Wireless Communication

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Wireless Communication is the fastest growing and most vibrant technological areas in the

communication field.
Wireless Communication is a method of transmitting information from one point to other,
without using any connection like wires, cables or any physical medium.
Generally, in a communication system, information is transmitted from transmitter to receiver
that are placed over a limited distance. With the help of Wireless Communication, the
transmitter and receiver can be placed anywhere between few meters (like a T.V. Remote
Control) to few thousand kilometres (Satellite Communication).
Some of the commonly used Wireless Communication Systems in our day – to – day life are
Mobile Phones, GPS Receivers, Remote Controls, Bluetooth Audio and Wi-Fi etc.

What is Wireless Communication?

Communication Systems can be Wired or Wireless and the medium used for
communication can be Guided or Unguided.

Physical path like Co-axial Cables, Twisted Pair Cables and Optical Fiber Links etc.
which guides the signal to propagate from one point to other. Such type of medium is
called Guided Medium.
Wireless Communication doesn’t require any physical medium but propagates the
signal through space. Since, space only allows for signal transmission without any
guidance, the medium used in Wireless Communication is called Unguided Medium.

The transmission and reception of signals is accomplished with Antennas. Antennas

are electrical devices that transform the electrical signals to radio signals in the form
of Electromagnetic (EM) Waves and vice versa. These Electromagnetic Waves
propagates through space. Hence, both transmitter and receiver consists of an

What is Electromagnetic Wave?

Electromagnetic Waves carry the electromagnetic energy of electromagnetic field
through space. Electromagnetic Waves include Gamma Rays (γ – Rays), X – Rays,
Ultraviolet Rays, Visible Light, Infrared Rays, Microwave Rays and Radio Waves.
Electromagnetic Waves (usually Radio Waves) are used in wireless communication
to carry the signals.

Basic Elements of a Wireless Communication

A typical Wireless Communication System can be divided into three elements: the
Transmitter, the Channel and the Receiver. The following image shows the block
diagram of wireless communication system.

The Transmission Path

A typical transmission path of a Wireless Communication System consists of
Encoder, Encryption, Modulation and Multiplexing. The signal from the source is
passed through a Source Encoder, which converts the signal in to a suitable form for
applying signal processing techniques.

The redundant information from signal is removed in this process in order to

maximise the utilization of resources. This signal is then encrypted using an
Encryption Standard so that the signal and the information is secured and doesn’t
allow any unauthorised access.

Channel Encoding is a technique that is applied to the signal to reduce the

impairments like noise, interference, etc. During this process, a small amount of
redundancy is introduced to the signal so that it becomes robust against noise. Then
the signal is modulated using a suitable Modulation Technique (like PSK, FSK and
QPSK etc.) , so that the signal can be easily transmitted using antenna.

The modulated signal is then multiplexed with other signals using different
Multiplexing Techniques like Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) or Frequency Division
Multiplexing (FDM) to share the valuable bandwidth.

The Channel
The channel in Wireless Communication indicates the medium of transmission of the
signal i.e. open space. A wireless channel is unpredictable and also highly variable
and random in nature. A channel maybe subject to interference, distortion, noise,
scattering etc. and the result is that the received signal may be filled with errors.

The Reception Path

The job of the Receiver is to collect the signal from the channel and reproduce it as
the source signal. The reception path of a Wireless Communication System
comprises of Demultiplexing , Demodulation, Channel Decoding, Decryption and
Source Decoding. From the components of the reception path it is clear that the task
of the receiver is just the inverse to that of transmitter.

The signal from the channel is received by the Demultiplexer and is separated from
other signals. The individual signals are demodulated using appropriate
Demodulation Techniques and the original message signal is recovered. The
redundant bits from the message are removed using the Channel Decoder.

Since the message is encrypted, Decryption of the signal removes the security and
turns it into simple sequence of bits. Finally, this signal is given to the Source
Decoder to get back the original transmitted message or signal.
Modulation: Modulation is the process of converting data into
radio waves by adding information to an electronic or optical carrier signal.
A carrier signal is one with a steady waveform -- constant height, or
amplitude, and frequency. Information can be added to the carrier by
varying its amplitude ,frequency, etc.

Types of modulation

There are many common modulation methods, including the following -- a

very incomplete list:

 Amplitude modulation (AM), in which the height -- i.e., the strength or

intensity -- of the signal carrier is varied to represent the data being
added to the signal.

 Frequency modulation (FM), in which the frequency of the carrier

waveform is varied to reflect the frequency of the data.

