Chemical Engineering Science: Anson Wong, Chul B. Park
Chemical Engineering Science: Anson Wong, Chul B. Park
Chemical Engineering Science: Anson Wong, Chul B. Park
a r t i c l e i n f o abstract
Article history: This study investigated the effects of extensional strain and strain rates on the foamability of PS–talc
Received 3 December 2011 composite. Foaming processes were observed in situ for PS–talc composites with different surface
Received in revised form treatment, size, and weight content of talc under extensional stress. Talc with the largest particle size
8 February 2012
produced the highest cell densities despite its lower talc particle density for heterogeneous nucleation.
Accepted 13 February 2012
Available online 3 March 2012
Meanwhile, the surface treatment seemed to slightly improve the talc’s dispersion, but it did not cause
significant differences in their foaming characteristics. The enhanced cell nucleation that took place
Keywords: with the larger talc was due to the higher tensile stresses generated around them in the presence of
Plastic foam other growing bubble as compared to those around smaller talc particles. As the level of the applied
extensional strain and/or the strain rate increased, the cell density increased significantly in all cases,
and the cell density differences became smaller, especially when the talc content was high. The
Extensional stress
Visualization extensional stress caused the decrease of local pressure needed to induce nucleation around the smaller
Nucleation talc particles, so the effects of talc size became less apparent.
& 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction polystyrene (PS) filled with zinc stearate, stearate acid, and
carbon black. In a subsequent study by Colton (1989), the
Nucleating agents are often needed in plastic foaming processes microcellular foams of semi-crystalline polymers (polypropylene)
to produce foams with high cell densities, small cell sizes, and were produced using talc and sodium benzoate as nucleating
narrow cell size distributions. Microcellular plastic foams, which agents. Chen et al. (2002) investigated the effects of the filler size
are defined as foams with cell densities of 109–1015 cells/cm3 of calcium carbonate, talc, and titanium oxide on the foamability
and an average cell diameter of 0.1–10 mm (Park et al., 1995), of high density polyethylene (HDPE). They found that a smaller
possess these characteristics. Compared with conventional foams additive size led to a higher cell density when the gas saturation
or their unfoamed counterparts, microcellular foams exhibit pressure was high. Ramesh et al. (1994a, b) developed a cell
improved mechanical properties such as impact strength nucleation model based on the survival of microvoids generated
(Collias and Baird, 1995; Doroudiani et al., 1998; Matuana et al., in the rubber particles and experimentally verified this concept
1997; Michaeli et al., 2009; Shimbo et al., 2007) and fatigue life with PS–rubber composites. Kim et al. (2011) found that rubber
(Seeler and Kumar, 1993), thermal stability (Shimbo et al., 1992) particles need to have a critical size in the foaming of thermo-
and insulation (Suh et al., 2000), acoustical insulation (Suh et al., plastic olefin (TPO) to achieve the maximum cell density. In
2000), and optical properties (Kabumoto et al., 1998). Dating as theory, a smaller nucleating agent has higher number density-
early as Hansen and Martin’s work in the 1960s (Hansen and and surface area-to-weight ratio. Hence, the number of nucleating
Martin, 1964), several studies have investigated the effectiveness sites and the total area for heterogeneous nucleation are also
of various nucleating agents in plastic foaming processes. For higher than for larger particles of the same weight content.
example, Yang and Han (1984) compared the foamability of low Consequently, a number of researchers have also investigated
density polyethylene (LDPE) blends using 9 different nucleating the feasibility of nano-particles such as nanoclay (Jiang et al.,
agents (aluminum stearate, calcium carbonate, calcium hydro- 2009; Lee et al., 2005; Pilla et al., 2010), nanosilica (Lee et al.,
xide, calcium stearate, Celogen CB, sodium bicarbonate, sodium 2011; Saiz-Arroyo et al., 2011; Zhai et al., 2006), nanocellulose
bicarbonate/citric acid mixture, talc, and zinc stearate). Colton (Kuboki et al., 2009), carbon nanofiber (Shen et al., 2006), and
and Suh (1987a, b) carried out theoretical and experimental carbon nanotubes (Pilla et al., 2007) as nucleating agents.
studies on heterogeneous cell nucleation phenomena using In addition to promoting cell nucleation, it has also been sug-
gested that nano-particles could also suppress cell coalescence
and coarsening, which are the two major cell deterioration
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 416 978 3053; fax: þ1 416 978 0947. mechanisms that lead to non-uniform cell morphology and foam
E-mail address: [email protected] (C.B. Park). shrinkage (Okamoto et al., 2001).
