Manual de Uso - Fabricante de Pan y Masa - de Lujo - OSTER 4811

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Congra t u

First revie wt he sa f e t y

guidelines, t hen t ur n t o page 7 f or t he easy 1,2,3 inst ru

la t

Fresh, w arm homemade
bread is just a f e w,
easy st e ps a w ay w i t h y our n e

w Ost e r ® De lu xe Br ea d a nd D

ou gh M a k e r.
We ' ve don e eve r y t hing w e ca n t o m

a k e br ea d - b a king a br eeze: We ' ve

st r ea mlin e d t h e inst ruc t ions; d

esign e d a simpl e, easy- t o - r ea d con t

rol p a n e l ; a nd d eve lop e d a host o f

gr ea t r ecip es.

Alo n g t h e w ay, f ee l f r ee t o ask qu est ions. You

ca n ca ll us t oll f r ee a t

Before You Start.. ............................................................................
Safety Guidelines
Your First Loaf! .............................................................................
Using the Bread easy as l-2-3
Symphony of Ingredients .................................................................
Basic Ingredients......................................................................................................... 0
The Process, Simplified.. ............................................................ 12
Getting to Know Your Bread Maker................................................................... 5
Components of Your Bread Maker....................................................16
Getting to Know the Operation Panel............................................. 17
Step by Step Directions....................................................................... 18
Breadmaking Cycle Times..................................................................... 2 0
Recipes and Tips
Special Tips........................................................................................... 22
White Breads......................................................................................... 23
Whole Wheat Breads.......................................................................... ,29
F r e n c h Breads........................................................................................ 32
Sweet Breads......................................................................................... 33
D ou gh s O n l y...................................................................................... 38
The Finishing Touch: Spreads and Glazes........................................ 48
Special Concerns
Troubleshooting Tips.....................................................................................................51
Cleaning and Care Guidelines.....................................................................................54
Baking at High Altitudes................................................................................................55
Index of Recipes
Before You
We ’v e de s i g n e d the Oster Del ux e Bread and
Dough Maker to be easy to use. But, like any
ki tc he n a p pli a n c e , it re q u i r e s proper use and

Using Your Bread Maker

Before Use
1. Read all instructions. to add fruit, nuts, or other ingredients to the
baking pan.
2. Make sure to remove all foreign matter from the 3. Do not place anything on the Bread Maker lid. Do
baking pan.
not cover vents.
3. Peel off plastic film from control panel and remove
static labels.
4. Plug the Bread Maker into a properly wired outlet. 5

While in Use
1. The temperature is very hot during operation. Be
careful to keep your hands and face away from the
2.Do not open the lid or remove the bread pan during
operation except as indicated by the fruit/nut beep.
The beep sounds three times, indicating that it is time
Where to Use After Use
1. Use only on a stable, heat-resistant surface. 1. Use oven mitts or a pot holder when taking out
2. Do not use the Bread Maker where it will be the bread pan after baking.
exposed to direct sunlight or other heat sources, such as 2. Make sure to disconnect the power by unplugging
a stove or oven. the unit. Allow the Bread Maker to cool down
3. Keep the Bread Maker out of the reach of children before storing.
-- it’s hot! Also, if any buttons are accidentally 3. Read instructions before cleaning. Do not
touched during operation, baking may stop. immerse the unit in water. This will cause electric
4. Place the unit at least two inches away from shock and/or damage to the unit.
walls. If you do not, walls may become
Important Safeguards
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following:///

1. Read all instructions, product labels, and warnings before using the Bread Maker.
2. Do not touch hot surfaces, Always use oven mitts when handling hot materials, and allow metal parts to cool before
cleaning Allow the Bread Maker to cool thoroughly before putting in or taking off parts.
3. When unit is not in use and before cleaning, unplug the Bread Maker from wall outlet.
4. To protect against risk of electrical shock, do not immerse the appliance or plugs in water or other liquids.
5. Close supervision is always necessary when this or any appliance is used by or near children.
6. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not plug in cord where people may walk or trip on it.
7. Do not operate this or any appliance with a frayed or damaged cord or plug or after the appliance malfunctions or is
dropped or has been damaged in any manner. Return appliance to the nearest authorized service facility for
examination, repair or electrical or mechanical adjustment.
8. Avoid contact with moving parts.
9. Do not use attachments not recommended by the manufacturer; they may cause fire, electric shock or injury.
10. Do not use outdoors or for commercial purposes.
11. Do not let the cord dangle over the edge of a table or counter or touch hot surfaces. Do not place on an unsteady
or cloth- covered surface.
12. Do not place the appliance near a hot gas or electric burner or in a heated oven.
13. To unplug, press the “STOP” button, grip plug and pull from wall outlet. Never pull on the cord.

Save These Instructions

14. Use of extension cords: A short power supply cord has been provided to reduce the risk of injury resulting from
becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord. Extension cords are available from hardware stores and may
be used with care. The cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over the counter or table top where it can be
pulled by children or tripped over accidentally.
15. Electrical power: If electric circuit is overloaded with other appliances, your Bread Maker may not operate properly. The
Bread Maker should be operated on a separate electrical circuit from other operating appliances.
16. Polarized plug: To reduce the risk of electrical shock, this appliance has a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the
other). This plug fits a polarized outlet only one way; if the plug does not fit fully into the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still
does not fit, contact a qualified electrician. Do not attempt to defeat this safety feature.

This unit is intended for household use only. 6

Bread Mix Instructions
1 . Remove the bread pan from the Bread Maker. Add 1 cup of
warm water to pan. Open bread mix packet and empty contents
into pan. Dig a small hole in the breadmix and add the yeast
2 . Insert the pan firmly into the bottom of the machine, applying
pressure to each corner of the pan to make sure it is snapped
tightly into the retaining brackets. If you are unsure, apply
pressure once more to each corner of the pan.
3 . Now press “Start.” Your bread will be done in the amount of
time indicated on the timer. When it is done, you’ll hear five
beeps. That’s the cue to take the pan out of the machine. A word
of caution, the pan will be hot, so use pot holders. It’s best to let
your bread cool for 15 minutes before slicing. Enjoy!

(There directions only apply if your Bread Maker has bread mix included.
Should you purchase bread mix from a grocery store or specialty store, be

sure to follow the instructions on the box for best results.)

A Sympho
L i k e t h e i n s t r u m e n t s in an o r c h e s t r a , t h e
ingredients in b a s i c bread are very simple:
flou r, suga r, salt, a liqui d (such as water or
mi lk ) , p o s s i b l y a fat (such as bu t t e r or oil), and
yeast. And, like each musical instrument, each
i n g r e d i e n t p e r f o r ms a s p e c i f i c job, and each
lends a special flavor to the final masterpiece.

T h a t ’ s w h y i t ’ s i m p o r t a n t to u s e t h e r i g h t
ingredients in e x a c t l y the right proportions to
ens ure you get the most d e l i c i o u s r e s u l t s !
Yeast is actually a microscopic plant. Simply stated, without yeast, your bread will not rise.
When moistened by a liquid, fed by sugar, and carefully warmed, yeast produces gases which
power the dough to rise. If the temperature is too cold, the yeast will not be activated; if it’s
too warm, it will die. The Oster Deluxe Bread and Dough Maker takes care of this worry for
you by maintaining just the right temperature in the baking chamber at all times, YOU can
use either “active dry yeast”, ” quick acting”, “rapid rise yeast” or one of the new “Bread
machine yeasts” in your Oster Deluxe Bread and Dough Maker.

Sugars sweeten the bread, brown the crust, and lend tenderness to the texture. These jobs
can be performed by white or brown sugar, molasses, maple or corn syrups. honey, fruits
or other sweeteners.

In order for the bread to rise, the flour has to have a high protein content. You should
always use a “bread flour” (for white bread recipes) in your bread maker to get the
best results. Do not use all-purpose, cake flour or self-rising flour.

Unlike white bread flour, whole wheat flour contains bran and wheat germ which inhibit
rising. Wheat breads therefore tend to be heavier in texture and smaller in size. A lighter
larger loaf can be achieved by combining whole wheat flour with white bread flour for
wheat bread recipes.

When liquids are mixed with the proteins in flour, gluten is formed. Gluten is necessary for
rising. Many recipes use dry milk, but other liquids, such as fruit juice, beer, and water work
too. It’s a delicate balance: A recipe with too much liquid may cause the bread to fall during
baking while a recipe with too little liquid will not rise.

Salt inhibits rising, so be very careful measuring. Any ordinary table salt will do.

