nigerian farmer and his wife?
Ans. The life a Nigerian villager is a model of hard work. From the rising of sun to the dark, they
work in the fields and houses. Farmer usually does all the work related to agriculture and women
do the household jobs including looking after the food crops.
Ans. The building style of Nigerian farms consists of three styles. First style is a single roomed
and simple but which is made from thick branches of trees. Other style is the cone shaped huts
made from straw and whose roof is thatched grass, needs or palm trees. Last style is the two or
three roomed huts made of wood or are plastered with mud.
Ans. Nigerian farmers are not interested in rearing cattles because of the major hazards for the
cattles. Tse-Tse fly is the sign of dangers for them. On the other hand, it is also dangerous for
human beings because it causes unconsciousness state which most of the time ends in death.
1. Century: Computer is the most amazing invention of this century.
2. Cultivate: Modern methods of agriculture are being used to cultivate the fields.
3. Dense: Amazon forest is mainly covered with dense vegetation.
4. Export: Rice is the major export of Pakistan.
5. Scatter: The shelling of the police scatter the crowd.
6. Things out: The market is thickly, crowded at the beginning but it things out at the end.
1. Coartyard – Compound
2. Link – Join
3. Dense – Thick
4. Explore – Search
5. Introduce – Acquaint
6. Century – One Hundred
7. Majority – More than half
8. Cultivate – to grow
9. Facility – Convenience
1. Dense – Thin
2. Majority – Minority
3. Remote – Near
4. Major – Minor
5. Independent – Dependent
6. Interior – Exterior
7. Export – Import
2. Prepositions
Central Idea
this poem is written by Eliza cook (1818-1889). Born in London, she was the youngest of seven
children. She was entirely self-educated and wrote verses from the age of fourteen. Her first
volume being published at seventeen. In 1849, she edited and published, “Eliza Cooks Journal.”
Her work is simple and highly moral. In this poem, she teaches the reader what she always
practiced in her own life to keep on trying and never to be discouraged.
“Where there is a will, there is a way.”
“The world is his who her patients and industry.”
Central Idea
The central idea of this poem is that we should cultivate a strong will – power and a hopeful
attitude to life, be bold through thick and thin, counting no labour loss and our heart within than.
Almighty creator will surely help us if we adopt such a coarse. As it is also said, “The world is
his who has patience and industry.”
The poetess has expressed the true sense of life in this poem. Solution to the problems of life and
key to the success are being preached in this poem in a dramatic style.
This poem tells the story of the king Bruce of Scotland. Once he was defeated by the English
men. He took refuge in a cave. Due to his repeated failures, he was very grieve. King Bruce
mentally accepted his defeat from the English men.
One day, he was pondering at the point of his defeat, he watched a spider who was try8ng to
reach to her cobweb. Thread was the only pathway for the spider to reach her destination. Spider
started her voyage with great anxiety and force. But the spider come down to the initial stage
where it had started her journey. King Bruce was showing issurity on the foolish attempts to
reach the destination that spider will not try again.
However the spider succeeded in the 10th attempt to reach its cobweb. Afte the success to spider
the King Bruce sounded in a optimistic order. “All honour to those who tries persistently.” King
Bruce resoluted in heart to try once more in order to get the win over on his enemies.” At last he
Q.1 What lesson did the King learn from the spider?
Ans. The persistent tries of spider gave a positive spin to the thoughts of King Bruce and taught
him that we are to be persistent and bold to achieve our aim of life. Continuous struggle to the
main aim always produces a favourable result. We should try hard without caring for the
resistance and circumstances of life.
Ans. King Bruce of Scotland was a very generous and patriotic Emperor. Once he fight with the
British Army who wants to make a British colony in Scotland, but he was defeated. As he
wanted to defeat his enemy, that’s why he made several attempts to get back his domain but he
Ans. Eliza cook (1818-1889) was born in London. In 1849 she edited and published “Eliza
cook’s Journal.” Her work is simple and highly moral and she teaches the readers what she
always practiced in her life; to keep on trying and never to be discouraged.
Q.4 What is meant by poetess when she says that “a great deed”?
Ans. The poetess has used the words “a great hard” for the King Bruce. He had been trying hard
to protect his domain from the contaminated hands of enemy. As the protection of country keeps
a very high rank among the man’s priorities of life, that’s why the poetess called it “a great
Q.5 What resemblance, does the poetess find between the King Bruce and the Spider?
Ans. The points of similarity between the King Bruce and the spider were that the aim was quite
far away from both of them. Both of them were having a very slightest hope to achieve success
i.e. the spider had a single thread to reach the cobweb and the King Bruce also had a very tiny
hope to win over his enemies.
Q.6 Why did the King Bruce or poetess call the spider “Brave”.
Ans. The poetess call the spider brave because it was very persistent and tried hard to complete
her task. Although she suffered several failures, but she did not show any grieverence on the
disportual of its fate. It went on making attempt and at last its persistent tries put it into the
of the lesson is that falsehood have no ground bases to stand. We should be pragmatic in our dealings
and we can answer cleverness by wisdom. We must obey our elder’s advice because their advice is as
good as gold.
Ans. Moazzam was a very simple and trusting boy. He never hesitated in doing hard work. Obedience
and innocence was also the part of Moazzam’s nature.
Ans.Azam was agreedy and selfish person. Being an elder, he had an ordering style. He was always in the
favour of cunning and false hood. Laziness was also their in his character.
Ans. being selfish and clever, Azam took advantage of Moazzam’s simpliciity by taking every beneficial
part of the inheritance. He fleeted milk of cow, fruit of the tree and blanket during night for himself and
awarded Moazzam with useless and work needed parts of inheritance.
Q.9 What was the effect of the old man’s advice on Moazzam?
Ans. The oldman’s advice revealed the fact on Moazzam that he was being cheated by the cleverness of
his elder brother. The old man made him realized that Azam was taking benefit of the inheritance. Being
obedient, Azam accepted the advice of old man and answered the cleverness of his brother with his
1. Nouns in Sentence
1. Die : Death
He has lost his balance of mind due to the death of his father.
2. Advise : Advice
We must obey our elder’s advice
3. Divide: Division
The plan for the division of sub-continent on 14th August 1947 was presented by Lord Mountt Batten.
4. Suggest: Suggestion
He did not accept any suggestion about his matter and suffered a heavy loss.
5. Agree: Agreement
An agreement of undertaking was signed between Pakistan and America on the basis of Kashmir.
6. Feed : Food
Proper food is not available in our remote villages .
1. Clever – Cleverness
2. Greedy – Greedy
3. Generous – Generosity
4. Stupid – Stupidity
5. Innocent – Innocence
6. Simple – Simplicity
7. Young – Youth
3. Prepositions
Central Idea
This poem is written by Felicia Dorethea Hemans (1973-1835). She was born at Liverpool, but
the family moved to Wales where she was brought up. She was quick in mind and had a fine
memory. As a poet, she has been compared to Long fellow. Like Couper, she loved the pathetic,
and there is great enthusiasm for chivalry and heroism in her work. She also stressed moral
“A man of courage is full of faith.”
“Patriotism is a great virtue that makes people forgive their selfness.”
Central Idea
The central idea of this poem is the the noble characteristics like chivalirism, obedience and
morality demand the impossible, the obsolite and the death which itself transfigured into eternal
life. Deep-rooted faithfulness is majestic and unmatched which makes a man rise above all
personal affiliation.
Ans. Casabianca was a young and brave soldier of his country. He was a born hero and has a
very strong, composed and pleasant personality. Dutifulness and obedience were his making
characteristics and he was proud of fighting for his country.
Ans. As the poem was written in the 19th century, in these days ships made from wood. There
were different parts like most, helm, pennon fair etc. Moreover they also used, cannon balls for
destruction purposes.
Q.3 How has the Felicia Dorothea Hemans been compared to other poets?
Ans. Felicia Dorothea Hemans has been compared to Henry Long Fellow and Couper. She had
the same pathetic and there is a great enthusiasm for chivalry and heroism in her work like the
other poets. She also stressed moral values.
Q.4 What does the poetess mean by saying that “Lone Post of Death”?
Ans. The poetess is describing the death scene of Casabianca through the phrase. It means that
when the fire was near to engulf him and his death time had arrived, than he was all alone on the
battleship. He had a desperation about his father, future i.e. about winning over the battle.
Q.5 Why does the poetess call the Casabianca “A Gallant Child”?
Ans. The poetess calls the Casabianca “a gallant child” because he stood like a rock, fairless of
the fire, the enemy’s shelling and his despair in the moments of death and danger. When his
body blown into bites i.e. he was defeated by the death, but actually his spirit was not
overpowered and he remained as a brave and valiant soldier.
Ans. Khyber Pass is one of the most famous pass which is a narrow mountain valley. It is about
fifty kilometres long. From Khyber Pass we can go to Afghanistan and on the other side is the
famous city of Peshawar.
Q.2 When did Aryans cross it and how many times did Mahmood Ghaznavi cross it and why?
Ans. Aryans crossed nearly four thousand years ago the Khyber Pass to enter Pakistan. Sultan
Mahmood Ghaznavi crossed the Khyber Pass seventimes. He crossed this passage in order to
invade the sub-continent.
Q.3 What is the economical importance of Khyber Pass? Or Why it had been a famous trade
in history?
Ans. The economical importance of Khyber Pass is that it is used a trading route between the
different regions. It is the most favourable and best connection of East Asian countries with
Central Asian countries for trading purposes. The important goods which are transferred through
this pass into different regions include mirrors, furs, skins and fruits.
Q.4 What did the camel caravans carry? By what have the camels caravans been replaced?
Ans. The camel caravans carried mirrors, furs, skins, fruits, spices, silk, carpet etc to different
parts of the region. The camels caravans have now been replaced by trains, trucks and lorries
which are the most advanced and fastest means of transportation.
Ans. The brave tribal people and Pathans live in the mountains of the Khyber Pass, who fought
with the mighty British Empire for hundred years and defended their freedom. They are war like
people among which keeping fire alarms is a common feature. But after joining Pakistan they are
now the defenders of North-Western frontier of Pakistan.
Q.6 Why Landi Kotal is the famous place along the Pass?
Ans. Landi Kotal is the famous place along the Pass because it is the highest place about thirty
km away from Jamrod Check post along the pass. It is also a market place where most of the
people enjoy eating Tikkas and Chapli Kabab. Landi Kotal is a beautiful spot from where the
road goes down winding through beautiful scenery.