0009-2509/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
50 A. Wong, C.B. Park / Chemical Engineering Science 75 (2012) 49–62
Of the nucleating agents mentioned above, talc is one of the 2. Theoretical background
most widely used due to its effectiveness in promoting cell
nucleation, the ease with which it disperses in polymer, and its According to the classical nucleation theory (Blander and Katz,
low cost. Many research studies have been conducted to identify 1975; Gibbs, 1961), the critical radius (Rcr) dictates the growth or
the optimal talc content and processing conditions for the foam- collapse of a nucleated cell: one that is bigger than Rcr grows
ing of various polymer–talc composites, such as LDPE (Han et al., spontaneously, and the one that is smaller than Rcr collapses. For
1976; Yang and Han, 1984), HDPE (Chen et al., 2002; Lee and Park, both homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation, Rcr is given as
2006), PP (Colton, 1989; Naguib et al., 2003; Park et al., 1998), PS follows:
(Xu et al., 2003), and PLA (Pilla et al., 2009). Our previous study
(Leung et al., 2012) investigated the foaming processes of PS–talc 2glg
Rcr ¼ ð1Þ
composites (three types of talcs with different sizes and surface P bub,cr P sys
treatment) by direct in situ observation of the foaming processes
under static conditions. It was observed that the growth of where Pbub,cr is the pressure inside a bubble at the critical size; Psys
existing cells triggered additional cell nucleation in the surround- is the local system pressure around the bubble; and glg is the
ing regions, where the cells nucleated in clusters and rapidly surface tension at the liquid–gas interface. Blander and Katz
propagated (see Fig. 1). This result verified the cell nucleation (1975) suggested that the nucleation rate is equal to the rate at
mechanism first described by Albalak et al. (1990) in their which bubbles at the critical size gain molecules and grow. Based
polymer devolatization study. They found that the growth of on this analysis, they derived the homogeneous nucleation rate
adjacent cells caused tensile stresses that decreased the local (Jhom) and heterogeneous nucleation rate (Jhet) as follows:
system pressure, which subsequently increased the degree of sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi !
supersaturation and hence cell nucleation rate in these regions 2glg 16pg3lg
Jhom ¼ N exp ð2Þ
(Albalak et al., 1990). On the other hand, under the processing pm 3kb T sys ðP bub,cr P sys Þ2
conditions investigated in our previous study (Leung et al., 2012),
the clustering cell nucleating phenomena that induced simulta- sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi !
neous cell nucleation in multiple layers caused a significant light 2=3 2glg 16pg3lg F
Jhet ¼ N Q exp ð3Þ
scattering around the nucleated cells, hence making the charac- pmF 3kb T sys ðP bub,cr Psys Þ2
terization of the numbers and sizes of cells from the foaming
images extremely difficult and prone to error. Consequently, the where N is the number of gas molecules per unit volume; m is the
effects of talc size and surface treatment could not be evaluated molecular mass of the dissolved gas molecules; kb is Boltzmann’s
accurately. constant; Tsys is the local system temperature around the bubble;
In industrial plastic foaming processes, molten polymers often F is the ratio of the volume of the heterogeneously nucleated
flow through a sequence of converging sections, notably within bubble on the nucleating site to the volume of a spherical bubble
the die of an extrusion foaming line or the injection nozzle of a with the same radius of curvature; and Q is the ratio of the liquid–
structural foam molding system. Due to the viscoelastic nature of gas surface area of the heterogeneously nucleated bubble to
polymers, extensional stress is retained near the die exit where the surface area of a spherical bubble with the same radius of
foaming occurs. Therefore, to evaluate their effectiveness, it is curvature. Both F and Q depend on the surface geometry of the
imperative to study the foamability of the PS–talc composites nucleating agent and the contact angle (yc) between the bubble
under an extensional flow. We have demonstrated previously that surface and the nucleating agent surface measured in the polymer
an applied extensional strain significantly improved the effec- phase. Their expressions for various geometries have been
tiveness of talc in enhancing cell nucleation in PS–talc composites derived previously. Specifically, Fisher (1948) considered the case
(Wong et al., 2011). Specifically, when a PS sample blended with where a bubble nucleates on a smooth and rigid planar surface,
5 wt% talc was stretched uniaxially, the foaming process occurred such as glass. Fletcher (1958) and Wilt (1986) studied bubble
faster, and the maximum cell density increased more than two- nucleation on a rigid spherical surface. Alternatively, if the
orders of magnitude, as compared with the static case. However, spherical dispersed phase is softer than the polymer matrix
since only one type of talc was used, the effects of surface (e.g., rubber in a PS matrix at a low temperature), cell nucleation
treatment and particle size remained unclear. Using the same could occur in the spherical cavity. This scenario was examined
talc that we used in our previous study (Leung et al., 2012), our by Wilt (1986) and Cole (1974). Meanwhile, Apfel (1971) studied
current study has been expanded to investigate the foamability of the case where deformation occurred to both the bulk and
PS blended with various weight content of talc particles that have dispersed phases. This happened if the stiffnesses of the dispersed
different particle sizes and surface treatments under extensional and the bulk phases were similar as in polymer blends. Further-
flow. To allow us to analyze the cell nucleation and growth more, Wilt (1986) and Cole (1974) also studied nucleation in
processes in situ at different levels of extensional strain and conical cavities, which can be used to model the irregular surface
extensional strain rates, this study was conducted using the batch roughness and geometry of many nucleation agents and their
foaming visualization system developed in our previous work agglomerates, such as talc. Using their expressions of F and Q
(Wong et al., 2011). factors for a conical cavity, Leung et al. (2006) proposed a modified
heterogeneous nucleation theory whereby nucleating sites con-
sisted of conical cavities of various semi-conical angles (b) to
simulate the random and rough surface geometry of nucleating
agents. The expression for F and Q and the resulting formula for the
heterogeneous nucleation rate are given in the following formula
(Cole, 1974; Leung et al., 2006; Wilt, 1986):
1 cos yc cos2 ðyc bÞ
Fðyc , bÞ ¼ 22 sinðyc bÞ þ
4 sin b
Fig. 1. Schematics of the bubble formation phenomena of PS/CO2 system with talc 1sinðyc bÞ
Q ðyc , bÞ ¼ ð4Þ
(Leung et al., 2012). 2
A. Wong, C.B. Park / Chemical Engineering Science 75 (2012) 49–62 51
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi !
Z 16pg3lg Fðyc , bÞ nucleation and growth processes with various distributions of b,
2=3 2glg
Jhet ¼ rb ðbÞN Q ðyc , bÞ exp db ð5Þ which demonstrated that cell nucleation rates and cell densities
b pmFðyc , bÞ 3kb T sys ðP bub,cr Psys Þ2
When a polymer/gas solution is subjected to a compressive stress,
the DPlocal will be positive, so the overall degree of supersatura-
tion (i.e., Pbub,cr (Psys þ DPlocal)) will be lowered. This leads to a
Fig. 2. Batch foaming visualization system with extensional stress-inducing decrease in the cell nucleation rate. On the other hand, if the
ability (Wong et al., 2011). polymer/gas solution is subjected to an extensional stress, the
Table 2
Summary of experimental cases.
Exp. # Tsys (1C) Psat (MPa) dP/dt9avg (MPa/s) Talc wt% (%) e de/dt (s 1)
Fig. 3. Sample SEM pictures of PS–talc composites. (a) Cimpact CB7, talc wt% ¼ 5; (b) Stellar 410, talc wt%¼ 5.