Many breads use fats to enhance the flavor and retain moisture. Typically, we use margarine
in these recipes, but butter may also be used.
1 0
Important Measuring Tips
Because each ingredient plays such a specific role, it is especially
important to measure the ingredients exactly to get the best results.

For dry ingredients, use a standard measuring spoon or measuring cup -- not
a tableware spoon or coffee cup -- and level off. For flour, simply spoo the
flour into a measuring cup and level off with a flat kitchen utensil.

For liquids, fill a standard measuring spoon or measuring cup to the level
indicated. Check your cup measurement by placing the measuring cup on a
flat surface.

For solid fats, fill a standard measuring spoon or measuring cup to the level
indicated and level off with a kitchen utensil.

Last Things Last!

You’ll see this tip in several places in this book, but it bears repeating: Always put th
liquids in first, the dry ingredients in next, and the yeast last. Before adding the yeas
dig a shallow hole in the dry ingredients and place the yeast in the hole so that there
absolutely no contact between the liquids and the yeast. You don’t want the yeast to b
activated too soon in the process. This is especially important when you’re using the Dela
bake option.

Adding Fruits and Nuts

Fruits and nuts are added later, after the machine has completed the first knead. The machine
will beep three times to let you know it is time to add fruit or nuts. If they are added before the
fruit nut beep, the fruit will be pureed due to excessive kneading.

If fresh fruits or perishable ingredients are called for in a recipe, (i.e., eggs,
cheese, milk) do not use the Delay bake option.
The P r o c e s s
S i m p l i fi e d

Mixing, Kneading, Rising,

B a k i n g . . .here’s a g l i m p s e of how
the O s t e r D e l u xe B re a d and Dough
M a ke r a u t o m a t i c a l l y d o e s all the
s t e p s for y o u .

Mixing and Kneading
In standard bread baking, the baker mixes the ingredients
, first by stirring, then by kneading the dough by hand. The
Oster Deluxe Bread and Dough Maker mixes and kneads the
I dough automatically for you.

When making bread by hand, the dough is placed in a warm
place to rise after mixing so that the yeast can ferment and
produce gas. After mixing the dough, the Oster Deluxe Bread
and Dough Maker maintains the optimum temperature for
rising during this part of the process.
If you are using the Dough Only cycle, the Oster Deluxe Bread
and Dough Maker will stop at the end of the first rising. You
will hear a series of 5 beeps to let you know it’s done. The
dough can now be removed and shaped - for bagels, pizza or
other creations - and placed in your own oven for baking.

Punch Down
Once the dough has risen, the baker will typically “punch
down” the dough. This process helps to break apart large,
unwanted pockets of air and gas that have developed
through rising, giving the bread a more even and appetizing
texture. This Oster Deluxe Bread and Dough Maker handles
this process automatically for you by turning on the kneading
blade for just the right amount of time.
Second Rise
After it is punched down, the bread bounces back -- it rises a
second time. Some breads require shorter or longer rising times.
For example, wheat breads require a longer rising time because
the flour contains bran and wheat germ which inhibit rising. The
Oster Deluxe Bread and Dough Maker regulates the temperature
and timing of this second rise automatically for you based on
your selection.

The Oster Deluxe Bread and Dough Maker automatically
regulates baking time and temperature for perfect results every

In standard baking, the baker removes the bread from the pan
immediately to keep the crust from turning soggy. We
recommend that you do the same with the Oster Deluxe Bread
and Dough Maker, too.

Getting to
Your Deluxe
Bread and
Dough Maker
The b e s t way to get t h e r e is to use
this map.. Soon you’ll know the
electronic bread-baking territory
t h e w a y you k n o w y o u r o w n
k i t c h e n . In t h e m e a n t i m e , h e r e a r e
s o m e e a s y - t o - f o l l o w d i r e c t i o n s to
get you s t a r t e d . 1
The Control The LCD
Panel Display
The yellow light The green light The bread row Rapid bake
The red light indicates that reduces
the indicates that the allows YOU to the overall
indicates that select Your bread completion time
machine is on. the bread is done. by
type. \ about 20%.

Use the
button to MEDIUM DARK
move the
blinking The
light on
the LCD
display to /buttons SMALL
your allow
you to
set the RISE
for the
delay O
Use the
functio O
button to
lock STOP
in your These
choice. button The baking
tells the indicators tell
The START bread row allows you what
button maker stage of the
tells the to stop you to select process the
bread everythi crust color or breadmaker
maker to ng. is in.
begin the dough
operation. only This row
lets you
function. The timer indicates choose either a
the number of small pound) or a
hours and large (1.5
oound) loaf.

iFruit & Nut /Light ‘Medium Dark Rapid Bake 13 Hour Delay +
lb. Loaf Size




Questions? YOU can call us toll fr ee at l-800-526-

to change the timer setting.

1. Peel off the plastic film cover

from the control panel and
7. cycle: and you want a
medium crust color, press S
move the blinking
light to your choice of
remove the static label from the start button E crust color.
the front of the machine. button. This is a built-in L Press the select button
default. E to lock in your choice.

Next remove the bread pan C (Note: For whole wheat
from the Bread Maker. Make l breads, medium is your
sure the kneading blade is only choice.)
placed securely in the bottom Y
of the pan. O If you only want to make

3 .
U dough, simply press the
Measure all ingredients into R select button when the
the bread pan in the order word dough is blinkinq.

dia a small hole in the flour

8. C
so-that the yeast doesn’t S RAPID CYCLE. The rapid
prematurely come into T bake function shortens
contactw ith the Iiquids. This the overall completion
is es,pecia!ly important when C time by about 20
the delay bake O percent. Breads baked
L on the rapid cycle are
O generally smaller
Wipe water and other spills because of a shorter
from the outside of the pan; .
then insert the pan firmly U
into the bottom of the s
machine, applying pressure to e otherwise press the
each corner of the pan to arrow key to skip to the

make sure it is snapped next step.
tightly into the retaining t
brackets. If you ate unsure, h SELECT YOUR LOAF SIZE.
apply pressure once more to Use
each corner of the pan. the arrow button to
move the blinking light

Close the lid and plug in the r to your choice of loaf
breadmaker. The LCD display r size and then press
will flash and then go blank, o select to lock in your
indicating that your unit is w choice. Your bread W i l
ready for operation. I be

6 .
ready in the number of
CHOOSE YOUR BREAD TYPE. b hours and minutes
Use the arrow button to u indicated on the timer,
t unless you want to use
move the blinking light to
t the delay bake cycle.
the type of bread you want.
Press the select button to lock
in your choice. Hint: If your
recipe is a pound loaf of
bread that uses the white t
IF YOU WANT TO USE THE (N of hours from now that you
This function lets delay e your bread to be done, press
the completion your bread th start and your Bread Maker
until a later time. If you want at will go to work. The yellow
your bread done hours th delay button will be on
from now in time for dinner, e indicating that the machine
let’s say m has properly received your
-you need to tell the Bread axi instructions.
Maker to delay the onset of m
We recommend that you do
operation. Do this b using u
m not use the delay function on
the HOUR and
de sweet breads, as these recipes
lay contain perishable
is ingredients that may spoil.
(MIX-INS). The Bread Maker
will beep five minutes after
the first rise. Carefully open
ur the lid of the Bread Maker
s; and add any fruit or nuts that
e recipe requires. Close the

m The Bread Maker will beep
dela five times and the timer will
y is indicate The bread is
3 best taken out of the pan
hou immediately. Remove the pan
rs using potholders, and slide
and the bread out of tthe. pan. It's
45 best to let your bread cool
min minutes before slicing. Enjoy!
13. ).
The unit needs to cool for at
least one half hour before
n using it a The display
you panel read “Hot” until
hav the unit is ready to use. Allow
e your bread maker to cool
ente before cleaning and storing.
red (See page 53)

Important Measuring Tips
Because each ingredient plays such a specific role, it is especially
important to measure the ingredients exactly to get the best results.

For dry ingredients, use a standard measuring spoon or measuring

cup -- not a tableware spoon or coffee cup -- and level off. For flour,
simply spoon the flour into a measuring cup and level off with a flat kitchen

For liquids, fill a standard measuring spoon or measuring cup to the level
indicated. Check your cup measurement by placing the measuring cup on a
flat surface.

For solid fats, fill a standard measu’ring spoon or measuring cup to the level
indicated and level off with a kitchen utensil.

Last Things Last!