Ans. The historical importance of Khyber Pass cannot be neglected because many Muslim
conquerors like Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi, Shahabuddin Ghouri, Babur and Ahmed Shah Abdli
made their way through this Pass. Mostly this pass had been used in the history for attacking nd
conquering South Asia.
Q.8 Describe briefly the route from Peshawar to Khyber Pass.
Ans. The route for reaching Khyber Pass starts from the central city of Peshawar. About fourteen
Kilometers from Peshawar is the Jamrod Check Post from where the permits are issued and
which is surrounded by mountains. The road then runs is a haphazard manner to Landi Kotal, 30
km away from Jamrod Check Post and finally after a journey of ten km is the frontier post
between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
1. There are many who have traveled through some part of it.
2. Khyber Pass has been famous in history.
3. It has also been a famous trade route.
4. These brave tribes men fought the mighty British Empire.
5. They are the defenders of the North-Westen frontier of Pakistan.
6. They ate some Tikkas and Chapli Kabab.
7. The road goes down winding through beautiful scenery.
8. It has to run through many tunnels in the mountains.
9. They were welcomed by the soldiers guarding the frontier.
Compound Words
1. Pakistan – Flag
2. Camel – Caravan
3. Class – Fellows
4. Check – Post
5. Railway – Line
6. Mule – Trains
4. You can see more the land when the tides goes out
Meaning: When the water receds more the sea-shore is visible.
Sentence: When I went to the sea-side the tide was not very high so I said to my friend that you
can see more the land when the tide goes out.
10. I hope the bomb squad reaches before the bomb explodes
Meaning: I hope the bomb squad reaches before the bomb goes off.
Sentence: When some guys fitted the bomb in a school, the principal of a school was saying
again and again that I hope the bomb squad reaches before the bomb goes off.
This poem is written by Thomas Moore (1779-1852) an Irish poet. He was born in Dublin where
he studied at the best school. He was admitted to Trinity College at the age of 15 years. He
became an enthusiastic Irish Poet. In imitation of Lord Byron, who was his friend, he wrote
poem on an oriental theme called “Lalla Rookh”. His patriotic feelings is well expressed in this
“Patriotism is not a short out burst of emotions but the tranquil and steady dedication of
“Only passions, great passions can elevate the soul into great things.”‘
The poem “The Minstrel Boy” has been written by a famous Irish poet Thomas Moore. He has
expressed his patriotic feelings in this poem.
The poem is in the praise of a minstrel boy. He was a great singer who used to sing songs on the
time of his harp in the peacetime. But when the wartime came on his country, he joined the army
of flight for his country. Actually he was continuing the legacy of his fore fathers i.e. to fight for
their country.
He fought bravely, with his sward and sacrificed his life for the protection of his motherland.
When he was near to death, he tore off all his belonging because he wanted the enemy to realize
that people like him would never allow him to touch their beloved homeland.
In the end the poet has show his patriotic feelings in a convincing way. He says that the enemy
might defeat the minstrel boy physically but they could not conquer his spirits. The minstrel
boy’s harp was destroyed by the minstrel boy himself because it was meant to sing in peace not
in slavery. The extreme limit of patriotism is exhibited by their action.
Ans. Thomas Moore was an enthusiastic Irish poet. In the imitation of his friend Lord Byron, he
wrote poem on an oriental theme called “Lalla Rookh”. He has expressed his patriotic feelings in
this poem.
Q.2 What does Thomas Moore mean when he says as “thought all the world betray thee”?
Ans. Thomas Moore has tried to convey a message by these words to his nation that if you’ve
got three things, no matter the whole world turns against you, you are not to afraid of it. Loyal
and faithful companions, a beloved motherland and power to protect the privilege.
Q.4 For whom the poet was the words warrior bard and proud soul?
Ans. Thomas Moore has paid a homage to the minstrel boy by alloting him the bites of “warrior
bard” and the “proud soul”. Thomas Moore has used these words to exhibit the spirit of
chamisism in the minstrel boy. He was a great and brave fighter and was proud of fighting for his
Ans. The songs sung on the tune of harp were the marks of peace and carried out detention
against slavery. these songs were made to please the patriots of minstrel boy’s nation. Only
faithfully and Loyal companions and the men who were got freedom of their homeland could
hear these songs.
How To Do Things
Ans. To make the party colourful and fascinating, Shahnawaz also arranged some games. These
games include “Passing the Parcel”, “Treasure Hunt” and “Musical Chair”. These games
provided fun and laughter to the guests.
Ans. Bicycle ride is a joy when one is young, it is also a pleasant experience when you are riding
a bicycle. This joy suddenly vanishes when the cycle gets punctured. You feel while the riding
that the tyre has lost its lightness and is pressing flat against the ground.
Q.3 What does the kit for mending the puncture contain?
Ans. The kit for mending the puncture is needed when the tyre last its lightness. The kit contains
a wrench, a pair of small scissors, a piece of an old cycle tube, sand paper, a coloured pencil and
the sticking solution.
Ans.The parcel game is to be very interesting and exciting. A piece of Toffee is put in a small
carton which was wrapped with many layers of coloured papers.
Q.5 How is the game “Treasure Hunt” played?
Ans. Treasure hunt is an interesting game. In treasure hunt small things wrapped in paper are to
be hidden at different places in the room. The guest are to look for every where till all the
treasures are found.
Ans. In order to make a puncture, first of all we take out tube from the wheel and inflate it. Then
we dip it in water and find out the puncture, mark it with the coloured pencil and dry it and rub it
with sand paper and then apply sticking solution and press it. The tube is then put into tyre and
pumped. The puncture has been mended.
Ans. The purpose of mending a puncture at a bicycle repair shop is different one. A kind of half
solid rubber solution is applied to the puncture part of the tube. It is heated at a certain
temperature for some time in a machine which is a sort of press. The solution melts and sticks to
the tube so that both are inseparable.
Ans. The amusing aspects of parcel game are the punishment given during the games These
punishments are the mixture of commands like “sing a song”, “crow like a cock”, “bleat like a
goat”, “bray like a donkey”. Everyone has to obey the command that fell to it his lot.
Ans. A successful party can be arranged through the following steps. A party should be well-
planned and decorative to attract the people. The menu setting and serving counts very munch in
a coourful party and there should be some entertainment for the guests.
Ans. Decoration is the best way to make a party fascinating. If the decoration is not attractive the
party has no effect. The party place should be adorn in such a manner that it could capture the
attention of the guests and add beautiful colours to the party.
1. Honour: It is an honou for us that Shahid Afridi has broken the world record.
2. Serve: We should serve our country with heart and soul.
3. Frighten: My sister is frightened of going into dark.
4. Riding: Riding a bicycle is a great fun.
5. Puncture: Puncture can easily be mended if you have the puncture kit with you.
Fill in the Blanks
1. Odds and ends: A collection of obhects not belonging to any group of order, left over and
Example: That shop does not still anything in particular. It has only odds and ends.
Sentence: He claims that he is very fond of collecting precious stones, but his collection contains
only odds and ends.
Example: If you don’t kick up a row, you will not be paid attention to
Sentence: The young boys started kicking up a row, when Micheal Jackson began to sing.
1. Invite – Invitation
2. Busy – Business
3. Prepare – Preparation
4. Discuss – Discussion
5. Decorate – Decoration
6. Punish – Punishment
7. Collect – Collection
8. Sing – Song
9. Decide – Decision
2. Idiomatic Structures
1. To pour in: When I was passed in 9th class examination a number of phone calls of
congratulations poured in.
2. To pour out: In winter season when I am feelings too cold. I asked my mother to pour out
some hot tea for me.
3. To pour over: In the war, the nurse were pouring medicine over the wounded soldiers.
4. To put on: At the day of Eid festival, I put on my new clothes
Ans. Adversity is the mother of our noblest virtues that teach us patience, perseverance fortitude.
Self help and sympathy and bring us nearest to Almighty creator. Adversity is a gift from God.
Seeming ugly and dark but actually messengers of sweetness and light. As Francis Bacon says
“The virtue of Adversity is fortitude, which is mortal in the more heroic virtue.”
Idiomatic Structures
1. Out of: Only two out of ten people are eduction in our country.
2. Instead of: Instead of writing him a letter you can telegram.
3. Inspite of: Inspite of three warnings, the thief continue his work, that’s why Policeman
arrested him.
4. Because of: Because of hardworking, I got 1st position in the class.
5. For the sake of: Captain Rashid Minhas died for the sake of country.
6. Every now and again: Few weeks ago strikes were being called every now and again.
7. All over again: Yesterday he lost his coy, so he rewrite his work all over again.
8. Time and again: He had been warned time and again to quit smoking by his parents.
Making A Summary
Ans. We use summary to express lengthy material in short steps. A good summary is generally
one third of the length. Precise must not look like a collection of disjointed sentences nor should
any important or beautiful idea of the original be left. For making a precise, we should keep five
skills in mind among which generalizing of ideas is an initial step. Selection of related ideas,
compression of lengthy sentences, use of indirect narration and reference of the author counts
very much in Precise-writing.
Ans. The significance of Precise-writing is clear from the fact tht in this fast moving world, one
could not pace up with the advancement of the world, so the man of this century depends mostly
upon precise. It is the easiest way to get information at length in shortest possible time by
average reading.
Ans. Precise-writing is used to express prolong material in short steps. A perfect precise can be
produced by the combination of five steps among which use of indirect narration and
compression of lengthy material are important. The other steps are selection of related ideas,
generalizing of ideas and reference of the author.
3. Indirect Speech
4. I am unwell”, he says
Indirect: He tells that he is unwell.
This poem is written by Charles Mackay (1814-1889), a Scottish song writer. He was born in
Perth. His mother died while he was an infant. He went to school in Brussels in 1828 and began
writing verses in both English and French in 1880. He returned to London and worked for the
“Morning Chronicle” till 1884 and then became editor of “Argus”. Besides his extremely popular
songs, some of which still live, Mackay wrote books on travel, history and biography and was a
good all round journalist.
“Hope Sustains the World.”
This poem is written by an Scottish poet Charles Mackay. This poem exhibits the strong assurity
of the poet, being optimistic and religious that there once will day when everyone will enjoy the
basic rights. The good time will prevail. The whole world regardless of area. Destructive
weapons which are used to prove the truth shall be replaced by the good thoughts. The power of
pen will exceed the power of sward i.e. the power will be used in positive spin.
Everyone will be free to enjoy his basic rights. The people will be respected on the virtue of their
worth. There will be no extra support to walk over the ladder of life. Moral values like merit,
privileges will hold the ground in that time.