52 A. Wong, C.B. Park / Chemical Engineering Science 75 (2012) 49–62
DPlocal will be negative, which will cause an increased overall surface treatment, and weight content of the PS–talc composites
degree of supersaturation. Hence, the cell nucleation rate will were varied. Based on the assumption that the different talcs used
increase. In relation to the overall cell density, the unfoamed in this study were similarly shaped, the surface area-to-weight
volume (Nunfoam) at time t is determined by integrating the total content ratio was expected to decrease as the talc size increased
cell nucleation rate with respect to time from time¼0 to t, as due to the decreased talc particle density. Therefore, when the
follows: same talc content was used, the surface area available for
Z t heterogeneous nucleation was expected to decrease as the talc
Nunf oam ðtÞ ¼ ðJhom ðt 0 Þ þ Ahet J het ðt 0 ÞÞdt 0 ð9Þ size increased. According to Eq. (9) this might have led to a
decreased nucleation rate. On the other hand, the disruption of
where Ahet is the surface area of the nucleating agents per unit flow and hence the pressure variation (DPlocal) around a larger
volume of the polymer/gas solution. In this study, the talc size,
Fig. 4. Talc particle density and size distribution for talc wt%¼0.5. (a) Cimpact 710; Fig. 5. Talc particle density and size distribution for talc wt%¼ 2.0. (a) Cimpact 710;
(b) Cimpact CB7; (c) Stellar 410. (b) Cimpact CB7; (c) Stellar 410.
A. Wong, C.B. Park / Chemical Engineering Science 75 (2012) 49–62 53
particle might also be higher than it would be for a smaller higher affinity between the PS and the talc would lead to a lower
particle. In regions where there exist higher tensile stresses, cell yc which, based on Eq. (4), would increase F and Q, and hence,
nucleation would be enhanced based on Eqs. (7) and (8). Mean- decrease tendency for cell nucleation. Further, the application
while, a surface treatment might lead to a change in the affinity of of extensional strain could lead to a negative DPlocal, and, there-
the talc particles for a polymer. If the affinity was increased by the fore, both the homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation rates
surface treatment, a better dispersion of talc particles could be
expected during the polymer–talc compounding process, which
could lead to a higher talc particle density and lower average talc
particle size, hence favorable for cell nucleation. Meanwhile, the
Fig. 6. Talc particle density and size distribution for talc wt%¼5.0. (a) Cimpact 710; Fig. 7. Summary of particle density, size distribution, and surface area vs. talc wt%.
(b) Cimpact CB7; (c) Stellar 410. (a) Ntalc,avg; (b) savg; (c) Ahet,avg.
54 A. Wong, C.B. Park / Chemical Engineering Science 75 (2012) 49–62
would increase. This effect could vary depending on the level of the relative affinity of these talcs on PS could be estimated. These
extensional strain and the strain rate, as well as the geometry, results could be used to analyze the effect of this surface
surface characteristics, weight content, and size of the talc treatment on the foaming behavior of PS while keeping the
particles. In this context, we investigated the effects of exten- particle size distributions the same. Meanwhile, the surface
sional strain and the strain rate on cell nucleation behavior as the characteristics of Cimpact 710 and Stellar 410 are the same, so
talc size, surface treatment, and content were varied. a comparative study between these two PS-composites would
reveal the effects of talc sizes on plastic foaming processes.