You’ll see this tip in several places in this book, but it bears repeating: Always put the
liquids in first, the dry ingredients in next, and the yeast last. Before adding the yeast
dig a shallow hole in the dry ingredients and place the yeast in the hole so that there’s
absolutely no contact between the liquids and the yeast. You don’t want the yeast to be
activated too soon in the process. This is especially important when you’re using the Delay
bake option.

Adding Fruits and Nuts

Fruits and nuts are added later, after the machine has completed the first knead. The
machine will beep three times to let you know it is time to add fruit or nuts. If they are
added before the fruit nut beep, the fruit will be pureed due to excessive kneading.

If fresh fruits or perishable ingredients are called for in a recipe, (i.e., eggs,
cheese, milk) do not use the Delay bake option.
Cycle Times

Mix 15min I5 min 15min I5 min 15mi

Res 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min
Kne 10 min 10 min IO min 10 min IO min IO min 10 min
Rise 80 min 80 min 80 min 40 min 40 min 40 min 95 min
Pun Dow 33 33 33 25 25 25 42
ch n
Rise 60 min 60 min 60 min 55 min 55 min 55 min 70 min
Bak 35 min 40 min 50 min 35 min 40 min 50 min 40 min
Tota hr hr hr hr hr hr

Mix 15min 15min 15min 15 min

Rest 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min
Knead 15min 10 min 10 min 10 min
Rise 1 75 min 75 min 75 min 40 min 40 min 40 min
Punch 50 50 50 25 25 25
Rise 2 min 100 min 100 min 55 min 55 min 55 min
Bake 50 min 55 min 65 min 35 min 40 min 50 min
Total h hr hr 3:10 hr hr hr
Last Things Last
You’ll see this tip in several places in this book, but it bears repeating: Always put the liquid!
in first, the dry ingredients in next, and the yeast last (fruits and nuts are added later, after the
machine has completed the first knead). Dig a shallow hole in the dry ingredients and place
the yeast in the hole so that there’s absolutely no contact between the liquids and the yeast
This is especially important when you’re using the Delay bake option. You don’t want the yeas
to be activated too soon in the process!

Placement Counts!
Place dried fruits, vegetables, and dried spices away from the liquid ingredients in the bread
pan. If they soak up water, they can undermine the bread’s chemistry.

Freshness First
Avoid using perishable ingredients -- milk, yogurt, eggs, or cheese -- with the Delay bake

Just Wait Fifteen

For best results, wait fifteen minutes before slicing; the bread needs time to cool.
Deep Freeze
To freeze fresh bread, let it cool completely and double-bag in plastic.

White Bread Recipes
Traditional White Bread
Large Loaf (1 l/2 pounds)
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons water Small Loaf (1 pound)
cup plus 2 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon margarine or butter, 2 teaspoons margarine or butter,
softened softened
3 cups Gold Medal Better for
2 cups Gold Medal Better for
2 tablespoons sugar flour
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon dry milk
2 teaspoons dry milk
1 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast
OR 1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast
1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or OR
quick-acting active dry yeast 1 1/4 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast

Potato Bread
Large Loaf (1 112 pounds)
Small Loaf (1 pound)
1 cups water
cup water
2 tablespoons margarine or butter, 1 tablespoon margarine or butter,
softened softened
3 1/4 Gold Medal Better for 2 cups Gold Medal Better for
flour flour
cup mashed potato mix (dry) cup mashed potato mix (dry)
1 tablespoon sugar 2 teaspoons sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast 1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast
1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or 1 teaspoons bread machine yeast
quick-acting active dry yeast quick-acting active dry yeast
bread pan; attach kneading blade,
all ingredients in bread pan in the order listed.
bread pan, close lid and plug in.
bread type: Press until WHITE is blinking. Press SELECT.
crust color: Press until desired color is blinking. Press SELECT.
rapid cycle is desired, press SELECT when RAPID is blinking. Or press if rapid cycle is not
loaf size: Press until LARGE or SMALL is blinking. Press SELECT.
delay bake option is desired, press HR and MIN to set timer.
START. Bread will be done baking in the number of hours indicated.
Garlic-Herb Bread
Small Loaf (1 pound)
Large Loaf (1 pounds) cup water
1 1/4 water 2 teaspoons margarine or butter,
1 tablespoon margarine or butter, softened
softened 1 clove garlic, crushed
2 cloves garlic, crushed 2 cups Gold Medal Better for
3 cups Gold Medal Better for flour
flour 1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoons salt 1/4 teaspoon dried rosemary leaves
teaspoon dried rosemary leaves teaspoon dried thyme leaves teaspoon
teaspoon dried thyme leaves teaspoon dried basil leaves
dried basil leaves
1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast
1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast OR
OR 1 3/4 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or quick-acting active dry yeast
quick-acting active dry yeast

Caraway-Rye Bread Small Loaf (1 pound)

Large Loaf (1 pounds) cup plus 1 tablespoon water
1 1/4 cups water 2 teaspoons margarine or butter,
1 tablespoon margarine or butter, softened
softened 1 112 cups Gold Medal Better for
2 cups Gold Medal Better for flour cup
flour cup rye flour
1 tablespoon dry milk
rye flour
2 tablespoons dry milk 1
2 tablespoons sugar 1 salt
1 teaspoons salt teaspoon caraway reed
1/2 teaspoon caraway seed
1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast
1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast OR OR
teaspoons bread machine yeast or 1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast quick-acting active dry yeast

bread pan; attach kneading blade.
all ingredients in bread pan in the order listed.
bread pan, close lid and plug in.
bread type: Press until WHITE is blinking. Press SELECT.
crust color: Press until desired color is blinking. Press SELECT.
rapid cycle is desired, press SELECT when RAPID is blinking. Or press if rapid cycle is not desired.
loaf size: Press until LARGE or SMALL is blinking. Press SELECT.
delay bake option is desired, press HR and MIN to set timer.
START. Bread will be done baking in the number of hours indicated.
Onion Bread
Do not use the delay bake option for this Small Loaf (1 pound)
Large Loaf (1 pounds) cup water
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons water cup chopped onion
cup chopped onion teaspoons margarine or butter. softened
1 tablespoon margarine or butter, cups Gold Medal Better for
softened flour
3 cu ps G o l d M e d a l B e t t e r fo r 2

2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon sugar

1 tablespoon dry milk 2 teaspoons dry milk
1 l/2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon salt
1 3/4 teaspoons regular active dry yeast OR teaspoons regular active dry yeast
1 3/4 teaspoons bread machine ye as t or
teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast quick-acting active dry yeast

Parmesan-Pepper Bread fool-

Do not use the delay bake option for
this recipe.
Large Loaf (1 pounds) Small Loaf (1 pound)
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons water cup water
1 tablespoon olive or vegetable oil 2 teaspoons olive or vegetable oil
3 cups Gold Medal Better for 2 Gold Medal Better for
flour flour
cup grated Parmesan cheese cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon sugar teaspoon 2 teaspoons sugar teaspoon
salt salt
teaspoon freshly ground black or teaspoon freshly ground black or green
green peppercorns peppercorns

1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast 1 teaspoons regular active dry

1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or 1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast
bread pan; attach kneading blade.
all ingredients in bread pan in the order listed.
bread pan, close lid and plug in.
bread type: Press until WHITE is blinking. Press SELECT.
crust color: Press until desired color is blinking. Press SELECT.
rapid cycle is desired, press SELECT when RAPID is blinking. Or press if rapid cycle is not
loaf size: Press until LARGE or SMALL is blinking. Press SELECT.
START. Bread will be done baking in the number of hours indicated.
Cheddar-Chive Bread
Do not use the delay bake option for this recipe
Large Loaf (1 pounds)
1 cups water 2 cups Gold Medal Better for
3 cups Gold Medal Better for flour
flour cup shredded Cheddar cheese
1 cups shredded Cheddar cheese (2 ounces)
(5 ounces) 2 tablespoons chopped fresh or
cup chopped fresh or 2 tablespoons 1 tablespoon freeze-dried chives
freeze-dried chives 1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons sugar teaspoon salt
teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon regular active dry yeast
1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast OR
OR 1 teaspoon bread machine yeast or
teaspoons bread machine yeast or quick-acting active dry yeast
quick-acting active dry yeast