It would be such an ideal time that no body will praise the wars to protect the material comb. The
people will disgust the war because of unfairness and injustice.
In the end the poet has tied the hopes with humanity that by working together we can
revolutionize the whole world and can bring the ideal future closer.
Central Idea
The Central Idea of this poem is that an era is to come with there will be no war because there
will be a radical change in the outlook of people and nations. The poet Charles Mackay is
optimistic that in future nations will agree to code of national behaviour humanity will emerge
from the dark nights of wars and destructions and hail down of a new better era of peace and
Ans. Charles Mackay (1814-1889) was born in Scotland. In London, he worked for the
“Morning Charnicle” till 1884 and then became editor of “Argus”. Besides his extremely popular
songs, some of which still alive and he wrote books on travel, history and biography and was a
good all round journalist.
Q.2 Do you agree with the poet that a good time is coming?
Ans. Yes, I agree with the poet that a good time is coming. He rightly said that if we worked
together, we can bring the ideal future closer in which truthfulness, peace, Justice and merit will
prevail all around the World. s poet tries to explain in his poem that even the lightest deeds dome
with sincerity will produce the result naturally.
Ans. Charles Mackay being optimistic promises an ideal future for us where there will be
complete peace in the World. Good thoughts will be the most strongest weapon to protect the
privileges and intellectuals will be the fighter instead of sword. Moral values like merit, worth
will hold the ground in that time and people will regard wars as disgusting because of unfairness.
Ans. Yes, Charles Mackay has tied strong hopes to us and by giving an initiative, he has asked us
to bring the ideal future closer to us. According to poet it is our duty to make our combined
efforts to get this goal in a positive and constructive way. In this way we can revolutionize the
whole World
Ans. Pathans are enthusiastic warriors and extremities of weather and climate have made them
physically very strong. They are famous for their hospitality and men power is taken as their
pride in the community. Roast Mutton and spicy tongue are specially like by them.
Q.2 How and why does a tribes man announce the birth of a son?
Ans. A tribes man fires with the rifle to make the birth of son known publicly. He does so
because the birth of son is regarded a blessing for them. Men power is taken as their pride in the
Ans. The Punjab is called the seat of learning because centuries ago, many educational,
institutions flourished in this region and their import is still continue in the form of schools,
colleges and universities. Taxila University, flourished two thousand and five hundred years ago
gives a healthy proof that Punjab has always been a seat of learning.
Ans. The Punjabi farmers sit in Chopals in the evening. They discuss about the weather and
crops and also solve their disputes. They also enjoy songs and dances i.e. chopals gathering
provides them recreation.
Q.5 What is the result of extreme weather on the lives of Balochis? Why Balochies lead simple
nomadic life?
Ans. The extremities of weather unable the Balochis to lead their lives in just one place. They
move from place to place in order to escape from the calamities of season. Their daily life is
badly effected by weather.
Ans. A Balochi wedding ceremony is to be very joyous and jubilant which provides a joy to the
guest. Men and women dance to the lively beat of drums which is considered to be the main
heritage of the wedding. The groom feasts his own and bride’s guests.
Q.7 How old is the civilization of valley of Mehran and name the university existed that time?
Ans. The Valley of Mehran is one of the ancient civilization of the world which had life in 2500
B.C. It’s ancient city Moen-jo-Daro’s ruins speak of the highly developed society that existed
there about 5000 years ago. The University of Taxila existed that time.
Ans. Most of the crafts of Sindh emerged from the embroidery which is praised all over the
country as well as in foreign countries. These handicrafts include dresses embroided with silk
thread, beads and mirror. Mirror work is also done on purses and cushions.
Q.10 How are the marriages arranged and wedding ceremonies performed among Pathans?
Ans. The Pathans believe in arranged marriages which are done by their elders. Wedding
ceremonies are celebrated with great vehemence in which guests make rhythmical movement to
the beats of drum.
Q.11 Why is the Punjab called “Heart of Pakistan”?
Ans. Quaid-e-Azam declared Punjab as “Heart of Pakistan” because of its geographical and
importance. It is a land of five rivers and seat of learning. The religious glimpse in the region is
cleared from the fact that shrines of saints and holy men the living glory of Pakistan.
Ans. Urs is the death or birth anniversary of mystic poets which is celebrated in a religious
manner. People gather at the shrines and sing devotional songs. They attend the fairs connected
with these urs.
Ans. This lesson emphasizes upon the importane of culture for any nation. For any civilization
called cultured is an important thing. As it is said that “A person without a heritage is just like a
fiddler sitting on an inclined roof.”
Ans. Sandy is sort of coal store which is used in extreme cold weather. Sandy with a little
burning coal in the middle of the room which provide heat to the people. This instrument is
common in Baluchistan.
Ans. This lesson tells us the fact that Pakistan is very rich in diversities of custom. It shows us
that how people of different regions of our country lead their lives in connection with their
customs. This cultural legacy is the basic identity of Pakistan.
Q.16 What do you know about Pakistani culture?
Ans. Pakistani culture comprises of different colourful customs which include religious festivals,
lively marriage celebrations, arts and handicrafts. Pakistani culture is also embroided with the
thread of simplicity and hospitality. This collective manifestation of customs and traditions
mostly emerged from history which re the basic identity of Pakistan.
1. The birth of a son is therefore, regarded as a great blessing for the family.
2. The Pathans of the north are steady and warlike.
3. People from all over the country participate in the “URs” and sing devotional songs.
4. They will protect a visitor at the cost of their own lives.
5. The favourite food of the people is meat.
6. Roast mutton and Chapli Kababs are popular dishes.
7. Most festivals in Sindh, as in Punjab are of religious nature.
8. Sheep are bred in large herds on the green slopes of the northern regions.
9. The rock area is mostly barren.
10. The ancient city of Moen-jo-Daro dates back to 2500 BC.
1. To see eye to eye with someone: To have the same opinion, or to agree with
Example: Management seldom see eye to eye with Labour.
Sentence: The opposition saw eye to eye when the Government is passing the bill against 8th
Central Idea
Though the poet for this poem is anonymous but it breathes out the moral that we should produce
in us a strong will power, self-confidence and positive attitude towards life. Once we decides
upon an objective and has the will to do something suiting our natural aptitude and use our
energies in attaining it, we can work wonders and will surely achieve it.
This poem emphasizes upon the importance of good thoughts and will power. It is written by an
anonymous poet.
It is rightly said that man who thinks can win. Conversely, if your thinking is pasimistic and less
practical than it will give negative impression on your deeds. If you want to do something but
your thinking is negative, than you will left behind in the race of life.
Our way of actions, way of efficiency depends on the thinking. We always find this rule every
where. According to the poet the germs of a personality are the power to get rid of any kind of
complexes, widening of thoughts and complete faith and self-confidence.
Life is a kind of war. You have to fight every time while you are living your life. A man with
strong will and good thoughts can win over this battle. Strengths of mind and integrity of
thoughts are keys of success.
“One can never achieve anything lasting in this world by being irresolute.”
Q.1 Express line 3 and 4 of the first stanza in your own sentences?
Ans. The poet has conveyed a very powerful message through these lines that if you have good
facilities to
do something but if your thinking is negative, you will fail to do it. If your thinking is pasimistic
and less practical you will get the result in the same way.
Q.2 What according to the poet qualities needed by a person to get success in life?
Ans. The poet has given a good description of the gems of a perfect personality. Power to
overcome any kind of complexes, widening of thoughts and complete faith and self-confidence
are the basic pillars of success. By these qualities men can struggle with the resistance of life.
Q.3 What are the results according to the poet brought by high thoughts?
Ans. The poet has explained the advantages of high thoughts in a very convincing way that
widening of thoughts provides spiritual power to us. Strength of mind and integrity of thoughts
are the real rewards of high thoughts. If a person thinks high he can win over the battle of life.
Q.4 What is the message of the poem “The Man who Wins”?
Ans. The poem “The Man Who Wins” discloses the secret of success in life by telling the
importance of good, thoughts and will power. Power to overcome any kind of complexes,
widening of thoughts and complete faith and self-confidence are the gems of perfect personality.
By thinking high a man can winover the battle of life
There had been many unforgettable moments in my life. I would like to mention one of these.
Once I was traveling from Karachi to Lahore by train. I was in first class, so there were only few
passengers, with me. At a particular station, they all got off. Now I was completely alone in the
After sometime, a smart lady entered the compartment and sat next to me. She had a very clever
plan to rob me. She said to me that if I did not hand over all the money to her which I had, she
would complain to the railway police that I had robbed her. When I heard this dreadful speech I
was completely and absolutely pass puzzled. I hit a plan to save myself from the wicked plan of
that lady. I therefore pretended that I was a deaf and a dumb fellow and requested to write in a
piece of page what she wanted to say. She gladly wrote her demand on the piece of paper and
handed it to me. I change my seat and took the piece of writing. The railway police come and
asked as what the matter was. The women as clever as she was burst into admits so she told that I
had robber her of a thousand rupees. At first he seemed to believe in her story, but when I gave
the piece of writing to the police, the women turned pale. She was caught red-handed and this
way I saved from her wicked plan.
My Aim in Life
Every one has an aim in life but those who do not have are dull souls and they curse their life for
all time. In other words we can say a person without an aim in life is like a car without a driver.
People have different aims in life. Some aspire to become rich, some like to become doctor,
engineers, business men, executives in a big company, banker, lawyer, musician, artist and so
I desire to lead a life different from others. I don’t crave fro wealth not like to serve people as
doctor or like who say that they want to become a teacher and spread light and knowledge.
My ambition in life may sound odd to you. I like to become a comedian. It is not an easy task to
become a comedian. Only one person out of million can become a good comedian. People in our
country belonging to different class and age live a very depressed life. All have problems and
they give me a gloomy look. I I can become a comedian and make my people cheerful or bring
some happy moments in their sad life. i think I would have really rendered great service to my
After Lehri, we have two such people like Moen Akhter and Omer Sharif in our country who
made sad people’s life cheerful. I always dream to become a great comedian and pray to God to
help me fulfill my goal in life.
When the Muslims of India demanded a separate homeland for themselves, many people thought
that the establishment of Pakistan was impossible. But Pakistan did come into being. It has not
only survived many difficulties but has also made great progress in every field. Its survival and
development have surprised all.
We would like to see Pakistan at its best in 21st century, in the past years we enabled and
Unfortunately, Pakistan has not been politically very stable. But there is no need for despair. The
people Pakistan agree on fundamental issues and priorities.
