Tugas Bahasa Inggris
Tugas Bahasa Inggris
Tugas Bahasa Inggris
My name is pradila, I will tell you about my daily activities as a student. Every day I wake up at
07.00. I check my smartphone. If the time is already showing hours of class schedule I
immediately take a shower and get ready for campus. because the distance between my rented
house and the campus is close to 15 minutes to the campus as usual I leave 10 minutes before
entering. I am here as a nomads and contract somewhere with my sister. After arriving at campus
I met my friends who had arrived at campus earlier. If the lecturer has not arrived yet I usually
talk with friends, but if the lecturer has arrived I focus on studying the material given by the
lecturer. After I spent time for college and hanging out with friends, then I returned home to a
contract. After reaching the contract, I rested and took a nap afterwards, I played my smartphone
chattingan here and there with my friends. When it comes to eating problems I usually cook and
sometimes I buy food outside. At 19.30 I began to occupy myself with work on college
assignments. After working on college assignments, I play smartphone, after that at 23.00 I sleep.
My name is Vivi abdita, I will tell you about my dialy activities as a student.I live in a boarding
house. I usually wake up at 6:00. Before I go to campus I usually clean my boarding house first
then I take a shower. After showering, I bought food and drinks for my breakfast. I usually buy a
packet of yellow rice with vegetables and meat in it. At the boarding house, I eat yellow rice as
my breakfast. When I have morning classes, I go to campus and study in class. I often wait for the
next class on campus. Sometimes I eat lunch in the canteen on my campus with friends. After
class is over, I go straight home, I finish all the assignments as soon as possible so that I can sleep
early. I usually sleep at 11 pm after brushing my teeth.
My name is "Umi kalsum faud"my activities every day before going to campus first I clean the
room. Washing dishes, and tidying all the items after that I immadiately went to take a
shower,and made a glass of milk, then went to campus, when I arrived at campus I immediately
did the assignment given by my assistand while waiting for the lecturer who wanted to enter.
My name is Indriyani .I will tell you about my dialy activities. In the morning, I usually wake
up at 6 in the morning. When I have morning class, I take a shower immediately. Then, I went to
campus by public transportation with a friend. On the way to campus, we bought and ate
breakfast at a food stand near the campus. We chat about many things. We love to talk about
funny things. We laughed and felt very happy. While waiting for the next class, I went to my
friend's house. Sometimes, I wait on campus while doing some assignments. after class, I
usually go straight home.