Table 1 summarizes the talc properties. PS resins and talc
3. Methodology particles in powder form were first compounded to 20% PS–talc
in three master batches using a C.W. Brabender 3-piece batch
3.1. Experimental materials and sample preparation mixer with twin, counter-rotating roller blades and a 60 cm3
capacity. For all cases, the mixer was operated at 50 rpm and
The plastic material used for the foaming experiments was 180 1C for 10 min. Following this, these master batches were
PS (Styron PS685D, Dow Chemical Ltd.). The PS melt flow index compounded with different amounts of PS resins via the same
and density were 1.5 g/10 min and 1.04 g/cm3, respectively. The process to produce PS–talc composite samples with 0.5, 2.0, and
blowing agent used was CO2 (99% pure, Linde Gas Canada). Three 5.0 wt% of talc. Consequently a total of nine different PS–talc
types of talc from Luzenac were used: Cimpact 710 (median talc composites were examined in this study. With a hot press
size¼ 1.7 mm, untreated), Cimpact CB7 (median talc size¼ 1.8 mm, maintained at 180 1C, the PS–talc samples were then compression
surface treated) and Stellar 410 (median talc size ¼10 mm, molded to films 400 mm thick. Upon pressure release, the molded
untreated). Cimpact CB7 uses the same base talc particles as films were quenched with a large reservoir of water at approxi-
Cimpact 710 but with the addition of a surface treatment. mately 13 1C. The films were then cut into the shape of tensile test
Consequently they have a very similar talc size distribution and samples (ASTM D638 Type V) using the standard mold used to
median talc sizes. The surface treatment was proprietary, hence form the study’s test samples. During the cutting processes, the
the chemical characteristics were not disclosed. Nevertheless, mold was preheated to 100 1C to prevent the brittle test samples
based on the dispersion of these talc particles in the PS matrix, from fracturing.
Fig. 8. Foaming sequences for talc wt%¼0.5. (a) e ¼ 0; (b) e ¼1.1 at de/dt¼ 2.
A. Wong, C.B. Park / Chemical Engineering Science 75 (2012) 49–62 55
3.2. Experimental methods differences were expected to be negligible as a low gas content was
used. The levels of Psat and dP/dt9avg were selected at low levels so
Foaming experiments were carried out under the foaming that the gas content and pressure drop effect would not dominate the
visualization system with extensional stress-inducing ability extensional strain effect in the foaming processes. Also, a low
(see Fig. 2). A plastic sample was first saturated with pressurized temperature of 100 1C was chosen so that a higher level of exten-
CO2 at an elevated temperature within the chamber for 30 min. sional stress would be induced in the sample with an applied strain
A specific amount of one-dimensional extensional strain at a due to the higher viscosity and elasticity at that temperature. Stress
controlled strain rate was subsequently applied to the sample by relaxation and gas loss via diffusion would also be slower at this low
the rotational motion of two counter-rotating rollers on which the temperature. Each of the PS–talc composites was first foamed under
two ends of the samples were fixed. Immediately after the static conditions (i.e., e ¼0). Subsequent foaming experiments were
application of strain, a computer system triggered the release of conducted with strain e ¼0.55 and 1.1 while keeping de/dt constant
gas via a solenoid valve, thus inducing a thermodynamic instabil- at 2 s 1. It is noted that the strain and strain rate values used in this
ity that caused foaming to occur within the PS–talc samples. At study were engineering strain and strain rates (i.e., e ¼ DL/L
the same time, a high-speed camera with a high magnification and de/dt¼ d(DL/L)/dt). To investigate the effect of de/dt, additional
lens captured the foaming processes in situ. A desirable pressure experiments using the samples with 5 wt% talc were conducted
drop rate can be achieved by adjusting the size of the opening of a with e ¼1.1 but at de/dt¼0.1 s 1. Each experiment referred to above
metered valve along the gas release path. Our previous study have been done three times to ensure the repeatability of the test
provided a detailed description of the design and operation data. Table 2 summarizes the experimental cases for each of the
procedure of this system (Wong et al., 2011). three talcs.
Since our goal was to study the effect of talc size and surface
treatment on the foaming behavior of PS–talc composites in an
extensional flow, the system temperature, saturation pressure, and 4. Results and discussion
average pressure drop rate were kept constant at 100 1C, 3.45 MPa
(500 psi) and 6 MPa/s, respectively. Based on Li et al.’s PS/CO2 4.1. Characterization of talc distribution in PS samples
solubility data, the dissolved CO2 content in PS under these conditions
was 1.27 wt% (Li et al., 2004). The actual dissolved gas content might Due to Cimpact 710 and Cimpact CB7 smaller sized talc
have varied to a small degree due to the addition of talc, but the particles, we expected that larger numbers of these would be
Fig. 9. Foaming sequences for talc wt%¼ 2.0. (a) e ¼ 0; (b) e ¼1.1 at de/dt ¼2.
