Cluster 4: Merchant & Van Der Stede Chapter 4 Tight Control
Cluster 4: Merchant & Van Der Stede Chapter 4 Tight Control
Cluster 4: Merchant & Van Der Stede Chapter 4 Tight Control
- For the result controls to be considered tight, the results must be congruent with the “true”
organizational objectives; specific performance targets; effectively communicated desired
results to those who are being controlled; the measures must be complete.
- The actual clarity of the results wanted is not necessarily that well in all organizations. Of
course, selling more is a clear goal of a company involved in sales. However, what are the
goals of a non-profit or a governmental agency? (Congruence)
- The performance expectations must be described in specific terms. This makes the use of
result controls difficult in more qualitative areas. (Specificity)
- The performance targets must be communicated effectively and internalized by those
charged with their accomplishment. It is only when this is in place that result controls can
influence performance. (Communication)
- Completeness means that the result areas defined in the MCS include all the areas in which
the organization desires good performance and over which the employees involved can have
some impact.
- Tight controls can also depend on the adequacy of the performance measures that are used.
As presented in chapter 2, performance measures must be precise, objective, timely, and
- The result controls will also be tight if meaningful rewards are directly and definitely linked
to the accomplishment of the desired results.
Directly linked means that the accomplishment of results translates explicitly and
unambiguously into rewards
Definitely linked means that no excuses are tolerated.
- It is important for the authors to note that managers are not limited to tinkering with only
one form of action control or changing one for another. To really ensure tight controls they
should implement aspects or characteristics of all three in such a way that the highest degree
of tightness is achieved.
Lilly (drug company) is successful in doing alliances. The main reason is that they do a
thorough due diligence process. They evaluate the potential partners on the dimensions in the
web chart below.
OKRs – Objectives and Key Results
Puropose: connect company, team, and personal goals to measurable results while having all team
members and leaders work together in one, unified direction
Set quarterly goals – objectives
Measure metrics process – key results
Share it with leaders and co-workers
One direction everyone works against
Aligned and linked hierarchy
Company > Department > Team > Individual
Transparency and open, clearly communicated team work
Both are focused on objectives and metrics that helps you reach the objectives
Balanced scorecard: most companies draft objectives that are meant to stay in place for a
year or longer
OKR: organizations change their objectives and key results every quarter
BSC creates objectives and measures in four dimensions (financial, customer, internal
processes and learning & growth), while OKRs don’t rely on perspectives
With a rapid change, OKRs are better because they have a quarterly perspective while BSC is
more long-term
The benefit of BSC is that it forces organizations to think holistically (helhetlig) about the
business and how the different perspectives effect each other