Roasted Red Pepper-Cheese

Roasted red are found in near the
olives in Small Loaf (1 pound)
Do not use the delay bake option for this recipe cup water
Large Loaf (1 pounds) cup chopped roasted red bell peppers
2 teaspoons margarine or butter,
water softened
cup chopped roasted red bell peppers 1 clove garlic, crushed
1 tablespoon margarine or butter, 2 cups Gold Medal Better for
softened flour
2 cloves garlic, crushed 3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
3 Gold Medal Better for 1 tablespoon sugar
flour teaspoon salt
cup grated Parmesan cheese 1 teaspoon dried basil leaves
2 tablespoons sugar
1 salt 1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast
1 teaspoons dried basil leaves OR
1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
2 teaspoons regular active dry yeast quick-acting active dry yeast
2 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast
bread pan; attach kneading blade.
all ingredients in bread pan in the order listed.
bread pan, close lid and plug in.

bread type: Press until WHITE is blinking. Press SELECT.

crust color: Press until desired color is blinking. Press SELECT.
rapid cycle is desired, press SELECT when RAPID is blinking. Or press if rapid cycle is not desired.
loaf size: Press until LARGE or SMALL is blinking. Press SELECT.
START. Bread will be done baking in the number of hours indicated.
Bacon-Beer Bread
Do not use the delay bake option for this recipe. Small Loaf (1 pound)
pounds 114 cup water
cup flat beer
water )
114 cup chopped green onions
3 tablespoons chopped green onions
1 tablespoon prepared mustard
2 tablespoons prepared mustard 2 teaspoons margarine or butter,
1 tablespoon margarine or butter, softened
softened 2 Medal Better for
3 cups Gold Better for
flour 2 teaspoons sugar
1 tablespoon sugar teaspoon salt
teaspoon salt
1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast
1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast 1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or quick-acting active dry yeast
quick-acting active dry yeast
Mix-ins: cup crumbled cooked bacon
cup crumbled cooked bacon

Pepperoni-Cheese Bread
Do not use the delay bake option for this
Large Loaf (1 pounds) Small Loaf pound)
1 cups water
3 cups Gold Medal Better for cup water edal Better for
flour 113 cup mozzarella cheese
1/3 cup mozzarella cheese 1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoons garlic salt
teaspoons dried oregano leaves
1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast
1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast 1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
OR quick-acting active dry yeast
teaspoons bread machine yeast
quick-acting active dry yeast Mix-ins:
Mix-ins: cup sliced pepperoni
cup sliced pepperoni

bread pan; attach kneading blade.
all ingredients except Mix-ins in bread pan in the order listed.
bread pan, close lid and plug in.
bread type: Press until WHITE is blinking. Press SELECT.
crust Press until desired color is blinking. Press SELECT.
rapid cycle is desired, press SELECT when RAPID is blinking. Or press if rapid cycle is not desired
loaf size: Press until LARGE or SMALL is blinking. Press SELECT.
START. Bread will be done baking in the number of hours indicated.
Do not use the delay bake option for this recipe
South-of-the-Border Bread
Large Loaf (1 pounds) Small Loaf (1 pound)
1 cup water
cup frozen whole kernel corn, thawed cup water
cup frozen whole kernel corn, thawed
1 tablespoon margarine or butter,
2 tablespoons margarine or butter, 1 canned chopped green
canned chopped green Gold Medal Better for
3 Gold Medal Better for
CUDS 1/4 cup cornmeal
flour 1 tablespoon sugar
cup cornmeal 1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoons salt 2 regular active dry yeast
2 teaspoons regular active dry yeast 1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or quick-
acting active dry yeast
1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast

Triple Cheese and Garlic Bread

Do not use the delay bake option for this recipe
Large Loaf (1 pounds) Small Loaf (1 pound)
1 cup water cup water
curd creamed cottage
curd creamed cottage
2 tablespoons or butter, tablespoon or butter,
softened softened
3 cups Gold Better for Gold Medal Better for
cup shredded mozzarella cheese cup shredded mozzarella cheese
3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon sugar
teaspoons garlic salt teaspoon garlic salt
1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast teaspoons regular active dry yeast
1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or 1teaspoons bread machine yeast quick-
quick-acting active dry yeast acting active dry yeast

bread pan; attach kneading blade
all ingredients in bread pan in the order listed.
bread pan, close lid and plug in.
bread type: Press until WHITE is blinking. Press SELECT.
crust color: Press until desired color is blinking. Press SELECT.
rapid cycle is desired, press SELECT when RAPID is blinking. Or press if rapid cycle is not desired.
loaf size: Press “a” until LARGE or SMALL is blinking. Press SELECT.
START. Bread will be done baking in the number of hours indicated.
Whole Wheat Bread
100% Whole Wheat Bread
Large Loaf pounds) Small Loaf (1 pound)
1 cups water 1 cup water
2 tablespoons margarine or butter, 1 tablespoon margarine or butter,
softened softened
3 Medal whole wheat 2 Gold Medal whole wheat

cup packed brown sugar 2 packed brown

1 teaspoons salt

1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast

OR teaspoons regular active dry yeast
1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or OR
quick-acting active dry yeast 1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast

Crunchy Wheat and Honey Bread

Large Loaf pounds) Small Loaf (1 pound)
1 cups water cup plus 2 tablespoons water
3 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons margarine or butter, 1 tablespoon or butter
2 CUDS Gold Medal whole wheat cups Gold whole wheat
1 Gold Medal Better for 1 Medal Better for
cup slivered almonds, toasted cup slivered almonds, toasted
1 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoons regular active dry 1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast
1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or teaspoon bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast quick-acting active dry yeast

bread pan; attach kneading blade
all ingredients in bread pan in the order listed.
bread pan, close lid and plug in.
bread type: Press until WHOLE WHEAT is blinking. Press SELECT.
crust color: Press until desired color is blinking. Press SELECT.
rapid cycle is desired, press SELECT when RAPID is blinking. Or press if rapid cycle is not desired
loaf size: Press until LARGE or SMALL is blinking. Press SELECT.
delay bake option is desired, press HR and MIN to set timer.
START. Bread will be done baking in the number of hours indicated.
Multigrain Bread
Look for cereal in the health food or hot
cereal section of your supermarket.

Large Loaf (1 pounds)

1 cup and 2 water
2 tablespoons margarine or butter,

1 cups Gold Medal Better for

1 Gold Medal whole wheat flour
cup c e r ea l
3 tablespoons packed brown sugar
1 t e a sp o o n s salt

2 t easp oon s regular active dry yeast

2 t easp oon s regular active dry yeast 2 teaspoons bread machine yeast or quick-
2 teaspoons bread machine yeast or quick- acting active dry yeast
acting active dry yeast

Pumpernickel Bread
Large Loaf pounds) Small Loaf (1 pound)
1 plus water water
2 tablespoons dark molasses
cup dark molasses
2 teaspoons margarine or butter, softened
1 tablespoon margarine or butter,
1 cups Gold Medal Better for
softened flour
2 Medal Better for cup rye
tablespoon cocoa
1 1/4 cups rye flour 1 salt
2 tablespoons cocoa
2 teaspoons salt
2 regular active dry yeast
2 tea spo ons regular active dry yeast 2 t easp oon s bread machine yeast or
qui ck- act ing active dry yeast
2 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
qu ick -ac tin g active dry yeast

1. Remove bread pan; attach kneading blade.
2. Place all ingredients in bread pan in the order listed.
3. Insert bread pan, close lid and plug in.
4. Select bread type: Press until WHOLE WHEAT is blinking. Press SELECT.
crust color: Press until desired color is blinking. Press SELECT.
I 6. If rapid cycle is desired, press SELECT when RAPID is blinking. Or press if rapid cycle is not
loaf size: Press until LARGE or SMALL is blinking. Press SELECT.
8. If delay bake option is desired, press HR and MIN to set timer.
9. Press START. Bread will be done baking in the number of hours indicated.