In the economic field, hopes must be brighter. In 1947, we were a poor agricultural country
growing a few crops. Very soon our country began to be industrialized. Its dependence on
agriculture would be lessened.
Pakistan has taken a very short period in becoming a semi-industrial country. This fact gives us
the hope that there would be even faster development in the coming years. We have step in
computer world and the other modern technology and expected that in 21st century the computer
will be the part of every department even the advancement is expected because the new coming
generation is comparatively more intelligent than before. The modern schools and institutions are
preparing the staff better than the before. We have already entered in manufacturing of many
modern electronic equipment in future like in 21st century Insha Allah Pakistan will send
settelite in space. Pakistani scientist will conquer the space. As the Allama Iqbal saying there is
more world after the stars.
All these hopes are not just wild dreams. They have a solid foundations. They are founded on the
fact that people of Pakistan are intensely devoted to their country. They want to make it a great
country and for this, they are ready to make every effort and sacrifice. Moreover, they are true
Muslims with firm faith in Allah.
The importance of science as a subject in school curriculum can be understood from the fact that
science acts as a pillar in the man’s knowledge and when the youths are provided with this pillar
from the very beginning, they are sure to be successful. Through this subject students are able to
know the process going on in nature.
The understanding of science gives the students the actual concept of phenomenon that is what is
going on behind a particular process. The students can make a great increment in their
knowledge by having a deep study on science, so that they are able to know the general
Hence the science is a very useful guide which introduces the students with the techniques of
A Picnic
We were given a special holiday after our annual prize distribution. So me and my friends made
a programme and set out accordingly for the picnic at the beach in the morning. We reached
there at 9′O clock. We unpacked our things in a hut. My friends wanted to go for boating so we
hired a boat to carry us to the island of Manora.
We decided to do fishing so we all started with great hopes but only a small quantity of fish was
caught. We reached the island after enjoying ourselves on the sea. We cooked the fish and
enjoyed a grand lunch. In the evening we had tea and spent a good time till the sunset.
We waded in water. Waves after waves were coming and passing us finally splashing on land.
We also rode the horses and camels, it was very exciting.
The scene of the setting sun was really superb. As the sun sank we packed our things and after
few minutes were back with the memories of the whole day to cur heart’ desire.
Importance of Trees
Trees and plants are living things. They grow form seed and after a training maturity they die.
Trees are of significant importance for us. We cannot under estimate their value in our
surroundings. Trees adorn our surroundings. They produce oxygen without which we cannot
live. They are source of fruits and cereals for us. Trees provide us wood which we use in
building houses and furniture. Wood of trees is used as fuel. They play vital role in changing
climate of a region. Many useful medicines are prepared from herb and plants for removing our
ailments. Trees are a bounty for us and we should grow them where ever we can.
Pakistan is a land of diverse beauty with 70% of her population living in villages spread all over
the land and the rest live in cities and towns.
Life in city is very fast and busy one. Take life of people in big cities like Karachi, Lahore,
Rawal Pindi or Peshawar. It is of course, not free from tension, worries and problems. The main
problems are urbanization, housing, transport, shortage of water and pollution. People living in
big cities do not get pure food like milk, butter, cheese and curd. They gets stale vegetables to
eat. Another deadly and frightening problem that has recently waled freely into big cities is
terrorism. This problem has shaken the mind and disturbed the peace of every citizen.
People living in big cities are generally selfish and self centered. They do not fellow feelings in
them. The population is divided into classes the rich, middle class and the poor.
Although there are better opportunities and scope for education, health and jobs in a big city but
as a whole life in a big city is full of hazards, problems, corruption and crimes.
My Favourite Hobby
A hobby can be almost anything a person like to do in his spare time. Because the “Idle Mind is
Devil’s workshop” therefore those who have developed a hobby never need to worry about what
to do with their newly founded leisure hours.
Every person in the world has a hobby of his own. There are many kinds of hobbies such as
gardening, stamp collecting, hiking, coin collecting, photography, listening to music and so forth.
Girls to pursue some hobbies. Their hobbies differ from those of the boys. Girls mostly like
hobbies such as cooking, stitching dresses, painting and listening to music.
Among all the hobbies mentioned above I like painting. It is a subtle hobby. Whenever I get time
I sit down with my paint box, canvas, brushes and paint beautiful landscape. My hobby does not
infringe on the rights of other people. It is not a noisy hobby like music. I can also earn money
by selling my paintings to lover of fine arts. My hobby fills my heart with joy and colours and
there it is my favourite hobby.
Health is Wealth
No one can deny the fact that healthy man live happily. Money or wealth cannot give a person all
the happiness of life as health can. A person may have wealth, cars, servants at his service and a
big house to life in cannot enjoy all these blessings without a good health. Where as a person
with small income, with no servant for work and small house to live in but a healthy body enjoy
a fuller life in the world.
For good health and for looking younger and living longer one must follow few good principles
of life. To remain healthy we should eat balance diet. Take little exercise everyday. Let not
worries crowd our mind and shake our nervous system. We should not allow ill thoughts bring
agony to our mind. We should live in clear and neat surrounding. We must become early risers
and never go to bed very late.
Good health is a precious thing and every step must be taken to guard it. Early to bed early to
rise makes all men healthy, wealthy and wise.
A Street Accident
I read about road accidents in newspaper every day. They bring agony to our mind and also to
the relatives of victims, but till the day I had not seen an accident with my own eyes. By God
what a terrible sight it was!
It was in the short hour of one evening I was going along Burns Road to buy a pen for my
examination which was going to commence next week. At Denso Hall I was waiting for the
traffic to clear off so that I could safely cross the road. A bus was also running along the road
and it was trying to overtake a private car a head of it. All of a sudden driver lost the control of
steering and rammed against a horse carriage. The driver of the hackney carriage fell down and
the bus crushed him. The passengers in the hackney carriage escaped death with some injuries.
The horse was also badly wounded and it was looking for his master. The injured were rushed
immediately to a nearby hospital.
People gathered at the scene of accident. Some showing sympathy for the victim, some abusing
the bus driver and some advising others to be very careful while on a road.
I left the scene with a sorrowful heart for the driver of the carriage who unfortunately lost his life
in that accident.
Students are the future hopes of any country. Much development and progress of the country
depends upon them. Students are the backbone of a nation.
There are many responsibilities of a good student. The major one is that he/she should take keen
interest in his/her studies. Moreover good student should also take part in games as “All work
and no paly make Jack a dull boy.” Besides this student should also take part in the scout
activities so as to help other fellow students.
A good student should also make effort to develop the sense of responsibility in other fellow
mates. He/She should also try to keep his/her locality clean.
A good student should be loyal and obedient to the teachers because “Obedience is the key to the
door of success.”
A good student must know the true meaning of trust, self esteem, obedience and confidence.
MOreover a good student should always keep away from the politics of big power.
Computer a Curse or Blessing
Computer is a modern and best invention in the world. As the time goes on computer goes on
developing. computer is used in industries, offices, schools and research work. We can get all
information through the Internet. Today computers are found every where.
Here are the few examples of areas in which computers are used. computer helps in offices to
store all kind of information and we take back information from its memory as we require.
Computer makes calculations of all sorts, prepare business letters and books. Computer is used in
billing departments. Airlines and Railways use computer Technology in making tickets for the
passenger, keeping and updating the departure and arrival timings of planes and trains.
Computers are being used to conduct lessons for all subject, students are learning through
computers by reading as well as seeing diagrams on screen. Computer are helping the doctors to
detect disease and keep information about patient.
Everything has its advantages as well as disadvantages. The workers which works in factories
and industries are no more needed because of automatic processing and work in these factories
and industries thus creating deficiencies in job opportunities.
Freedom of Press
The press is a modern concept and the modern man can be said to be molded by the press just as
once he was said to have been may by his barber and tailor. It means today man’s opinions, may
be even his philosophy can be shaped by the papers and magazines he reads. One will no be fair
from truth if one were to say one can know a man by the paper he reads. Thus we see the press
has become so powerful that it has come to be called the fourth estate.
The democratic system rests upon the assumption that the citizen has access to a wide range of
news and views. Only than can be form independent opinion on may important things like the
foreign policy of his Government. Ultimately only this can ensure that his vote is based on fair
judgment rather than determined by the coercion implicit in being forced to read and hear only
the official view point. For instance a good paper may weigh the comparative merits of candidate
for an election and thus help the voter.
The paper is so powerful that governments are afraid of paper. Naturally therefore government,
given the chance would like to control the paper. They bring forth gagging orders such that the
press cannot publish certain things. The press is not allowed to know certain news and thus
pressman are prohibited from being present. The news in the paper may be highly censored so
that various political parties in a country run their own papers. In England, for instance, there is
the labor press as well as liberal press. In communistic countries, the party controls the press, so
that no other wind expect that of the party be allowed to blow. The idea behind is quite obvious.
Each party wants to propagate and broadcast its views through its paper.
The control of the press by the government through it may be desirable in times of emergency, is
not so in normality’s. the control will kill the liberal growth of ideas and people will cases to
grow. Just as the free air is desirable to keep the people healthy, today a free press is much
important. A free ad fearless press can expose individuals and groups when they err. They may
even chastise erring officials and out at the shall owners of certain government action. They may
suggest a line of action and put forth proposals in schemes and projects of national importance.
In short the free press can act as accelerator sometimes as also a brake sometimes.
Science and technology has advanced in each and every faculty of life. It has made life
comfortable and easy. Modern ways and means and changing life patters of our society have
made the individuals of the society lazy and sluggish. Scientific advancement has assisted in
ascending the electronic media. In this modern age, electronic media is developing with the fast
pace. Its perpetual enhancement seems to be boundless.
Electronic media includes all means of communication, the network of which is scattered though
out the world. It is supposed to play a big role in spreading the social values, culture and
civilization. It has played a functional role in modifying the cultural and moral values of society.
Electronic media has wiped out distances between remote countries. It’s a chained system in the
form of a complete network.
Dish receiving system and modernization of Internet computer programming have brought a
revolutionary change in the moral ethics. A moral and culture change in a society some times
proves itself to be an insincere change fraught with social evils. Electronic media of this modern
century has specifically tried to decline the moral values of Muslim civilization and it look as if
they have succeeded in this vulgar effort. Their culture vulgarity is doubtlessly obvious.
Modern film industry and descending culture values of European countries have played a
fundamental role in declining the cultural, social, moral and spiritual values of Muslim countries
by propagating the culture of their own society. Means of communication is supposed to be
responsible for such hollow changing moral and social values.