56 A. Wong, C.B. Park / Chemical Engineering Science 75 (2012) 49–62
dispersed into the PS polymer matrix than would Stellar 410 selected from each PS–talc composite, and scanning electronic
when the same weight content of talc was used. But the actual microscope (SEM) images were taken along a fractured surface of
talc particle density and size distribution would also strongly each sample that was frozen with liquid nitrogen. In the SEM
depend on the quality of the distributive and dispersive mixing in images, the talc particles appeared to be white platelets of
the compounding stage. The talc particles would also be re- different lengths. Fig. 3 shows sample SEM images of a PS-talc
oriented during the compression molding process. Therefore, to composite with 5.0 wt% Cimpact CB7 and one with 5.0 wt% Stellar
obtain accurate information about talc distribution within the 410. The length of each talc platelet was carefully measured
plastic samples, three pieces of unfoamed samples were randomly within a known area (At). The measured data was then grouped
Fig. 10. Foaming sequences for talc wt%¼ 5.0. (a) e ¼ 0; (b) e ¼ 1.1 at de/dt¼2; (c) e ¼1.1 at de/dt¼ 0.1.
A. Wong, C.B. Park / Chemical Engineering Science 75 (2012) 49–62 57
according to length, and frequency tables of talc size vs. length Stellar 410 was close to one order of magnitude lower than
were generated from the resulting data. Subsequently, the parti- Cimpact 710 and Cimpact CB7 for all three talc wt%. Meanwhile,
cle density of each length group (N italc ) was determined using the surface treatment seemed to help disperse the talc, as seen in the
following equation: higher Ntalc,avg of Cimpact CB7 compared with Cimpact 710 at a
3=2 higher talc content of 2% and 5%. This behavior was also observed
ni in our previous work (Leung et al., 2012). In this study, however,
Nitalc ¼ ð10Þ
At the effect was not as clear because there were significant varia-
tions in Ntalc for the PS–talc composites, as shown by the errors in
where i¼1 to k (k equals the total number of length groups) and
Ntalc,avg, which denoted the standard deviation of the Ntalc data
ni represents the frequency of talc particles in the i-th length
shown in Fig. 7a. The range of talc sizes for Stellar 410 were much
group. This procedure was repeated three times for each PS–talc
wider than for the other two talcs. A Gaussian distribution was
composite to obtain the talc particle density vs. the length
applied as a fitting curve to each of the three runs of the particle
distribution information. The average talc density vs. size dis-
density data, and the mean value of the Gaussian distributions
tribution information is shown in a matrix of talc particle density
were obtained. The average value of s for each PS–talc composite
vs. length graphs in Figs. 4–6 for talc wt%¼0.5, 2.0 and 5.0,
was then taken as the average talc size (savg) in each case, as
respectively, where the error bars denote the standard deviations
Fig. 7b shows. The errors represent the standard deviation of the s
of the three sets of test data. A similar technique was used in our
data. We observed that the savg for Stellar 410 is significantly
previous study (Leung et al., 2012). The total particle density
larger than for the other two types of talc, which is reasonable
(Ntalc) of each sample was then determined as follows:
due to the larger median talc size of Stellar 410. Meanwhile, the
k difference between the savg of Cimpact 710 and Cimpact CB7 was
Ntalc ¼ N italc ð11Þ insignificant. To estimate the differences in Ahet for each case, we
assumed that each talc platelet had a circular disk shape with
Finally, the average value of Ntalc, denoted as Ntalc,avg, of each diameter equal to savg. We also disregarded the surface area along
PS–talc composite was calculated (refer to Fig. 7a). the thickness direction; hence, the total surface area of a talc
Figs. 4–6 show that the average particle densities for Stellar platelet was equal to twice the area of the circular disk. Therefore,
410 were significantly lower than for the other two talcs. In by taking the Ntalc,avg and savg data shown in Fig. 7a and b, the
particular, Fig. 7a specifically demonstrates that the Ntalc,avg of average Ahet, denoted as Ahet,avg for each case, was determined
Fig. 11. Nunfoam vs. time and maximum Nunfoam for talc wt%¼ 0.5. (a) e ¼0; (b) e ¼ 0.55 at de/dt¼ 2; (c) e ¼1.1 at de/dt¼ 2; (d) maximum Nunfoam.