Russian Black Bread DO not use the delay bake option for this recipe
Large Loaf (1 pounds) Small Loaf pound)
1 cups water cup water
2 tablespoons dark molasses

3 tablespoons dark molasses 1 margarine or butter,

2 tablespoons margarine or butter,
softened Gold Medal Better for
1 cups Gold Medal Better for
flour cup Gold Medal whole wheat flour cup
1 cup Gold Medal whole wheat flour rye flour
1 cup rye flour 2 teaspoons instant coffee granules
1 tablespoon instant coffee granules teaspoon salt
1 teaspoons salt teaspoon fennel seed, crushed
teaspoon fennel seed, crushed
2 regular active dry yeast
1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast
2 teaspoons bread machine yeast
1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or quick-acting active dry yeast
quick-acting active dry yeast

Whole Wheat-Raisin-Nut Bread

Do not use the delay bake option for this recipe
Large Loaf (1 pounds) Small Loaf (1 pound)
1 cups water cup water
2 tablespoons margarine or butter, 2 tablespoons margarine or butter, softened
softened 2 cups Gold Medal whole wheat flour
3 Medal whole wheat 2 tablespoons packed brown sugar
teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons packed brown sugar
1 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast

2 regular active dry yeast 1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or

quick-acting active dry yeast
2 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast Mix-ins:
cup chopped walnuts or pecans
Mix-ins: 1/4 cup raisins
cup chopped walnuts or pecans cup

bread pan; attach kneading blade
all ingredients except Mix-ins in bread pan in the order listed. bread
pan, close lid and plug in.
bread type: Press until WHOLE WHEAT is blinking. Press SELECT.
crust color: until desired color is blinking. Press SELECT.
rapid cycle is desired, press SELECT when RAPID is blinking. Or press if rapid cycle is not desired
loaf size: Press until LARGE or SMALL is blinking. Press SELECT.
START. Bread will be done baking in the number of hours indicated.
Mix-ins when bread maker beeps 3 times (about 15 minutes after starting).
Classic French Bread
Large Loaf (1 pounds) Small Loaf (1 pound)
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons water cup water
2 teaspoons margarine or butter, 1 teaspoon margarine or butter,
softened softened
3 CUDS Gold Better for 2 cups Gold Medal Better for
flour flour
tablespoon sugar 2 teaspoons sugar
teaspoons salt teaspoon salt

teaspoons regular active dry yeast teaspoons regular active dry yeast
teaspoons bread machine yeast or
teaspoons bread machine yeast or quick-acting active dry yeast
quick-acting active dry yeast

Quick Sourdough Bread

Do not use the delay bake option for this
recipe. Small Loaf (1 pound)
Large Loaf (1 pounds) cup plain nonfat yogurt
cup plain nonfat yogurt 1/2 cup water
2/3 cup water lemon juice 2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon 2 teaspoons margarine or butter,
1 tablespoon margarine or butter, softened
softened 2 Medal Better for
3 cups Gold Medal Better for 2 teaspoons sugar
1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt
teaspoons salt
teaspoons regular active dry yeast
1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast
1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
teaspoons bread machine yeast or quick-acting active dry yeast
quick-acting active dry yeast

bread pan; attach kneading blade.
all ingredients in bread pan in the order listed.
bread pan, close lid and plug in.
bread type: Press until FRENCH is blinking. Press SELECT.
crust color: Press “b” until desired color is blinking. Press SELECT. loaf
size: Press until LARGE or SMALL is blinking. Press SELECT.
START. Bread will be done baking in the number of hours indicated.
SweetBread Recipes
Apple-Spice Bread
Large Loaf (1 pounds) Small Loaf (1 pound)
cups water cup water
2 tablespoons margarine butter, 1 tablespoon margarine butter,
softened softened
3 Gold Medal Better for
Bread flour 2 Medal Better for
2 tablespoons sugar tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons dry milk tablespoon dry milk
1 teaspoons salt teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons apple pie spice teaspoons apple pie spice
teaspoons regular active dry yeast teaspoons regular active dry yeast
OR teaspoons bread machine yeast or
1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or quick-acting active dry yeast
quick-acting active dry yeast
Mix-ins: 113 cup cut-up dried apples
cup cut-up dried apples

Banana-Macadamia Nut Bread

Serve with Choco-Banana Spread (page 63).

Large Loaf (1 pounds) Small Loaf pound)

2/3 water cup
cup mashed ripe bananas (about cup mashed ripe banana (about
2 medium) medium)
2 tablespoons margarine or butter, tablespoon margarine or butter,
softened softened
egg white
Medal Better for Gold Medal Better for
3 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons
teaspoons salt teaspoon salt
;/teaspoons regular active dry yeast teaspoons regular active dry yeast
1 bread machine yeast or
teas active dry yeast 1 teas bread machine yeast or
quick-ac active dry yeast
cup chopped macadamia nuts cup chopped macadamia nuts
bread pan; attach kneading blade.
all ingredients except Mix-ins in bread pan in the order listed.
bread pan. close lid and plug in.
bread type: Press until SWEET is blinking. Press SELECT.
color: Press until LIGHT is blinking. Press SELECT.
rapid cycle is desired, press SELECT when RAPID is blinking. Or press if rapid cycle is not desired.
loaf size: Press until LARGE or SMALL is blinking. Press SELECT.
START. Bread will be done baking in the number of hours indicated.
Mix-ins when bread maker beeps 3 times (about 15 minutes after starting).
Cinnamon-Raisin Bread
For an extra cinnamon kick, drizzle with Cinnamon
Glaze (page 49).
Large Loaf (1 pounds) Small Loaf pound)
1 1 / 4 cups water cup plus 2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons margarine or butter, 1tablespoon margarine or butter.
softened softened
3 cups Gold Medal Better for
flour Gold Medal Better for
cup sugar 2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 regular active dry yeast 2 regular active dry yeast
1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or 1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or quick-
quick-acting active dry yeast acting active dry yeast
Mix-ins: Mix-ins:
cup raisins cup raisins

Peach Bread
Do not use the delay bake option for
this recipe. Small Loaf (1 pound)
Large Loaf (1 pounds) water
2 teaspoons margarine or butter,
1 1/4 cups water softened
1 tablespoon or butter,
softened 2 Medal Better for
3 cups Gold Medal Better for 1 tablespoon packed brown sugar
flour 1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons packed brown sugar 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
teaspoon ground nutmeg 1-3/4 teaspoons regular active dry yeast
2 teaspoons regular active dry yeast 1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast
1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast Mix-ins:
cup cut-up dried peaches
1/2 cup cut-up dried peaches
bread pan; attach kneading blade

all ingredients except Mix-ins in bread pan in the order listed.

bread pan, close lid and plug in.
bread type: Press until SWEET is blinking. Press SELECT.
crust color: Press until LIGHT is blinking. Press SELECT.
rapid cycle is desired, press SELECT when RAPID is blinking. Or press if rapid cycle
is loaf size: Press until LARGE or SMALL is blinking. Press SELECT.
START. Bread will be done baking in the number of hours indicated.
Mix-ins when bread maker beeps 3 times (about 15 minutes after starting).
Cranberry-Wheat Bread
The rapid cycle is not recommended for this recipe.
Large Loaf (1 pounds) Small Loaf (1 pound)
cup water
1 water 2 tablespoons honey
cup honey 1 tablespoon margarine or butter,
2 tablespoons margarine or butter, softened
softened 1 1/4 cups Gold Better for
2 Gold Medal Better for flour
flour cup Gold Medal whole wheat flour
1 Gold Medal whole wheat 1 teaspoon salt
1 salt
1 ground mace teaspoon ground mace
2 teaspoons regular active dry yeast OR
2 teaspoons regular active dry yeast 1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast
1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast Mix-ins:
Mix-ins: cup dried cranberries
l/2 cup dried cranberries
Fruitcake Bread
The rapid cycle is not recommended for this recipe. Small Loaf (1 pound)
Large Loaf (1 pounds) cup water
tablespoon margarine or butter.
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons water softened
2 tablespoons margarine or butter,
softened 2 Medal Better for
3 Gold Better for tablespoon brown sugar 1
flour teaspoon t
cup packed brown teaspoon ground nutmeg Dash of
1 teaspoons salt ground cloves
teaspoon ground nutmeg teaspoon
ground cloves 1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast
teaspoons regular active dry yeast

OR 1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or

teaspoons bread machine yeast or quick-acting active dry yeast quick-
acting active dry yeast
Mix-ins: cup chopped dried fruit
cup chopped dried fruit DIRECTIONS:
1. Remove bread pan; attach kneading blade.
2. Place all ingredients except Mix-ins in bread pan in the order listed.
3. Insert bread pan, close lid and plug in.
4. Select bread type: Press until SWEET is blinking. Press SELECT.
5. Select crust color: until LIGHT is blinking. Press SELECT.
6. Press to skip rapid cycle.
loaf size: Press until LARGE or SMALL is blinking. Press SELECT.
8. Press START. Bread will be done baking in the number of hours indicated. Mix-ins
when bread maker beeps 3 times (about 15 minutes after starting).
This unique bread is delicious drizzled with
Gingery Bread Citrus Glaze (page 49).
Large Loaf pounds)
cup plus 2 tablespoons water
cup molasses
2 tablespoons margarine or butter,
softened Small Loaf pound)
teaspoon grated lemon peel water
3 cups Gold Medal Better for 2 tablespoons molasses
flo tablespoon margarine or butter,
ur teaspoon softened
salt teaspoon grated lemon peel
teaspoon ground ginger 2 cups Gold Medal Better for
teaspoon ground cinnamon flour
teaspoon salt
teaspoon ground ginger
teaspoon ground cinnamon
teaspoons regular active dry yeast
OR teaspoons regular active dry yeast
teaspoons bread machine yeast or OR
quick-acting active dry yeast teaspoon bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast

