Vacuum Gauge loosening the 1/4” pipe fitting. The pipe fitting is sealed
with Teflon thread tape. Remove all Teflon thread tape
the battery.
No display: Check battery – verify battery polarity and
from the stem adapter and the sensor body after make sure battery is making good contact with the
69086 disassembling.
3. Add alcohol to sensor, cover with thumb and shake like
spring terminals.
Erroneous vacuum readings: Sensor may be contami-
nated – clean or replace the sensor.
a test tube. Pour solution out noting amount of oil in Error codes: Error codes may be generated if the sensor
alcohol. If sensor is very oily you may need to repeat becomes disconnected or extremely contaminated. Turn
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS process. the power off, correct the problem, and try again. If error
4. Clean the stem adapter by rinsing it in alcohol. You can codes persist, call the factory for assistance.
Battery Installation remove the Schrader core depressor for cleaning but it
Remove the battery compartment cover screw and must be put back in. Use a needle nose pliers. TECHNICAL INFORMATION
remove the cover. Observing the polarity marking, 5. Apply Teflon thread tape to the male threads of the
press the battery into the compartment. Replace stem adapter and re-install it on the sensor body. Do
battery compartment cover and screw. Tips for best evacuation and gauge performance
not use liquid or paste thread sealants.
When pulling a vacuum take the following steps:
The YELLOW JACKET pump features a built-in gauge.
Changing the Sensor If this reading on this gauge stays in the mid range,
Basic Set-up Sequence When connecting a different sensor to the vacuum gauge,
1. Connect the gauge to a dry part of the system. there is either high contamination or a large leak in the
it is important to enter the proper sensor calibration num- system. (Throughout the process, remember the
The sensor will not work if it becomes filled with bers into the vacuum gauge. Follow these steps when
system oil. refrigerant recovery laws.)
changing sensors:
2. Turn on the gauge. 1. With the gauge turned off, connect the sensor to the If you think there is excessive moisture, blow out the
end of the sensor cord. The sensor connector is keyed AC&R system with dry nitrogen wherever possible. This
At atmospheric pressure the display will show a series with two slots. These must be aligned with the ridges
of bars on the top row and the bottom row of the dis- reduces the amount of contaminants that must be pulled
on the cord connector. into the pump, and increases evacuation speed.
play will indicate that the pressure is above the maxi- 2. Press and hold the SENSOR SETUP button and switch
mum numeric readout (e.g. >25000). The bars are the gauge on. Hold the SENSOR SETUP button down The importance and method for avoiding
intended to show vacuum progress only. The number until the following display appears: contamination of the sensor.
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