There are also some positive impacts of the electronic media. It’s widely spread programmes
have ascended the generosity, talent and vast knowledge of people in regard too universal
exploration. It has widened human mind and boundaries of imagination. It has also opened man’s
eyes a litter wider to the wonders and vastness of the universe around us. Electronic media has
also proved it self to be the phenomenon of revelation of the present age, exhibiting in its modern
To be greedy is two own more than what one can legitimately claim. This is very well illustrated
by the parable of the greedy dog, which wanted to have the bone seen in the reflection. It lost the
bone thereby. This is greed. All people are greedy; it is not only the poor who are greedy but also
those very rich. To avoid being greedy, the child must be educated. The parents and hence the
home have got a great responsibility in this respect. Children must not be helped to own more
than what they need, whether it is in food or clothes. Greed and hence jealousy go together.
Hence to avoid being jealous one should over come greed.
Let us see if twentieth century is an age of greed. The First Great War was the result of Kaiser’s
ambitions to build a German empire. He was itching for it and the murder of the prince at
Sarajevo was only a pretext to start a war. Then came Hitler, from the beginning he wanted to do
where Kaiser failed. Slowly and steadily he build an army and the rape of Czechoslovakia
followed. After the second war many small things happened which viewed properly is nothing
but greed. Only the offending parties gave them different names as once they looked upon
African countries as white man’s burden.
Greed in modern politics shows different goals. Look at the Afghan War in which Russia has
deliberately invaded that country and has a political un-settlement there. Looking at the
individuals also we can say they are in no way worse than those who lived in previous centuries.
But one thing we can say that in this century which is becoming more and more materialistic
moral forces is on the wane. Now that there is a vast scope for material possession, to that extent
man is growing greedy. Temptation and greed are the two sides of a coin. To over come the
moral education is essential. Develop the will of the child so that he grows he may not be greedy.
So it can be conclude that this century is not an age of greed.
This world is full of many wonderful and lovely things. Man is trying to utilize the maximum
resources of his intellect for finding out various types of inventions and discoveries and thus
endeavouring to make the things lovelier and worth enjoying. The process of beautifying the
worldly things is a continuous process.
Firstly, I have great love of Nature. I am fed from this artificial and momentary pleasure which
we derive from the city life. I am thinking to settle in some village where i will be able to enjoy
Nature. I wish to make friendship with nature because nature can be true friend and real guide of
man, who never deceives a person who loves her. Wordsword, the great love of Nature, has also
acknowledged this fact in his poems. I am very much anxious to go and enjoy steep hills;
greenery of the open valleys, cool breeze and other natural objects.
Fourthly, I love my country. I can foreign anything just for the honour of my country. If
somebody were to ask me to go to a foreign land and serve there, and get a handsome salary. I
will be the first blunt young to refuse this offer. It is because I am very much fond of the ways of
life, the food, the sunshine, home, friends, parents and other relations. I will not be doing justice
to my Motherland.
The last but not the least, I love my sweet home. It is rightly uttered “East or West home is the
best.” I live in a small house which does not contain all the modern facilities, but still it is not
less than a paradise. I have been to my friend’s houses I find ultra modern decorations. The
houses contain dining rooms, sitting rooms, bedrooms etc. Further, very rich and lavish food is
served. In spite of all this, I don’t like this type of artificial life. That’s why I have selected the
above mentioned five things which are dearest to me and are the essence of my life and living.
We Sindhis are devotees and lovers of saints — The Men of Allah, who include Pir Fakhurs
alive and those whose last abodes are located in Sindh. My family members, parents, uncles and
aunties, cousins and my brothers and sisters are dedicated, fully devoted flowers of Hazrat Lal
Shahbaz Qalander of Sehwan Sharif. It was the month of June and it was too hot at Karachi and
even entire Sindh was burning scorching sunlight. I and my brothers and sisters boarded in an
air-conditioned bus of Blue Line Travels at 7 am in the morning from Cantt Station Karachi. On
the way we saw Mango orchards on both sides and in same places large number of guava trees,
orange and papaya trees and green refreshing banana trees. At some places under desert
condition with large number of palm trees loaded with yellow bunches of dares. It was very
beautiful. When the bus crossed Jamshoro its A/C arrangement went wrong so the driver stopped
the bus and by mobile phone sought the help of mechanics from Blue Line Travel branch located
at Hyderabad. The mechanics readily arrived in a speedy company car and it look about two
three-hours to repair the A/C arrangement.
We started again at about 12 O’clock and stopped on our way to have this spot we took another
connecting bus of Blue Line, which was unfortunately heavily crowded and packed to the
capacity. We were made to stand in the bus even my sister did not have any seats. The bus then
traveled through sugar cane farms and banana plantations and many green rice fields irrigated by
canal water. It was all green and some what green and some what fresh cold breeze was blowing.
On the request passengers the bus stopped all the passengers got down, washed their hands and
feet in the irrigation stream-lets flowing towards the rice and sugar can fields. About half an hour
passed peacefully when 3 kids escaping the sight of the elders plugged into muddy water and
sank waist deep into stinking mud. The driver, conductor and cleaners helped to pull the mischief
monger children. It became a problem to have their clothes changed and to be washed in the
stream-lets water. We reached Sehwan Sharif near sunset. We thanked God for an arrival at
Sehwan. We paid a quick visit to the tomb of the Man of God and offered Fateha and went to the
guest house constructed nearly for the visitors. Unfortunately it was heavily crowded because the
every day lot of devotees come from Thatta. We had no room to spend night there, so on the
advice of some elderly servants of shrine management we hired a room in a nearly hotel. It was
very old fashioned hotel having old type of cots infested by bad gugs. What a terrible, painful
night it was that we spend in hotel. When we left the hotel, hotel manager demanded Rs. 300 for
double bed room, which had no A/C arrangement and plenty of water. Originally we had made a
programmed to stay at Sehwan for three, four days, but after spending a sleepless night at the
hotel we resolved to return Karachi by the first available bus. Hiring a Tanga we reached the bus
stand. The first bus was expected to leave Sehwan at about 9:30 am. There was enough time to
take breakfast. But it was a misfortune that my sister had forgotten the bulky tiffin at the hotel.
My brother went back to the hotel and after an hour brought the information that some other
boarders or customers of the hotel took the tiffin away.
No we cannot curse our fate for his trouble. We took the breakfast at the bus stop hotel of Bheal
Puri, which costed us, another hundred rupees and went to buy tickets for our return journey. The
next bus for Karachi expected to leave Sehwan at 2:00 pm. Apparently in the hot summer we
could not afford to wait for the next bus to Karachi. So we caught the bus from Thatta. It was a
Sindh Transport bus having no A/C. However we boarded in it because we had seats available
when we reached Thatta we caught another luxury bus and reached Karachi at 4 O’ clock. This
journey costed us a lot and caused a lot of inconvenience. In fact the Auqaf department of
Government should come forward and make proper arrangements of boarding and lodging and
transport to provide facilities to the devotees of the saint coming from all parts of Sindh and even
from other provinces.
Value of Sports
Briefly speaking we can call this kind of essay as ” Importance of Games”. Every man, working
women and students and working youths who perform some manual work or any kind of work
needs some rest, some relaxation or the change from the monotony of this work in order to avoid
fatigue and exhaustion, the best to regain last energy and to be fresh it is good that after the
laborious work of day, one should play some kind of game to have a feeling of freshness.
Game is an instructive in which all the living beings take part. Games and sports should be
compulsory for the students. They have a great value in character and personality building. They
help us to develop team spirit, discipline, respect for rules and sportsman spirit. In Pakistan these
physical activities are neglected and not well organized. this has resulted in great lawlessness and
indiscipline among the students.
Games have different physical mental and moral advantage. No body can know the value of
games in national character building. Now-a-days nations are judged on the play ground. Victory
on the field brings honor and glory to the country. Players and sportsmen are the wondering
ambassadors of the country. Games promote international amity, friendship, brotherhood and
peace. Just like India Pakistan Series 2004 was the best example of an attempt of promoting
relationship between India and Pakistan.
Physically games are best form of exercise. The group sports such as cricket, hockey, football,
volleyball and athletics are popular all over the world. By playing games, coordination of
movements of limbs of the body is produced. Mentally, players develop the sense of quick and
right decisions. They form the habit of right thinking. A true sportsman hates to hit below the
belt. A good sportsman never plays foul in life.
This is a very ticklish question. Eyebrows will look down upon the very question. The question
aims at equality between man and woman. It cannot be blind equality. Nature has endowed man
with certain capabilities and capacities, which are not found in woman. Man also cannot claim
some capacities peculiar to woman. Thus we speak of manly strength and feminine grace.
Now late in the twentieth century to say that man sound lead may should absurd. But in what he
should lead lies the answer. Then there won’t be any controversy. Man by his nature is given to
hard work involving physical strength and also to be great extent, physical endurance. Woman,
as a rule are denied his physical strength. So, man has been a fighter all along and these fighting
qualities have always been in demand. So many came to be a leader. Exploring, pioneering,
climbing, fighting and such of these require many courage, bravery and hardihood. Then society
needed them badly. Man became the leader.
Woman as a rule, are the best homemakers. Their sense of duty, humility and patience make
them really the authority in the house. Their feminine touch has a lot to go in bringing up
children. If a country needs good youngsters, it is to the mothers it has to look to. The hand that
rocks the cradle rules the world. Man and woman are thus complimentary and supplementary to
each other and it will be useless to decide who leads whom.
Women play a very vital role in human progress and have a significant place in the society.
Women have always played an important position in the progress of a nation. In the early days of
Islam, women worked side by side with men. In the battlefield, they nursed the injured, kept up
the supplies and in certain cases even fought bravely. Florence Nightingale was the woman, who
led a very successful campaign for the reforms of hospitals and nursing profession. Women had
been great saints, scholars, poets, writers, reformers and administrators.
In modern age, women are going very well in all the fields of progress. They are demonstrating
their talents in the best. They are serving as teachers, doctors, Engineers, Administrators and
even head of the states. But of course such responsibilities could affect their household
responsibilities. It will impossible to pay required attention to her own home, if she works some
where out her home.
It is an obvious fact that most+ women work due to financial problems so in such cases women
sacrifice their comfort and come outside to do work. Working women could run her home better
as far as financial matters are concerned. But of course, it affects their household responsibilities.
It is very difficult for a working woman to look the household matters as a household woman
In my opinion, a woman should do work if they are really going through financial problems. It is
not disagreeable at all. But if the situation perfectly sound and woman works at the expense of
household comfort then it is not good. women should take care of her responsibilities as a mother
or sister. If she can manage between the two then it is her choice either to do job or not. But one
cannot perfectly manage between them if she spends a long time outside her home.