58 A. Wong, C.B. Park / Chemical Engineering Science 75 (2012) 49–62
through the following equation: calculated at each time instant using the following three equations:
hp i
Ahet,avg ¼ Ntalc,avg s2avg ð12Þ NðtÞ 3=2
2 Nf oam ðtÞ ¼ ð14Þ
The results are summarized in Fig. 7c, which demonstrates that
Cimpact CB7 has the highest Ahet, followed by Cimpact 710, and Nunf oam ðtÞ ¼ Nf oam ðtÞ VERðtÞ ð15Þ
finally Stellar 410, at all talc wt%. The errors of Ahet,avg, denoted as " ! #
DAhet,avg, were determined by error analysis using the following 4 X 10
R3i ðtÞ
VERðtÞ ¼ 1 þ p N f oam ðtÞ ð16Þ
equation: 3 i ¼ 1 10
DNtalc,avg 2 where VER(t) is an estimated volume expansion ratio at time t.
DðAhet,avg Þ ¼ Ahet,avg þ ð2Dsavg Þ2 ð13Þ Figs. 11–13 show the Nunfoam vs. time graphs for each PS–talc
N talc,avg
composite at different applied e levels (while keeping de/dt con-
where DNtalc,avg and Dsavg denote the errors in Ntalc,avg and savg, stant at 2 s 1) for talc wt%¼0.5, 2.0, and 5.0, respectively. The
respectively. maximum Nunfoam data is also summarized in Figs. 11d, 12d,
and 13d. The three different talc types that had the same talc
concentration and processing conditions were plotted on the same
4.2. Foaming results
graph so that their performance could be compared directly and
clearly. For all PS-composites, the cell nucleating rate and maximum
Samples of the foaming visualization data for selected experi-
cell density increased significantly as the applied e increased. In
mental conditions are shown in Figs. 8–10 for talc wt%¼0.5, 2.0,
most cases, the maximum cell densities at e ¼2 increased over two
and 5.0, respectively. The cell density with respect to the unfoamed
orders of magnitude as compared to the static cases. This phenom-
volume (Nunfoam) for each case was characterized based on the
enon was especially apparent for Cimpact 710 and CB7. Further,
method detailed in our previous study (Wong et al., 2007). A brief
Figs. 10b and c and 14 show that the cell density also increased
description of that is given here as follows: First, N(t), the number
significantly with the applied de/dt. To explain this behavior, we can
of cells within a superimposed circular boundary with an area of Ac
consider the PS–talc composites as viscoelastic materials whose
at time t was counted at each time instant until cell nucleation
stress–strain relationship conforms to the Kelvin–Voigt model as
ceased. The radii of 10 randomly selected bubbles at time t (i.e.,
Ri(t), where i¼1y10) were also measured. Subsequently, the cell
density with respect to the foamed volume, Nfoam(t), and the cell deðtÞ
sðtÞ ¼ EeðtÞ þ Z ð17Þ
density with respect to the unfoamed volume, Nunfoam(t), were dt
Fig. 12. Nunfoam vs. time and maximum Nunfoam for talc wt%¼ 2.0. (a) e ¼0; (b) e ¼ 0.55 at de/dt¼ 2; (c) e ¼1.1 at de/dt¼ 2; (d) maximum Nunfoam.
