Amoxicillin trihydrate is an antibiotic used to treat infections caused by susceptible bacteria. It works by inhibiting cell wall synthesis of bacteria. Common indications include respiratory, skin, and urinary tract infections. Dosage varies depending on the infection, age, and renal function. Potential side effects include gastrointestinal issues, rash, and allergic reactions. Nursing responsibilities involve monitoring for side effects, ensuring proper administration, and following up until symptoms resolve.
Amoxicillin trihydrate is an antibiotic used to treat infections caused by susceptible bacteria. It works by inhibiting cell wall synthesis of bacteria. Common indications include respiratory, skin, and urinary tract infections. Dosage varies depending on the infection, age, and renal function. Potential side effects include gastrointestinal issues, rash, and allergic reactions. Nursing responsibilities involve monitoring for side effects, ensuring proper administration, and following up until symptoms resolve.
Amoxicillin trihydrate is an antibiotic used to treat infections caused by susceptible bacteria. It works by inhibiting cell wall synthesis of bacteria. Common indications include respiratory, skin, and urinary tract infections. Dosage varies depending on the infection, age, and renal function. Potential side effects include gastrointestinal issues, rash, and allergic reactions. Nursing responsibilities involve monitoring for side effects, ensuring proper administration, and following up until symptoms resolve.
Amoxicillin trihydrate is an antibiotic used to treat infections caused by susceptible bacteria. It works by inhibiting cell wall synthesis of bacteria. Common indications include respiratory, skin, and urinary tract infections. Dosage varies depending on the infection, age, and renal function. Potential side effects include gastrointestinal issues, rash, and allergic reactions. Nursing responsibilities involve monitoring for side effects, ensuring proper administration, and following up until symptoms resolve.
pediatric due to cated with inhibits hallucinations, Generic susceptible tsynthesis of seizure. Culture patients allergies name: strains of cell wall of GI: Glossitis, infected area weighing to Haemophilu sensitive stomatitis, prior to Amoxicillin more than penicillins, treatment; trihydrate 40kg s influenza, organism,causi gastritis, sore Escherichia cephalosp ng cell death. mouth, furry reculture are URI’s, coli, orins, or tongue, diarrhea, if response GU Proteus other abdominal pain is not as Classificati expected. infection mirabilis, allergens. GU: Nephritis on: Give in oral , skin Neisseria Use Hematologic : and gonorrheae preparations Amoxicillin cautiously anemia, soft- , only; trihydrate thrombocytopeni tissue Streptococc with renal amoxicillin is a, leucopenia disorders, not affected infection us Hypersensitivity s: Mild pneumonia, lactation by food. : Rash,fever, to Enterococc Continue wheezing moderat us faecalis, therapy for e— Streptococc at least 250mg i, non- 2days after PO penicillinas signs of every e- infection 8hr— producing have 500mg staphylococ disappeared; PO ci continuation every Helicobacte for 10 full 12hr; r pylori days is severe infection in recommend infection combinatio ed. — n with other Use 500mg agents. corticosteroi every Postexposu ds or 8hr or re antihistamin 875mg prophylaxis es for skin every against 12hr. reactions Bacillus Postexp anthracis osure Unlabeled anthrax use: prophyl Chlamydia axis: trachomatis prophyl in axis pregnancy, :500mg mild to PO tid moderate to otitis media complet in children e a 60- day course after 14- 21 days of a fluoroqu inolone or doxycyc line. Lower respirat ory infection : 500mg PO every 8hr or 875mg PO bid. Uncomp licated gonococ cal infection : 3g amoxicil lin with 1g probene cid PO as a single dose. C. trachom atis in pregnan cy: 500mg PO tid for 7days or 875mg PO bid. Tonsiliti s or pharyng itis: 775mg/ day PO for 10days with food (ER tablet) H.pylori infection : 1g bid with clarithro mycin 500mg bid and lansopr azole 30mg bid for 14days. Pediatric patients 3mo and older weighing less than 40kg URI’s, GU infection , skin and soft- tissue infection : Mild to moderat e infection — 20mg/k g/day PO in divided doses every 8hr or 25mg/k g/day PO in divided doses every 12hr. Severe infection — 40mg/k g/day in divided doses every 8hr urse after 14- 21days of fluoroqu inole or door 45mg/k g/day PO divided doses every 12hr. Postexp osure anthrax prophyl axis: 80mg/k g./day PO divided into 3doses to complet e a 60 day course after 14- 21days fluoroqu inole or doxycyc line therapy. Pediatric patients 3mo and older Mild to moderat e URI’s, GU infection , and skin infection : 20mg/k g daily in divided doses every 8hr or 25mg/k g in divided doses every 12hr. Acute otitis media: 80- 90mg/k g/day PO for 10 days (severe cases) or for 5- 7days (modera te cases). Gonorrh ea in prepube rtal children: 50 mg/kg PO with 25mg/k g probene cid as a single dose (proben ecid contrain dicated in children younger than 2yr) For lower respirat ory infection or severe URI’s, GU , or skin infectins : 40mg/k g daily in divided doses every 8hr or 45m/kg daily in divided doses every 12hr. Pediatric patients up to 12week Up to 30mg/k g daily in divided doses every 12hr. Patients with renal impairment Do not use 875-mg tablet if GFR is less than 30 ml/min. For GFR of 10- 30ml/mi n, 250- 500 mg every 12hr, for GFR less than 10ml/mi n, 250- 500mg every 24hr, for hemodi alysis patients, 250- 500mg every 24hr with addition al doses during and after dialysis.