Small Loaf (1 pound)
Oatmeal Bread cup water
2 tablespoons molasses
Large Loaf (1 pounds) 1 tablespoon margarine or butter,
water softened
cup molasses
2 cups Gold Medal Better for
2 tablespoons margarine or butter,
softened 1/3 cup quick-cooking or regular oats
3 Gold Medal Better for tablespoon dry milk
teaspoon salt
cup quick-cooking or regular oats
2 tablespoons dry milk 2 teaspoons regular active dry yeast
teaspoons OR
2 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
2 teaspoons regular active dry yeast quick-acting active dry yeast
teaspoons bread machine yeast

bread pan; attach kneading blade.
all ingredients in bread pan in the order listed.
bread pan, close lid and plug in.
bread type: Press until SWEET is blinking. Press SELECT.
crust color: Press until LIGHT is blinking. Press SELECT.
rapid cycle is desired, press SELECT when RAPID is blinking. Or press if rapid cycle is
not desired.
loaf size: Press until LARGE or SMALL is blinking. Press SELECT.
START. Bread will be done baking in the number of hours indicated.

Colada Bread Large Loaf (1 pounds)

2/3 cup canned crushed pineapple water
tablespoons rum*
2 tablespoons margarine
Small Loaf pound)
3 ; Gold Medal Better for cup water
flour 1 tablespoon rum*
cup shredded coconut, toasted
1 tablespoon margarine
butter. softened
2 Medal Better for
cup shredded toasted
1 tablespoon
2 ablespoons sugar teaspoon
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast
1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast
1 teaspoons bread machine
1 teaspoons bread machine ea st or or quick-acting active dry yeast
quick-acting yeast cup
canned crushed

Pumpkin-Yogurt Bread
Cooked and mashed pumpkin or squash can be
substituted for the canned pumpkin.
Large Loaf (1 pounds) Small Loaf (1 pound)
cup water cup water
1 cup canned pumpkin cup canned pumpkin
plain 3 tablespoons plain yogurt
1 tablespoon margarine or butter, 1 tablespoon margarine or butter.
softened softened
1 Gold Medal whole wheat Gold Medal whole wheat

2 Medal Better for Bread’” 1 Gold Medal Better for

cup packed brown sugar 2 tablespoons packed brown sugar

1 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
2 regular active dry yeast
1 teaspoons regular active dry
yeast 1 1/2 teaspoons bread machine 1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast
yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast
bread pan; attach kneading blade.
all ingredients in bread pan in the order listed.
bread pan, close lid and plug in.
bread type: Press until SWEET is blinking. Press
SELECT. crust color: until LIGHT is blinking. Press
rapid cycle is desired, press SELECT when RAPID is Or press if rapid cycle is
not desired.
loaf size: Press until LARGE or SMALL is blinking. Press
SELECT. START. Bread will be done baking in the number of hours
Dough Only Recipes
Apple Coffee Cake

cup water
2 tablespoons margarine or butter, softened
1 Gold Medal Better for flour
1 cup Gold Medal whole wheat flour
2 tablespoons packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoons regular active dry yeast

1 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast

1 cups chopped apples
cup packed brown sugar
1 tablespoon Gold Medal Better for Bread
2 raisins
2 margarine or butter, softened
teaspoon salt
teaspoon ground nutmeg
teaspoon ground cardamom

1. Place all Dough ingredients in bread pan in the order listed. Select WHOLE WHEAT DOUGH
2. Grease cookie sheet. Cook all Filling ingredients over medium heat, stirring constantly, until
apples are tender; remove from heat. Roll dough into 13x8-inch rectangle on lightly
floured surface; place on cookie sheet. Spread apple filling lengthwise over center third
of rectangle.
3. Make cuts from filling to edge of dough at l-inch intervals on each 13-inch side of
rectangle to make strips. Fold strips at an angle over filling, alternating sides. Cover;
let rise in warm place 30 to 45 minutes or until double.
4. Heat oven to 375”. Bake 30 to 35 minutes, covering with aluminum foil during last 10
minutes to prevent excessive browning. Remove from cookie sheet. Cool on wire
rack. Drizzle with Browned Butter Glaze or Creamy Vanilla Glaze (page 49) if
desired. 1 coffee cake. 38
Dough: 1 tablespoon water
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons water 1 egg white
3 tablespoons margarine or butter, softened Sesame seed
3 cups Gold Medal@ Better for flour
2 tablespoons sugar teaspoons
2 teaspoons regular active dry yeast

2 teaspoons bread machine yeast or

quick-acting active dry yeast

1. Place all Dough ingredients in bread pan in the order listed. Select WHITE DOUGH cycle.
2. Grease cookie sheet. Divide dough into 30 pieces. Roll each piece into 8.inch rope. Place
1 inch apart on cookie sheet. Cover; let rise in warm place 20 to 25 minutes or until puffy.
3. Heat oven to 350”. Beat 1 tablespoon water and the egg white; brush over dough.
Sprinkle with sesame seed. Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until breadsticks are golden brown. 30

Dough: Topping:
water 1 tablespoon milk
cup margarine or butter, softened 1 egg yolk
4 coarse sugar crystal5
3 cups Gold Medal Better for Bread”’ flour

1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon grated orange lemon peel
2 teaspoons regular dry yeast

2 teaspoons bread machine yeast or

quick-acting active dry yeast
1. Place all Dough ingredients in bread pan in the order listed. Select SWEET DOUGH cycle.
2. Place dough in greased bowl, turning to coat all sides. Cover with plastic wrap; refrigerate
4 hours or overnight.
3. Grease 18 medium muffin cups, 2 inches. Punch down dough. Divide into 3
parts. Divide each part into 6 pieces. Cut off one-fourth of the dough from each piece. Shape
each large and small piece into a smooth ball. Place each large ball in muffin cup, pressing to fill
bottom of cup. Make an indentation in center. Press small ball into indentation. Cover; let rise
in warm place 50 to 60 minutes or until double.

4. Heat to 350”. Mix 1 tablespoon milk and 1 egg yolk; gently brush
tops of rolls. Sprinkle with sugar crystals. Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until
golden brown. Remove from pan. Serve warm. 18 brioche.
Pesto Filling:
1 water
6 sun-dried tomato halves
1 tablespoon olive or vegetable oil
(not oil-packed)
2 Gold Medal Better for flour
6 tablespoons pesto
1 teaspoon sugar
1 cups shredded
1 teaspoon salt
mozzarella or provolone
cheese (6 ounces)
2 1/4 teaspoons regular active dry yeast
4 ounces Canadian-style
bacon, cut into thin strips
2 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
(about 1 cup)
quick-acting active dry yeast
1 cup sliced mushrooms
Freshly ground pepper
1 egg, slightly beaten

1. Place all Dough ingredients in bread pan in the order listed. Select WHITE DOUGH
2. Heat oven to 375”. Grease cookie sheet. Soak tomatoes in 1 cup very hot water about 5
minutes or until softened; drain and finely chop. Divide dough into 6 equal parts. Roll
each part into 7-inch circle on lightly floured surface with floured rolling pin. Spread 1
tablespoon pesto on each circle to within 1 inch of edge. Layer cheese, bacon,
mushrooms and tomatoes on half of each circle to within 1 inch of edge. Sprinkle with

3. Fold dough over filling; fold edge up and pinch securely to seal. Place on cookie sheet.
Brush with egg. Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until golden brown. 6 calzones.