Temper can be defined as the mental vibrations in consonance with the external events which
touch our senses. The reaction may be calm and quiet or violent. When one is subject ot sudden
conclusions of mental reactions to externals he is said to be temperamental. In such cases reason
which helps one to keep poise is either absent or fails to help the subject.
To keep up one’s tempers it requires a lot of insight into things. Simply because certain things
happen in certain ways not the liking of the subject, it is no reason why one should fly into
tempers. There are innumerable occasions when things go wrong in spite of perhaps careful
home the point. One is in hurry to dress and to go and attend a function or meeting. In the last
minute he take out the dress from the cabinet he finds out to his chagrin either the shirt has been
torn by the washer-man or the buttons are missing from the longs. This he could have avoided if
had given thought before. So some previous thinking into the affair or preparation would help
avoid tempers. This is to be followed by those who are subject to tempers and thereby they can
avoid unpleasant consequences.
When one loses one’s temper it leads to many undesirable consequences. The person is easily
upset his blood circulation gets quick, he uses angry words and he offends others also. One
should develop his faculty of reasoning, then he could easily keep his temper under control. It is
also a matter of philosophy as in the case of stoics. There is a classical case of temper under
By keeping one’s temper under control one saves nervous break down. His friends and relatives
like him. He is saved from wrong judgment which he arrives at when he loses his temper. In
short a man who could keep his temper is a sweet person. He is happy and makes others happy.
He illumines the company where he is found. He will never be subject to nervous break down.
So let us learn to keep our temper under control.
Jealousy is one of the human weaknesses which is not so very uncommon. Here the reference is
only to the jealous reactions to the success of a friend, so we will confine ourselves to that aspect
He may even go to the extent of thinking that the friend has kept certain things that led to his
success a secret from him. That means he suspects the fidelity or sincerity of the friend. He may
some times openly say that the friend has left him down because of his selfishness. He would
slight the success saying that it was only chance that made his friend successful. As a friend,
while it is natural to expect of him to celebrate the success and to lead the party, he would avoid
it and whenever there is such an occasion he would quietly keep at the back.
He would assume that he is being neglected because his friend has been successful and even may
speak so. He would go on saying now that the friend has been successful and he doesn’t care for
him as of old. What need has he for him? He would even go of thinking of imaginary
contributions he as made for the success of the other. He would add but for the pieces of certain
acts of his, his friend would not have been successful. this is all because this fellow cannot reach
the same height as the other fellow. It the other one is as enlightened and out going he can easily
make up; otherwise the jealousy may lead to permanent rift. This sort of jealousy is more
common among women folk that men folk.
In general the question deals with man’s relation with women but for a single man to have
contact or relation with the different women mentioned here in the chance may be rare unless he
be a great figure who has galaxy of women i covering around him. To inspire is to give life, to
fill life with hope, to pull up the crest fallen one from despondency to optimism. When we take
in air we say we inspire because we are taking in the life given blood purifying oxygen. So the
action or the words of a woman may be inspiring. The one may be the wife or a good friend or as
sometimes happens a poetess. To inspire, such person must basically be good.
To interest one is to make one think of the benefits that may accrue. One may be interested in a
proposition because it may bring one some benefits. The benefit need not necessarily be
material; it may even be mental, say a speech. Brilliance relates to the dazzle in appearance and
speech and manners. The brilliance in appearance may incite jealousy; the brilliance in wit and
humour attracts and interests.
To fascinate is to attract. The fascination may be real or false, the fascination may be for good or
bad. The fascination of the moth for fire is a classical example where it is attracted by the light of
the fire only to die. As given the beauty refers may be, only to external. A woman may be
beautiful to look at and as opposite sex, man is fascinated by her but if the winner woman is not
as beautiful as the outer than men having to do anything with her will be ruined beyond measure.
There are stories of beautiful women who have fascinated men only to destroy them.
To get is to own. To won means also the power to command over. What i own i can easily
dispose of but it is beside the point here because the question deals with the sympathy. Sympathy
is to have the same feeling for. When one sympathizes with another, it means the latter has the
same feeling as the former, that is why we often say in sympathy with you in sympathy there we
see identity of view/ When a woman has the sympathy she can naturally get the other. In fact the
getting may be in different degrees. Some explanation will make this point clear.
Take for instance the sympathy of a nurse for a bay or a patient. In both cases the getting may
not be exactly by owning but it is getting a permanent place in the heart of a baby or the patient.
The sympathy shown by the mother, helps her get the child. Where children are brought up by
others, the sympathy of children for their mothers is very thin indeed. A good wife must have the
sympathy for her husband to get him. A classical woman is described that way. She is everything
for her husband. But to see a woman of all these qualities is rare and such a one is a rare
It may be 10′O clock in the night. I was a bit late from my office and i was standing at the bus-
stand to catch the bus. There was a coffee shop nearby. It was the only shop in the
neighbourhood. It appeared there used to be late guests to that stall. For I could see that the stall
owner was not in a mood to close the shop.
Then I saw two fellows enter the shop. Their appearance was far from satisfactory. They went in
and ordered for their glass of coffee. While they were sipping their glass, I could see them
talking. Then I saw both of them move towards the counter where the stall-keeper was sitting.
From the way he talked to them, it showed he knew them already. After few minutes, I could
hear hot exchange of words. I could also see that the stall keeper was self-possessed. While an
altercation was going on, one of the two guests whipped up a knife and threatened to stab the
shopkeeper. The other fellow put his hand and took what all cash he could take. I was in a
dilemma. I could neither go for rescue nor cry because that would be futile. The stall-keeper was
raising a hell of noise and even at the risk of his life, would not allow the ruffians to bolt away
with the cash. Luckily for him, the long awaited bus will full complements came there. Seeing
the bus the ruffians left the place and run away, before the stall-keeper could recover and cry for
help, the ruffians were gone. As already the bus with a heavy heart because, I have failed in my
duty to save the shopkeeper.
Money is the instrument of exchange helping in buying and selling and helps also in fixing the
value of things and commodities. It may be in metal and as it now in paper. With the market
getting more and more complicated there are other negotiable instruments which are as good as
the minted coins or the printed notes. Money in short gives the purchasing power but this power
is not absolute as it varies depending on various factors.
Let us see why money is needed. Simply because it helps the possession to buy things. The days
of barter are gone though so it is indirectly reported to at the international level. Money can buy
men as it does things. Thus money plays an important role in fighting and winning elections.
Money mars men and women’s morals. It has got the evil influence in corrupting people; sellout
is the new term of bribery. There are people who could do anything for the sake of money.
These things are because of what is termed money power. It is true of individuals as well as
states that where there is money they could dictate terms. For instance, the Middle-East countries
have found new wealth because of their deposits and they have become very powerful. Since
money is normally the fruit of labor, coming by money by fair means need not be stunned. The
question is how one spends that money. So great thinker have suggested that one who has money
enough and to spare must look upon himself as the trustee of that money and see to it that it spent
in good ways. As money is only a tool there is nothing good or evil about it. Since the question
of evil is a moral factor, man must be strengthened morally so that he may not use money in evil
As we look at the brighter side of the achievements of science, we come to realize that there is
hardly any sphere of life that has not been enhanced by the creative abilities of man. In the field
of medical science, knowledge and research has gone to such an extent that almost all the
ailments have found a cure. The threatening clouds of death no longer haunt the patients who
were otherwise filled with despair. Epidemics have been wiped out, nutritional standard have
been improved, drug therapy has been recognized and hygienic conditions arte being created so
that the new generation may enjoy a longer and better life.
In the realm of communication, modern scientific inventions have helped a lot The far flung
corners of the world have been linked together with a wide spread air network. Distances have
lost their meaning and thousands of miles can be covered within hours. Traveling today is not
only swift, but also full of pleasure and luxury.
Modern science has opened new vistas of entertainment. All the new electronic gadgets have
filled our lives with recreational variety. From the small pocket size transistor to the big screen
TV and VCR, we are provided entertainment at home and we owe it all to science. Cable
networking is an additional achievement to come the people of the world closer. Readers are
provided illustrated, colorful books due to the blessing of modern science in the form of latest
printing machines and techniques. Such means of entertainment have brought about a change in
our habits and hobbies.
The advantages of science are not restricted to the urban population. In the fields of agriculture,
forestry and fishery, science has provided the rural population with the latest implements and
know-how. The methods of agriculture have boosted the production of farms and fields. With the
use of different kinds of pesticides, the crops remain undamaged and the tillers of the soil get
better return of the labour. This increase in output not only improves the condition of the toiling
masses, but also brings about a healthy change in the economy of the country. This keeps on
moving the nation on the path of progress and prosperity.
As we cast our eyes on the other side of the picture, we cannot help coming to the conclusion
that science is also the monster of death and destruction. Man is selfish and pugnacious by
nature. To fulfill his jingoist design, he stands in need of the most destructive weapons, which
could bring about the annihilation of his rivals. Man has gained knowledge in the field of
science, but due to lack of wisdom, he is misusing this knowledge. All big nations are thinking of
fulfilling the dream of becoming the super power. The wars of today are not limited to the
battlefield. It brings about epidemic killing of the civilian population. The knowledge of this
domain has added immeasurable danger to war. All the leading powers possess fatal weapons,
and it seems that the weaker countries are at their mercy. These big nations talk a lot about
reduction in arms and they hold disarmament conferences. However, their practice is quite
contrary to their preaching.
Science no doubt provides new ways of entertainment, but these very means of amusement are
bringing a sharp decline in the moral value of the young generation and equally sharp increase in
the number of crimes. The TV and video provide entertainment but they quite often become the
channel of the vulgarity and obscenity. New ways of crimes are shown to younger people, who
adopt the path of getting easy money.
Looking at the two aspects of modern science, we conclude that science by itself is neither good
nor bad. It is the will an intention of man, which makes him, put it to constructive use or take it
to the path of devil.
Karachi is the biggest city in Pakistan and also one of the most thickly populated cities in the
world. Its population has increased rapidly and accordingly has given rise to many social
problems. People of this metropolis are becoming more and more concerned about solving these
serious problems, some of which are discussed below:
The over-increasing rush of heavy traffic on the roads resulting in heavy loss of human life. One
day or the other, people suffer from accidents due to reckless driving. Some lose their vehicles
and some go to the police. This is due to lack of civic sense in the citizens and violation of the
traffic rules. Traffic jams, road quarrels, untidiness and damage public property is also a result of
this problem. The government does not have nor done any planning to control this situation in
the past two decades.