 Phase modulation (PM), in which the phase of the carrier waveform is

varied to reflect changes in the frequency of the data. In PM, the
frequency is unchanged while the phase is changed relative to the base
carrier frequency. It is similar to FM.

Radio and television broadcasts and satellite radio typically use AM or FM.
Most short-range two-way radios -- up to tens of miles -- use FM, while
longer-range two-way radios -- up to hundreds or thousands of miles --
typically employ a mode known as single sideband (SSB).

More complex forms of modulation include phase-shift keying (PSK) and

QAM. Modern Wi-Fi modulation uses a combination of PSK and QAM64 or
QAM256 to encode multiple bits of information into each transmitted

Modulation and demodulation

Modulation is the process of encoding information in a transmitted signal,

while demodulation is the process of extracting information from the
transmitted signal. Many factors influence how faithfully the extracted
information replicates the original input information. Electromagnetic
interference can degrade signals and make the original signal impossible to
extract. Demodulators typically include multiple stages of amplification and
filtering in order to eliminate interference.

A device that performs both modulation and demodulation is called

a modem -- a name created by combining the first letters of MOdulator and
In AM, the amplitude of the carrier wave is modified proportionally
according to the amplitude of the input signal
The amplitude of the carrier wave varies proportionally according to
the input signal, so when the input signal has a low amplitude, the
amplitude of the carrier wave is decreased and vice-versa.

In FM, the frequency of the carrier wave is modified proportionally

according to the amplitude of the input signal
Due to the much better transmission quality, most music radio
stations prefer FM over AM to transmit information (mostly, songs) to
their listeners.

What’s The Difference Between

AM and FM Radio Waves?
Ashish 26 Aug 2016 (Updated: 16 Oct 2019)

Listen to this post

Back when people still used radios (instead of smartphones and tablets) to tune in to the latest
news and music on their AM radios, the introduction of FM radio for commercial broadcasting
was a big deal. It was so important, in fact, that the term ‘FM’ became synonymous with
something that plays music; people still sometimes confuse the term “FM” with a device that
plays music via radio waves.

Although both AM and FM are two very popular methods of transmitting information through
radio signals, there are a few key differences that result in distinct advantages and drawbacks
to both of them. However, before we get to that, let’s work on understanding a few basics.

What is modulation?
In radio communication, a radio signal is ‘modulated’ so that it can be transmitted over long distances.
In the simplest terms, this means that the radio signal (or input signal), i.e. the signal carrying audio
information, is added with a carrier signal.

Unlike a radio signal (which usually has a very low frequency), a carrier signal has a constant
amplitude and frequency, i.e. a constant waveform, which helps to carry the radio signal
over long distances. The process of ‘mounting’ the original signal to a carrier wave is called
The two main types of modulation of an information signal
Analog modulation comes in three types: amplitude modulation, frequency modulation and phase
modulation. In this article, we’re going to talk about the former two, due to their immense popularity
in radio communication.

What is AM?
Amplitude Modulation, commonly abbreviated as AM, is a common method of broadcasting
radio signals. This method dates back to the 1870s, i.e. the time when we first discovered that
information in the form of audio production can be broadcast over long distances through radio

In AM, the amplitude of the carrier wave is modified in order to transmit the input signal (the
one that carries information).
In AM, the amplitude of the carrier wave is modified proportionally according to the
amplitude of the input signal (Photo Credit : Wikimedia.org)
The amplitude of the carrier wave varies proportionally according to the input signal, so when
the input signal has a low amplitude, the amplitude of the carrier wave is decreased and vice-
What is FM?
Frequency Modulation, often referred to as FM, is another, relatively newer method of
modulation where the carrier wave is modified proportionally according to the input signal. In
FM, the instantaneous frequency of the carrier wave is altered according to the amplitude of
the input signal.

In FM, the frequency of the carrier wave is modified proportionally according to the
amplitude of the input signal (Photo Credit : Wikimedia.org)
Due to the much better transmission quality, most music radio stations prefer FM over AM to
transmit information (mostly, songs) to their listeners.

AM versus FM
Mode of modulation
As mentioned earlier, AM involves the alteration of the amplitude of the carrier wave, whereas
FM involves changes in the frequency of the carrier wave.

Frequency range
The typical frequency range in which AM works is 535 to 1705 Kilohertz, whereas the
frequency range is around 88-108 Megahertz for FM.
Area of reception
Have you ever wondered why you can’t listen to some of your favorite music stations after
you leave the city’s boundaries?