Caramel-Pecan Rolls

1 water
2 tablespoons or butter.
3 Go flour ld Medal Better for

1 teaspoon salt
2 ground cinnamon
3 tea spo ons regular active dry yeast
3 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast

cup margarine or butter, melted
cup packed brown sugar
tablespoon corn syrup
cup pecan halves
cup granulated

pan in the order listed. Select SWEET DOUGH cycle
1. Place all Dough ingredients in bread

2. Grease rectangular pan. Mix cup margarine, the brown sugar, corn and
pecan halves. Spread mixture in pan.
3. Mix cup granulated sugar and the cinnamon. Flatten dough with hands or rolling pi
into rectangle. Spread with 2 tablespoons margarine; sprinkle with sugar-
cinnamon mixture. Roll up tightly, beginning at side. Pinch edge of dough into
roll to seal. Cut roll into l-inch slices. Place in pan. Cover; let rise in warm place about
1 hour or until double.
4. Heat to 375”. Bake 22 to 27 minutes or until golden brown. Immediately invert
pan onto heat proof serving plate or tray. Let pan remain a minute so caramel can

drizzle rolls. 15 rolls.
Cinnamon Rolls
1 water
2 tablespoons margarine or butter,

3 cups Gold Medal Better for

1 teaspoon salt

3 regular active dry yeast

3 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast

l/3 cup sugar
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons margarine or butter.
Glaze (below)

pan in the order listed. Select SWEET DOUGH cycle.
1. Place all Dough ingredients in bread

2. Grease 9x9x2-inch square pan. Mix l/3 cup sugar and the cinnamon. Flatten dough with
hands or rolling pin into 18x9-inch rectangle on lightly floured surface. Spread with 2
tablespoons margarine; sprinkle with sugar-cinnamon mixture. Roll up tightly,
beginning at side. Pinch edge of dough into roll to seal. Cut roll into l-inch
slices. Place in pan. Cover; let rise in warm place 1 to 1 l/4 hours or until double.
3. Heat oven to 375”. Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from pan;
drizzle Glaze over warm rolls. 9 rolls.

Glaze: Mix 1 cup powdered sugar, 112 teaspoon vanilla and 1 to 2 tablespoons milk until
smooth and thin enough to drizzle.

Dinner Rolls
Dough: Margarine or butter, softened
1 cup water
2 tablespoons margarine or butter, softened
3 cups Gold Medal Better for flour
cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt

3 regular active dry yeast

3 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast

1. Place all Dough ingredients in bread pan in the order listed. Select SWEET DOUGH cycle.
2. Grease cookie sheet. Divide dough into 15 pieces. Shape each piece into ball. Place 2 inches
apart on cookie sheet. Brush with margarine. Cover; let rise 30 to 40 minutes or until
3. Heat oven to 375”. Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until golden brown. Brush tops with margarine
if desired. 15 rolls.

Ham and Swiss Loaf

Dough: Filling:
water 3 tablespoons mayonnaise or
salad dressing
1 tablespoon oil 2 teaspoons prepared mustard
Me Better for flour 8 slices thinly sliced fully
2 teaspoons sugar smoked ham (about 4
1 teaspoon salt
cup shredded Swiss cheese ounces)
teaspoons regular active dry yeast
1 teaspoons bread machine yeast
quick-acting active dry yeast

1. Place all Dough ingredients in bread pan in the order listed. Select WHITE DOUGH cycle.
2. Grease cookie sheet. Mix mayonnaise and mustard. Roll dough into square on
floured surface. Spread with mayonnaise mixture. Arrange ham evenly on dough. overlapping
as necessary.. Sprinkle with cheese. Roll up tightly. Pinch edge of dough into roll to seal;
pinch ends of dough to seal well. Fold ends under loaf. Place loaf, seam side down, on
cookie sheet. Cover; let rise in warm place 40 to 45 minutes or until double.
3. Heat oven to 375”. Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until golden brown. Immediately remove
from cookie sheet. Cut into l-inch slices. Refrigerate any remaining bread. 1 loaf.
- -
Holiday Wreath

cup golden raisins
3 tablespoons currants
2 tablespoons rum or water
cup chopped blanched almonds
3 tablespoons mixed candied
and lemon peel

cup milk

3 Gold Medal Better for flour

cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
cup stick) margarine or butter, softened

3 teaspoons regular active dry yeast

3 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast

1. Soak raisins and currants in rum (or water) at least 2 hours.
2. Place all Dough ingredients in bread pan in the order listed. Select SWEET DOUGH cycle,
adding raisins, currants and remaining Mix-ins when bread maker beeps 3 times (about
15 minutes after starting).
3. Grease cookie sheet. Divide dough into 3 equal pieces. Roll each piece into rope
on lightly floured surface. Place ropes close together on cookie sheet. Braid gently and
loosely into a circle. Press ends together to fasten. Cover; let rise in warm place 1 to
1 hours or until almost double.
4. Heat to 350’. Brush dough with 1 egg, beaten, if desired. Bake 25 to 30 minutes or
until golden brown. Cool on wire rack. Drizzle with Creamy Vanilla Glaze (page
49). if desired. 1 wreath.
Pizza Dough
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons water
2 t ab l e s po o n s olive or v e ge t a b l e oil
3 cups Gold Medal@ Better for flour
1 teaspoon sugar
teaspoon salt

2 tea spo ons regular active dry yeast

2 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast

1. Place all ingredients in bread pan in the order listed. Select WHITE DOUGH cycle.
2. Move oven rack to lowest position. Heat oven to 400”. Grease 2 cookie sheets. Divide
dough in half. Pat each half into 12-inch circle on cookie sheet with floured fingers.
Spread with favorite toppings.
3. Bake 18 to 20 minutes or until crust is light brown. 2 pizza crusts.

Herb-Cheese Pizza Crust: Add 2 t able spo ons grated Parmesan cheese and tea spo ons dried
basil, oregano. thyme or Italian seasoning with the flour.

Whole Wheat Pizza Crust: Decrease bread flour to 1 cups and add cups Gold Medal
whole wheat flour with the bread flour. Select WHOLE WHEAT DOUGH cycle.

Onion-Cheese Topping
3 tablespoons margarine or butter
2 medium onions. sliced
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
cup shredded mozz are lla cheese (3 ounces)
2 tab les poo ns grated Parmesan cheese

Melt mar gar in e in IO-inch skillet medium-low heat. Cook onions and garlic in margarine
to 20 minutes. stirring occasionally, until onions are brown and caramelized; remove from heat,

Olive Fo cacc ia : Prepare as dir ec ted -- exce pt omit O ni on- Ch eese Topping. Before baking. brush
dough with 1 t able spo on olive or ve get abl e oil. Sprinkle with cup chopped or
ol ive s and t easp oon dried ro sema ry lea ves.
Raised Doughnuts

cup milk
cup stick) margarine or butter, softened

3 cups Gold Medal Better for flour

1 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons regular active dry yeast

2 teaspoons bread machine yeast or
quick-acting active dry yeast

For frying:
Vegetable oil

1. Place all Dough ingredients in bread pan in the order listed. Select SWEET DOUGH cycle.
2. Roll dough inch thick on lightly floured board. Cut with floured doughnut cutter.
Cover; let rise on board 35 to 45 minutes or until slightly raised.
3. Heat 2 to 3 inches oil in deep fryer or heavy kettle to 375”. Fry 2 or 3 doughnuts at a time 2
to 3 minutes, turning as they rise to surface, until golden brown. Remove from oil with
long fork or slotted spoon. Drain on wire rack. While warm, roll in sugar if desired. 20
Soft Pretzels

cup plus 2 tablespoons water
tablespoon vegetable oil
3 cups Gold Better for flour
teaspoon salt
tablespoon sugar

2 l/2 teaspoons regular active dry yeast

2 teaspoons bread machine yeast or quick-
acting active dry yeast

3 tablespoons salt
tablespoon water
egg white
Coarse salt or sesame seed

1. Place all Dough ingredients in bread pan in the order listed. Select WHITE DOUGH cycle.
2. Cut dough into 15 pieces; cover with towel to prevent drying. Roll each piece into
inch rope. Twist each rope into pretzel shape. Cover; let rise in warm place 20 to 25
minutes or until almost double.
3. Heat oven to 375”. Generously grease cookie sheet. Dissolve 3 tablespoons salt in 2
quarts boiling water. Lower 3 or 4 pretzels at a time into boiling water, top sides down.
Boil 2 minutes, turning once. Remove with slotted spoon to paper towels; let stand a
few seconds, then place l/2 inch apart on cookie sheet.
4. Beat 1 tablespoon water and the egg white; brush over pretzels. Sprinkle lightly

with coarse salt. Bake 20 to 24 minutes or until light golden brown. Remove
from cookie sheet. Cool on wire rack. 15 pretzels.
Spreads and Glazes Recipes
Garlic Butter
Fruited Cream Cheese Spread
on medium speed until fluffy:
cup margarine or butter, softened
I package (8 ounces) cream cheese,
1 / 8 t easp oon ga rl ic pow de r softened
cup f avo ri te fruit p r e s e rv e s