In the same manner, the government has never emphasized upon population distribution. As a
result, slum areas are rapidly being built, where poor labour lives. The disordered development
of small houses is spoiling the outlook of the city, as well as creating problem of illegal electric
connections, water supply and pollution. The authorities have failed to reclaim the locations from
these people.
The academic career of children in Karachi is unpredictable due to lack of good school and
institutions. The need of recreational institutions, park and play grounds is also felt at times and
most of all joblessness creates problems for poor people.
Another problem faced by the citizen of the city is the frequent power breakdowns. Every other
day, KESC cuts down the electric supply without notice. This becomes a great hurdle for
industries and professional that use electric machinery for their work. Disturbance and shortage
of water supply is also a cause of discomfort among the citizens. Sometimes, the dirty and
unfiltered water becomes a major factor in food poisoning, that usually takes place on festive
occasions, when demand of water in the city increases. Any measure to improve the supply of
filtered water has also not been adopted by the government. Problems due to improper drainage
system are also becoming a matter of concern among the people. The alarming increase in the
disorderliness of drainage lines is posing serious threats for people, especially in poor areas. Filth
and dirt runs down a channel by the footpath and children play over it. We have malaria, cholera
and dysentery still destroying our children because such things exist.
The attitude of beggar in Karachi is the most irritating problem. They are worthless idlers
robbing good-natural people. It has become their regular practice to crowd public spots and
cheats people. The adverse effect of begging problem is noticeable in sum areas.
There are too many dirty and ownerless dogs roaming about in the streets of Karachi. They many
diseases and sometimes become a danger by injuring people.
Lack of environmental care among people and drivers of public service vehicles is giving rise to
pollution problems. Dust fills the air in most of the roads all the time. Improper tuned cars fill the
atmosphere with deadly smoke at hours of rush, which causes disease between the policeman
and common public. The blowing of pressure horns is always there, deafening the ears.
Karachi is also often subjected to terrorist activities. Bomb blast and firings at public spots are
resulting in great loss of human life. The terrorist deserve not less than capital punishment. It is
the duty of the police to intensify their investigation to such activities.
For the well-to-do class, life in Karachi may be fascinating, but for other citizens, it is a center of
drawbacks. It is only through the concentrated efforts of each every person, including the
members of law–enforcing and administrative agencies, can we overcome these serious problems
of the metropolis.
The main responsibility of a woman is to preserve the human race. As a mother, her position is
unique. She brings up the children with extreme care. The first school of a child is the lap of its
mother. It is quite true that great man had great mother. Napoleon said:
“Give me good mothers and I will give you a good nation”.
The progress of nation depends upon the way the mothers bring up their children. If the mothers
are educated, the society will progress. Woman has always played an important role in the
progress of the nation. In the early days of Islam, women worked side by side with men. In the
battlefield, they nursed the injured, kept up the supplies and in certain cases even fought bravely.
Florence Nightingale was the woman, who led a very successful campaign for the reforms of
hospital and nursing profession. Women had been great saints, scholars, poets, writers, reformers
and administrators.
Women should be given proper education and training. They should be known what life is and
how it should be lived. Educated women can do much to reform the society. Some anti-social
persons, who were brought up by wrong hands, create many disturbances in the society. In
modern age, women are going very well in all the fields of progress. They are demonstrating
their talents in best. They are serving as teachers, doctor, engineers, administrators and even head
to the states. The literacy rate among the women means the more progress of the society.
Democracy has been defined by US President, Abraham Lincoln, as “Government of the people,
for the people and by the people. It is the ideal form of government because it represents the
general interest of the people and not a particular class. The democratic form of government is
based on the willing consent of the people. General will and not force is the basis of the state.
Democracy id the mechanism through which a general will is expressed.
The important features of democratic institution are universal suffering, frequent elections, well-
organized parties, liberty of speech, freedom of association and freedom of opinion. These
features, of course, serve the cause of liberty and freedom. The state recognizes the personality
of the individual. The state is not superior to the citizens who compose it. The individuals in the
democratic state are not like “ dumb driven castle” but active citizens who take a lively interest
in the affair of the state.
The four pillars of democracy are the rule of law, freedom of opinion, freedom of association and
freedom of press. The rule of law means that all men are equal before the law of state. Public
opinion acts as a check upon the government. The people have a right of positive criticism
through a paper media and electronic media. Democracy is the guardian of civil liberty.
Party system is the soul of democracy. Without well-organized parties, parliamentary institutions
cannot be run. The party organize the voters, from the planks of the party program, elect leaders,
create public opinion, carry on canvassing among the masses, speeches are delivered and the
party leaders tour throughout the country. Seats are contested. The party in power selects the
ministers who form the Cabinet. The Cabinet is said to be the keystone of the democratic state.
The opposition party has to play an active role in democracy so that the party in power might
realize its responsibility in the interest of the citizens.
Many attacks have been made on the parliamentary type of government It is said that the masses
are ignorant and apathetic in a democracy am they do not posses the shrewdness to select
leaders. Representation and fully mis-representation. They are utterly and they are incompetent
in selecting the right candidate. Elections are expensive and Parliament are “national talking
shops” The leaders in a democracy feather their own nest; they have their own axe to grind.
In spite of the drawbacks inherent in democracy, democracy remains the best and ideal form of
government. In a democracy liberty and authority are not opposed to each other. The democratic
state is not a power system but a welfare system. It consists for the welfare of the people. The
government is a trust and there sis no coercion, no tyranny and oppression.
Democracy, in our country, is not so strong as another countries. From the beginning of the birth
of Pakistan, so many times Democracy was demolished by a dictator. Luckily, we have achieved
democracy after a long dictatorship and all the power have been transferred in democratic way.
Now it is a duty of every Pakistani to preserve the fruit of democracy and avoid to give
opportunity entering the dictatorship again. As well as it is a huge responsibility of our
democratic leaders to sacrifice their will in the favor of mutual interest of the nation so that no
one can look forward to another dictator as a survivor.
This is an era of globalization. We can not abstain from ourselves to be effected by the changes
in the world. Any invention or innovation in the world can not be implied within the country.
The inventor has to get attention from the public of the world. The thing that can make popular
his invention is advertisement.
We can not do without advertisements. They are very soul of commerce today. They are the
essential part of modern trade that it is not possible for us even to imagine a world without
advertisements. It is inconceivable how trade can prosper without advertising. A small business
enterprise has to be advertised, people have to be informed through the press, handbill, painters,
artist and cinema.
A look at the advertisements in newspaper gives us the impression of dullness. But look a little
deeper, read a little more carefully, and you will find these advertisements very interesting and
significant. Advertisements are the most interesting human documents of today. Like epitaphs on
the grave or an entry in a parish register they are stories of themselves. Every advertisements that
is not merely an imitation is like a lyric, sometimes you will find the same poignancy of grief ,
the same lyric cry even the same pulsating emotion in an advertisements that you find in a poem.
The typical advertisement of today, however, is the sharp and crisp one. The age we live in is a
busy age, so busy, indeed, that we have no time to stop and stare. We are perpetually rushing on,
and can gather impressions while rushing on so impetuously. The expert advertiser knows this,
and acts accordingly. A good advertisement is the best specimen of brevity; its proves that if
brevity is not the soul of wit, it is decidedly that of success of advertising.
A good advertiser is always something of a practical psychologist. The aim of the advertisements
is to make people buy the things that you would like to sell and the advertiser does not care what
means he uses to achieve this end. He will flatter his customers by appealing to their vanity or
sense of economy, their snobbishness or their prejudices. He will win them over by an appeal to
their selfishness or self interest.
Advertising, therefore, does not depends so much on the quality of the goods you have to sell as
on the quality of the mind that advertises. If you happen to be a little clever you can sell anything
you like at any price you like. There are genuine advertisements, no doubt, because without
advertising how are you ever to make your existence felt in the world of today? But often it
becomes necessary to cry at the top of your voice to attract the attention of the customers to
yourself , and you must tell him how your goods are better than those of others; otherwise there
is a very little chance of your selling them in spite of their superiority.
So advertisements may be more dangerous than live bombs and may spread more misery than a
pestilence. Yet, we cannot do without them. The world we live in is too vast for us, too much
complicated and complex. But for these advertisements we would lose our way in it. They are
like so many finger posts directing us which way to go in this vast world of ours they are a link
between one man. Advertisements have another purpose namely that of testing your
commonsense. Every advertisements is a sort of test paper for your commonsense.
Media is a mean of transmitting the message, thought, opinion and view point. In the beginning,
man used horse and other animal to send the message to the receiver. It took time to deliver the
message and the probability of spoiling the message was on the top. Now man has entered the age
of science and technology. They have explored the farther space. The have got a tremendous
achievement in many field as well as Electronic Media. We are living in the era of electronic
media. None can avoid and escape from it. It is prevailing profound effects on advertisement,
education, information, politics and other social activities.
Now students have a great opportunity to enhance their knowledge through accessing internet. All
the information in all topics is far beyond one touch of a button. Electronic media has entirely
changed the mode of advertisement. Different types of tricks are employed to attract and attend
the valuable customers. Sometimes an innocent client is really confused in making the decision.
On the other hand it gives extensive options in selecting the desired product.
Electronic media has revolutionized the information system. Now everyone can be aware himself
with current information and updates. So many TV channels in the country and internet websites
justify the importance and advantages of electronic media where everyone has a freedom to
exchange his view point freely.
The international politics are greatly influenced by the electronic media. It is said who will win
the media war will be most successful. It is a media through which the West propagates against
Islam and other opponents. If we want to be dominant in the world, we will have to accept the
challenge of electronic media otherwise we will be limping and looking at others.
The 2010 Pakistan floods began in July 2010 following heavy monsoon rains in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,
Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan regions of Pakistan and affected the Indus River basin. At one point,
approximately one-fifth of Pakistan's total land area was underwater. According to Pakistani government
data the floods directly affected about 20 million people
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had initially asked for $460 million for emergency relief, noting that
the flood was the worst disaster he had ever seen. Only 20% of the relief funds requested had been
received as of 15 August 2010.. The Pakistani economy has been harmed by extensive damage to
infrastructure and crops.
The power infrastructure of Pakistan also took a severe blow from the floods, which damaged 10,000
transmission lines and transformers, feeders and power houses in different flood-hit areas. Flood water
inundated Jinnah Hydro power and 150 power houses in Gilgit. The damage caused a power shortfall of
3.135 giga-watt.
