Westmead International School: Excellence ǁ Leadership ǁ Innovation ǁ Service WWW - Westmead-Is - Edu.ph
Westmead International School: Excellence ǁ Leadership ǁ Innovation ǁ Service WWW - Westmead-Is - Edu.ph
Westmead International School: Excellence ǁ Leadership ǁ Innovation ǁ Service WWW - Westmead-Is - Edu.ph
Batangas City
Course Title: Humanities for the 21st Century Culture Course Code: BrED 1
Credit Units: 3 units Pre-requisite: None
Hours/week: 3 hours Co-requisite: None
Course Description: In this course, students will learn the three four bridging courses namely (1) Creative Writing Nonfiction that focuses on formal
elements and writing techniques, including autobiography and blogging, among others; the subject introduces the students to the
reading and writing of Creative Nonfiction as a literary form. The subject develops in student’s skills in reading, and thinking
critically and creatively, that will help them to be imaginative readers and writers; (2) Introduction to World Religions and Belief
Systems explores the main tenets and practices of major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Theravada
Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism. It aims to help learners understand the historical contexts
of nine religions, appreciate their uniqueness and similarities and promote mutual understanding among believers of different
faiths. They are expected to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of one’s faith and that of others and (3) Trends,
Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century that provides opportunities for students to discover patterns and extract
meanings from emerging trends. It aids in developing their critical and creative thinking skills-- essential tools for decision making
and understanding ethics of care. Global trends in the 21st century is examined and are either accepted or rejected on a sound
set of criteria. Students will be asked to create and analyze scenarios that will challenge them to (1) formulate their stances on
issues or concerns; (2) propose interventions and; (3) formulate alternative futures. The students will realize the interconnections
between their neural connections and social realities.
WIS Vision Westmead International School envisions to be an internationally recognized premier institution which values the pursuit of truth,
the freedom of inquiry, and the expansion of knowledge in the service of humanity through learning.
WIS Mission The school distinguishes itself as a diverse, socially responsible learning community of high level scholarship and academic rigor
sustained by truth, peace and equality. Our aim is to provide exemplary basic, specialized undergraduate and graduate courses
through focused skill development and workforce training relevant to contemporary needs of the Philippines and the global
Course Intended Learning At the end of this course, the students should be able to :
Outcome (CILO) A. Cognitive
Discuss the different representations and conceptualizations from various disciplinal perspectives.
Compare and contrast how the 21st century has been represented across different disciplines and perspectives.
Teaching /
Week Content/Topic Learning Learning Outcomes
1 Introduction of the course Class Activity Get to know what the course is all about. Getting to know me
and you
Syllabus Be familiar about the mechanics of the course.
Appreciate the benefits derived from the study of Raising fundamental
Class Discussion humanities for the 21st century culture questions regarding
Discussion of the Determine the contributions of the course towards
mechanics of the understanding the humanities for the 21st century
course culture Surfacing students’
beliefs and concerns
Develop a sense of culture identity and regarding the culture
2 Part I produce at least one striking scene for a short story write a short poem
Reading and Writing Non-Fiction* Class Discussion applying the various
determine various modes of fiction elements, techniques,
3.1. Elements of the genre Class Project
and literary devices
a. Character Brainstorming identify the various elements, techniques, and literary
devices in fiction
b. Point of View Article write journal entries
b.1. 1st-person POV (major, minor, or compose at least one scene for a one-act play that and other short
can be staged exercises exploring
bystander Classroom
Exercises key elements of fiction
b.2. 2nd-person POV
Video Presentation
b.3. 3rd-person POV (objective, limited
write a short scene
omniscient, omniscient) Analyses
applying the various
c. Plot Illustrations elements, techniques,
and literary devices
c.1. linear
c.2. modular/episodic
e. Conflict
f. Irony
f.1. verbal
f.2. situational
f.3. dramatic
g. Theme
f.1. moral/lesson
f.3. insight
a. Mood/tone
b. Foreshadowing
3 Part 2 Lecture The learner understands the literary conventions Short paper on
Introduction to Literary Genres that govern the different genres. (e.g., narrative real/ideal/ self and a
Group discussions discussion/
convention of fiction, etc
assessment of any
1. Understanding Conventions of Traditional
Class discussions differences
f. Peer-edit each
other’s draft
4 Class Discussion Identify dominant literary conventions of a particular Write a draft of a short
d. effective
combination of the
idea and the chosen
a. Mini critique
b. Creative nonfiction
Class project
Mahayana Buddhism Analyses Explain: The core teaching of Christianity is the The learner conducts
message that a loving God sent His begotten Son in a panel discussion on
order to redeem humankind from eternal damnation. Muslim beliefs and
Confucianism practices (when
possible inviting a
Explain: The core teaching of Hinduism is the
attainment of liberation in the identification of Atman
Taoism and Brahman through the Four Yoga’s. Conducts a group
research on the
Shintoism Explain: The core teaching of Theravada Buddhism doctrines of each of
is that life is suffering; suffering is due to craving; the three religions and
there is a way to overcome craving; and the way to compares them in the
overcome craving is the Eight-fold Path, the Middle aspects of origin,
Way (between pleasure and mortification). morality, purpose,
destiny, and views on
State the three levels of perfection of Mahayana
Buddhism (moral discipline, cultivation of virtue, and
altruistic conduct)
10 Part 9 Class Discussion Give examples of various activities in one’s daily life Locates on a map the
Global Networks that show the concrete effects of globalization different geographical
Lecture origins of the various
3.1 Labor Explain the comprehensive effects of globalization components/elements
Group Discussion
3.2 Migration of an
Presentation of Show the interconnectedness of peoples and nations industrial/technologica
Self Ideas l/agricultural product
Explain and demonstrate the benefits of collaboration and writes a reflection
Planetary Networks: Climate Change Class discussions essay on the insights
and cooperation
and processing of gathered from the
4.1 The effects of consumption and production the written data
Identify and discuss the different contributions of the exercise.
patterns to climate change
Class project parts to a whole
4.2 The effects of climate change Brainstorming Stress the important role of the creative imagination Locates on a map the
4.3 Steps to address the problems of climate
in putting together the various parts of a whole workplaces of the
change Analyses
OFWs in their
List activities that exemplify care for the environment community and writes
a reflection paper on
the effects of labor
migration to their
Writes a resolution
that you can share
with your friends about
how you can
personally contribute
towards solving the
problem of climate
11 Part 10 Class Discussion Identify preferred democratic practices Using any form of oral
presentation The
Democratic Interventions Lecture Explain and analyze the reason for their preferences learner explains
creatively the ill effects
Group Discussion
Illustrate the benefits of democratic participation of undemocratic
Information Communication Technology Presentation of practices related to
(ICT) Self Ideas Explain the importance of participation in democracy factors such as
gender biases,
Class discussions poverty, political
Textbooks: - Bremmer, Ian. "How to Lead in Ambiguous Times." Strategy and Business. February 2015, 2. Accessed May 6, 2016.
Articles/Handouts: - CHED Preliminaries and Supplement
Online Resources: - http://www.strategybusiness.com/article/00306.
4 written major examinations (Prelims, Midterms, Semifinals and Finals)
Article Reviews/Movie Reviews/Assignments
Final Integration Activity incorporated in Final Examination
Final Grade = (Average of 4 Major Exams * 70%) + (Class Standing * 30%)