A. Wong, C.B. Park / Chemical Engineering Science 75 (2012) 49–62 59
Fig. 13. Nunfoam vs. time and maximum Nunfoam for talc wt%¼ 5.0. (a) e ¼0; (b) e ¼ 0.55 at de/dt¼ 2; (c) e ¼1.1 at de/dt¼ 2; (d) maximum Nunfoam.
where the Ee(t) and the Zde/dt terms are the elastic and viscous increased. This action effectively lowered the local Psys. Hence,
terms, respectively. From this model, it is clear that as e and/or more cell nucleation could occur around smaller talc particles,
de/dt increased, the tensile stress, s(t), also increased, which such as those of Cimpact CB7 and Cimpact 710, despite their
ultimately led to a decrease in the local system pressure due to an lower ability to cause pressure variations in their surrounding
increasingly negative DPlocal generated by the applied e. Therefore, regions. Also, due to the lowered local Psys, smaller microvoids
the cell nucleation rates increased according to Eqs. (7) and (8), would be activated to grow. Consequently, the talc size effects
which eventually led to the increased cell densities based on Eq. (9). became less dominant. Nevertheless, this study demonstrates
Meanwhile, as DPlocal became more negative, the Rcr also decreased that larger nucleating agents might be superior to smaller ones
(Eq. (6)). If the Rcr decreased below the radius of curvature in some in enhancing cell nucleation despite their lower particle density
microvoids that originally reside in cavities on the surface of talc and surface area for heterogeneous nucleation. In addition to the
particles due to incomplete wetting, these microvoids would have larger particle sizes, it is further noted that Stellar 410 exhibited
grown spontaneously into nucleated cells. broader ranges of talc-size distribution when compared to the
It was found that, despite the lower Ntalc,avg and Ahet,avg of other two talcs. This demonstrates that nucleating agents with
Stellar 410 within the PS polymer, the PS–stellar 410 composites broad particle size distribution might be beneficial for foaming
had the earliest onset of cell nucleation and the highest maximum due to the existence of large particles that helped to initiate
cell densities in all cases. Since Stellar 410 has the highest savg, foaming.
this finding is inline with our hypothesis that larger particles can The surface treatment used in this study did not result in a
be favorable for cell nucleation due to high pressure variations conclusive trend in the foaming behavior. Since the Ahet of the
around these particles. In the local regions where tensile stress is surface-treated talc (Cimpact CB7) was higher for all talc weight
present, Rcr decreased and Jhet increased according to Eqs. (6) contents, the surface treatment might have increased the affinity
and (8), respectively. Therefore, earlier onset times for nucleation between the PS and the talc particles. Hence, yc would be
and higher cell densities were observed in the Stellar 410 cases. decreased and cell nucleation would become less favorable on
This effect was most dominant in the static cases. As the level of these surfaces. Due to the competing phenomena of increased Ahet
applied e increased, the differences in the maximum cell densities and decreased yc, the surface treatment used in this study has no
between each PS-composite at the same talc concentration were significant effects on cell nucleation rate and density.
also reduced. This was caused by the increased tensile stress that Importantly, while we observed that the increase of Ahet led to
was applied to the polymer as the level of the applied e or de/dt a higher cell nucleation rate and cell density, the maximum
60 A. Wong, C.B. Park / Chemical Engineering Science 75 (2012) 49–62
Fig. 14. Effect of de/dt on Nunfoam vs. time and maximum Nunfoam for talc wt%¼5.0.
(a) Nunfoam vs. time; (b) maximum Nunfoam.
5. Conclusion
extensional strain and/or the strain rate increased, the foaming Acknowledgments
processes took less time to complete, and the cell density increased
significantly in all cases. Also, the differences in cell densities among The authors are grateful to the Consortium of Cellular and
the different talc types became smaller, especially when the talc Micro-Cellular Plastics (CCMCP), the Ontario Research Foundation
content was high at 2.0% and 5.0%. As extensional strain and the (ORF), and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
strain rate increased, the local tensile stresses in the polymer matrix of Canada (NSERC) for their financial support of this project.
also increased. This caused a decrease of local pressure needed to
induce nucleation around the smaller talc particles. As a result, the
effect of talc size became less pronounced. References
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