Aid agencies have warned that outbreaks of diseases, such as gastroenteritis, diarrhea, and skin diseases
due to lack of clean drinking water and sanitation can pose a serious new risk to flood victims.
Potential long term effects
Floods have submerged 17 million acres of Pakistan's most fertile crop land, have killed 200,000 herds of
livestock and have washed away massive amounts of grain. A major concern is that farmers will be unable
to meet the fall deadline for planting new seeds in 2010, which implies a massive loss of food production
in 2011. Agricultural crops such as cotton, rice, and sugarcane and to some extent mangoes were badly
affected in Punjab.
Floods have damaged an estimated 2,433 miles of highway and 3,508 miles (5,646 km) of railway. Cost
estimates for highway damages are approximately 158 million USD, and railway damages are 131 million
USD. Any unique or particularly large infrastructure damages will increase these estimates. Public building
damages are estimated at 1 billion USD. Aid donors have presented an estimate that 5,000 schools have
been destroyed. The Karakoram Highway, which connects Pakistan with China, was closed after a bridge
was destroyed
Economic effects
On 7 September 2010, the International Labour Organization reported that more than 5.3 million jobs
have been lost due to the floods, emphasizing that "productive and labor intensive job creation
programmes are urgently needed to lift millions of people out of poverty that has been aggravated by
flood damage". The loss of crops will hit the textile manufacturing which is the largest export sector of
Relief efforts
By the end of July 2010, Pakistan had appealed to international donors for help in responding to the
disaster, having provided twenty-one helicopters and 150 boats to assist affected people, according to its
National Disaster Management Authority. At that time the US embassy in Pakistan had provided seven
Abdullah Hussain Haroon, Pakistan's diplomat to the United Nations, has alleged that wealthy feudal
warlords and landowners in Pakistan have been diverting funds and resources away from the poor and
into their own private relief efforts. Haroon also alluded to evidence that landowners had allowed
embankments to burst, leading to water flowing away from their land. There are also allegations that local
authorities colluded with the warlords to divert funds. The floods have accentuated the sharp divisions in
Pakistan between the wealthy and the poor. The wealthy, with better access to transportation and other
facilities, have suffered far less than the poor of Pakistan.
To Principal Asking Permission for Visiting Pakistan Steel Mills and Making
Necessary Arrangement for Transport
The Principal,
X-Y-Z School,
Dear Sir,
With due respect, I beg to say that the students of our class wanted to visit Pakistan Steel Mills
Karachi. We shall be accompanied by three of our senior teachers. This trip will be a beneficial
trip for us, from which we can make increment in our knowledge by watching how machines
actually work. We can also pick a valuable information for the forth-coming technical exhibition.
We will be grateful to you if you allow us to visit Pakistan Steel Mills and make necessary
arrangements for
Thanking You.
Your’s faithfully,
Students of Class X
The Principal,
X-Y-Z School,
I have the honour to inform you that I have passed the Matric with A Grade from your school.
Now for taking admission in the college I shall need a character certificate.
I, therefore, request you to issue me a character certificate. I’ll be grateful to your this act of
Your’s Obediently,
The Headmistress,
ABC High School,
Respected Madam,
I am a student of class IX of your school and has been suffering from cold and fever since
I am under treatment of my family doctor who has advised me bed rest for two more days.
In the light of my aliment, I would request to grant me sick leave for three days and for this act
of your’s I shall remain ever grateful to you.
The Headmistress,
X-Y-Z School,
I am a student of your school studying in class IX at present, I feel extremely sorry to inform you
that I shall not be able to prolong my studies in your esteemed school as my father is leaving
with all the members of his family to Oman in connection with a job.
Therefore under the above circumstances, I would request you to issue me a Transfer Certificate
which will enable me to seek admission in a school in Oman.
Your’s Obediently
The Headmistress,
ABC High School,
Respected Madam,
I am a student of your school studying in class IX. I am very keen to continue with my study but
the financial condition of my family is very poor and it is becoming a hinderance.
My father is a school teacher and earns a very little amount from his work. More over due to
inflation it has become difficult for my father to afford my education.
Madam, from the school record you will find that I have obtained excellent marks in S.S.C part 1
and hope to pass in grade A-1 in final part of same examination.
In the light of the above circumstances, I would request you to grant me concession in my school
The Headmistress,
ABC High School,
Respected Madam,
My parents and other relatives are leaving for Hyderabad on 6th September, 1998 to attend the
Therefore Madam, I would request you to grant me leave of absence from 6th September, 1998
till 12th September, 1998 of the same month so that I can join the happy celebrations in
traditional style.
Your’s Obediently,
To Editor Complaining About Load-Shedding
Examination Hall,
A-B-C Road,
4th September, 2011
The Editor,
X-Y-Z News,
Venerable Sir,
Will you please oblige me by allowing some space for my letter in the columns of your Daily —
I live in one of the commercial area of F.B.Area. The most pressing problem which the resident
of my area are facing is load shedding. Electricity does not come seven hours in a day. This
whole locality is emersed in darkness soon after sunset. Students can’t read and thieves take
advantage from this situation.
Hoping for a positive anticipation by the concerned authorities in the crying need of my area.
Your’s sincerely,
Resident of F.B.Area.
Examination Hall,
A-B-C Road,
4th September, 2011
My Dear Brother,
Hope you are in the midst of good health and everyone at home is hale an hearty. I was pained to
hear from your friend that you do not take part in games in your school. Oh! dear brother do not
forget that all work and no play makes you a dull boy. For achieving good results in your studies
you must also developed good body besides a brilliant mind. Games will keep you fit and help
you too in your studies. So please do take part in sports arranged at your school.
I hope you will follow my good advice and act upon it.
Your affectionately,
Examination Hall,
4th September, 2011
My Dear Friend,
I heard that you have returned from States recently. How was your stay there. Your sister wrote
to me several letters and I promptly replied to her.
Any how let me come to the point of my letter. I am celebrating my fourteenth birthday on 28th
of December. I have invited almost all friend whom you know very well. The venue of the party
is my residence and time is 5 pm.
May I take this opportunity to informally invite you to attend my birthday party on date and time
mentioned as above.
We shall have a topping time and it will be a great pleasure for me to feel your presence at the
I shall eagerly be looking forward to your attending my birthday party.
Your’s affectionately
Examination Hall,
4th September, 2011
My Dear Friend,
For a long time we did not correspond with each other. I hope you are in good health and by the
grace of Almighty God I am also hale and hearty here.
I am especially writing this letter to you for a particular purpose. My parents have planned to
visit some historical places in Sindh. In middle of this month. I am ware of the fact that your
school has closed down for summer vacations so how about visiting us in Karachi and
accompanying me with my parents on all excursion. We shall have a topping time visiting places
in Sindh and going out for shooting birds.
I hope you will like my suggestion and let me know of your programme by return of mail.
Allow me to close my letter here with good wishes and good luck to you.
Your’s affectionately
To Your Friend Requesting Him To Lend Camera To You
Examination Hall,
4th September, 2011
My Dear friend,
I hope you will be fine and by the grace of Almighty God I am also in good health and spirit.
I am accompanying my parents to some sight seeing places in Thatta, Hyderabad and Khairpur. I
need a good camera for taking photograph while on tour.
I know that you own a Maya Camera. So could you please lend me your camera for few days.
I will take at most care of it while it will be in my custody and shall return you to its original
I hope you will not turn down my request when I will come in a day or two to collect it from
Examination Hall,
4th September, 2011
My Dear Uncle,
I received your telegram full of blessings and a parcel delivered to me by a postman containing a
beautiful Omega watch.
Your present reminds me of your deep affection that you have in your heart for me. I liked the
watch you has sent for me. I really needed a watch this time. How nice of you that you have
fulfilled my need. I shall consider it a precious thing like a diamond. It will also make me
Uncle I missed you very much in the happy occasion of my birthday. I have taken many
photographs and will send some of the prints to you.
To Your Father Asking Him To Send Some Money For Buying Books
Examination Hall,
A-B-C Road,
4th September, 1998
My Dear Father,
Many thanks for your kind letter which I received sometimes back. I was very much please to
read it. My result was declared one week ago. You will be glad to know that I have come out
successful. I have stood third in my class. I am now in class IX in which news books have been
prescribed. These are very costly and I have to buy them all. As classes will start from the next
month I would need some money immediately for the purchase of books.
Kindly, therefore send Rs.1000/- by money order as soon as possible. So that I may buy these
articles with out delay.
All is Ok. Please convey my compliments to all the members of the family and love to Mummy.
With best wishes.
Examination Hall,
A-B-C Road,
4th September, 2011
Dear Friend,
As you know that our vacations has started. I’ve written this letter to invite you to spend your
vacations with me in Karachi. It will be a great pleasure for me. We shall be visiting different
places in Karachi in which includes Clifton, Aladdin Park, Sindbad and many other such places.
I assure you that this will be an enjoyable experience for you.
I hope you will think over my request. Give my wishes to your parents.
To Your Father Asking for Money To Buy New Uniform and Books
Examination Hall,
A-B-C Road,
4th September, 2011
Dear Father,
Hope you will be fine. I am well too by the grace of Almighty Allah.
I’ve written this letter because I urgently need a sum of money. As you know that I’ve passed my
S.S.C part I Exams and now I am in class X. I shall have to may my admission fees and also buy
necessary books and uniform. I shall need about one thousand rupees. I hope you will not mind
sending me this amount of money.
I hope you are enjoying the best of health.
Examination Hall,
A-B-C Road,
4th September, 2011
My dear Nomee,
I am well here and hopping the same for you. Last week you dropped me a letter in which you
asked me about my hobby. My hobby is making models of aircraft. Aero-modeling is an
interesting hobby to me because when you think over new techniques during modeling, your
mind is pushed towards the creative work and new ideas re developed. Aero-modeling can also
be a paying hobby. We can send some of our best models for competition and not only get prizes
but also get a good name.
I think this is enough. Now I will finish my letter. Give my regards to your parents.
Examination Hall,
A-B-C Road,
4th September,2011
Dear Friend,
Hope you are enjoying the best of health. I am also enjoining the life by the grace of Almighty
Last week you dropped me a letter in which you’ve invited me to join you on a picnic point.
Truly I am very much in the favour of this invitation but due to an appointment with my family
physician I cannot give my time to you. I do believe that we will have a joyous time but as my
health is not so progressive that’s why I am not in a state to join you on the picnic. Sorry for
refusing and hurting your feelings.
I do hope that you will forgive me. Give my regards to your parents.