Unlike AM, FM signals can’t travel over long distances; therefore, FM signals have good
reception in cities, whereas AM signals (usually used for broadcasting news) have a lower
sound quality, but can be transmitted to more remote places.
This is because FM waves have a small range in terms of the geographical regions they can
cover, whereas AM waves have a much larger range and can therefore be received even in
hinterlands! This is the reason most news stations use AM over FM, because they want the
information to reach as many people as possible, even if the sound quality isn’t top-notch,
which brings us to the next point.
Complexity and cost
The equipment requirements of an FM system are costly, whereas AM, with its relatively older
technology, relies on less complex and thus cheaper equipment to transmit signals.

AM signals take up 30 kHz, while FM signals take up 80 kHz of bandwidth for each signal.
This means that AM can send more signals than FM in a limited range of bandwidth.

Sound quality
The one aspect that’s undoubtedly the most relevant to users, i.e. the sound quality of the
transmission, is where FM clearly trumps AM. You see, noise affects amplitude more readily, and since
information is stored in the amplitude itself, AM becomes vulnerable to interference. FM, on other
hand, relies on changing frequency, and is therefore less susceptible to noise, allowing it to provide a
superior quality of sound. It’s no wonder all music stations count on FM to run their business!

Given the fact that both AM and FM are commonly used for broadcasting information these
days, it’s evident that there’s no winner in this debate. Whether you use AM or FM while
broadcasting something depends entirely on how many people you want to reach out to. And
how clearly you want your information to be heard!

Types of Electromagnetic Waves

Radio Waves

Radio waves have the longest wavelengths of all the electromagnetic waves. They range
from around a foot long to several miles long. Radio waves are often used to transmit data
and have been used for all sorts of applications including radio, satellites, radar, and
computer networks.


Microwaves are shorter than radio waves with wavelengths measured in centimeters. We
use microwaves to cook food, transmit information, and in radar that helps to predict the
weather. Microwaves are useful in communication because they can penetrate clouds,
smoke, and light rain. The universe is filled with cosmic microwave background radiation that
scientists believe are clues to the origin of the universe they call the Big Bang.


Between microwaves and visible light are infrared waves. Infrared waves are sometimes
classified as "near" infrared and "far" infrared. Near infrared waves are the waves that are
closer to visible light in wavelength. These are the infrared waves that are used in your TV
remote to change channels. Far infrared waves are further away from visible light in
wavelength. Far infrared waves are thermal and give off heat. Anything that gives off heat
radiates infrared waves. This includes the human body!
*Bluetooth uses Radio Waves
How does Bluetooth work?

A Bluetooth technology is a high speed low powered wireless technology link that is
designed to connect phones or other portable equipment together. It is a specification
(IEEE 802.15.1) for the use of low power radio communications to link phones,
computers and other network devices over short distance without wires. Wireless
signals transmitted with Bluetooth cover short distances, typically up to 30 feet (10

It is achieved by embedded low cost transceivers into the devices. It supports on the
frequency band of 2.45GHz and can support upto 721KBps along with three voice
channels. This frequency band has been set aside by international agreement for the
use of industrial, scientific and medical devices (ISM).rd-compatible with 1.0 devices.
Modern Commercial
Microwave Links

Microwave Communication Tower

A microwave link is a communications system that uses a beam of radio waves in

the microwave frequency range to transmit video, audio, or data between two
locations, which can be from just a few feet or meters to several miles or kilometers
apart. Examples of Commercial Microwave links from CableFree may be see here.
Modern Microwave Links can carry up to 400Mbps in a 56MHz channel using
256QAM modulation and IP header compression techniques. Operating Distances
for microwave links are determined by antenna size (gain), frequency band, and link
capacity. The availability of clear Line of Sight is crucial for Microwave links for
which the Earth’s curvature has to be allowed

CableFree FOR2 Microwave Link 400Mbps

Microwave links are commonly used by television broadcasters to transmit

programmes across a country, for instance, or from an outside broadcast back to a
o Long distance telephone communication
o Cellular phones
o Television networks
o Satellites
o Wireless LANs

*Infrrared Communication
Infrared waves are those between the frequencies 300GHz and 400THz in the
electromagnetic spectrum. Their wavelengths are shorter than microwaves but longer
than visible light. Infrared propagation is line of sight.
They cannot penetrate walls and sun’s infrared rays interfere with these rays. So
cannot be used for long – range communication. As their usage is confined within
closed space, they do not need any government permissions for their applications.

Applications of Infrared Waves in Communications

 Remote controls for television, stereos and other home appliances.
 Wireless LANs
 Wireless modem, keyboard, mouse, printer etc
 Fire detectors
 Night vision systems
 Intrusion detection systems
 Motion detectors

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