Ham and Swiss Spread

1 package (3 ounces) cream cheese.
Herb-Cheese Butter softened
2 tablespoons finely chopped fully cooked
Mix: smoked ham
cup margarine or butter, softened 1 tablespoon shredded Swiss cheese
teaspoon prepared mustard
1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese
1 teaspoon chopped fresh parsley
teaspoon dried oregano leaves Dash
of gar lic salt
Herb-Cream Cheese Spread
Italian Herb Butter 1 container (4 ounces) whipped cream cheese
teaspoon chopped fresh or teaspoon
dr ied dill weed
cup margarine or butter, softened teaspoon 1 small clove garlic, finely chopped
Italian seasoning
Dash of salt

Choco-Banana Spread Honey-Walnut Spread

1 package (3 ounces) cream cheese, softened
1/3 cup mashed ripe banana
1 tablespoon chopped walnuts
cup se m i s w ee t c h oc o l a t e ch ips , mel ted 2 teaspoons honey

Ripe Olive Spread Citrus Glaze
Cover and process in food processor
Mix until thin enough to drizzle:
blender until slightly coarse:
cup powdered sugar
1 cups pitted ripe 1 grated lemon or orange peel
3 tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons capers, drained
1 to 2 teaspoons lemon or orange
3 flat anchovy fillets, drained
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
2 cloves garlic
Creamy Vanilla Glaze
Mix until thin enough to drizzle:
Whipped Honey-Orange Spread cup powdered sugar
Beat on medium speed until fluffy: teaspoon vanilla
cup margarine or butter, softened 1 to 2 teaspoons milk
2 tablespoons honey
2 teaspoons grated orange peel

Browned Butter Glaze

2 tablespoons margarine or butter
cup powdered sugar
teaspoon vanilla
3 to 4 teaspoons milk

Heat margarine in l-quart saucepan

medium heat until light brown; cool. Stir in
powdered sugar and vanilla. Stir in milk until
smooth and thin enough to drizzle.

Cinnamon Glaze
Mix until thin enough to drizzle:
I cup powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 to 2 water
Your Bread Maker is as easy to take
care of as it is to operate. Just follow
these instructions.
Troubleshooting The
Machine Malfunctions

Question 51
Please call us toll-free at I-
Troubleshooting The Recipes
Baking Results

Please check
the following:


Not enough

o r Not enough
Too much


Commonly Asked
Why did my bread turn out like lead, resembling a hockey puck?
Perhaps you forgot the yeast (we can all error!) or you used stale yeast, extra salt or sugar or
hot liquids that may have killed the yeast and inhibited rising.

Why does my loaf look caved in on top?

Perhaps there was too much liquid or moisture from fruits or vegetables or cheese. It may hav
risen too fast due to too much yeast. You’ll be suprised to find when you cut the top off that
you will have a tasty loaf with a coarse texture.

Why does my loaf look lumpy or an uneven shape on top?

Perhaps there wasn’t enough moisture. Sometimes heavier textured breads appear this way.

Why does my loaf have large holes?

There was probably too much yeast or moisture.

Why does my recipe turn out perfect most of the time but des not occasionally?
Perhaps the humidity in the air or the moisture in the flour varied causing the dough to be
stickier or drier OR the room temperature was cold or very hot. Remember the machine cannot
make judgment calls for those variables.

Why are there deposits of flour on the side of the baked loaf?
Perhaps with a heavier bread all the dry ingredients did not get mixed in the kneading; the
next time you could try using a rubber spatula to push down ingredients on the sides of the
pan, after the first kneading cycle.

Why do the raisins and dates seem to be clumped together at the bottom or the loaf?
The raisins and dates were too sticky. Try air-drying them overnight on the counter or buying
date pieces that have a dextrose coating on the outside.
Care and
Cleaning the Bread Maker
Before cleaning the Bread Maker, unplug it and allow it to cool. To clean, wipe
manually: Do not immerse in water! And make sure to use only a mild kitchen
detergent -- benzine, cleaners, scrubbing brushes, and chemical cleaners will
damage the unit.
Before re-using the unit, make sure it is completely dry.
Body and Lid
1. Remove all bread crumbs by wiping gently with a slightly damp cloth.
2. As you wipe, take care not to bend the temperature sensor, which is located on the inside wall of the
Bread Maker.

Baking Pan and Kneading Blade

1. Wipe clean with a damp cloth and dry thoroughly.
2. Do not wash the pan or removable parts in the dishwasher.

Caring for your Bread Maker

Non-stick Pan and Blade
1. Keep your Bread Maker clean.
2. Do not use metal utensils. These will damage the non-stick coating on the pan and kneading blade.
3. Don’t worry if the non-stick coating changes color over time. The color change is the result of steam and
other moisture and in no way affects the performance.

1. Make sure that the unit is completely cool and dry before storing.
2. Store the Bread Maker with the lid closed.
3. Do not place heavy objects on the top lid.
Baking High
At High Altitudes above 3,000 feet, dough rises
faster. Therefore, when baking in high altitudes
some experimentation is required. Follow the
suggested guidelines. Using one suggestion at a
time and remember to write down which
suggestions work best for you.

Reduce the amount of yeast by 25%. This will inhibit the bread
from over rising.

2. Increase salt by 25%. The bread will rise slower and have less of a
tendency to sink.

3. Watch your dough as it mixes. Flour stored at High Altitudes tends

to be drier. You might have to add a few tablespoons of water,
until dough forms a nice ball.

Along the way, feel free to ask questions. You can call us toll free at
Index of Recipes
White Breads Page Dough Only Page
Traditional .............................................. 23 Apple Coffeecake.........................................3 8
Potato.. .................................................. Breadsticks.. ............................................ 39
Garlic-Herb ............................................ Brioche.. .................................................
Caraway-Rye.. ........................................ ................................................
Onion.. ...................................................
Carmel-Pecan Rolls.. ..............................
Parmesan-Pepper.. ................................
Cinnamon Rolls .....................................
Cheddar-Chive.. .....................................
D i n n e r Rolls.. .......................................... 43
Roasted Red Pepper-Cheese Bread.. ... ..2
Ham and Swiss Loaf. .................................... 4 3
6 Bacon-Beer ............................................ Holiday Wreath. ..................................... 44
Pepperoni-Cheese...............................................2 7 Pizza D o ug h ..........................................
South of the Border.. ............................ Raised Doughnuts. ......................................4 6
Triple Cheese and Garlic...........................28 Soft Pretzels ........................................... 47

Whole Wheat Breads Spreads and Glazes

1 0 0 % Whole Wheat .............................
Garlic Butter. .............................................48
Crunchy Wheat and Honey......................2 9
Herb-Cheese Bu tte r.. ....................
Multigrain ............................................. Italian Herb Bu tt e r. . .....................
Pumpernickel ........................................ Choco-Banana Spread.. .................
Russian Black.. ....................................... Fruited Cream Cheese Spread. 48
Whole Wheat-Raisin-Nut.. .................... Ham and Swiss Spread.. ................
Herb-Cream Cheese Spread ..........
French Breads Honey-Walnut Spread.. .................
Classic ..................................................... 32
R i p e Olive Spread.. .......................
Q u i c k S o u r d o u g h ..................................
Whipped Honey-Orange Spread. 4 9
Browned Butter Glaze..........................49
Sweet Breads Cinnamon Glaze.. .........................
Apple-Spice ...........................................
Citrus Glaze.. ................................
Banana Macadamia Nut.. .....................
Creamy Vanilla Glaze.. ..................
C i n n a m o n Raisin ...................................
Peach .....................................................
C r a n b e r r y - W h e a t ..................................
Fruitcake.. ..............................................
Gingery ............................................... 6
Old-fashioned Oatmeal.............................3 6
Colada ...........................................
Pumpkin Yogurt.:. .................................
Sunbeam-Oster Household Products warrants that, for a period of two years from date of
purchase, this product shall be free of mechanical and electrical defects in material and
workmanship. Our obligation hereunder is limited to repair or replacement, at our option, o
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repair or replacement as provided under the above warranty is your exclusive remedy.
Sunbeam Corporation (of which Sunbeam-Oster Household Products is a division), shall not be
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warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose on this product is limited in
duration to the duration of the above warranty. Some states do not allow the exclusion or
limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or allow limitation on how long an implied
warranty lasts, so the above limitations or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty give
you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.

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